The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, March 30, 1876, Image 1

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I ' THF PIPI/lP\iSJ BpMTIATl^l 1 nnj JL iijiyHi?\>o loiiiiM i ii\ DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF TIIE COUNTRY. * . ; V0L. V. PICKENS, S. C? THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 187G. NO From the Enterprise ?j- Mountaineer. Belknap and Bribery. ? Tlifiro Iiiih been a moral bowl throughout tho Republican cohorts of tho pon and type in regard to tho ro. cently discovered bribery of tho Sec* retary of War. They 6eem to raise their hands in holy horror at the corruption of a inembor of their cabinnf Tr onnm i mm fltoti* ftti tvti ed indignation and hypocritical profcssiong and lamentations, that notli ing of the kind had over before auK lied tho immaculato purity of their party. Even the Democrats think frltrktr 11n i?n f<tntul n mn i?o'u iwtct <inr) "> will make capital out of it in tlio next Presidential election. Now let lis see what all this fuss ia about, and inquire if it ie tho discovery of something new under tho sun of Radlca' role. When Grant was electod President of the United States, Stewart, a millionaire merchant of New York, who 1 l i :.. i:? _ i iihu nuvur uugaguu 111 ponuus, aim know nothing more ot the duties ot the Secreiary uf tho Treasury than one of h'8 clerks, made tho President olect a present of fifty thousand dollars. in return for this handsome nresent. to a noor and avai inioua tr>:m wlioao moral poiccptions liuvo ever been very blunt, lie was appointed to preside over the Treasury Department. It<>be-on, another millionaire * of Pliilade)pliia out of uratitnde for military services rendered, gave tlr.l'rt'sident elect thirty thousand dollars, and lie whs rewarded fur his charity and benevolonco with tiieap i w\i it' moil ^ <i( coni'/tlui'ii f Iwi M ? ??t? I'l/IU IIIVIIV v/l OViWI vu?l J \J 1 I lio J.111VJT* A Not ono man in ten thousand had ever heard of Mr. Robeson. The public were i?8 ignorant of him as hu wae of the Navy depart men'. Mi Jb'idli, who enjoys an income of tw?> hundred thousand dollars a \ear llluHik O il.iltoflitll I'hadMouI (y IIII?V4V? (? v* * ' 111% V I V/ ' * V' A. I ViOl'iUII I VJT 1 U I I . ot titty thousand dollars, and ho \varewarded with tho oilioe of Secrolar) . ot State. Thcso wealthy u.en want ed poiiiioul honors, and perhaps hail nctti u oi me imperial l'urple <. t It ?uie being not up at public auction by .? v corrupt soldiery. Now what is tne difference between tlio conduct ot President Grant and It is Secretary Belknap? The one \\iio paid in tor a Liirh oHicv and tlio otlioi* sold an insignificant post?-trader d!iip on a credit. The one uid Itia great shame publicly, and the other privately. The one seemed to have no m ?ral Reuse and V A.~C ?I I! VTUO uouniik U1 pilOlIC opinion. 1IIU other did have some ecruplosot eonscience, and tried to conceal his tur pitude. In plain language, it wa tho difference between a demi tnonde and an intriquantee. The one st 11her favors publicly, a id tho oilier trios to concoul them. The otio lint) no Bhame, and is defiant of public ^ Opinion,whilst the other has still some eonae of propriety and regard fur pub lie opinion. Morally, socially and politically, the chief is worse than bis subordinate in tho course ho Ins pursued. The post trader only sells bie goods at an enormous profit and fleeces Bomo iivo or six hundred sol diors. Tho ignoranco of a cabine iTiiiiistor i? an injury to tho whole ro <* imiKIS/I n !.i ..*5 ? * ? j.i.yj v* mo wnuJU1UM IB a DAilOllllI di?grnco. No Preaidont ovor boforo, was sur rounded with such a corrupt sot. Schenck, minister to England, had to run away from tho court of Si. jamoH, to oscapo boing sent to Newgate prison. Koboson, Socretary of Navy, Piorropont, Attornoy Gonoral aro tbroatond with impoaohmont.? Babcock, privato sccrctarv of t.l?n f President, was guilty, though acquit* ted, of whiskey frauds, and actually gtolo a lottor from tho Prosidont whilst his trial was going on. Tho brothor of Prosidont Grant is charge Kil iu!?li * ' ?jvt nmu UUIIIJ5 UUIIIIUCGCC1 Willi tVuildg it) the post tradoi'shipH, Il docs snom that tho whole Uopub lican party, in office, and out of office, is ontiroly corrupt and aro now tryincr in f!nnctmaa in an?.inn iI>a r> r>* ?? * ? ow.wwi. HIV. jjuni^ officials. Whon such is thocauo why mako such a hullaballoo about Bol~ knnp. Tho poor follow was only try. ing to sustain his wifo in hor lovo of oxtravatrant dross. fiinhinn A-.n Un received bribes undor compulsion, and if 1)0 roccived them reluctanily, ho was only following in tho footsteps of his illustrious chief. B. F. P. Louisvim.k, March 10.?On Friday last a most wondorful phonomenon occurrod at a point in Bath county, Kentucky, two miles from Mud .Lick Springs. At the time, two p. m., the hcavons wcro bright, tho sun was shining and only a few floating clouds wcro visible. Suddenly then appeared a light cloud ovor tho farm of M.. J ? mi, vjnniull, w mull HUeillUU UCSCCIIUing upon tho earth. It hung over head a few brief momonU and then aomothing white fell lo tho earth.? Tho fall continued ten minutes. Men and women tiion went out and oxamined llio flakos, and diacovcrod thorn to bo floah, reaombling mutton. Whon piekou u|? they quivorcd, A epaco 200 by 100 yards in oxtont was cov~ crod, and a number of trees, fences, &o., wore also full of the strange sub stance. Stains like tboso produced by blood in its secondary condition marked spots wbero the flakes bail louchod. Drovos of chickcns and hogsawarmed around the place and ate the flesh will) great gusto. The inhabitants for nules around camo for several days afterward and collected speci men4. Hundreds aro willing to testify by affidavit to the truth of the entiro matter. <' hi v^iijiunu uuiit, u wcii Known retired attorney of Mount Sterling, gave the Courier Journal roportor sonio flakes lo night, and llio latter placcd them in charge ot' Professor J. Lawrence Smith, a scientist, who will examine them to monow. JIo says the sub?. stance is of an animal naturo. When the Hahes fell they were f rom I he size of a pea to that of a human flngor,and? an eighth inch in lliinknnHfl mul nf I ho color of flesh. Thoy have since assumed u dull rod and while hue, and uro somowhat withered. A butcher ate ono flako and pronounced it very palatable, but was unable to say what kind of an animal theflosh came from, Tho inhabitants of tlio locality Yvhdio the phenomenon occurred approached tho flesh with superstitious iiwo, uiul ut ti 1*61 would not touch it. Mr. II. Gill, of Mud Lick.Springs, pros curcd n number of specimens and proserved them for scientific examination. Washington, March 10.?The IIoiiho ( on 1'ntnnt.a tr? ilnu ~..J reported adversely on iho npplication of A. 13. Wilson for an extension of his patent for sowing machines. This in a celebrated and valuablo "four motion food," now used by Whooler & Wilson and other machines, f ho application lias boon before Congress for Hovoral years, and protests against the extonsion havo boon recoivod during that timo signed by nearly ono million persons. All of tho small sowing machino companies, which had been roquirod to pay a heavy royalty to tho "Sowing Machino Combination," composed of tlio four loads ing machinoH, have fought tho extension uavagoly sinco it was originally prcsontod. This refusal will ultimato-. ly roduco tho prico of sowing machines vory groatly, as soon ns tho fourmotion food becoinos public proporty. Tho committco nay that tlio applicant has already made two or throe large fortunes outol his invonlion, and that it is now timo to givo tho publio a ehanco. Tho tostimony takon hoforo tho committoo shows that tho cost ol sowing machinos is not moro than from twolvo to lifteon dollars. J3T A man who is 8G yoara old was married, in Aikon, by Kov. Dr. Shaw, to a Mias of 18 years old. Wo would any that none o( our oldetH [ bachelors neod despair, Letter From Philadelphia. Messrs Editors: Thinking a letter from tho "Oiml/ni' ?s_i.4 i? ? -- v VIIJ' III 1^ II L DC UI somo interest to your readers, I hnvo concluded to give you a few i'ems, Laving spent twd coneecutivo wintors here, and whilst Philadelphia is a good pl&oe to learn of human nature as woll as science, it is not so well calculated to make a Southern man fV?r?l rtf C ??v ut/inc, uuuiiusu 01 ii want oi that hospitable and social fouling that we of thoSouth look upon as an ally of religion, and without which, we had rather be out of tho world than in it, especially, if wo leel that we are prepared tor a better life beyond. rni mo average riiiladelphian is a wide awake, encrgetie hurry-up follow?11n8 no time for rmicli social en joyment. If he bo a professor of re ligion, is on tlio phlegmatic order, not ardent nor impulsive like many ot his denomination are further South, lie supports his pastor, has a line ehureli in which to worship, and has a deal of commendable church pride. Tbe preaching ot tlio clergy, with but few exceptions, is not of a revival chancier, and when they do have a revival it is a quiet one. Even iloouy and San key's meetings that I would have perfectly enthused any 1 ordinary Southern congregation of * wot shippers, had but little visible cff??f*t ill mil fln> niw? million '.f ?. V.. V v.. V IIIIIMVU VI J/VI -V/IIQ that attended theni while in this city. Such zoal, energy and perseverance o nccomplUh good is hut seldom seen as these servants of the Most lligh manifested. And as tor Mr. S.mky's singing, I i ever expect to her sweets or till I hear it in heaven. There were only about two hundred of the multitudes tliut thronged to hear them that professed conversion. The result of their meetings wad nothing like us great as was anticipated. 1 think the people thought too much ol them and not enough of him whose servants they are. There are iihniit 100 <?hurf?lin& in this city and 130,000 IVote.-.tani Church members, 100,000 nt whom are females. So out of the. 00,(00 souls in this lai <:e town, there are on1> 50,000 malo Protestant Church members. There aro 250,000 adulis in this city that never attend chinch, and 100,000 persons that aro thought fO ti? tlio rtnariniMlfol u Ii'int/wl | clafie. There are 7,000 drinking ealoons and lager beer enough annually drank to form a canal 3 teet deop, 12 teet wide and 17 milos long. What ii field tor Good Templars? The Centennial ia now the theme for all classes to discourse upon.? The buildings are quite wonderful us well as extensive. They cover alvnt 300 acies in Kairmount Park, and are visited daily by tens of thous anci9. Alio Main I5niMing covers 21 acres, thts body is of iron, the founda lion granite. Machinery llall covers nearly 14 acre, and ia of wood, iron and piers ot masonry.?Tlio Art Gallery is built ol Granite, glass and iron and is intended as a memorial of tlie ( 'ontMlinilll Kvliihit i.m mid a rnnrtai. tory for paintings, statuary and oilier works of art. Tlio building is 3G5 feet in length, 210 feet in width, 59 teet in height, and id surmounted by a dome. Tho dome rises from the center of the edifice, 150 feet from tbo ground. Tho large figuro on the dome personates Columbus. Tne lig a res at ench corner of the dome typi* fy the four quarters of tlio globe ? EhcIi pavillion displays ft window .'30 feot high and 12 fuet wide, it also ornamented with tilo work, wreaths of oak and laurel, 13 stars in the Iriizo and a colossal eaglo at eaeh of itk A I l? ! > iuu \;wiiiuio. iljji luuiliintl I > II1111111 tr j covers about 10 acres. T'?e plan is a paraleliograin ol MO feet by 280 luct. In tkiis building will bo a display of all the products of the forest, .both in primary and secondary form, and will also contain the bark of ono or more of the ginnt trees of California, taken ofl the trunk in segments and Beet ions, and placed on a skele Ion frame of tho same dimensions as the original. Horticultural Building is 1< caied on Lonsdno Terrace, and commands a view of tho Schuylkill River and portions of the city, and is intended as a permanent ornament to tho Park. It is in the Manresque stylo of architectuio of tho twelfth century, tho external materials being of iron and glass. Tlio building is 383 feet long, 103 feet wide and 72 feet high. Thcro are many other building* ?!.?.> - ? j i ' i.idii mvou luuiiuoiicu oeitig built by corporations and the Uni'ed States, as well as thoso that are beii g put up I by foreign governments. Among the latter is that of the Japancso, which is attracting considerable attention, it being constructed without nails?the workmen building first the roof and thou the walls. The whole cost of all tho buildings, not including fountains statuary, etc., that I have not timo to describe, will cost at least $10,000,000. I would ad vise every hocly, especial ly I lie youngor people, to pay the exhibition a viait and see tbo world's wonders, and then when thov return " i home, if tl.ey live in the South, they I ought to thank a kind Providence for giving them a place, the best on earth, in which to live and die! Our College Commencement is over. We had quite a nice time. I The Academy of Music, the largest hull in (he city, \fhero we held our oxercinos, was packed by ab'?ut 4,000 persona. Forty four ol the hundred ami live niatricula'es graduated,throe from your State and one lrom Georgia. Your humble correspond .'it* though a Georgian l?y a loption, is a South Carolinian by birth, and will ere long be in your city to give your good citi/uns an opportunity to prove whether his diploma has beon wort hi iv oosioweu. 1?. (j. JMuhiiaii. Philadelphia Dental College, March 1, 1870. Tiik or a ?Nkwspai?kr.? The following is the experieneo of a mechanic concorning the benefit of a newspapor. Ten years ago I lived in a town in Indiana. On returning home one night, for I am a carpontor by trade, I rhw ii lit.tin rrirl Innt n -- -.wv.v to*** *VW? w \nj UWUl j illiu I asked my wifo who sho was. Sho said Mrs llarriu had eont hor after their newspaper, winch my wifo had borrowod. As wo sat down to tea my wife said to mo by name: 4,I wish you would subscribo for tho newspaper; it is so much comfort to mo when 3x11 aro away from home." " I would like to do so," said I> "bill you know I owo a payment on tho houso aiid lot. It will bo all I can do to meet it." Sho I'onliotl. "If VOll will Inlrn iliia paper, I will sew for Lho tailor to pay for it." 1 subscribed for tho paper, it came in due time to tho whop. Whilo resting ono noon and looking over it, I saw an advertisement of tho County Commissioners to lot a bridgo that was to bo built. I put in a bid for mo urui?^o, anil tliojob was awarded to mo and on which I cloarod which enabled mo to pay for my house and lot easily, and for the nowapapo1' I should not have known anything about the contract, and could not Imvo met my conduct on the house and lot. A mechanic novor loses bv taking a newspaper. hoNhoN, March 19.?All tho railways convorging at Abordoon liavo boon blookod by hiiow for thirty-four hours and (.olographic communication is iiiiiiuKL tuuuiy iniorrupicu. ttlXtOOH train* aro blockaded on tho Caledonian Railway nlono, and or?o train hag not boon heard ofs'neo Friday. An Irishman supplies Chicago with most ol its lager boor. Tho School Fund Apportionment. Tho following tabic is published by tl.r, r?~l 1.!~ T T ? * " ... v..v, vumiiiuiii uDiun-tLcraia to snow tho exact wharo of cncli County in tho Stato approptiation for Public Suhools. 801110 Counties do not get as much as they did last yoar, while some got more. This is due to the faot that the money is apportioned to the Counties on tho basis of the school attendance. Tboso Counties in which J the average attendance was less than last year do not, therefore, receive so large a share of tho fund: Kamo of School ApportionCounty. Attendance. incut. Abbeville 5,387 912,148 2") Aiken 2,301 5,189 00 Anderson 4,815 10,020 00 Barnwell 4.000 0,223 40 Beaufort. . , . , , ,i tvjWM X IJ JL %/ 1 KJ Charleston 11,070 24,904 05 Chester 4,013 9,040 75 Chesterfield 1,001 3,010 45 Clarendon 1,092 8,815 05 Colleton- 8,708 8,497 25 Darlington . , . ..2,702 0,093 .10 Bdgefield 4,029 9,085 85 Fairfield 1,482 3,342 05 Georgetown ... 2,585 5,829 45 Grocnvillo 5,370 12,109 90 Ilorry 2,285 5,152 90 Kershaw 1,553_ 3,502 20 Lancaster 1,457 3,285 70 Laurens 4,:>33 9,900 90 Lexington 2,257 5,089 80 Marion 2,918 0 580 40 Marlboro 3.183 7.17H Oil Newberry 1,930 '1,372 05 Oconoc 2,483 5,599 15 Orangeburg 3,814 8,001 00 Pickens 1,771 3,993 80 llicbland 2,041 5,955 75 Spartanburg 5,740 12,9-14 30 Sum tor 3,095 0,979 55 Union 2,425 5,408 G5 I WiiiianiKhmvr S Ons ft oto r..-. ^ . , wjvt/v Uji/ | u t/U I York 4,530 3 0,215 05 School blank* 1,000 00 Total 110,41 G 8250,000 00 <S> ? London, March 20.?Nearly all the railroads north of the llivor Tay remain more or less blocked by snow. Tho Caledonian lino is covored with .snow -ii toct deep near Aberdeen.- Twelve trains are standing snowed in at ono point. More than a dozen trains aro bloekod on the Groat Norths ern Lino. Telegraph lines arc buried at several points north of Aberdeen. Tho mail from Dundee to Perth yes-* tcruay took 14 hours instead of the usual forty minute?. The cold to day is intense. - ? ??* We havi. all doubtless hoard of it raining "cats and dogs," and some have heard of deluges of ovorshoos and umbrellas. In Kentucky, tho oth er dav. a rain of rnfn moot ^ , IXVIVV 113 IUJ1UI IUU but the sciontist who looked '.uto tlio matter swoars tlio stuff was neither fish, flesh nor fcwl, hut frogs. Now Indiana comes to the front with a rain ' of fish. At Winchester tho oilier day j in that State, "acres of living fish' fell tlio other d-iy. Some of tlicin wore four feet long and weighed 30 pounas. \\ o aro not astonished to learn that a calf was killed and a horse's back broken by tho scaly show ei\ The only wonder is I hat some ol the inhabitants did not share the calf's fate. As this is lent, wo might stand a rain offish in Georgia, but wo don't caro to havo thorn so largo. The Now York Herald says, tin.elec'ionof n Domocrntic Iloue>o ul Representatives in 187't now proves to l>c a national blessing. Not that the Democratic party is iho custodian of the honor ol iho country, but that tho existence of a powerful opposition in Congress is necessary to honest administration. Would a Ko publican LLouao havo investigated the corruptions of tho War Department? IS ever. Party prido 'prohibitcd tho admission that inquiry was needed. ? i ? ? Lieutenant Governor Davis of Misaisdippi, resigned liis ortlco previous to tho decision of his case by tho impoaclnnent court. Tho "Governor ac>. copied tho resignation. Governor AvmriH ift to t.rifid ? ^ w Primary Election* jl no Andorson Intelligcncor nays, that tin csteomcd citizen has pl'dpa!"od "a plan whereby to nominate candidates, hy which tho Democratic Tclubs can nominate nil tlinii* dates impartially and j>i8tl3T." which is herewith submittod to tho public at his request: "Let each club nominate honont, compotcnt and honorable men of <?<joti character lo till as many of tho ofilcos as tho club kcch fil to nornimate, endeavoring to select men that aro worthy and competent, lot thorn live in whatever part of tho County they may. Let every dub nominate and Bond up tho names of the nom* ineea lo the County club some con siuurauic length of time before tbo nomination, so that cach and every club may know who arc ihe proposed nominees, and then lot the County club order an election after the form of ordinary elections, lo tako placo between such and such hours, on a specified day, in a particular month; and lot every person voto for such nominee or nominees as will havo lo bo clfKitoil in (l>r> f..ll ... >?u uiuviiuim, uvory man voting at that nomination who ht\s enrolled his name or caused it to bo enrolled in any Democratic club in the County, and any person not having enrolled his name in any club will bo allowed to vole for nominees, provided ho enrolls previous to bit* offers ing to vote, and not otherwise. Evory person voting ahull bo required to vote a full ticket, so that il may bo a lair election between all the nominoos, each club sball cunt the votes when the election is over, and the Prcsidont ol each club shall solect some ono or two members of his club to carry tho wics or mc result ol the clcction to the Court House llic next da?, ift order to count up tlio amount of all the votes cast at I ho various el*.:bs, and 1110 nominees getting the largest number of votes shall be our nominees in the fall elections; and no person shall be voted for who hhall bo nom* * mated after tlio club shall have presented their nominations to the An* dcrson County Democratic Club." ?? . ? . ... A Resolution concerning tho rociatrictingof thcState was adopted yestor day by the House Committee of Elec? Lions of the United States Congress.? Tho committee was lull and the vote unanimous. Resolved, that in the opinion of this committee, t.lm aovoi-nl r V*.. ~? , . V> >M vywui^l V;oniUUUI Districts of the United Slntos ought to be composed of contiguous territory, and near us may bo equal population, and whereas it appears that a district in tho State ol South Carolina is composed of counties not contiguous, it is mo unanimous opinion of this com mittco that the Legislature of that Slato, now in session, ought to redistriet the Slate in conformity with tho law now in force. ? ^ ? ? "Colon," who was very much disturbed by tho noiso ot the gamin 'round Hultimoro Corner, triod to put a . to it, l>y -'-ing the opportunity of ?ing oil' u few in the lloruld, Wo hciiL our local up tlio oilier evening to reconnoilro, telling liim to mindliis p's ami q\s. lie reported no 011c ?ing around with f j- in their 65s? y-j that tlio J between tlio Comoro was deserted; tho elephant had gone; the voice oi tho auctioneer was hushed; that tho * * * shod their rudianco upon a see no ol un||ed security; and all was still; not oven a rat Htirrcd, ? horso stirred, a cow stirred, oi a dog stirred arround Baltimore Comer, lie eaino back with an ! and having seen 0 lo report, and no one to bo" put in [ ] declared, that ? was til) right. Ilo did not sco : but found the "devil" on his way back. a lauy remained to a popular di-* vine 111 a t. Iiiti sormons wore a litto loo lon<;, ''Don't yon tlilnk 8o'<" said1 oiro ?"just a littli#'' 41 All! dear tnadltftn/ replied the divino, I am afmi<) yon don't like 'the milk of ll?- \Vor<f'* t .1..? 1 ? A vn, i v?w, Drt!U Hilt/, l/lll JUtt IBUOXW iho fashion now r.-dajrs to ^condensed niilk.,r