Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 02, 1850, Image 1

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KEOWEE COURIER. " ro THINE OWN 8ELF I)E TUUE, AND IT MUBT FOLLOW, AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, TIIOU CAn'sT NOT TURN HE FALSE TO any MAN." VOL. I. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1850. NO 37 MgHMWWWWWi"1 j."" ? '' ' ' _ a. ! ? UJ ? 1 " " 1 " 'WJ 1 1111 this KEOWKG COUItlff!!?, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT w. II. trim mi ku. J. \v. norths. jR. ) 15. M. ICEIT1I, ' ' ^ TKRMS. One Dollnr nivl Fifty Cent* for one yenr*? subscription when pai<l within three month*. Two dol!nra 'f nivment i<? tlehwod to the elo^e oftho anhseription venr. All subscription* not clonr'v Hyiitfd. will bo considcre-l n* nvi'le for nn in'lefinite time, and continued till a <11 (continuance ia ordered nnd all arrearage* pai 1. Advertixwnta inserted nt T?> cent** per oqunre for the fird insertion. nnd 37 1 -2 e.t.a. for ?ach continued insertion. Liberal deduction-; made to thn?n adverM^inT bv tlio voir. *IT AH Communication* "hould be addressed to the Publisher post paid. LINES ADDRESSED TO MRS. D. BT C, n. ALI.KM. Come, strike once more, old lady bright, The Founding lyre for im*: I've hcnrd itn tones with f<<nrl delight. And love it* mir.?'rols\l Why should those cords in silenco rest, Which <>ft li: vo thrilled before With lofty song, and in the breast Rais'd memories of yore? O! tell me not tlmt pressing cares ^rc ciowding 'round thy brow, And o'er tliy lu;an tlie chill of years In stealing even now! For enn it be, that time has wrought In years so brief, fo few, Such change in feeling and in thought, As that which seems in you! Tfnnr,-.1? 1 *!.? I.II ? A.1 With rnptures Mng their f on", Why nifty not. mortals oixtch the tone And hero tho strrins prolong? Tlicn Mrike onco more, oh lady bright, The poinding lyre for me, I've heard it? notes with fond delight, And love its minstreleyl The following oxtraet from tho Editori 1 correspondence of (ho Tchyyaph, con tainsn brief outline of the speech of lit nrv A. Wise, lately delivered in the IIou < of Representatives at Richmond, Va * on the Southern question. The talent of the speaker, nnd absorbing interest of the CliKinnt fmrl rlffuvn ? Mtyvvt wi...-,. .w^.iiv I <111 111! UIVIIMmultitude of persons. Mr. Strother wop in the clinir: Mr. Wise tlien rose, and nfter a few preparatory rrmnrlts of n personal cliarne tcr, disclaiming, ( '? ei'Mrmniy on such occasions) his own inability to instruct those present. and the pos ihlc rashness of this acceptance of the t;isk?stripped to the work and went info it most manful 1V?inr* on/1 ? -1 * - ini, ?<1111 MIOW'firr no quarter to Northern fannfics. fools or knaves?and no mercy to .Southern men who wo'd either bet ter away their hirt'iripht or make themselves Accessories to the crime through a timidity as fatal as treachery *T ? J -1 * * ?* ' xic urew a uhik nut tmtntul picture of the prcne^t position of the two parties to this great issue?showing that, it was not the lone abolitionist whom we had to dread, hut the cautious, eveep!"?. C^nst!tutionpmongeiinp "Mrierados" of the North.?men professing moderation, and turning up their eves in holy horror at ??outhejn 'excitability'and 'agitation,' vet whose whole cour*o wa? n cold-bloo<Jed i and cruel?though *tealthy~ warag.iinst the Constitution and the people of (ho i flouth. The allies of these men at the South, | he said, were of two cImsscj*: tho?o who i clung to the hone of Dolitical nrpformrnf ! fronTthe strongest party, and iltos#? wore stricken with a vague dread of <toir>g anything, orsftying anything, through a fear of they knew not r/hnt. ffo d^j^yed his reverence for the Union and hflivc for it?and said that the men who were really ploiung D?8union Wert? tho iJWthern ngKrcssors. not the men of tho flnnth wfiVi stood only on tho defensive. //e impressed upon bin audience tHC necessity of a union of the South for thr eakeoftho: Umon?lashed Henton and Houston wth moecilc:-.:: v."/ > >^ed the humbug<->fth<i("(.M!v?'o'ion of thu people of California???& drew 1 picture ot the calculating cuj&Sity of the Northern agitator#: abusing slavery nt tho. South, and aetu ?Wy carrying on tho slave trade />w )t<a (.Anet fkt A fi.In.1 ?l? ' vti ?* 4?ii proom 01 ., ^rtvhich fact he procured while on hj* mU. won to Bratil. He stated with prido the fact tl\*t all of the lave ship* seized were from porta north of Baltimore?common' dfd by Northern men, and fitted nut by Northern fundi?and that tney Rtill carried on the trnftjofrom !3o*u,n, Newport, Philadelphia, and other Northern pons ?no single ship or captain hailing from the South! of the Carolinian. Washington, Jan. 10, 1850. 7\wluv the House passed ft resolution -l- .:-- -e T\?i |;?MI |MMI|I|W I IIV UIV^MIUII ui i^uuihuupur and Postnvistor until the first day of March, 1851, by it vole of 100 to 08. thus scouting to the present incumbents their pi ices during 1 he present. Copgr -ss ?two sessions?unless, indeed,n motion should be made on Monday to reconsider, and that should prevail. Mr. Johnson, of V;i,, Hlhe present Postmaster of the House, and is a Democrat, nnd Mr. iSer ? t ? m* ciiiv ir> tll?* 1 'uuuv?t|h'i , <11111 i fill IIIformed n IF! ig. Th\is the l)omoci,nt> h?ivo the Spenkei', the Hon I To well CVihh, :.f (Jconri i, the Serge; nf- t-A nrs, Mr. A.J. 01o<shienner. nnd tho Whi'js the I Clerk, Tliomns J. Campbell of 7'enne-.-see. Some coniplnint i* nvulo hv the ! "outsiders." flint the Sen-ite permits its officers to hold their pltices so long, nnd thus preventing others from p-irtieip-itinj/ in i*s emoluments. On Thtttsdny nnd ii nidi, ti m?mi uiMi "i iwneiwni. pro- j vailed in the ' ou?e, during the several votings for Doorkeeper. At one time : Mr Tufts was eWrted. but w:in deputed j hy the withdrawn! of Southern Whigs, i on account of a report that ho was an aba- j litionist: and at another time, on the same lav, ? . Stewart (Denv) was elected, hut was defeated bv charges marie before the "PStllf hint tinmi nminiinr<f?l llio Plm-b On Friday Chariot L Wellor wntnNo (?s it. wns supposed) elected. having 104 vo^es of 207; but just before tbe p???e of the vote wns announced bv the Clerk, n memhe? came in nnd vo'ed for iinoiher. thus making the whole number 2(18, and thereby eh -nging the. result, and before another vote wax taken the House adjourned. In the Senate, on Wcdn< s-dav. dining the delivery of some remaiks by Mr. Foote upon the Introduction of his "compromise bill" in relation to the Tenl'oriipp Kr r>nnvn/1 nnf unon I '??1 T? >V. |/\?ui v,u vuv V VII. IJUIIMMI II M n'Ml|] of tc^on invcotv.'o nnd scorchingr ivhulw. which fire the Colonel could not, or did not stnnd, hut the "learned plchoim" left iho Sennfc in prccipitnto hns'e. Tlic scr?-ion of the Son-itc on yiiursdiv xvns one ( of more than O'ditvuv in crest in tho-c exciting timo?: upon which nccsinn. Mr ! Dickinson, of New Yoth, nvide n speech. ! which I douht not will he received nnd 1 . <i * - rtvia mine cfouui witn ttu-nnps ot pM'-snrc nnH npprohn'ion. If in surh n ?monis seldom lien id from a Northern Senntor. Gront disorder riffd misrule continue to prevail in the Olilo Ronatr. The Rennte (imonef others) hnve confirmed the nominntlon of A. Ramsov. Governor m Mim?sotii: K. ?. Morris, (of Philadelphia,) Cl'impe to the two Sicilies, .inrl A ti>vnn/li?.? Tfium .1? West Distiirt of Pennsylvania. M>\ Calhoun has been slighilv indixjiosed duiintr three or four dnvs prst, caused, as I suppose, by the inclemency of the went her. The cost of the delay of the organization of the House of Representatives is not le.^s than sixty tl.ouwn' dollars, tl n bill of which amount must be "foo'ed" bv ti e people, nod peilmps the Free 6'oilevs bnvo done mo:e to produce |.hi* xpenditur? ol lime and money limn njl others in thcllourc. 13. THE SPEAKERSHIP. The Wnsl jnprton Correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune makes th?> 'ollowinq; remmks in reference to the Speaker ship of the House of Representatives: "The ^Speakership is worth the trial. It is not here a* in England, an office of gn at present emolument awl future honors. The salary of the .Speaker there is ?4A>0U per nltftli ^ while his rmnu-il fees nm/ainf r\ nmtvlti X*0 AAA I_T.^ - - " riigwuuv in HIHIIIV *U*I.VVU, 111! IK HIIOWed brides ?1,000 for equipment money and 2,000 ounces of plate me uiven him on his election. Two hogshetul* of Jhc best claret, annually, is not tbo least agreeable of his nyfquMuw, noy the nr?>a handsomely fu' nisbed liou^e v w?.? nortfv uiiiivvv^rr; ; . li,l* !*?' " ' v H'l'H and perquisites, nil considered, .i*? po ilion cannot, he leu than $50,000 pur annum. Then, in point of rank, the Sppakor is next to the Peers of Great Brii.\in, nn<] he ha? the samo preoudenuo at thn Queen's council table. Nor h this n)I, v4 grateful Sovereign provides ng.;iuM*? the untoward event of election from the fipeukt whip hy elrvuliou to the. Peerage wtM\ ? nnrtui<\n Our Speaker lucks most of tho-c advnntnves. Ho hn? 110 piy save sixteen dollars per diem while Oori^ress if in session. I3ut atill the Speakership, <jf our House of Representatives is no incorv idernt)1o position, It lf?'" th? Rocond office itt the Government, in ^ower i? hot by acknowledgement. The Vice Presidency is i an honorable retirement*?it is a po, litienl oubliette, for few emerge from it and arc after recognUed. Instead of ^ein<jr a stopping stone for aspiring poliliciiins, it. is generally their grave. Jefferson. it i< true, and Van Buren, *.senpvd us i:ii:11 cnaracter?but th?*v unci a vitality of organization that could have avoided anv politic d orro". The Speaker in this country represents most immediately tin1 power of th<* rteoplc. //e is their omho'lied voice. // ' ap points Committees end thereby in a threat i measure controUlcrfi-l ition forthoeoo-di- i nnte branches of the Government seldom I ' iefu?e to concur in the l itest cxn'cssion of the ponnlor will, ns uidioited hv their newest Rerrpscn'ntivcs. Ilis Influence whilo p>(.siding officer of iho IIou*c?\ i> per-onnllv great: nnd if hi-* r.lmmcter nnd rtliilliv lie co-rcspondon1 with his position, can lie made to prep ire for liirn n greater future. I <ATRll FROM MAN I'IIA VOISCO. Wc llflVC boon f ivo-rd with a sitrhf of S?'VP'' nl lcttc'v from <5>an Francisco, dated, 30lh November One writer, n ymmg gonMennn from thiscitv, mentions the names of following ('hailestonnns as beint* :it S'n Franeisco. viz: Charles Penthnm. Mr Ctipn*. two i Mr. Miotts. two F.dirnnsfone, Oomstock. Nichols, M'Grnnihnn. S. Ivl| i?erton, Ur. Waftnor, Mitchell. Jnhn-on, Jacobs, and Matthiesscn. This pirticu-, lar men'ion r?f names i* thorgh'ful on the part of (lie wii'er, as it assures the friends | of the respective gen'lemen named that thev are in henl'h. The letter speaks rather unfavorably of the prospects of young men emigrating there, and say- that, gold digging, at this season, is impossible, and that everything was excessively high. Here, like o very \vhe?e else, (savs the writer.^ canital is reoui ed. The. minv person has causcd l?u" to ho vorv chill. Lumber is worth ?4 00 11 thousand; and, to get i' luuild through the mud, vou must pay $2.60 for each plank. This is place to pet hu^h-uids. The nu n are crazy for wives ; and, as soon as a female artives, she lias ofr< i-s or marriage?little regard h< nig had to puronal appear- j nnce. We have ( .lina men nnd goods, in abundance, here, Chinese p'oductfl sell ;if vi'i'v Inw tviiw Hint >.liiiivl^ would In in)/ ficni 800 to $1,000 nf home, c-u l.e bought here sit fioni ] lo?200.? Courier. Till? Drrcn Navigation L/.wi?As I wo Mnnounrod m forlnirrltt hi'ek. Ilollnnd i<di posed lo follow lho r xrof Knpflind. Ministers lmvi? 1 >id Ix'frro P?n lin? m^nt :i p'f)ji'p' for nvitmi'lv modifying I tlu?*p l 'ws. Hor p-orrcdinifs nrv held up i?> Gormnny us tin pnoourngenipnt for tin' Govcnim'n'B or G<? rnnnv 'o do the same. A letter from A-n^'e d m upon tl'IS sulijf'i't "1st. T'lH il till to tlijit effect hnr. been fninicd bv our Gov o nmrn', Mil'miMcd to our own chnmbors, and is n??w under discussion. 2d. Thiit if the bill should pnss, it is to come into operation on I 1m* Is' of /Ipiil, IPSO. fl"d. Thnt the differenti?l duties upon exports !is well ns imports hitherto oxi-tinp-in .Tnv??, would l.o repclrd in fivor of ships from tho^e countries which prnnt. the sit mo privileges i-i thci" possession to the Dutch fl iff. 4th. liri'idi mnnnficturcd floods would therefo'o l>e on the K?mc I footing, with goods of Dutch o'igin, 8th. In fact, Iltitish ships would, in every respect, be pl >ced on c jnnl terms with the Dutch, fur ha ICng|:ind hns tnken off restrictions in fnvor of Dutch shipping. Dutch ships nnd goods nre not nt p-escnt duty free in Jtiv i, but pty h ilf th<ulu?ios which fo-eign ships nnd goods p tv; the <111 mr> fur <>VI1 irfv from .Inu.i 'I'lin Hntnli , .... .. | pro joct contnim* likewise the propo^il to do nwny with nil the Rhine river due.*," . Tiik Odi> w.<.?The Wishing* ton 0\n\to thus h<!:irn testimony to th?* gnat inoreuse and noble mission of Odd , Fellowship. I Wo hatint'O 111;it ill lim U'IiaIa liia'f. i" of the world there U tin instance of nnv Mjciety of men, unaided hy power, wealth, or political influence, who jjnvo from an hunihlu beginning ii<enso rapidly to 1x! hoth numinous mid opulent, a* ( the Independent Oid?*r ??f Odd Frlloivs, I 7'liis fiet is itself an eulogium on the Ort der?on its objects, its conduct, ??'ii* it | ndmhil>tratlon. The great aim <V r 1* to ! j do good, andthonnlv aim. we believe.? ; 'if. .t._ ' .i i.. i I I j I**fin11iii? \nu Mirmw?smt'Kcn# to noill i (he ?i<-k, fo f< nd the hung'y. to cfotln the ' n-ilced, tm ' to relieve the necessitous, are lite tdlunl purposes for which Odd K<>|lowship wns instituted. So f?r it I Ml: nobly fulfilled it* mission, and success hits far exceeded everything f'int. could hnve been an'icip-ited. Every where the Odd Fellows uio crccling nutio buildings c illcd halls, which arc not built for show ; Itoifcthc. but for use, and they an* made useful always we believe. Tun Extent ok Ouh Country.?It lias been computed tint the United Shlti'K l\:ivo i? fi nnf'mr Ian* in 1 r.i\ miles, a sea roast of 5310 miles, and a ; lake ooistof 110O. Ono of o tr tivers Is j twice as Ion r as the Danube. I he largest1 river in Europe. Th? Oliio i* GOO mile* : lontrer tlmn the Rhino, and the nohle Hudson has a navigation in the "Emputs Sim e" 120 1 ?np??r tl a i the Thames.? ! Within Loui-i ina me bayous and creeks. I almost unknown, ihat would sluuni* l\v comparison the 7rd>er or Seine. The Stale of Vitsjini i alone is one-tl.j'd 1 irger than England, The State of Ohio contains 3000 square miles nv?re than 8eot-i 1 ind. The harbor of New York leceivcs the vessels that navigate t-jvers, canals and to the extent, of 3000 miles, equal Jo tin* (iisinnrc from Amnion i?> Kuropiv From the cnpi'.-.l <.f ftf inc to New Orl???.ns is '200 miles further tIimn from Lop- ; don to Constantinople. a rou'e that 1 would ero~s England, rieliriuni, n psnt of lVu-^in. Germany, Au^tiin, end Turkey. ' ? Washington Itcpuhlic. 'Pit IA I. OK PllOPKSKOH WlMlSTKl: TIlP jjmnd Juvv of iIip countv hprrnn yp*tprdnv the consideration of the complaint ; nitiiinst Dr. TFohster for the supposed mu'der of Dr. Pirkirvm At ? o'clock l ist evening tbe members of the Jury?nhout twenty in number?wont to the M<'(lien 1 Oollecf**, in odor to possess themselves of informntion with icgnrd to thesitumion of the vnnous rooms niluded I to in evidence. No'hinif, of oourre, bus transpired of the evidence in this importlint flilvn I ^1 - 1 , ,, > ? \>rmm UUIV Ullll II rill i ho evidence will appear when tlio onso j comes lo tiiul not bofoie.?Bon/on Ado. Wo understand that tho diy before bo died. Dr. G iv, in conversa'ion with a friend, ntttibu'ed bis disea>c to poison contracted from bnndliner the remains at the Medical College. believed to be those of Dr. Parkmnn.? Transcript. Enqi.asd vp. United States.?The Illustrated London News speaks in the stronqest terms of the growth of the United States in population and prosperity, and snvs that hereafter the Anplo-Saxon raee will inle the world, not. from the j hanks of the Thames, hut from those of i the Potomac. The wii'er is of opinion that Enjflnnd will rapidly decline in power and wealth, in tlie course of tho next bnlf coniurv. and tlint tho transatlantic Hi'public will as rnpidlv increase. Da hk a no Tom.?In nn account of tlio vcci'ii* expedition in anarch of Si John Franklin, it i<? stated thov wore 80 tlpya without peplng the sun, and had tho thermometer f?0 doer, helow 7.o>-n. jTliey served out their rations of fifth j-.roof hmndy hv choppine il up with a hatchet, it being fiozen solid. Sinoino.?Wo find tho following very son?il>l?' observation, reh?'ive to singing Jimonnf tho voung, in an E istorn paner: All childton can learn to fing if thov commence in sr??nn T r>?? o.... ii...# _ _ - * nn> t ll?H <11 will luive the same sweet voice of the niirhtjpnnl'?ror 8->?re have n'turOlv -wret. mild and soft voi *es when they ImIU, while others i=pc:il< in loud, ^ronp ind masculine tones, Tho Fame is true ! in regard to fr|nirinsr. I In Germany every child is taught to I use i's voice whi'e vnung. In h- ir I chools nil join in singing, in a regular oxerci-e, ns thev attend to the study of ^ oirniphv, and In their churches the inging is not confined toaohoi'\ who si! 'part from the others, perhaps in a corner <?f the house?hut there is a vast tide of incense point; frfth to god from everv heart. \vhi<*h has utterance to lit},* language from tho soul. Childteit, hjiu;! yes, sing with youi whoj/'ho irtr> I David sanur before the [jo d, ami it is meet that you tshonld do the imnc; and njvvayn when angry feelings rise in vnar breast. curb and rltcck them by singit.g sweet and cheerful songs. The Mother.?w iter hem^fni'v remarks that a man's mother U the rep 'f,tentative of his Maker, MUforturie, >nd even Grime, set uj> no bnriiers heI tween her and her son. White ht? .vn\:t> tM*liven ho will have one fii<*ml nr. the <?artb who will not. listen when ho is Unti4red, wh ? will not desert liim when ho suffer*, who will soot ho liim jn his oitowh, and np<-?.k to.him of hopes when ho in ready t/> despair. Ilcr affection know* no ebbing tides. It flows on fr. m ii pure fountain, mid ??pe ?kc happi-1 ness througk the vide of tears, and Ceases only at the ocean oi ctei nity. 1 Fightituf on Equal Terms.??I will tall you a little incident that occurred in Georgia, many years ago. Judgo T., a celebrated duellist, who had lost a leg, and who was known to be a dead shot, challenged Col. 1)., a gentleman of great Inimor and uttainmentB. The fiiends tiiod to prevent the meeting but to no effect. The parties met on the ground, when Col. D. wns asked if he f?as ready No; sir,' he replied. What are von wailing foi?' inquired Judge T's. second. Why, sir,' said Col. T)., 'I have sent my hoy into the woods to hunt a bee-gum to put mv l<g in, for 1 don't intend to give the Judge any advantage over me. You see he has a woitdtw l?^g. Y'lie whole pjiriv fOiiM-d wi !i Imujr.ter, and tlu? thing was so lidii'ulou* Simtil Im,l<e vi|> the fij^ht. Col. D. whs rfterwmds told that it would *-ink his reputation. WMV lie replied,'it cWt sink me lower than a bullet can.' 'IJut.* iiiiriiid fiicr.d, 't&a* pnpeia will lie filled iiliout you.' Well,' t-nid lie, 'I would rather fill fifty piipcrs tlinn one coffin.' No one ever troubled the Colonel after tliiit. A /I?v 1 fi.lliwi' w.ic ncbnrl I'.r nn lii. ' (iy to rend the newspaper; find taking it up began its follows: "Lust night vesteidfiy morning, about two o'clock in (lieafternoon befoiebreakfast, ;i luingiy l ov id out forty years old, ' bought a tip custard tor a levy, and threw it through h biick wall nine feet i luck, mil jumped overit, brokr. Ins right , !Hjkl?- off above the left knee, fc>11 into a dry mill pond and was drowned, vlbout for!) years after that on the same day, nn old c;it h:id nine turkey g? biers, a high wind blew Yankee Doodle on a frying psin, and knocked the old Dutch churn down and killed an ?ld sow and j three dead pigs at Hosting, where a deaf I and dumb man was talking French to bis ; aunt Peter." J The old lady taking a long breath, ox | ciaimeu -juu ieu : ! Diikps in Japan.?The Island of Japan is suid to he the only country where a change in the fashion of dress has not occurred dining n period of 2,500 years. All individuals, from the highest to the lowest, wear the bulu, a species of wide frock, or gown, and the only difference is in the mateital and number worn some 01 the i ichor class wear as many as twentyfive, of various colors, and of exceedingly li^fht. texture, JFe have very little knowledge concerning the resources manners and customs of the Japanese. Typhoid Fever.?This disease is now said to he cured in a few days by the i Krench phynciiths in the following man nor: E. e:y two minutes the palientswnllows a small hit of ice, equal in quantity to a glass of water every hour. Ever}' six hours a demilayenneiit of cold writer is applied, and ovory second day a hath at i u'pntv.sfvi'n flfom>ps of Reaumor. Going it Alone.?The following singuIn announcement of a ipaniage appeared in a Into Baltimore Argu*: "Married.?on the 12lh vilf, by the /?ev. i-, K. /Jll??n, Charlo-i W. W, ./lrrn* strong, all of this ci'y." Hope lie has n good time. The laziest fellow they have got down i I in be one who v. too may 10 -hut his eyes, and goes to sleep with th-m wide open. yi o Boston Post says that the following w,-s oneof the Jo ists given at the late German suppei: Hunan?Jbh'oried hy all the. world, and held in utter contempt by the rest of mankind. | 'file Cjn.jmi ti 0 zetie suys that, the I v i1iw? J.f cliciviin/ lnluircO . old in that ni.i I?et ;?mou n:? to ond raid ? bdf million of dollars annunlly. A va.-t ox\ei)t of countiy i8 Bupplii'd from thaj. city. imk i.Aco?rn? Tin- 1? borer, (he laborer, God's noblomim Is he-*? His \vor!(? arc graven in tlvr fftH, 'l'hcy Jlont on every pch{ Thv keysione in the Nocii.l an h, UuUly Mi* ot?8t; lli> days aiv spoilt in prwnly toil, His nights yield balmy lest, Zero.?Mr*. Tiu tit gion fokiiow who thUZuio is, >v 11o u-. t oi>^Uvi>t]\ h.olinjjf about dw ij.e. monielo', KfMji K i .t ove iincl l i'low it, c?u^ii)<j; m> nuifty fjiddcu valivucs in the atjLi)tj>lUiv>