The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, July 06, 1876, Image 1

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I THE PICKENS SENTINEL. 1. I.I , -rrr-;?t?tfc=rt I ii i ' in I !> . . |t t. I ,, |,n I ,? J.'... . n MH,M t ==' . i ,, DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF T1IE COUNTRY. ' ? . u . ; ; : ' , y ' . _ , <r ; , , rr VOL. Y. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1876. , NO, 44. I.I ??. * k m ?? I I ? ? ' 1 1 * ** * ' *' " \,m ,, mmt -%?. " ' ' " * - - ? - - ? ... .... . ? ? ? . mm k , , I *' I in I '.A 1 ..i W j 11 ,k ,ii I it till*. ? m ATT*D nfttTPWUTiT. T.WPTtl ll 4?-- ^ Philadelphia, July 1, 1870. .. ? . ) i agricultural hall. w i Mw, Doqlwtlk on Agricultural Ma cmi'rtBftir?Oraoker Mosaics-Dmplays of Canned Goods?The Gentleman from Maine?Singer r Sewing Machines?Visit of the T i r wrrmiatives? jlmmknsk jaion of Vrarroiw?Dom Pedho, Lotta, and Henry Wakd Beechek, eto. ^ "My grandfather would never ride on that ar' machine with a silk umborroler ovor his head, of hoknowed me, and turning around, 1 behold Mr. Doolittle contemplating a Uuck% eye Mower, Them nuw fanglod machines, sir, is destroying the race of farmors, sir. Thoro ain't noon on 'om left to speak on now, he said, looking disdainfully on tho fl}ing rakes, as they weut around like tho arms of a windmill. "This, I 'spose, they call tho Agricultooral Department?pooty Agricultooral DepartniAnt* n n f n ah r? r,i nnnl> )> ? uiv;ui| uiii v u ui ? di|u{idii, Anger was on his brow, heavy ami dark, na ho moved away. I looked around, and it was, indood, a sight. "Can it bo possible," I said to myself, "that those ologant machines before me were over intended for the field, or are dostiued, in tho futuro, to lay under tho ehed in tho barn yard."? j ^ Here they aro, reapers and mowers, rakers and 6owers, all gilded and f nicklod like something intended tor ci -1<1<<1..? nninmnnt T t Sr. w |M?tiv/r. VI uuiuwii'i J.V lO 1UUIIJ "Wll* dci (til to 6oc tlie perfection lo which they Imvo brought farming machinery. Of cout'BO, nioBt of my readera have soon these things for years at country fairs and Stute exhibitions, but, nowhere since the world began, have such a multitude ot ologant machines been covered by a singlo roof. ? It is not simply utility that lifts boon consulted in the drills, and n owors, and reapers, and rakes, hay forks, or ploughs. Everything is constructed with a tasto and beauty that eeuim ^ tobeabsoluto perfection. And this tasto and beauty is not confined to any particular thing; it is every whore throughout the Agricultural Ilall. v Passing up the uiain aisle, you oomo to au exquisite exhibition oi | Mosaic work, in colors so rich and beantiful, that your attontion is im- j mediately arrostod. Your first iu- | quiry is what is it for, and you finally conclude that it is a unique spocimon j of Mosaic tiling. You draw nearer. Can it bo possible! Why, it's crak 0 era; nothing but crackers and bisx cuitB iti such hues und shapes ns you novor gnzod upon boforo. This is tbo oxhibit of F. J. Lurrnbo & Co., of Albany, Now York, and is ono of tho most attractivo points in tho Hull. Tbroo hundrod difforont kinds of crackers and biscuits aro cmployod iu uocurunug wicBo wouueriui mosaic walls. And not, I am informed, Bpccially gotten up for tlio occasion, t but ovory kind duplicated in thoir stock and subjcct to thoir rogular business order. Just think of ii; threo hundred different kinds of crackers and biscuits. Ah 1 how lovoly they look. As I stood there onjoying them, my month watering on both sidc6, I was in hopes some miechiovoua little scoundrel would fling a doornick and smash ono of ' tlio pan08 of glass by accidont, but nary doornick and nary boy, so I passed sadly on, to find myself still surrounded by good tilings. Near mo was a gigantic temple of candy, representing tho signing of tho Der xjlarfttion of Indopendooco, and a number of tabloaux in American * History. Washington crossing tho Defnware, Tho rescue of Oapt. John Hirtith by Pocohontas, Tho surrondor /if Kork Tiortndnrrifra Wtlmn A 11 - - .v Mvunii iii'Oi!) The flght between tl?o Koreago and Alabama, and crowning all, tlio aigning of tlio Emancipation Proclamation. It is a wonderful pieco of work, ami is but only ono of the many uunuues 01 agricultural nail. One thingthat appoalsto tho boart of overy, housekeeper is the manner in which fruits and regetablos can bo properly proaorvod through tho year, and this is certainly 0110 of tho strongest points in tho agricultural department. I do not believe that finor specimens than thoso exhibited in thiB hall can bo found in tho world. Tboy come from many States, and are contributed by a multitude 1_ O - .1 > ui jjuujhu. oumo aro iuo coninuutions of privato individuals, and others by established manufacturers.? Foremost among tho manufacturers, the excellence of whoso goods have givon thom a commanding position in trado, is tho great lirin of Githcne & Kexatnor, whoso oxhibit hero is of ospecial morit?poaches, pears, aniilee. and vegetables of varinnn A > ~C1 kinds aro turned out cf their cans tasting as fresh as if they were just plucked from tho orchard or culled from tho vegotablo garden. Tho aquariums form one of tho most interesting features of this remarkable exhibition, anil on my way down to see them I stumbled ovor two sucking piga, owe woighed about thirteen and the otlior fourteen hundred; nice littlo piga for roaating, I said to myself, aa I got up rubbing my ahina and walked on to nee tho fishes; and there they were, in groat glusn boxea, swimming about just as natural aa lito. I have not been ualw ing for some years, and I lolt an uncontrollable dosire to go fishing. One tank was full of turtles.-?fine, fat* looking follows that would have niado mi alderman's mouth water; and here, too, were salmon?little hits of fellows who survived the perils of a voya^o from Columbia Kiver, nearly four thousand miles, wore swimming about just us lively as il tlioy were in their rmtivo 6troam3. I lovo to contemplato tlio briny monsters of tho doep, I said, half aloud, to myself, as I etood looking at thom.? Monsters of tho briny deep, remark ed Mr. Doolittle, who had just come lit)* tlin monatai'i nf flm 1 ? J ) w ..4WMW?V?I W Vi HIVJ ISklllV UUVWj air; not tho briny inonBtors of ,tho deep. What do you admire thorn for, eir? ho neked. "Because they mako brains, sir," I ropliod, oxultiriffltf "All tlm flali Jo flia o?o Q*j - ?MW?? 1? kuw DV? wouldn't bo sufficont to furnish eomo folks brains," said Mr. Doolittlo, look ing down on me; and with a wink of his oyo, ho said, "Look hero, joat a few stops this way; look into that modest case, sir. Ef you noospapor mon want brains, as most on you do, this is tho stuff tha'll givo'em to you. Thoro wua a doctor. I foreret hia nRm?. , D? '? J but ho was a big gnn, ho wag, an' ho said thero was moro brains, clear grit, in one pint of whoat than there was in four bushols of onions. 1 montion this," he 0aid, sovorely, 4<becauso you want brains, and this is tho stud tu mako 'cm." Hero was anew article of manufacture, ut loaet new to mo. I had heard of crackcd wheat, and crushed barley, and wheaten ijritB, and oatmeal; I had eaten them all; but hero was something now. And then I reflected that into wheat ontored tho largest proportion of brain and mubdo food of any other ihinir. I tried it! it wn? milufnMn o - ?9 J and sweet, nutricious and, to my mind, supplying a great want in our domestic economy; u healthy food that cun bo proparod in a few mini ut09, and of which, in tho most sim* pic mannor, a multitudo of toothsome nan lu? inuilu 'I'l./v va >W>? W VI* * imtu v? Alio WIIU1 llk* sions Arrived at in tlio manufacture At*o tho result of scientific analysis, and tho articles furnished by the Cc<% rohl Manufacturing Company of Brooklyn are steam couked white wheat, crushed maize, oatou grits, barley and a compound called Gems of Harvest. It it has really within t ?li/i Krii'ui aln.niin* r* ' iv %? ? vt !% ? vivmuuv) ici/ uv?ry euiior i and Contenr.ini concnpon<lcnt cnny a dinttU bag in liiopocWet, and by llioj eliect of their, ppw?rlnl .oxninpl? it may ono day bacomoft nftt toil n! food ftnd'.bt) l!o YonngJ ArfiotMba u'firit t>olu/jhiim! , ? .1 , . taboos aro to an li jahinan or | ico to a Chinaman. ! >r h ' Another mngnffrcpnt display is from the groat city of I'orkopolis, otherwise known as Cincinnati.?Sovoral woalthy firms have joinod in this exhibition, and it certainly rc-, flocts great credit on tho Stato which it represents. Iioro aro casks with glass heads, full of tho finest of salt nork. rlnnn nn in i?nrl I ? - ? "I' "?'W| and blno satin, that look very much liko splendid parlor ornamonts. A ono hundred pound pig roasted wholo, with a ring in ! is iioro, and labollod "A Kink in Pork,"and Bides of brenkfast bacon such as every houeokeoper outsido of the Church of Isruel would liko, to lmvn in hni? larder. This baa been a red letter week, ovory day rosombling a grand holiday. Dom Pedro and Mrs. Pedro havo boon with us?nico people, those Podros? I lilco'ora; vory nico poople. Then Prince Oscar of Sweden is with us; an oxcollont young man, and hoalthy; no ia going to romnin BCYOriU Uiiys. Lords, barons, nnd counts are plentiful, but wo want n duko or two to give tho thing n flavor; not that wo objoot to carls?in fact, now that 1 think of it, let us have an carl. Tho supply of foreign colobrilios proving inadoquato to the demand, wo fall back apon homo manufaeturo, and in tins dilomtna a Congressman or a Senator is not bad to tnko. Failing in that, wo fall back upon supervisors and aldermen, and when thoy give out, wo have an army of gbnoraln, co|onols aiul iniijors with which we must contrivo to get along. Henry Ward Bcochcr was hero this week looking as ruggod and as happy as if his peaeo had novor boon shakon. Littlo Lotta, tho aetrom, was aluo horo look'ng just liko tho littlo fairy that pho is. FixsVico Prosidont Colfax also droppod in to roe us. Hut tho groat ovout of tho week has boon tho visit of tho Singer Sewing Machino ompioyoca. rouv tiiousand oi' thorn camo on fivo big railroa t trains, coming down on liko an army with banners. Tlioy woro received by tho President of tho Commission, Gonoral Iiawloy, and otbor ofliccrs of tho Commission, and woro proaontod with a splondid flag by the Mayor of Klis rsnuomport, jmow jorsoy. in tho ovoning the wholo party rotarnod to thoir homos aftor a day of unqualiflod ploas uro, and tho cost of tho trip to tho Singer Compnny was 825,000. On Friday thoro woro noarly 50,000 pny-< ing pooptd on tho ground, rtnd! the L 1- 1*1 jriiisu ib mommy increasing.. UltOADnRIM. The Condition.?In a vorv portinont article on the flubjoot of tho Prco School Fund, tho Charleston Journal ol Coramorco has tho following in conclusion: liuir iho year is hardly gone; tho public schools aro closod lor want of funds; the convicts in tho Penitentiary aro hirod out to keep thorn from starvation; tho juries aro discharged bo> eauso there is no inouoy to pay their per diem; the Univotsity is closed for want of funds; tho Suporintondont of tho Asylum has gono North to borrow monev to knmi hinut u-h f rom Buffering; tho Governor and Lioutonunt Governor lire in Ohio President making. Are those the fruits of ('on 8orvati8m, Fu?ion, Hndiculisin, or what? Aro thoso tho fruits of Gov. Chamborluin's administration? Yet i/ii!> itru wuriiuu truo Doniocracy, ami entreated tOHtand by (Jovornor Cbainborlain. It may boa wiflo policy, but wo must bo pardoned for not being able to hoc it. Lynchkd.?Tito Now Orleana l'icaI'll ll<? llin 'Ml 1. ' u,.../...l~ ll - j ...iv v/. VI$\J vsvii ni.Uiiiii', iu|iurir} tllU hanging of livo ncgroos at Mount Pleasant by wliilo regulators. What place in so rugged and so homely that thoi'o in no beauty if you | only have a sensibility to beauty? Hayes and Wheoior- ' j ' Li)r.-- TT .I i -.| ' ( ;?('. i TbaSttri a'rtytf 6f' ^lio nominations: Mr JIay<vi i'm a oam.lbbUo wbofm weakness ami utiim|>;>i;Uiico nro bin principal roccoinnicmlationa to tho Ito? publicnn party. Ilia rcccord is brief and aligbf. In Congress bo was ono oi tno obscurest members. His namo thero or elsewhere lias never p been identified with any policy or moft6ure or action of any kind. lie is not the man to obliterate the aboin. ination of Giantism. The world pays that tlio nomination of Ilnyes U a collapse, not a coinpro.....1 -l : i ;-- -- ? niLDu} uiiu iivhci'iduh Him iih u colorless candidate upon a platform ot platitudes who shoulders all ot tho administration Bins. Tho Times compares Ilayes' nomis nation with Lincoln's and declares: History does repeat itself after all. Tho strugglo has boon bitter and a triumph been won, in spito of tho clamor which a groat though tarnished name had thrown ovor mon of simple minds and honest impulses. IIayes is a man of plain, unobtrusive manners, nnimpeachablo honesty, koon intelliggnco, robust common sense, Whcolor is a man whoso clear headed and lar seeing statesmanship is worthy of tho noblest era of our I....wl ?i.~ i.:_t?. 1 -- J- -r uiaiui j mm nnj illglUItjl t*i tUHl IU~< 1H Ol our public life. Tbeso two names ftre amply sufliciout guarantees that tho party ha* shaken oil the influences which threatened to paralyze it, and will command iiio approval of the Independents and Liberals. With two such nominees, tho Republican nni'l t> /* tiii II. t,... .w. I ? !'??* ij v???it nv wuiu Ub tail. Tho floralil pays: Tho ticket ie a fair one. It means nothing but modiocrity. Hayes is a good man with a good record. There aro, wo doubt not, 10,000 IlojiublicanR, and one of whom would make us as comnotont a President as Hayes. Ho lias no such hold on hia country Blnino or any <>1 hia opponents in the con* vontion. Wheeler elands well, and tho ticket will poll tiio party strength It will represent the nvorago, com>? mon eoneo, auber uiinded claesea.? When St. Louie nominates we shall HftO OiiK'.innfiti'? trim vnlno Washed Awat.?Erwin's, Knights and tbo froo bridgo on tbo Saluda rivor and all tho bridgos on Reedy rivor from Grconvillo to ita confluonco with tho Baluda wero swopt a* way by tho rain last wook. Along tho river bottoms tho instruction to tho crops was immense, tho wheat ami oats wore washed away and at ienst ono fourth of tho corn crop totally destroyod. No just estimate can bo made of tho loss sustained by this grout calamity. It could not have occurred at a moro inopportune season and theio will very likely bo i UL^UUIIUJII VIII Ull^llUU t tlJJtt wholo Bcction before tlio suiumor id ended. It svill bo nocossary to levy a special tax to rebuild tho bridges and bow tho pooplo are to bo supplied with broad is a dillieult problem. Before this flood the pn spools for another year was very oucourago. iug and it w:is thought that w.? would luivo broad enough and to sparo but Uio oullook is juat Dow nut a litilo gloomy. A Dkspkuate Soldier.?Tho Spanish troops rocontly killed a man iminod Troilan Garcia, in Cuba, who wan formerly a Spunibh Holdios, but having had Homo puoishuicnt inflicted on him by tho camniandor of bis dotachmont, dottortod to llio robcla, and at the bead of a lew chosen men had ovoi Hinco dovotod himself lo tho work of rovongo on tlio particular company to which bo had bolongod. Ho bad con^ tinuully lurked in tlioir neighborhood, picking oir 0110 Htrngglor after another until ho hud killed thirty hovoii nvn of tho company, honides tho particular officer who had p^iiahtd him. New Why to Hike IfoWinationsThrtt-tilidfb may btt ArttliSd Afttisfftotion in tho CMrVty^JVohiNJfcMtfc rioinirmt ions, Hid *riHe\tri'<Mihs of flomo Oflho tipper counlios rxro rcquostod to mako nominations for nil tho officca. ami tho nmnos t'ocoiving tho highest numbor ofvotos in till tho clubs will rcccivo tho nomination from tho nominnling convention. This is right find wo hopo to soo tho plan ndoptod in Abbovillo.? Wo dosiro to boo our pooplo BfttiBfiod nnd thoroughly united in fooling and Bcntimont, that wo may moro onsily nchiovo the dosirod succcbs. By adopting this rulo tho man who rocoivoH tho nomination will recoivo tho vote of n majority of tho voters thomsolvos, which leaves no room for dm~ satisfaction with thofio dologatod to mnko tho nominations.?Abbovillo Pross and Banner. Lanouaor of Finger Kings.?In caso of ft gontleman wishing to marry ? litoral'y in tho market with his hoart?ho wears a plain or chased gold ring upon tho first finger ot tho left (or hoart) hand. When success attonds hissuit, and ho ifl not llJlll V nnnrncrml t lir? t'inrf noaono j ?fc>-e>?) 6 to tho second finger. Aftor marriago it passes to tho third finger. If howovor, tho gont dosiros to toll thnt ho not only is not 'in markot,' buthodoos not dosign to marry at all, ho woars tho Bignot upon his littlo fingor, and ladiosmay undorstand that ho is out of their roach. With tho fair sox tho 'laws of tho ring' arc: A plain or chased gold ring on tho littlo finger of tho right hand implios 'not engaged,' or in plainer words, 'ready for tho proposals, oealod or other wise.' When engaged, tho l ing passcB to first fingorof'tho left hand. When marriod tho third fingor re coivcs it. If tho fair ono proposes to defy all soigo to hor hourt, sho pluoos tho rings on hor first and fourth fingers? ono on oaoh, iiko two charms to koep I away tho tomptor. It is somowhat I singular that this disposition of rings i.- raro! IIrunion.?Tho sixth annual rounion of tho survivors of IIood'B Toxa? Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, will bo dold at tho town of Bryan> Texas, on Wodnosday, July 12tb 1876* All railroads havo raado oxoureion ratos, and tho hospitaljtios of tho town will be tondorod visitors. ThoToxans arc all anxious to moot Again the noblo men of South Crrolina who stood by thom so long. After a Consultation.?A Troy (>jf, Y.) man consultod a physician in ithal oity rolativo to a cutanoous erup* tion ot tho taco which groatly trouh! r\ s\ 1 ?1 ti> i ffk n n/I haIIaI !r 1 V>V? II ID >VIIU, (tun UVU 1VIIWI II impaired hor torn per, which was uau> ally remarkably agrooablo. Anothor physician was callod in by tho husband. "Doctor," said tho husband, "do you think it can bo anything bo?. riouB?" "Not in tho loast," ropliod tho doctor with professional gravity; "it may be tho result of cold, or possibly a little humor of tho blood." "It cannot be the latter, doctor." roioinod tho husband, "booauso my wife 1ms boon out o, humor for a wock." Tho doctor charged him a double fee. Kkei'INO Accounts.?Women are quiot iind nwoot tempo rod during tho your, butthoy keep account of thoir husbanda' wins and Hhortoomingn, nnd have a grand noltloMont when house cleaning tiino comoh. During tho few days dovotod to w hi to wash and soap anil water tuoy millet tho noeessary amount of punislunont and so Htart square again. ^ mm - A Paris woman lias perfected a now method ot picking pockota. Sho enters an omnibus with a vory pretty i and boautiful dressed buby, seats herself close to the likeliest passongors and works under covor of baby's am* i>l? drnnorv. Alter suecoodini/ &ho i? i y o pinches tlio baby, ho that it cries fcar? fully, she leaves tho omnibus snd deniy to buy candy t'oi it. r , ? .? WOMAN,?PljMip:Iior nmpng flowora, foBtor hor ns a tender plnut, ?nd eho ih a thing of fancy, Waywardnoss ond folly?annoyed by a dow drop, frottod by tho ^tonch of a buttoifly'a Wing, roady to faint at tho sound of a boctlo, or tho rattling of a window pano at night, and Bho ib ovorpoworod by tho porfnmo ol tho i-obo bud. But wbon tho ronl calamity como, rouso hor nffoctions onkindlo the fires of her hoart and mark hor thou! Plnco hor in tho heart ot tho battle, givo hor a child a bird or anything to protect?and boo her in a relative instanco, lifting hor whilo arms an a shield, as hor own blood crimsons hor upturned forehead, praying for hor, life to protect tho holplosfl. Transplant hor in tho dark places of tho earth, call forth hor onortrios to action: and hor hrnnlh comos ji healing, hor prosenco ft blosBing. Sho disputos inch by inch tho strides of ft ntftlking postilonce, when man, tho strong'nnd brftvc, pnlo nnd niTi'ightoned, sinks away. Misfortune dnunts hor not, sho wears a life ot ftilont ondarnnco, nnd goes forward with less timidity than to lior bridal. In prosperity sho is a bud full of odors t 11 nil in liM* ** in/lii nf ^ ,1 ?.... t 1 .. 1 I ....Living ?v/t M IIIUO U| MllVUIDllJ IW scatter thorn abroad?gold, valuo but untried in tho furnnco. In short, wo? man#iRa miraelo, a mystery, tho ooutor of form whioh radiates the charm of oxistcnco. . Another Civil Riqiitb Cask Decision.?Judgo Sftwyor, of tho Unitod Statos Circuit Court' at San Franeinco California, has decided llint portion of the aot of Congross providing tlmt any manager of a theatre or similar institution is guilty ot a misclomoanor who should refuse fttlmission to ftny colorcd person, unconstitutional and void. Miss Joiik, ot Now York, recently oloped with ft j'Oiing man. J lor enragod ffttlior says if ho Cftn lay his hands on that young man, he will toaoh him how to tako a JoaU.? If hor parental paront foilowod tho profession of a nowspnpor paragraph I. * ? I I 1 ? * int no wuiiiu huuii uuuomo aecuBiomcu to havo hia howt Joaku Htolon. To Keki? Flibs fom IIoksiw.? As our farmers complain greatly of flios upon tlioir horses, wo give tho following rccoipo takon from tho North Carolina Farmer: To prevont horses from hoing teas* ed by flies boil throo handfuts of black , walnut leavoe in throo quarts of was A At 1 ^ ?l 1 *er; apongo me norcoe wuu una ao?utiou before taking them out of tlx* stable in the morning, wetting ttie oars, neck and flunk. This has long been done by Now Jereoy farmers as a preventive against llios upon boreos. A grumbling oar drivor ?aicl to a pnfl8ongi?r: 'You always want mo to stop wnon you get on.' -jno, sir, siua tho passongor, who had no jnmping notions, I don't euro what you do. I only want tho our to stop. You can go on.' Ono of tho attractions of tho Paris oxhibition of 1878 is to bo tho lnrgosi balloon ovor limdo. It will contain 13,000 cubic motrou of gas, and is to bo 32 to 34 motrcs in diumotcr. Tho cur will bold fifty poisons. *'Wbon women lrwiko bread," said V^uiz, moralizing over mi ihiuoiiu biscuit at tlio breakfast tabic?"When women make broad, a curious phono* motion often results; you find a little dear bringing forth a little dough.' An employco who doosn't havo his hand* washed nnd his coat on ready to strike lor homo as noon a* tho clock begins to strike twelve or six, in not ontorpritting enough to work by tho day. ? ? i iuchunnn'M Pino Htrcot modicii! col logo in Philadelphia was raidod on tlio '20th inst. Tho romnins of four infants woro found on tho promises. This is tho institution which issued bogus diplomas. Dr. liuchunun is a fugitive.