Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 15, 1849, Image 1

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[ KEOWEE COURIER. " TO THINK OWN 8KLK UK TRUE, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS TIIK NIOIIT THIS DAY, THOU CAN'BT NOT TIIKN UK KAL8B TO ANY MAX." VOL. I. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1849. NO 18. I THE abide the certain infliction of the ucnultv notice is ir'ivAn imt > ,l""" " ''"r !j<& n A hf V '? H'? R'j * <5 fi'? K It , 1' AM) rVnLl?ll];D \V) I KI.V IIV W. II. TKIMMIKH. .T. W. NOJIRIS, Jit., ) K. M. K KITH. J lwUlw Ti's.'ii* -wmt-' ii nuiik Oiw D ' ..ul 1 "itiy f'cnt.s fur one year'* fubierip'fon when paid within three months, Two dollnr.s if payment is delayed to the clone of tlu' Mib.'eription year. All niih-criplions not clourh limited, will he eon it m.ulo for mi, indefinite time, and continued till a discontinuance i< ordered aud all arrearages paid. AdifirtiMmntt* inserted at 7f> Cents per > quart) lor the lirst insertion, and 37 1-2 ct*. for each continued instfrlion. Liberal deductions j made to lho.;o advertising by the year. I car All Communications should be address? ' o 1 to the Publisher post paid. ( From the Clmrlcstown (Va.) Spirit of JcfFcrson- J 1 OS IT ION OK HENRY CLAY. The movements of this great man ' seem to be narrowly watched, not only j by the Democrats, bvtt by the Taylor i whUja The Democrats, however, j c;m feel but little anxiety on the subject, ! us he has lonj^ since ceased to bo an ob- ' jcct of any dread to thorn. They look I at his course now only with a view of dc- | termining in advance, if possible, the j plan of operation which lie may have chalked out for himself next winter. But the Taylor Whigs have a deeper interest in ti.e matter. Thev cannot bear the loss of Mr. Clay and his friends, llcnco illC'll I'li'Mld (O - - - v ttlt Ui UI1U ou^ port of the Kentucky Senator. They hnvo given to all the friends of Mr. Clay jov-eiy thing he has asked for them, and bis. tnft. Jlf. tbft OTnnncnftf ft"!"!""' ? ' - ~ K'J" lor men. A feeling of gratitude might therefore prompt lum to give "uid and .comfort" to the administration?unless, indeed, the recollection of the "sidings and doings of the "national slaughter house" at Philadelphia, in 3S-18, should interfere to drown every grateful emotion. No such result, however, do we I apprehend. We have 110 hesitancy in | expressing it na our opinion, that Henry / II.... -...I ?!-- * ->?i-!-'- -'' * \_Kiy mm vuw .'vuiuiiiibliauon Will 1)0 to- ; gothcr. If he come not to the support of Tuylor, Taylor will go to him. The Lexington platform laid clown by Mr. Clay, bucked by his letter the Free Soil Convention, show a purpose on his part to go with the North, and Northern predilections, it must bo admitted, are emphatically in the ascendant in Taylor's directory. Clay is now on a tour through tUn Kni'tlinvn . - i 1.11V ^VIIII>-1>1MWIH?| wivuaiuij' W ilOUOIllpany his son to Boatph, where he (the tson) talies passage for Portugal. There is something a little significant in this movement! Surely his s jn does not need his protection. The ONjmse for the father is, that he is going to '\isit Newport for his health, and paay probably attend tho .Agricultural Fair at Syracuse. No doubt i lie will go to all these places. But who ; cannot see that his proposed line of trav- 1 el is marked with a wondorful deviation from the direct line. And this fact of it^ ; M^^jj^fwould seem to lend plausibility to the teence, that bis aspirations decav ?:-Li _< Tif. .. - 1 jiui. vrim mv ?uign'i ui Jems. >> c may j jlo Mv. Clay injustice, but wc cannot help i thinking from his recent avowals in the ; letter referred to, followed so soon by a trip amongst those very persons to whom lie must owe his election should he over be President, and fov whom lie has been j battling for tbe lust forty, years, that he j still hopes and looks forward to another . change for the Chief jVagihtiaey of the ; Union. This rostlessand ambitious spirit hardly becomes o?ie of his yoare, apd one who h<?8 lost. 60 VOUuy i ACeS. liut 3p puimuiccs are nov io oc regaroea oy mm, 8a tho gorvl can be r#a*hca. This wc sincerely noj>e and blicve be will never do. fttay has always been, at least since 1816, n most objectionable politician, and,smc^ his virtual coalitiou *ritli the Free Seller lie must certainly have rendered fumself still more objectionable, and even odious to his own party in the A'outh, for Southern men, though Whigs, could not think now of supporting Henry Clay for imv " V ?? ' v- l &*. I * \ * * 7.,, . . i I THE CUBA EXPEDITION. We copv the following Proclamation and reply from the Mobile Tribune: To the Ofllcera and men of the Expedition at rendezvous on Round Inland: IT ft Mrmiuto w.? w?? * w. V ? IftTJil; f Off Hound Taland, Aug. 17, 1849. f I am direotod by the otftcw ii&'imMtend of the naval for<j?a assemble* in ibis neighborhood, to call your attention to the proclamation of the President of the Republic, made with regard to the expedition for which you arc assembled; mid I warn you to di*p*iae at once, or A J oi t tie law. In rase you do not disperse by Tuesday | (to morrow) night, I am ordered to cut ' ?>{T your fsuppheaof provisions, for which purpose ample means have been supj plieci. ^ Von will fiiwl it t- - ....v ?v iui|/voou;H: iu Ul'pari R)u the expedition. Your sleaiucrs will : tic captured, or sunk in the attempt, it" j they arc even permitted to leave Hew Or1 leans, which is \ery doubtful. I All outlets to the Gulf arc watched, i and a force is rapidly collecting round you ' that you cannot dodge. You are therefore advised, as we'I as I warned, to disperse at once, with the .SOllMrm nutnvonnn w..?.?..vv, uuiv iwwiivur unpleasant it may be to be called upon to act against you. our sense of duty is so strong that all feeling will unhesitatingly be laid aside, and that nothing shall deter us j from carrying out the orders given, in the ; strictest manner. I I am. Your obedient servant, Geo. M. Tottkn, Lt. Com'dg. To Lieut. Tottkn, com'dg. Steamer Water Witch, Round Island, Aug. 20, 18 49. Sir,?Your communication of this morning was duly >eceivcd. In answer wo have entirely to disclaim any inU^liort sucq as is embodied in the proclamation of the President of this Republic' towhich you havo called our nttcntionVWe arc^a body of men inenlisted. unarmed. and unwlfing to do that would in ftny T?nnn?r compromise "our citizenship i or liberty. < . Circumstnces ninv nrvantnur<lor?ai*i.iivA'L * 1 "I >' from this island as early as you may* Bug-' gest, as means must be provided which are not immediately at hand. jTill such provision is mwle there will be no attempt) to transport to us farther supplies. Kessectfully, ' Your, obedient servant, JoliN IIabeins, Pret>iuent. w v 4 ?' v vitnou^} WVJCIUIUI J , From tho New Orlennt JPicovuuo, LATE FROM YUCATAN. Another Battle between the Indians and the Yueatccos.?Wc are indebted to Mr. Thomas J. Brownjohn, who came passenger in the schooner American, fivtt days from Sisal, having left on the 17th inst., i for the following news: Great excitement and alarm prevailed at Sisal and in tho interior on account of | a letter having been received thcro from tho Mexican Consul at this place, stating I that Oo\. Wliito wn<i nlmiw ?i-? _ >f/wuv vv/ IllTdUU blic j country with n large armed fotce, as was j supposed, for the purpose of forcing them J to pay tho amount due Col. White and , his sofdiors, who fought for thorn before. I Five hundred soldiers were sent from j .A/erida, the capital, to Swal, for the pur- , pose of opposing their landing. Oil the 1 Oth a diligoncc cauio in from Aferidn, staling that after tho troops had left, the Indiana had attacked the JJ/exicans and driven them into tho citadel at Bacallar, when after a fight of a whole day the Indians rotired. Eight hundred Mexicans remained dead on the field. tapi. Kc:iy, who had previously gone down with Col. l^hitc, and who was in command of a company of eighty of the . Louisiana Volunteers, was reported to have been killed in the action; also, one of the best officers of the Yucatan troops is reported mortallv wounded. The Indians afterwards raptured ft convoy of Mexicans, with provisions for Bacalar. af tcr a ecvoro conflict, in which thoy killed forty men. Tho United States schooner Flirt left on the 15th insfc., for Pensacola?all well. The English brig-of-wur 6'app'no aaiiod the next day for Vera Cruz. s The daptain of the Sappho had his at m broken while exercising the guts of the ship, by , tho rccoil of one of the piece* Virginia Credit System. At the lato extra session of the Virgin- A ia Legislature; some important changes wore inado in existing laws, the ofleet of which is to curtail tho credit system, i Thoy are thus noted iptho. Charlottesville Advocate: i. Tho 5th section of chapter 107 provides (in substance,) that any person ontitled to recover money by action on any contract mav Zinv* *?? ??*? r .-:r' -ttr-j ? rrf - "VWW, W/tain judgment for the same by inotion In any Court of tho County in which tho debtor resides. Tho provision dispenses with the writ (if the plaintiff prefer to proceed by motion rutnev than by an ordinary suit,) and of courac aaVtoa ihe cost of the writ tax and fee to the shoriff for o^ecuting the writ. If ho defence bo made, iudcrmem will be obtained on the day to \fhich the j 4 O* ' * ' '* *,,V1 v it may b<" hoard and decided upon in a summary way by the court, or if either party desires it, a jury may be irapaniiel* ed to try the issue joined. 2. The now code dispences with bail in ei\il eases. It' the plaintiff, cither upon the institution of his suit or at any time uuiore judgment, will make affidavit thiit he has good cause to believe that his debtor will remove his cfl' beyond the juiiadiotion of the Court before judgment can be obtained?he may sue out an attachment against Hie debtor's property, commandinrr f ! #> c.:~~ ?? ^ 'I.v.uii iv illlU. MIeuro the same until needed to satisfy the judgment or until replevied by bond with security, io have it forthcoming to answer that end. The abolition of bail has, of course, rendered necessary a change in the form of rhc writ. It is no longer a capias, commanding the officer to take the body, but a simple summons to answer the plaintiff's cause of action. o r - ... - ??. imprisonment lor debt is abolished by this new code ; and in lieu of the ca. sa. various provisions have been adoptod, designed to obtain from the debtor a discovery of all his property, and the delivery and conveyance thereof to the sheriff. 1 To this end, the debtor may be summon- i cd to appear before a Commissioner in i ajphnncerv. and required to answer on oath, me interrogatories of the creditor. If he 'fails to appear, or refuses to answer, the ( ' X ' t w.u.iiiooiuiiui is iu report, mm to Court, ' and if he still fails to appear and answer. ! lie maybe proceeded against as for a con- I tempt. And having made known his cs- j tate, if lie refuses to convey or to deliver -it up, he may be committed to jail by order of Court. 4. A judgment lien under the new law will extond to the whole of the debtor's land instead of to half only as gt present. The creditor may extend the Hi yd upon a writ of digit, or lie may file his bill iu a Court of Equity, and have the land sold, if the rents and mofits will not. nnv x ? r*v v"v debt in Jive yeni*. The new Code will not go into cftcct until the 1st, of July next.. It will be published abojwtf the 1st oj^J^nuary next. d /ll'^ Jyfh'IIE MEN TO wAKE A STATE; ' TIIK1R MAKING AND TIIKIK MAR&S. This i3 tho title, says the "Literary World," of an address by Bishop Donne before tho Trustees, Teachers, and Students of Burlington College, on the last anniversarv of tho "NTntionnl j ? jhiu\.|;VIIUOUV/1;. | It is u succession of brief, pithy mnxinis, i rinsing blows on the anvil, exhibiting the i union of every honorable, manly quality j with true Christianity. These arc its concluding passages: "And for tnc marks of men that are to make a State. I see them in the ingenu- | ou8 boy. Ho looks right at you, with his [ clear, calm eye. Tho jjlow that mantles on his check is of 110 ktn with shame : it > is but virtue's color, spreading fron bis heart. You know that boy in abscncc, i as in presence. The darkness is not dark to him; for God's oye lightens it. He is more prompt to own than do a wrong ; and readier for amendment than for either. There is nothing possible, for which you may not count on him ; and nothing good, that is not possible, to him, and God. 1 "I see tnem in the earnest boy. Ilis heart is nil a-throb, in all his hand would do* His keen cyo fixes on the page of Homer, or of Euclid, or of Plato; and never wavern, till it sees right through it, and has stored its treasures in the light of his clear mind. His foot has wings for every errand of benevolence or mercy. And when you seethe bounding ball fly highest, and fall farthest f. om the stand t and hear the nnging shout that is (be signal of its triumph, you may be sure that it was his strong arm that gave that ball the blow* "1 set them in the reverential boy. Ho never hits where elders stand. 11 is head is novo jjovercd when superiors pass, or when his mother's sex is by. lin owns in every house, at every hour of prayer, ft present God. Inoenuous, earnest, nEVERENTiAT, Boratheso are our marks of men io make h State. . . ! ,MWli*tf .institute* a fji <ite ? Not high raised battlement*, or labored mound' fliick wails, or ruoatod gate; Not cities proud, with spires and turret* Crowned, Not baya, and broad-armed itorto, Mri Jl. t \n unre, iuugn?jtg at tno Htorin, rich navion ride; Nov starred and spangled courts, Whore low browed uwenoas wafts prefn:ne to pride. No. Mou, liigh minded men. * * * # Men. who fhoir duties know, But know thoir right*; snd, knowing, dare maintain; Prevent the long aimed blow, And crush the tyrant, while thoy rend the chain: Thc?c constitute ?^|tato." I ix'ierjraphcd for the Charleston <"<?/ >/ .] Rai.timoiu:, Rent. t. The steamer Washington Vrrivi-.l She loft Southampton on the '20th in.-'. Her accounts nve two days later than ' those received by the Caledonia. Cotton.?The sales at Liverpool were K),000 hales at former 1 1 J, 1/V/V-f IJ - i V being on speculation. British Funds were reported rather1 firmer. The Washington bungs a report that a sanguinary battle bad been fought at Oroswardeu between the flung .riai > "nd | Imperialists. No particulars are known. The ITllliirni-i'iMi! Kiifl or\nr\ ik<vi tmen ?jngHg(*Cl. Cormoran remnined in the same state.. > at last advices. Latest accounts ' to that Presburg was occupied bv the Hungarians. The Russians acknowledge '.heir defeat in Transylvania. | 7'he Russians, 30,000 strong, under Luders, was beaten by Bern, with an inI t'erior forco. I Letters from Vicuna state that a battle i was fought on the' 5th August between i fi,o J u-? ?u<?ii>iia'ww. ?iyijfKrians near Mycdon, lasting uiui^oMaiptedly several hours, (.when the Magyars were be;rten, losing five pieces oLartillery jfnd 400 prisoners. Accountapfrom Koine have been received, which state^nat the people are very dissatisfied with the despotic proceedings of the ecclesiastic rulers; and that nothinfr but fotoinm Imvnnnfo 0 ?. 1,.. ?J ~?> r.^-, vents an insurrection. Led) u Rollin has returned to Paris to attend his trial. I Orders have been forwarded to Gen. J Qudinct to postpone His return to Paris. |. The Pope still refuses to return to Rome, notwithstanding tlio urgent entreaties of General Oudinotr.^i, \ ' v' Baltimore, Sopt. 5. Fresh rumors are rife respecting Louis NapolcOn's intentions towards aspiring to a crown. Prince Bonaparte has been taicd and fined two hundred francs for striking M. I Gasthicr in the Assembly. Mahamct Ali died 2<i August. uruuAL ILLUSION INTIIEMOUNTAIN". I The following interesting extract from : a private letter descriptive of a bingular optical illusion on the Catafcill .^fountains, ' is written by an eye-witness. "The afternoon, (Tuesday Aug- 14,) I was a memorable one of the mountain. I The optical illusion of last JJ/bndny week tvOC lx*?# ? A?? 1 1 tu-j/xniuwui L>ui>iiiuiu iransccnuuiHly beautiful than it had ever appeared before. It is the third time in twenty years that this extraordinary phenomenon has been perceived. Mrs. A. and myself were sitting on the rook in front of the piazza, when she suddenly exclaimed; "T.nolf." T ,i;,l ' ? ?WW... ? V4.VA 'JV| (1IIVI tliu ? I1U1U ( hotol was surrounded in the cloud before ; \is. The whole house was assembled immediately, and we ran out to the poinl j of rock fjom which the phenomenon of last Monday had been perceived. TTre were scarcely there a minute when a beautifully arched rainbow was formed in the cloud, exactly in the centre of which was seen the entire group, precisely as they stood on the ledcreof tl c rock. 1 .too im mu'v;iy HIWirBIlUUOWS, UUl 1110 entire form of each persen in the group ; vffis distinctly visible; each person saw tho whole group, not merely the reflection of his own image. This lasted about 1 five minutes; when the rainbow disap- ! pnaved, and the phenomenon of J/ondav ! last succeeded; enoh person saw his own I shadow of bugo dimensions, reflected on ' the cloud and surround* J by a halo of ! liftht, but was unable to see that of his neighbor. I shall nover in rav life see anything of the kind again, and if I had T >.1 A. -- r nw( m uii i , i tuuiu linvt-: n,; no en- 1 ception of it? effect; it w;w perfectly j thrilling, The poems of Osnian, the ! Children of the Mist, the Death Fetch | of the Germans, tho Spectral Phantoms, that were fearful visions to less enlightened ag.?.,, weie all realized distinctly and J palpably before u??. This visit to thn j Cat-skills has revcalved in mo wirtv? of! tho wonders of nature than all olsc that ; I have seen put together," PlIKNOMKNON IK R.0S3-8HIRB.? A CU- J rians phenomenon occurred at the <nrm of ' Balvullioh, on the estate of Old, occupied by Mr. jlfoffat, on the evening of tho 16th mcf Trv* ? ' ' tiiqvi Aiuiuv/uiawi^ (UtUi UI1U U1 till? IUUU" i est peals of thunder ever heard there, a largo and irregular shaped ma&s of ice, reckoned to be nearly twenty feet in circumference, and of a proportionate thickness, foil near the farm house. It had a beautiful crystalline appearance, being neaVly all quito transparent, if wo cxcept a small portion of it. which consisted of hailstones of uncommon size, fixed together. It was principnlly composed of small sqtnre*, dnmond snnpod. of from ! one to tluoe inches in ^izo, all firmly con. j gealed together. Tlie weight of thi.s large piece of iec could not be ascertained ; but it is a most fortunate circumstance that, it did not fall on Af> l/oflat's house, or it would 'nave crushed it, and undoubtedly have caused the death of some of the inmates. No anmvirunrn. u " of cither hail or snow was discernible iu the liurrouftding district Corrc.yvnrfcnce of the Churlcston Courier. Washing-Ion, Sept. 3. The result of the election in Rhode Island, by which the Whia* Vmvn ?rv' v 6,MIIW one member of the House of Representatives, encourages them to hope yet to scout e ! majoii;. of tlint body. If they can secure the organi/.ation of the House, they expect carry 0 rou^h it a number of importan' awt to a ^reat extent populur, inea uivi s relating ?o H\ ince, the tariff, and internal improvement*, which the Democratic mni/n-iiv . ?<" *i?? IWT U1 till' UCIIUIU Will either agree to, or bo obliged to take the responsibility of rejecting, As the matter now stands, the Whigs have a nominal majority of three, Hut they will probably lose two members in Maryland, which will give the democrats a majority of one. Should this be the result, the Southern Democratic Taylor members, of whom there are two or three, will hold the balance of power in the House. Notwithstanding the ridicule thrown by some opposition prints on the late proclamation of neutrality, and their denial of the existence of any enterprises, on the part of our citizens against the Gov 1 -en. 1 ... - i/>umv:atv>i V^uun, Sil CXpOCliiiOTl n iiO>tile character has been so well plannedthat it will be only delayed, and not frustrated, by the interposition of this govern, mcnt. The first design was to land in Cuba only fifty men, as officers, with a good supply of arms and munitions, the w holo to be under the direotion of Gen. Lopez. They expccted that as soon ns the revolutionary llag was raised a large jiuruon 01 inc people would rally around it, and that even the army, which consists of fifteen thousand Spanish soldiers, who are treated ns slaves, would refuso to serve against them. This plan was, however, abandoned by tho leaders, after finding that very efticient aid could be obtained in this country, by giving the enterprize a moro American character. Tho oxisling design is to land ! mnn ?i?l equipped, with a good supply of artillery. Arc., and under an American commaeder. The landing will probably be made on the south side of the Island?whero their force will be immediately increased by the accession of large numbers of young and enthusiastic CYooles, If they meet with much retistance, and ^et into a perilous position, their friends in the United Stales will, it is expected, raise an irresistable popular clamor, In their behalf, and irom every port, in u:o union, thousands of volunteers will then rush to their relief, as fast as wind and stoam can carry them. In this way, Cuba, they spy, is to be revolutionized in a single campaign. In one of the counties of Kentucky, some of the voters have addressed a series of questions to one of their candidates for the Legislature, among which are the following : jii " 1. A re you in favor of the next war ? 2. Do you believe the Imh com? over in ihe same boat with Noah? 3. Do you believe Eve's eating the forbidden fruit causea the knot in a man's neck called 'Adam's apple?' 4. Are you a 'gradual imnginationist?' 5. Do you liquor? G. If elected, do you pledge yourself not to ?0 to Frankfort ? 7. Not being caucused on, do yea pledge yourself not to be caucused off? but run until the 'last day in the evening' -going through the polk liko a 'dose of salts.' A vcnl .at youth from the country was recently Uirmsscrt by a young damsel in this city, on ih< ground that sho had been udvisod to avoid everything arccn during the. protvaliinoQ of the. cholera, A young lady returning hite from h concert, ns it wam v.'iininfr, ordered tho oc ji fo .hive *o the f-idi;walk, but was still uiiiihlo : ; ; cross the gutter. "I can lift, you over>.oid coachcy. "Oh. no," said sln\ ''I'm too heavy." "Lord marrn," said John, "I'm used to lifting barrels of fiugar." ' My deftv," sa'd a printer to his ladylove, "permit ine '2 when tfi* termi/jiant immediately niado a at him, und planted hev ?& between his ii, which put h'w iik \i) into ri. "This conduct," said tho gallant tvpo, looking fi af W "Is v.;tM:-.| i ?" *