The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, September 16, 1875, Image 4

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JNJSW A&VJMiTIS&MiSNTS: , MAWWPQ want?U tOflell "The People's uUiiltliW CommonBenso Metlioul Acl> visor." It is tlie chcnpcst book ever Jpb'hHi. en-: B?i> pages, over. iUualratlons7 I Th'ousatrin buy it at sight who could not l>c induced fo1 purchase tiio high-priced booths treating of Domestic Mcdiciuo. Unlike other ttooks sold through agents this work is thor-, onghly advertised throughout North America. This fact, together with tho largo size, 'elq gantappearance, and irtany new fealurqs of * the bor?k, causes it to soil more rapidly thay any work ever published in this country, Those of my agents who have had experience in soiling books, say that in all their previous canvassing they novor met with bucTi success or rnado bo large wages, as sirtcc commencing the sale of my work. For terms and territory, address (inclosing two postago stamps and stating oxporieuco) It. V. fierce, M. I)., World's Dispousary, Butl'ulo. N. Y. No(c.?Murk cuvelopo "For Publishing Dop't," TBg BRQffS COTTOH OIS CO.i ^ Manufacturers of Cotton Gins, Cotton Gin Feeders, Condensers ami Cotton Gin Materinls of every description. Our Gins have been in use thirty years, and liave an established reputation for simplicity, light running, durability, and for quality and rjuan-> lily of lint produced. Our Feeder is easily attached to the Gin, and capity operated by , any hand of ordinary intelligence. They are the simplest and cheapest Feeder in the jnurket and feed with more regularity thanispossiblo by hand, increasing the outturn anil giving a clcancr and hotter sample. At all Fairs where exhibited and by Planters hav mg mem in use, tucy have been accorded the highest cnconiums. Our Ooudensors are well made, durable and simple in construction, and do what is required of them rapidly and well. No additional power ia required to drive tho Feeder or Condenser, and no' Gin House is complete without them. . Wo are prepared to warrant, to nny reasonable extent, perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. Circulars, prices and full information furnished, Address as abovo, or apply to Julius C Smith, Greenville S- C. AUERTSOK'S SEQUENT SCREW cotton press. Unrivalled for simplicity, speod, convenience and durability. Makes a 550 lb. bale with one horse and only 18 rounds. Screw, 10 inches diameter and 10 feet long. For circulars with description, testimonials and names o\ agonis in the Soul!:, address J. M. ALllKltTSON, New London, Ct. WATERS' SEW SCALE P1AHQ5 sro the best made ; the touch elustic, and a lino singing tone, powerful, pure and even. Will 01*v' ' k" ? ' ' "'KHIWI cannot be excelled in tone or beauty ; ihey defy competition. Tho Concerto Slop is a fine Imitation of the Human Voice. | PRICK EXTRUMELY LOW FOR CASH during this Mouth. Monthly Installments received; l'ianos and Organs to Let, and llent money allowed if purchased. Seqondhand Instruments AT GREAT BARGAINS. AOHNTS WANTED. A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Spcciai Induuuiuents to the trade. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. HORACE WATERS & SONS, 181 llroadway, Now York, Box 3,507. 15010 $10,000 " Has been invested in Stock Privileges and jaid AAA Hl.'I) - -* you cent. rUOFiT. "UowtoDo It." A Hook on Wall St., sent fr?g. TUMlfUIDOE & CO., llankcrs & Brokers, 2 Wall st., N. Y. rn ?j^ A - - i'iic oiiOiccst the iroWil _LJjJXxO. Importers' pri< cs?Largest Company in Anicrica?staple avtlele?pleases everybody?-Trade continually increasing? Agents wanted everywhere?best inducements?don't waste time?send for circular to ItoiiRHT Weli,s, 43 Vescy St., N. Y., I'. (). liox 12H7. THE WEEKLY SDN. UK to New Years, post paid, GO els. Address 'The Sun," N. Y. jfclVMA WEEK rn ii Ulteod to Male and FcV I Imale Agents, in their lo<Jility. Costs [jjl I NOTIII NO toti-v it ? T * ' 1\ (). V1UKEUY (t CO., Augusta, Mc, P3YC1I0MANCY, OR SOUL OIIAHMINQ. How cither sex may fuscinatc nnd gain the love ami nfleet ions of any person they choose, instantly. This art all can possess, free, !>y mail, for 'J"? cents ; together with a Marriage GiiMe, Egyptian Oraclc, Dreams, Hints to La'lif e'.< . 1,000,UOO sold. A queer book. Address T. \V11,1,1 AM & CO., Pub' Phila. ili'ATK OK SOUTH CAROLINA. Pickens County. In tho Probate Court. Nancy Henderson, Petitioner, Against John Wilson et al., Respondents. Petition to apply sales of real estates to payment of debts. It appearing to my satisfaction that J W Nally, Cunningliani Nally, Jctlorson Nally, heirs of Isabella Wilson, to wit?Sarah Ellis, Elizabeth Erooks, Aduline (Irani, G J Wilson and Susan Griffin, defendants in this case, arc absent from und reside beyond the limits ?f this State. On motion of Holcombe & Child, pro tocl., U in ordored that they appear rorHonnllv J or ny attorney, at iny (dlice in i'icken8C6iirt? house, on Wednesday, ilie IHth <lsy of August, 1875, to show e.-iusc, if nny they can, i wliy (he j?ruycr of the petitioner, new on tile ( in my oflice, should not t>e granted, or I heir I eonsent will bo entered of record. Given under my hand and Heal, this 21hI : I June, 1875. i ir. nnr.roT, nolrt "t Probate Judge. j N KW A X>Y. WISE WENTS. Great Attraction. nvvim mi\ ras&tn u u> tuuu uvwu vuutu i In order to make tooib for my extensive j Spring slook, 1 am now offering my large ! Block of goods on hand ut cost, for cash, cojisiHting of "9 [I i . . # 4? ? boots, shoes, 1lats, caps, Ami a Large and Handsome Assortment of GfNTLIUEN'S FORHISHIHB GOODS, DRY GOODS. My Dry CJootfs Departnient is replete, consisting of L'KlNTS, DELAINES, A T D A n A C ^4..! I 1 I! -1 xvjjl auao, tm i[>uu jiiiu soiiu A Largo Lot of ISi.kaciip.o Gooijb, WII IT 10 JACONETS, ST IMl'ED JACONETS, PLAIDS ANDL1NCIES 01' nil Grades ; also a Largo Slock of FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, and SHEETINGS. I LEATHER & CROCKERYWAItE Of all kintla am! pricoa. GROCERIES. SUGAR, COFFE, BACON'LARD / ' SYRUP, AND FLOUR, Etc.. Etc... 1 ?---? 1 CIGAIIS, TOBACCO, Etc., Etc. NOTIOnS Of Every Variety, nuu Suitable for nil. I am determined not to be undersold by no house in l'ickcns. flf-aT" Parties owing nic will please come forward and settle, and save themselves (rouble. I I must have what is due me. E. H. GRIFFIN. Butler & McBee ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND IN EQUITY. S&IKKBlVlllbLB, ?. 8. WIIJ. PRAC1'IOE IN Tin: COURTS 01 TUB STATE AND OF THE UNITE! STATES. Sept i!8 ' 10 If W. E. IIOLCOMBE. R. A. CHILD, llolfombc ?V Child, A TTOIINEYS A T LA W. WILL PRACTICE in Circuit, Prolmtc, and Trail Justice Courts of this Stale. All husineas eiltrilHlfwl In ttinm will attention. Sept 19 8 ly STATE QF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Pickkns. In Probata Court. Winny Howard, j?etitioncr, against Elizabeth Rigging, Emaline liiggins ct- nl. It Appearing to my satlstaction thnt Janio O. II. Higdon, reside from ami beyond the limith of this State. On motion of C. I?. llollingsworth Pro. Pet it is ordered that they appear personally or by attorney, at my office in Pickcns Court iiouijc, on vreunesnfty, mc 31st dny of Au~j gust, 1875, to eliow cause, if any ihey cnn, why tlie prayer of the pclitionor, now on file in my oflicc, should not be grunted, or their consent will be entered of record. Given under my hand nnd sen), this 21st July, 1875. I. H.PII1LPOT, no47 Cw Judge of l'robnte. YYIIIT^KK SYnHIKN, ATTOBNRT AMD C0UN8KI.L0H AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. Practices in the Circuit ourt nnd Court of i l'robntc for Pickens ounty. May 10 42 Cm Important to the Oran^crN ami Planters of Upper noiim turoiina 1,000 grange plow stocks for Sale. ! Wo *re now prepared to furnish nny , amount of these Htooks, nn<I if upon trial , cnt iro flatinfnetIon <h net given, wo will rc? [ l fund every dollar paid us. I , All ordern received prior to the 1*1 of Sop-1 j leniber will be promptly filled nt that time, j n Price |., CELY & HHO., j nct(j Jm (Greenville, H, C , aaaatt-Bmi i nnrrni?mammmmmm NEW A DYE UTIStfftlENTS TTTBHTW* * V JU WATER WHEEL ' Was selected, 4 years ago, and put to work lu llio U. 8. Patent Oflico, D. C., and has proved lo bo the beat. 10. aiaes nm\to. Prices lower then uuy other first-cluas Wheel. Pamphlet free. Address N. F. UUHNIIAM, Vpyk, Pa. rKrnftpTnfc Wc have just replenished our Block of mer chandiso for the full and winter trade. Ladies' and fontlenien's hats nnd dress goods generally havo recoived special atten? lion. Our Shoo Department Is very full, amounting to nearly ono thousand dollars. Our General Stock Comprises nearly everything you aro likrly to need ftnd will bo sold very low. Half Car Load. Of best Liverpool Salt on band and fov Jsalc two dollars per sack, which is CHEAPER Than before the war. All aro rcspco'.fully invited to call and sec them. Hester & Hester, Central, S. C.. Oct. 28, 1871. npiiM?? U1 iUill Intemperance Speedily cured by UK. ItKCK'H only known nn<l Mire Remedy. fco H>r treatment mini c\iro<i. ton on or auarcsa Dr. J.O.BEOK, 113 John St., Cincinnati, 0. KKABHCT'S fluid kxtaot; BUG H U! The only known remedy forj WSil'S ?H&BASK, Ami ft yositive remedy for G OUT, C K A V i: L, STIUOTUR KS, I) IAII FT HS, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DR01\SY, Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irri.... iti,-r BLADDER & K DNEYS, ' H KRMATOHlUItKA. Lcncorrlioift or Whiles, Diseases of (lie l'ros> tnte (Slaml, Stone in the Madder, Colculus Gravel or IiriekdiiHt Deposit aud ,Vucum or J/ilky Discharges ... i KEA IIjSE Y'S Extract Buchu Permanently cures diseases of the BI.A 1)1) HR, KII) KEYS, AN I) J)ROrSIOA I. S WELLING, Existing in Mcn,'Wotnen and Children, S& No Mftttor Wlint the Age Prof. Steele sayb : "One bottle of Koarnby's Fluid Extract ltuchu in worth more than all other llnchuH combined." Pric?? One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for Five Dollars. Depot, 104 Dnano Street, New York A Physician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advicc gratis. B*aY*Sc nd stamp for pamphlets, frcc^lJK K,X1 l.? *11 n ,yj ?... i.fcfcmiO. Most I^xtruoiMliiinry Terms of Advertising fire offered for Nows? papers in (lie Stale of SOUTH CAROLINA. Scml for list of pnj>crH and nehcilulc oi'ratos. AildrcHsj Goo PRowell & ('o,Advertising|Agents, NO. 41 1*A KK HOW, NKW YORK. Refer to Editors of this Paper. J L13lfiNTO!Vi: si?hi\i;h nniff ? t ti ^ x Xjsanijj^ JttllxH SUllOOL. Will open 171li February . next; continuo ten months without vacation. Coiupotcnt (naaistiwit teacher# Air Line Head Passesnenr the Seminary. The health and bcnuty of tho place are well known. Terms moderate. Incidental expenses very light. Young ladie? suffering from general debility have received great benefit here. Circular* free to all ftp |mii-uuih. v^iiancs I'city, A. M? l'rincipnl. EimcHtono Springy, Spartanburg Co., <S", (!, 500 PIAXOH and OHC4AAN Now and Second-Hand. of Firnt-CUns Makcrg. will be sold at Lower I'riooH for cash or In bailments, or for rent, in City or In Cofin'ry, luring ilicae Hard Timen and iho Holidays, ?y HORACE WATKRfi f> SON, 4*1 JJroftd?ay, Minn over before offered in Now York. \gent8 wanted to well Waterft' New Scale l'i mo*, ami (loncerlo Organs. IlliiHtratctl Cntloffnos Mailed. Groat In<luc?monls lo (lie r'raik A Inrjfn discount lo TVafihorR, Minis irs, Cliurclics, Lodges, Schools, elc. Attention Merchants! # Tlio Ocouco Ii idhcr, Root, Nboc and Maufacturing Company, IValhalla, Will lako Hides and Bkins nt liberal priccs, iu cxclmugo for 1KAUNKNS and IIITKll LEATHER, Equal to any Northern tanning. AIho, for thoir oclebrated homemade BOOTS and SHOES, nt moderate priccs. Hides forwarded to iih liv Air T.i?m u.. si roail, direct to Scneca City. By lilu? Itidgo Kailrond, direct to Wuilmlla. G. WAWNKJt, noU8 Jim O. Jb'ILSlNUEK. Grccnvile & Columbia R It SCHEDULE ON nnd a.t-r FRIDAY, vtUOUST 28tli, 1874, tliu PAJBENUEK TKAIN8 on litis Road will bo ruu an followH, daily, Hundaya cxccptcd : UI\ utuvo Columbia at 7.20 a m . ' Alston 'J.05 a m ISowberry lu.31 m " OokcHburjr 2.05 p ni " Helton g.f,o j> in Arrive at Greenville 6.30 p m DOWN. Leavo Greenvillo at 0.30 a m Del ton 8.30 a m " Coke*bnry 10.18 a n " Newberry 1.80 p n " Alston 8.10 p tr. Arrive At Columbia 6 00 n n: A 1-1 tit m . 1 .. unj uuuiicw 111 msivn wiin lrnniB on llu Spartanburg and Union Railroad ; conneot at Columbia witli Night Trains on tho South Car olina itailroad up and down ; also with Train; going North and South on the Charlotte, Co lumbia and Augusta and tho Wilmington Co lurnbia and Augusta Railroads, ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Train leave Abbcvillo at U.16n in., connccf ing with Down Train from Greenville. Loa' Cokesbury at 2.15'p m., connecting with li| Train from Columbia. Accommodation Trnlc, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leny? Cokesbury at 11.16 a in., or on tho arrival c tlio Down Train from Greenville. Loaves? AiIbevUle at I o'clock p. m., connecting with ( ' I Train from Columbia. [ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUIS TV DIVISION. DOWN. Lc*yo WalhalU at ft. ' j . J " l'crryvillo Uu n " Pendleton 7.10 a in Anderson 8.10 ft ro Arrive nt Belton nt 0.00 ? Connecting with down train from Gvccnvillo Ul\ I.cftvo Bolton nt 3.6(t p m " Anderson 4.50 p in " I'endlcton fi.fift r> m " Perryville 0.!i5 p in Arrive at Walhalla at 7.15 p m Accommodation Trains between Helton and Andcruon on Thesdays, Thursdays and Sohir* days, Leave Helton at 9.60 a in., or on arriv al of J)own Train from Greenville. Leave Anderson at 2.00 p m., connecting with Up Train from Columbia. THOMAS DODAMEAD. General Superintendent. JABEZ HORTON, General Tickot Agent. Sept 10 9 tf Schedule. Atlanta & Richmond Air Lino Railway(101 NO N0IITH ? RXPAKf8 TRAIN. Leavo Atlanta 0.00 p in Leave Seneca City 11.61 p m Leave Central 12. -12 am Leave Easley 1.12 a in l-cavo urocnvillo 2.12 am /,eavo Sarlanburg r,M a m Arrive at Clmrlolle y.00 r m OOINO SOUTH?KXI'ItKSS TJTAIN. Leave Glmrlotto <;.00 a m Leave Spartanburg 10.50am Leave Greenville 12.3:5 p m Leave Kasley l.lopm Leave ont ral 2.00 p m Leave Scncca City >p m Arrive at Atlanta <i, p m OOINO NORTH?ACCOMMODATION TRAIN' Leave Atlanta 7,03 a m Leave Seneca City (i.48 p m Leave entral c.07 ft tII WCUTO junoivjr Vtlb a m Leave Greenville 8-21 ft in Leave Spartanburg 11.00 a in Arrivo ftt harlot te (5.00 p m GOING SOUTH?ACCOMMODATION Tit A IN. Leave linrlotte 8.18 p m Leave Spartanburg 8.30 p ni Leave Greenville 10.48 p in Leave Easley 11.42 p m Le avc eat 12,61 a m Leave Seneca City 1.61 a m Arrive at Atlanta 1.48 p in B Y. SAGE Eng. & Supt. Lnw Notice. The undersigned, having resumed the prno? lice of law, will attend the Courts on the 8th Judicial Circuit. Business left with Wm. R? Hngood, (it PiokcntJ C. II., will be promptly attended to. J. W. II/11UUSON. Not. 14, 1874. KOIITOH Ar HAOOOft, A T T O II N B Y S A T LAW, PS&K1K6 8. ? TXTIMj give their attention to the l'rnctict I VV en<l lo Oie Collection of I'enHiona, IS mi nty l.nml and till other Claims. J. J. NORTON, J. B. If A GOOD, Walhnlln, H. 0, Pickcns, 8, 0. July 27th 1871. 1 If . I. ~~iinr iinrram?r-- - ,nr fASlIIiY GROCERIES. I lmvo on hand anil intend lo keep constantly a general Assortment of Family Groceries, which will be sold cheap FOR CASH, suoli as Hacon. Flour, Molasses OortVse, 8ugar, and in fact every article usu-, ally kepi in my liuc. 1 also repair watches, clocks and Jewelry. Ordered: A lol of first rale jowelry, which will be disposed of on I ho bust of terina. Photographs taken in tho most approved luoucrn siyio. J. H. OLAZKNEH, Kosley Station. Arpl '23 35 1 y To Have 4>)oo<l HcuKIi Tlic Liver must be kept in order. Sanford'u Liver Iuvlgorator Ims becomc ft staple family mcdicinc. Purely vegctably?Cat horde and Tonic?for all tlcrangemonts of Liver, Stonvach ami I5o\veli. Will clear (lie complexion, cure nick headache, Ac. /Sliun Imitations. Try Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Froe ! Tree ! Free ! THE PJONEEE. A hnndsonio illustrated newspaper, containing information for everybody. Telia how and wlicro to boauro iv iiomb cheap. sent rnr.k to am. vauth ok tiib wori.d. It contains tbo New IIomebtbai) and Timhkr Laws, with other interesting matter found only in this paper. SEND FOR IT AT ONC E. It. will cost you a Post a i. Caku. New number for April just out. Address O. F. DAVI8, Land Commissioner U. 1'. K. 11. Omaha, Nkb. n otic: i:. 1 take this melliod of informinjr my Irieuds 1 lint I will l>e found in my oNice on ouch SATURDAY, for the purpose of transacting any business lhat conies under my jurisdiglion. As my duties as School Commissioner will compel ine to bo absent in different parts ol the county, 1 make this ppccial appointment for the benefit of all concerned. 11. A. 1JOWEN. no2o ly Scool ConuniHsioncr. * MBIT, AND MOXKY SIVICS). Dealers save Five,Ten and Fifteen dollars per thousand on Oigurs, and get Tobacco at lowest figures, by ordering troin PERRY & SLAW SON, Indian Girl Cigar Store, COLUMBIA S. 0. N. li. Send for Sample.-*. l)cc 21 18 if. JL. BLATCIILWY'S aft* *?\l'nprovc<l CUCUMHBU I? JEP iJ'VOOD l'UMP is theac\A r j*y knowledge Stan da it i) ol /Ml tlio market, by populm vcrtlivi, the best pump (or tho easl; money. Attention is invited lc S^flH Blaloliley's Improved ltrncket, the M JBH Drop Check Valve, which can lx sJuflJKz withdrawn without disturbing the Sy&2f?3 joints, nnd tho copper chambei which never cracks, scnlcs or rusts, and will 1/LHf ft. lifri limn Iwir unln Ku ntwl *1.. - W...W "J .-V...V.O ?MU till trado generally. In order to be sure tlml you got Uhtlchley's 1'ump, lie careful and set that it lins my trade mark as above. If you do not know where to buy; descriptive circulars, together with ihe namctind address ol tho agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by addressing witli stamp. CHAN. <>!, KI.ATCXILEY, JV1 an 11 fnc?t urer, 25?0m jOLonimenOrce St., Philadelphia ItWkiTB ViitiUiWUg fl?BUl3 Wanted in every cily and district in tho Slate of South Carolina to solicit for tho Mobile Life Insurance Co, 01 MOBIL(9, ALA. A Sound, Rclirtl lo nnd 1'rogrcBniv? Southern vu...jr. AddrcRR, giving references, H. M. FIUENl), .Secretary, Mobile, Ala. TfiE Mi iJlii fiSTR Winners of THREE HIGHEST MLDALs and DIPLOMA of HONOR, Vienna, 1873, and PariB. 18(17, no" offer the FI NEST ASSORTMENT of the Best Cabinet Organs in the World, Including new stylca with recent improvements not only tz/*/*; it */>/ fttf rnah no fnrmnfli. lv.?* ?1 .....y j .jr UUI. UISU Oil PieW jplana of Easy Payments, lie most favoiftblo ever offered. OKOANS KKNTED WITH I'RIVILKQK OF PURCHASE, lo almost any pari of the country. First payment $0.00 or upwardsILLUSTHATKI) OATAI.OOUE8 nnd Circu] lars, with full particulars, sent frco on ro j quest. Address | Vinson (V Hamlin Organ Co. ' Bonlon, Now York or Chicago. w Eacourago Home, Enterprise and Home People? ?OORS, SASH AND BLINDS * ? Geo. S. Hacker, ,v /lTt A T\fTir?nf/V*T ? L>H AUJK, a, u. Tho only Cnroliulnn engangod In tho manufacture of Doors, Unsh, Minds, Mouldings mid Turned Work in Charleston, S. C. Prices as low as any other house, and all work first-clasp. no 20- iy ri KMS HKai SCHOOL* ,f W 187(>. rilHB Exercises of tho First Term of this .1. School will counncnce January 18th and end Juno 4ih; the Second Term, July 6th and end November 19th. StudenlB entering ? within two weeks after the commencement of tho Terms, will be charged for tho whole term ; those entering after this time, from tho time of ontcrincr. Ilence. it is vorv iinnort-* ant llint students enter at tho commencement oj tlio Term that they uiny be properly and justly classified. Course of StudyPRIMARY DEPARTMENT. JUNIOR CLASS. 1st Term?Spelling, Webstcrs ; Reading, 8nr-? gent's Series. 2d Term?.Spelling and Rending continued ; Primary Geogrupliy, Cornell's; Mental A-? rithuiclic, Davios; Exercises in Writing. INTKRMKIHATK OI.ASH. 1st Term?Geography continued: Introduce tory English Grammar, Rullions ; Reading continued; Elements of Written Arithmetic, Davios; Exorcifos in Writing. 9,1 '!'?.< ? t"- ? ? - * .... ?V....? .... VI itivuiuiv; t'uujjrinui^ compicicu; Analytical English Grammar, Bullions ; Elements of Written Arithmetic completed ; ^ Primary U. S. llibtory, Quackenbos; Ex-? ? eroises in Writing. SF.NIOR CLASS. letTjrm?English Grammar completed Phyo* si ;.\1 Geography, Warren's, Gommon School Arithmetic, Davica ; Analysis of Words; Towns. 2d Term?Analysis of English Langnago, Greene's; Arithmetic cofiiinued ; Smaller Composition, Qnr.ckcnbos; Higher U. S History, Stephens'. ~ PKEl'AHATOHY DEPARTMK NT. JUNIOR CI.ASS. 1st Term Latin Grammar Editions; Latin Ren,W ? 'I-1 - ii.viiiviiiarjr MlV^eura, IMIVJO , History of I'nglaml, Markhnm h. 2d Term?.Six Hooks of Cocaat, bullions; Analyais of Latin Sentence, Arnold's sec?iid Latin Hook-; Greek Grammar, Uidlionsj Cheek Header, Bullions'; Kleuicntary Algebra, compfcled; NaturallMiilooopliy, Quuck. cubos, ISTKRMKMATK CT.AB9. It I Term?Six books of Virgil, Ant lion's ^ Grci k Header, completed; l'luin Geometry i.ooniis; 11ij^hov Composition ami Ulictorio Quackonbos; Kendvick* drool* Ollendorff; 2d Term?SalluKt's Catalinc & Jugurtlia, AntlionV; Xenophon'a Anabasis, Ar.thon's; Higher Algebra, commonced; Robinson's ^ New University; Solid and Spherical Ge-? omctry, completed; Chemistry, Voumau 9 S KN loll CLASS. 1 :'t Term -Cicero's Select Orations, Anthon's Xenoplion's Memorabilia of .Socrates; An-? tlion'a; Trigonometry and Surveying, Loo mis; lloinan History, Arnold's^ J?atiu I'roso ('outposiiion, Arnold's. 'J 11 Term ? Ant lion's; Six books of Homer's Iliad, Anthon's; Greek Prose Composition Arnold'?; algebra completed, Astrow??uyr lirocklcbby's * Tho above courfso wilt proparo caa * didates lor admission into llio 3opho<? p mx?kk Class of any ot our Southern ! Colleges. Studonts, who do not stand f a ovnmination upon th ' several studies ol oaeh class, will nc ' bo allowed tho privilege to advanco to \ the next higher, but bo rotained in ) I such class, till all tho Htlldinu ;? I? , --.VM vt aw WO > satisfactorily complotod. Tuition or Primary Department 1 VER TEIIM. [ Junior Class, - 810.00 , Intormodiato Class, ? 12.50 * t Senior " > . 15.00 Preparatory Department, 20.00 [ No deduction will ho niado for lost timo oxcopt from prolonged sickness. Monthly reports ol punctulity, do-? portinent, and recitations in ouou Btu- ^^ dy, will ho furnished paronts. J. 11. CARLISLE, Principal* Doc.17. 17 _tf ISAAC M. BRYAN, ATTOMEY AT LAW, w G7.SE1IV1LLS C, H? 8, C, Practices in Courts of Pickone county, and in United States Courts HUSBAND'S Calcined Magnesia. Is free from unpleasan taste, or roughness (0 (ho toucc or palate, In one third tlio doso of commod magncssia it relieves Sick headacho ^ Sour*alomftch, costivness', and other diseases ^ of Iho stomaeh and bowels, Tho worlds fair Medal and Pour First prmiuta Silver medals awarded it as the best. in the ir.arkct. For sale by druairisU nn?l - ?1 j nlimjuuupor, and by T, J, Husband, Jr, Philadelphia, Pa' ABSOLUTE DIVORCEB OBTAINED from Court* of different. States for desertion, kQ. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted, Address, M. HOUSE, Attorney, 40 Gin I'.tJ lircndwny, N. Y. I?i*. II. jr. ^illllnnd ^ | J A VINO returned and pcrumnuntlv lnr?i J,..l. Jed at l'iokonsvillc, renpeotfulfy ofl'*ra his Professional services to the citizens of that vicinity and surrounding country. Charged ron?onnMc. Mny 11 J