Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 26, 1850, Image 1

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KEOWEE COURIER. " TO THINE OWN SELF DE TRl'E, AND IT MUST lQjLt.OW, A9 THE NIGHT lilt DAY, THOU CAn'st NOT UIRS HE FAI.5K TO ANY MAN." I ' " PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., HATU1UI U , JANUARY 20, 1850. NO 3G 1**^^?mJUL'-1 ? "." 'IS?. U L L_ "'".J' .. I J J .L A'--, 1 1J. 1 - J - 1 ' " TIT I? KtiOWEE COURIER, TKINTP-D AVD FUBt.lftllKD WKKKt.Y nV W. II. TRIMM1ER. J. W. NORRIS, JR., ) ? K. M. KEITH, t Kihtoi?. TI315 One Dojtnr nn 1 Fiftv Cc-nts f??r ono yonr's *<ib*cripiion whoti pni-l within thron month*, Two lo'.' ir-" 'fowincntWdoltiwI to the do e ?>f the subscription year. All subscription* not elonrlv limited, will bo C*>n-?Hl*ri}ll 1'? mil In f?ir n>' if _ .... .... idi i iiu nine, nnu continued till a di'continuance is ordered ami all arrearage* pai 1. A'li'rrHxf'nsn'.* inserted at 75 cent" per ?qn:\ro f<?r the fir<t insertion, and 37 1-2 ct?. for esch continued Insertion. Liberal deductions made to t.ho<c r dverfi-in-x l>v tlio ve-ir. sir AH Communications should be addressed to the Publisher post paid. FROM TEXAS. Bv li e niival Ht New Oilcans of the steamship P. ^onnrd, fiom O lveston, wo have received the News and Civilian of that port, to the 2d inst. inclusive, with other papers from the interior of the State. The following is nn abstract of the new Governor's message to the Texas Lecris Intui'O at Austin, which wn Ulko from tin? j Civilian of the 1st inst: Tin* mosspge of Gov. I3??11 wns present ed to 1he Legislature on the 20th, nnd occupied two hours in Vending. It is < sjiid to he verv explicit, nnrl free fioni nqn-coinmittnli.'-m. It hud not been I p'iqtcd when ihe mail left ylustin; hut nn _L1? - ' * omiarjntr correspondent fuinjuriw* us with the following nnstrnct. 'its content0. It commences hy recommendici? the immedi?toorir?nizniion of (lie counties pet oft" i the distiict of S :nl? Fe, nnd 1 lie sending of n commissioner the?? for the purpose, nnd if neepssnry, nocompnnied l?v such nn nrmed force ns shall ennhle him to reduce sedi ious citizens to obedience to our Inwsj nnd to notify the Execut ve ?!.? TT?:.-.l O.-A-- -< v.. i.iv ^ i n "u own us 01 qui purpose and determination. It also proposes n very decided expression of the opinions and wishes of the State in relnnon to the slavery question; the sale and cession of so much of our territorv, with the juiisdiction thereof, to the United States as lies north of MO SO, and of the sale and cession, without iui isdiction, of that portion lying north of 34d, are piopon-d to he provided for, contingent on a negotiation wun mc united states. It recommends t tie payment of the public debt at its value nt the time issued, with the interest , in the lands of the ?Stnte. The alte ration of the constitution, >o as to permit the nale of the school hinds and investment of the funds in n permanent fund. Thenecuiitv to colonists, under the colony con inters, mo titles (o their lands; the granting ? right of way for a road to (lie Pacific, with the appropriation of lands for the purpose; the payment of all taxes on lands in the counties whoie the owners reside; the maintaining of a regimen' or pnrtx>f ii regiment on the Indian frontier: the extension of rights of citizenship and head-rights to old settlers on the Rio Grande, the settlerr.ont and eonfrmati -n ftf (111 ir lllloa 5" u > <mii mniiiui ?ii country: n a provision f<?r 1 lie officers of the lute navy oi Texas, and the heroes of the Texas revolution, by the United States, and n speedy settlement of ail old lard iHo*. A correspondent of (ho Civilian wri ting fiom Austin in efercncc to the subject of slavery says: An intelligent correspondent writes; "Several resolutions on the subject of slavery are before the Legislatute, all of inem nearly copies ot Mr. Calhoun famous resolutions. 1 shall not he surprised if an Attempt ;s irwde hefoie the , close of the session to censure our <Senav tors for not inning the Southern add ess: hut 1 do not believe anything of the kind will pass the Senate," COMPROMISES. It is repotted in New Yoik that Mr. Clay is about to introduce a project for a compromise iariiT, it) which specific and ad valorem duties are to bi? mmliinwl >t h' not intend"**, (<o the authors of the report say) to raise the present rcule of duties, hut only to substitute ajreitin for ad valorem duties wherever it ear he /lone. 1 We are curious lo^oe n plan by which ttich u difficult remit can bo obtained as tliat of convening ad valorem info specific dutjeftf without changing t'ie mte *. A d t ?*> ? ?awy reieir.gce to quality ?li<J value; specific duties to quuntily and number, In the ono case, a certain proportion of the imported article is taken for the use of the Govern uent; in the o?her Government fix * tho amount in money which must be paid cn the article, without r*ferenA.o to its co3t or value, A ynrd of cloth, for example. paying Ivrentv-five 1 per cent., ml vnlo em, U taxed one doll o-1 when its nssessed vnluo i- foii'* dollars ! the vnrd. Hut a tnx ?>f one dollar (lie j yard <>n nil elo'hs could never be equ- I ti> | and ad vulo-em law of twen'vfive p?M- j cent, except in ilm one case of the elo'h ; valued at foui* dollars. On nil other clovh* 1 ;? i f ~ ? ? > 1 V .T willVI >111 \ 11 (nil III1C (111(1(1 If (I pC'riMH. on coirse cloths nt n dull i>\ to viilv ten p??r rent, on nc. if there ho soeh, nt ten , doll i>s. Now, the utter impossibility ?>f pissintrn spccilio duty thnt shnll he, ns - ? rule, ?quiv.dent tonn nd valorem du'v, is palpihle. The i ndie d pi ineiple is different in the. two. nnd everv nt'empt to reeon i.e them, in to rn, involves n nic e juj/j^le. ?S'ueh w is the minimum system uwier mo old t?r lit. INumhors who winled to deceive their re'idor* called the mi nimnm svstom u combination of (lie mi valorem with (ho specific rates of apportionment It established ?' ? "d valorem rate of taxation, hut fixe im arhitrnvy v.due on the article taxed y<? as to mahu the duty reallv specific. /Ill cottons, for example, co-unity twenty cents or under, were to pay tl.iiy percent, ml valorem, hut .".II cottons costing le.-s than t\v. my \ cents, we. re t'> lie taken and charged at t wenlv cents! 7'l.e re d natuie of the rate was a specific duty of six cent - a yard on all cottons, worth fiom five cents to twentv rnnlw ilmi on .wl - j?i ? ... ? , . .... , ...... . - (III c*vj >1 Ml. I III II14I V of from thi'ly tornoie than one hundred poi rent. If is as though the Counril of the St ootid Minicipnlitv should assess an ad valorem tax ol two per cent, on every house worth $5000, and deel ire that no house should he assessed at less than $3000. It would follow that the house worth ?f)000 would pav ?100, and the ouse worth $1000 ?vould ?d-o pav ft 100 ?iu the one cise two per cent and the i other i?-n per cent ad valo em. Now we lit/.? imv tw nrr Mil* UMlJl'i'l | hv which a fnir sy. torn of spccftic duties could he iMTiini/ed as u suhstitu'e for ??d valorem, so tin t the rates would not. he incrcjipcd! Mr. Cl-.v enn don groat msinv things * hich few others can do; hut when lie eontiivcsa system by which two iivoiiiinuiiMll il lilU lllingH ('Mil t ' I miidc lie nlwsiys coincident, \vt* sh: ll next oxpoct to hoiir of his squming tlio circle, inventing ) crpptind motion, or making n mnjo-iiyof tins peoplr protectionists.? ('resent. Til 15 NATIONAL LIBERTY POLE, j Ycstordny morning, i<l 7 o'clock, n snj lute of thirty trims was ti cd in linnn nf the Americnn Fli'g, n gun for each State represented hv n star in l)io flag. which was displayed at (he mastl end of the new liberty pole erected on Canal street. 7'he morning wns thick nnd hnzv, nnd wnon (lie hunting was run up. n feeling of anxiety seemed to prev>iil nmong the crowd of spectator? for lew th t the e would not lie sufficient.>ii- Stirling to di>- 1 plnv the 'stars nnd sliipes.' Hut as soon as the hunt hud reached the truck, | it was pulled loo<e. u hen 5t fi-ll tiiul festoons nnd being ?might hv tin* ! breeze, the thirty st?irs shone forth in nil their splendor. Asitwns g.'GCted by a shout of m?ny voices, nnd the booming of artilloiy, our mind involuntinilv reverted to those beimtiful lines of Dnike: | | if hen freedom from her mountain height j Unfurled lier wd to tho nj-. She tore the nzurc vol e of night And set the s'nrt* of glory the e She mingled with i!s go-genus dyes TT.e milky hitldiic of t1 e skicn. And ftiiped its pur<> e??le*ti ) white With stvenks of tlm morning litfhl!' Tl... -J -!- I " ' - - I x nc uiiyiiiiM li'ig <>i mc United mates i ' was composed of thirteen stars and thir- i ! toon stripes. and was adopted hv a reso- ! lution of the Continental Congress* on | the 14th of June, 1777. On the Inth of | January, 1704. aft'r two Now Elites! had been iidmiitcd into the Union, the j National Loiri-lalure iris od an :mt. nm. I \iding that the stripes and stars, should on n (I iv fixed, he increased to fi "teen each, tocom?oit with the then number of States. On the i Oth of December, 1817, Mr, Wcndovef, of tho //ou-e of Representatives, introduced a resolution to inquire Into the expediency of nhe intj thu flag of the Unite i States, //?? jjave. it as Hm opinion that the tl itf would be e wetili illv iiiiimwl l?v - * ?J I'll "It iho name p uu ipJo as that which hud been adopted, viz: of inurciu;inK thostiipes and tin* stars, and slated the i ic meruit v of tho fl ifjfn then i 1 genaral use. not a^rco ing with tlio l iw, and greatly varying with each other. I i'he resolution w as referred to n select ! commilii>n u'liiiM, ? *'? I. uniuii ii ii'|iuri> ??n iiic Oth of January, 1818, accompanied hy n bill to nltor tho fl igs > ?s to rod Urn the | atripos to the original number of thirteen, I to represent the number of'State* then contending for nn a happily achieved their indopendenee, and to insert tin* s?i>r- to citnesjond wi'h tin* number of State* then iii llie Unim, and thereafter toiidd onesliir to the tl ?ir whenever a new State should !:e fully admitted, which wiis adopted. On the 20th of .September following, <1 ~ r. .Mini" -in- Minn ii ,-inii\crsiii v OI UK1 I :? t tic of tin* l)?it*Grn. Aimsttonj/, at Fnyal, hv o'-dor of iho Swotnrv of tho Navv, tho now (1 lit was di- plavod fo.- thu ii >t limont tho N'avv Yard. Ohaile.stown, and on ho nd lh(! national <hips of war in Bo* l.m Ivivbo", and was snlntod '?v etch vessel. .Similar honor was paid on its b?in?r hoisted at ail iho Htmion*?/V () P>< THIS Til III' Y P! EC ICS OK SILVER ylninn^ the legend* of Mw onlv of i-m i ..i inii > . i- ?!!? M'1'4 lln' Tilly l'icrcs of Silver, which .Indis rpcrived for l-etmvintf hisnvirtr'-. uv! lie brought bnck to tin' p i"-i?-v,wh<,n ho s iw .1 su< \v:is pniidi'mnml' (!>< <? i.: 1 .1 - .... |nr'c.'? >?nn:il 111*' p ii'sts would not vercive heonusn they | s; id 'it was the. p ire of I>1<> id,'and wliicl. j they rould not restore to the pnMic tre-isnrv. heeutse i' would he drilled l>v lliem: tlioye thirty nieces of -ilver were emploved !o hnv a fi *ld to hu"v strnnifers in, and railed the 'Field of Blood.' Thi* fatal ?i :i i ? ..iim nurni MHIT IS Ilftl, m'IMV'dinjf lO tll?? } legend, a common and o-dinarv coin. It IismI i's o i?rin -md f liality, When Cain 1 fled after tin* murder <>f Ahel, hi* sons I inven'ed the arts, ihtve in-trunvnts and punishments of t ho passions of man. and j Tuhidmin. the eldest, snn of , - ... -V-W. - J crod tin- 11 rt of ens'intf inetaK It was he who stn ck (hose ihi ty c.ur>cd pioco-s which ;i> fi st p id the ivo'hers of Joseph i when 11vi?v sold him to the Kijvp'hn mcr | chants, and which down through lho j niJ?? . ..... '.. .f. T 1 m i ? iii^ iuv i Know not how mtny ' tioiisons and c. imcs, have reached at l ist ' ?becoming each day more cursed and fnt; 1?ti e hntids of Judas, Ov- who<e per I tillv tliev were the reward. The mvst - , lions predestination attributed to these piece* <>f silver, which p issed thus from Cnin to Judas?this pi ice of the Mood of ?iM the jn-t?foiled by the. son of lite murdoro1* on o u i'h?:;ii ihis is prrc:tt . ;nd bo "Utifni; tlii-s contains i $/ ?? .-it mop'l idc."?fortlvro me few gtvnl poli ical in\on!ions wlidi do not contain some ipoilt mo ill lo.oKOII. Tlw?ci? " - 1""^ of >ilver of .Indus, tlii^ fntiil money, Ins bad its use in i he history of nil mankind: these pieces do not belong meclv to the history of .Jo-eph or .lesu** Clnist; 1 liov ar?*. ?o to speak, S ifnn's treasury upon oiirtli. When the Maid f Orleans wuh sold to the Knixli-li by !l:e Burgundians, it was those tbirtv nieces of Judas' silver imn r.ngl uul p licl for her hi o:l. Paris Paper. If this idea is correct, the woild mt'V he. thankful that the bunk above numru hns not had n larger qusmtiiy of coin in circulation. ' * -S* ?? * t uyi u/ /if u jnr rne ' uroitniatl. Rai-timouj-?. .1 :n. 1C, 8 p. m. Noaddi ional ia'elUgenec has Icon received of I ho maike'.s. The ncftoun's from India are of a most rhee inir char e. or, and la'tfe orders for roods have e.ome 1>ut for the manufaclui i ilt di-4< ids. The movements in Onnadt in favor of annexation to the United S'afes o * sottin?; up an independent irovernmont for ??/\ 4 - -1 . ?m* n-^nuiMi ?is very unimportant hv England. An exton ivo rnn^pi-aov is s>?i?l to ' o ft) lui'iir at Mo-cow. the n' ji-crt of w'licl, is to cflvc' 'lie dfnn Hon of tlx* |i c cut dvn tsty of Rom :n ff, l?y n chip <h ma'n lg'insttlte Cair, to come off on the 1st of Jimmy. Rll-J i:l n nnft iij .11 ... j. , , V/.IVA l| (I | (I* |l Ifjy "I* 11VI lovce* on tno iron'ion u! Tu/kov. Tin* /lust i in jfirti-JMii i*> nolnnd hnvo revolted, whilf similar (Iffcc ion-i n o going on in Comoro; The Pope lias refused to return to Rome. Dele fiat s to the Sooth em Convention. 1 ?The K?i:field Ifrnrid mention* tin? J name*of Col. J. S. Pro-ton. of ftioM >nd, and Col. M. Clinton, of Line inter, as del- , oi( iU'.h to the N idivillo Co ivention. uul Col.'t'ntf. of Suintor, nnd Col. Jas. C'liesnul, jr.,of Kvr sliiw, as cscrvo delegates. Wu Ivivo no objection whatever to any ! of l.lio irmi" linvirtti ..i........ ^ ? ?i ii urn ii would nil iL-p e-?ent ilut .Stale with honor, hut w? luive he.ird it remarked tluit the appoinment of members of the Legi>lnture would perhaps he impropo;*. If th'u objection he valid, nnd tihliikes u> is having some weig'it, there are othe. IVlini'H we h ivr> Iiimii'iI ainiiiiim?i/l !.? "?' ncction wirl* thcs?? ;ippC'ol. Hr<ulc I lump o i, sr., ol ilin district, Hon. J. P. Rielmidaon, of Sumler, | C'ol. C'hcsnut, of Kershaw, ns suggested above, to^i.tlu:r with Col. Clinton, would lie four names, fither of whom would reflect honor upou Mie State in this important eonven'ion. Tl. - U !./' I I 1 ? i in.* v i ll u?*iu (ici?'g;, \vn notice. I rpcomnicnd (Jiimflen ms tl'.c most rimvnient point for the meetin-f of i'.;e tiominsiting convention of di t ict delegates. I Gov. Biirliour, of Vi ^ini i, in r>n rid* 'i .... : .... .. ..f w in it.iiikit 11 1 ?oii - v, s:iv.?: ' ovotv nvw h ive the forl'tude tohiok ; hi-wiflfiivs in lhe I-ice, lokeopim iicemin' , of his dehts sitid items of exneadi'u e, no mutter how lon^ or 1 >1 m'U the 1 i -': if hr? \ don't look in'.oit.his neighbors will; and moi'C, let him show it to I i - wife, if he IWoOr.o. If i n~U I on I worn in if will lw> of scrvic.o: if imprudent, ii will rl<> no lvinn. Hut tin*vo m* <* few <if tlie lU'o>\ nti'l I olu'ovfullv Itoir evi-lonco. in the carp >ind uconornv of wnm m \Vh,-n in n si'unrinn to obsorvr. T r-m * "* tint I never s i\V n wonvin l?*ft to the cirp of an pmlnrrassod est at,that did not extiicatfit if it was po-sihl . \foy or the new Am~ricctn TCm iilnm. ?The New Y<> 1c TC\|vpps. of WVdne-dav. h ,; thp following In: the.- pirag-aph oti tH< suh'pp': "We learned in co-ivo-. * >!iVin with a gentleman recently from lirazil, that various pe-sons suppo-pd to hp Orleuii t agents, have been di persing mourn* mo<t lihi-rallv durin?r 11?o m?at ??>n # l'"w% " ' thronofhout I hut cmpi'e. which circumstance, with the fact that an exerodinglv largo number of French officers have recent I v hecn recei\cd in the N ival service, i> thought to'r've color to the report of Mil important arrangement between the j Piincede Jotnville and his v ung hroth- j < r ni-iMw. ii i-? undoubted Unit the Rm- j pernr wns heavily indebted to the King ! of ihc French. I I I Sla ver t/ amour? the Oreonn Indian.? | A correspondent "f the Tiibnne, wii'inif j from Fort Ni?nu:dly, Oegon, re porting 1 tho Oregon Indians, mukcs the following j important nnnonneonvnt: i ..* - - - : \ on w:ii piolwMv be snip i.-od that I slavery so generally prevails among these Indians. This system e.\i-ts among nil I lhe tiihesin everv poition of Oregon' I j have boon among the Iudi ins as n traveller or upon business in most section see1 lions of this tevii'ory, and my personal observation confirms the statement which 1 have made." S!n?er>/ in th* District.?The New Yo U Tribune iriei's ibe following fior* a letter written at JPhsbington on Tuesday: 7he<e was some talk .9 iturdav among the Unionists about, gelling ov er the sectional dispute--< abouf the Oi^tii<-t of Co lumhiu I y firon'ing for it n self-government and n roprescn'Jilio . will) thp power to nholi-h >1 iverv wit'.in it* limits. Thore nro hut few si ive holders hore? not mo'P thnn one in ten ot th re.-'nlont populiltion he'ni? owners or Ii'mit* r.C shives, and Mm moderate wngos and superior serviees of the numerous fo ei^ners here make si >vea more unde.-irable servants every day.' Remark-hie Pinrr.?The Flo id a Sentinel ennt ins an ac mint of the examination, hy a committee of seen ific tyen'le men, or my liver WncHsn, in Floid?i, \\i !> a view of testing its enpsicily for a wnter power for in mufneturing purposes nnit t^ie r?r??ctirtjiliili;y of co iiieo'iog it with St, M nk's l>v n e tin!. Thev found wile/ ill lie hen (I of the liver thirty*'wo fee< nhove hijfh wnter in tlie Sr W>irl<* at. Newport. The Sentinel desciihed the i Wiiciss.i iiver ns onu of tlit* natural cuiio iics ill most peculiar to Florida. It takes its ri-e. like the Wnkull i, in spiing of tremendous volume, forming an immense basin with hoM shores, from whicii I. I? - t; o -i! - . i uii.-mii i\ o. o. r,?. (iirciiilOit, in ;i (Jeep and broad stream, about fourteen miles, ; to \ sw imp where most of it disappears 1 through a -ub'erranean channel by which it is discharged into the Oulf. This liver is said to conti in n greater volume of water than tlx? Potomac or .)anv\s ilver, ai.'l like all rivers having a simil ir ti-e in KIo ida, it. is affected neither bv droiurht or frosh, affording one steady, uniform and ; unvarying current all tho year. Any j conceivable amount of water power can j be obtained by moans o' the canal pro- I i * nun it win noi only he unfailing but unvarying. The eommilleo pre of opinion tlmt move flmn ten limes the water power of Lowell enn be found there at a small expensd. A vo1c:moe, called the ^/iovpn, in the inland of Java, commenced in Seotemi or lust, throwing ou' stones mid ashes with I loud explosions. T\le inlu.hitimln (led in time, hut n million ofcoftnc trees were deatioyed. A so th? entire tobacco ' crop. " \ ^ * OoMMKlU'IAL B \NK CoUNTUltFEITH?' "We have been shown two t onty dollar hii], purporting to bo of the Commercial Bank of Columbia, which are counterfeit. 7'hev are numbered 86 and 44, and l oth lettered ub?Chailos Toppen i>u:> - mi >.?- v/i.., t mi i., i-Mjri iivui-s. i ney are pay* able t?? J. Junes or bearer; dated, Columbi-i, May 1st. 1844; nnu signed, J. A. Crawfo-d, Cashr.; A Blinding, President t?their date being about five years after tin* dea*h of tlie President, Col. Blntiding. The vi^ni'.te i< ti e Genius of Agrieulture, surroundel with approp-inUv symbols. On the left is the fn'iire of W.-iaU inglnn, and 011 (ho light ahead. jHic sign itm es of Pro.-ident arid Cashier are engraved, not written. They were received, by a planter, in Si. John's Berkley, about tho middle of December last, in nart navmcnt for ;i sl;ne fmm ? Tnnimoooo hog drover, living in ltutJedge county, Tennesset, who, it is hoped, on learning tin-tact, will notify the mistake.? Courier. The I)kad Alivk!?Under this heading the New All) my (Indium) Ledger, of iIil: 2 S ultim h is th 3 following puru* graph: "We understand that Del my Oresham esq., of Lafayette township, in this county, who mysteriously disappeared in August 1 ist, returned to his home on Sntur.1... i . .< xi.. /"i -i ' vj.i\ i i>i, mi. vr. siaics huh nc nns ueen south, and most of tlio time. during his ub ence. very sick, mid unable to w ite to hi> family. It will be recollected ilmt ti e l ist (lint was seen of bim wna near the.!elVer onville paper mill. Subsequentlv, it was reported tlint a dead body had I con found nor this spot, which was supposed to he that of Mr G. His famU Iv and fiicnds were fully convinced, and a nouee t>f administration on his estate, by I his wife, will be found in our lust weekly j paper. If a nvin had ii>enfroni the grave l and present11 himself before them, his I fnnnlv pnnM n??t \ mni-ii . MW. .M. Mm.i iinivillCillVU III4U* they we:e when the husband and father prosrnlcil hinwlf before them." THE PLANK ROAD. We are highly pleased at the spit it of our District in the nr?'mptness with which ilie Stock of the //amhurg and Edgefield \\i\ l\ rVimiuinif i???o ? - ...... . ? - v ?? mo umrii ii|?. The Books were opened on Monday, (he 7ili inst, niicl within three days the entire amount of Stock $.00,000 wits taken, and wo leam that a much larger amount i? now wanted I v those that have been dis... r? ? ..|/|>wni ? ii 111 ii"t, t?it-|i|uii^ iui?iiiu jij time.?Ha burg Itfjmblican 7*1.0 death of George Washington Lafayette, son of Oca. Lafavetle, is announced '>v letters fiom Paiis //? aceom panted I h father in ln-t farewell visit to the Uni'ed S ates, and dee vedly slm ed the manifestations and regards of the Anna jean people, llis dissolution took place, at Lagrange, the family scat.-? Constitutionalist. A nrw Ar'iclc of Diet ?A short t1m? KiniM? J1 n PV<M\ in fl?r> U'nofrtrn r??n^ r\C i . .... ... vi.x MNOl\.|ll j'dl I W| I 1113 conn! v found Imiied in tlio snnd a neat of Supposing1 them In he turtle's nnd heinj^ pnsMonntclv fond nf that niticle, lie curried them home, Imd them prope ly conked, ? d commenced his luscious repast, ylfier etiling fourteen. 'unsight end unseen,* curiosity prompted liim to examine the 'erifers,' when, upon opening one of those left, lie lound nn infant Hue racer beautifully roiled therein, I Header, plaee yourself in his condition, ' and then you may know his feelings..? Oakland Gazette. I Br careful of the corn-shs.?Sev. eial nnecdote- lu i on that inexhaustible theme for merriment?the sorrows of mntiimony. In passing through the street n bier was struck ngiunst the comer ot a house, and the corpse reanimated by ho shock. Some years afterward, when the worn- n die in good earnest, her husband called to the bearers. Prnv. nmnHi mcn l>n carcful in turning tho corncjs. Kern Retort.?Durinsj the Into onir vnss in Michigan, whilst a Surgeon Den list wiis making an excellent spee '.h in I ono of t'io interior town?, a low fellow heI I ! - 4. *1-- ^*1 - . loiifrnipr 10 uic inner party IMOiluprctl him with tin? question, 'what do you ask to pull i? h Doctor?' 'I will pull all your teeth for a (-hilling nnd your nose gratis,' replied the speaker, Tho London Times caution- inkers and nthflrs. nt. linmo nn<l ??r? Int.* - - , ."'j.#" ????\? ??ws v/.im? *?M inov mi nftomnt at fraud made by a JUt. V. ftrei.shein and his cimfedmUrs, <?n flie pretence that he has succeeded to a I?ri n property ;n Ohio, (\ S. i'he ct'.nw similar lo Oiukea up i.v ^Imci a few yen* ag*>.