The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, May 31, 1894, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1894. NO, 37. GEN. BUTLERS ANSWER TO THE QUESTIONS PROPOUNDED BY THE FARMER'S ALLIANCE. Opposes the sub-treasury and Govern mental Ownership of Ralirade, Tole graph and Telephone Lines-Will No be Bound, by Cauue Rules. COLUMBIA, 8. C., May 21.-Senan (or Butler has written the following re. ply to the questions propounded to him by the Farmers Alliance: WASHINGTONN D. C., May 12, 1894, Mr. T. P. Kitchell, COiirman Executive Committee, F. S. A , Woodwards, S. C. My dear sir: Some days ago, I re ceived the following letter from you: "Hon. M. C. Butler, Washington, D. C. "Dear Sir: As chairman of the exe, .cutive committee of the State Farmer Alliance it was made my duty by resolution to propotind the follow. ing questions to all candidates an request a written 'answei to same,. and as you. are a candi date for the United States Senate, I sub mit them to you and would be please< to hear from you In regard to same a your ejrliest convetience. "Frist. Will you discuss the Alli ance demands in the coming campaign particularly thone relating to the finan ces of the country, and defend the aeainst the enemies of our ordei? "Second. Will you pledge lovalty t( the demands of the National Farmer AlLance and Industrial Union, above loyalty to party caucus, and vet agsinst any and all candidates who de ehne to commit themselves, to this ex tent? "Youra resse tffullv. ("Sivned) THOS. Po. MITOHELL. Chairman Execu ive C-im.. F 8. A' In repl.% to a r quest from me, lot qtransmiued the fiiolving as th plat from ( r demands of the Farmers Alli Bnce of Seuth Carolins: Frst--We demand a vational cur rency, safe. souod and flicxibe, isaue< by the general government, onh, a ful legal tender for all debts, public ant private, and that without. the uAe o banking corporations, a, equiabl and efficient means of distribution dirt c to the people at a tax not to exceed per cent. per annum, to be provided a sot forth In the sUD-Treasury plan - the Farmers AllIanuce, or a better sy% tem; also by payments in discharge o its obligatiot a for public improvemente We demand the free and unlimite coinage of silver and gold at presen legal ratio of 16 to 1. We cejand that the amount of cir culating medium be speedily increasel to not less than $50 per oapita, excluelv( of legal *eserve. We demand a graduated income tax. We demand that our national legisla tion' shall be so framed in the futuse a not to build up one industry at the ex pense of another. We believe that the money of th country should be kept as much as possi ble in the bands of the neople, and henc we demand all national and State reven ues shall be limited to the necessary ex penses of the government economicall and honestly administered. We demand that postal savings bank be established by the government fo the safe deposits of the earnings of th people, and to facilitate exchange. Second-The land, including all tl natural sources of wealth, is the herit tg of the pe ple and should not be monopc buzed for eculative purposes,; and alle Sowgnership of land should be prohibitei All land now held by railroads an other corporations, excess of tbeir actut needs, and all lands now owned by alien should be reclaimed by the governmeii and held fo;r actual settlers only. Third-Transporlation being a mean of exchange and a public necessity, th, government should own and operate tb rdilroads in ll:c intcient ni t be reople. The telegraphb and telephone, like th postoffice sieteum, beIng a necessity fc the transission of news, should'- b owned and operated by the governmer in the interest of the people. Traking u p the questions 0i J our lette P in their order, I beg to say in respone to the first, I will diects any pubhi onestion the people may desire to hay discussed, and as the "finances of tb country" are legitimate and proper eul jects for discussion, I will discuss ther with pleasure and wilhout reserve. will refer more fully to the last point c your inquiry, whether I will "defen them ag'5lnst the enemies of our (vonl order," when I come to discues the A lance platform. .1 don't quite undel stand, however, whether you rdean ask me whether I will defend the "fin ances of the country ag inst the enemie of y our order, or the 'finances ot tli country"~ as proposed by the Allanct I assume you mean the latter. Re plying to v' ur second question, beg to say that in my political hie I hay never allowed any caucus, or society, c organization, to bind my conscienct and shall not db so in the future, Cat cuses, or societies, or organizations< any kind, which seek to biu. the pohit cal conecienice ol any free Americas cit Zen, are in my ludlament, mnimical to the fr ee domn f'con -cience and political actio so essenitial to the presetvationi of th reptubbican instituticus. I have attende many coucuses ol the Democratic part' to which I nuelong. I have nevel bear the suggestion that, any hnat's consci ence, or polit-ical scti should be boun V by theji. I never w'll so far su renude my individual judement, as to be bon by any caucgs. I am loyal to the prir ci pies of thea) emocratic party, and aa . maintain that loyalty so l'ng as it at heres to psinciples I think conductive I the best in'erests of the people, not day longer. I have been under the trr pression that the Farmers Alliance we Snot a politibal organizton, bu' an "In dustrial UnIon" Itor the protection of th -tarmers against impositions from othe sources. I do not believe in secret po1t cal orgianizations, we ha a sad expe~r ence some years ago with Tem, What ever concerns the political welfare c our people hould be open to the fullesi . freest, mioaf public discussion. In orde to prevent imnpositions on the people, th light mnust be, turned on from all point o fsl viw reognize no - . w ar int country, except the people. Caucus rule should not be allowed to usurp the rule of the people. I will, therefore, say I will pledge my loyalty to the demands of the Alliance, so far as they meet the demands of my judgment, and I cannot hold them above loyalty to party caucus, because I make no pledges to "party caucuses," and deny the right of "party caucuses," or any other caucuses to command pled ges from me to surrender my conscience and judgment to its dictation. Coming now to the demands, permit me to say, by way of preface, that there seems to be a very grave misapprehen sion in the minds of somd* people, as to the power of a caucus over its members. I have attended Democratic caucuses since I have been in the Senate, but no body ever dreamed of binding any mem ber of the caucus to vote against his judgment. For instance. Democrats and Republicans differ widely among themselves on financial questions. A caucus is held for consultation and floan cial topics are discussed, but in the Sen ate and House each man votes as his judgment dictates; some may favor the free and unlimited colnange of silver at one ratio or another; some may favor the sub-treasury plan of the Alliance, and after a consultation in caucus they vote for or against either proposition, when the occasion arises. Nobody is bound by the caucus unless he thooses voluntarily to be so bound. No oaths are administered, no pledges exacted, as a requisite et party fealtv. If there were, I would never attend a caucus. In regard to demand "first of the Al lianceI will say that the sub-treasury plan has been abandoned because it was found to be impracticable and uncon stitutional, and therefore it is unneces sary to discuss it. In my judgement a "better system" would be attained by the repeal of the ten per cent. tax on State banks of circulation, and I trust that the Alliance will take that up and make it one of its "demands " I cannot of course, discuss this proposition at lengtn in this connection, but take the -loorty of handtrig you one of my speeches delivered in the Senate at the last ex, ra session, in which I have at I tempted to elaborate the argument in favor of the repeal, aid beg you to do I me the favor to examine it. I think t you will find that if this tax should be repealed we would have "a sate, sound, flexibtl curreniny" and enough of it. I favor "t he free and unlimited coin. age of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1," and advocated it in Cor gress before the Alliance was or ganized, and am gatifled to know that the Alliance has adopted my platform on this subject. Fifty dollars per capita is not too much currency for a country like ours, but the trouble with our present fin. ancial system is not so much the per capita amounf of currency as the un equality of its distribution. Some sections of the country have much more than $50 per capita, while in our - section, I doubt if we have $2 per capi ta. If in gur State we could be guar anteed $20 per capita, if so much was necessary for the transaction of our business, I would compromise on that; we should then have about $20,000,000 of currency in circulation in South Carolina, whereas I doubt if we now have 82,000,000. If, by the repeal of the 10 per cent. tax, the States should I be permitted to authorize banks of cir . culation, we should have just so much 3 currency as our local wants require, r and no more-but we should have 5 enough. I favor an income tax and shall have B an opportunity of voting for It in the B pending tariff bill. I concur in the de . mand that the money of the country Sshould be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and that all Snational and State revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically adminis Stered." This is good, sound docirine, Sand I heartily riubcribe to it. I can see no objection to "postal say 3 ing barks," although a measure of that i kind would he largerly tentative in this e country, and should be adopted with caution and circumspection. e The second general demand, as to the r public lands, is sound and in accord a ance with true Democratic principles. ( Setidgnrldemand, "that the govenmet souldownandoperate rthe railroads in the interest of the peo r pie," and that "the telephone and tele Sgraph should. be ow ned and operation a in the intereat of the people' would, & in my judgment, be impolitic and un B wise.I have always understood that the - Alliance was opposed to the further in a' creaes of the bonded debt of' the gov I ernment, and I1 agree with the Alliance iin that proposition, The government dj could not pay cash for the one hundred ) and ninety edd thousand miles of rail .roads, and the vast mileage of telegraph .and telephones. The rate of taxation Sneceinsary to raise the cash would des .troy the people, and the only alterna tive to put the government in owniet Sship of the railroads, telegraphs and e tlephones would be to issue eight bil lions of bonds to buy the railroads, and no body knows how many millions to I buy the telegraph and telephone system e of the country. Is the Alliance prepar r ed to tirgo the creation of such a nond .ed debt upon the present andl future -generations, and thereby prepetuate ,i the national bankinug system indefinit elI ? If so, I cannot go with it. The government Dow has control and super visan of the railroads by and through tile Interestate Comnmerece Commission 'e and the experiment has not realized the ecan of its friends. The o erip the railroads in dispot Ic governmentisj justiffbd on the ground [ that they are military necessities for the rapid mobillz4'lon and transporta d tion of armies, Iti has not redlounded r to the Int*.rest of the people, for freight (I rates are 50 per cent. higher in those countries than in this, an~d they are consequently a great burden Upon the massea of the people. I believe., I have now madle tull arid qpmplete awe-rs to your inquiries, in jineral and in de tail. If anything has been omitted, I' will * glaidly supplement what 1 have said, if you w ill call it, to my at tention. .Very truly your, M. C. BUTLER. A Love Tragedy. 'IREEN BAY, Ala., May 24.--81188 - Gilfilan, a young rmerchant, blew his I brains out on the step of the house of ,James Lewis yesterday. Hie was engag r ed to marry Miss Lewis, who is ill, and s was reported dead. The girl was not m dead, but heqjd of the suicide and Is dy s ngfrofm the a nct. A. BATTLE AT THE MINES, 7ATAL FIGMT BETWEEN MINERS ANC DEPUTY SHERIFFS. Five Miners Ktiled and Many Woundet and Three Deputies Wounded-Uonfillet Ina Stories as to the First Shot. UNIONTOWN, Pa., *May 24.-Thi morning the Stickler Hollow mines oj %he Washington Coal and Coke Com pany, midway between Fayette Cit3 and Layton Station, was the scene o %he bloodiest encounter sinces the strik began. Both sides were in fighting shape, seventy-flive armed deputies con tending with a mob of from 1,500 t4 R,000 strikers, about 200 of whom wer armed with all kinds of guns. Fiv strikers are dead and eight or mor wounded and three deputies wer wounded. The trouble had been brew ing all the week. The mines were the only one in the fourth pool that weri running and men were at work. Since Monday morning the sti Ik;erj have been collecting at Stickle Hollov and the Monongahela and Youghlo gheny river mines, and about 200 o: them remained there all last night Their threats of violence and the sighl of so many guns in their possessior alarmed the company and the officiall wired Sheriff Wilhelm at Uniontown last night for aid and later sent a mat on horseback with a report of the seri ous condition they were in. The sherif could get no more aid to them at tha time and believed that the seventy -flv, armed guards under Capt. John A] Richards would be able to hold posses siaon of the property. The striKer marched about the plant all night ano occupied all the roads leading to th woks. When the men began comini to work at daylight today, striker stopped them and drove them homf One report siys they also made charge upon the deputies with the in tention of driving them off the work and that precipitated the cot lict. Tb 'strikers were only about fifty yard from the deputies when the latte opened fire. The strikers returned th fire promptly and stood their grount each firing as rapidly as posssible,unt the striker s' ammunition gave out, an they were forced to retreat. As the fled, the deputies followed them an arrested a great many who had su in their possession aid now are prisot ers.Tbe deputies were forcedto fight f< their lives and their shooting was maoi effective. Five strikers fell oead at, eight were wounded, but it is thougr that many more were wounded au got away with the fleeing m unnoticed Three of the aeputies we wounded. The plant is now thick guarded by deputies, but more troub islooked for at 6tickle lollow. Ti strikers ran for home and in an hoi not a striker was in sight. The m( was composed of foreigners It was hot a one-sided battle, as e first reported, but was fought with i many guns on one side as on the othi and with as much firing by the strike as by the deputies. Among the woun< ed are three deputies, while the kille are all strikers. When the workmen came to the at ril ers in the public road, they were aske to go home. The workmen were abot to comply with the command when th deputies rushed into the midst of tt men, got possession of the workme and escorted them to the pit. In th part of the performance, a deputy she iff fired a shot, which opened up a ba tle in which volley after volley wi fired by each side at close range. Ti strikers stood their ground while the comrades were falling, but their an munition gave out and they were force to give up the field and flee to escal the rain of bullets from the Win chest' rifles. It is said the strikers were advancli on the line of deputies when the latti fired the first shot. Many who hi guns in their possession were arresti by the deputies and will be brought1 jail here this afternoon. The lnte news from the scene of the trouble sa' that the strikers have all gone and thi the situation now is more peaceable. Penny Wise, Found Foolish. COLUMBIA, May 23.-No positive i formation regarding the status at Clen son College has yet be en received her Everyone is very much interested the condition and sincere the hope that the damage not as great as has been ri ported. Governor Tillman returni from Rock Hell this morn ng, and sas th at he has gotten very meagre ropon about the disaster. lie thinks that tL main building cost fully $85,000, a though no positive figures as to0 ti cost are to be had. Governor Tillma says that no time will be lost in Li work and that all recitations will I carried right along. The class wor) he said, wili go on without interruptic even if tents are found necessarn There is, however, plenty of room fi all classes. speaking as an individui member of the board of trustees I said that the work of repairing tl building-would be started at once. Ti insuranco money would be sufilcier with which to mnake the stari. TI College had no available money as n of its income had already been appoi tioned and :ould not be used for b~uik ing. Governor Tiliman relates that a recent meeting of the board of truti tees a determined effort was made increase the insurance on the mat building from $20,000 to $40,000, be failed. Those who oppoosedi the ita crease in the insuran~ce took tti poition that there was a mlin imum risk, as there was r one in the building at nights; that wee lighted by electricity, and thi there were no chimneys or grates, t the building was heated by ste ,m. II says, however, that he is quite willin to take his share of t he biame for tIi small amount of insutraince on til building, lie estimat es that I he Stal exhibit in the biiuluing was wort about $3,000. Thie board oi' t rust . will meet on Friday andl condsier it entire matter.-Nee acid Cournier. LEnuk. ,iirbiht to Rop0 4i. WVA8UINOTON, NMa 23 - The frien( of the repeal of the scat, banktik have been doing some active work dui lng the past few days. A catnvai madeof the house has convinced thern they say, that they will be ablo to pai the bill. It is understood that much the opposit-ion on the part of the Den ocrats has been silenced through t hee orts of Mn Cleveland. The speaker at the official leaders of the house are usig their influence in favor of ti CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE DONE. The Weekly Bullettn of the Conditiom of the Weather and Oropa. The following is the weekly bulletit of the weather and the crops issue yesterday by Observer Bauer of th State Weather Bureau: The weather favorable for rapit growth during the greater part of th week, and the staple as well as th minor crops were as a consequense o theexcessive heat and copious shower very much improved. On Sunday ther came an unfavoble change which causea the temperature to fall from 30 to 24 degrees in twenty-four hours, and or Sunday (20th) morning minimum tem. peratures of from 39 to 45 degrees oc curred over the untire State. Many o: 3 the reports had been mailed previoe 3 to the 20th and so the full effect of th4 I cold wave can be put partially reflecte in this bulletin, altogether later re ports indicate the occurrence of ligb frosts In favorably situated localitie as far as Orangeburg county. Thed anm age, if any, resulting, appears as yet t have been but very slight and confine largely to sweet potatoes, and in a les r ser degree to cotton. In next week' bulletin a batter estimate can be made Averse local conditions injuring crops were washing rains in portions c s Spartangburg, Newberry and Greenvill counties were creek bottoms overflow I ed necessitating some replanting. Hal - also did somedamage over small areaf and in Barnwell county a sand storr L damaged cotton. The temperature we a much above the normal until Saturda after which it was far below, the dep arture on the 20th at Columbia bein s 23 degrees. The sunshine did not ave I age normal for the State but was not a B deflcient as to be harmful. Rainin tL E form of showers were numerous and f 8 some instances heavy and fairly we . distributed, only a few localities bein left dry. In places the ground was to - wet to work and as a consequent 8 grass and weeds are showing. Cotto H ranges from fair to very good stan 3 over the whole State. One field c r about 800 acres reported "the best eve e3 seen." ['he only report of a poor stan I, comes from Williamsburg and Sumt I counties were the around is too dr d PI wing and chopping is progressir nicely the latter being from one thti d to two thirds fitshed Grass showir 8 in places. Some forms or squares ha' 1- tien seen. Corn is doing tairly we ir but. bud worms continue to do mu< it injury. Stand he-lthy in color but ve d uneven -Rice doing well. Irish pot It. toes being harvest.ed along the coa d with from poor to fair yield. Doir H1 tetter in interior. Sweet potat> plan re Ing continues. Tobacco in very go 1Y condition. Sugar cane doing we li Watermelon and kindred vines growl 1# rapioly. Wheat but if at ir improved, and rust on the blades is b >b coming more general. Harvesting w soon begin. Oits are ripening in t It eastern portions of the State, and ht T vesting is auout to begin with prospec ir of about half a crop. Gardens doir s well. Some reports indicate a shortaj I- of feed for farm stock which general d wintered poorly, although pasturai will soon be excellent. I- The following places report one inc d or more of rainfall for the week: Sa: it Georga' 2 20, Society Hill 1 45, Beaufo e 1.55, Elloree 1 90, Reito 1 05. Charlestc Z 1.60. Hunters 2 50. Easley 4.75, k ?), Cei n tral 1 00, Greenville 2 44; Trial 1.68. Po s Royal 2.12, Effingham 1.74, Conway 1.2 - Loopers 1.00, Saint Stephens 2 43, Spa t- ranburg 1.26, Camden 103, Cheraw 1 1 s Florence 2.05, Hlardeevilie 1.34, Bate 0 burg 1.12, Greenwood 3.37, Santuc 1.2 ir Little Mountain 1.08. d A Tvn for Sale, S MANCHESTER, N. J., May 24-It ir not oftLen that a whole vIllage, inclu ing huge railroad shops, churchl g schools, stores and residernces, is sold r sheriff's sale, but that 'Is the conditia d or nffirs that confronts the citizens Ed Manchester. A mortgage given 1 o John Torrey, now aeceased, in Janiua It 1867, to the Mutual Benelit Life Insa. s ance company of Ne wark, is the pap at upon which foreclosure proceedin have been brought. Mn. Torrey was influential New York financier, ai carried on real estate speculations ori n- scale the magnitude of which wou 1- surprise the operators of today. I e. Dought up many thousands of acres n pine lands In Manchester townsh' n Ocean county, and laid out this to w is lie carried through successfully t ~- project of building the old Raritan al 'd Delaware Bay railroad, whicn broke1 a after years of fighting the monopa be that had been granted to the old (Jar e den and Am boy route. In fact, he w - the only man who succeeded in copli 0 with Commodore Stockton and ,Jol n Robert L. and Edwin A. Stevens, w 0 so long dominated the New Jersey It >e islature, aud caused the state to , dubbed the "Camden and Ambi f) state." In building his railroad fra V. the Raritan to Bayside, on the Do; >r ware bay, John Tlorrey negotiatrd i f.moius loan of 90,000 pounds with t 10 Ban1k of England through Blrown iBr 10 & Co., eon his less than 10,000 acres e0 pine Jand, the hke of which then t now would hardly laring $5 an acre ae the open market. The desciption II the sale occupies two whole pages one of the local newspapers in which i s advertised, set in nonpareil type, a it this great length of' description ona - serves to entangle all the more the ii o0 sophistIcated working folks, who fo n their homes are to be sold. it .A Dim- Nova d Tragedy, e INDIANAPoLIs, May 23.--Wil - Ta'ylor aind Cioud Sanders played Der o wood Dick in J. L. Kec' comm t aion he use with serious results. Stat Sera sraidl he was Deadwood Dick, a a Taylor challenued a he roost and wink " his e',e. SandIera reached into a d1rawE and( got a revolver and warned TiAy] o ot to wink his eve again. The lati 4'a, d. flaut and repeated the cfifeni hi 'nd Sandera Mbho, him through the he .3 Taylor will die. Sainders insists he c le niot know it was loaded. Esarb t Kikld. Ila tou wreck soted at 10 'elock th ix mnorn'inga on tie New Por'.News ar r altfipiI V diay IL '.Iiroad air 8'aa an ai Itocks I unnel. An extra freig aI rain cras'itid inato a pile driver tra is with a hoardintg ca4r an tached. The pa :,f criver tra i wahackinag with boardia 1 car in front when the two trains met f- the middle of the tunnel. Conduct id Nick Hill ol the pile driver train ai 11 six or seven occupants .of the board11 to car were kailet. It will he several hot before the victims can be takren out GIVE AND GIVE QUICKLY. THE BEAUFORT SUFFERERS NEED AID NOW. An Appeal Issued by Gov. Til!man-Whi to ta Peoplo on the Verge of Statvation- in White People Should Give Them Aid. ne yei COLUMBIA, S. C., May 25.-When gro the letters concerning the destitution of uni white people living on the sea islands par were published, The Register Bent a sig representative to that section of the State ] to Investigate the situation there. Ile ioi went and lound it far worse than had of been pictured. This representative ex retunred to the city yesterday. Ile fro had a conversation with Governor Till- dui man and staled to him what he had th< I learned. On the strength of his conversa- erl - tion with The Register's repreeentative, fro t Governor Tillman yesterday issued the mi E following appeal: To the people of the State: wl I desire to make an appeal on behalf on of the white residents of Bluffton Town. of ship, Beaufort County. It has been mi only about two weeks since information wi was received at this office claiming that pt< f great destitution existed among the peo- wi e ple of nur own color in that locality. I - was somewhat Eceptical at first, eight 110 .1 months having elapsed since the storm es 1, which devastated the coast, but from M I entirely trustworthy sources and the per- 8u B sonal insp 'ction of an agent I find that ce y there is absolute want and need of thi prompt assistance, else there will be ex treme sufl'ering and probable starvation. si 0 These people lost their entire crop by wi 0 the storm and were unabale to meet ea a their obligations of last year. They tIl i have exhausted all means of credit in of g the eflort to suoport themselves and to x a plant anew. They cannot cultivate wi ie their crops with grass fed stock and al qu n ready animals have died. I I appeal to the charitable in their be- p f half. Contributions in money sent to a r me will be promptly forwarded for re d lief. Contributions of meat, flour, corn r or meal can be shipped to Thomas Mar I tin, chairman of the relief committee, , d Bluffton, care of the steamer Alpha at Beaufort or Savanah s'oam r Piot Boy , re at Charleston. B. R. TILLMAN, 11 Governor. A ,h This appeal will doubtless niecet with ry a prompt response. c Rt Courted Him. Own Witn. Ig LONDON, May 24 -A marvellously queer story oif the reunion of a long- f d separated husband and wife without 11- themselves knowing their former relia. 1g tions comes from St. Petersburg and a eclipses in its strange circumstances the wildest invention of the novelist. More than twelve years ago Michael ]a Yaltidze, then a school boy, tell in love ,r- with a pretty girl of his own age In tS Hungary and they married after a i g snort acquaintance. The parents of u r8 Yaltidze, when they learned of the a, y match, sent him to America tinder an at re assumed name, Ile settled in Alaba ma, where the iron discoveries of the i past few years enabled him to make ai it fortune. n t Ie fell in love with an American a n girl and wished to marry her. Ile i commissioned a lawyer to obtain the 81 necessary documents and witnesses to i ie Iasure a divorce from his boyhood wife ei and started for Russia to see the mat- Y 8, ter through. lie stopped in London, cc s Paris, and finally Wiesbaden, where he a made the acquaintance of a charming fi Russian lady, who soon supplanted the 1 American girl in his affections. Ile m is prolonged his visit for weeks and some scandal arose. sHe declared his passion and asked her to marry him as soon as he obtain- ci ned a divorce from his American wife, t which, lhe said, he was expecting by U Smail, lie was incautious enough to ygive the name and address of the 8i r- American girl he called his wife. Ft- hI er naily lhe hurried on to see how the case ui gs against his real wife was progressing. h1 nThe lawyer informed him that the 12 id case was all right, and no perjury a would be needed, as her misconduct i id was notorious. Heb said the wife had be been living some time under a stage i gname at Wiesbaden, and had recent ly t ,been notoriously intimate with at ' wealthy American, giving his client V ehis own American alias. The amazed id Yaltidz,'e demanded .that lie stop his~ Ssiliy joking, but the lawyer declared he ywas in earnest, and called in a dletec- v~ tive to corroborate him. The latter v entered. j "What did you say was the name of h gthe gentleman who was intimate withI e Madame Y. in Wiesbaden, and is cor- a geipondlent in a divorce case?" ' e "lls name is X., but that's the gen- r gleman himself there." o "What (10 you mean,you scoundrel ?" a a. shouted Yaltidze, andl then fixing his q a eyes upon the witness: ''W~hy, you are I 10 the blackguard I threatened to thrash a in Wiesbaden if I found you hanging o Sabout my lodgings any more." t 1 "Yes, sir, I was engaged to watch e in Madame Y'.'s movements in Wiesba a og don; that's why I dogged her steps arnd h. in youtrs. TVhe lady is willing enough to c it get a divorce. She has a promie of o id marriage, she says, from an American sa lmillionaire." 1 n When Mine. Ymaltidz3 heard the story n . she wrote a sweet letter to her hus- ir band's alleged wife in the United bi States, introducing herself as that hi lady's successor, and asking to te fin- ti By formed of the result of the divorce It d. case. Then she instruicted her lawyer o is, to sue her husband for alimnony on: a h d- high scale and to assert that she knew si 1all alonig lher paramour was lord and hi d iaster. Yalt.idzei has disappeared. k eThe brother of the Amnericani girl is a' er preparedl to ahoot him oni sight. T1 er~On,- umot h Oni Ia. r f,~ VANCOUVER, 1H. C., Maiy 25.-T'ihe t I. steamer liemr.fia, wich arrived ait Na- n1 from Kadiak, Alaska, the cap' am nd al( i cre w oft J'e Sani Francisco sealer U"- h daunte-d, which was caught arnd ground t< a. to piecesi in thi- ice fi es off t he mous hi n is oif mne Coseper ri ver. I'his ha.ppenmed a v iton Matreb 7 last, andl from that time11 el ri- un'iI April 4, when the-y were picked li nt up b~y a coast er, the unfort iuna'e mn " mn were confined to the drift ing floe, sub- si lei jeet to all the hardshi pa whicri such a p ig Isituation entamed, ani1 the restult was a In Ithat when rescuired they had reached (o ntr the ext remit y of su ffering, two of them it id being show blind andi three othera de r ogmented. Uhiey were taken to Kediak, ( rs and are now on their way home to Cal ( Ifornia. GORMAN'S GREAT TALK. T leIses the Wilton Bill and Says It Was Al an Impertect Measure. VASHIINGTON, May 24.-Senator rmin addressed the Senate on the iff bill yesterday morning. He opened % prophetic strain, saying: "We are kring the end. After nearly twenty irs cf political progress, of positive wil, of constant developement, and. versal enlightement the Democratic ra ty and American people are within at bt of the promised land. A .imancipation in at hand. Emancipa i from partizan oppression from greed F ,,asses; from extortion; from willful " ragavance; from financial fantasy; m n spoils; from restrictions upon indivi- i ii liberty; from jingoism; from all g( >se evils, in brief, which the Demo- sc tic party inherit as a hateful legacy tc in three decades of Republican malad. i mstration." Ele then touched upon the difficulties U icli confronted the Democratic party its return to power after thirty years I opposition and the vehemence of de mda made upon them. He said: "We b ro not only urged, but ordered perem- 8 )rily to reform the tariff at once. Why of dt. 0 fie assorted that time and plenty of it al d always been considered absolutely a 3ential in reforming the tarift. The JR ills bill did not pass the House till mid- al miner. The McKinley bill did not re- P ive the signatured of the President till - 5 last day of September. h Speaking of the House bill he said: ei [he House in obedience to tie obvious V shes of the country passed a tailff bill rly in the session. Comparatively lit i ime was given to the consideration b the various schedules and the result d is necessarily an imperfect measure, o ulch not only failed to meet the re irement of the treasury, but actually o reased the deficit created by the Re- f iblican prohibitive duties. There was I > expectation that the bill would be- f me law without change. Then he added with signiflhant em- 8 iasis: "Our frienda on the other side ,em very anxious to learn upon what ieory this bill was crnstructed. I will 0i them. It was constructed upon hmocratic theroy of tarift for revenue, 'iL such incidental protection as can be Iven consistently to industries of the tuintry. It follows strictly the course larled out by President Cleveland in in le-ier of acceptance. It is not a free rade neasure, but is a larizer step tor ree trade thani either the Mills bill or he tarifl' o1883 It le not a protection C. for the sake of protection, but it does i-criminate between raw ruateriale and aanufactured articles to the full extent 17 thie difference between European and Lmerican wages. Turning to the alleged influence of the gaur trust and other like organizations Sshaping the Senate bill he said: The isertion that any trusts have dictated iy part of any schedule of this bill I :onounce uiqualilledly false. They ive received some attention, although )t as much consideration as individuals igaged in the business of manufactur g. N a more and no less, Upon the iit ct of an income tax, Gorman said 3 was in full accord with the sentiments ipressed by the Senators from New ork and Now Jersey, and like them misidered that in served its purpose as I war tax and fins no ftt~inz place in our ical system in time of peace. He could < yt vote conecientiouly to make this ethod of taxation a part of our uettled >licy, but he could not ignore the fact at a large miij )rity of' his Democratic >lleagues honestly difl'or from him in is matter and lhe was willing to put 0o subject t~o a lest of a few years. During the delivery of Gorman's >eech the drop of a pin could almost ive been1 heoardl, so deep was the hush poni the chamber and at its close Bryce, Lrriedl forward to congratulate the [aryland Senator. Aldrich replied to Gorman and was Illowedl by Teller, who as a test ques on, moved to lay the tarifi bill on the tale. The vote resultedl, years 28; asa 38. 11ill, Ir by, Kyle and Peffer Otedl agains thle motion. A RL'guear TeaaMo ',A3uiINGTroN, Mlay 25 -TLhe ex-pri ate secretary of Congressman Lock roodl, who 801(1 a forged order for a ib lot or the government "horse )Ooks" which belonged to his employ r's quiota, is locked up. Mr. Lockwood rye ne0 will lot Lhe law take its course. 'he case serves to call attention to a egular traflic and brokerage busIness hlhch Is goIng on continually In seeds nd documents furnIshed free In groat iiantitles b~y the government to mem ers of Congress. There was once a I tanator who fed to lis horses the seed ats which the department of agricul- ' ire furnished for distribution to farm rs. Congressman Ihatch, of Missouri, rys: '-A person whom I did not knowr ut. evidently a rascal, came Into my nmmi',tee room a short time ago and ffe'redi to sell me a large quantity ofr sed. I asked him where he obtained ;, and he said he had purchased it ofj emb ers andl of members' clerks. I stoned to him a while and then told fin thant I was halt inclined to have im arrested, but as I could not waste me to prosecute im I concluded to t >t the matter pass. I ordered him ut of my room and told him if I ever 11 e'ardi again of his offering seed fori tLe I would swear out a warrant. i'm I aif sorry now I did not do it. I don't I now just how far members are them- t alves responsible for these brokers. hey have no right to sell government ( ublications put to their credit as rep. I 'sentatives. If' they have no use for 1 wem they can always give them to1 embers who are shor', and c 'n ree-ive there thlat are valuable to their con. ituemni In return; but. I have no vei y i. h opinion01 of a member who will try >make money b sel'ing his govern ient documents. I had between 300 11a 400 volumes of government pubui I ina s'ole-ni on a forte~d order," said epresenI alive Mc Millia, of Tennessee. [ jever f ound out who did it, but,it is ranire how many queer tricks are raicti-cd by outsidere to secure seedi. uad government putilications Some ne', whom nobody afterwards cot,1d tentify walked inito this document iom, wilere t hey are kept to the credit I Representatives, and presented an rder that bore a very fatr imitation of ay sigenaturaen for40 books," EALCHERS OF THE STATE. .L ABOUT THEIR ANNUAL GATHER ING THIS SUMMER. 1 Elaborate and Excelient Programme Airansed for the 23rd Annual Meeting at the State Teachers Association, COLUMBIA, May 24.-Elaborate ar ogements are being made for the 23d mnual meeting of the State Teachers' ssociation of South Carolina to be lid at Converse College at Spartan irg, July 1 to 5 next. Dr. J. Wm. linn, of this city the president of the sociation, and Professor J. Flew ing Brown of bpartanburg, the chair an of the executive committee, to. ither with the other officers of the as iclation are doing all In their power > make the sessions the most Interest ig ever held in the State. The programme and other arrange. Lents have just been prepared and an 3unced. The programme is as fol I% S. Sunday, July lst.-11 a. m.-Sermon F Rev. W. M. Grier, D. D., Due West. 80 p. m.-Programme arranged by tv pastors. Monday, July 2d.-10 a. m.-Address welcome by Mayor A. B. Calvert ad President B. F. Wilson. Annual idress by the president. 11 a. m. ,eport of special committee appointed the last meeting; Superintendent T. Bailey, Marion. biscussion-12 vi. dvantages of securing a permanent ome for the association; Superintend at E. L. Hughes, Greenville. Dlscus on. Afternoon-4 p. m.-Meeting of ie primary department, Miss L. C. [ubbard, Anderson, Dresident. Attrac ve programme. 880 p. m.-Address y Superintendent N. F. Walker, Ce ar Springs. Subject: "The Education f the Blihd and the Deaf." Tuesday, July 3d.-10 a. m.-History f education ia South Carolina; Pro Pssor W. S. MorrisonClemson College, )lscussion. 11 a. m.-Normal training or preparatory teachers and how to btain It; Superintendent D. B. John on, Columbia. Discussion. 12 m. )omparison of systems of prepartory ichools in the Carolinas and Georgia; Superintendent B.F. Bailey, Abbeville. Discnssion. Afternoon.-4 p. m.-De partment of superintendents F. L. Hughes, President, Greenville 4.30 1.10.--Preliminary work 4.10.480 Pedagogical investigation; Superin rendent T. P. Bailey, Jr., Marion 4.80. 1 40 - Discussion, 4.40-5.00 - Some [irawbacks; Superint.ndent W. H. Hand, Chester. 5.00 5.30-Echoes from the national supurintendent's meeting; Superintendit P. T. Brodie, Spartan burg. 5.30-5 40-Discussion 540 0.00 -General discussim; departmental, teaching in grammar schools. 8.80 p. m.-Address by Piesident J. H. Car lisle, Wofford College. Wednesday,July 4th.-10 a. m.-Pub lie school education in France; Rev. James Woodrow, D. D.. South Carolina Uollege. Discussion 11 a. m.-What ire the objects in view in teaching Ge. >graphy? Superintendent Frank .Ev. ins, Newberry. Discussion. 12 m. Aodel lesson in teaching geography; Hiss Ella Cofleld Spartanburg. College Department-Dr. J. If. Car Lisle, President, Wofford College. 4 p. n.-Paper by Professor Snyder, of Woftord College. 5 p. m.-Paper by Lrofessor H. T. Cook, of Furman Uni. rersity. Discussion. 8.80 p. m.-Ad. Iress by Geo. T. Winston, President Jniveraity of North Carolina. Thursday, July 5th.-10 a. m.--PhyIs !ai culture; Miss Maud E. Masson, Jonverse Colledge. Discussion. 11 a. n.-The educational value of history is a school study: Rev. H. 8. Hartzog, B)amburg. Discussion. 11:80 a. mn. Drawing in the schools; Professor William Welch, Clemson College. Dis mssion. 12 m.-Business. After ioon-4 p. m.-Departmnent of School D)ommissioners 4:00 4:45-Call to order, )rganization, etc. 4:45 4:55-The necess ity of teaching English proverly; F. Horton Colcock. 4:55 5:10-Discussion. 5:10 5:20-Qualifications and duties of i school commissioner, W. W. Bright. 5:20 5:35-Some suggestions in regard ~o our school system; Thomas W. Keitt, 5:40000-Discussion. 8:80 p. m.--A aik on music; D~r. R. HI. Peters, Con-. ~erae College; followed by concert and eading. The following Information is given y the committee: Teachers who desire will be boarded n Converse College; gentlemen at S1 iday; ladies, who come by Sunday norning and bring sheets, pillow-caes ~owels, etc., and remain during the ses ion, at, 75c. a day. No deduction will e made for absence from meals. TIhose expecting to board In Converse jollege will please notify Mrs. L. IB. L'hompson, Spartanburg, 8. C., a few iays before the meeting. Parties preferring to board In the ity will have reduced rates. It is the ope of the executive committee that 11 will reach there by Saturday night. ['he citizens of Spartanburg expect to :ive the teachers a free excursion to tashville on Friday. The lowest possible ailroad rates will be secured for all at. ernding the association, Parties wish ng information about board, accoom nod ations, rates, etc. will please write o President B. F5. Wilson, or 3. F. irown, Spartanburg, 5. 0. Wiii Run Again. WAsHIINOTON, May 23,--Representa, lie Iziar has received numerous ind uties recently from his political friend a to his intentions in the approach ng Congressional contest. There ap ears to be some question as to whether ie will make the race for re-election in' he 1st or the 7th Congressional district le, proposes to retain his residence in )rangeburg, which Is in the newly ar anged 7th district. To make the con. est in -the 1st district he would have to ~emove to Charleston. Hie realizes that e would labor under a disadvantage by ~hangmng his place of residence and probably excite antagonisms that can easily be avoided by remaining in Or ilgeburg, Besides be desires to meas ure swords again with his former an Lagoni -t., Dr.8Stokes. There are a numn bn of v luable Democrats in the City of Charleston who are desirous of re presenting that greatt commercial city In Congress, and therefore he will re, main in the 7th district. He will make the race as a 8traightout Democrat, ad vocating the principles as enunciated in the Chicago platform of 1892. Judge Iziar reached this conclusion after due consultation with his political friends and advisers and he is Confluent of suncessn-News and Counea.