Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 20, 1921, Image 1

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1 ' iii _ gSyS= 1 " 11-Ll 1 , , ; m_imy .TO TH I VF OWN ?WI,* RF TRUW. ANO IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIOHT jgHK HAY: THOU CANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." g 1 ' illili. , ., ' -~> By Steck, Shelor Hughs & Shelor. _WALHALLA, SOUTH CA KOLI NA. W MUX Ks ? > A V, JULY 20, H?S1._ Now Serlos No. 8151_Volume LXX_No. 'Mt. How Mrs, Lane Solved Her Problem A poultry expert had said: "Any grain mixture or grain product such as meal or bread, lacks elements for making bones, muscles and nerves." Rut how to get the right in gredients and balance them that was Mrs. Lane's problem. Purina Chows Increased her Profits She saw the Purina Double Development Guarantee and gave the Purina System a trial. Now ehe gets "fryers" in half the time, makes her pullets lay the first winter, and gets more eggs the year /round. Phone us your order now. ? c. w. ?fe jr. w% ] J It F* ay ?a to JE$i ?nagy y "' 11 "?' '". 1 m ,.jtfl j ' ?' .. vmi?^sTii^?^ fr ..' fr'g'-'/ -". ' NOTES. f ..; ? -fr . fr' fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr' fr fr fri < The Pine Grove Demonstration Club met with Mrs. McPhail on Tues day afternoon. The demonstration given was pineapple ico creado.: Ga li ning and jelly-making y/?r? dis cussed. Moro than twenty were pres ent and enjoyed the afternoon to gether. The Fair Play Sewing Club met at tho school house on Wednesday morning.i Only three members were present. .Tho Fair Play Homo Demonstra tion Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Uriel Mitchell. Plans for the community fair were discussed and a demonstration given in jelly making. After all business was trans acted tho club was entertained with readings by Miss Mary Foster, guest for the afternoon, and with music by Mrs. Mitchell. Delightful refresh ments were served by Mr.-*.. Mitchell. The South Union Home Demon stration Club met Thursday after noon with Mrs. Morgan. Atfer dis cussing plans for the fair Mrs. E. B. Kecse gave a demonstration in mak ing cottage cheese. A demonstration was also given in jelly-making. The Girls' Cooking Club met with the women and had a biscuit Judging con tost with the result that Louise Robinson, Fulton McGuire, Ellie Har ris and Elizabeth Allen will compete again. On Friday afternoon t li o Karie's Grove Sewing Club met with Thelma Graham. Thc rain kept ?-orne away, but those present were busily en gaged In making aprons. The south Union Club will have a community picnic on Tuesday, the 26th of July, in the grove at Rev. C. M. Robinson's. Please note the change in place-not at Mr. Brown's, as for merly announced. Miss Lola Snider, specialist In food preparation, will give <e onstrations in yeast making and bread making. A special pro gram ls being prepared for the men. An invitation is extended to all In ibo community, whether they are club members or not. On Wednesday, the 27th, practi cally the same program will he car ried out at West Union school house. Tho program will begin promptly at 10 o'clock. Ice Cream. "leo cream is beautiful in its rich, attractive colors, and tastes even better than it looks. Made of pure, wholesome, delicious cream and milk and a little sugar, it is flavored lo snit the taste. As a dessert it is unexcelled. As a food it ranks among BAUKN?i?HLT'f iLA, Hi C;. i,y foi* H. ?.- i?^^?? tho very best, - We dike it -with".-ca Ri or wlthou|,?ake. Everybody eats lt 'Kvfcrybody'?ikes it. Uko the mann: tfta?,canie from heaven, it is sweet nourishing and palatable. Yes, it i; good and tastes good. A healthy boj or girl, a spoon and a dish of dell clous ice cream makes a splendid combination. 'Tho frozen cream dis appears rapidly, but ns it goes i nourishes, and gWes rosy cheeks bright eyes, health, strength nm happiness, lt is a real food for al classes and conditions of people. Sic! or well, rich or poor, old or young we all enjoy ice cream.'' Recipe for danket leo Cream. 1 quart of milk, 1 pint of cream. 1 cup of sugar, 1 Junket tablet, 1 tablespoon of cold waler, 2 tablespoons of vanilla. Heat the milk lo luko-warm, adc vanilla and sugar and stir well. Ther add the junket tablet which has beer dissolved in one tablespoon of cole water. Stir in well. Let stand foi Hf teen minutes, or until it has con goaled. Freeze till it ls tho consist ency of mush, then add cream nm finish freezing. Ethel L. Counts. County Home 'Dem. Agent. STARVATION FACES MILLIONS. Subsisting on Grass and Hark o Trees in Sections of Russia. Merlin, July 17. Twenty millio? persons aro on Ibo verge of starva lion in drought-stricken sections ol Kassia, subsisting mainly on moss grass and bark of trees, according to the Vossischo Zeitung, which pa per quotes information from "rel! able. Russian sources." Refugees are reported to ho pour ing into .Moscow and Petrograd b> the thousands and to be Hoeing hope lessly in every direction. The earth parched, is opening in great crevasse according to reports, and wells and rivers aro drying up. Cattlo in the stricken district? have been slaughtered to provide food, but it is believed impossible tc avert a catastrophe unless food ls received from outside sources. -.*..> Reunion at .lohn Umeko's, Aug. ll, There will be a reunion al John H. Umeko's, near New Hope church, on Aug. ll, 1921, in honor of Mis? Ernaline Sanders. All relatives and the public are invited to como and bring dinner and have a good time. John ll. Drucke. Dromedaries cnn outrun tho swift est camels. MHS. KABKlt IS FOUND GUILTY Of First Degree Murder-Gota Life Sentence-Sinks in Stupor. Cleveland, .luly 16. - Mrs. Eva Catherine Kaher was to-day found guilty of murder in the llrst degree, hut with a recommondatiofin to mer cy by the jury which tried her on the charge of plotting the killing of her husband, Daniel P. Kaher. Under tho verdict Mrs. Kaher must serve the remainder of her life in prison. Mrs. Kaher was sentenced to life Imprisonment in the Ohio reforma tory for women at Maravillo by Judge Demon. Under Ibo Ohio law lhere is no hope for pardon under snell a verdict. Though the jury had aol yet re ported ofllcialiy to the conn. Judge Maurice Bomen announced tho do I cisi?n to Attorneys F ,\V. Coulson, I Mrs. Haber's personal counsel, so thal hu might inform her in hope that she would revive suNlcionlly from a stu por to be brought Into court to hoar tho ofllcial announcement. She had been in a stupor all morning. Mrs. Kaher ls the llrst woman in Cuyahogn county to he convicted of lirsl degree murder. Wm. J. Carrigan, Mrs. Kaber'3 counsel, said he was well satisfied with the verdict, and tho same ex pression was made by county pros ecutor, Edward C. Stanton. The jury announced at 8.45 that it was ready to report a verdict, af ter having deliberated in all four hours. Mrs. Kaher, according to har counsel, Bald thal she understood what the verdict was. and she was carried into the court room at 10.3(1 o'clock. The Jury hud not then been brought in. A few minutes later the jurymen , ^YOte.-bro.ught iu and an p??; i ci?l report Of the verdict. Mrs. Ita . ber, who was lying limp in the arms 1 of a deputy sheriff, was asked if she ? had anything to say. She merely ' shook ber head, indicating that slit had not. Tho judge then pronouiicnc " the sentence, and Mrs. Kaher was ^ carried back lo her cell in the jail. Tho jury took only three ballots 1 it was stated, the llrst two being nine . for mercy and three for first degree . murder wit lion t mercy. Before bul ' loting the jury discarded the insanity : plea. Attorney Poulson said that lu . will not appeal the case. Marian McArdle, Mrs. Kaher': daughter, who was with her niothoi when she was told of the verdict bj Attorney Poulson, said she was wei pleased with thc verdict, accord int to Mr. Poulson. Try Ot hoi's in September. None of tho remaining defendant! ' will bo tried until the Septembei 1 term of court, Prosecutor Stan tor 1 has announced. Application that Mist 1 McArdle be admitted to ball was re fused to-day by Judgo Demon follow ing the verdict in the case of Mrs ? Haber 1 ^.^ Lutheran Summer School Success. (The State, July 18.) Dr. II. A. McCullough, pastor ol St. Paul's Lutheran church and di rector of the Lutheran Summet School for Church Workers, now lr. session at. Summerland College, re turned to Columbia to conduct ser vices at his church yesterday ant! . gives glowing accounts of the sue cess of tho school. Ile says he con \ sidered last year an especially sue cessful session because, on thc hrs! day, tho enrollment numbered !>?"> This year, however, he says that thc enrollment for the llrst day num bered 17 0. The oollego building has over Mowed, and the mon have been turn ' ed out into tho town of Leesville tc j (Ind plncos to stay, the building hav ing been turned over to the women Numbers of the students aro tak ing the full Sunday school course, bc ' said, nnd others aro taking COUrset In young people's, brotherhood and woman's missionary work. The school was entertained Friday , night by the Summerland College Cloe Club, the girls returning to thc i collogo for this purpose. Dr. McCul , lough speaks highly of tho quality of I this splendid entertainment. Will He No Duty on Oil. Washington, July 18. - The pro posed duty on crude and fuel oil was . struck out of the Fordney tariff bill j to-day by vote of the House. NEGRO Al AI WK FULL CONFESSION As to Milliner In Which He Killed ' . Dr. Lipscomb. (Greenwood Index-Journal.) A hill confession. descrbing how he killed Dr. Lawton Lipscomb al his home at .Ninety-six on the afternoon of .lyly 5th, was made by his slayer, Pinn Griflln, at the State peniten tiary Jo Sheriff 10. .M. White and sev oral witnesses. Qriffln stated that no others were in any way implicated in tho killing, and that ho alone was responsible for ?he death of Dr. Lips comb, Another farm hand of Dr. Lipscomb. David Makin, has been held since Ute killing, Charged with being an accomplice. John Emory, who carried Griflln from the scene of Die shooting, i.s also still in jail. Since the death of Dr. Lipscomb, numerous reports and minors have beenf circulated in regard to state ments made by Crillln implicating others. Sheriff White stales thai li has been his belief all the time that inn was solely responsible, and the Confession yesterday corroborates his Belief. Griffin declared that Dr. Lipscomb had 'tole: him in the morning of the day ^ie was shot that he would put whelps on him like the ones on the mule If he didn't quit beating the muli . AV hen he brought the mule in at d nncr lime, he says, he told Dr. Lips onib that he was going to quit. Dr. . Jpscomb told him ho couldn't, and nf he was not back by 2 o'clock he You,(1 carry him before Magis trats Sam Cooper for breach of con tr?cfc Griffin said he then shot Dr, Llbscoiiib. According to Qriffln, he dil^not know how many times bc httt all of Hie shots were tired .wMe pr. Lipscomb was facing him '^M^-viue. shooting. be,Jeff, througl tho lot gate, went through'a patel of woods and across a field, where hi threw away his pistol. Later he go in John Emory's buggy and was car ried a few miles. When asked by Sheriff White whe Dior he had planned the murder pre viously, Griflln told him that he dh not know ho was going to kill Dr Lipscomb until thc instant he did it Ho said ho had been carrying Hu pistol strapped under his shirt foi years. TA lt AND FEATHERS APPL1EI Applied to Preacher Charged wt tl Teaching Hace Social Equality. Miama, Fla., July 17. - Eigh masked men waylaid Kev. Philip S Irwin, white, archdeacon of the ling lisli Episcopal church and head o the work of that church among th' Solidi Florida negroes, at the dosi of Iiis evening services to-night ant applied a coat of tar and feathers ti him. He was then placed in a sac! and taken in an automobile to ; spot near the business center of thl city and dumped on to the stree from the car. Certain doctrines o uplift to the negroes delivered b; Archdeacon Irwin, objectlonablo t white residents, are said to have beet the reason for tho deed. Ills assail ants have not as yet been apprehend od. Three other while men and sev eral negroes are to receive the sam treatment as that accorded Archdea con Irwin, according to the story re lated by the victim of the tar nm feather party. Tho masked nien.whib applying the coat of tar. told bin that they were prepared lo give lho8< others the samo punishment am warning. Several weeks ago a negro preach or named Higgs was taken from Co connut Grove, near here, and, ofte being whipped, he was ordered t< leave the country. Ile sailed for Xas .san, Bahama Islands, two days later So far as tho public have heei able lo ascertain, no one saw tin masked men toko Irwin from Miam or bring him back. Dakota I'ses the "Direct] Method." Alierdeen, S. Dak., July 16.-Om hundred nnd three alleged 1. W. WV were driven out of Aberdeen and vi elplty to-night by citizens' "posses' aiding Sheriff Elliott, of Drown coun ty. They were herded In two groups one sent east and the other north Each group was driven about tot miles. Other towns In tho vlclnit; were notified to keep tho men mov lng. ' For Saje A few good used and Trucks for The prices and ter I Have a fleet of s? Mowing andi Hauling ?o anywhere any til Arthur Walhall (?OY KU N M KNT WA .NTS IM) KNOW Knots Concerning Encumbrances on i\w Homos of Our Country. Tho Courier is in receipt of the following letter from tho Department of Commerce, Bureau of tho Census, with tho request that we publish for the information of the public: In .Midst of Investigation. Washington, I). C., July 13.-The Census Bureau is now in tho midst of an investigation to ascertain the amount of encumbrances on homes. This inquiry is made in compliance * with the requirements of tho Act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1919. lt is desired to show tho total num 1 ber of homos itv eaohxotty-.thaL^are7 1 rented, tho number that are Swned ' free of mortgage, the number that 1 are subject to mortgage Indebted ness and the amount ut such indebt edness. Schedules of inquiry calling for this information have been sent to all of tho persons reported In your city as owning homes subject, to ' mortgage, but unfortunately a largo ' number of the citizens have not re plied to the official request. We 1m ' agine this indifference on their part is duo to the fact that they do not ) appreciate the importance of the sta tistics, and this letter is written in ! the hope that you will give publicity to it, so that moro prompt attention will be given to our communications. 1 l enclose a copy of the schedule . Inquiry. Two requests have already . been sent to your citizens. A third f request Is now about to be mailed. 3 The law providing for this inquiry 2 contains a penalty for refusal to fur 1 nish the information, but lt has not 3 been our practice to enforce this i penalty, and wo hopo lt will not be i necessary to depart from it. I be s lievo that your citizens will give t more prompt attention to tho in f qniry if they aro assured that their y replies will be treated as strictly cou rt fidential and the figures used only H for tho compilation of totals for the . publication of statistical matter on . the subject of homes owned, rented and homes encumbered and uiiuii . cumbered by mortgage debt. a This is a very important inquiry. . The statistics will go far toward . showing actual conditions that are 1 existing in Hie different sections of 5 the country, and J trust that it. will ! be convenient for your paper to give . publicity to the matter. If you de \ siro any additional information or additional copies of tho report for . such filing of information, for use In . securing responses to tho requests t made for this information, we will bo 3 glad to hear from you. Very truly, W. M. Stewart, Director. 1 Community Day nt West Union. A community picnic will be given by tho West Union ft, s. 1. A. and County Home Demonstration Club at the school building on July 27th. fi Miss Ethel Counts, our Homo Dem il onstratlon Agent, and also tho Stato - Demonstration Agent, will meet with . us and dem?nstralo broad-making. Mr. Briggs, our County Agrlcultu i, ral Agent, will bo present and glvo . us some now methods concerning i farming. , y Everyone is Invited to como and - bring well-filled baskets. Mrs, John Brewer, Sec'y. Passenger Cars Sale or Trade, ms will suit you. 3ven TrucKs doini? i of all Kinds. Will ne. ?See me. s Brown, a, 5. C. _i OLAUDM ?AKT KIOSK.'NK Whereabouts Unknown-Solids Des ignation by 'Mail. Ornngoburg, s.e., July IS-Claud** J. 'Rast, Superintendent of tEduca tion for Ornngoburg county, who left Orangeburg some time Wednesday afternoon or night, after a severo beating Tuesday morning, and charg ed with seducing a former pupil of his, lias written a letter to J. Leroy Dukes, a member of the Orangoburgv County Board of Education, asking ; that'his resignation as Superintend- ? pnt of Education for Ornngoburg. county be tendered to tho State Su perintendent of Education, John E. :S^onrlngon..-,. ---^ f&f&?tyif. V^*?'-^? tir.. Dukes states '"that tho post mark on the envelope ls obscure, bn< the l?tler appoars to havo boon mall ed at aratlway postofhee, and' that, tho loiter carried no information arf to tho whereabouts of Rast. Everything ls quiet in Ornngo burg, tho parties administering tho? boating to Rast being out on bondi and Rast, it. is believed, gone beyond! tho State. Tho warrant, lt ls stated,, charges (Maude J. Ttast with attempt, lo ravish. OFFICERS SI KKIM; DENTIST. Headless Body l<\>und linder Birre*** Oar-Suspect Swindle At(?tupt Roseberg, Oregon, July 15.-OiR cers to-day wore seeking Dr. R. M.. Brunilcld, a dentist, who ls missing,, following tho finding of a boadles*;-, body under Bru m field's wrecked and burned automobile. Two identifica tions of tho body wore made, one by Ibo dentist's wifo and another b>r friends of Dennis Russell,a laborer-. Sheriff Slamer said tho warrant was Issued on the theory that ITrtm-. field, who was insured for %2/&,W(Wr against death and accident, WU* hea - vily involved financially, and! haul slain Russell and hauled the owlfcv Rr? (he place where lt was foim.C ana' then blown off the hoad with a Stick' of dynamite, after placing his own ring and other identifying articles on-, tho body. Tugaloo Academy Mooting Cancelled.. Owing lo tho fact that I have boen unexpectedly called to Spartanburg,. 1 will ho compelled to cancel tho meeting which was to be hold at Tu galoo Academy on Thursday night.. July 21st. Ooo. R. Briggs, County Demonstration Agent.. Shower Saves City from Fire. Augusta, Ky., July 15.-A six-flew* blacksnake refused to budge front bis don under an old stump to-day,, and W. II. Winter, a farmer near Augusta, decided lo smoko out thc* roptilo. Fire spread from tho stump toe ? 20-acro hay Held. The Hold was dry, and tho llamos spread rapidly, leap Mng high into the air. Appeals woro> sent to the fire department when the flames shot out in every direction. Farmers for miles around hurried to tho scone, and, with tho aid of ? timely shower of rain, managod to savo this city. Tho snake escaped. Geology teaches that tho groat -st', climatic changes on tho earth ca tte In tho glacial period.