The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, December 16, 1875, Image 2

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THE SENTINEL, * i ,i Li I D, F. IMLEYx Editor and Procriotor. lOLi of MulMorlpUoii. Ono Year $1 50 Six Months 76 Advertising Kates. Advertisements inserted at the rate of $1 00 per square, of(9) nine linos, oh j,ks?, for the first iiiHOrtion, ami 60 cents l'oi* each subsequent insoiiion. Contracts made for tuuei:, six or twblvk months, on favorablo terms. Advertisements not having tho number of insertions rnorked on them, will be published i _i i uw<? luimu nun unurgoa iicooruingiy. These terms arc so simple fttiy child nmy understand Hwfftr " Nin?. lines I9 a square? oaft Vhch, In ovory instance wo clmrgc by I tho spaco occupied, as eight or ten lines can | bo niado to oceupy four or five oquares, as tlic 1 advortiacr may wish, and is chargcd by the ' space. Advertisers will l-lense state the num- I ber of squares they wish their advertisements o make. fifcgT Rusiness men who advertise to be benefitted, will bear in miinl iliat the SENTINEL has a large and increasing circulation, and is taken by tho very class Of uursous \v liosn trmlo tliov ilunirn PICKETS. (3. II., 6. C.: o Thursday, lice. 10, 187^. Editorial Correspondence. Columbia, S. Doc. 1st, 1875. JDcav Sentinel: Tuesday morning last found us at tlio Grconvillo Denot. . ? I 1 ready to tako tho train lor Columbia, for tho purpose of returning to out .Legislative duties. Senator Bowen, of PicUcn, Senator Donaldson, and Roprcsontativo Austin of Greenville wore on time, besides, quito a largo number of Grangers, who woro on their way lo this p'.acc for the purposo of attonding tho annual mooting of tho Stato Grange. Amongst thorn WflH M I* W (J Finl/1 r.f tl.n A,wt?.,n . , , n,, jl iviujvi vuv aaiiuui ov/ ii n Wills Grange, who accompanied mo irom tho Court IIouso, and Mr. S. I). Stewart, of tho Liberty Grange, who joined up at Easloy tho provious overling. Mr. Laban Mauldin, of tlio Pickonsvillo Grango arrived in Co. lumbia Wednesday overling, and thoy aro all with myeolf, comfortably qnartored at tho Contral Ilotol. At Jiclton, wo hail quite an accession o( Grangors, besides Col. Kcilh, of Oeo nee, and Koprosentatives Vnndivcr and Simpson of Anderson. Tho numbora swelled, at every station on tho road until the coaches woro crowded to their utmost capacity, and at IIolona an othor coach had to bo attached to tho train, ylmongst tho distinguished passongers ah avd, I noticed Judgo Cooke, of tho 8th Circuit, Sos licitor BIytho, Col. A. M. Aiken,Treasurer Stato Grange, and Col. Lips comno, uvorseor btato Grango. On our arrival at this placo we found the city alive with Grangers from every portion of (ho tSlalo. They met in Parker's Hall on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and havo boon in session since. Much business of general importance to tho ordor is being transaelod, and thoro seems to bo much good feeling and unanimity amongst thom, The Houso of Ucprcsontativos mot on Monday night, pursuant to ad- ( journmont, hut no quorum heing present, adjournod to 11 o'clock Tuesday. Nothing in wnv < ?f f n ?? ?-j v a. .i.iu^lOltlllUIl was done on Tuoaday, but tho captains ( of tho hosts got an opportunity to blow oft a good deal of vituperative gas, which had been accumulating for some timo, and vent their spleen by working \ip llieir followers to the point expelling Mr. Blaclunan, tho reporter of tho Charleston News and Courier, in consequence of a very scathing artiolo ho wroto for that paper, headed, "Nine Kacical Rascals." In this article ho accused tho nino .Republican members of tho Commit* ? -i ** ' KV-o UI y\ny? 1(11(1 iUOJlDH, Ol (JllOStlOll ? sihlo motives in passing upon the tax J bills without having the two Conscr* vativo members of tho committco ( (Major Mcetzo and Dr. Smith) present . at tho time they liad them under eonHiilornlinn A Ann "n""- -1 1.1-. i ?uvi ouvu.iii uiuuu ana thunder speeches by lending Republic cans, and a wholesnlo abuso of the Conservatives of tlio Slalo, tbo reso ' lution of expulsion, introduced by ftimkins, tbo chairman of tbo committoe, wne adopted, a few Kcpublianna voting against it. In this matter as woll an on sevoral oilier occasions, I noticed that strong offorta are being ' ntado to draw tbo colored linn nml i I am of tlio opinion it will bo succcHsful. Sorno of them dcclaro that it in their right to govern tlio Stato exclusively, and they aro going to do it. Wednesday tho big 'ibonanza" bill, which iovicj a half mill for four yearn to pay r?ff lho floating debt of tho Stato, passed ft third reading and wasaent : I to tho Scnnto for eonturrone?. The little ' boitftnaa" bill, which proposod to lovy one and livo oighth of n mill to 1)?IV off clftims tinRMrwi nf. (Iioluut i w v*"7"" CMW ""v "**wv session was Ihten takon up, nnd aftor rnuoli wrangling and various motions; on motion of Losloy, tho onaoling clauso was slrickon out. This was about tho amount of Legislation in tho IIouso for this day. To day, tho voto by which tho enacting clauso was stricken out, was roconsidorod, the bill brought b<\ek boforo tho House and n(tor" dcbftto, was recommitted to i tho committco with instructions. Tho regular supply bill was put upon its third reading;' mid nmonded so us to rcduco it from ton and half to nine and a half mills, a reduction of one mill. Tho big bonanza loviosa half mill, and it, is proposed to roduco tho littlo bo nnnzu to ono mill, which will nmko a total of cloven inilis for State purposes, instead of twelvo and five eighths as they originally proposod. rl his action on I ho part of tho Republican members, (for tho Democrats voted against all tho bills from first to last) was indued! by two spocchcs made to them by Governor Uhatnbcrlnin in caucus, in which ho is reported. to Iinvo inlormod thom that ho would veto tho bills if thoy aggregated nioro tlinu clvoti mills. VVhothor they wore influenced by a desire to reform, or from fear of tho Governor's veto power, it is not known, but it is likolj' the latter was tho moving causo, for Legislative cxpensos can not bo paid until taxes aro collcctod. A Sonato bill, introducod by Col. liowon, to authorizo and requiro tho Town Council of Easloy, to olect n cotton weigher, bas rcacbcd tho House, and I presumo will pass. J, to-day, introduced a bill to incorporate tho town ofLiborty, which wchopc to get through in time for the clcction of Intcndantand Wardens on the third Monday in January next.? Tiio Senate has, by n. largo majority, passed an aet rcpoaling the lion law, but thero seems to bo much opposK lion to it in tho House, and I fear it will bo defeated. Thero are many liillu f\ ( niiiiAH itmuti'innnn mi I li rt ftnlw cndnrs of tho two Houses, but no bill? of much imporlnnco liavo vol beon passed. 13. 4 4^ ? A liran Handed Measure.?Wo Ioarn by telegraph that, on Tuesday, Mr. J. K. Blaekmon, tho Columbia correspondent of tho Charleston News & Courier, was expelled from the floor of tho House of .Representatives, bo- j / n iioa / v f rin. loin uf i>iol iii<ao ii ii a n I't l\u 5 v it 11*1 V ui * vji i it i i ni i itim uo VI jjuii iwv nine .Radical rascals" of the ways and j means committee, which wero made by him in a recont Icttor to his pa- | per. This is oloarly a violation of | the constitution, which guarantees to ovcrv citizen, Iho right of ireo speech; and it amounts actually to a denial of ( the right of the pcoplo to criticise, or i I r% lw? n<l t/iun<l n f flu* nol \ r\ t+m ?i?wl doings of their public servAnto. How long tho people will aubmit to bo plundered by tho corrupt wing of Iho Legislature in a quostion which we . Lsltllll'/u V.I , 4l Ul^ V^l I U' iiibulion will surely comc,?Camden 1 Journal, Hon. M. C. Kerr of Indiana has boon olcctcd Speaker of the House of t Representatives on first Ballot, ho j having been unanimously nominated for the position by tho Democratic 1 caucus on Saturday before, Messrs. c Randail and Cox withdrew their names in mvor 01 .Mr. i\ err. In (lie munieipal election of 1873, in (JlinrlcRlon, the commissioners appointed by (Jov. Mosos rondorod an Account for eloetion cxpcnson amount, ing to $ 18,208.07. In tho last olcclion* liowevcr, (lie commissioners appointed l?y (Jov. Chamberlain, oonductod the jiccnon ni a total cost or $1,184?loss ihan onc-tonth of tho sum expondod ii 1873. This is n forcciblo oxamplo ihowing what honesty and cfticioncy >n tho ono hand, and knavery and oxIravaganco on tho othor, can accom- r [dish. ( Tho papors announco tho oscapo of ]Joss Tvvcod from Ludlow atrcct jail, Now York. Tho ironorftl imnrnBuinn C - n VWWIWII is thai lio has nailod for some foreign country. JIo lias left liia country for hin country'? good. Thero is no iioulit but tliat bribery of tbo ofiieora in cliargo flccurod bin rolcasc. NewYouk, Dcc.O.?By ngreomont 01 counsel, ./tidgo J'onboily nnd Sam* nol 1) Uaboock, inatoad of tho County Clork, hIiuII draw forty, from whom twolvo jurors will bo scIcctQd for tho ?0,000,000 Tweed trial, t Killed, on Table Rock, on the Oth inst., by John Ilinoe of this County, a wolt the largest we have ever heard of. We cballengo com petition on eagles and wolves. Our town, as chriettnas approaches, puts on a livelier appoaranco. Wag?* | one arc more froquont in our stroote, and trado is becoming briekor with our morohnnt9. Preparations, na is ueual, nro making foi* the coming holidays. ... ? i M re. Elizabeth Nofris, near Ce- I dar Rock in this County, who was advanced in years, died suddenly on Sunday the 12tb inst. CI Mr. A. S. Richardson, lato post* master at Chester, was arrested on Saturday night, by United States Marshal Grist, under order from Washign'on, and committed toiailat ? u York 011 tho charge of embozzling post office fitods. lie is still held in iail in default of bail.? Unionolier* aid. What a fearful place Chester must bo for Radicals! Mrs. C. C. Bowen, wife of tho Sheriff of Charleston County, died in Charleston on tbo 11th inst. Mrs. Bowon was the daughter of Jumes L. Potigru, and was known throughout the State as Mrs- Sue Petigru King. $320,000 in specie was shipped during the week from Now York. 1,500 recruits will leave Cadiz tor Cuba on the 15th. Babcoch gave $7,000 bail for hi* appearance in St. Louis. Jamoa Pet nor, tho engineer of the engine which rocontly ran into tho piibsongor train on the Charlotte. Co* lumbia & Augusta Kail road, wan tnkon in Charlotte on Sunday, tho 5th inst. TilK UMTICD bTATK6 AND Sl'AIN.? Whatever may bo the result of the present negotiations with Spain, it is to bo hoped the government will not forget the lesson which tho past has taught, and will hereafter bo ready to vindicate the rights of its citizens without awaiting tho slow methods of a doubliul diplomacy. Tho treaty of 17U5 is as explicit as need bo, yet it liaa been violated over anil over again [n tho most bhamiless manner.? Smooth spoken Spanish '.voi ds are no gnaiuntce ot cor res ponding actions* X naval polico should always bo on Lho alert around Cuba to j"g the Memory ot Spain. - ? The scarcity of money eeemn to bo >n tho increaso. llavo nil the cur cuts ofingroftfl dried up? Chnrlos O'Connor, the groat Now I fork lawyer, iu in a dying condition* ( Tlio News & Courier now heads i is Columbia correspondence, "From I ?nr expelled reporter." I BYalatA i. ' MARRIED, on Thursday, (ho '2d instant at t ho residence of the bride's father, by Rev. P. W. Tollkson, Mh. DAVID A. OIL8TRAP I md NANCY V. 8TI4WART?all of Piokens. ] On tho 6th instant, at tho residenoo of tho i iride'a failier, by llev. Thomas //oopor, Mb. FOHN L. LOOl'Klt to Mies FANNIE WILLIAMS?botli of this County. I foWtSjtMlli I Sealer In General Merchandise. < KANLEY STATION, N. C'. ONE AND ALL ' i rhnt liftvo boon buying GOODS on a xodit during tho your, will plcftso re- J nomber that tho undoraigned has con. ( iiudcd to accopt Cotton. Corn. Cur* * cncy, or anything clso, to liquidate) .l?o Same?and will alwayabo found j it liia etoro, ready to wnlt on them, 3 iithor to 8ETTLI5 or SELL MORE \ 300DS vory chonp for tho C'ASII, J Ilcmombor Pay Day is on hnnd \ -and 1 ncod my monoy, T. W, JIUHSELL. lSanloy Station, S. U., Doo. 16, 1875. local items: Attention is called to tho how advertisements in this weeks' issue. m n m i > i * Mr. T. W. Rusaell, o! fiasloy, wanlB thoao in indobted to him to come lorWRfdund Bottlo, Boo advertisement. We oall particular attention to tti? notice of R. A. BoWen, E?q., School Cwtnmteaionef. * ? * ii " . '4.' Chhwtmab.?Ibis great holiday u but two weeks off; all who have holiday goods and Santa Clans pleasantl ies for the children should hasten to advertiso them. | ' ? s Sam Ragsdale, a colored boy who Uvea on Dr. Earle'e plantation, neattown, while out hunting, by some mischance, slfbt hiineolt through the hand. One cannot be too careful when handling fire-arms. ????? ?? W. A. Lesley, Esq., our efficient County Treasurer, Las gone, to attend tlio Methodist Conference, which meets At Orangeburg 8 C. For the last few days the weather has been fine?olear and bracing? with cold North-western winds- just such weather as causes visions oi back bone, sparesribs and sausages to rise before us. ? . S. D. Keith, Eeq., Clerk of the Court, baa gone to Columbia, to atteud the United States Circuit Court ?being subpoenaed in the case pending between Pickens County and the Bank of Coinmeroe in reference to the validity of the bonds issuod in aid of tho Air Lino Railroad. ? 4^ li. A. Bowen, Esq., onr worthy School Commissioner, tho other day, killed and captured n very large gray eagle on hit) place. It measured seven feet from tip to tip. 1', however, had bcon previously wound, tied by a gun shot?its leg being broken. Can the Anderson eagle beat this for s zc? + While in Greenville last week. *we stopped at the Gilreath House, locate od on Buncombe,opposito the muiiju diet cliurch. We f ?und Mr. P. D Gilreath to be a most excellent boat, pleasant And entertaining to bis gneste. This is a now establishment, ami i 11 1 ori 11 or f?v?m flio ol/in?ot^ !? vhi ?>iv viwgmn mi u iiiid house affords, wo bespeak for him a large patronage. Ilia charges are moderate? $2 per day. +^P?? TI.Ap^U^ai^ !):.! r? ! Alio UVICUI KIVU JUWIIVp! VUlUliJIUgH, id preaching in Charleston. Tiik Career or Andhkw Johnson. ?This statesman and patriot has passod away, but his deods will live altor him. YV hat a commentary is his famo on the advantages of an American Ditieen ? Unlottored and unaided, relying upon himsolt, ho advanced step by Plop from the lowest station in iifo to tho highest offico in the gift of tho Amorionn peoplo. All this was accomplished by unswerving integrity, jaunlloss oouragc, and porsevoring research. By tho oxorcise of theso principles, It Ib in tho power of any hAAt* onrl fi?tAn/11noa I\a*? I a o4*a??> * ! " |/vrw? MMV4 ?1 IVIIM IWO UV/J IU C* UU(| I 11 IIIU samo grand result, Tho samo success is attainable in tho commercial world iih in the politioftl, as it is proven in tho oaso of I)a. Tutt's Standard Preparations, llo, oonsciousoi their value, laborod pationtly, and to day no modioino has takon go firm a hold a 1 LI!- - ! ?? r t mi tuu puunu oHiimJuion us mo i^ivor PillH. They stand on tho topmost round of tho healing ladder. . . . Preparo for Winter. Don't let tho winds of winter find pour windows without sashes, or good wholo doors, but hnvo thorn fitted at >nco from the manufaolory of Mr. Pf P, To ale, whoso advertisement is in unothor column. Ho is also sole agontfor tho ' Naclonal Mixod Paint Co.," who warrant their paint not to oraok, pool or fado, \ny ono can apply it, notice. (VTiTi Jnnrilinvn in Pinknna nftnnltr nv/* lereby notifiod tlmt the Examining Hoard will moot on the 8th day of ffvnunry noxt to exnmino tenohorB or tho Publio Schools, There will >Q. positively, no othor examination ill noxt Juno. Tho?o, thoroforo, who want to toaoh must como forward >n tho ubovo day or thoy will bo dc% wred from rocoivjng n oortifientc. R. A. BO WEN, School Comiseionor. 10 AUTNtJAXi HSPOlIt OF COU Annual Report of tho County Commie the 31st of October* 1876, showing the rectiont of the Pafit Indebteduesd ot' tho C ment of tho Grand Jury, and the order laft term of tho Court. Also showing the of two mills, and the ordinary tax of thrc NAM* Of aMoOMT oWAMoUNf | olalman}. CLAIM. IDKDOT'H 1872?Joel Ellison, balance dul $18 ?6 do II Williams, balance du? 22 00 do Zephn'h 8milli, balance due 6 60 1871?fa Durham, balahde du? 60 1872?Rob't Craig, balance due 29 86 do J P Miokler, balance due 2 04 > do H E Bowen, balance due 4 20 I do L S Bfnteitle, none paid 28 26 do Joab Mauldid, bfllhncc due 148 49 do J M Porter, HO O btl due 8 ?6 do S W Olavlon, balance due 2 86 do J W Mnjor, brtldrtcfi due 18 00 do Hagoed & Alet'def bal dno 8 37 do 8 Burgest, balnttce due 4 02 do If Haync*, bnlftflco due 3 01 do J II llngood, balance duo 8 12 do J ft Ilraxcalo, hHlnnco due 02 do Vfiti McDftdc, balance dlifl 50 do D A Keaaler, bnlnnoe duo 76 do W II D Gaillard, bnlatioe duo 87 do A M Folgcr, n L, bal duo 100 25 do Dr A M Folgcr, II L, Im?1 duo 8 60 do Sarah Held, bnlniiccduo 285 80 do J K Kirkscy, S D 0, bnl dno 25 25 uuou.iupu utvner, onukoce uuo l> 7l> do I H l'liilpot, balance due 3 76 do J 0 Watkins, balance dno 2 60 do I Williams, none paid 6 00 do LB Gravely, balance dne 1 26 do J II Holoombe & co bal duo 12 00 1871?H Haynet, balance due 10 76 1872?J W Brown, none paid 28 00 do Reid & Wilson, none paid CO 23 do W H 8tftwart, balance due 9 70 do It A Bowon, balance duo 20 96 do J N Arnold, none paid 21 00 do Ooonee County, balanoa duo 22 88 do Jacob Lewis, balance duo 16 fl4 /I JdMa(VanaL?t?f ?*?%?? ^ do T Holledey, J C P, b?Tiluo 12 87 do TO Hawkins, J L T bal duo 4 18 J W Young, J L T balance due 2 76 do W II Holcotnbe,balance due 8 88 do J 8 Latham, nono paid 7 76 do J Thoa Power, balance duo 1 76 do Jan A Hughes, balance due 10 66 do Garter Diltard, balance duo 26 do J R Holcotnbe, balance due 18 60 do J A Hughea, balance 1871 86 00 do J 0 Clayton, balance due 8 76 do O'Bryant h Stone, bal due 16 00 1 ni ? *.-t J irt 1 i uu o Vyinipm.jii, 'jnmiiuu uno JZ DV do J A McKea, balanoaduo 46 do J T Qosaelt'a old claim 29 60 do Robert Craig'a old claim 69 36 do Laura Baker's old claim 2 60 . do Jonb Mauldin's old elaim 220 25 do James A MoKea'fl old claim 6 86 do Ann Crnino's old claim 6 0C do James E Ilagood's old claim SO 26 $6 00 do Jno M Hendriok'i old claim 20 00 do Robert N Smith's old claim 4 00 do 11 E Steele's old claim 16 00 do Unlus Stephen's old olaim 12 00 rl,> Inl.n W Muinr'a nM 1ft B',i do II Hayne'aold claim 7 87 do Elios Day's old claim 7 00 do Thomas James' old claim 4 50 do Jacob Lowia' old olairn 41 40 do 1 II Clayton'# old claim 27 80 do E H Barton's old claim 42 50 do Sarah lleod's old elaim 16 10 do A Rlvlhe'# old ebkim 50 00 do Walker, E. & Cogswell's claim 4i2o do Jury Ticket#, old olnim 818 00 do Witness Tiokcts, old alaira 191 06 9 50 Total $2,747 21 $15 50 Condensed ataiement of spcciul tax 11574. Amount tierer's Report Lcsu 0 percent on oolleoliions Amount applied to paat indebtedness Amount elaime paid as per County Treasurer's re Balance spcoial tax in Treasury, Fast Indebtedness Registered. WITNESS J'AY CEU TIF ICA T. NAMK Or A Mot'NT OF QI'AIMANT. CLAIM. Albort Hicks, $ 7 80 James K Hagooel, jr,, 7 00 Aaron GnrreJl, 7 60 E F Looper, 7 40 Ann Niciiolaon, 8 60 LeUie Kdens, 8 60 G Rigaou, 7 00 T P Roper, 9 70 Starling lloptr, y 70 N Edens, 8 00 J C Landreth, 8 30 G i'. Uendrioka, 8 50 John Miles, 8 60 John Cha*tnii>, 8 80 J It Houthcrluud, 8 50 Abigail 'Hoper, 6 50 J li Clarion, L>. 8., J 3 80 Harlin Simmons, 8 50 A .fiAQ .VSnuiiAox W V 8 Jones, 0 40 JanicR Uurdine, 8 60 Cornelius Keith, 8 50 lionnetl Jones, t) JO James AMcKec, 7 10 G M Linch, 8 60 8 K Soulhcrlnnd, 8 60 J 11 Ueitl, 8 50 T L Hoper, 0 10 Klijah Hoper, 6 90 Silas K Cannon qq Hooker Smith, 3 00 Nat Lynch, 8 60 Bright Gilotrap, 4 30 JeBso Miller, 7 e(i Georgo Miller, 7 60 Molinda Hoper, 1 80 i~ i *CDOU UIIUUIVUO. J Q\f J W I'rico. 3 10 Tho8 Atkinson, 4 20 Dock Owen#, 4 00 Ilenry Hoggs, 4 60 J W Price, 8 20 3 20 William S?n<l*r#, 1 M Samuel D Moser, 8 20 T M Wei born, 2 00 2 (in Buck Hogood, 2 20 Ann Hftgood, 2 20 Jack Anderson, 2 20 Fed Moflcr, j 00 .Samuel Alpscr, g 20 Fed Moscr, 1 10 II M Singleton, 2 30 John Entrikcu, 2 40 John B Gibson, 2 d0 M I< Boyd, j 40 J M Boyd, ] 40 J M Stewart, 3 40 John T Barron, 2 20 JjIQIlK ? 20 Ianao Langston, 2 20 2 20 Henry Lawrence, 2 30 Sophia Lawrence, 2 30 Joseph M Klliolt, 1 oo Letlio Bowen, 95 John Howard. Carrie Bowcn, OS Abel Sc>v)t)iorian<l> j jo Allen K Edcne, 2 20 Jtise Hlmmons, j 80 Melindu Ilopor, J 80 Thurua Durham, 70 ClintvQ Durlj?ft>, 70 > NTV (OMMINjiilOKKHit . r - -sioners ol i'ickens County, ending registration, restrictions and cor? ^ ounty in obedience foil be Presentot his Honor T. If# Cooko, at the i disbursements of the Special Tax e mills. CttAtlACffiit PAID OVT or 2 > > or CLAIM. lltLLS TVM9. Repa'ng George's creok bridg* $ 18 U Building II Agood's bridge 22 00 Repairing Clayton's bridga 6 60 Conveying Pnupsr (o Poor House 69 Bervicos as oouuly commissioner 2d 86 Poor ilouse Supplies, 2 64 Plank for bridge 4 20 Repairs on Forr's bridge 28 26 Jailors Fees 148 49 Making New Road A 76 T>?.. * " -* - .... a ?u|icr uuunues 3 80 CoronerVFees 18 00 P<>or Ilonso Supplies, 8 ft? Conatnbles Fees 4 02 I'oor House Supplies, 8 61 Building Itridge 8 12 Trial Juslico Fees 62 IFork on bridge 60 Constable Fees 7G Trial Justice Fees 87 Assessing properly, postage, &o 10G 26 Trial Juslico Fees 8 66 Nolo and interest ($230 6:86) 236 86 Trial Justice Feus, as. S D Qoodlett 26 26 Constables Fern " o 70 Probate Judge's Fees 8 16 Constable Fees 2 60 Repairing bridge 6 00 Making Gates 1 26 Advertising and Printing 12 00 g Blacksmithing for Poorllouso 10 70 Trial Justice Fees 28 00 Ititerost on Now Court House 60 28 Constablo Ffijs 8 70 Office Fees 20 9(1 Trial Justice Fees 21 00 |()n Poor House Land 22 88 ISorvidfta -?" * ? vuuimiasioner 16 64 Repairing bridge 16 GO " Building bridge 12 87 Work on the Jail 4 IS Repairing bridge 2 76 Repairing bridge 3 88 " Building bridge 7 76 Poor Houso 1 76 Labor at Poor Hosuo 10 66 Cotering bridge 26 Fees as jury commissioner IS 60 Labor on Poor Houue Farm 86 00 Repairing bridge 8 76 Building bridgo 16 00 Mc.lical attention to paupers 12 r.r? ? court recs 45 Services as coufaty commissioner 20 60 Services as county commissioner 69 85 t Repairing bridge 2 50 Sheriff and Jail Pees 220 25 Constable Fees 6 25 (Carrying Pauper to Poor Houso 5 00 Cltrk Hoard < ounty com'rs 83 25 iRppairing bridge Oft [Repairing bridgo 4 00 Blasting Hock 15 00 Repairing the Jail 12 00 Coroner.s Fees 18 83 lilacksmitliing account 7 87 t'ontablo Konn 7 tlO Constable Fees 4 SO (Services ns County Commissioner, 41 40 |llepairing Twelve Mile Bridge, 27 So I"eos ns Trial Justice, 42 So 'interest on Note for $2. So, 10 lo (\iuount paid Oconco County, 6o oo 44 26 Pnst Duo, 818 oo I'asi Duo, 182 45 f27jfl 71 _ snnftinl -r vuimticu oh per county 'i'ratut$2,900 10* 174 3-4 552,731 76 Michcrs, 2,731 71 f "oT ' Approved, and Unpaid* t'S Ob' 1873 AND 1874. AMOUNT u? . ... ~ . APPHOfll*. Sf fitn vfl .TuTimo n.,-i - - - - ... VHtimiU, 5 7 S" Slnte vs. J alius Durham, 7 00 Slate vs. Julius Durham, 7 60 IStntc vs. Julius Durham, 7 40 |Stnte vs. Samuel Edens, et ul., 8 GO I do vs Samucl-EdcuB, ol aI, 8 50 do vs Samuel Edens; ?t at, 7 90 do vs Snmuel Edens, et at, 0 70 uo vb namuel Kdons, el *l? 9 70 f do vs Samuel Edens, et al, 8 00 do vs Samuel Edens, ?t al 8 80 do va Samuel Edens, et nl 8 60 do vs Samuel Edens, et al 8 60 do vs Samuel Kdens, el a) 8 80 do vs Samuel Edens, et al, 8 60 do vb Samuel Edens, et al, 0 60 do vs Samuel Edens, et al, 18 80 | do vs Samuol Edens, et al, 8 60 do vs Samuel Edens, et al, 8 60 ji- Sstr.uc! Edens, a! n 40 do vs Samuel Edena, et al, 8 60 I do vs Samuol -1 - - ? Vfc ui, O OU do vs Samuel F-dcns, ct al, 9 10 ilo va Samuel Udens, ct al, 7 10 * do va Samuel Kdens, et al, 8 60 ' do vs Samuel F.ilcns, ctal, 8 60 do V8 Samuel Kdons, ct a), 8 60 do vs Samuel Kdens, et al, 0 10 do vs Samuel Kdons, ct al, 0 90 State vs Junius Rupples, 8 00 State va Junius llupples, 8 00 ** State vs Samuel Edons, etal, 8 60 Stato vs Julius Durham, 4 80 Stato va Julius Durham, 7 60 istato V8 Julius Durham. - I o\i do vs Charles Austin, 1 80 do va ? ?? 1 jq do vs Junius Rupplea, 8 10 % do va Junius Kupples, 4 20 do vs Junius Rupplos 4 00 do vs Junius llupples, 4 6Q do vs Junius Rupples, Stato vs Abel T Stephens, 1 60 do vs Abel T Stephens, 3 20 do vs W C Wfttls, do vs EntriWon A LawMnno n ? ? iiU do va Entrlken ft Lawrence, 2 20 do vb Entrlken ft Lawrence, 2 20 do vs Stephens & Dickson, 1 60 ^ do vs Blephens & Dlckwon, 8 20 do vs Stephens ft Dlokson, T. J. 1 10 do vs Entrlken & Lawrence, 2 80 do vs Entrikon ft Lawrence, 2 40 do vs Entrlken ft Lawrence, 2 40 do vs Entrlken ft Lawrence, 1 40 do vs Entrikon ft Lawrence, 1 40 do vs Entrlken ft Lawrence, 8 40 do vs Entrlken ft Lawrence. 2 2ft do Knlrlkon k Lawrence, do yn Kntriken k I.awrenoe, 2 20 do v? Kntriken k Lawrenoe, 2 30 do vs Kntriken k I.awrenoe, 2 *0 do vs William IJowon, 1 00 do vs William Bowcn, 95 do vs Jolin Oilnlrap, 70 k if do vs William Hownn, 96 fin VB V P. IInwnril 1 ? 1 1U do vs Dick BoulhorUnd, 2 20 do vs Charles Austin, T. J. court, 1 80 do vs Chorles Austin, T. J. court, 1 3q do vs John flilstrup, T. J. court, 79 do vs Johu Giletrnp, T. I. court, jg ?