The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, October 07, 1875, Image 1

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7 THE PICKENS SENTINEL. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. ' VOL. V. ~ PICKENS, S C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 18T5. " ~ NO.'F 1h Fiikiu Sutiul. * f. jum Editor and Proprietor. .y 1/ J ^ PICKBN8, S. 0., OCT 7, 1875. Yferttikft Of NnliNcrlptlon. fete Yht 311 no ^ Six Months 76 Aivcrthlng Batcrt. JftAdttrUf mentB Inserted at (ho rate of $1 00 MfOf (9) nine lines, or lkhs, for (lie rat taaertioh, and 60 cents for each subsecWtMc'.s made for thkik, six or twki.vk - inwrauiv vvima. AWmlitments not having iho number of toerked on them, will bo published ippl forbid and oharged accordingly. are So simple any child may ^ Mdftt&iitand them. Nino lines is a square? Id every instance wo charge by 4??wfcirte occupied, as eight <fr (on lines can %#MMe to occupy four or five Squares, an the may wish, and iti charged by the ftpoto. WBF Advertisers will please state the number ?f squares they wish their advertisements fV* Business men who advertise to bo t?aeftl?d, will be&r in mind tliat the MS(lTiK?L has a Urge and increasing cir tilatith, and Is Ukeu by tho very class of ^ feWWfc*trade they desire. AdTertising Agents. The following nro tho only author VhA m {ants to rocoivo ndvertiBomonts for tin* paper: fl??. r. Rowoll k Co., 41 Pnik Row X*vr Y6rk. Valiror Kvan# Ar. flnnrRwnll rntirrt .WHtted hy Koswell T. Logan, CharlOB(on. Si C. We will accept cnah-in-advanco orfrom other agoneicB, at roasonahW|?t?8. V* can give no advortisomont pre! #rNM in position. i rgauiic. The Charleston Novrs and Cui rior, isd the Keowco Courier, ndviee ? Against the re-organization of the Democratic party in this Stato. Why not at once nuvieu ?!i? Ccsiucrate to jJf&<6V$r to the Radical camp in n wljr, without edging around it in tMi my* If the Democrats desire tfce Stato, they can only it liiroOrli orvmiirAtion. It ilmv the Radical rulo con ^ lint, they only linvo to pursue the course suggested by these journals to ittsure it. Let iib perfect u thorough Democratic organization, put a straight iickui in the field, ally ourselves v ith tho great National Douio tratic party, and inarch with it to victory in 1876. 13ut if tho 'possum j?olley ie to be continued, lot us cease baaing Radicalism and preaching Democratic doctrino. W? clip the above from the Pickens BsstinssL, and, perhnpn, thn heat rolilv Wn r/i li 1H innlf? t a tli? |,y ?V WiO Ul litlU would bo a simple reference to our ?ondition front 1668 (o tlio present time and the causes which have led to it. Wo do not advocate tlio "'posssum policy," hut wo hold that individuals and parties should so act f in matters appertaining to the public welfare aa will likely bo productive ot the greatest good, keoping un eye to tlio evils to be correctod and the means at our command to remedy tlicm. In 1808 a straight Democratic ticket was run for Governor ad State oflicors, resulting in our overwhelming defeat, and resulting * further in engendering between the whittl And blacks a spirit of division, if i ? ? ? nw? v* NBIV, Mim. ii niuj nui ym cih tirely healed. In 1870 a mixed ticket wiw run?nominated by a Democratic convention,but the blucku ?tood firmly by the color lino arid the was again defeated. In 1872 *" ile tr!?? ?? gonorally refused to unite with the bolting wing of the Republican party, and tho defeat of Toms Ihtiftou van as much a defeat of a paaaivo policy, on the part of tl.o Ubite?, as of active support of Mosu4 i?- i ? uy me xvepnuucaiiB. in somo conns ti?t, however, 801x10 Conservative advantages were gained in tlio local government. In 1874 tlio whites participated actively in the contest, the result, though defeating Green, (Wing us a great improvement in the Legislature. Charleston was en* 4 a bled to eond to tlie Legislature somo of her ablest citizens, and Richland and other strongly Republican counties gave Oio Conservatives a place on thoir tickets. Fortunately tho defeat of Green did not foist upon us a bad Governor, for the Republican party naci uecotne bo amaea ana weakened by corruption and by having its own way, that both wings felt it necessary to nominate comparatively fair mon, with tho hope of getting tho white voto or of dividing it. From tho defeat of Carpenter, in lbTO, to the present time, there has been no Deinocratie organization, in its proper Benso, in this State in lact, me great men 01 proas, anu especially our coin so lias boon, to lessen tho heat and importance of party spirit, and press upon tlie peo\ plo tho importance of weighing tho man, who is seeking oflice, as abovo all party considerations. In fact, it was generally held that mero party improperly overshadowed every othor consideration, and that votes were cast mechanically and without reference to tho public gotd. We advocated that tho first thing to bo learned oy tho nogro was to appreciate liia individuality and his indis vidnal into)est in, and his rcsponsi bility for good government. llo must break over party tics and vote upon Ida judgment formed upon tho best informotion he could got Irom tho press, from public spoakers and from his better informed friends. Mow could this bo done? It could nover bo accomplished while tho ors gauization if tho Democratic party remained solid, 1st. Because in 18G8 tho party was actually opposed to according to to tho negro civil rights, and the negro would neither hoar Democratic advico nor attend meetings of tho party. 2d. Decuubu the interest of the Republican lead01 e prompted them to adviee the negro to avoid Democrats and opposo them as enemies to their race and freedom, ami so long as tho Democratic party remained organs ized. thev conld noint to its stroncrth * ?r i O and falsify its purpose. Tlic hopelessness Ot 6UCCC8S after 1870 led to its virtual dismemberment as an organization, and in all subsequent meetings and conventions tho mom. btrs ot tho party assumed the name of "Conservative," and lopped oft all the actual features of tho first party, so far as any opposition to tho civil rights of tbo colored raco w;is concerned. Its platform one year, wo believe, was a bare line, "houtwtjr and economy in tbo administration of tbo government," or Bomotbiog to tbat effect. lias tbo result of tbia conrso been wise or fruitful of good ? Will any reasonable man assort tbat if the Democratic party had kept up it? organ 'zillion from 1SG3, t hut the Republican party would not have Btooil today a solid, unbroken wall in itH face, and that holding an undi* vided majority it would have made parly alliliation a test for every p idtion. Shut up in our shell, we would in vain havo appealed for a hotter government and a better ch?r>8 of ollicerfi. The party 6ooing its onomy armed, organized and equipped could and would havo tolerated, in fact, would havo feared no divisions or dissensions in its ranks. With tho exception of a low countios, every State and county oilioo would have 1)'On held by Republican?, and lho Pemocrntic organization would have been powerless, even as a bal> aneo of power ; for there could have boon no divisions and no place to oporato as n balance of pow: . Wo anuort this an true, heiVMdO it ia u jj'iliiicul axiom, t'.ut organization will always bo met by counter or! ganizntion. It iu equally truo that when ono ol two organizations vir? 111 ally dissolves, tho oilier then becomes weak, then demoralized, then divided and ita adherents, freod I irow the abacklea of party, begin to look boyoud party to tlio true interests of tho country. The ecalcs fall from their eyed, their judgmonts aro enlightened and thoy are led to condemn their past blindness. No ono can deny but party zeal blinds tlio judgment and chains tlic will, virtnuii> depriving men of perfect fioe-? doin of acting and voting. Ila9 not all this begun to take place in South i n.?~ - ? vy?*i uiiiui f J-mo I1UI uur piOSOtK condition bcon improvedt nnd haa not our future prospect?grown brighter ? hiiB not tlie colorod man grown moro malleable ? Is ho not moro ap* proachablo with sound reasoning, and lias ho nut grown moro indo^ pendent in his actions, and begun to feel himsolf responBiblo to public opinion ( Could this have beon acoomnlished with ail onrnnivnH . ? ? ~" r> ?v, *^vu?v cratic party in existence? It may bo said that in tbo Northern Staved the party lias kept up its organization in tho face of greater odds, and are now about to regain their ascendency, but we have a different state of things hero. In the Northern States the two parties aru equally intelligent, of tho sumo race, and of equal integrity, perhaps. Ilero our political element is mixed, tho negro being in the ascendant. Wo had to reach him before wo could instruct him, and to a? ?v:? ? i. vjv mio *>o iimu 10 reintvo 1110 tears and prejudices; both of which wore kept alive by the very name of Democracy. The first result of nonorganization was division among tho Republicans, then a double ticket, whereby the whitos socured, by cooperating with ouo wing of tho party, substantial advantages. Thus acting together, tho fears and prejudices of tho colored race have beon quieted, and there is a general feeling among a largo portion of that raco now to unite with tho whites in a war against corruption and in an effort to secure a just and economical govern mout. This state of things could only have resulted from tho pa?sive policy of tho whites. Wo have now arrived at a period when there is a fair iiriimioof nuifltw. tl.?. r - V?|/vv? UHiViii^ II1U IJUUUI portion of both races and parties in a common work of bettering the go \ eminent. Wo can reach the colored man. Wo can instruct him, and ho lias acted with ub in some instances, snd is now bettor informed, ' lie may bo lod to join us in aomo or? ganization which will insure succcss and bettor government. We oan eay to him wo live in thosnmo State, our interests lie in the name plane, wo must live under the samo laws, our political, industrial and matorial ruin or development, as the case may bo, muttl bu one aud the same. Wo are now Hollering a common misfortune ?bad government; and wo need a common blessing? good government. Lot us dismiss past disaonsioue, and lot every liouost man, forgetting liis raco and party, nni'c to save the Stato. An organization of thi3 character wc do not oppose. On I lie contrary, wo invite it, and regard it as the only movement which ib likely to result in audi success. Men hcres toforo nt l>oth parties, would ho run for ollico, and a hotter state of things would result. Suppo8C thii is done and the Democratic party is reorganized, will not the Republican party re-organizo and opposo ufl with a solid Iront ? Are they leas wine or lobs provident? Shall wo peril tho fruits "f lour years of wiso for* boaranco and re->arouuo tho hittoruess which has chielly passed away, I'lll'UIVlfll ill ..i it... ?V W...IVVI . v. UX/V/W-- I 111 Ul 11)1) Northern JStsit oh tho Democratic party haa made largo ^ain.s ? Il tho North wan to-day as btrongly Republican n? it way four years ago, our biate policy of tho past lour ycaia vsould ho regarded as our wisest and safest course. Is it loan so bccauao of success in other Statos 'j Our State is # strongly Ropubjican, and if the Domocracy bo ro-orgau, ized it will remain both Republican and nnitod. The negro will not unite with tbo Democratic party as such, but wo fear ho will unito with any party opposed to it. If this ho so why orgnnizo tho Democratic party? Tliia thing of marching on to victory with tho national nin tv in I J -a humbug. The party in Now York has tsvo Republicans on its ticke'J In Massachusetts it has a Republican tor Lieutenant Governor, and how can this bo if tlio party there hae any organization as such ? There, as it should bo hero, it is the people uniting to better government. Wt must do tho enmo thing here, tempering our organization so as tc command success. We cannot bottei illustrate the advantages of our pas! coureo over party organization thai by referring our loaders to tho cativ paigu ol 1874. Under a Dumn. eratic nomination in" Pickens, tlx majority for the Democrats wai about 6ixty votes,, while Genera McGowan, who, in his speeches eschewed party and advised tin union of all good men in tlx election of capable men to ofiice regardless of party, polled nearly 80C majority over his Republican oppo nont. As wo now stand, the white? being an intelligent loading poople, being united in intorcat, without or' ganization, unite from roason and a common motivo, whonovot united action is likely to result iu good. They, in Stato elections, need no binding organization to bring them together, and an organizatian of the Democratic party, without accomplishing good, may re snlt in evil. As wo now str.nd, wc aro roiidy to unito with tho o ol eyory race and party to better the government. Tho weakening ol party ties in both racos is our surest road to success, and wo desire nothing which will retard this. Wo arc glad to see the successes ot the Demo cratic party everywhere, and w< would liko to help them, but in the first place wo can't do this by organ ization, and in tho second place, oui highest duty is to savo ourselves Wo do not desiro to labor in distan fields until our own have been inad? clear. Besides, wo think our pros cut and past courso lias been ono o tho leading causes of Democratic . success elsewhere. Wo aro giving them most help by keeping quiet Tho w hole thiug is working wel enough, and, we think, is working i better without our intermeddling Wo nronoso to mi rutin thin ?iil?Wi I ? I -- J ?J as to the effect of our past policy in helping the Democrats of the North to their lute successes.?Keowce Cou rior. Aix Lost ?A lloclc of 1,'2U0 sheep were destroyed through a strange accident recently, near Ban Jose Mission. California. The tlock were pas sing along the edgo of a steep precis pice, when tho leader his footing and fell over tho declivity. The rest o!' tho sheep, possibly supposing thin was the usual way of business, jumped one by one after their leader and were killed ori the rocks below. Another landanlet fraud ia liabK to arise. It seems that Delano's bills lor curriftges and horses amount to $9,000 a year, much ol which it clearly illegal. Ilo keeps one of the government eaariages, a driver anc two horses at his home in Ml. Vernon Ohio, where lie in confined by rliou* matUm. The ontlit has beon there for months, an d the drivers wit slays in Washington to draw his pay. To 11 is Honor Judge Aloore, w are indebted lor tho iollowing facl j Ilo slatos that ho wan informed <juit< recently oy Mr. 11. uoriloii, c Uranvillo County, N. (J., tlint hi i niothor gave Im-tli to 27 living hoy I unci aitorward lived to tiio ago of t) years.' llid lather lived to bo 10 1 years ot ago. lloury Gordon was tli youngest yon. ilia mother had n daughter*. - ^ ? _ ' L?~ Party Reconstruction, The hard raonoy loadors, hondod by i Gov. Tildon, who is himaolf worth Bovornl million?, arc the mon of monoy in tlio Democrntic put ty. Thoy nro ' shrewd, ns such mon usunlly nro. Horotoforo all thoy roally enrod for I WHS. l.luit. 1 I?r* ?1-- * , V..V |;u?vivi 1110 Ul UliU two 1 parties should bo conaorvativo on tho money quoation, whatever its purlieui lur shape at Iho time. Tlioir monoy interests were then safe, no mutter i wliieh party got in powor. Tlioy i have no doubt of tho election of Allen , in Ohio, and Porahing in Ponnyalva( nia. Tliey havo no doubt of carryiug I . New York on the Syracuse platform. v Tho tido has been running strong aga nst tho Republican party, which baa really bocomo nothing but (Jrantism, for a couplo ofyoara now. Tlioir doleat this Fall in tho tbroo i?r?nt o ~ 5 States of Ohio, Pcnnyslvania anil 5 Now York, will virtually bo tho otul ' oi tho Republican party. Tho ques?> > tion with Republicans will bo, Whoro J shall wo go ? Tho Tildon managors ) ot tho Syracuso Couvontion nro "not , tho only onos who boo what is com* ) ing. Leading Republicans acknowl. odgo that tho end of thoir parly is ,1 f t \t? i rw* i?UU riM. - A - <? JL,,U "gni mat is now muking, particularly in Ohio, is ono of despair. It is tho dying Btrugglo. ' Thoy ndmit that thoir dofoat in thoso throo loading States is an ond of tho 1 party, and thoy lmvo no h*pos of car. rying either. Whatthon? i 1 Ohio und Ponnyslvania, with othor I We-ttorn States, and all or noarly all ; ; (Delowaro and Maryland out) tho Southern States will bo able to control tlin DomAnrnlin " , ^....wiukiu iiaLiunai vunvonnon . of 1870, and will put thoir popular > inonoy plank into tho platform. Tho f Tildon managors boo that. Now will , como in thoir strategy. Tho itopub[ lican party ia demoralized and ready to fall to piocos, and its mombors rondy to go whorovor thoir afllnitos j bhall attract thorn. Not a third party I but a now party, will bo formed by tho "hard monoy Bocodera" from tho ' Democratic National Convontion. ' bonded by Gov. Tildon, which will draw to it all tho Republican party that is in accord with tho Tildon load ors on tho nionoy question; tho bnlanco?minority or majority?will J gravitate toward tho rogular Domo-v racy. Tho Republican party will t tituk tiisupputu no did tho Whig party, its members ^oing sonio to tlio Rer publicans, somo to tho Democratic party. Tho now party will bo callod j very likoly, Democratic Republican, t and it will aesumo to bo the parly of property, of consorvatiflin, of rospocs ' tability, of strong gorornmont. It will scok to array on ita side tho wealth, tho aristocracy, tho army and 1 navy, and all who want to bo ranlcod .HiiuKg niu uiagiuguiHiiUU OI L110 COUl)*" try. Tho regular Democratic party will bo what tho snobs havo always callcd it, tho party of tho common pooplo, ami will 1)0 denounced as in tho days of JotTorson, as tho party Jacobins, s<ins+culottes, Agrarian n, Communists, Kopudiationists. The now party's undorlying idea will bo More govornmont and loss liborly, 1 shot and (daughter and loss coaxing and fowor word.". Tho Republican I leaders looked to Grant as tho person to load tho now party,of winch hope tho Republicans would bo tho basis. '' Thoy had hopod that tho Now York 4 Democratic St:ito Convention would 1 tako tho Ohio|platform. In that event 1 there could be no division of tho Dem> ocratic party, and tho Kopublicun 1 party would try to rally to its nun-. port, under Gruntas its candidate, tho , "Hard Money" and wealthy l)einoj cratn, and claim for itself tho naino of 0 tho party of froporty, respectability and strong government. That will ho its programme if, by somo unlookml 0 i (or luck, Ohio shall go liepuhlican. ^ As things now loolc, howovor, tho ^ Tildon loudorw and republican londors '' horo look lor a gonoral shaking up and roadjuetmont of alVairs in 1870 j that <j the Republican party will disappear 1 tho lindvr r?f uul\i/?li vnill ih>!i? ?i A ~~-j -- ...II UIIHU Will] t IH o now Domocratic iiopublioan part} io bonded by Gov. Tildcn. That is tbo outlino ol tbo program* of tho futuro, as I loarnod it fit Syra<? oubo. and einco my roturn from there I havo no doubt whatovor of its oorroctnosa in tho gonoral outline.?Now York Correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquiror. AomcuLTunAr. Fairs.?Tho Season is near at hand for tho holding of tho sovcral agricultural fairs in thia Stato and wo aro glad to know that, do*' Rpito tho gonerul doprossion of tho huicf, tuo mnnngoi'H ot tho various agricultural socioties aro making ox** tensive and liberal arrangomonts for tl? present neason, by which thoso exhibions will bo kept up and tho industries of tho country oncouraged. Wo hftvo quite a numhor of woll managed exhibitions in tho State, which aro patronized to Rome extent, and wo arc glad to note that other countioR are moving in thin diroction. Wo append a list ot tho agricultural fairs in thifi section : The Greenville fair will take placo on Wcdnoyday, Oct 20th, and will last thrco days. Exhibitors arc invited from ovory section of tho country. Abbeville fair will bo held on tho 20th, 21 Ht, and 22d of October, and / - - ' 4 uiu mrincra ana planters ot Abbovillo and surrounding countiy nrooxpoctod to ongago in lively' competition for tho liberal premiums offered. Tho Anderson fair will tnko placo on tho 27tb, 28tli, and 29tb of Octobor and tho preparations for n succossfu exhibition are being rapidly pushod ? forward. It has tho reputation of tho best county fairs in the State, and wo firmly believo that tho pooplo ot Anderson will nevor allow this roputation to diminish. It is tho oldest organization ot the kind in t.lio Stalo. Tho Oconeo Agricultural Socioty propose giving an exhibition during tho month of October. Boaidos, tho Stato fair dosorvos os-? pccial mention in this connection, and ought to bo tho grand culminating effort of tlie several countios. It will bo hold in Columbia dui ing CliuBuOOnu wook in Novomber, beginning on Tuosday, tho 9th. Tho liberal promiumH offered for countice to enter as competitors is a prais\vo\'thy loaturo of tho State fair, and morits tho attention ot tho local societies, whoso inanN agors should strivo to conoonti ato tho products ?f their own counties, and make a creditable display at Columbia.?Anderson Into'.ligoncor. AnouT one-third of tho whoat grown in tho Unitod Slates in produood in tho throo States of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, and this ono-third is in round numbers a hundred million bushels. Tho heavy rains have dam* agod this crop somowhat in thoso States this year. Tho St. Paul Dispatch says that from tho most trustworthy information that it has boon able to obtain it would soem that in Minnesota live por cent, ol the ontiro production lor tho yoar has hnnn tntnlU.' ? /"?*???! "'I''!" ? ? ? - - v~ v.?. j \4vuvi \sj v;v* , m 11 I i U IIIU damaged condition ot a largo proportion ot il>e crop.i is equivalent to a turthor Ionh ot about ton per cont. Tlio con tin nod rmim i>:ivo dolaycd tlio operations of tlio (ui'incI'M. and l.lwt p.i'riM nt" | that State will not reach tho market, until so vend weeks later than usual. Posterity owes to Mr. William Douglas, of Fingland, in Kirkchnd* brightshire (who wooed but did not win the capricious Annio,) tho Bong of ''Bonnie Annie Laurie," wherein he celebrated tho beauty and transcendent per fee'ion ot the maid of MnxweUon. Poetic justice should have required that Annie would i - ? Iuiivu luwurucu wjui tier hand tho poet lover, wiio was determined to make her name immortal ; but, as it transpired, she prefei red another and a richer suitor, a Mr. Alexander Ferguson, of Crigdarroch, and him bho married. They are making gilt odga paper collars, and just as soon as tho pub? ' lie can ho educated up to tho point > of wealing them, there will he no 5 further need of dollar more jewolry. . a>> ?? It doosn't take long lor a man ' with a binall mind to nuiko it up.