Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 19, 1850, Image 1

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* " TO THINE OWN SELF HE TUCK, AND IT ML'ST KOI.LOW, AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CAN*ST NOT THEN IIS FALSE TO ANV MAN." VOL. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11), 1850. NO 35 'I'm.' I KEOWEK COURIER, PUISTKD AND rUOLlHIlKD WKKKI.Y BY W. II. T1UMMIER. .1 W NOlMlty In ? k. m! kicrnr,' [ editors. TERMS. Ono Dollar nnil Fifty Cent* for otto yoar'n mibscriptiou when paid within throe months, Two dollar.-* if payment L delayed to the close of the subscription year. All subscript ions not clearly limited, will ho eoUHidcroil its Hindu for an hideimito time, and continued till a discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. ...-.i.ivu 111 in cents per square for the first insertion, and 37 I-'2 cK for ?acl? continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to tho?o advertising by the year. All Communications should be addressed to the Publisher post paid. January 4, I8,"j0. Senate.?My. Cass' resolution for an inquiry into the expediency of suspending diplomatic intercourse with Austria, was taken up. Mv. uoss said he was not aware that this resolution would he opposed. A spirit of intercommunication between nations had made them one great family. The age was advancing. The press announced the judgment of the day, and foretold the decision of the future No one was above its censure, and all governments J/taiMA.i - : n .1 ?: vAi^oui uouc opinion now ruled the world. Mr. Cuss showed that there was no commercial necessity for a minister iu Austria; and, in performing an act of moral justice, we should not prejudice any national interest. lie did not pretend to say that this rcspluti jn would notollV nd haughty Austria?'particularly in ha- present humiliated condition?forced, as she was, to humble herself before liusswi. r.'Vis resolution would lose half its value if it were not considered as an act of censure upon Austria. It was our duty also, by this means, to 1 I -1 11 - ' vApivoo *1111 lll[MUiy Willi IliU sn uggling millions who were seeking the liberty bestowed on them by God, but taken fro 11 them by man. The interchange ofsu#h sentiments between nations would alone promote the interests of the masses of mankind. //o hoped to have the no operation of the Senator from Kentucky, (Mr. Clay,) though he feared that the Senator, from a playful remark ho made, belonged to KWVi OI*lllU-S?Lll I OCIIWUI, lie hoped to have the aid of the Hon. Senator from Mass., (Jfr. Webster,) whoso recent noble speech in the cause I of Hungary, was equal to the highest efforts of the elder Pitt, in his brightest day 8. J/r. Cass read soma passages from Mr Webster's specch, and also from Mr. Clay's speeches in behalf of Spanish Amcrican lndancnrlonrw f . ( I Mr. Cass closed by disclaiming nny objection to the gentleman who hud been pent to Austria. But if he were a Franklin he would not continue him there. Uesides, his precipitate flight on the eve of the meeting of the Senate, presented an insurmountable objection to his continuation. The same remark be applied to Mr. Letcher, who left for Maxico on the 22d December, and should never have his vote to rem lin in there. Mr. ?S'oward vindicated Col. Webb. Mr. Foote commented, at sonic length, on Mr. Seward's espousal, on nil occasions ot the cause of the Executive and his Cabinet. He remarked on Mr. Seward's consultntions with tho President on the last night of tho latesesaion, in relation tc tho tori itorinl questi n. Mr. Foote pursued the'.subject in a strain of much humor; and pure satire, at some length. Mr. Hale expressed a desire to be licard, and tho resolution was postponed. Tho Senate adjourned to Monday. i\ V U% \Y Ul' UUrtUHESH. T'hat the next letter rany be properly appreciated, wo take the liberty to say that it is from tho pun of a distinguished Fronclt gentleman, who has been brought to tlv'? country by a desire to ntudy tho character of cur institutions nud people, as well in furthorancoof co'lain scientific enterprises which he is prosecuting with gi oat steal, and with oncouraging prospects of succoaa. On his return to l'ranco, it is his intention, wo believe, to publish tho results of his observations in a volumo or volume?, in which case wo may oxpect a work of great interest and ?.iL \r v r? ~Fn ?ai . * . vunr, ?// uv/w/wrw, ' Washington, J)eo. '49. In thoold world nations employed many centurics to attain gtandcur and civilization; the American empire has bocome great and civilized in loss than a century. Itraaybtsnid to havo sprung 1 iiKo iWinervn, from the head of Jupiter. Washington brings to mind Home. Not that the seven bills are to be seen, but in this area ji few houses are scattered here and there. But while the voids in Rome result from the ravage of time, and are covered with ruins, the voids in Washington are those of a virgin soil; and wliil.t .1.... : i ......v uiuiuiutL'.'i me remains 01 I Rome, e\ cry day tills a sp;i:e marked by the foresight of the founder of WashingO O I ton. I 1 ivio it is, St. Peter's is larger than the American Capitol; but St. Peter's was the last efYort of the Roman power, dwindling m the hands of a'l'ope. I 'I'lin I list if lit inno Il.?t " - * irlllll IllilUV UUIliU (Tl'Uilli I could alone lieep her so. As long as those institutions wore supported on the i large basis of the people, the Roman stood; but it vacillated and fell when i the republican institutions became cor; rupted, when power passed into a tyrant's ' hands. In nil new countries men nre of equal strength. Theyhnvo similar wants, they have similar passions. Institutions do not destroy strength, wants and missions o * I i but develop and regulate them. So long ! as vlmerica remains faithful to her institutions, so long will she prosper. vlt the opening of a new session 1 was anxious to observe the workings of these institutions. not know, nor care to know, what litis been written from Washington by various correspondents belongI ing to different parties; but that during ! twenty days of inorganiy,-ition so much I i * - i 1..V11UU ii.ivo ruiguuu, aunougn the lower chamber was presided over by a i Clerk, is to me a subject of admiration. ! The deliberations were steady and com! paratively calm, considering the great ; questions that were agitated, ui Speaker becoming a candidate in one night, obta'ningonc hundred and twelve voles and falling suddenly to the ground, as well as some angry words spoken in the heat of debate, were mere trillcs when i compared to what passes in another reI Ml. 10 w? .... ?i.~ -.1 - ? * ' , .v, wii me ouicr skic oi inc yitlantic. Americans arc evidently made for i self-government, and the last twanty days, passed in an abnormal state, supi port this opinion. Yet 1 admire the ! foresight of the. constitution who placed 1 the t o it (f empire far from the operation I or a mob. 7/ad the Congress been held I in Mew YorV P.n-io 1 1 i.;, Ul IIWIIUIIII, 11 WOUIU ' have been impossible to prevent the mob I from assembling around tlie building, and the deliberations would have been iuiluenoed by tho pressure from without. Indocd, the members went to Congross as to a scientific meeting; they stoically bore tho tediousncss of sixty-four ballots, and ended by organizing the I House. To an unprejudiced mind, the calm and perfect quietness of all the citi j zens of the Union during that little stru^! gte, shows the marked difference be| tween the United Stales and Ih Euroi pean Governments, 2'he President wait ed patiently the organization of the House, and the country did the same; so ? SI !.?.?!?? ? 1- - A kvi unit me mo ^vmoricaas that they nro masters of themselves, and that the noble and gigantic structure of the vessel of State cannot bo wrcckcd on a grain of sand." oi'itiEjO'ri OF (VOL. XGER ON 2'JIEBANK QUESTJON. On motion of Mr. Memminger, the Z/ouso proccoJcd to the special order of the clay?which was the bill rep ?rted by the majority of the special committee on the Hank of the State, and the minority report of said committee. Mr. Mcmminger, in support of the bill said that ho felt tho groat responsibility of the measure which the bill proposed, but that as a citizen of South Carolina, he hacl determined to dischurgo his duty faithfully. 7/e wouid not, he said, be led aside from the dischargo of that duty by any false issues or any invective which might be drawn out \? this discussion. He felt tho great interest tho people of South Carolina had in this* mutter, and would approach it divested of all feelinrr or mnttitr t.hnt i>? 1 0 V..?,v ?? VMIW UU |il UUUU* live of excitemcnt, and lie trusted all would come to it with calmness. lie said ho would undertake to demonstrate that tho bill onght to pass, but in doing this ho would not address uien who had already made up theii minds upon the question. He knew that there were i some members, who on this, as well as upon other questions, hud come to that IIouso with open minds, and it was to those he hoped to address himself success fully. The Legislature at its last session had resolvod that it wiw inexpedient to recharter this bank. The Hous?, the Sennte, and tho peoplo, he snid, had pronounced upon tho question, and ho had not imagined ?j?y appeal should conic 1 from the bank itself. As for the bill bc' fore them, it stood upon the decision of ! the Legislature. The bill being so bused, three queslions arise with regsird to it. 1. Win-til-, j urn change in the plan of conducting the bank was necessary. 2 Was the plan proposed proper. I fl he gentleman wont on to discuss ! these points. Did not the decision of the Legislature impose the necessity of chnn! ging the plan of conducting the af fairs of inis institution'.' It did so, hcsnid, for if not chnnged they would be obliged to rc-chartoi it at , the expiration of its charter?they could ont stop it then, because they would be obliged to compound with its debtors. The gentleman would n^k the House if any man, being a member of a co-pai t nership, alter a time had been appointed for it^ termination, would conduct his l)li>;i!io^s nn tlin cnt?? - - ?- m. vuv oiunv/ ov/iuv; t?r> 11 IIHJ CO" partnership were to continue forever/ If it were revealed frwn lleaven to nil individual, that lie would die at a certain time, would lie nob set his house in order? 1 i such a conditio-! was the Hand, hv the decision of the last session, and tli?* question was, would we not prepare for the c/enl. But further, as it was determined not to nw.h.irf I>r ilio were bound to say what we intended to do?what wo will do. On the second point, the gentleman would have but little to say. It was evil u that in a time of pi nic the bank could not bo wound up. At a past time 1 of pressure and panic, he dared not say j what he believed of it. Hut now fortui natelv evervthincr wne ' , ? ^ -;o r,w J tho community in a sound position, lie himself had heard factor after factor say that they had money in thei- hands, of (heir customers, not asked for; money was easy everywhere, and now was the tiaie to prepare for its liquidation, //ad 1 tho hank now to meet its engagements at I once, its cash liabilities were over one niil?...? *< ' iwu uiuic umii us ensn assets. Hut by ! the plan proposed, could call i:i enough ' to meet its demands as they became duo. The gentleman further said, that we have to tell debtors what wo nrc going to do, and if we do not brg'n now, we never will, for the bank will engage aid fro.n every sourae, from the mountains to the Atlantic, yes, across the Atlantic they Iiad brought aid. Would thcv sloop in I80G, when the clmrtcrs of llic other banks expire, or would they not combine to produce a panic and produce action. Under all these circumstances, now was the time. "With regard to the plan proposed: It hod four leading features; first, the rcduc tion of the number of directors and salaried officers; second, tho continuation of the charter, except taking away the powor ^ mnlrrt 1 -1 ...onu ui;i? mini, me extension of ten years to the debtors of the bank; aiul fourth, regulating the payment of the foreign debt. i The first feature was A plain proposition?to have one president ana four directors. Was this reduction 'if the I board adverse to .!?? nr<a:?o ?i-~ >?10 - -- |/|OIUO Ul IIIU lUIIHv . j Why, twelve men laid out $8?0,000 of i the money, in nil a millloi and a half? three hundred and fifty thousand dollars I more than the capital of fhe bank! Docs any one doubt but that it will be cheaper to pay the di e;tors? True, our doors are beseiged now by men begging to be allowed to serve them in that capacity, I but their purpose was the discounts. l>y ] paying a 81 larv we will get men wo can . rely upon, and who will bo responsible.) Are four too many to transact tho busi-1 | nossT 7 ho salary of one thousand dol-i lura was not too much, but with it wo , j could secure the services of competent I men, as it would not require all their ! time. But we would oavo expense elsewhere, j l i i- ? i i hi-, muni, uv us own snowing, had made j I . 1 I [013,000 for the past year nett profits, but ! it had paid #40,910 00 to get that profit, j ! A lino concern, whose expenses to make j $10.3,000 was ?40,000, upon a capit.d j which, if merely lot alone, woul 1 produce j $122,000 at simple interest?a sum almost equal to the entire salaries of the State oilicers! This bank, ho said, had palaces to conduct her business in; the building in Charleston alone cost $40,000 the rent of this, lost to the State, and the ir.'.?rest on the investment. 2'his sum ought to bo added to the stated expense. The bank, ho said, would go on as usual?a bank of issue and deposit; keep : the money; issue no new bills, and contin- | i ue jus the first tWeal agent of tho ritute. I Ho would ask, was it not proper to say I that we would nurse the capital of the J bank? Why, it was only tho sanVo j thing as if tho directors t emselves had resolved to discount no new paper, j There was now $3,0A0,000 out already; I and ho would observe that nothing <v.iu I i luoic C( i) iron tluii) lor bi'iik*, in tunc of j I pressure, to innke such ft resolution. The committee tell us that the debt is stationary?yes, the bonded debt mi^ht be stationary, but do they mean that there are no new discounts? Do tlicy suppose that the debtors pay up out/ 00 d ys? With leirard to the ovinnsinn ..r Q - ,'1 ll,l,v I to the debtors: the bank will not be pre- ( I vented from discounting renewals, but | there will be no new loans to renew, and the old ones called in to meet its engagci meats. All special debts, bills of exchange, etc., will be probably paid at maturity, and will put the bank in funds to 1 /l.mnwt.. rr\ ?i:? -"I- i- -? liv; bICUIb ' M lllCOilllK I ; will not bo affected; their bills, lu* said, ; would pass currant for years after the charter. The fourth feature of the plan proposed, lie said, seemed to mystify more than any thing else, and that was the pay 1 mcnt of the public debt. Why, said the gentlem:;n, the bill provides that the sur- j plus funds on hand shall be applied in 1 that manner, if the bonds cou d be pur- j j chased at or below par; if not, they Muru to oe invested m State stocks. It' | the bank should have one or two luui- 1 ('red dt liars on ha d, .he hi 1 directed it to apply it to the debt. i The gentleman did not like foreign inj tcrfercnce, like the lJnrings' letters. Hut what do they say? the only mode to, ! wind up the bank without a violation of J State faith, would be. to employ the funds in purchasing the bonds, The bill ; of the committee says the same thing. If i iho lJurings had drafted a bill agreeably to this view, they could not have drawn j I one more in amtrnwiil? ii>.? i.:n i..? I - 11 1(11 VI1V Ulil UU* | ' fore the House. Mr. Hates says wo can I I buy all the bonds up from !) to l per cent I ; under par. That gentleman propose:; a J 1 lottery?the prizes to pay the State debt 1 at par. On the face of the bill we offer 1 dollar for dollar. We will employ an j ngent to ascertain on what terms bonds i can be: bought. Is not the bill then just, { fair and honorable to the people, the bank, and the foreign creditors'? If not, the gentleman said, every objection I wchiiu uc met. I Mr. J/emmingcr then proceeded to I answer the objeclions in the report of the ! minority, lie demonstrated tlint the foreign creditors wore now in a better position, and better secured than they were when they loand the money. Gon. J/cDuilie told them when the loan was contracted, the debt of the ?S'tate was $1,700,000. l>ut what was the case now? . i thai sum was reduced to $482,000 and on the second of January next, would be ?206,000. J/r. M. said if Mv. Daring was on the floor now, ho would say he was perfectly satisfied. The public debt would be one million one hundred and seventy-four thousand dollars loss than when the loan was contracted; and therefore, rlie lenders had that much more security. lie Silid that it. pMiilrl !>' I | meant that the Stale could not change | ; her investments. The bank iUelf luid ' sold the stoitk of the Bank of Charleston, j : Did the bank consult the i? cigh cicdi- j 1 tors, did the. Legislature consult, when | 1 they invested the money in our railroads? i 1fthe faith of the &tate will he broken j , by the proposed plan, then, he said, we 1 have bioken it again and again. But it ! was not so; the oiaie had a light to I 1 change her investments?the State hnd I j done right, only she sold her slock when every one else held on. AVe do not interfere with the pledge of the profits of the bank. The position is t assumed that the profits will bo less, i Let us see; the bank says all the capital i is there now, and four hundred thousand ! dollars more; but the gentleman would j uu cumeiii io get me one million seven hundred and forty-two thousand dollars. 2'he whole debts are one million seven hundred and forty-two thousand dollars. 1 his sum, it'loaned out at 8 mjilc interest, will bring in 222,000. What does the bank say? It has made and brags of the result, 103,000: consequently wo have I lost nineteen thousand dollars by the op- I crat?<?n. The gentleman was anxious in ! stand upon the tinth?the friends of the bunk assert it has one million seven hundred thousand dollars, which wo have shown, if invested, would produce , one hundred and twenty-two thousand, nine hundred and ninety dollars, and the | bank report tells us they havo mado 0110 | hundrendred and three thousand dollars. | But let us disabuse the people of all mystery?let us relievo tho the ouestion of tho cumbrous way they make out their ; account* ?and all is plain. Hut, Mr. M. said, it was worse than j the above. There was 0110 million fiftylive thousand dollars surplus of the lire loan; how much, heVoulu ask, was made upon that? The profits upon that was included in the whole statement. If that sum was loaned out it would produce seventy three thousand nine hundred and ??r. ? win n ? Mut m nihil *u>n?-TJB? fifteen dollars. ]5ut there was anotlur item; tlicro were two ways to make property; one of these was to diminish expen ses. Jvow this bunk was a veiy expensive machine; it had paid an attorney f..u,- tliousasd nine, hundred dollars in Clu.r'e ton, the officers'salary ibere was 32,05)0. The plan of the biil would reduce the expenses in Charleston to ten thousand dollars; in Columbia to one thousand; in Camden to eight hundred; milking a saving ol twenty thousand dollars in expenses, and in all about liftvll VP f lwilKUIul /1?*1 1 * 1 '' " -- - UVIKd^i Olio 115111 Ol the whole profits. Will a .y man, upon (hut .allowing, sity, the, f;iilh niui honor of t he State arc in jeopaidy? Why the very thing upon which the credit was bused was enlarged; and it was evident that the. contemplated action had increased the credit. The barings tell us that the bonds selling hitherto at ninety one, could not be bought now under ninetylour. They know well the means provided for the payment of the debt. The next objection was that bv the present notion, tie charter of the bank wnstnkon away, and that the fkcal agent of tbo Stale was pledged. Tho bill don't do-troy the bank; the only tliii g taken from it was the power to loan money; and r. M said, we have shown the bill increased its power to m d;e money. The bills out could not be gotir, because the credit of the State was too good. The next objection was, that the bill ...JM..ICU ?>u ma ny stunucu oiliccrs in Charleston. Mr. M. said the bank was there now, and that there was no objection to 'thirty-thousand dollars paid in Charleston now, six thousand in Cuniden, and seven thousand in Columbia; it was all well because the bank did it. The next objection, J/r. M. said, was the concentration of the resources in Charleston, 7/e would ask wheie were they now. He would ask members cast nf 1 ? ' now mucn iney Jiad, and (lien what lincl Knit Held, Richland and Charleston. The plan proposed was the only way to brcnk up concentration. 7'he last objection, loaning the money to a monopoly of holders of folate stockt: The biil proposes that, if in tl.e recess of the Legislature the foreign debt could not be bought at or below pa.i, instead of letting tin; funds lie idlo, they weietobo invested in State stocks. Mr. M. asked, it r. * - ? u nuy mvor iu loan money on ?>UUe ft ck. ylny bank would thank any one f >r asking a loan on Stale stock. ISoutli Carolina could borrow millions on the promise of South Carolina. Mr. M. vns satisfied the Legislature would do its duty. yfmong tlioso nccompnnying &ir Henry Pulwer, is a young midshi] mnn, who, being served by an Iiisli waiter villi buckwheat c-kes, a few days ?incef asked 'How do yon ont thorn?' l'nt?With butter, f ir, and molasses,' at the same time putting a plate of butter, and a large j i i l.or of molasses b( fo e the astonisb< d youth. 'Pancakes, aint they?' says Middy, ap] a'f-ntlv delighted at tho discovery. Pat?'Yes, sir, buckwheat pancakes.' M.?'Put what are they made of, eh?* l\.t?Why, of Indian male, sure!' The Odd Fellows.? T'hc Washington Globe tlnis bears testimony to the great increase r.iul noble mission of Odd-Fellowship: " ITo believe that in the whole history of (he world, there is no instance in anv .. ~.c ? ! wuru ui un:if, uiiiimcd i>y power, wealth or political influence, who have from an humble beginning risen so rapidly to le but!) numerous and opulent, os the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. This fact is itself an eulogium on the Order? on usonjects, its conduct, and itindminis tint ion ?'he great nim of it is to do good, nnd the only nim \vc believe. To comfort 1 ho sorrcw-stricken, to hcnlthe sick, to feed the hungry, to elotlie llie nu ked, nnd to relive tlie necessitous, n ret ho cardinal purjwsefl for which Odd Fellowship wjis instituted. So fnr it has nobly fulfilled its mission, nnd its success hits fnr exceeded everything thnt could have h^en nntieipn'od. Every ivnoro inc Udcl-bellows nro erecting nolile buildings, tailed hulls, Which nvo not built f >r show altogether, but for use, and they arc made Useful always, we believe. A remtrhtblc /?(//?>?.?The Wisconsin Argus, speaking ofnn nlmck of some Indians on some boats and their crows, in the rsirlv liielnw ?* ... ??. u? uuiiurii HIACUI1MI1 jftys: "In this position of nfliMis, an effort was made to board, nnd a strapping warrior jumped into the stein, seized the tiller, and set the vessel ashore, but not till nftcr a bullet stmck him dead