Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 05, 1921, Image 1

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? > ."..i'.-'- . i/1 Br Stock, Slielor Hughs & Bhelor lil j il^B _! "fllL.- '.1_ _?> Now Kerles No. .^VALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AVMI&ESUAY, JAN. 5, 1021. A New Series j tfo. frOu\?--Volume^LXXI.-Nov"*. I---;-?-^-* * ? ? ? ' i ' . . ' " . , . ;'' ' \"' ?; - ? . . V ? ' " . ' '' ' . ? ft'<s:. / -:V, 1? >".'.'ii? Vi ' ' "V . f SHORTS li Pure Wheat Shorts is the best Hog Feed on the mar ket. We are offering the best grade of Shorts: 75-lb. Bags, . . $2.25. 100-lb. I . . $2.75. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, WALHALLA. S. C. IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. j N OTIC E . Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton. Also have ample warehouse facilities for storing cotton. See me if you want to either sell or store. : - . Off I ce Iii Moss & Ansel's Store. BAYLIS W. HARRISON, Walhalla, S. C. Sept. 27, J920-39-tf. ...f Whoso Work During 1021 Will Bc Moro Important Til an Ever. STAND BY YOUR COUNTY AGENT, I them market cotton and other "mon ey crops" more wisely; and (3) who I will help farmers In co-operative ship ping and selling of the corn, hay, hogs and cntle they are going to raise. We shall indeed need county agents -and this year more than ever bo fore. (Progressive Farmer.) We regret to learn of a disposi tion in a few conuties to try to get along in 1921 without a county agent, or with a less efficient county agent. Such a policy is like dropping the pilot Just as the ship enters the most dangerous seas, lt is like shutting up the lighthouse Just ns the storm comes oh. The farmers of the South will noed' the help of tho county agent more in 1921 than ever before. And they will use him more than ever before. In the first place, they need his help abopt production. How much the cotton acreago will be cut is prob lematical, but it is certainly going to be cut. Farmers are going to grow a diversity of crops, and they are going to need guidance in new fields if effort. They are also going to grow moro livestock, and here especially they will need the help of a thor oughly equipped county agent. .No less urgently-in fact, even moro urgently-farmers will need the help of the county agent In prob lems of marketing. Big and promis ing plans for reformed cotton market ing (as well as tobacco markoting and poannt marketing In section? growing those crops) are already under way. The county agent is tho man who must do more than anyono else in bringing success to these plans for scientific and profitable market ing. Then, too, In growing corn, hay, hoers nr)i\ op.ttle farmers will find their diversification program of small profit unloss plans for co-operative shipping and soiling are worked out. ., They naturally look to the county agent for leadership in thoso mat ters. For all these reasons the best in vestment yonr connty can make is to puy enough to get a superbly qunll . fled man to lead your farming forces aa connty agent In 1021. Don't be content with a cheap man. .Got a man whose training is such that farmers know he can ?give them real help in all the Intricate problems of soils, fertilizers, crops, livestock dls ? eBjSes-a man who has enough abil ity not only (1) to help fnrmcrs di versify wisely, but also (2) to help -? BOMB) OF TOM WATSON'S FLANS. Contemplates Making A Big Noise in tho Next Congress. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1.-Thomas E. Watson, United States Senator-elect from this State, announces in a copy righted statement prepared for tho Constitution, that at the extra ses sion of the 67th Congress he will in troduce a bill to make Liberty and Victory bonds and other government | war paper legal tender. Mr. Watson has announced plans for Introducing bills to force the Fed eral Reserve and farm loan banks t > lend money directly to individ?ala, and to require the Secretary of the Treasury to issue tho unissued green backs authorized by a hill signed by President Lincoln. Tho total of thoso authorized but unissued greenbacks, according to tho Senator-elect, ls $102,000,000. Discussing his plan to ma ko legal tender of Liberty and Victory bonds and credit certificates, with savings stamps and all government obliga tion paper Issued during and since tho World War as a roinedy for what ho claims is an existing "domestic crisis," Mr. Watson declared that such action would have an electrify ing effect upon Amoricnn business life. On the passage of such legislation, Mr. Watson declared, "all apprehen sion of a panic would quickly disap pear." Regarding the nation's financial system, Mr. Watson said that he would introduce bills to make it mandatory, under penalty, for the re gional banks to lend direct to farm er) on approved securities at an In terest rate not over five per cent; to repeal that section of the Farm Loan Bank Act requiring a group of ten 1 signatories to a loan, and Insertion of i a mandatory clause compelling such .banks to lend to an individual appll I cant upon approvod securities with out tho requirement of additional ob ligators. I ONE WAY TO REDUCE COTTON Acreage-J. P. Stribling Writes Gerin . corning .Movement. As we worry over thc present crises it is well that we should take our bearings and soe "whore we are at" and where we are drifting. Our staple crop-cotton-is soil ing at about half the cost of produc tion. Our cribs, bins and smoke houses are only half Ulled, and the boll weevil is in winter quarters in our county, laying plans to destroy the coming crop of cotton. The finest and most prolific crop we have raised tho past year, being a crop of large Obligations, that but few have been able to gather. Stop- listen- think- act-asVto the future! Right-about faco! Be honest and provident with our homes and furn i UGH, with our livestock and with our lands. Let us divide our lands into three equal portions and start diversification. On the first one third of this land sow and plant UH staple grains-'corn, wheat and oats. This will insure tho "stuff of life" fr? man and beast. On tho next one-third of land sow cover crops, forage crop?? and leguminous crops. This will pro vide ample forage crops and feed our soils, too, at the same time. On tho last one-third of land plant cotton. This will give a surplus money crop and furnish funds to meet all outside expenses (provided we do not rnlst too large a crop of obligations), and lny by a fair sum tor the "rainy day" in tho future. The second year change corn and grain lands to forage and cover croj)e, and the forage and coyer crops. ji?ju? ?nd grain. . . For*',the third year revolve aroui one-third further, and on the fourth year start the three-year rotation over again. By this plan no crop will be on lands more than three years apart; cotton each year will follow cover crops, and tho boll weevil will be guessing all winter where his next year's food supply will come from, and will exhaust his energy migrat ing from field to flold each Bummer, and will soon give up in despair; and nil the other crop insects, pests and fungus diseases will lessen each year, and the soil will steadily im prove. This plan, well carried out, will amply food man and boast and land, and give a 'surplus, and. give our homes and farms an air of comfort and thrift and prosperity. This plan is practical, workable, in expensive, easily understood. This plan will solve the acreage reduction. Try lt and be convinced. Many de tails can be worked out from this general plan. J. P. Strlbllng. Richland, Jan. 1, 1921. WILLERS GOT PEN FIVE YEARS For Deserting-'Was a German Spy While Serving in U. S. Army. Washington, Jan. 1.-John A. Wil lera, a former captain In the United States army, who, when arrested at New York on Dec. 7, claimed that he had acted as a Gorman spy while serving with tho American forces, has boon convicted by court martial of desertion from tho army, and sen tenced to five yonrs in the Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, it was announced yesterday at tho War De partment. Willers still is to be tried on chargos of theft and embezz men% The former captain, who said he ha onie to the United States as an agont of tho German government, ls charged with absconding with $r>, 000 of the funds of his company on Dec. 19, 1918. His company (I, of the Forty-eighth Infantry,) was then stationed at Camp Sevler, Green ville, S. C. This Railroad in Rad Fix. Washington, Dec. 31.-The bor rowed locomotivo now used by the Frodericksburg and Northern rail road, a short lino In Texas, ls about all In, the road told the Interstate Commerce Commission to-day In making application for a Federal loan of $20,000 with which to pur chase a "good second-hand engine." Unless anothor locomotive I? ac quired by the spring, tho application said, the road will bo forced to sus pend. I'M YOUR MA I do MOVING ai kiad anywhere or fy truck than byi -G It makes no d |p 100 miles, I ither way. m ll ARTHU te Loj<^L?ST BALLOON AND CREW ',>.?,?' . . ' t<*l"in Wilds of Canada, Two fared Miles from Railroad. Ni V..i Jan. 2.-The f ^'navy balloon A-i>598 landed ten jJ^t?s^iortheast of Moose Factory, On?? Dec. 14, and the crew of in is safe at the Hudson Bay i^tflnr?'1 according to a tele ived at the naval air sta M#l8KtP-ni8ht. Stef^ herp sharity aftpr ras 1f>?abne??, But the Kirvalling wind, blowing northwest, Indicated a-, landing somewhere in Canada. ^V?th '^he exception of a re ijpor^ 'that' th?. balloon Was seen pass ing pver \Ve|Is, N. Y., late that same night, no definite word was received here*of the progress of the flight. The balloph ,carf led a crew of three moni Lieut. Walter Hinton, of Belle Harbor, N. an pilot under Com mander Albert C. Reed on the NC-4's transatlantic, flight, was in charge. His .companions were Lieut. Stephen A. Farrell, ailne officer, of this city, and Lieut. Louis A. Kloor, Jr., of New Orleans,fnaval vreserve force,, as pilot. Thrice Days1 Rations. ? The three officers were supplied with normal rations for throe days, but which would serve them for ten days in an emergency. Ninety-six hours after the balloon's departure, when fears were first felt for the safety of the aeronauts, wireless sta tions and forest rangers in Northern New ork and Southeastern Canada were notified to be on the lookout for the La 1 loon. A few days later two army air planes were sent from Mitchell Field to Albany to begin an aeronautical search of tho Adirondacks. One of tho machines met with a mishap on the flight from Albany to Glenns Falls, their ba?o of operations, and the other continued the search at once, but without success. News of the aeronauts' safety was received in the following telegram from them from Mattlce, Ont.: Driven by Storm. "Driven by storm Monday, 12-13 wost by north,at Lower Hudson Bay; forced to land 2 p. m. 12-14 about ton miles north by oast of Moose Fac tory, Ontario, latitude 51.50, longi tude 81. Lost In forest four days. Crow safe at Hudson Company post. Will leave on first available means of transportation to railroad, which ls by dogsled, and will take about nine days. Leaving here Monday, Dec. 27." Moose Factory, where the balloon landed, ls located on James Bay at tho mouth of tho Moose river, and Is about 800 miles distant from New York, on a direct air line. Tho place is a trading post and outpost of the Hudson Bay Company. ? Officers Slain, Payroll Stolen, Cleveland, Ohio, Dae. 31.-W. W. Sly, president, and <?e?rgo J. Fan ner, vice presidont of the W. W. Sly Foundry Co., were murdered by five payroll bandits, who escaped with $4?'26o in cash after holding up the two pion at tho company's plant this morning. Sly and Fanner died in stantly.! 4 ? H ym . ii1 LN. J& TM id ali kinds of HA?? L quick notice. It ii 'ail, or with teams-a JIVE ME A TRIAI ifference if you wis can get you there R BROWr fy ?I? fy fy fy fy fy fy fy? ?fy fy fy? fy fy fy COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES, fy fy fy fy fy fy ?fy ?fy fy fy ?fy fy ?fy fy fy G. L. Smith, Terracing Expert, Will be Hero Next Week. During one day next week Guy L. Smith, drainage engineer of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, who la an expert in terracing, will be in Oco nee county to give a demonstration on proper terracing of fynns. Tho proper place and dato will be ob tainer^ hiter, and if you wa kt to fit to tho county, agent, who will inform you of the day and place of meeting. Mr. Smith will be here one day dur* lng the week of Jan. 10th. Soil erosion 1B a most serious ma'. ter. It has takon available, plant fo >J from the land. Streams ^have boen filled with eroded material. Produc tlve bottom lands have been made worthless. The chief causes of erosion arr; Lack of proper terracing, lack of deep plowing, lack of cover crops and or ganic matter. The best terrace to construct is the broad base, variable grade terrace. This torraco eliminates waste land, moots all practical conditions, cnn be cultivated with mortem machinery, lino broad, strong b; oe; withstands tunneling of the molo, and holds im pounded water in severe Btorms; and with the broad, shallow cha?ad above torrace lt reduces the flow of water, and the variable grade checks the flow of water, preventing "pilln; up" of water in lower sections. The terrace is constructed with a plow and terrace drag or ditcher. The base ls made at least ten feet wide the first season, and the top is made fifteen Inches above bottom of water way. Where tho slopo of land ls five feet In one hundred, make vertical drop four feet. Whore the slope is eight feet in one hundred feet, make vortical drop five feet, and whore the slope is fifteen foot in ono hundred, make tho vertical drop seven feet. In a tight, shallow soil, make vertical drop one foot less than tho flgu'.os given above. , Let me know if you are interested in proper terracing. Geo. IL Briggs, County Agent. Mrs. Member! Quits Health Servite. Columbia, Jan. 1.--Because sho can be of more benefit to humanity by tho practical application of hor re ligion (Christian Science), ns she stated, Mrs. Annie I. Rembert, of this city, handed in her rosignation to day as field agent of tho South Caro lina Anti-TuberculosiB Association to Dr. J. A. llayno, State health offlcor. She has been in health work under the department of hoalth since 1914? Mrs. Rembert Is tho widow of the late George R. Rembert, who was a prominent political factor for a num ber of years in South Cnrolina. Seneca Township Singers. Tho Seneca Township Singing Con vention will moot with Jordania Bapr tist church noxt Sunday afternoon, Jan. 9th, at 2 o'clock. All good sing ers and lovers of music are invltod to bo present. Joe M. Abbott, President. ON THE SPOT. FLING apy titpe ? cheapen to move md much quick?r. h to move 5 miles quicker than any I, Walhalla COTTON PIJSD0K FOR OCONIOE. Ono Pledge foi? the Land-Owner and! Ono. for the Farmer. Below wo give the pledge forms In the matter of cotton acreage reduc tion. These are the two pledgo forms) that the people of will be asked to sign. They Boem to bo rea-^ sonable-extremely so-and tt seems', to us that they should receive the hearty endorsement .ot all? and the ffiflfialaftaaA ati*v *~ .r/i^r soctibH ot the cotton* growing belt. T/ho ?iand-Owner's pledge. I.;.,,..>, ot Oconee county. State, bf S?u'ija parolina, h?reby cer tify that I am a land-o wrier'and . r?nX land to tenants for cultivation. I hereby solemnly promise and' agree, in furtherance of the plan to red nee tho 1921 cotton production as adopted at the Memphis Cotton Convention, held Doc. 7 and 8, 1920, that I will not only permit my ten ants; but will require, as far as 1 oan. that they plant In cotton for the year 1921 not to exceed one-third of the lands actually cultivated. And I hereby further agree to as sist in the thorough organization of my county, and will use my influence and exert my best efforts to make the movement a success. (Signed) .;. Witness: . Tho Farmer's Pledge. I, .;, of tho county of Oconee, In the State of South Car olina, do certify that I am a farmer and- cotton grower, and hereby sol emnly promise and agree, on my sa cred word of honor, that during tho year 1921 I wi?i^fiVt plant in cotton more than one-thlrdW tho lands cul tivated by mo durlng\he year 1930. And I further promise that I will use whatever influence that I may have with my friends and neighbors to have them sign a like obligation and to co-operate with tho county committee in the organization and the work for the said cotton reduc tion. (Signed). Witness: . Tho (?real Question ls, What are we going to do about theso two pledges. First of all, tho thing for the farmer and tho land owner to do is to sign them. Th? important thing, however, is for each one who signs to carry out his Pledge to tho letter. Wo believe that our cotton growers have had enough of signing and breaking pledges. This year tho pledges should be signed and observed. We bolievo that this will bo done. It moans cortaln benefit-and in ail probability it moans the only salva tion of tho cotton situation. Negro Train Bandits Captured. Newborn, ?. C., Doc. 31.-Two ne- ' groos who hold up Norfolk Southern passenger train No. 16 on tho Neus? river bridge here at 2 o'olock this morning In wild West style by climb ing over tho tender of tho locomotive and covorlng tho engine crew with revolvers, bungled the job and wem captured by an army offlcetf who ob tainod his service pistol from his bag gago and charged the bandits from.1 tho rear.