The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, March 09, 1876, Image 1

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' JHE PICKENS SENTINEL.' j & .ag^ .-. : : __i , : - . ' ; - ~i' ' - ; 1 .. - J " * . 'ft?? - ? m?n ? f DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION A&D TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OSVTtfE COUNTRY. VOL} V. PICKENS, 8. 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, J876. . -T ~ ^ IC , , 'Tl Fitness of Things " Thoso uo are fond of tho writing! of tho "F her ot tho English Novel" * may reconizo our title n6 tho point of depart re ns well na tho goal of j ino mon 8)8iein oi pniiosopher Sqare. hutevor was 'fit' was docidod by Square to bo right, and 0 wbatevoAaa 'unfit' was wrong. Now w,do not profess to bo a dis ciplo of philosopher Square, nor indeed of ajy other philosopher in par ^ ticular; bt wo do beliovo that there is, after ill somo importance to bo attachd tjfitnees, and that it is unsafe uuu unwo 10 ignore H. Wo dmot propose to write nn essay, bower; but simply to present, and to reiow aomo curious cxnmplos ot unfitnts whicl> huvo eotne under onr notic Q J kjuiuu uiiu ngo wo were in cnnrcn during io session of a Sunday ScLool. t was a strange place to us, and, as iajour wont, wo looked quiet ly arounclus, if pcrctiance wo might find Bomehing worth noticing. On tho uupailted pine tablo at the foot of tho unjuinted pine pulpit, wo saw two paporuoxes. One of theeo box fta was cotfepicuouely labelled, 4 doz. Paregoric tho other '1 doz. Syrup of Squills.' ( Wo looWl around at tho Sunday fW?lmnl nhillrgn. nnd found thoin ap? * parently <j\itu lioulthy. It waa very .?fc ? .. - 1 ^ >. uii|jv;i in uiiusuimuer; aim liobody soerted to be troubled with a Plough or si bold; and we could not conceive theuBe ol tho tninnturo ujfbtliecarv's thnp on tho tablo. Tho oontents ol t\ie boxes wore unknown t0(>.H8. Freewill v one of the teachers ? cauio up to 4>c table, removed the Cult fi'/im nnn If ili" wnv? y i Iii\i i;"AV33j ttllU H?Utt cut?what??? vial? No. Well, you $ould never g?eee; so wo will relieve your curiosity? Ilo took out some Sunday School iickets. f* In a conspicuous place in another part of the church sat another hox, nJso made ot paj>cr and covered with e ft clo6c fitting tc^> This box was labelled 'pomade uhilocome.' YV? wish wo could toll the reader what 'pos made philocome' i*; but we can't. It 1,1 ia perhaps a technical term belonging to some branch of science which we have never etnditd?so much the' worse for lie. We were afraid to nsk anybody at the church what 'pomade philocome' was, for we did not know that such a question would bo well recoived l>ut we waited 'till ovcry0 body else had loft the church, and ^ then wo examined tho bojAt our leisure. Tho top hod a hole in it, ov idently cut with a Unite on purpose. Tho hole was similar in sizo and shape to those which wo commonly eee in collection boxes. Wo opened *it~ U? ; . i. i > ihu ui?A, u u. ioos mo top oil, and in it we found exactly wlmt we oxpected to find?nothing. But we did not mean to let all this examination got for nothing. Wo determined that those boxes should furnish us with a Bubjeet for an article on 'tho fitness of things.' Our next ox amnio wo will take from tho New York Tribune. Mere it is: 'Wo get ftn exceedingly dishearten ing story from Saratoga. It struck tho Kev. Mr. 1'oardtnan that it vrould ho a good thing to hold a prayer meeting at tho gate ot a race conreo, and invoked the valnahlo aid / .1 XT oi mo xoung men's uuristian Association to help him. Tlio day cnmo and tho hour; but alas! thoro was no r meeting! The young Christians were not to bo found at tho gate. A fright. ** ful rumor announced that thny had gono insido, altractod by tho wordly vfinitv of ft liurdln vnnn tw.#... M. JJonrdman was coin pel lod to givo up bis mooting, or to hold it eorriowliere oIbo., Wo cannot honestly Bay that wo arc sorry. There is a place prop cr for everything, and wo aio ducids edly of opinion that a race eourao ia no place for a prayer mooting; nor can wo conciovo ol much good com ing ot supplication there.' We will say hero that we think tho Tribune is right in not being Borry. Mr. Board man ought to study tho Square philosophy. A Northern paper (whoso general conduct indioates the sound Christian views of tho editor) in discussing the the subject of tho social status of tho negro says: 4In our judgement, a reputable colored roan is neithor better nor wurao man is, repuoio man ot any otIter race or class.' Now, it is exceedingly difficult to determine whatsis a 'reputable1 manTho dictionaries will not help us here; for tho question, whother a man is roputablo or not, is often affected by ii_ vnwt unt 5nlw r\f oA?io!/lAMo?!A.,n ~~ , t<vv ? Ml IWJ VI VV/IIOIUgi (IIIWII9 llllU"* get her independent of his moral char acter. From certain sentences uttorod by Dr. Hague, in his sermon in Dr. Fuller's Church on a Sunday morn** ing during tlio sessiun of the Southern Baptist Convention in Baltimor?- wa have reason to boliove that the Doctor regarded Mr. Abraham Lincoln as an exceedingly reputable man?a man of unusually pure and lovely character; indeed, as rather saintly than otherwise. Dr. Hague's audience on that occasion did not gener% ally agree in this view: and inanv of iliein regarded Dr. [J as a gross violator of philosopher Squares principle of the 'fitness of tilings,1 when ho praised Mr. Lincoln from that pulpit. It is well known that many North em preaeneisanu people regard Mr. Lincoln au aeaint. Elder A. 13. Earle, without being questioned on the eub-* jcct, t Id the present writer, that ho (Elder E.) thought Mr. Lincoln ?as *a very good man.' On the oilier hand wo learn that his former law partner insists that Mr. Lincoln was an infidel; and a very distinguished man, who practised at tho sauie bar, thinks that ho was a very low, vulgar, obsceno, unscrupulous trickster. Was Mr. Lincoln a 'reputable' uian? Well, 'it depends on where you stand.' Was Andrew Jackson a 4roputa bio' man? James Parton, aftor a years st isdy of tbo evidence on both aides of this question, discovered that General Jackson was a patriotic trai* tor; a great General ignorant of war iiu erudite ignoramus; an unstatedmanlike statesman; a candid dissem^ bier; a law abiding rebel; a disobodient disciplinarian; a Democratic despot; an urbane savage; an atrocious sain'. N"\v, bo it understood, that wo aro not taking sidea on the question c( the real character of these Presidents. We do notexDreBa anv oninion. Wo i j r '' are not called upon lioro to Bay what we think ot either of tliem. Wo merely cite tho cases to bliow how ditlieult it is to define tho word 'reputable.' Again. Tho Southern peoplo would generally take tho ground, that in their proper places, the great mass ot tho negroes would bo 'reputable' enough; so that tho whole question turns upon the other question: 'What is their prupor place?' We think that a turkey buzzard is reputable enough as a scavenger; and this bird is protected dy tho laws ot South Carolina. AT > tkkl\Ai>o i\f 111nm mu ?? I\a oo/\n ? *? 1 ll uiuuvio btiuiu uinj ouuii >v<iir\ ing fearlessly about tho butcher's stalls in the mnrkot in Cliarlo9ton.? Bnt wo don't want to put those birds into oagos, and liang theni up in our parlors, nor in our piazzas, as wo do tho mocking bird an<! the canary; and wo don't want to associate with people who iuuiat upon our treatinj^tho buzzards as wc do ti.o canariesj nor with thoao who cago tho buzzards and keep them in their priors. Wo do not intend any uiarospeot to iho nogro; we are notjcompai ing him to n bu2zard, but wo are merely il lustrating tho position that thero is something in the fitnous of tilings.? Wo may bo blamed for tho opinion, but somehow wo can't help thinking* that tho buzzard as a songster, would bo a failuroj But we do not protest that wo aro not opposed to buzzards ?we )iko them. Wo don't oppose sugar as such; but wo don't liko it on our oysters, nor our oggs. Tho only reason wo can givo for this, ie, that sugar in oysters, or on oggs, violates our sense of 4tho fitness of things.' The Silver Currency Question at tho Treasury. Washington, Feb. 2G.?Tho prin^ cipal question sit issuo hero outside of tho strong financial problem, is whether or not it would bo well to issue silver in tho place of fractional currency. The Secretary of tho Trea* sury is dispoeod to do it; but when he makes ud his mind to coahonH h? is confronted by tho laws of supply and demand; because silver demonetized in Europe can bo monetized hero and in Asia or nowhere. At present, as near as may be, tho value ot puro silver is eighteen ounces to ono ounce uf gold, and in order to rei:.. :? ..? --- ?? - iiiu lb iu uuy us umur muii currency, tho premium on gold would have to go about 120. Tho Secretary appears to have some doubt whether, if ho wore to issue 6ilver in the place of fractional curroncy as a legal lender undor the preset.t law to sums amountiug to tivo dollars, it would stay in circulation. It pcoplo hoard it that would make no dilt'crcnce, becatiso tlicre is plenty; and whether tliey would like bilver hotter than the t'rac^^ial currency or not is something to ho tostod. He does nut beholievo that gold will go to 120; doou i i nut, doc uuw u utvii iiuuur uny cucum stances, except war, which is not in view. It will take about six weeks to give the country all the silver it wants, and it would not be surprising if at any time the printing oi fraction* al currency would be stopped, and a strong, over-flowinur issue ot silver take ita place. Tlie Secretary of the Treasury stands doubting in every respect that touches a now thing in relation to the currency, because of the colliding elomcnts ai work at the capital, lie cannot tell whother ho is to act under tho Resumption Act or not, or whother eoino now fledged concern of important propor tiona may not come forward to thwart every plan laid under the RoeumpM tion Ac'; but he is eoriously inclined to issue sil vcr in placo of fractional currency, and lio honostly believes iLal silver will stay in circulation.? lio has about $12,000,000 worth to start on, and enough coin to keep tho demand supplied. If ho starts, ho means to coin silver piccos of a dollar and less as fast as thev are wanted. / - i mi< 1 vory little gold coin in tho comparison of tho nunibor of pieces. Hot Wokk Aiiuai).?Tho Charleston News and Courier says: "i'horo is hot work ahead and plenty of it. me tniovoa are not going to yield tho control of the Stato without a desperate resistance; and nothing at this time oncouragea them inoro than any si^n ofdiacord in tho Democratic ranks. Tho main point to which the honest peoplo should nd drees tlioir efforts just now ia to socure a wise and truly representative Democratic Convent ion." A Happy Answeh,?That wna ft alirowd girl, ftnd not dovoid of sonao either; who romarkod, whon othor girls are making fun of hor shortskirts and nflcctod to bo much shocked at tho exhibition thoroof at ft parly: "If you'd o.dy pull your drosses about your nooks, whoro thoy ought to bo, they'd',bo as short as mino!" Sho was not troubled any more. Too Much Moses. Wo copy from tho Now York Tribune, of February 17th, tho following^ Tho Stato ot South Carolina is too much blcBsod with Mososcs. Tho Mosos family; though it may not havo ontiroly overwholmod thcStato, seems to havo very thoroughly inundatod its politics. Thoro havo been no bad and ridiculous goings-on in that much govcrnod State since tho colored legislator brought his intellect and tho | whito philanthropist his carpotbag to boar on reconstruction, that tho head of a Mosos has not boon bobbing around on tho surface of. You couldn't firo into any kind of a ring whero thieving was going on without bring ing uown ft Moses. Tiio family appoars to Imvo absorbed pretty much ovorything it could lay hold of. Itn tontacles hnvo dropped on everything that had ft dollftr or ft channo for a dollar in it. You couldn't etriUosud tionly with a clnb tho kcyholo of a treasury snfo anywhere in tho Stalo without breaking two or throo fingors of somo mornbors of the Mosos family. Along at tho first of tho South Caro^ lina businoss, when thoy hnd ono of tho Moses family for Governor, wo mistook him-for tho lot. It is not' unlikely that undor this misapprehonsion wo eroditod or dobitod him with ridiculousness and wickedness that should have boon dividod up and apportioned among tho rest, of tho family. It did soctn queer, too, that ono man should exhibit so much versatility in stupidities and deviltries, but wo thought ho might bo a skipjack sort of creature, who, being just ns fit for ono olliuo us another, was holding protty much all of thorn, and improving tho timo. Wo havo sinco learned that there aro aevoral Mososos; how many wo do not know, but onough, enoughAnd tho whole family, ao far as wo can judgo from their several political ?..AArii.? .t:?. ?* VMiWlO, UiU Ui *-?IU Uliu^b Iliiu. J'HUVl, if not from tho Mosoa of tho Dclivoranco, at loast from tho Mosoa of Sinai, who broko tho tabled of tho law.? T-hoflo follows havo broken pretty much nil tho com?oandmonts. What thoy havn't broken thoy havo treated as tho fellow did tho grass ho was hired to mow. "Well," said ho, whoiv askod if ho had finishod mowing, ul'vo Cut down tho most on't, and tho rost I'vo boat and banged so't won't livo," Tho South Carolica Jlouso of Koprosontativos impeachod ono of these Moaesos on Tuosday. This ono is a Judgo ot tho Circuit Court, and is doscribod ns tho brothor of Chief Justico Mosos and tho uuclo of oxGovornor Mosos. Look yo now, ro? spcctublo connections aro uncomiuonly handy things to have in tho houso- Sco this now: thoy impoach tho Circuit Judgo for "applying trust funds to liis own uso;" or Homo such thing; that, wo bclicvo, is tho way it is dcfinod in tho dispatch?lt 'convoy,' tho wise it call?and tho Circuit Judgo flays, "Why, I'm tho brother of tho Chief J ustico and tho uncle of tho oxGovoruor." Whon thoy catch tho ox^Qovcrnor in a "conveyanco" ho says, "Why, I'm tho son of tho Chiof Juflticoand tho nophow of tho Circuit Judge." And wo it goes. Woll, they nro a uico lot, thoso Mosoboh. Thoy, uro roecuing a raco down thoro, wo tM<nan mn oaam\ 4 ^ l\/? I,1 ^?.? l>i\>ouiiivi A uvjr ouuni IU uu n;jmurn, lawgivors and dolivorors?stand-anddohvov^ore. They may tnnko somo mistake in tho inultoi' ot loading and lawgiving, but in thobuaiucBH of doa>poiling the Egytians thoy more than fillnd t.lin hill Wn /Ir? nr?t. lmnur Mint. tho oxistonco of tho Alosos family concorns anybody outsido tho Stato of South Carolina. Wo havo boon in-, torcstod Bomowhat In obsorving itw ramifications as succossivo oxposuroB of political and porHonal rascality do* vclopod thorn. Wo aro not quito suro wo havo got tho family togotlior yot. Hut thoro Booms to bo onotigh of thorn on hand and classified to mako a pros cession, anu bo wo ottot tlio gratuitous suggestion tlmt tho Mososes, so far as hoard from, bo marshaled, corralod oaravanod, and lod up into soino convoniont Pisgah to stay. Tho roscuod raco ought to ho able to mnko the rest of tho journoy alono. Ir ip j 4. .. . a i > ' v m i t : Tho Now Apportionment' Tho Senate bill to provide for a now apportionment of the Koprosontutiven \va? finally passed to a third reading' by a VOtO Of 64 to 14 Tlin fr?llr?wri.w.' table will show tho changes made by Ibo bill: Ileprosonta- Now ApCounticH. tion at pro- porlionncnt. merit.* AbboviKo 5 5 iiiuon 4 4 Anderson ...3 4 Barnwell 4' 5 fconufort...' 7 G Chnrlc8ton 18 17 Chester 3 3 Chosto'rfiold 2 2 Clarendon 2 2 Colloton 5 5 Darlington 4 4 Edgefield 5 5 Fairfield 3 3 Georgetown 3 2 Greenville 4 4 Horry .....2 2 ICP.I'RIirw ^ I I ? v '' j Lancaster 2 2 Laurens .4 3 Lexington 2 2 Marion 4 4 Marlboro 2 2 Nowbdrry 3 3 Oconob 2 2 Orangeburg 5 f) Piclcons 1 2 Richland 4 5 Spartanburg 4 4 Sumter 4 4 Union 3 3 Williamsburg 2 3 York 'i A T11o Counties of Anderson, Barnwell. Richland and Pickens gain one member eneh, and thoso of Beaufort, Charleston, Georgetown and Laurens loso one oaeh. DlvSOKNDKD FROM A IIlGIl STATION. I "1). D. S." llio Charlotte correspond rl??nt -.f ?i.? .1 V?w<>. v/ A (IIU A VC*> 1 V5 I *.* I 1 tn\H. I II US 'writes tip" a female in this city.? Many, indeed tho majority of our citizens, will know ot whom ho speaks "Standing in front of tho central hotol yesterday I saw a woman pass by seemingly to bo nonchalent ot the surroundings. 'That woman,' said a ffAlltlnninn imni* t.f?o nl 1 R .>VM1 If J ) \V 140 UV V/lli; 11II1U, uno of the most perfect ladles that over appeared in Southern society.' I asked him how that was, for her uncouth appearauco represented everything to tho contrary.. llo answered she was u South Carolinian by birth, wtw a Mitrfe-l** , before b1 .o was iiinri iud, and one of tlio leading belles of the circle she moved in. Just before the war slio married a gentleman ot' excellent family and ! of high standing: in soci?d and 1 itor| r> o ary circles. It is a needless drag, he continued?but the match was an unhappy one. Her husband entered the war as a Col- nel and is well known in the history of North Caro llnn'u Qnl/linpQ I I/ * full ??11 ? ! * ?? u yviMivi o. iiu l\J|l 11IUI UVI I | wounded in Virginia. To think sixteen yours ago this person moved in the best 6oeioty of North and S -nth Carolina, and to day sho walks the streets a washerwoman."?Charlotte Observer. ? mm ? ^ Nkw Oki.kans, Fob. 28.?After sovcn hours' debato Mr. Wilt/, moved tlio adoption of tho rnajoiity report of tho committoo appointed to investigate Kllogg, with n, recommendation that ftrticlos of impoachmont bo proparod. This was adoptod by a vote of61 yoas to 45 nays. Tho JLouso and lobbies wero thronged with spec tutors during tho debute of tho vote. CiiKAi* Living in New Yokk.? Konts aro down, clothing is down, tho ncccssarioB of life nro gradually docreasing in charge, and a man can livo in Now Yorlc comfortably on an incomo ho roccivod boforo tho war. In no matter has tho redaction of pricos boon so marked as in routs, ospocially of houses that forinorly rontod for 82,000 a year or moro.?Now York Express, Tho old Htylo minuet is likely to bccomo :i fashionable dance. 12_Jlrrr7 Baltimtro's New University . + f ? ?T Anions tho most nolablo unlmmM of bcnevolonco of recent times wns that of tho hito John S. Hopkins, orlo of Baltimore's merchant princes, Who, two years sinco, mado a boquost of ?3,500,000 for tho founding of a university in tho Monumontal City, to bo named in honor of (.ho fivo.r Tri ~ O" ' " be sure tho bequest, though largo, w?h not so groat an to plaeo tho proposod institution atoneoon an equality with the older universities of tho couivlfly in point of resources; but it was nov* erthojess sufficient for a broad and enduring foundation; and Mr. IIops kins did not pnpumlmi' (lift nwili.ihK with unreasonable conditions, but ffl~ stoud loft the plan of tho University almost cntiroly in tho hands of tlm trustees, whom he Inmsolf wisely selected from Baltimore's reprospiv tativo business men of acknowledged intelligence and practical cttlturo.? During the timo that Ims, intervened sinco tho bequest was mado, those gontlomoti havo spared no offorte U> rondor tho University all that its founder intended it should ba, as well as what all lovers of. learning could reasonably hopo for. Tho bequoat included Mr. JLopkinn's country cstat,o at Clinton, just outside of Baltimore City, embracing tlireo hundred and thirty acres of land, delightfully situated, and this was selected as tho sito of the proposed University. Tho advice and counsel of tho most prominent educators in tho country wn8<t>bt.iliriivl hv flir> 'I'pnolnna on/I ?. "J ?.M? ?. juni ago Prof. I). C. CJiltnan, n gontleman of raro culture and executive talent^ who had boon Prosidont of tho University of California, and had provfously hold a Professorship in Ynfd College, of which institution ho' is ft graduate, was chosen President of tho prospective University. Professor Oilman accepted tho posilirin, and at onco bogan making preparations ior entering upon his now Worlc, pans* ing tlio summer and auTumn of last year in Kuropo for tlio purposo of studying tlio latest educational motliods, anil tlion returning to arrango for a formal announcement of tlio plan and SCOOO ol tho ninhvvn (!i>llo<rr? l ' J " Tlio inaugural ceremonies, which took placc in Baltimore last Tuosday,vvoro marked by tho presonco of a large number of distinguished representatives in tho country. President Elliot, of Harvard Univorsity, delivered tho opening address, thereby creating a grateful and fitting assooia lion botweon tho oldest and j oungest oi American institutions of learning. Prosidont Ciilman, in his address, sot forth tho plans of the Trustees so far a* they have boon definitely deter ruined. iS'o particular model is to bo followed in building up tho institutionOil ll?o contrary, it i.s proposed to supply, in tho Hopkins University, so far as is possible, whatever valuablo and dcsirablo features tho educational njoiviu ui tiiu uuu 111 ry IKIS 111 US I ill' failed to secure. President (iilman finds all tlio conditions ripo for tho Univorsity, llio public schools and in*, stilutions of .Baltimore relieving it of colloginto work, wliilo its location, convenient lo North and South alike, is rogarucu as most lmppy. At first tlio department of philosophy will bo established, with chairn of languago, mathematics, history and Beioneo,next tho medioal department, next tho law and cunstitution, and thon, perhaps, theology. President (iiltnan lays groat stress on tho backwardness of modical science in this country, and tho noetl of high mathematical engineering and architectural instruction; but at tho same time tho Univoi'hity will teaelv only principles, not methods. Ar~ rangoinenfs havo boon made for courses of locturos by (bo ablest professors in Qtlicr collo^es without disturbing, tlioii* present relations, and tho best talent oblainahlo will bo hocured for tlio various professorships of tho institulion. 1 f tho foreshadowing of tho inaugural address nro carriod into o fl'cot, the IJnivoraity will ho in roalily a normal shool for professors and scionlifio Invostigators.?Nows ?f- Courier Subscvibo for Tilf. 8entini:u