Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 18, 1921, Image 1

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"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj Oxfords Reduced, All Queen Quality Oxfords and Pumps, in patent leather; brown and black, worth from $12.50 to $8,50, reduced to.$5.00. We have only about 100 pairs, so come in and get a pair while we have your size. Also Men's $12.50 Oxfords at $8,50. G, W. 8& J. E? Bauknight, WALHALLA, S. C. !T PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. Horses = Mules -I HAVE ABOUT 35 Head of Good Young Horses and Mules to Sell and they arc worth the money. Will sell for Cash or Good Paper. These are all real work stock-just the kind you will need for the heavy spring work. ?* Also have Buggies, Wagons and Harness, Oliver Plows and Repairs, Chattanooga Plows and Repairs-all to go at right prices. Milk Cows and Beef Cattle. ?? Come and sec mc. W. fl. Brown, WALHALLA, S. C. Ladies' and Men's Cotton Hose, 3 Pairs for 25e. for 2 Weeks Only. GIRLS WANTED Apply at Mill Office at once. HlHTKICK MO$113RY Ml&lLi&j WALHALLA, S. C. HACK TO TIIK SI ?Ol I-S S Y ST K.M. All Postmasters io Take Competitive Kxamlmttions When Terms Kvpiro Washington, May lo. The Posl ofllco Department is hack in politics. Thus the recent executive order of tile President is interpreted. Presiden! Wilson, while in the White House, issued au order that all postmasters who received their appoint incuts as the result of com petitive examinations would hold oliice Indefinitely. Mr. Harding has changed that order. As a result all postmasters, at tho expiration of their present terms of oflice, will en ter into new competitivo examina tions. From tho list of those who com pete Hie President will select one man. That one man will not of ne cessity he Hie one who scored the highest mark. On the contrary, the President, as a result, of his own order, will select one applicant from tho three highest. In only ono ease will a Democrat ho chosen. If the three highest men are Democrats, ono of thom, naturally, will he se lected. Otherwise a Republican will get the joh. lt is a return to the spoils system rather than the merit system, lt will mean that every postoflloe filled within the next four years, and pos sibly eight years, will be with a Re publican. As a result, when a Dem ocratic President comes in lu; will feel impelled lo issue a new execu tive order. Ht? will declare that all pos to iii ces must be lilied as a result of examinations, and thal lie will se lect one applicant from the three making the highest marks. And thus the spoils system will he perpetuated. Tho order of President Harding was generally anticipated. Negro Appointed Attorney. Washington. May IS..Attorney Honorai Dougherty announced to day the appointment of Perry W. Howard, a negro attorney of .lack son, Miss., as special attorney in tho claims division of Ibo Department of Justice. Ile has charge, of fraudulent claims against Hie government in mal HM S connected with his own race. The salary is $'..000 a year. Howard ls president of the National Negro Har Association and was secretary In charge of Republican headquarters for negro voters In the recent nation al campaign, ills appointment was endorsed by national committee of ficials. Kxoavatlons at deser show an Aegean element In the culture of the Philistines. CO.HMKXC10M1CNT S1CASOX IS ON. Dr. McCilothlin, of Kurimin, (o Ad dress Seneca ll. s. drud. Class. Seneca, May 1 7.- Special: 'Com mencement exercises ot' the Seneca schools will be held in the Presbyte rian church next Thursday evening at 8.1") o'clock. Dr. McClothlin, tho president of Forman University,will address the graduating class, which finishes the 1 1th grade-.Misses Nina Harper, Annie Wade Drown, Bernice Drown, Ovaline Kelley, Helen Price. Dilly Mae Buchanann and (Hive Lynch: B. Gnllosple, Roderick Did ier and McOarvy Cox. Dr. li. A. Hines, chairman of tho board er trus tees, will deliver the diplomas. Spe cial music will be a feature ol thc oci a sion. A number of lite citizens of our ?own im t last Friday afternoon to discuss the matter of a permanent survey of tho Seneca streets. Several surveys have boen made from ti ?ne to time, but norn? so far thal was ac ceptable lo all. Neither was there ?my satisfacory conclusion arrived ai on this occasion. A resolution was adopted asking Hie council to have the polos, now being erected by the Dell Telephone Company, placed upon the edge of the sidewalks as they now stand, and not according to tito new survey. J. J. Ballenger has bought the store room now occupied by Mrs. Lee Holleman's dry goods firm and will improve the property and move his hardware business there. Misses Louise Dendy, Mary Hines and Tiphaine Burgess are among the graduates from Winthrop Collego tills commencement, which will take place the 29th, 30th and Hist of this month. These young ladies were.,j classmates, finished from Seneca High School four years ago, and have made brilliant records and won many honors at Winthrop. Seneca is justly proud of them. Miss Bur gess specializes in domestic science. Miss Dendy has accepted a position | in Ibo schools of Dunn, X. C., for the j coming year, while Miss Mary Hines will go to Winston-Slem, X. C., as a member of the faculty of the city schools. An interesting meeting of the Once-a-Weok club was held al Hie home of Miss Ruby Harper on Fair Play street last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. .1. II. Burgess was in the chair, and the literary program was in charge of Mrs. .). P. Coates. Miss Harper, assisted by Mr.s. Th os. Har per, served delightful refreshments during the social hour. The next meeting will he with Mrs. 10. C. Doyle. Miss Lucia Ximmons was at homo to a number of her classmaies and the teachers of the school last Friday evening, dames were enjoyed until a lalo hour, when ice cream, cake ?md punch were served by the hos tess, assisted by Miss Sue Ximmons, Miss Sue Qignillial and Miss Leola Hines. The play, "Sand," given by Miss Sallie Striblln, and ber co-workers at Ibo school auditorium last Friday evening, was greoled by a full house, which evidenced its appreciation hy much laughter and great applause. The play is a canning one, and well calculated to accomplish the purpose for which it was written--thal of creating a deeper interest in the ed ucation of the masses and the wiping out of the stain of illiteracy that shows so black on the fair name of South Carolina, Mutilated Hotly of Woman round. Florence, Ala., i.May IC-The mu tilated body of Mrs. Myrtle Williams Seay, 20 years of age, was found by a searching party last night on a lonely hillside near Se wa rt Spring, a short distance from Florence. F. W. Seay, the husband, with whom she left Ibo home of her father early last night, is missing, according to tho police. The woman's head had been crush ed with a stone and an attempt had been made' to burn the body, which was nude, tho police said. Mrs. Seay was the daughtor of A. A. Williams, at present attending a Red Cross convention at Atlantic City. Seay is a clerk in a department store, and formerly lived at Hot Springs, Ark. Dolli Seay and his wife were prominent. Tho Koran assails Jews, but pays little heed to Christians, of whom Mohammed knew little. "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj I have several Trucks ? new and second-hand, to purchaser, Thc price is i shall be just whatever yoi You can haul cheaper a any other way in thc wot\ Parts for Wlaxwell Cars cost, can be bad from mc Havolinc Motor Oil (he lots, 60 cents a gallon. I will save you money i Arthur Wal ha I i TUM NHWS I'HOM HOI XT Y LAND. Coining Marriage of hid i Ia mil ( <> is Announced-Personal Kents. County Land. May UL- Special: Mr. and Mrs. C. 10. Gumbrell bad as their gusts last week Mrs. J. B. Hol der, of Statesvllle, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stone, of Heizer. The Richland school will have Its closing exercises next Tltusdary eve ning, May 1 ii til, beginning at 8.15. There will be an address by Prof. B. C. McGants, of -Anderson, who Is an able speaker, and bis address ls be ing looked forward to ns one of tho most prominent features of interest in the evening's entertainment. The public is cordially invited to attend these exercises. Miss Sallie Davis visited in An derson hist week. J. ix stewart and Henry Duncan wen. to Salem the week-end. Little Misses Lucia May and Udna Hubbard, of Fairview, are spending j several days with their gran dpa ron ts, J Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Hubbard. , Pill Davis left Saturday for Tusca-j I loosa. Ala., w ll oro he has accepted j a position, Jesse, (Winier and Marion llnh ! bard were in Anderson the latter part ! of the week. I Miss Pauline Rallonger, of Lown j desville, is a guest of her sister, .Mrs. J. Allen Dendy. j A marriage announcement which j will be of interest to the numerous : friends of the young couple is that Of Stiles C. Stribling, of (laffney, and Miss Ethel Hopkins, of Cherokee county, the marriage to lake place on the 8th of .lune. The bride-elect is Home Demonstration Agent, of Cherokee county. The groom-elect need.! no intrdouction to tho rendors of The Courier, being ti son of Mr, ?and Mrs. J. P. Stribling, of Richland, and is a young man of genuine wort li j and integrity. For the past year or so yoting Mr. Stribling has trilito ef ficiently filled the position of Farm I Demonstration Agent of Cherokee county, with headquarters in Gaff ney. Congratula ions aro extended the young couple in advance of the happy event. Misses Mnymo Dendy and Pauline '?nllenger and .lohn Allen Dendy went lo Greenville thc week-end. They were accompanied by John Da vis, who has accepted a position In (?reen vi lie. Mrs. J. M. Pickett, who luis been sj ending a fortnight with her daugh ter. .Mrs. W. IX Wright, loaves to day for Sandy Springs, Mrs. Pickett has many friends in Ibis her home community, who always welcome her visits and look forward willi pleas ure to ber coming. Miss Cary Doyle will leave Wed nesday for near Piedmont, where she will be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smithson. Daughter of Former Governor Dies. Dayton, Ohio, May 10.-Mrs. Hel en Cox Mahoney, 25 years of age, a daughter of former Governor James M. Cox, Democratic candidato for tho Presidency last fall, died sud denly at ber homo in Oakwood, a suburb, early this morning. Mrs. Mahoney passed through a severe illness several months ago, but apparently had entirely recov ered. ind Passenger Cars, both sell on terms to suit thc very low and thc terms ir requirements arc. nd quicker by truck than id. , at one half thc factory without delay, ravy) in 60 and 30-gallon f you need anything I sell. Brown, la, S. C. TORNADO IN SOUTH CAROLINA Heaves Path of U'KTkilKC-Passed Through MoctJoil nf Morry Co. Marion, s. C., May l l.-Ono poi son, a little white 1>oy four years old, is dead, and a negro woman ls thought to be fatally Injured from the tornado which struck Floyd's township, I lorry county, yestorday afternoon. The little hoy killed was Francis Jones, adopted child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones. Several others aro painfully hut not fatally hurt. One of those is ? Flossio Elliott, a six-year-old girl, who is badly crushed. She was in a home which was demolished hy tho storm. Two women in this samo house were pinned beneath ibo wreckage, and ono is said to have become deranged temporarily In con sequence of Hie tragedy. Huff Lu l? ele and emmery Sausio, both white, I aro also painfully hurl. The negro woman, who is expect ed to die, was brought lo tho*hospi tal in Marion. She has both lower limbs crushed. Ten houses '.vere completely de molished, The inmates heard Ibo noise of tho approaching storm, and many of thom rushed lo Ibo open fields as Ibo daik cloud swept down on them. This enabled many to es capo with their lives, who otherwise doubtless would have boon killed in tho wrecked bouses. The path of tho tornado is possi bly a foui tb of a mile wide. lt. be gan at Callivant's Ferry and ?wept /rom the southeast toward (he north west. It lifted occasionally, and tho worst damage was done on the farm of 'H. M. Meares, The residence of Mr. Meares was not directly itt tho path of the heavy wind, hut one cor ner of his born was cut away by ?ho terrible forco of ibo wind. Five ten tint houses on this place were de stroyed. At one place several bales of cot ton wore lifted into tho air, and ono bale was dropped 150 yards from whore it was picked up. A Ford car was lined ont of Ibo road. The occu pant saved li i nisei f hy jumping from tho machino. Trees were snapped off or uproot ed, Ibo tornado cutting wide swaths through the woods. Relief work was undertaken Im mediately yesterday, a Red Cross nurse going from Marion to the com munity. Confed?ralo Army Surgeon Head. Wlnston-Salem, X. C. May 14. Dr. I,. II. Hill, aged 84, who served as surgeon in Hie War Between tho States, and who was perhaps the o?d os living surgeon who served in tho Confederate army, died tit his homo in Cornial) own, Stokes county, last, night. Card of Thanks. Edi lor Koo woe Courier: VVo desiro through your columns to express our deep appreciation of tho many deeds of kindness and for tho sympathy and interost shown us during tho recent illness and at tho death of our doar mother. May Cod's richest blessings abido with all thoso good Monds ls tho sincero wish of Mrs. C. F. Sorrells, Brothers and Slstors. Walhalla, S. C.-adv.