The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 01, 1876, Image 1

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y ? # THE PICKENS SENTINEL. I |-^ I'll ! ; WW ; U?1 ,. 1,-: 1 i , i ...... ... <-, ....... . . _ .. . ...... ,i , . . ... t ' l. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF TIIE COUNTRY, VOL. V, PICKENS, S. C.t THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1876. ~ ? 'NO. 39, + ;? ?? ? : ' ^ 1ifiA TC*Mn0* ClMkrf** I I J " '* Oiganization + We published 10 onr last issno a capital article from the Kingstreo Btar on tho above subjoct, which we hope oar roaders havo cnrofully Weighed. Tho subject is ono of such r paramount iuiportanco at tho present timo that it deBorves to bo kept before our people. Our County in I860 wa* thoroughly organized and tho ^ white poopio voted lor sevoral year3 almost as a unit in tlio election of Stato and County officers. Frequent dofoat in otlior parts of tho Stato has, from a failuro to reap the oxpected q fruits, produced dis6aiisfaction, then despondency and finally diegust, resulting in disorganization and an al. most hopolcss prospect of reorganix ration, This is to bo regretted, for organization has at least given us ?ood County officers, and this is of no Btnall coiiBoquonco. It is a fact that evil county governments with ^ hoavy county taxes and county debts have in uiany parts of the State proved a moro intolerable evil than ? the State Government, and for this _ J _ A ' roMon our county una received constant accoBsione of good citizoua from other, ooantiea in tho State. Apart from monetary consideration it would not be plesiaant for our citizcns to b0 tiecosaurily thrown into contact with discourteous, incompoteut or corrupt f ofticiala in the transaction of thoir buainoas. Wo do not say a failure to organize will ncceesarially result in the election ot unenitablo persona t> office, but 110 one should forget that an ounce of prevention is worth a jx>und ot cure, and organization is j the only sure prevention in this mat t?r: Tho history of tho two preceding contests affords no proof oi the absence of danger, fur in both those the Republicans woro divided and run two iiokt-it*. Aj'fut from il.i-j di> vision tour yoarc ago certain uufutu would have resulted in eovoral im^ portant county offices. This is a matter for the pooplu to consider and detcrmino for themselves, and wo will acquiesce in their decision. Wo v havo no personal interost in the mat ter except as ft citizen Booking tho . good of our county. Wo think we! can therefore speak with a dieintor- ' oetod mind. Why do tbo pooplo tool an 7 opposition to organization? Wlmt can any good citizon desiro farther than that trustworthy and competent persons shall fill tho State and Ooun* 0 tj offices) This is of the highest itnu t iiOrtance and should bo above every consideration of private interest.-? This thorough concort of aotion can fiuroly bo attained, while without it, it may be lost. Wo know thero are many who consider tho giving tho control Si their votes to tho wish ot a maioiitv as vifil(lin/r 111) Umir onm-orl a K J r> "" I* "" ??V. vw liberties, and in one view this is true but is it not bptter to (Jo this in our 4 present condition than to have foisted ovor our liberties of person and 1 ights of proporty incompetent or corrupt oflifcors by an ignorant minority.? -m Shall wo as an intelligent people, by scattering our votes sutler defeat at ?l.a !!-? ?- * ' ?uv mi i/iib duuu minority (i ino Republican party of this county?? This would bo sacrificing tho sub stance fo tho shadow of liberty; tho palty pleasure of voting for a fi iond dooinod to defoat to tho truo interest ot thu county. Wo are living iu ox*? traordinary times and in an abnormal condition of tho political world of South Carolina. We roquiro thorfore + extraordinary and abnormal action to avert anticipated orila. Wo are not situated as in ante-bellum days and cannot saiely submit to the guidance of ante-bellum experience. Even ??? t'-' uvivic iu? wih umor niaiot) were arrayed in oompact parties but lioro there was no party but the people and no rule of voting but individual judgement. Is such tiio caeo now? Thqro are two grout partioa in the ^ Stuto, ouo held together l>y the iron uamis oi ignorance, ttio other ecatterod by its very intelligence and love of independent action. We admire individuality of opinion, but is it safe now? Would he not bo a fool, wlio, in distress at sea and in danger of shipwreck, should pair off each with squads, instoad of uniting as ono in an to save the ship? Lot our people stand together and strive together to win over to our party as many as wo can of both races who aro against ue. We havo about 2,000 votors in tho county and Ices than a H. van nfflnAo ?-v fill ?^ ? ? ku uii, t)U limv ?uy OHO can see how few can ho succossful.? Without organization and knowledge that tho people intend to stand together and roto together for candidates selected iu somo way, wo may reasonably count on torty candidates and forty defeats. The Republicans without a nomination or 'uriinarv J election, will vote tlie englo ticket and ewoep the county. If such should prove tho case, wo will utter as fow lamentations as any man. We havo stood upon the walls and proclaimed "to your tents O Israel," aud as you have not heeded, our skirts will be clear. We do not ask any man to take our opinion, but we aek overv man to . ti consider this matter carefully. Wo will admit there are men in the Republican party in the county compo^ tent to fill any of our offices, but can they be elected? and if they could, would you not prefer good men of you own part)? Let every man ask himself the question, who are they who advoeato opposition to our organizing? Are thoy not men socking i-lliee aa a general rule? Will you lot their private interests in any way conflict with the public good? We know there are 'many eood men. who oddoho or<mni ? w ? r i d zation both on principlo and thoir past experience, To all such, we would say, consider tho times and cir cumstancee, and auk yourselves if a changed condition ol things in every avocation in iifo does not generally call lor a changed course of conduc'.? Does not the present political condi (ion can ror a cnango in tho politica1 wisdom of your past lives? If on your oonsoicncoH you answer nay, then wo are satisfied. Wo would not have you adopt our viowa unless you agree with thorn. Wo would not, it wo could, in any way control tho ao^4 YkJ ^ i ? nun ui iwiy inuii. ?? u wuiuu iiuw ji?Burao such responsibility, but having such fixed viows on the subject wo aak all our readers to reflect well and act not from prejudice or passion, but from his best judgement. At this particular juncturo there is every reason that our people should organize and prepare to stand by tho action of the Democratic party.? Those who have kept pace with the ti(ii04 will see in the near political futnro a Democratic President in tho VVhito House, as wo now have a Democratic Housoof Representatives in Congress. Tho party has been gaining ovorjrwnore, uniu south uar olina stands almost alono in tlio South unredeemed from tho thralldom of Radicalism. Ilonco Colonel Oliotlr rati said in tho State Convention, "la there danger of Democrats joining tue ivepublican partyf luu la an inopportnno timo to join that party whilo it is on tho run. The time'for Democrats tobccomo Kopublican has passed." * * * Ho concluded by saying (<that with, the holp of God the Democrats intondod to carry tho State at the next election." The Democratic star two years ago roso A I l 2 i At ...4 i! huuvu iue iiori/.uii lur iiiu mm mno in mauy years, and wo havo every roas eon to believe it will continno to riso higher for many years to como.? When our readors consider that tho late cenvontion marshaled euch sterling patriots as ex Governors Perry Bonham, Manning, Qenerala Oonuor} liarllee, Butler, Kennedy, (Jury ami a host of other leading lights of the State, representing every shade of Conservative opinion, and that the voice of tbat body was "organise and proparo to work for success in tbe State this fall," how can they disregard it? When thftV oonuirlo?* lliof thore was a very general opinion tliat South Carolina should and could bo redeemed this fall, will thoy not unite for one great effort to that end in tho Centennial Year? How many glorious memories of tho past riao up to animate and move evory man in tho good workl Wo havo never bofore annn r?m? nomOn ~ ? ' ?.. > VIM J/VUJ/IO UVIVI I1IIIIUU IU nuu above the evils surrounding and oppressing thorn. Loading tnon from Abbovillo, Edgefield, Laurens, Marion, Clarendon and other counties speak ot success in their counties with certainty. Shall tho mon of Oconeo, living in one of tho gloriouB thirteen (States in this natal Contonial of their liberty, flag, when tho Stato for tho first time since reconstruction is terribly iu earnestl Wo bope not and if they will "not organizo for County ends, let tbein unito in a common effort fur tli? RUf? have never been behind, and our patriotism haa only beon equaled by the hospitality ot our people. With a re doomed State, what a country haa our pooplel What unbounded resources in the mineral, agricultural and manufacturing worldl Wo would not bo pressing on this subject did we not feol that there is hopo this year I that tho matoriul and 6ulid tone o* tlio lato convention did not clearly indicato a bopo and dotormii.ation to succeed Una fall. Wo hopo our road era will carofully ro-peru6o tho fur proceedings of tho lato Democratic convention, anu i'uey must see in a!! its acts and conduct tho words hope, determination and success. We shall not recur to this subjoct soon, as wo do not wish to distract tho minds ot our peopio in uii? busy season, but wo have written these lines to bring thofyoople to reflect during tho sum I A. _ -J - 1 ? ? saai- am to uo sucu servico as tnoy can in tho good cau>e. Tho immense product of silver from our Pacific slopo mlnos and tho demonetization of that .motal by Gormany?that is, tho making of gold its solo standard of valuo?has boon having tho ofToct of lcs8oningtho valuo of silver for somo time dabL But lust ? * ? ? a " now two ovonts conapiro to ohook tho deprooiation of silver, and tho prioo of tho bullion is advanood. These ovonts aro tho announcomont of a new Indian govornmont loan of $20,000,000 to bo brought out in London, and tbo passage by Congroasof our now silvor ourroncy bill. This lattor of course croatoa a market for tho silvor bullion on this aide, and for thu Indian loan it i? auticipatod remittances to India will bo mado in silvor. JLLonco a cablo telegram from London on last Wodnosday stated that mlver thorO had advancod to 53id., an advauce of about Id. within a day or two. Whon it gots abovo .r)Gd. thon its worth as a commodity ondangors its circulation as change. Were it thus to advanco tho foar is oxprossod^ that tho oflfoct would bo, undor tho oporation of our now law in rcdooming tho factional papor currency with it, to leavo us without a small curroncy for tho parposo of ohango. With tho groat abundanoo and rapid production ot tho motal in thin country, howovor, such a rouuit hoottih nnraiy prooaoio. Tiio ooin, wo tako it, whon onco out will koop tho fiold, as thoro will bo abundance of bullion for molting up bo* sides. Thoro is a burdon of oaro in gotting riohos, foar in kooping thorn, tomptation in using thorn, guilt in abusing thorn, sorrow in losing them, and a burden of account at last to bo givon up concorning thorn. ? Matthow llcnrv. / " The oat crop in Ed^oflold county is unusually fino. OatH aro up to a man'a shoulder*, and very thick and hoavy. from th* Philadelphia Timt*. { Practical Hint* for Visitors to the j Big 8hoW. , THK TOUR OF INSPECTION. 1 In making their tour of inspection, i most began with the Main Building, entering it with the plausible rosolve not to roam aimlessly and abstract- j edly among ite wonder and boautios. , but to bogin with tho moat promi- ( nent department, study it eystomati- ] cally, and continuo in like maanor , ! until n thorough notico of each of tho j others should bo takon also. One ( party, wearing scientific looking | spectacles, and having note booko ' and poncil in hand, was heard ?av. . w J 1 * at tlio western entrance, that ho was | bent upon "doing" France. Ho had < not, however, takou thirty paces np the navo when ho halted and stood as if magnetized before a wax group in the Swedish section, on his loft. The object which attracted him and many others who had made roaolm Hons equally good consisted of five life-siKO standing figuiea in wax, gazing upon the stuffed hide of a moose representing the animal in a helpless, prostrate condition, woond- , ed and dying. Two of tho party are | hunters, two moro their wivee, and a , third the littlo girl of one of them. , All are appropriately oostumod and, ( their appearance, even to tho por- , traiture of thoir feelings in their , il. n 1 1 1 1 .1 A* v>uuuiv;iit?ui;i:o uuu uiu nnru OIUOOIIUO , veins in their hands and faces, is ao seemingly natural that the illusion is with tho utmost difficulty removed, i One hunter oyea with pity and ro ] gret tho poor, meek creature which ( ho has just shot, tho ball having | entered tho 6ido over tho heart and | 2ono out on tho richt. and tho Imir . about b >th wounds, especially the i latter, being clotted with blood. Tbe other huntor views tho scone itli < the oyo of a hardened old anatomist, ] but the womon appear filled with ] compassion, and one of them me* i chanically points to tho gun,as though showing her little girl what gave tbe mortal wound. Tho child clasps her < arms round her mothor'a kno?n ?nH ?, ] I in pity, half in affright, partly turns her faco and looks askance towards i tho agouizod moose. Tho figures i are fixed upon a platform covorod , with artificial turf and rooks. The sections of both Sweden and Norway < are remarkable for groups in wax, i representing scenes characteristic of i (nose romantic countries. i SUPERHUMAN WORK. 1 This was but ouo of tbe hnndreds of interesting things met by him of the scientific spectacloB on his way to < "do" Franco, and at every ouo of tho same hundrods would that irresolute individual havo stopped had not his i prefacing studies beon interrupted by tho belle, which began to ring, | \/.\ug ni'j nour lor excluding I visitors and closing tho gatos for tho night. Although five hours in tho | building he didn't notice tho flight of time, and, before tho bells culled him to his senses, ho felt satisfied that after " doing" Franco ho would ho a bio to mako extonsivo notes of things of Machinery, Memorial, Agricultural and Horticultural Ilalls, tho Government Building, half a uuiiuii VI on in IL1U Uiniu HVI llCVIIIUB, and souio five scoro of tho miscellaneous ones, making specialties of the Japanese dwelling and tbo Turkish coffeo house. Tliero may bo moral attached to this incidont, bat tho re?? membrance of it will harm no one who proposoa to mako more than a superficial study ot the Exhibition within tho compass of a couplo of days. It does uot, after all, detract from the interest of tho display in tho Muin Building that arrangements in some of tho sections are incomplete. Visitors find It highly ontortaining to witness, for instance, the Japanese giving the finishing touches to a pyiamid ot lacquered ware, or the Egyptians assorting and arrangn tng on shelree yataghans, heinlets and articles of costly plate which, according to tradition, did service before the name of Ctraar was known to the world. . IilDINO ON A 0HA1R. The rolling chair brigado has bo** ?tin a propitious oampaign. Up and Jown the nave and acroHa th? trnn.l ?epta of both tho Main Building and Machinery Hull moro BcoreB of theeo nongrol vehiclos, ladon with fat people, thin peoplo, long pooplo and )hort people, and 'puflhod by decidly ight built pooplo in flashy uniforms, riio cost of riding in ono of those 3onlrivancos is twenty five cents per liour. Tho latter aro presnmod to bo walking encyclopedias of tho oxhibi* tion?at least hv nondornna nlrl Inrlinn -- j rv ? from the rural district, whoso modus 3porandi, in riding around, is to thrust a huge sun umbrella over their shoulders, prodding the pusher in the neck, and thereby calling hie attention to a stuffed llama, and asking bow it is that elophanta are not the Mme in reality as tboy are in piohi 1*A KaaIt* Tl?A * ~ >ui v wvao? jluv pwpiu wuj^i u^ihu about every attraotive objoct, and, if they don't know the name of it, and all about it, sorely tax the patience of Bxhibitore, who are, howover, gon*. orally willing to invest any amount of chat, knowing that there are more modes of advertising than by print3rs' ink. MBOUINKIIY HALL. The place which, but two weeks _ e * ? tgu, gnvo promise 01 Doing lor at least a month after the oponing the J nllost part of the Exhibition, contains now, next to the Main Building, the most improesivo display. The number of visitors here yesterday ivas at all times larger than in tho Main Building, and their attention was wrapt in the gigantic engine and its eight miles of shafting running at [ull steam, in the eninnimr of cotton ? i a - Mid wool, the wouving ot olotb, the printiug proBBoa turning off per minute from 300 to 400 complete copies of newspapers containing full parti cnlars of the preceding gala day and i fa cnlomnlKna fl?n nor***** - 4?w uv<v*uiMvivD| tuv ^/R^yio ugiug UUJ" tributed gratia among the spectators; the blowing of gloss, and hundreds of other prooesses representing all industries that call in the aid of machinery. Meanwhile their ears were treated to the olattering of spiudles, the humming of sewing machines and the almost deafening din of the more ponderous machinery. TUIT0B8 FKOM SOUTH OAKOL1MA. Aftor tho opening exercises were over, and tho crowd had dispersed through the Immense buildings, leaving the grounds comparatifoly open and cloar, ono of tho Turkish oxhi* bitora clad in the flowing silk gown peculiar to hia country, and aceom paniod by a beautiful young woman, who 6oemod to bo hia wife, and who was magnificently attired in the national costumo and brilliant with many goma, passed through tho a von uo loading from Machinery Ilall to tho Main Building. Tho couple attracted a groat deal of attention and mtifih innonnnt mmnmut WIi.mi they had just rotiched tho doors of tlio grand gallory tlioy wero met by a certain woll known negro mouiber of Congress from South Carolina, who was accompanied by two of those peculiarly beautiful colorod women who are bo often met with iu tho Pal motto state. As the parties ap^ proach oach other the Congressman, who was swollod out in all tho dignity of a dross coat and white kid glows, exclaimed, looking fixodlj at tho Turkish lady, tlI 'claros to man, dat am a gtummin' looking woman." A shado of jealous annoyanoc passed ovor tho taco of 0110 of his companions at) ho said this, and running closo up to tho Turkish party sho inspcctod tho faco of tho littlo lady from tho Knot with her gold mounted eye glasses. 'Then alio returned to her escort and axolalmed, "Well, Mr 8 1'ce eore I can't say I admires yonr taste. Date poor Tark gal a*int neither nigger nor white?just a poof yaller half-way thing?uothin' more* nothio1 less." Terrible Distress in Colleton?An Appeal for HelpWAi-fKufiouo, May 21.?A drought; vory injurious to tho growing crops of rico and cotton, which has boon rotardod by tho cold spring, was pleasingly cndod this afternoon by a do* lightful rain. It was accompanied by heavy thundor, lightning and hall.-^* Tho crops aro oxccptionnlly cloan and thoroughly worked and blessed With rain. If tho farmors could got sup^ plios of tho most ordinary kind to 1 * - - .... .. uuujr nuu Bom togoincr till tho let of August, Colleton will bo again on its feot. But wo Bay to your papor, tho champion of our pooplo, that tho wolf is at tho door. This is no fated alarm, thcro arc pooplo, and a largo number of them, horetoforo making their own provisions and indepondoOt of faotor and merchant, who will loso their orops again, and, iailing to got day labor, will absolutely etarro if help canuot bo obtainod. When tho Grange some weeks ago took tho initiative in tho mutter *nil your columns were opened lor their bonofit, it was beliovod that the dentin tution was exaggerated. But ono tonth was not known. Stops hare boon taken to ascertain the number of sufForors who neither have, nor oan obtain provisions." A partial re* turn has boon rocoivod. Three townships have roturnod ono hundred and twenty five familios, averaging six In family, all without broad; some of them havo boon living a "from hand j to mouth" oxistonoo for wcoks; others I havo had corn till now. I mi ' - jl uo most, 01 tuoflo pooplo haro a horso and a cow or two, which thoy say thoy will gladly soil, but cttnnot got an offor for thorn. lt. Tho merchants in 4ho villagw of Waitorboro say thoy u?vo advanced all thoy can, and those pooplo, as I have said, havo novor doalt with fao* tor. Somo lew havo sold their last oow and hog tor a moro pittanoo to somo romorsoloss speculator, to obtain a brief rospito from tho starvation whioh thoy beliove inovitablo. A mooting will bo hold at tho Court Houeo on saloday, Juno 5tb, whon returns from ovory township will como in and tho aotual oxtont of tho dostitution will be known and verified, and efforts uiado to obtain relief. Wo havo tho grateful assuranoo that Chafieston, ovor liboral and largo hoartod; will givo at loast hor oontribution to provont actual starvation and doath in a sistor county. A county oonvontion of tho Domo uruuu party win uo noia ai waiior? boro, Juno 5th, to elect an oxooutivft coramittoo, who will bo cbargod with tho more complo organization of tho party. Sovontoon ot tho twenty ono precinct clubs luivo boon organigod, and tho other four will bo boforo tho 5th Juno. A 1)kal> Lettku.?Tho Now York cIohob a long and wcathing articlo on Iho corrupt practices of tho Republican party in thoso words: "Yot with all thoso dovolopmonts and othors which aro suro to comc, tho surfaco has barely boon HCrntohod. Tho bottom facts cannot possibly bo roachod and tlio whole truth known until this administration is driven root and branch out of powor and tho Ro<* nnlilinun nurl v in nrimltnil nnurilnr i j ? rw " ? Tho two aro insoporatcly oonnoctod to gothoj-, iir spito of And por?onal antft~ goniema which my oxiat, or tho indi~ vidual purity of somo loadort and many follow? . Corruption has ]bo sprond through tho wholo machinery of govornmont that roform is imprao** ticnhlo without now hoads and n*w hands. Tho Kopublican party moat ho annihilated. Thoro is no other safely. ? - To bo patient and thorough in all that ono doos is to compell success in i any calling.