The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, February 10, 1876, Image 1

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THE PICKENS SENTINEL. I DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO TIIE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. TOL. Y. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 187fi wTO*. I The Desolated South. Qovornor Chamborlain, of South Carolina, has addressed an important U lottor to a prominent Bopublican deflator in Washington, from which we print uio ionowing oxtrecta: 1 took my soat as Governor Docom~ her 1, 1874, and 1 addroBscd myself earnestly to tho work of kooping tho pledges I had made and tho plodgos niftdo for m? by all my frlonds and by my platform in tho campaign. I soon found that many of thoso who supported mo in tho campaign and had talked roform did not want reform; but I porsoverod, dotorminod, aa a manor 01 ngut ana oi good policy, to adhero to my party platform and pledges. Of courso thoso who din*, liked practical roform criod out: "llo is going ovor to tho Domocrats. IIo wbou> hucim rocognmon rrom tho robels," and all tho rost of thoso sonso? loss orioa such as you now boar about rao. Still I porsovorod, and whon our t Logislaturo mot in Novombor last tboro was apparont harmony botwoon mo and my party and a completo ac? quiesconco in tho wisdom of tho po*. licy of reform as carriod oat by mo. What, thon, is tho mattor with mo?? Why was I dislikod and donouncod by fiomo mora bora of my own party? Simply for this: I insisted on roasonn nblo taxes, corapetont oflicora, honest expenditures, fair legislation and no stealing, and tho Domocrats praisod iuo for it. Tho two last things are ray onenso. i aia not sanction schemes of publio plunder, such at* our printing ring, for instanco, but tbo cost of public printing por year was cut down from $180,000 to 950,000, and contingent funds from $80,090 to $27,000, and, I ropcat, tho Democrats praised mo. Such was tho conditiou of affairs hero on tho 15th day of last Decern nor. l'ho Democracy of South Carolina was in porfect collapse. No Stato issues couKl havo givon thorn life or notivity. It in doubtful whethor oven national issuos would havo had forco enough to havo induced a canvass ol tho Stato for tho Democratic candi* dates in tlio coming Presidential campaign undor tho circumstances then existing. On tho 16th of Decern bor last, tho Gonorut Assombly, under inflnonco which it is impossible now to state fully, clccted F. J, Moses, Jr., and W. J. Whippor as Judgog of tho Circuit Court of this Stato, tho latter lor tho circuit which ombracos tho city of Charloston and constitutes tho most tmportant circuit of tho Stato in point of population, woalth and business. Arc you awaro who these tnon are? Mosos was my prodecossor as Governor- TTnlnaa x/ Mivuu tuu UII1 VUlOill UUN lief among all classos of pooplo in this Stato is mistaken, ho is as infamous a charactar as over in any ago disgraced and prostitutod public position. Dis^ appointment in not being nominated lor fciovornor, ho cntorod into a conspiracy with Bomo of tho leadors of tho Democracy and Indopcndont licpnblfcans to oloct my opponont, and actually Bold out tho Commissioners of Eloctions, of whom ho had the solo appointment, to my opponents for $30,000, of which 815,000 was paid to him in nsRli nnrl !>? ! vitv iunu I11UUU UOUtingent on tho otyction of my opponent. Of Whippor it can bo said thnt ho B00m9 to havo lacked only opportunity to prove himself tho oquul of Mobos in infamy. Ignorant of law, ignorant of morals, a gambler by j open practico, an onibozzlor of public j lunch, ho is as unfit for judicial posi- | tion $s any whom by possibility you could nftmo Nnithn* r.f . _ VI UIOUU i 111) II havo ovon tho poor qualifications, which tho infamous Democratic Judges of Now York had, of Huch a dogroo o! tho logal knowlodgo as to qualify ttwra for tho intelligent dischargo ol any judicial duly. What has boon tfift rnniiW? f h ?S ^ I ~ ~ ~ - i * - A >i VII ulDVIilUII HUM HUlll H thrlil of horror through tho wholo State. It has split tho .Republicans in twain. Tho moribund Democracy have awakoncd to now lifo and now hopes. No man who rcspcots civili zfttion and pnblio doconey can do loss than donounco thoso olootions with* out moUHIirn. Nn rlnnni.l - - v V.WV..V Mian Villi UU low tban oppoao thorn, can Uo lows i l than fight against thoao who oloctod thom or who acquicsco in them. Do you expoct us to do in Sonth CarolU na what you would soonor loso your right arm than do in your own Stato? Such a tost, indocd, could novor ariso in tho latter, but it has arison horo, uuu yuu orr wnuiiy ii you imagino that you, living horo, would for ono momont think of tolerating thc&o oloctions. You could not do it, and you would spurn as an insult tho suggestion of suppoiting or acquioscing in thom. And horo lot mo spcalc plain ly. To ciy "Domocrat" at mo at this timo is to support, Mosos and Whippor. I am a Republican of just as many yoars standing as I bavo soon yours ot disorotion. I have no tendon* oy to any othor party?no association, no sympathy with any othor party. 1 want to soo South Carolina romain a Kopublicau Stato, but I toll you no party can rulo this Stato that supports Whipporand Afosos, and to donounco us who aro to day donouncing tho oloction of thoso mon is to support thera. Thoro is but ono way to savo tho .Republican party in South Carolina, and that way is, I ropoat, to unload Moses and Whippor and all who go wilh thorn. It will bo difficult to rostoro confidonco in a party whoso members wore onnn o.nrmhln m such an act as their oloction, but if our action is prompt and decidod, if you and tho Republicans at Washington will put your feet upon such things and stamp them out, wo can yet mako South Carolina and kocp hor as safely Republican as Vermont nr Tflron Tl 1 -? ?. ??, j.k wig in iiui> UUIIU, WO gO down here us a party to hopoloss and deserved defoatand infamy. Neither tho Administration at Washington, with all its appliances, oivii and military, nor all tho denunciations of tho world heaped upon mo can savo tho Bopublican party hero from overwhelming doleat during this year, unless wo can persuado tho people of this St:ito that such things as these juuiuiui ciconons will uo undone and | novor, by any possibility, bo repoated. A llotkij Decision.?A. question interesting to hotel keeper* and their guests was decided by fjhiof Judge Brown, in Jhiltimoro, on Satuday.? Some months ago a regular boarder at a hotol, on temporarily loaving his room, gavo tho key to tho propriotor. During his nbsonco clothing valuod at 835 was stolo Irom liiu room, and upon ascertaining this fact ho domandod roimbursomont. from tho propriotor. Ilia domand was refused, and ho brought suit to recover, but lost the easo. Ho then appealed to tho eitv * / court, find on Satin day Judgo Brown lovokod tho former docison, and gave a judgment for 835 and costs in favor of tho defendant holding that tho proprietor was guilty of negligonco in having a numborof koys fitting the locks on tho doors of tho samo rooms, and thus had not furnished sufficient protection to tho oft'octs of his hoarders or guests. Washington, Feb. 1.?Tho ILouso took up as u special order tho proposed amondmont to tho Constitution roportcd from tho Judicary Committee; which is, "No porson who has held, or may horoaftor hold, tho oflico oi rrosidont, shall ovor again l>o oli? giblc to said oftlco." To this proposition, KVyo, of Maino, a mcmbor of tho Judiciary Committoo, ofYorod tho i following as a suhstitulo: "From and aftor tho 4th day of March, in tho ! yoar 1885, tho torm of ofTlco of President and Vico Prosdont of tho United I States shall bo si:: years, and any porson having boon oloclocl to and hold tho ofiico of Prcsidont, or who, for two yoars, lias Hold such ofiico, nh?ll bo inoligiblo to a nsoloction."? Knott gavo notioo that ho would oall tho provious qaostion on Wodnosday, at tho oxpiration of tho morning hour. A Mothodisb minister in Kansas, owing to tho liUo failuro of crops, rocoivod only fifty conts for hin first quarter's salary, and anotlior, with a wifo and livn nhilrlrnn Vi??l ? * - "?*U IIUIIUUI milk, bultor, norllepli qn tho tublo for six wookn, ftud used roasted ryo for CO ft CO, Whipper, or Whipped. Wo copy tho following from tho Now York Tribuno: No uhrowod politician, no shrowed observer of politics, can read tho let? i tor of Govornor Chamberlain without roalizing that an cvont has happonod of vory largo and as yot incalculable importance. In another Stato tho thioves and thoso who support them liaVO boon flofi nilnli' ?"""?' :--x iilllljruu IlgltlllHli honost men anil lax payors. Unhappily for tho Itopnblican paity, it has thus far permitted itsolf to be arrayed on tho sido of tho thioves. Govornor Chamborlnin's statement leaves noth ing to bo desirod in point of cleornoss. w lion iio was nominated tho Ropublican party was assailed, not only by Democrats, but by a strong body of bolting Republicans, on account of its provious corruption and misrulo. To mcot this attack it solomnly plcdgod itself to a thorough reform. Mr. Chamberlain, its candidato, wa? dis^ trusted bccaUso ho had been identified with tho nnH.v nn<l 1>? ?--? J.... .J , iiu (Willi UUJUl'O tho people solemnly pledging himself lo do his utmost to reform existing abuses. This plodgo ho has tried to keop,not by going over to tho Democrats, giving them oflico, or aiding thom in any way, but procisoly in tho mannor in which many hopeful Ho publicans at tho North lmvo insisted that reforms must bo accomplished "within tho party." If ho has failod in trying altogothor too much to effect reforms "within the party," not going outsido of it lor material or support. What follows? Tho clec~ tion of Whippor and Mosos, two croaturos whose prosoneoon tho bonch j would not bo tolerated by any Noih I orn Stato. Governor Chamberlain 10 ! fusos to eomminttinn tl.?m _ viiviu) uuu iiiuru^ upon ho is denouncod by loading liepublicans nt Washington as having "gono over to tho Democrats." His letter meets i! o issuo in tho only manuor which corrupt politicians about Washington can appreciate; ho serves warning that tho ilopubli vim yuriy cannoi coiHinuo to exist in South Carolina unloss it casts ovorboard Wbippcr, Moses and all tboso who defend thorn; and that, wo talco it, includes a pretty largo nuuib'ir of persons. What is tho ltopublicun party going to do about it? Gov. Chambors Iain's majority in South Carolina at tho last election was not largo, and it Was SOCUI'Od hv mnot ~ plodgcH. Thcro can bo littlo doubt that lie has power now to dofoat tho party which, as its candidato, ho then Havod from dofoat. Indood, supposing that ho woro to do nothing about it, wo must boliovo that tho voters and taxpayers ot' South Carolina aro un? liko any other sot of human boinfs o~ who pay tftxos unci cast ballots, if wo ooncludo that tho party would not loso raoro than onough to ovorcomo itn slondor majority, aftor trampling upon tho pledges given at tho last olection, and placing upon tho bench such croaturos as Moses and Whipyer. But South Carolina is tho one Southorn State whoso doctoral voto has in n.11 nnf.imntAu honn ~ v?/.j MW?? vunwuuu tU the Republican oandidato. If it loses tho vote of that Stato, the Republican party must havo a still more ovoin whelming propondoranco at tho North and yet, ovon with tho voto of South Carolina it could not afford to loso tho voto of tnoro than two or three Northorn States. a nf^ln'aiiin :? ' ? v. wm vuiu i.u.niurn lt> l UpUl'lOQ nl Washington. A young man appointed to a clorkship in tho Troasury Department was conductod to his donk and informed what his duties \vero. The chief of tho department discovorod him a Hliort timo aftor comfortably roposing in his soat, with his foot characteristically rosting on tho I A iiTf.ll. 1% . i . - * ~ uubk. "iiuno. earn tno chiot: "don't you oxpoct to do any work?" "Work bo bangodl'' oxclaimcd tho astonished youth: "I had to work hard onough to got horo." A Pittsburg woman wan cusod of sjrocchlossncss by a priest, llor husband is now nrowlinif upon nil tho piicMt with it fthol-gun. Chamberlain's Letter. A 6]>ccial correspondent of the Colli mhifl W? , 1IUI1I II rtailllJgton, dated January 28, says: Governor Chamberlain's lotter to Senator Morton, which it appoars was published without tho Sonators knowledge, is creating a good deal o' v.MiiiuuiH noro, as it is all over the | country. It appeared in the New Yotk Herald, and was reproduced in the Washington Chronicle, which lattor fact createssonio surprise. Of course hero everything is politics, is looked upon and estimated from tho standpoint of tho President makers. invjru ?vro iwo iacuons ot tho Republican party; ono, the Radical, headed in Congre68 by Morton and Blaine* which waves the bloody shirt and hopes to Bwocp the country with tha'; the other hears a banner with the strange device?"Reform." Now, this letter of Governor Gham 1 * - uuruuu 18 11 Dotnbslioll among the Morton Blaine Kadieals They see that they too will have to cry reft nn or else South Carolina will go, as tho Governor eaye, to tho Democrats next fall; and with it, says tho New York Tribune, throo or four of tho doubtful Northern States. Either givo up Whippet* or got whippod, is what tbo Tribune aays the party will bo obliged to do. Thero seema little reaa.m, at this stage of the campaign at least, to question tho expectation among oflico holders here that Pros* ident Gnu.t will bo tho next nominee at Cincinnatti next June. But Gov ornor Chamberlain lias declared j against a third term; so that, so far as South Carolina is concerned, Grant might just as well support Whippor and Moses. 13ut, should Grant fail of tho nomination, Morton seems to stand next. What then? Then wo shall have Ihc amazing spectacle ol tlio Mephi;-topholea faced monster with tlio banner ot reform in one hand and the bloody shirt in the otlr or, dragging his hideous lege over the race course towards the Whilo House. But all conjectures as to the nomi nations arc of course tho vaguest sort conjectures to clay. This letter about Whippor and Moses is an ugly nut lor the president makers to crack. Tho host and timeliest vindication ol Governor Chamberlain's refusal to commission Whinnnr nnmns tl.r. shape of Whipper's speech about it in tho Legislaturo tho other day. Thero is anchor matter pertaining nmro innnediately to tho matter of State reform, that they may bo of interest to our people in Columbia. Tito bond of Air. L. Cass Carpenter, as Culloctor of Internal Revonuo, it up-. jioiii'8, nas oeen sent back by tba department here because not sufficient. Tho oflioe is one requiring a bond of $50,000. Tho insufficiency of the bond can bo readily remedied no doubt, and that is not the matter of tho moment. It is a matter of painful surprise to al' the friends of conn ine Stale reform here in Washington that such citizens as Mr. J, P. South, orn, whose namo is on Carpenter's bond, should give that hind ot aid and support to such a fellow ad this. It is idle for our people to expect Governor Ohambmlnii> m- n?r|.f?i? else, to succeed in wrobting tho State from tho grasp of tlio unprincipled BcoiuKlri'-* who aro plundering it, it our citizens do riot co-operato in tho work so far at least as to rcluso direct support to such inon as this Carp^nter. Is ho not tho correspondent ol tho Washington Chronicle, who, sev en or eight years ngo, wrote from Columbia to tlint paper that our people wcro a "sot ot'polti ootus and cowai ds," or words to that eilcet? Tlioae lottera were signed L. C. O. CoiiSAIii. Wo lately noticod an advertisement licadod, ''Two Si.stei-B Want Washing." So do a good many brotliois. A Strango FascinationIn San La Jose, a California town, tlicro lived a voting lady, handsome, weamiy, ami moro tbixu usually educated. ller father was ati invalid, her mother was cold and heartless. Two years ago a physician was called to attend her father, in this way the young lady saw him. The doctor paid no attention to her?tiis mind was engrossed with its i?rufos~ sional duties. A tew weeks ago this doctor was somewhat surprised by being asked by the young lady to givo her the favor of ft private interview. Sho took him into ft drawing room. "Doctor," said she, "I suppose that gentlemen ot your profession aro ac customed to roccivo strange confidences. I liavo a confession to make to you. lie supposed that that impending confession had something to do with the state ot her own health or with Hint' f t lini' 1-- ' - ' .....v vr? IV>> 1UUIU1, (Villi 1115 her to proceed. "You will, however bo scarcely proparcd for what I am about to say? alio continued; 'but I wish you to hear it. It is now just two years aitico I first saw you. You liavo scarcely ever exchanged a word with me, but I have learned much about you. I am not mistaken in believing that you are not married?" ''No,' said ho, 4I am not married.'' "And your affections are not en gaged?" "You scarcely liavo the light to to aak that," 6aid ho. 11 VVoll, then,' sho replied,1! will not ask it; but I will mako you my confession. I Ioyo you with all ray heart. I wish you to marry me. 1 have loved yon from tho first ino?i mont I saw you. I said to mvnolf i V - ? ""J wait for two years; If lie then speaks to me I will know what to say. You have not spoken, and now I speakI say I love you with all my heart you aro necessary tor me; will you marry me?" The doctor, who although not a very old man, was twice tho ago of the young lady, recovering a iittlo l'rom his surprise, tried to turn tho matter olV as a j"ke, but tho young lady was vory serious. "No/ said she, 'I am in very sober earnest. I know all that you may say or think as to tho indelicacy ot my proposal, but I cannot help it. I ask you onco more, can you lovo mo and will you marry me?" "In sober carnes", tlion,' lie replied 'I cannot marry you.' 'Then I shall die,' said sho, very calmy, and left tho room. The doctor had heard people say beioro that they should die, and he lett the house without attaching very much importance to the nronhr.r.v. 1 I J ' A few days after thia the young lady was found dead in her bed. Two letters laid upon her dressing table. One was addressed to hor family 60s licitor. Every penny of her proporty was given to tho doctor, and tho solicitor was instructed to make the transfer to him. to urIc nn niKutiimo nn.l t/> tuko no recoipt. The other letter ! was to tlio doctor. "I tuld you 1 ' should die, and whon yon receive this I shall bo dead. For ten dava 1 Lave taken no food?. r drink; but that does not lull nio, and now I have taken poison. I have no reproach to make to yon, but I could not livo without your love. When 1 am dead look at my heart, You will sue your name there. 1 havo two requests to make of you. Go to my solicitor and take what ho hn6 for you, and then go oil on ta holiday to Italy for a few months. Tho other request is that you never ask where I am buried, and never como to my grave." Thorn vviiQ i iiaoI - - w. w *? ?? v* i 'vuv iiiui lUIII I'Ailll 1 11121 Hon m:\do on the young hidya body. On her breudt over her heart, dce|ly XI v_/. AJO imprinted in tlio (IcbIi, wore tho iuitinU of tlio doctor's immo. Tho characters seemed to havo been mado wicro two or unco years betoro.? Tlioy wcro probably imprinted by her own hand on tho day when she lirst saw him. Washington, .January 27.?'A can* ens of t! o Democratic Senators was 11eli.l Ibis morning at tho Capitol. Tho must important subject discussed was whether llwrr* tl./.nl.l l>.? ~ ...w. V/ iJiiviirt UV^ illl V I Uply made from tho Democratic eido of the Semite to Mr. Morton's recont inflammatory speech upon tho Mississippi election. Tho idea umong [ ?/>?' > ' " I--.. * - ' ' jiyviiiuv}i am iur fcUYUriU Clay8 pilst. IlllS been that the speech called for no special reply, ami it was accordingly determined to day to disappoin Mr. Morton in his scheme of getting up a violent sec! ional debate. The subject of Mr. Morton's buncombe resolutions upon tii<3 naturn <>( rim ill government ami attirming that tlio United Sta'c-5 constitute a nation was also considered, ami a strong committee, composed ol livo Senators, in. eluding Messrs. Bayard Thnnmin McDonald and Roman, was selected to consider this subject and report to the caucus thereon. A committee composed of Me-srs. Steven on, of Kentucky; Winluce, ot Pennyslvania; and Gordon ot Georgia, was appointed to confer with Mr Lamar, Chair* man ot tho House caucus; and ars range for tilling up the Senate rupee? sentation nnon the. (Imuni?t??n Documents, provided for at tlio last Ilouse caucus. A meeting of the National Deuw ocratic Kxcciflivo Committee was held at the Arlington Hotel to night ? Augustus Suliull, Chairman. On motion of Senator Ituulolph of New Jersey, it was resolved to begin an early and active organization thn Democratic party throughout tlio United Staies for the campaign of 1S76. Senator Randolph was o'aoson Vice Chairman; lion W. II. Barnum of Connecticut, Troasurer; and A. D. Banks, of Mississippi, President Secretin-v. Riinni.-."' c * ? w.nvi ivui i, uuuiiiura Wallace, of Penny svan in; Gord >n, of Geirgia, and Stevenson, of Kentucky and Representative Lamar and otli* ere, were present. O The elirewdcet yet: A applied to B for a loan of $100. I] replied: Mv 1 ? * ue;u- a, nothing would ploaso mo but. Icr tliivn to oblige you, and I'll do it I liavent $100 by inc, but you mako a note and 1 II endorse it, and you can got the money from tho bank. Gratet'ul A proceeded at onco to writo a note. Sav, said H, mako it $200. I want tfloO myself. A did so, and II end? the naner. Mm / i " I ^ batik discounted it, ami tho money \v:\s divided. When tlie note was duo P. wns in California, and A had to meet the payment. What A is unablo to cipher out is who'her ho borrowed ?100 ot P>, or 15 b >rro\ved that amount oi him.? Jewell Con* rier. <1V? ? The linger Whig U faithful to liliiino and 11in |?atronrgo. t4Aa Maine goes," e:i)o I lie Whig, "do goes the Union," and ''with such a leader, accomplished, eloquent, Sagacious nild infi'oniit !lin ...V/ A*?V|MiUllV;clli party of tho Union will irniko tho Centonnial campaign ? i 11 with a jnbiloo oi enthusiasm that will sweep over llie country with irresistible lower." And we'll hang Jeff Davis. <A> - ? S e Btood in tin* hull will. I.;..-. " *% ' ,l4ll? 1 I km' rounded chock leaving u deposit ?>i pearl powder on his co':it, and her taper lingers toying with his collar. Presently bho lifted one wi the lappela and there wan a neat gold badge enameled, "1 am Already married."? She looked at him earnestly lor a moment, threw tlio iloor open wide u'ul fiui l, u(? !" f'hloaijo Tribune.