The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 21, 1894, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY eJUNE 21, 1894. NO. 40. DESERT THE DEMOCRACY. THAT IS THE ALVICE OF A DISGUSTED DEMOCRAT. Hopeless of Bolele Through the National Democracy. le Advocates Uninn Wi1h Popullats-Pectl'ar Views Strongly Sta ted. COLUMBIA, S.C., June 13.-The let ler below was published In the State of iast Monday. The State editorially says it is a remarkable letter, still the more remarkable because it proceeds from a lawyer and a Straightout De mocrat, who is known to us as an hon est and earnest and conscientious man. Here Is the letter: To the Editor of the State: The de cision of Congress against free bqnks is a fateful turning point in the affairs of political parties in the United States and most particular in this State. The developments of the past twelve months have wrought a great change in the views and feelings of many, if not most, of our conservative South Carolina Democrats. We no longer regard the designation "Gleveland De mocrat" as a proud badge. The bugle call to the defense of "National De mocracy," once awaited with eagerness, no longer could wake in our hearts a ready response. We are as unanimous in our disgust with the so-called Demo cratic administration as we were in our loyal enthusiasm for it a year ago. We have beheld the party's principles ignored, its pledges violated, corrup tion (or at least sectional and class self ishness) rampant in some departments of government now presided over by this time-honored and hitherto much trusted and well beloved party. At last we had only the State bankr tax repeal to place our trust in, and we were looking with alternating hope and fear as the day approached for the execution of this promise, which was, after all, merely to restore what had been unlawfully taken from us but to return it at a time when it would be such a reliet that our hearts swelled with thanks for it as a beneficent gift. Alas, bitter disappointment! Nero Ilddling while Rome was burning is a weak counterpart of the present spec tacle. As men, we must do more than re pine. Perfidy must be rebuked, be trayal punished, the faithless in office taught a terrible lesson. Else what hope for the future? What guarantee that political servants will not again refuse to do the work which their mas ters have appointed and paid them to do ? What mean 3 of securing the leg islation which the people decide upon ? What ground for voting for a parLy because of approval of its platform? What hope of preserving enthusiastic confidence in party or in leadership (so essential to a high morale in the ranks of an army) if the rallying cry is still to be that which by a id experi ea-e has become inseparably associat ed with craven impotence or unblush ing treachery ? Hope, trust, redhot fusion of hearts into one great purpose to do battle against the common ene my are impossible to an army demor alized by such leadership, unless it be completely reorganized and given new officers in whom conlidence may be placed (if not by knowledge of its be ing deserved, then by the absence of knowledge of its being uneeserved.) But the people's condemnation of faithless leaders, in order to serve as a wholesome warning for the future, I cannot safely discriminate between leaders and party, exponents and the thing itself. A party must be judged by its performance, and, failing to car ry out its pledges, for whatever reason should be repudiated in disgrace. The corruption or incompetency of its ser vants is its- corruption or incomipeten cy. It matters not that we are pained to give up our historic party and that the principles professed in the plat form are still our principles. The ready~ Sfree lance of the indepehdent; in politics is the best stimulus tc healthful vigilance in pursuit of the right path. Any attempt~ to e'lIrg withi affection to a discredited party and to reform it from within, to degrade its recognized leaders andI substitute newi ones is up-hill, unwise and wellnigh utopian. Revolt in the ranks and a stunning blow alone teach the needed lessons. Opportunities are not to be ignored with expectation of their return. A party which after thirty years of striving and waiting is given a brill lant opportunity must use it or nevei have the impudence to ask for it again, The Democratic psi ty has damned it. s self. No one can satisfactorily explair 'the preser~t public course by laying all blame on leaders. It is evident that its members are discordant and are yoked together unlitly. For those ir its ranks who adhere to original prin ciples, balieving that there is still ii them life and promise, it is folly tt aseek to hold up their standard against triumphant and entrenchedJ treason The faithful should draw out from sur roundings which, like the Augean ata bles, it were the task of Hercules to pu rify, and separating themselves fron degenerate com pan ions, should d ra w up their line of battle in a new flekl and rally to them all free and bold spirits who would light the hostile gar. rison of the perverted government. Rebellion finds a response in th4 manly heart. A bold stroke for the right arouses enthusiasm. A new or ganization is instinct with life, is not hampered with the dead weight freight that in time it gathers. Only the wide awake and dead-in-earnest take th( step. The slave to habit and the hall hearted are left to burden down thi old organizatien. Tihe new broonr sweeps clean, and the new machiners .will move off with the perfection ir every detail that comes from the appli cation of the newvest improvement without the draw backs of patched worn and cramped quarters. New wine can not be put In 01(d bottles. The apathy the grove-like administration of man) details that narrowing precedlents and growing negligence bring, the evel looking back with hardly a glance for ward, the unconscious individual sub ordination of thought to habit and aum thority, the stagnation and decay wil be left; and by as many years as wer4 necessary for the accumulation of thu collection of evils, by so many yeari at least, shall we probably be in a hot ter party than we are in. Such is now, I believe, the sponta .,neous, though pronably undefined feel. ing of us all. .Jiut what shall we dol There can hardly be a doubt that had we arrived at our present feeling in national affairs without our exl-erien ces of the past four years In State poli. tics, we should be clamoring for a new party of all those who wish to check this legislation in the interest of the few moneyed men of the country, and consequently against the great middle and lower classes and against whole geographical sections. We would take our stand against the enemies of our State and the enemies of the hon est, struggling, but oa-capital-depend ent masees of the people of the United States. We should put life into the hackneyed phrases, "government for the people," and "equal rights to all, special privileges to none." We should point with pride and threatening warn ing to the fact that we of the South are the true modern representatives of the heroes of the revolution; that the population of the North,in large meas ufe foreignized, or else rendered unilt for responsible and beneficial govern ment by the abasement of individuality consequent upon the modern trend of the politics of great municipalities, may be willing to subipit to the rule of their favored few, but that we are not of the stuff to submit to being longer made their slaves by the sutoverslan of the general govertment. We should welcome the assistance of the West and of the bold-spirited and uncor rupted, though somewhat ignorant or erratic primitive classes of all sections in a righteous light to settle the ques tion. "Upon what meat doth this, our Casar, feed that he is grown so great?" Alat! does not truth compel the re cognition of this as very much the po sition of a great organization of the agricultural masses of the last few years? We saw no justification for their position when they took it, we saw much to condemn in the extremes to which they seemed to be going; we tried to suppress their "un called for" rebellion; we felt righteous disapvroba tion of them; we became prejudiced against them; we shall never find it easy to say that they were right and we were wrong, or even that they were partly right and we partly wrong. It is human nature: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth ?" Honesty compels the following con cession to those to whom we least ex pected ever to concede anything: (1) We felt secure in the ship of State except for the tariff leakage, to which alone were we aroused. The Farmers' Alliance movement firat sounded the alarm that called attention to our 11 nancial laws as bringing us to the verge of wreck. Yet little heed was paid till we were caught in the whirlpool, and cries from all sides then so drowned the first note of warning that few gave the credit of it to a source so "unwor thy~of recognition." Who of our fac tion appreciated the need of more money, of elastic money, of local money as bearing upon the prosperity of our section-the depression of business en terprise? It was all new to us, we had not studied it and we ridiculed those who, though not as well educated as we, prated of it so learnedly and confl dontly. "Respectable" authorities are everywhere now pressing these three points. Who of us knew the relation of "money" to commodities and to gold and silver, the robbery of debtors as well as creditors that results from a variation of these relations, the fact that gold had appreciated as much as silver had depreciated, that our gov errment had let "money" appreciate with gold, and that hence with the gold standard the debtors are being robbed fully as much as they would "rob" creditors if "money" were depreciated to the basis of silver by its free coin age? If robbing must be done there would be less cruelty in inflicting it. upon credlitors. The masses of debtors who seemed to wish thus to retaliate might be reasoned with and urged to go no further than securing justice, but they should not have been goaded with denial or the truth' or their contention that they are victiins and with epithets for wishing to make the "other fello ws" change places with them. in their just and desperate determination to get themselves out they are excusable for not first (devising absolute safeguards against * mploying means t hat might get them out at the expense of others, especially when they believe those oth era have put them In the hole. (2) Who of us thought of the income tax until brought to the front by those people? If it and certnin other ap proved new demands were heartily car ried out by the JDemocrats, our party would have gotten all the credit (the poor pioneers being lost sight of f) and proved itself the people's party, leaving no room for the "People's party." The income tax has been shown by Mills to be intrinsically just, but its happening to bear chiefly upon certain sections and classes renders Jt peculiarly right at this time, to offset in a measure the streams of money that have flowed and will flow from South to North by pen sione, from poor to rich by protection. (3) Those who have charged that dealing in futures causes a combination of capital to fix prices and injure the producer and is also a means of cor -rupting legislation, and that the money power ("W all st reet") does consciously and systematically machinate against the people in insidious ways are no lon ger to be regarded as "fools" charging "absurdities." We now approve these sentiments coming f rom other lips. (4) The warning against Cleveland as "the tool of WVall street," though at the Itime indignantly resented by us all as not only a slander but a gratuitous ini suit to a noble man, has been justilled by time; and, though we may not en dorse the insinuation of turpitude, we owe recognition to the prophetic inisight and the courage. ofths"nfmu resolutions."ths"ifmu (5) There is enough of common ground in our present views and the views of the turbulent pioneers whom we have denounced to give us some qualms of conscience, some humilia ation of our pride, of intellect, some generous impulse to fellowship in un ion for a common cause. In tact the agricultural u prIsing (little as we reail ized it at Orut) is now seen to have In augurated a revolution. At the close of a century its undercurrents of thought are forced to the front. Virile thought is now ripe in our coumtry. Struggling, rebellious ideas are clash. ing with those that reign. Change, more or less radical is upon us. F!or revolution there is always caiuse. When the blinding confusion or the storm has passedl a (god-sent, man-de veloped truth is seen to have been en throned by it. The wrong that in its evolution necomnaniet it isor the most part left behind-tho world has taken i step. The stouter the resistonce to the rev olution by those who wickedly or from s want of sympathetic appreciation op pose the change its success involves the more is its human passion lashed, its flood tides of wrath piled up, its power Ir to overcome increased by mutation of more delicate energies into the resist less energy of rude violence. Could the conscientious men who Light it at every step until its spent force bursts with destructive fury see the good in it and unite to strengthen the hands of 1 the conservative revolutionists who e: seek only this good, the step forward in the world's progress would be taken I without incurring the lameness that usually results and Impedes its making the most of its new vantage ground. Since now we have reached a point in fi the progress of the pending revolution d to see with some distinctness a worthy goal, which must now snon become g more and more visible, it Is our duty t to speed its attainment. In our own t State we shall remove a fretting obsta cle, we shall give counsel in friendship a (and in no other guise will it be heed- e: ed) to discard excrescent fallacies, to d sooth brutal violence, to guide most directly and with least possible inci- o dental evil the great Truth to its throne p (6) When one has come to think, t then one cannot desire a complete re turn to the quiet, unenterprising lead- ai ership that was succeeded by the pres- g ent foment. The country is in the i throes of travail to bring furth a better t] order of things, and there are now few who do not look forward, more or less 1 vaguely, to a new birth that will be a blessing. We would not wholly change doctors and risk a miscarriage. What ever personal repugnance we may n still have for such doctors, (not of our it choosing) we feel a certain unacknow ledged, but self-asserting faith that in P the divine Providence they are the h men for the time until better men ti have caight the proper inspiration. It b is a foolish, stiff-necked pride to refuse to recognize that great popular move- C menta are due to the blind, but divine- d ly guided instinct, of the masses, which, d in obedience to the aIw of evolution, n directs them on truer lines than the m reason of the wisest statesman could I' have mapped out in advance. "The v people as a mass, have no understand. p ing, but an unfailing instinct." Yet, t especially atter the darkly groping V stage has been passed, there is need of d the light of all the intelligence that il can be brought to bear. "I'o recognize, t try and guide this ins ;inct is the func- r tion of a statesman." The "brain and a leadership" of the "minority" in our t State are like Achilles sulking in his c camp, if in this great crisis they fail to I put themselves in touch with the peo. t ple and to put forth their powers for a victory that shall bring honor to the t whole State. If the fore going find response in the I inner conaciousness of once ardent f Cleveland Democrats, once violent de- ( nouncers of the Alliance, once bitter i, haters of Tillman and Tillmanism, a then it Is the part of honesty and cour- i age, of patriotism and self-interest Il alike to speak out and work for the success of these ideas. If the C national administration should d yet give ground for endorse- t ment we can rally to it, but the best tI hops of such action by it depends on ia widespread and out spoken defection i from it. At present, however, I firmly IP believe that a great movement for a 0 new party is surely coining, that our r Conservatives llnd it now hard to re- P sist sympathy with it and cannot t much longer, and that it is now their duty to examine themselves, to refuso r to be content with half-hearted with t "me too's," to clarify their thoughts t and speedily and vigorously assume a 0 positive attitude. Wer are slaves to i Tillman if his attitude must determine i ours, if his choice precludes our maik lng the same choice.] Another thought carries force and d gratillea tion. A semi-superstitious be- f lief often dlecides conviction, as does a favorite prejudlc-e. Of late we have r been ashamed of South Carolina--a most unwonted and painful emotion t for a South Carolinian. Meantime, in jest, a strange analogy was pointed out I as apparent law of her history: "South t Carolina goes mad every thirty years." I After the laugh there has lurked a. E thought that brought a twinge 4 Inextricable from our mindsi is the association of 1830 and 1860 with the glorious assertion of great princi- I pies. Could there be, hidden from our t view, a principle in the third "mid" I movement ? In the midst of so much that we abhor, can it be that our little State is taking her stand (In obedience to fate, which Juas always assigned her the van) as the leader in a great strug gle that shall become famed in history and extolled by men? Could it be? Should we have retarded it, have we noC ahare in winning for her her deserved t place of honor ? IHow was it in 1830? As bitter differences of opinion prevail. edi then as now, but wvhat the majority did was the act of the State and, as her collective decls ion, it has been eulogized by us from St ate prIde, if not from intelligent thought--1860 was the culmination of much the same fight, and in thirty years the p~eople had come to be nmearly unanimous. Yet there was still ear nest individual disapproval of the acte of the majority, though private opiniont yielded to the nubilec purp-ose. Peace has its duties as wvell as war, and this may be a time that dermandis of loyal citizens concurrence in the general I purpose of the State. I admit that these answers and thfs suggested ground for concurrence aro hardly to be accepted by the mind until indi'vidual opinion has come to a deg ree or approv al of' general purpose. Let u s'iake ourselves together and I try to contribute to the correct solution I of the problem that is before the I coumntry-f-or we nto longer dioubt that theres a5 problem pressing for immedi ate solution.- Let us join thme great South Carolina Movement to reform I the United States government and usher in thei era of the TIwentieth Century. X E WAsuTiNorox, Jino ii.-A special from hlirminghiam, Alt., says: The big iron bridge of the K~ansas City, Memt D~his and ilirminghamt ltailroad, at Carbon 111l1 was blown upI withm dy na mite to-day a few mnomnenits before a train reached the bridge. Bridges at, I atton, Mable Mines andl other points have been burned within a few days and several attempts have been maide I to burn a long trestle. All thesre acts I are charged to strikers,whose pur pose it C 1s to prevent tlemraspo. toto ol HE MATTER OF PARDONS, OME INTERESTING INTERROGATO RIES ANSWERED. he President of the Colorado Stat Board of Pordons Propounds Som4 Questions to Governor Tallman, who Answers Them, Giving His Views COLUMBIA,8. C., June 14.-The fol )wing letters will be of interest an< cplain themselves: Denver, Col., June 9th, 1894. 'o His Excellency, B. R. Tillman, Gov ernor of the State of South Carolina Columbia, S. C. Dear Sir: I would esteem it a specia %vor if you would reply at an earl] ate to the following interrogatories First. Should executive clemency bi ranted In any case, except upon posi Lve testimony as to the innocence o: ae convict? Second. Is a Board of Pardons, oi n Advisory Board, necessary to a Gov rnor to aid him in dispensing the par oning power? Third. Should pardons be conditiona r would the general doctrine of thi arole system be better for the protec ton of society? Fouruh. Would the parole systen Dt as a deterrent for criminals to i reater extent than unconditional re 'ase either by pardon or by serving oul le sentence Very respectfully, J. L. APPEL, resident Colorada State Board of Par dons. THE GOVERNOR's LETTER. In answer to this letter Governor Til ian has written Mr. Appel the follow Ig. Dear Sir: Your favor of June 91 ropounding certain interrogatorie as been received. 1 cannot take timi ) answer fully-that is giving reasone ut will answer briefly by numbers. To the first question I answer yes lemency does not mean, always, a par on. but includes commutation from . eath penalty to a term of imprison lent as well as a change of sentene rhere the punishment appears excess fe. There are also cases where con iction follows evidence that may ay ear conclusive to the jury, but not a ) the executive. The reasoning b rhich juries reach agreement in a vei ict of guilty is sometimes altogethe ivisible to the executive and whil he innocence of the prisoner may nc est upon "positive testimony," tb uilt being equally shadowy or uncer ain, I have given prisoners the benef f doubt the especially if there was aock of motive or previous good charai er proven. To the second question I would sa hat a Board of Pardons or an Advis< y Board, while not necessary, wou: .alieve the Governor of much work at iome responsibility. If such Boai xists, however, It should be frequeni y changed throughout so as to insur thorough examination of petitior nd prevent the possibility of any traj eking in pardons. To the third question: I think unde ertain circumstances corditional par ons are desirable, and I have urgei lie adoption of the intermediate sen ance system by which the crime, arte conviction is secured, is punished bi maximum or a minimum term of ih risonnent depending on the behavio f the prisoner and the evidence of hi iformation. Punishment is for th urpose of reforming crininals and d( arring others from committing crime Judges are very capricious and un easonable sometime in passing sen Bnce, and by such a system the Peni ontiary directors could release a pris ner or recommend a pardon wheneve n their judgment the purpose of im~ 'risonment had been accomplished. To tihe fourth question: In egenerm do not like the parole system of con itional pardons. Such men are nc ree in the full sense of the term, and vould prefer, as a general rule, absolut elease or service of the full term. I have never granted but two condi ional pardons. Oils was a man wh naltreated his wife while under the in Iluence of liquor. The other was a bo hiirteen years old. The conditIon I he first case remanded the man to pri on upon proof that h irank any liquor or maltreated th vonman. Of course the wife begge or clemency. The boy was allowedt save the penitentiary on conditio hat he went to a reform school whet me was practically a prisoner. Yours respectfully, B. RL. TILLMAN, G overnor. Riddled from &mbush, HAMPTON, S. C., June 16.--Captai ames Mixson, one of the best know itizens of the Stafford's section, wat erribly and fatally shot near ti teep dottom iOross Roads Monda iight, while on his way home. Tt nurdered man was shot from the rot vith a load of buckshot, twelve of ther mntering his back, Considerable excitement instanti maried in the locality as soon as th tows of the tragedy became pretty gem irally circulated. When Mixeon wi ihot lie called loudly for help, his crit Lttracting a colored man, Sylvest4 tones, who came to tne spot, to fin he unfortunate victim frightfull younded. Mixson was conveyed t mis home whore he expired in a shor ,ine. Excitement became enhance< ty the mystery of an assassinatio vhose victim was known to be withou leadly foes and as a man of sobrieta 'riendliness and industry. Efforts were at once made to local nfd capture the guilty party, and ai result Cordry 11ime, a colored mat mas been arrested and lodged in ja ere. The evidence against him purely circumstantial, but is ver trong. It is the opinion that Mlim nistook Captain Mixston for a negr iamed Elliott Rivers, whom he aui >ected of being intimate with his wif nd had said he had intended to kill. Mimis was near the scene of the sut equent murder on Monday afternoor aving with him his gun, and an eu minartion of this gun showed that oni >arrel had been recently discharge< .is said that lie could give no accoun mf hisa whereabouts Monday night an hat he was not at home.-Guardiali. A Fatal Land Silde. LEAnvITTE, Col., June 10.-A Mic and freight encountered a mudl 8sh. vest of here yesterday and the tramnruem issisted the section hands in clearin he track. While tis work was goin m another slide came down, killior a rainmen nd ininring two hands. WOFFORD'S COMMENCEMENT. A Large Graduating olAes-An occatlon Long to ba Riemenbbr, d, SPARTANnUI, S. C, J une 12.--The Wofford commencement is almost past , and there is jov in many a student's heart tonight. Another scholastic year is ended and has been added to the forty years of Wofford's reputatiou, which has been slowly but surely rising I until today she stands at the head of every literary institution in the State. Altogether this has been a very profita ble session and instruction has been given to 150 young men. The manage ment considers this number up to the usual limit. The commencement exercises began Sunday with the baccalaureate sermon which was delivered by Bishop R. K. Iargrove of Memphis. lie read as his E text: Isaiah 11 6: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the latling - together and a little child shall lead them." He preached a very impressive sermon which was listened to by a 3 large and appreciative audience. Yesterday morning Dr. James II. Kirkland, Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, delivered the literary ad. dress before the Calhoun and Preston societies. His was a masterly speecli, spoken entirely off-hand, and showing careful thought and study. Ills re marks about returning to his native - land were very touching A short synopsis would not do him justice. At the conclusion of his address lie was loudly cheered and completely loaded down with beautiful flowers. Last night the chapel was again ' cr:>wded by friends of the institution to hear the junior debate. The query: 3 Resolved, That the American laoorer has just reason to be discontented with his present conditions was ably dis cussed by Messrs. F. It. Shuler and (1. C. Leonard for the alirmative and S. A H. McGee for the negative. The com mittee, consisting of Dr. Kirkland as chairman, decided in favor of the neg ative. A gold medal is given each year by the societies for the best essay and D they were awaded last ninht. Air. Y H. J.Shoemaker ot Orangeburg won the Preston medal and Mr. S. ii. Mc. r Ghee of Greenwood won the Calhour e medal. t The regular graduating exercisef e took place this morning. The follow. Ing young men delivered their gradua it ting speeches very gracefully and re a ceived their diplomas: 3- 0. M. Abney, Richland, "A Itemnani of the Past." W. 1. Baskin, Sumter y "The Royal Faculty." i. L. Bjmar Spartanburg, "Oar )eht." W. T. Dun d can, Anderson. "Tle Wandering Mifn Ld strel." 11. ii. Ed wards, Marion, "Indl d vidualism in Modern Society " W. M Ellerbee, Marion, "The Three Ete e ments." A. 13. Iarbin, Greenville a "Great Carolinians." E. S. Jones, Rich - land, "Our Future." G. F. Kirby, Spartanburg, "A Conquering Race." r F. M. Lander, Anderson, "A Collection of Celebrities." E. M. Lanham, Texas, "The Decay of the Artistic." W. Y. - MuckenfussJr., Charleston, "The Wiz r ard of the South." "W. J. Snyder, Beau I fort, "Identity." Smilie Taylor, Flor ence, "Electricity of the Twentieth r Century." W. E. Walker, Spartan 8 burg, '"Oir Poet." 1). D. Wallace, Rich land. "Gladstone." W. W. Watson, Abbeville, "Our Eiti mate of Manhood." P. B. Wells, Charleston, "One Increas - Ing Purpose." R. L. Daniel, Spartan - burg, "The Force of Pqrpose." - Mr. M. L. Banks of Orangeburg Is - .lso a member of this clatn and left for home a few damys ago on account of - sicknees. H~is diploma will be sent to him. Mr. Muckinfuss is totally blind, but - has finished his course at Wolford C0l t lege. It was indeed a touching sight I to see that man, deprived of his sighi, e delivering his graduating speech, i~e will take up law for a profesion. - Of the twenty graduates seven will 0 preach, six will be doctors, tbree law ~yers, two teachers, one farmer and one Y journalist. "' Commencement closed tonight with - the alumni address, which was dlllver e ed by Ilon. TI. M. Raynor of Orange e burg. ie caime with a strong, well d prepared message for his brother alum 0 nI, his subject being "I'ho Science and nl Philosophy of Government and the '9 DutIes of the Citizen in Relation Thereto." ie began by giving a dell nition of government and shlowing how it was developed from the family cir cde on through the tribe up to the na tion. ie clearly and forcibly pointed n out what the individual lost and galnedl nin the organization of a general gov ernment, showing that the true end and aim was the development of the man in relation to all the other mna. ~The iramn heel of the despot arnd the e absolutlem of the D~emocratic majority ee ake oppressive ana unjus., lie emphasized the fact that our constitu - tions and statuites were the law of the land and not the arbitrary rule of the people. The framers of our constitu tions were neither demagogues nor comminunists. rAn in corruptible judiciary is the d great breakwater that keeps back the surging of a (devastating and riotous SDemocracy. The speaker then showed tcertain strong points of our (Govern mont arnd lie pointed out some of the dangers that confront us. Centraliza ttion on one hand and Commrunismn on the other were shown to be two of the dominant tendencies of the time. Thei e power and influence of doctrinaires and Sdemagogues and the willingnessi with which the people followed iad sup fported them was a stunding menace to our free Institutions. Hence we have the army of the unemployed, the con stant revolts against law and order and the great unrest that prevails all over the land. But there Is hope in the wisdom of the people. An intelligent ciuize~nship will correct the evils anid cast aside the errors arising from ignorance as well as the seluish machinations of evil anid selfish politicians. Ills address rece-ivedi the earnest attention of the large au 'dience present. After his address theme d was a big banquet served to the alumn ni and the senior class. All the stu dents will leave to-morrowv. Everythiing now is over and once i.more the old Wofford campus s (desirt g CoLUuriA, S. C, .June 12.-At is ru g mored in enis city that Col. Gee. D, 'o Tillman may eater the gubernatorial nce. READS LIKE A NOTEL. A STRANGE CASE BROUGHT TO LIGHT RECENTLY. Rauit in Two Parhi-n ItonK Goleand by , he o m roor-same R intanl et Ftures -The oanpiio .S!ory iln O' Oh tprer. COLumBIA, S. 0, June 14.-A case m as brought to the a' Intion of Gover nor Tiimnm yesterday the details of which read like the plot of some good novel. As a result of the presentation of matter to the Governor a small, quiet looking white maD, who went inside the penitentiary walls only two days ago as a common convict, came forth again yesterday afternoon, after a brief ex perience of prison life, with a full par don in the pocket of his coat. His brief stay in prison had changed his appear ance very materially, for his hair had hieen clipped and his face had been clean shaven. The strange part of it all is th it, even though pardoned, and a free m n, he does not even know what legal relations he bears to the young woman whom lie sometime ago wedded. It is truly a most remarkable case. The story, as told to the Governor, is romantic in extreme. The man in the case is John W. Ilodge, of Ularen don county. The woman is Hester Ilodge, nee Gibbes. It seems that about two years ago [lodge married the girl, who is said to be strikingly pretty, the ceremony being performed by a trial justice. Tay lived together as man and wife and things wentalong without any trouble until a short time ago, About four months ago a child was born to the couple. It appears that there was another man who himself wanted to marry the girl. She prefer red [Iodge, however, and the other suitor attended the wedding. The statement made to the Governor was that this jilted suitor, alleging that the girl had colored blood in her veins, had a warrant .issued for her and H1odge charging them with "un lawful intermarriage." They were ar rested, tried and convicted. Hodge was sentenced to one year in the peniten tiary. The woman was sentenced to pay a line of $500, but, owing to the illness of her child, the judge released her from imprisonment temporarily without the payment of the line. Upon the showing made to the Gov ernor, there is no doubt as to Rodge's being a white man. Trio girl's grand mother and mother were of pure white blood. On her father's side, however, there seems to have been a strain of Indian or some other kind of blood, the interjection of which into the family extends back beyond the Revolution ary war. To all out ward appearance, and as far back as the neighborhood history goes, no trace of any other blood but this can be found. The girl's family has always been considered white and has associated with none but white people. 11er father fought as a Confederate soldier through the recent war. The family has always stood well in the community. These are the facts of the remarkable case as presented to Governor lillman yester day and which he considered justiled a pardon. Now the question arises whether, af ter conviction, in the court of General Sessions, the parties to the marriage contract can now be considered legally married and whether their child is legitimate or not. It is understood that some effort will be made to have this question decided in the courts. State. _________ Inodicted, DARLINGTON, June 13.--The Court of Sessions adjourned today, having waited since yesterday to receive the final rep~ort of the grand jtury. This body has been considering various complications that arose from the recent traygedy here brought on by the counstables. The final presentment made today in this case, to be herediter known as the State of South Carolina versns the State of Car olina, was unexpected and acted like a boomerang. Assistant Attorney Ganeral Blarber was here to have the case of the State against certain citizens, for firmng into the Charleston. Sumter andi Northern train on the (lay of the tragedy properly presente d. After hearing the evidence against seventeen of our citizens in this case the jury presented true bills againes 'Capt John C. leiek well and others" for this oflence. It. will be reocembered that at the time of the tragedy McLen (lonl, who was wounded, was carried to jail by Sheriff Scarborough, he having been deliveredl to the sheriff by the Darl ington Guards, who had been in charge. On the day after the killing uoknown pal Lies were allowed entrance to the jil and1( McIendon was spirited away. Full partlcculars concerning his escape were published in The News and (Cour ter at the time, and atll details were given, even as to how his mustache was lrimmed and how the chang4e of his ap parel was efiected. This matter was brought to ths attention of the grand jury and they gave it moat careful con sideration. Aa the result Sheriff Scar borough and his deputy were presented for allowing McLendon to make such an exit irom durance as he did when charged with the grave crime of homicide, and Meesra W. J. W. Skinner and Simpson Skinner were also presented for having alded McLe ndon in efiecting his escape. The jury was comnposed of mixed ma terial, with a majority of Tillmanites, and gave this case long and most careful conbideration. Counstable Newbold, has been working here for some time, and It was known last week that the names of eigh teen prominent citizens would be pres- K ented for havmug fired on the Charleston. Sumter and Northern train. No)thingi 2 was known until today, however, of the ~j action taken in r'efereuce to the presenV ment against Shierifl Scarborough ad.65 i his deputy and the Messrs. Sknoe(1Y*~dr~ effecting Mchendon's escape al h was charged with such a crime The go lion of the jury seems to have bae4fair - and non -pairtisan, and for this all'E4s -New andl Courier. *~s TrehBalla Faund D)AURLINON, S. 0., June 1ie-1a the cases of tue State vs. McLendon and the State vs. Cain. State cmstabies, for the kIlling~ of Norment and Red mond in the Darling ton riot~ the graag. jury brought in true bills.; if~\ttls were postponed to the-.nex~ 14 of court. There were no othird evop-~ menta.-Register. 4, THE MILITARY COURT. They Make Their Reiport to the (ov ernor. COLUMnIA, S. 0., June 13.-The mil itary court of inquiry has handed in their report to the Governor. It covers 140 p ages of closely written foolscap a nd was received too late to publish more than a synopils of the alldi ngs of the court. As to Mayor Metts the court finds that his conduct was unbecoming an oflicer and prejudicial to military dis cipline in counselling the Guards not to go to Darlington. As to the Governor's Gaards the court says Capt. J. 11. Bateman was guilty of disobeying orders but in do. ing so he was influenced by a belimf that to attempt to carry the company out of the army would precipitate a riot. No other officer or member was guilty of any disobedience of orders. Those members who threw down their side arms in the presence of the Governor were guilty of unbecoming conauct but were laboring under great excitement. Private B. G. Mills and E. C. Cath cart disobeyed orders in not turning out under arms on March 30 when or dered to do so by their captain. As to the Richland Volunteers: As to Captain Alston refusing to put his men In line when ordered by Col. J. G. Watts the court expresses no opinion. Leaving that out of consideration he disoyed no orders nor was guilty of any conduct unbecoming an oflicer. Ile Is commended for his determination to do his whole duty leaving a sick bed. No officer or member was guilty of dis obeying orders. As to the Z-uaves: Captain Capers was guilty of disobeying orders and of conduct unbecoming an officer in en couraging his oflicers and men o dis obey orders; that with the exception of Lieut. Frost and a few members the Zouaves wore guilty of disobeying or ders. As to the Jenkins Rifles, York, they were guilty of deliberate disobedience in refusing to go to Columbia when or dered. As to the Gordon Light Infantry, of Winnsboro, Captain Jordan was guilty of premeditated disobedience, and is solely responsible for the failure of his company to come to Columbia. As to the Catawba Rilies, Rock Hill Captain Reed and Lieutenant Ilarri son were guilty of disobedience, al though Captain Reed had been electec but had not received recognition by th State. As to the Gordon Volunteers, com missioned ollicers and ten men disobe3 no orders. Other members did but from business considerations and not from desire to shirk military or the services required of them. The couri, of induiry made the fol lowing report as to the Fourth Bri gade: That Brigadier General T. A. Iluge. nin was guilty of disobedience of or ders Issued by Governor 11. It. Tillman March 31. Ile issued no verbal or written orders to any officer or com - pany of his brigade to go to DArling ton or even to turn out on March 30 and 31. That MaUj. I. It. Rutledge, com manding Second Battalion, was guilty of conduct prejudicial to discipline in attending two coniferences of oflicers of.the .1h iBrigade and Capt. DeiBose of the Navy Iattalion and participat ing in discussions relating to the pro priety of obeying orders. Maj. A. W. Marshall of the Washington Light In. fantry was guilty also as Maj. Rut lodge,hie having attended three confer Capt. Schochte of the German Fu silors also attended these conferences of tihe samne nature rind is likewise guilty. Tihe same applies to Capt. J. .J. Rea gani, of the Montgomery Guards. T1he same report Is made as to Capt. .J. F. O'Gara, of the Irish Volunteers; Capt. D). MacMullin, of the Palmetto Guards; Capt. T1. T1. Ihyde of the Sum ter Guards; Capt. F. WV. Jessen, of the Gierman Iluizzars. Capt. WVagener, Lieut. ,J. F. Lilien threl, Capt. J. IE. Cogswell, command ing Company B, Washington Light Carolina Rifles, are liable to reprimand and for attending these conferences. Capt. Anderson at first expressed him self willing to obey orders and there after arcted ars to indiicate his willing nlees to obrey all orders and his desire to respond to those of the crnmmander in chief. T1nat except such as are hereinbefore enumnerat(-d no ollicer or member of the brigade has been guilty of any conduct unbecoming an ollicer or sol dier. That nio member of the gatling gun esquad was guilty of anry conduct unbe coming an oflicer or men. Met Jbeath Wilea Dancing. QUAuA'NI, 8. 1., June I1.--Ac c:>rdinrg to the identification of husband and brother-in-law, the body of the womfanl found yesterday Iloatirg in the water ofT Fort Wadsworth Is that of Mrs. Isaac Newton Lemon, who lived at 603 Sixth Avenue, New York. A number of valuable rings and a gold chain bracelet were found on the lady and1( served to aid in tihe identification. M rs. Lemon lost her life by a peculiar accident. Whlile (lancing on the pa vilioni of Ulmer I'drk Ilotel, Long is land( lBeach, Mrs. Lemon andl her part ner lost their balance and fell into the water. Sire dilsappearedi at once, and it was thought at the time that she must hrave beent rendered urnconscius by striking tire rail. All efforts to find the bodly were unavailing until it was reco~veredl yesterdauy, many miles from the Place where tire accident occurred. Locusts lire ak Up a PienIc. KEn'rojtr, Ju tne 16.-The seventeen year locursts appe'aredi in swarms to day in Biroch's Girove, on the bank s of the Raritan Bay, between this place and South Amboy. There was picnic in thre grove. Tlhe locustn covered the trees anid clunrg to thre seats. T'hey covered the dancing platformis, and in a short time so many were crushed beneath the feet of thre dancers that the pavil ion had to be abandoned. The picnic kers were dliscussing the locusts when a swarm of millions decenrded on them l'hie ingects alighted on women's hats and clothing, and caused a high-kick ing contest rrot down on tihe bills. Tihe air seemed full of the pests, rand the party fled from the grove, shrieking land yelling as if pursued by wild anl mais. Several women fainted, and