The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, December 07, 1893, Image 1

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vol. xxi. PICKENS, S. C., TIIURSDAY, DECE.BElf 7, 1893- NO. 12. THE LEGISLATURF. THE SALARY REDUCTION BILL IN THE HOUSE. The lt:ue Shown a DirpubitIon to Cut Salaries Wherever it is Posealble-111 ts of Interest Pat4a(d in the Senate-Tho Outlook For Legilation. FiltST DAY. The General Assembly c f South Car olina corivened in annual session yes terday at noon. As is usual on the first day of the session no legislation of any special import was evolved. About two-thirds of the time was con sumed in the reading of the Govern or's message, which- lengthy document imposed hard labor on the reading clerks and gave the Legislators time for "stretching" and peanut-eating, as tt 4y had copies of the message on their desks and could read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the lucubrations of his Excellency at some other time. It is worthy of mention that in his few remarks to the House, welcoming them back to,legislat ion, Speaker Jones, after referring to a vacancy in the del egation from Union, remarked that he had "no oflicial and indisputable infor mation of any other vacancy." "Oflicial!" "Indisputable!" T It is a very reasonable supposition that theie is special import in these words, and it is presumed that this is the Speaker's way of intimating to the House that the fact of a menber not living in the State should p6rhaps rcquire their attention. The only note worthy occurrence in the Senate was the introduction by Senator Buist, of Charleston, of a bill to repeal the Dis pensary law and substitute a system of high licenses. TlE PR!OCEEDINOS IN TITE HOUSE. No time was lost by the House of Representatives in getting to work. Nearly all the members were in their places when, at noon, Clerk J. Walter Gray call(d the body to order. The calling of the roll found but few mem bers absent. At the conclusion of the roll cail, the Rev. G. A. Blackburn, of Columbia, opened the day's exercises with prayer, after which ISpeaker ,Jones, who looked fresh and buoyant, and full of energy, addressed the Io,1sL as follows: TiE S'EAKE's ADIDESS. Gentlemen of the flouse of iepre sentatives: Before veginning the work of the season, permit. me to say a word. Since the last session lion. Rt. W. lIarris, a member of the House trom Union, communicated to me his resignation, and, pursuant. to the us A ual practice, I issue d a writ of election to till the vacancy. I have received no ctliciol and indisputable information of any other vacancy. I had hoped that. it would not be my duty to aninounce the death o1 any tiember, but by this morrit g's paper I learn that that Pale Death. which knocks alike at hut and palace, has cj os,ed Ihe portals of our Legisla tive household, and thaL the lion. S. M Wiley, .f Chesi er. has pa4ssd before the bar of God, hi fore the Great Law Giver whose cdiCts are so jist that. they are capable of neither amendment nor re ptal, it u hose mercy is ever sure. If we expect, to adjourn before the Christmas holidays as is usual.we have only twenty das s in which to work, and it behooves us to Ibe alert. No im pu tant matter sh'ulcId be hastily pass ed, nor on lie other hand should any dela. occur. While haste makes waste steady work accomphshes wonders. I hope thatevery word uttered in debate will be like a sWift arrow from a strong I .w, striki,ig the maik wit,h no poison on Its barb, but feathered from the beautiful wings of cotirtesy that while It makes the aim more sure, makes its flight graceftul. I trust that every member of the IIouse, every day ol this session, will consecrate all his energies towards completing the work thait li's before us, and I trust. tlimt e very memii~ber will be guide d by a d< sir' to accomnpih-h the best good to theu SAte. .iy hiar rmony and courtt sy andl u.k lligent aiid careful industry mark ycur labors this session. The House is flow readly for busi ness. The usual fcumalities of announcing the beginning of buusint ss to eacth other and to t he Governor wore gone through wIt h by both houses. Speaker Jones announced1 the fol lowing app>intiments: Young II. Vance of' Laureiis,keeper of' the Speak er's room; George Jleffries, of Union, page. Messrs. Illease, Jiacot and You mans were appointed a comtnittec to inform the Governior that the llouse was readly for business. Mr. T. hiomas move d that the electilon for chaplain be held, and( nominatedl Sihe liev. A. R. Mitchel, of Colu:mbia. This was se cou'ded by Mr. Kirkland. There was about to b~e some discus S ston as to wh-sther the Speaker could cast the unanimous baliot. of tho House, when on motion of lur. Jlordan the motion to go into an election was recommended, and in the midst of this the Governor's message was announced Mr. Breazeale moved that the reading of the message be yetitioned until to morrow. The Speaker re'marked that It would be unfortutnat e to delay it, 5-, Mr. lirazr'ale withdrewv his motion ani the roast began. Clerk Withers then wrestledl with the forty-six page docu ment for the next two hours. Representativye llrice, ot Chester, then ofleren a r(foltion referring to the deathI of his colleague, Mr. Wiley, and fixin'g l10 p. m. tomorrow as the hour for iccording the sentihwents of the House ini regard to ifs deceased member. At 2.30 the House took a re cess unJtiI 10 o'clock tomorrow. OVER IN THlE SENATE. One minute be fore the city ('lock struck twelve yesterday, Lie-utenant Governor Gary rapped1 the .ienate to orde r. The call oif thle roll showted nearly all the Seunators p)resent. Sena tor hl'Aard, of Ge.orgetown, ano Senia tor Williams, of W:llamsburg, were absent, as was Senator Smnythe', of ChItrle s'en. but the latter C mue iin be fore business had gotten we'll under way. The sc(lne prn senteCd by the Senators was I he usual one to he ObsRervedh each November. Everything was decorouis and placidly dign'fied, but there wats a curicus, iindimrib bb.- look on some' of the notables. It uue n air of dre~amy, far- away cont e mphetion which they wore, Pcesibly It. was due to t he mIld sunlight which seems to shine less boldly and fiercely on the venerable i Senaters and prematurely grave young a Senators than on lcss iinpor'ant per. sonages, but whatever the cause, the appear;nce was visibly present, and gave an interest to the assemblage which it otherwise might have lacked. One could almost imagine that the pale young statesman with aspiration stamped on his brow, seatcd in the ex ecutive ollice down stairs "was press ing the button," while all the others r cheerfully "did the rest." On the op- t posite side of the cham ber sat another I in whose ear one could almost with the naked eye see the gubernatorial bee N monotonously buzzing. - c In various parts of the room Sena- r tors lolled in their chairs and seemed .nchanted by the spell of the same ind of music, but some of the bees 3ang of Congressional honors and lau rels to be won in the halls of national egislation, at:d others extolled the soft ind restful judicial berths. Even the presiding oflicer wielding the symbol of his oflice with the grace that cannot be Jenied him and making his rulings and >rders with machine-like precision, ap- t peared as though conscious that some h more exalted sphere of environments were better adapted to his tastes an! t imbitions. When Clerk Sampson Pope had con- E aluded the roll call, Rev. L. C. Blalock, ;he chapismn of the Senate, prayed fer vently for God's blessing on the de liberations of the session. Then, on motion of Senator John Gary Evans, c Clerk Pope was dispatched to inform the House that the Senate was ready t [or business, and on the motion of the I ther Mr. Evans, a committee was sent a with a similar message to the Gover- r nor with the further information that n the Senate was ready to receive any communication that lie might have for it. Messrs. George S. Mower, L. M. Ra- I gin and 1. F. Miller were sworn in as the successors, respectfully of Senator Sgh of NewbeTry, the late Senator Deschan1ps of Clarendon and Senator Strait of Lancaster. The Governor's private secretary with a message from ' Iis Excellency was announced and the t message was received. The only bill of general importance introduced was one by Senator Buist to repeal the dispsusary law and provide a system of high license. rhe bill fixes a minimum license of 8250 and muni cipalities are permitted to make it higher by voting to that effect. Senators uist, Smythe and Finley introduced a number of bills of a local character. Jesse T. Gantt was appointed jour - nal clerk to suc.eed J. Y. Jones, re signed. At. 12:30 o'clock Reading Clerk Caughman, who still reigns at the Speaker's right, began dhe re;dimg of the Governor's message. It consumed nearly I wo hours after which the suu jiectsot which it treat.d were relerrea to appropriate com mittees. Seiat.or Prica was eh-td Chairman of the penifexitiaey comnitttee to suc etd Senator Deschanps, and Senator 1-.ird was elected cl!.. man of the com mnittee on incorporations to succeed en-aator Sligh'. Or, t ti nminiation of Senator John Wary Evans tiho three new Senators -re elected to the 'ollmwing comniiit ees: :euator Mower, claims and 1rievances. education and incorpora Aons; Senator Mllle!-, charitable insti tc is,-federal relations and medical d'iii.; Senator Ragin, contingent a> teounts, engrossed bills, emigration &&d printing. On moti) of Senator Wilson the eiiate adjournedt until 12 o'clock to lay. SE-C()N> DAYv. Co:ulim.k, S. C., Nov. :0.-The il to reduce salaries oi .Sate otli,ers i md employees came up in the HouBe yesterday. As the the bill st.ood there was a rc luction ol' about 15 per cent, but beforei hc Legisi torsrio'. through with~ it,, the 'cdluction, of some of thie salarles amoun t- ( Al to twice that much, Mr. 1l1ll made 1 vain cll'ort to add $1(10 to the $1,000 lhat it. was proposed to give the State flicers, outside thec Governor. Though a c was badly def'eatcd on the first round ie went thrnourhm the list, categorical1ly. All of his amceidments were lost except1 'ne, and that a dlecrease. iIe succeed- 1 ~d in changing the allowance for chap.< ain of the penitent.iary from $600 to a 8500 amidl laughter. Mr'. Kinard of' Al) >eville muovedl to amiendl by changing $1,- a 100 as the salaries of the Superinten lent, of Educat,ion to $ 1.000. The yeas md nays were called, resulting us fol ows: Yeas- Speaker ,Jones, Ashley, Beirry, lllackwell, iBlease, Jireland, Bruce,< [loice, Carpenter, Cai'roll, Covlngton, I D avis, Decndy, Elder, Estridge, Farley, l"vlder, Foster', G raham, Gu mnter, liar-r lin, I!gi'vey, lilendersonu, I lough, II y-] Irick, dJefiries, .Johnson, Kennedy, K(i- I card, 11. ,J. Lancaster, Lemmon,.L-] sesnme, L ove, I aowran'cu, ILebon,* Maul din, Mitchiell, P arks, P'atton, Pcaman, ( Periry, Has& tlI oper, Ro'uwland, lRogers,1 Russell, J. L. Smith, Statckhouse, Stal vey, S urk e, TIatuim, Traylr, Tindlal, < Weston. Wilbern, WV. C. WVolie, You-I mans- 56. Nlays- And :rs .- , Av1iiner, Hacot,I Brczeals, Uist~, Chaimndler, Coex, Coop.J n'. Crum, Diennis, IDubose, Jf. T1. D un ver, Hamilton, Hammnott, l1lardece, iIar. pe.', 1T1ll. hIues, ,J. 1). Kmariud, Kirk laird, Lofton, Magill, McL1urin, Mc Wuite, Mishoo, Moses, Nettles. P'hillips i Wihodes, Rivers, Shuman, Skinner, A, i. Smith, Stokes, Suddith, Tu'ipper', Vaughan, V'on Kolnitz, Waters, WVat, son, Watts, Whitmira, J. S. Woill', Yel Mr. Kinard's amend1men', to reduce thie Supreme Court 'J'stices to $3 000 mud the Circuit, Judges to $2,500 was igreed( to. Mr. L*owrance succeeded in (arry lng an amiendJment,to reduce the milca.e of miember's f 'em 10 cents to 5 zents, hy a volec f62 to '45. Mr. Carroll moved to uamend by mak ne the a'alaries of the railroad commis inoners $1.200 instead of 1,000. Mr. Ashlev stated that the commihssioners md worked only thiritiwo days d1uring ast year, and it wias rediculous to pay hemi i80 per day, lie thought the Leg-t slature ought to proet. the r'aciliroads by r 4enm' that, they (did not, have '0 payt tuch a hir&.e e m. Mr, liardee a aid lhat Rood men werec >eeth d for this posit'om, anid decent liv - ng salna'res'mb.ul be paid thema. Mr. a Whitmain uavored1 thle redluction, saying c .hat the nmnimm,n-r could -iedt heir other business at the same time, nd he knew that at least one of them lid s0. Mr. Watson of Anderson favored Mr. shley's amendment. le thought the ,egislature should respect the rights of be railroads as much as their own ights. Mr. Johnston of Fairfield, said that lie Reform movement was pledged to a eduction all along the line, and that hus tar ithad accomplished but little. le favored a reasonable reduction. Mr. Buist of Greenville thought there vas no use to reduce the salaries of the ommissioners as there was no one there epresentiug the railroads and asking or such reduction. Mr. Watson favored Mr. Ashley's mendment. Mr. Haskell of Richland quoted Mr. 3uist's remarks about the railroads hav ng no representatives in the Ilouse and aid that they ought to have 130 repre entatives there, as every le-islator was worn to protect their rights as well as he righ's of any other interest in thc itate. Mr. Skinner of Barnwell, said that he commissioners should be eficient Lien and that they should be paid prop. rly for It. Mr. Youmans was opposed to reduc. ig to $1,000 and moved to table thisi ,mendment. This was catied by a vote 1 56 to 50. Mr. 1 askell moved to amend so that be salaries of the commissioners should e $10 per day for every day that their ervices were actually engaged, the umber of days in the year not to exce ea ixty. Mr. Brice of Chester said that while he commissioners might only work thir v-two days at their flice In a year, yet hey had to do a great deal of studying md investigation at home, and the sala. y should not be cut any lowcr. Mr. i.shley's amand ment was lost. Mr. Carroll moved to make it $1,500. dr. Brice otrered to make it $1,200 and his was agreed to. Mr. Buist oflered an amendment pro riding that the salaries of the Suprcme ,ourt librarian be reduced to $800. Car. i,d. Mr. Crum's motion to reduce the state librarian's salary to $S00 was car ied. Mr. Iardin's motion to tahle ,his was lost by a vote of 15 to SG. Mi [Iardin was not in favor of reducing tl.e ,vomen's salaries. Mr. Moses said that any such reduc lion would be a discrimination a-ainst i lad*y, as her salary was even then i s than th st of te other clerks. Mr. Mc. White moved to table. Carried. Mr Smith's motitn to amlend by making i 00 was lost. Mr. Mauldin moved i Amend by miakin,-, it $600 was lost. M Mauldin moved to an-ad by makin: li- Governor's salari $2 500 iistuad ( 13 000. This was lost. Mr. Iardin thought that econom, dhould begin at home and moved t< uakev the per diem $3. which was tablec in 'Mr. Jordan's mDotion. Mr. Jordan movei to aniend hv inak. nu, t, e salarN of the A,lif:nt (q I -, lerk $900 imstc-ia (if $1 000 a ie il >rovided Mr. Hotuih1 winitd t,j mak. t $800 and this was lost hv the close ro.e of 40 to -11, and the $9to am(e1l nent. prevailed. Mr. Kinard beUzkan 11 eduction in the salary of the clev k of he superintendent of educatlion, whhie eeulted in scallinLy it down to one-ah le PIresent 1igure. Ile m11Oved to mike t $900. Mr. Tiopper said tl:se clerk, alaries were not worth as intch as the Otate librarian's and he mwvel to tmatke t, $800. " so, "Zaid, MN:-. .Jord.. 'and I move to make it $0w." Thii vat. carriemd. Mtr. .Jordan miovedl to anm n h giv ng the Adjutant General *1,200. Mr, 2arroll waunted the Ecaled down 1t) $1, )00. This was too much for Mr. Youmanis. vho presidhes over the destinies <ltt.hc nilitary In the IIouse and lie mnade a itrong appeal against. cutt,ing thmis salary Mr. J. T. Duncan said thiese werc roublous times and that the mui'itary~ vas likely to be called out at any tim<3 .o putdown riots, andt not,hing should bx lone to impair its efliciencv. "Everj tdditional amendment is laying dlirt, oi lie grave of this bill. Let the i,runi -ui stop.'' 'That settled1 it arnd the $1,200 hmnil 'went." Mr. hIaskeli endeavored to have thme )er dItem of memberd cut downi t.o $3.50, Mr. Gary's motion to table this3 was arried by a vot,e of 90 to 15, as fol. Yeas-Speaker Jones, Anderson, Bcr. y, Bllackwell, Brezeale, Bruce, llrice, muist, Carpenter, Chandler, Cox, CJov agton, Cooper, Crum, D)avis, Dehndy, )enniis, DuBlose, Edwards, Elder, 1El, is, Est,ridge, Farley, Felder, Foster, Jarris, Gary, Glover, Graham, Gunter, lawilton, Ilammett, IIardee, IIarvey, lenderson, Hill, Ilotugh, Ilughies, IlIy. Irick, .Jeflries, .Jordan, Kenned y, Knot ts, I. J. Xin)ard, Kirkland, Lancaster, jemmion, Lesesne, Lo)fton, lInwrance, abon01, Magill, Manninig Maulin, Mc ,aurini McWintehu, Misho(e, M itchetllI, d1oses, Netthes, Parks, Patton, I 'car, nan, Ph'!ibla. Rhbodes, Russell, Stu nan, Skinner, A. Ji. Smnith, J. L1. Smith., Rtackhmouse, Stolvey, Stokes Sturkie, suiddoth, T.Latuum, Tay;or, TIuppe r, Vaum ian, Waters, Watson, Watts, Whitmidri NVilborn, W. C. Wolfe, Jf. S. WolfF N hitman, Teldell-91. Nay s-Ashley, Bacot, IBlease, I ee and, Ihrd, Carroll, Folk, Ilardin lII s <el, .Johnson, J1. 1). Kinard, Love, 16:a1 Youmans- 15. Mr. WVhitmian made the statcmcnl hbat lie voted a.'ainist the amneninit ecause the member did not, (ffer it, i ~ood faith. Mr. IIaskell repliedl that stich a re mark was utterly unfounded, at' d thai the member asserted it, then lie :'ak what he knew to be untrue. Mr. Whitman said that lie mierch~ tated what Impression f'ad been mad< hMr. Bmease made an effort, to p)reservt he sOlictors' Salaries. The p )gitlon equired a good lawyer, and the sollei ors should be properly paid. Mr. Kin rr' moved tomake it *1,300, which wai Mr. Von Kolnltz ofl'ered an aimeind aen. makIng the salary of te Solicitor f the first circoit *1 800. Mesars. iSact a n .uje ttdta to incorporate the South Caroliaa Sew erage Company, the Governor sent a message to the Senate, in which he said: No IS "An act incorporate the South Carolina Sewerage Co., and to authorize the corporate authorities of the cities and towns in this State to contract with it for the establishment constructioty and maintenance of sew erage systems and for that purpose to issue bonds." '1 he purposes of this company are set forth in section 2. "The said corporation shall have the right to construct, maintain, build and complete systems of sewerage works within the State of South Carolina, and to contract for the construction, main tainance and building of such sewer age works. That the corporate author ities of the cities and towns of this State, be and they are hereby author ized to contract with said corporation for the establishment, and maintain ance of such sewerage works in the streets, highways, private lots and dwellings within the limits of said cit ies and towns and beyond those limits if necessary; provided that any con tract so made shall tirst be ratified by a vote of qualilied voteis of said cities or town." Section 9 reads as follows "That in order to enable the corporate authorities of the cities and towns within this section to carry out the con tract hereinbefore authorized to be made, they are, in addition to the pow ers now vested in them, authorized to pass all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations necessary for the enforce ment of the same, and they may re quire all property owners within the limits of said cities and towns to make connection with said sewerage works, and they may levy annually an assess ment against the property of such pro perty owners, and require the same to be paid either to said cities and towns or to the said corporation with whom the said cities and towns contract for. the establishment, maintainance and construction of the system of sewerage as aforesaid." Section 11 provides "that for the purpose of carrying out said contract, the corporate authorities of said cities and towns are hereby authorized to is sue six per cent. coupon bonds," &c. It will be seen that, power is given to cities and towns to make contracts with this corportion for the construc tion of sewers, and there is aulhority to issue bonds to pay for the same. This most objectionable feature, how ever, are given power to enforce con neetion by land owners with these sewers, ana the ownership of the sew ers by the company instead of by the cities and towns in which they are lo catea. The charter is speculative and the principle t pon which it is issued is pernicious. Every city should own its own sewerage works, and they should be consi ucted by authorty of the same. The provisions in the act whih seem to guard the rights of taxpayers by providing for an election before the contrre, is made or the bonds issid are delusive. They do i t guard against the use of rion-tax-payers at the polles to carry such a measure and there is plenty of room for collusion or fraud between the authorities or a town or city and t he se verage coipany, as to "i, anioun, t i)e paid for the work. I therefore cannot approve it. As to I te lirst, and I hird bills men ioned the vetoes were sustaitned with out discussion. Seiator John G. P,vans I liounglit th;t, the sewerage bill had been limiited in application to the city of Columihia, in which opinion Senator Sloan airreed, bit a reference to the Jouirnal proved otherwise and the vote was adopted wit hout, futher q iestion. A concurrent resohition was receiv ol from i I liotse fixing Friday, )ec. Ist for the lect.tion of' a register of mIelisne conveyances for Charleston county. Senator Wilsnil moved to amend by fixing the same (lay, and imimediat ely that election for thre election to the vacant Judgeships and Associate J1usticeship. The resolution as amendedl was thenm concurred in. The following bills p)assed their see cnd readings: To'( aiieind Section 948 of the General Statutes, as t,o detention and furni ga t ion of cert,aIn yessles5. To repeal Section seven (7) of an act colt it led "An act to provide a mode of distribution of moneys collected as di rect tax from the citizens of this Stat,e bythle I'miited States and turned over In trust to the State of South Carolina.' and( M sbstituitioni a section in lieu there of. I 'port favor-able. By Mr. Kirk latndt To appoint commissioners for the pnromlotion 01 legislation in the I ruited States. lHy Mr. Von Kolnitz. To' ait'ind an act, entitledl "An act, t.o ruguilate the anuial sett,lements oif cou nty com imissioners, county school (oiinmiissioniers amid cunity treasurers icr ciimty and school taxes, etc. u5y :ai. Mlit chil. 1T1 father regulate the salary of the count y auditor of Il'ickens couut.y this St ate. The Seniate atdjournnedi at 2:35 p. m. it,il 1I o'clock F iday having exhausted the caleindar. Rtemouve t by the P'restienu, WAsu Niu-oN, Nocv. 28.-George I) ,Johnst.on, Civil Ser vic Commission er, has b)eeni removed biy thle i'residlent. Ie was the only D)emnocrat on the coin is Slon), and was aplpo inted( from Louisia-. rna by I 'resident IIlarrlsoni, to succeetd h ugh S. Thom pson. Mi'. .lohnston re fused to say anything about the affair tonigut, and the ot,her members of time commission were likewise silent. Thel removal grew out of a report mamde by t,he coinmission on appoIntments uni der the Il'ostoflico I )partmnt. Comn imissioniers L~yman and I toosevelt madle the ruling and( report to which .John - ston took exceptions. lie subimittedl a minorit,y report. whiich lie desired to make public, and it mcisiunderstood that to this the other comnmiissioners object ed. The matter being carrie:l to t he l'resifient, the majority was sustain ep and the minority rep)ort order suip. pressedl. On Saturday .iohnston' s res ignat ion was calledl for, which he re Iinsed( to tender, and today the l'resf (lent removed him. Fmi:IRSI,aA NJ. Nov, 29.--Capt. Itan dlall with rims wile anid little son, and the ten men of the crewv, who, for up wards of twenty-four hours were lash ed to the spray-drenched rigging of the wrecked schooner Louis 11. Itandail oil Smuith l'oint, were rescued at day light today by the tug I. J. Merritt. In spuite of the ex posure aed aumbing fear t.o which they have tbeen subjected since the schooner went on the beach. T'uesday night t,hey are all alive, and ' will recover when proper care can be given tbenm. The schooner is breaking ur. this oflicer :ad twice as mtMh work tu (o as the other solicitors had, and hie should receivo more pay, but as a re. duction was being made all around theN suggestcd that it he placed at $1,600, which was agreed to. Mr. Buists amendment to reduce thc salary ol' the clerk of the Senate t( $600 was av,reced to. During a (ecussion concerning tih( time for the bill to go into operation the debate was adjourned to take up special order. At 1:30 the lIouso paused in its c xer. cmes to pay triblite to the memory of their deceaRed member, Representative Wyle, of Chester. Mr. Iardin pahl a tribute to to decease(d, and and a rt o memorial resolutions of'ered by him vas adopted. A resolution was adopted referrim, the report of' Mr. Brcazeale concern ing the revision of the State laws to committee from both iIoie. A concurrent resolution providing fol the election of Judges at 1 o'clook S.tur day was badly squlched. Mr. Blease opposed it on the ground that there wa. a bill to redistri-.t the State, and the late of that should be settled before electing judges. Mr. -Jordan said that it was un necessary to force the election. Ile had seen no electioneering going on, IIe movud tomake the (lay December 12. The Speaker: Is the Ilouse ready to pass upon this tod1ay? Mr. Jordan's motion was carried. Tbe Governor returned to the IIouse with his disapproval a bill to pay the school truktees of Richland county $5 each for postage and sattionary. At. 2:20 the House adjourned to nicet aiti at 11 o'clock Friday, Mr. JI cazeale int oduced a bill to repeal tie charter ot the 'ort Royal road. Thlis iill provides tha the Attorney General be insltruv!cd to institute forth wthl prOpr Proceedigs to liquidate the corpration, to restrain the stockholders or creditors froin exercisin, any rights, privilezes or Iranchiaes as a corportion; to have a receiver appointed who shall sell the property anid miiako distribution of the lircecds thereAl atuon, the credi. turs and stockholders. In oder to prevent the road from bein.! controlled by any competing linte no purenc-er, nor any other person, shall be allowed to operate the road without bcninlg first incorporated under the laws of this State; an i no cor 1) ration shi he lorneil by any pur chaser I) uperate or control lihe road un der any la v <4 thij:s SIate othierwisc enl abling thereto cxcept with the prior con Sent inl Writin1- f tile Governor, Attor ey G enieral ad ile chairmall (t Ih( b ard ' ralio.ol com imiiioner i this State, atid nio siu-h con semti hl bt givt-n y these (flirials unless it b 111.1de fIlly and absollitt,ly to appeal I hat 1.o u(ollpvt ig lline i.jIl an, waj Interesttd t.herein. tho evidence estab listling such fact to be filed in the of fLiee of tht.Secretarv of Statv. No indiv Ida Il or corporation who inaY CONtrol aly transportation ine coi)(1 :11i :t H Ihe said ro..d or have ;i c nt r llur in red t.hervirl -inl ally r ou .;.ttiaJ1 such comt ptti sc li 1 o4 r a 11 1i1i**vl' - 14) ;I li I t ol it. l. ' a o1111t r ol ino Jrist it sai' coe Wkri inailt':y hnizl to b" cre0vl ;and or ini hprov'ilion oF thi. :.1,1 aild shmo b 11any -Itcl corporation or ildivitlu;il ilins of l, so inter-s. er, then, Ith, (chark-ir hitroin tilthlorized Sall [erom i l fatm neill and do1d, anld thl. !n 1hi ts, prowerslt, and privi htles 1herebllt conti11rred 1Ill c'ast ab 0IltlY eId . thv Attornw t,nvra! shall inunduitly nstiiteprooredinigs to I u hi ( t l e hI' .4-e,111 1 it h bir a4dli1 torc a11 '1Secine of ti ieproportry. The at roIeeint s ofr e f Sena14t ie yort iir day1 wI ert as1 usuall atotiarl at da Oin t sope witolt inle (Itl d.'tn T.lont liwsi awrnn erase jimr1 l ilerk.10h1 doll o nproh it rit'e tiht litgpaseisctird reading. I ~ il IliTlo ofi C>ilor texcitedicsso tau.e wlit referenI)cel to he orma- il grtind fct ain cororatIons. is rob. clapil(pital s of4 all onprioit not bex-(' inle to presc1ried 111 teb at l I or th f rtion ofl corpoerations.ejby Smythle antswered that thel object, of the4 bill was mernely to make dtefinite th~e oild law. The hil1l was passed. 'I'here W ls ai desulItor y discussion of thie( second I read!infg bil11 to amend the law ats to hauwkers and( peddlers, par tiipalted ini by Wilson, de (nkins, D)er tion1 o1 1thl latu4 r it. was filially recoin Thefo lir'st, meausure to ineIet with deter ininedl oiItositioni was1 till' conIcurrent resllu It ion1 ins rneIit ig tih e Senators and1( l.e('nbers4 ofi the4 1 IitlIl SItte I[otge (41 I m;.resenltiatie IV roin)1 ihis State to f rom the4 (4ons5 riielion 1o1 the act of C'ongZress appro14vedi Marlh 2141, 1lu1 reh lltlinlg t heI direc:t t ax, et c Sella Ill \'erdlir 1uovedf to indleinite ly lu>one 44 tihe rem11II' Il. Senat1or te mo1(tjin. Sc(ia'or \'erd ier .stat.ed t hit thle ehimaniii~ts wIlre no1wgetn thet l1(opile ofI i-ant Iorlt we4re' tho only3 pe(rsons inter'stM', 1141 ihat fthey we prifectly 441a 'il- with miethiod1 nlow available for obtatiinIg theIirI mloney. Senator01 lian rep1'ld by saying that th Go ()veIner111 had recommilieided4 tis measullre' atal ithat in someie inlsttances thier4: ihad been1 dli.scontenlt a1114 COm plaint its to til he measu res nlcessar1y for prcuIrinlg the4 1llnVys dueIC. Senator lkvals (0ould H P 114 reasonl why Coin. gress: shou111 ld ot hl alsked to) explain~ ally aml'it Iy ill 11ts at. Senaitor ' \rd1er anis we rd thlIlat It wals necePsIary I'llr t he claiiinumts to go resolut' (' ~l ion 'ub noti ll but14 tcaue timlls catio and 11( de1ly. Sllato4r I.11,ins (; confei'- that I Cani'i. IiIlfh 1114 !talchow the' "'initorF's ex planat 1)4Io explus whyl 1tIe reslultioni shold 11 no be11 pase.' Senato.Ir Verdwrt' (fIromi IL hiIseat ) - "'Well, 1'. sorlii y you1 cani. ' the coil cu rrentI reso4lu Illon wI As :n 1defiItely POsltponed 1)>y a d(cI(id imlajoit .. In refnrenc~ to Is V1.t. of th bil SEA ISLAND SUFFERERS. Their Deplorable Condition Pathettoaily Pictured by Miss Barton. WASUINGTON, Nov. 28.-Miss Clara Barton, president of the National Ited Cross, in an official letter to Secre. tary Carlisle, under date of Beaufort, S. C., Nov. 26, says: "I am informed by telegram from Mr. P. V. DeGraw of the United Press, that you have directed some boats to report to me for service at these sea Islands. I No words can tell you how needed they are nor how welcome they will be. In my dispatch to Mr. DeGraw, asking for a boac, I said that without such facilities death from exposure must result. Desir- 1 lug to avoid sensation, I witheld the fact I that the last three deaths reported to us I had been from that cause. I "We have here 30,000 people. scatter ed over a territory 250 miles in length, t destitute, not only of the comforts, but the necessaries of life. Six thousard 1 houses have to be built or provision I made to take them up from the winter I ground; not one in fifty has a bed, blan- I ket, to cover; not one in a hundred has t food for two days save the remnant of C the weekly issue of charitable provisions c we can make for them, which is the piti- C ful amount of a veck of hominy and a pound of pork for a family of seven per sons for a week, and the sword of Damo- 8 cles over our heads pointing to the I months beyond when we shall fAll of < that. These seventy islands are cut and 8 crossed by rivers, sounds and creeks, I often too narrow and shallow to nav- 1 igate, too wide and deep to ford, and again sweeping, swift and dangerous, t like unto the open sea. Their boats were nearly all lost; the bridges gone, and neither lumber, nail or tools to make others. Whatever we have to give, we must largely carry to them. Even if I they had their little boats, in the long j row of twenty to forty miles, to come for their provisions, in the frost and cold 1 halt clad and half fed, they would perish; the families at home would starve. "I bring these tacts to you, Mr. Sec- t retary, not to move you to greater pity, t but to show you how needful a provi sion you have made, the suffering bodles you will have saved, the faint hearts cheered. There are six months of this till something grows. The privlege of a boat will be needed all the time-it is our only conveyance, we cannot procure it for ourselves, as all our available funds in silit for this field are less than 50 cents a piece.for the next six months. "The great cry of all these men is. after all, not so much for food, as for work. Seven o'clock of every morning finds a gang of 150 to 200 men in front of the headquarters, waiting to learn if we ha% e shovels or hoes to let them go to work either ditching the land, ouild ing their houses, or preparing the ground for the next year's planting; and Lhi3 without a cent of monev; only for the little "rations" of meal and meat, which they all know is already their own. 1[ we had t,e suita)le tools or the meanq to purchase them, we could put 5.000 a men at work im three days, under their t own foremen, at 75 cent a da, payable 6 iAl meal and meat for tlieniselves an( famulics, upon improvements which would make tile sea islands the garden sPot of the eastern coast. Hereafter let I no one say that the sea island negro is 1 not willing to work. 1 "Occupied as your timt is, Mr. See- C retary, I will not apoligise for this long a letter, ior it is my duty to let the state of things be known to those who have fhe ability to comprehend the situation, if not. to relieved i.. May I kindly ask k of you t,he fevor t.o pass tis let,ter also a t,o our honored President, Mr. Cleve- Ii land, whom I have not, had the p)leasure c of meeting p)ersonally since his return to a us as chief' magistrate, t' 'With sentimentls of the hir'-hest, es h teemi andf gratitude, I hqve the honor to l re naima, very respectfully, "CLARA BARTON "'I'resi.lent, American National' Ited I Cross," Thes in come Tax Id(ea,. W .D t N' TaO N, Nov. 29.-t fopresenta- i tivit McMlilflin's sub-commifttee of the IDemnocratie: members of the ways aindi means comin nittee on interiial taxes held two sessionms at the capitol this af ternoonm, consfidering the tiuiestion of an ( inicome tax. The mornmbers of tie coin- ti mit tee statedl that they had not conmsid- di eredl whiskey, but only the better plan n of fmpos:ng a tax 0on incomes. To night the D)emocratic menmbers of thine committee met at Secretary Carlisle's L home for another conference. Th'le Secretary is uinderstoodl to he unfriendl- rc ly to the proposition to tax individiu'(I incomes, and it Is still p)rob)able that m t,he solution of thle matter will be a s compromise which will impose the tax Of imainly on legacies and coi porat,ions, ce The proposition is slipported iby the thi conservative members of the D)emo- LIh cratic major ty-- Wilson, T1uirner, Miont,- 01 gomery, Stevens andl Cochran. T1here is no suggestIon of reciprocity in the N new tariff bill, although it, has been mi said in some qu iarters that that matter has been left hanging ini thie air. "Ifo there is anythIng in the bill as it now stands thai, favors reciprocity, it will a inot be there when tile bill becomes a m1 lawv," said Chairman Wilson. "ly re- 01 ciprocity, I moan," lie continued, "that tbi power vested In theC President tinder tI the McKinley act to regulate tarIffs by proclamat,ion. Such a policy will be cast out of the Ilouse, root and branch." Every mail that now reaches Washing- n ton brings with It numerous letters 2i andt petitIons addressed to the waysb and mfeans committee, urging t,0 to in- 3. crease the tax on whiskey to $1.>0 a n gallon. It appears that the relIgious 4' andl temperance bodies throughout the C4 country have taken up the subject, the 2 activity beinag especially noticeable 11 among the P'resbyterians, C Five Nerem illd. C H A RLESITON, W. V., Nov. 29.-The t ehoting of ten men in Eckman, McDow- a ell county, last evening resuilting in t,he e death of five and t,he fatal wounding of f several 'nore seems i,o have reasulted1 c from the fact that the miners had just t been paid off and had loaded up on mean U whiskey. A part of the row occurred over the gaming table. The country Is ai wild one. The miners are chiefly ne- ci groes and toughs. All of the shootingp o.ccurred within a radius of three miles ic and what Is remarkable all were septr- tli rate cases. It is believed that all the di part,ies concerned were drnk.e e IUDICAL CUANGES N THE NEW TARIFF BILLMADE PUB LIC MONDAY. 1he NeCe rJi (it .iMe, "'ArmIng 1'm11 . nent, Cotton Tie". EC., Are Either on the Fran I.Nt or With Minimum iDuties. WA IN ITN, I). U., NOV. 27. he new Diemocratic' tarul bil a riven to the public today and Its pro. rision futlll every expectatioI of those vho prediCted radical reform. In many 'espects it is a surprise even to Demo. iratic nieibers of Congress, as it is un. recedented l niaily oi its provisions md to a -reat extent, doctrinaire in iome matters upon which the party : ad iever given dinie political utte.rauce. ?ree List of that liberal scope sufll'enL o satisfy the most radical adv.cates of Irastic reform. and repuwliation ol :rinci )le of recipro ty, are decisive and em )hatic. Thus the taril bill, in addition ,o reform it makes in customs hiws, will Lecessitate imimnediate readj ustmetits of reaties with those South American ountries which enioy practical or the oretical reciproctv with tie great Ameri. an republic of the Northern hemisphere. One of the tenets of Democracy which ound such frequcit iteration aad was a ource of such dctlamatory eloquence in be last two camlpa:iiis. is a subject of ompromise. In the adjtstmentol the ugar schedule the bunty which was to >e so promptly repealed is, instead, to oe repealed by easy gradat'on arid will lot reach its concusive eflect until after he end of the prez-nt - ntiury. It is to >a reduced cl'. 1ear lot eight ,ears. The following is a 0i iry n:' dhe bill vhich has been -preparsil by l2)rfsen aLive Bryan, of Nebraskt: The bill ust completed puts wool, coal, lumber, alt and iron ore on the tree list, and educes the tariff on stiioar from one talf to one-quarter of a cent per pound; L also provides for the extermination of he bounty by degrees. As a rule, the arifl' has been madd the lowest upon heaper goods, of necessaiy use, and eft highest, upon more expensive ar .ieles. The wool schedule will, perhapa, .ttract, most attention. We have lett o (uty higher than 45 per ceit. on nanufactures of wool, and that only on eady made garments, the average being ess than 10 per cent. Cheaper quality )t blankets and flannels are only 25 per -ent. and lower grades of carpets only 30 per cent. We have also applied a .radual reduction to the woolen schedule, o that at, the end of live years the high st duty will he 40, and the average near 30 per cent. Very material redtictions iave been made in the cotton schedules. We hitve placed iron ore on the free list and mnade a large cut all along the notal scheile, the ( duty on steel rails s redued mv)re thi:in 50 per en... Free umber will be a great bened to pe )ple >f the Lprairie States, and free salt will ive to those who need ialt for their cAt. le or For curing meats the saide advan Age which hs been secured heretotore y menans of rebate to those who cured Agricultural implements have been laced upon the tree list in order to en ble farmers to better compete in foreign iarkets and because wany of our agri. alLural iiuph meints are being sold broad today cheaper thran t homne. Amom- prine-pal additions tQ, QN. frw et aie the folowing: l3acon and hams, eef, mutton, ptrk and iimeats of all mrius riot specially provided for in this ~t, binding twine, borax, camphor, ituminous, coal, cake, copper in all its rudle fornms, cotton ties, iron ore, cotton Zci oil ar.,ricuiltural implements, (cot *u giz'e speciically namedI), salt, soap, ulldmrg materials excepting marble, i-nbcr, timber and wood ini all but a iw condit,ions~ which are named1, andI 00 1. The metal schedule of the bill ivif 3 almost wholly advalorem duties, rhiile the prnesent low levies are specific uties. Burlapse and cotton baggIng re taxed 15 per~ cent., but when im ortedl for covering rhetiles to be ox >rted, are duty free, WA9ihxNu'TON, Nov. '2.-Attorney eneral Olney hias renderedl an opinion at cerLamn notes issue'] by cor porat'ons rring the recent currrericy "famine'' are >t taxable 10' per cenit. under the bank rculatiorn law. Th'le opinion, wich Is dressed to Secretary Carlisle quotes e bank tax prov,siorn of the internal verue law, and says it there Is any mrbt as to the meaning of the statue iposing this tax, the doubt must be re lvedl in faivor of exemuption. The in ion was given upon a clearing house rtilleato from Albany, Ga., issued to e First National Bank of that city, and 0 text of whichi is embodied in the mnon. T1hie Attorney General says: I2hie pap~er is riot, signed by the First at'onal Bank anywhere. it is plainly >t an instrument upon which the bank the clearing house asssociation could suedl ii an action at common iaw and mnone.y.judlgment recovered1 by proving d introdlucing the paper alone, with. it further evidlenice. LIn my Opinion, e retore, the paper is not a note within 1e meaning of the statute." The Cotton Movemuent. Ni-:w Onct.:ANs, Nov. 24.--Crop state ent troii September 1 to November , iclusive: [Port receipts 2,1165,215 dles, against 2,432,264 last year and 297,130 year bel'ore last; overlandl to ills and Canada 275,3363, against 315, a5 and 516,512; interIor stocks In ax kss of September 1 316;,26;6, against 116,14G1 and 4132,5363; Southern mill tak ugs 215,6385, against 206,430 and 187,395; cop brought into sight during the ighty-flve days to (late 3,471,501, galinst 3,170,335 and 41,443,291; crop rought Into sighit for the week 365,55, ga'nist 3S1,776; for the seven days end d N ovember 24 last year and 416,805 or the same time year before ?ast; roe brought into sight for the first wenty-fouir days of' Novemnber 1,312, 21, against 1,715,575 and 1,570,331. vnmparisonls in theset reports are made p to the corresponding date last year rid year before last, and not to the ose of the corresponding week. Corn urison by weeks, one-fIfth of tihe sea n, would taRe in seventy-smx days of e season last year and eigh ty-eight sys year before last, against only rhty-ilve days this year.