Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 09, 1849, Image 1

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^ - TO THINE OWN SI'LV 1113 TltUE, AND IT MI ST K()I,I.()W, AS llli: NIOHT T0il DAV, TMOU CAs'sT XOT Tm:N III: FAI.Si: TO ANV M AS." * vol.. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 18-10. NO. 4 * / Hie, ; ; TJ?I?~ KKOWEJR COUltlER, PRINTED ANP rUnLl8HKr> WKKKLY BY W. TRIMMIER. V It KilKS. One Dollar ana Fifty Cento fur one year's subscription when paid within three months, Two'dollata if payment is delayed to the close, of the subscription year. All subscriptions not clearly limited, will bo considered as mado for an indefinite time, and continued till n discontinunncc is ordered and nil arrearages paid. Advertisements inserted at *75 cents per nquarc for the first insertion, and 37 1-2 cts. for eacli continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to thoso advertising by the year. OP" AU uomiminicntiom tnoum uc nauroas ted to the Publisher post paid. 'Travellingsoutr'Tlic story I was about to tell isn' much of a yarn,' said the officer callec upon, a young South Carolinian, 'its onb recommendation consists in it's being nev and true, as we say ia the Palmetto State Such as it is you are welcome to it.' 'Liftenant, take a ittllc of the squeeze limon before ye begin.' 'Thank you, Captain Hcnnesy?yov health, sir. Well, gentlemen, about si months ago I had occasion to make journey to Fensacola, travelling on hors hack across i no otaie 01 ueorgia. jli. well known f hat there are large tracts the territorj of our Southern neighbo that have p oved very ungrateful to tl labors of the husbandman'?here La reus looked at tlio Major with a poouli expression. 'These districts are, in co sequence, but sparsely settled, and provided with the necessaries of life. " ?0n the third day of my journey, 1 h ridden about twenty milf ?? pine ban en, without having caught the first glimpse of a human habitation. I was faint with bunnrni* nn/1 4- ?- ? &v,? c.v* vuiiai. su was my norse, who would stretch out his neck and groan piteously at each now prospect of the hot sandy road that opened before us. The poor brute was ready to drop, when, on turninrr a e 0 nVv?v>, jrv/ujtiaj iuucy my aclight, at seeing a large and substantial log house, with a pine mast stuck up before the door, and a . -oad swinging sign, tipon which w?? lcj, ' * in bold characters, th? word 'Iiotcdl' .. A-fubbed rnv eyes, and then shaded them vnTTiTitty luuub to nujfco sure it-was | not the mirage, which frequently makes its appearance upon these sandy plains. J But no; it was a nouse, sure enough, and ' better still, a hotel. 'I straightened myself up in the saddle My horse wliighered and stopped out * cheerily. 'Come,' said I, patting him on the neck, 'we're through it at last, old ! fellow; you'll soon bo up to your years in the best of Georgia corn, and I ' , Hero the anticipated anjoymcnt of ham and ccrffs. fried children. strnnn- c/flfco lw buscuit, or waffles, and perhaps a piclcle or so, deprived mo of the power of speech, and I rode up to the 'l lotel' in silence. 'As 1 rode nearer the house, it began to look weather-beaten and desolate luce, and I was growing fearful it might be uninhabited ; but uch?there sat the landlord in the porch, and 1 take it, his two sons?'it's all right,' thought I, and I rode up and drew bridle, in front of the door. -nit- - xi i* i ? - ? - " -a no,j-nrec individuals Avliom 1 had observed in tlio porch?threo sallow, drylooking chaps, in their shirt sleeves?did not movo an inch. I am not certain that they even changed the direction of their eyes. A couple of gaunt, yellow dogs that lay on the stoop, remained equally motionless. 'Comef thought I, 'this is cool for people who keep h house of entertainment?they ought toknpw, from the direction I have come, that I intend to put up for the night?they might offer lake one's horse, I should think.' But I no one stirred. I began to think that the house might not be a tavern, as I had at first supposed; and 1 again looked up at the Sign. Ennucrh?t.lTn wnrrl o ? 0"~ " ,,v* --VW* was there in large letters. 'Can I stop here for the right?' I. enquired, at langth. I waited for an anll Kwer, but none came, repeated the (question in aJouder f\nd more imperious tone. 'You kin if yerlike, stronger,' replied the oldest of the three, but without moving a muscle, excopt those of his mouth. I 'Have you got any c>u?' enouired I, intending to make sure before flighting, n? the hottfje, on a nearer inspection, look cd naked and empty. Got any corn?' echoed tho same speuker an before. * 'Yes/ fcaid I, 'corn.' we haint got anyi' was the reply. 'Well, havoyou gdt any fodder, then?, 'Got any fodder?' 1 j 'Yes?fodder!' I 'No?we hnint got any.' 'This is 'md,' thought I?'my poor horse?I "will have to turn him loose, nnd I might ns well tic him up,' I continued to reflect, ns on looking around I could i not see a blade of grass within the cir- I cuit of a mile. 'I had best hitch him o Imvi'Sntl n?/l 1 tu uiv IUR.U ci liuiuvu ouuv/n, uuu vide on to the next house?but first let mc see what they can give me.' 'All the time I was occupied with these reflections, the three men had remained silent and motionless, except when one or the other of them would raise his hand and bring it down with a 1 smart slap over his cheek, or along his thigh, or behind his ear, as though one and all of them had been nfllicted with I - the malady of St. Vitus. 'I was, at first, startled with these dot monstrations, but upon a little reflection, i I perceived that my saturnine friends f were only killing musquitoes. v 'Have you got nny ham and eggs?' I asked, at length. 'Got nny hnm nnd eggs?' echoed the d original speaker, with an emphasis, that i clearly betokened "surprise, ir 'Yes?ham and eggs/ repeated I. ix 'No?we hnint. got any.' a 'A pity,' thought I?I was fond of e- ham and eggs; 'have you got any chickis ens, then?' in 'Chickens?' >r, 'Yes,' said I, 'chickcns.' f nntf nlnnl/nnc tinnrt i n v miiuv^uu "vv.^ vi- chicken/ ar 'Well, have you got any meat?' in- 'Got any meat?' ill 'Yes?nny sort of meat?beef, pork mutton, orx'TcCovered, one nfl 1 f '^naVi^otetr^65' ?2IM nungiy.' yr\ sc " N??wo haint got nny.' "j 'Hflve von nnv hron/l <1, 9> / w . ? J viiv i i. y Any bread?' S lo 'Yes, bread?a piece of y and a j? glass of water?that, toy*nin?rY mnn? as is a banquet.' n< 'No?we haint bread.' {? 'Well, my friy1^ have you got any- a thing to eat o^V kind?' y, 'Anytnin* ca- of a'1}' kind?' !p 'Yes^hiything?I'm as hungry as a w wolf? , . tl 'no, we naint got not lung to eat of tl ncorv kind.' in 'Well, old fellow, will you tell me how w the devil yon do here, any how?' ]<i 'Very well, thank ye, stronger, how ]0 de yer deo, yerself?' tc 'T gav a violent wrench at the bridle i)( which brought my horse round like a m pivot, nnd digging the spurs into his y, sides, I headed him at the road. But the poor beast did not need any driving; p, for. whether llP. hfld >ir>nn enticfinrl v.? - - y, his own inspection of the place, or whoth- y< cr he had understood tho conversation, w he broke into a desperate gallop, and did g not stop until we had reached the top of a tl long hill Here I had tho curiosity to h turn round in the saddle, and look back; T and, to my astonishment, the three men <J were still seated just as I had left them; ]\ and I really believe that thev ore sittinrr u ^ o 11 there to this day!?Maync Iieid's ncio t< work, ' War Lifeai AFRICA. t! What a wonderful continent it is, thus roxmded, smooth-shored Africa; known a from the earliest dawn of time, yet so un- j\ known; the granary of natiohs, yctster- tl ile and fruitless as the sea; swarming with s< life, yet dazzling the eyes of the Moon- fi men with its vast tracts of glittering ^ PJ111 . WAWII A '' ? *? V* V>I ^jLKivxtU(?| lit au DWJIl UUU I/11U |,| other day, has been probed ,fiom end to >v end; its gallant and restive Philips, Pon- h taicH, -Tccumthes, and Montezumas have si been bridled and broken by the white j fr man; bnt Africa has sent no Cortez, nor r< even a^De Soto or La Salic, "wringing fa- w vors from fate," as Santa Anna has it. ft Some solitary Mungo Park, or faithful g Lander, or persevering Burckhardt, alone i tl has tried to re?d the secret of the moth- j ir /? ? ' - vr 01 civilization, tne gray-iiairetl Africa, p If we seek a land of romance and mys- w tery what qunrter of the globe can com- w pare with that which holds the pyramids; aj the giant Theban temples, on one roof of fo which clusters a modem village; the c( solemn, hewn mountain:clHT of a Sphinx; m the ruins of Carthage; the Nile, with its b; hidden sources; the Niger, with its un- i/i knoAvn outJot; the heavojx-boariiig Atlas; Hi the dimlv seen mountains of the mnnn? There"Joseph, roso roinOnfi'i&Uy to bo I the ruler of millions; the% Morfc*> float- gj ing in his cradle, i3 saved, yjg the purest fo spirit of romance, by a kings daughter, fa and, like the hero of some earlicfF chival- ra ry, Arthur and Merlin mono, breaks the m trie bonds of his people and founds anew gi nnd mighty nation; there waa the home ju oi JUiflo, or Hannibal, the scene of Scipio's ih trmmpHs, Jugurtlia'n crime** there iivfid T Turtiuion, Athanooius and foigustirte; m . f . 21* the romance of (lie m ('.wait there: Hie last breath of the sainted Louis of France was drawn there; and. but a year has elapsed since the last shout of tho latest hero of romance, Abd-el-Kader, camo faintly across +he Atlantic. Afi-irn. is tho homo of the leviathan. the behemoth, the unicorn, the giraffe, the slight antelope, scarce bigger than a cat, the earth-shaking elephant, the unaccountable liou, the all conquering buffalo. It is the home too, of the mysterious negro races, races yet lying dormant, in the germ. The Past, Present, and Future of Africa are alike wrapped in mystery. Who can tell us the childhood of dark-browed F<*vnt. smmre-shouldered and enercretio'! OJ l"' ~"1 o ' /artharge, tlie England of the old world's ruler, has not even a romancing Livy still less an unwearied Niebuhr, to ex plain her rise, and untangle the mystcrie of her constitution. Of all the vast in terior, the Abyssianias and Sondon? what do we know more than tlie Puni merchants, who, like us, dealt there, tii king slaves; ivory, and gold? | LETTER TO COUNTRY GIRLS. Mrs. Swisshelm, in a late number of tl "Saturday Visiter," ban the following le tor to country girls. She talks "rig] out" to them: You know T said that I could quilt r most as fast as two of you. The rcas< is, T tnko envo of my hnndo. One hi of you arc to proud to do this. Y< ' would not be caught putting a glo on to sweep, or hoe, or weed in t garden, because you think it would lo as if you wanted to be fine ladies. > you see any one take care of .her ban n , - ?r .? l>onnftt p Jiiul C^iacnt of Europe ?b per msv i 'caretul to wear a suu-^L. nu iiui cuni]jiuxion, you say slic is proiul and stuck up." But it is you ho arc proud. You have an idea you ok well enough at any rate. So you ist luuko yourself as rough and coarse i ever you can, by way of being indejndent. Your hands grow as stiff and ud as if you held a plough and swung scythe, and when you take a needle Ml mm (loornoltr ^ ? ^? uv.x^vij ici-i iii in yuur lingers, his is wrong. There are many things hich women ought to do, which require icir hands to be soft and pliable, and icy should bo careful to keep them so, order to make them useful. Every Oman who livos in the country should lit herself a pair of woolen gloves, with ng fingers closed at the tops?not mils > lot tiic fingers get hard. There should 3 a piece of ribbed work at the wrists to ake them stay on. When you use nur hoe, rake or broom, put on your loves?when you take, hold of a skillet, jt, or kettle handle, take a cloth to keep our hands from being liardenod. When ou wash clothes or dishes, do not have at'er so hot as to feel unpleasant. Many iris scald their hands until f.lmv r?nn nut lem into water almost boiling. Such aYida nre unfit to use a needle or a pin. hey nre not so. good to hold a baby or ress a wound. Take caro of your ands, and do not forget your faces. I ave seen many country girls who at sixsen had complexions like alabaster, and b twenty-six their fnr.o? would lnnL runnet bag that bad lmng six weeks in le chimney corner. One reason of this is, tljoy do not wear bonnet to protect them from the sun. mother reason is, the habit of baking icir faces before a wood fire. I have, jen women stand before a great roasts g re and cook, u-til I thought their brains ere as well stewed as chickens ; and iey would get so used to it that they ould make no attempt to shield their cadh frorajjie heat. Nay, they would tdown in the evening and tjpke their icea by the hour: and this is onifrof the jasons why American w<t?.iengrow old, ithered and wrinkled fifteen years be>re their time. But another and the reatest reason is, your diet. People in . u vvuwi'ij' uvu wju wun and eat too inch hot bread and meat. Country eople. usually eat richer food than those ho live in tnVT cities, and that is a reason by, with all their fresh air, their average fe is little greater than that of city >lks, Thousands of beautiful, blooming mntrv girls, make old sallow faced woen c themselves before they are thirty, Y drinking coffee, smoking tobacco, find iting hot bread. They sh #) ten their /e? by these practice about aji muoh m fcv ladl**# VrJtVl tioll -- .. .v.. v.tvu mouiwiUl'Vl^ lUUIt'H# do not know what you think about it, rls. bu*. I think it is as much of a sin r women to get old, brown, withered ces, by eating too much, as it is for en fo get red noses by drinking too uch. Very few people think it a dis w unvu n imiious icvcr; iniM would st as leave the doctor would tell rnc mt I waa drunk as that I was billious. he one would come from drinking too uch, thfr other Irom eating too much } % irr ' 7X"r:& | arid -where is the difference? All this is t I a serious matter, for it alTccts health and <: life; and the reason why I talk about \ your complexions in speaking of it is, ^ that every body loves to look well "wheth- a er they acknowledge it or not. Now, t people cannot look well unless they are t well; and no one can be well very long < who docs not try to take care of herself. : The wortian who roasts her head at the i fire, disorders her blood, brings on headaches, injures her health, nnd makes her face look like a piece of leather; when she swallows hot coffee, hot bread, greasy victuals and strong pickles, she destroys i her stomach, rots her teeth, shortens her [ life, and makes herself too ugly for any ' use, except scaring the scrows off the i corn. J. O. S. doctors' bills. s The folly of dabbling in medicine is very pleasantly hit off in the following humorous piecc: c "About four years ago X was happily l" married to a very prudent lady, and, being of the same disposition myself, we made a very prudent couple. Some time after our marriage my wife told me that 10 doctors' bills were very high, and as we t- could not always expect to be free from disease, she thought it best to purchase 1 j ? 1 _ 1_ * 1 il J ' 1 1. . sonic doctors oooks, -ana mus, sjuu sno d- with a smile, 'we can steal their trade at oncc.' This I agreed to, and made it my df particular business to attend all auctions ou of books, in order to buy medical books ve at the lowest rate. In fine, in less than he twelve months I had bought a couple of '?k 'Dispensatories,' 'Buchan's Family PhysiIf cian,' two or three treatises on the art oi ds, preserving health, by different authors l'C- envnn f rn-iliciK nn flin /licnncn? nf pliilrlrnn 'hos .m^Mest note H. 1 Also, Sugar, Cokf&i-., ^kW- ,, 1 n, a.MWiitE, Saddleuy,* &c., tec. and divers others or iu\, 6... ^ r?SSOrtmci My wife spent all the time sl\c couiu'i spare from the economy of her household to in studying them, and as soon as my li<] store was shut up in the evening, I edi fied myself with a few receipts from my fo! Dispensatory. sh "As soon as spring arrived my dear tc wife informed me that she found it posi- mi tively enjoined by some of our inj w* " * " * wuiv .. vi inuab awjuiow n large dose of inj cream of tartar and brimstone, to be ta- go ken every evening for three weeks, in nc molasses ; this the whole family complied with ; first. I myself, who, being the head th of the family, I reckon first; my wife, an my brother Dick, who lives with me, my E' son and my daughter, my negro boy, and O: the servant maid. This cure, wo nil wont m through to the entire satisfaction of my all wife, who had the pleasure to find her is medicine had the desired effect. Hi "Soon after this the contagion of read- nil ing medical books spread through all my tic furn\Ur J ........j , ov.-IH v/U ? uuy pusseu dui some i of tlicm made use of some medicine or d( other. My poor brother Dick, after he ki had permission to read my book?, had ac- SJI quired a dejectcd countenance, the cause it of which I cculd not conceive. At last p1 he broke silence: 'Brother,'said he, (sup- tli posing that I had read more tliun himself,) 'feel my pulso ; 1 think I have too much in blood ; had not I better got bled ? you in know that if too much gets into the head w it produces apoplexy : tho symptoms of >n its appearance, says Buchnn, arc vcmar- pi kable redness in the face, and von kpp I to t 4 ' J that is exactly the case with rue. I could m not hut laugh at him ; he was indeed red is in the face, hut such redness as indicated sv the very offspring of health. Our maid, n< from an education at a country school, had learned to read ; she earnestly reques- ec ted her mistress to lend her a doctor book di to read on Sunday afternoon. This reas- it onable request was granted ; but, poor sc creature! being not of the fairest com- tn plexion in the world, she in a Utile while si became quite low spirited, and finding al my wifo and me nlonc one evening ahe si came in, and ventured to express herself ^ thus : 'La! mistress; I am concerned and afraid I shall get the yellow jauntlers, as I begin to look yellow in the face.' Decency prevented my smiling for awhile, but when she had left the room I could >? not but enjoy a laugh. My negro boy u is always eating roa* ted onions for a cold, g but ns he cannot read, he has luckily es- ^ a _*i? i' > ~ - uvwiy aisoruer, unc night Sl jus wo were about going to bed my wife desired rac in the most serious munner "1 that if she should ever be taken with a locked jaw that I should rub her jaw with ^ musk, as she was convinced, from com- st paring her arguments of a variety of authors, that this was the best remedy. I told her there was no danger of such an 's eventj as I had Dr. Cullen's v> ord for it }a that it seldom attacked females : indt *d. in I am convinced that a lock jawed Iccdy J? p< rara avis in terris. co Hitherto our family medicines were eJi used with, confidence and. satisfaction oft nn all sides, till 1 considered one day, that ec our family, without a doctor, had ^Shsum- *8 c J more fhcclicine in one year tha# iViy fa- in y" * "*35^ her's family used to do with the advice >f a physician in six years. But one day . vhen my wifn told mo she, thought it vould he well to weigh our fuod before ve eat it, lest wo should eat too much or oo little, and that Sancuorious advised it or good reasons, I got such a disgust to mr scheme that I resolved gradually to abandon it. 1 am now convinced of the truth of a saying of a rational medical writer, 'one or more things must happen to every human body?to live temperately, to use exercise, to take physic, or bo sick.' And I am pretty certain that if I and my family persevere in the two former courses, we need not be in danger of the two last." ?o-o? ODD-FELLOWSHIP A CJ IT W AC 4VU AU IT 1C. /*?"? * a l? /iw /> 11 ir /k?l a a am* The groat difference that is seen between the Odd-Fellowship of to-day, and that of thirty years ago, cannot but strike all who retlect upon it as a most notable fact. The many and great dangers through which the Order has past during the last quarter of a century, the new features it has developed, the new capabilities for good it has revealed and is constantly revealing, arc proofs that it originated in a providential design. The first Odd-Fellows were blind instruments in the hands of heaven ; the humble artisans who laid the foundation of a glorious fnmr?ln' without, knowiiur its obiect Ol' de ..... O J sign. At first, Odd-Fellowship presented aspects decidedly objectionable and immornl. It, relieved mflnv of the nninful ne . cessities of life, it is true; but its moral f influence was entirely bad. Among tho ; by-laws of Lodges of the first period wo , find the following : "If any of the mem. bers think proper to meet with the officers i on q Sunday evening, they arc at liberty nt of I by giv'd'iWiVi^vW Pfty for their own a sole trader,'and to e^ei^lst1 alfthe ^ do so/'pfwvof a Free Dealer, after the cxpii. [uor, and come in a In the by-laws of another Lodo-n iiw. . H ' w,w IIoaviny appears: "One pint of beer ull be allowed to each brother on atnding a committee of this Lodge. Any ember sleeping, eating, swearing, singqj an indecent or political song, or giv5 an indecent recitation, or betting wairs during Lodge hours, shall be fined 't less than one shilling." Now let one comrmre with tho nlmvn e by-laws of our Order as it is to-day, ?ents id sec the immense progress it h;is made. " yen the most bitter opponents of thr^y! tdcr do not bring any charges of >rftre> orality against it, or express any fear at Ins I on tins ground. On (he contrary, it acknowledged on all hands that its in\>Ji?y_ icnce is conservative of morality ; that I if 54 nilna * * At-i- J . ? ?v**w vh/ukuviuiis in tins uireo m are as strict as those of the Church. It is true there arc had men in the Or;r, and pitv it is that it is true. But if \avish Judases cannot be kept out of iho cred pale of the Holy Church, how can be expcctcd that Odd-Fellowship, a jrelv spenlnr inafitiifi/ni ' <?? f?? v ...WV.VWMWII, VUII UC' HCU Ul icm ? The Order now asserts, and positively sists upon every virtue, and denounces earnest and indignant tones ever}- vice ; hile it seeks to relieve temporal sufferg and to meet many of the cruel perexities and inconveniences of life, it iiims v i make men more moral, more fraternal, ore benevolent, and more upright. It worthy, therefore, the good will and ipport of all good men. The humble WO *N.lw ti- - ' '' ?uu ^uouuiiuy ui jus origin, nor the ]jcctionab)e attributes it at first exhibit1, should bo remembered to its prentice, It is enough for us to know that has outgro\m them all, and in this wo ie an evidcnc^tjiat a divine and redeemg idea is enshrin^ within it, which will line more purely and brightly through 1 the future, or until it# great destiny mil have been fulfilled.?Gazette and 'ule. A ?o-o? SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. / tl.? xt a..i a in; iiew-vrncnns ncayurte says: We notice with pleasure the increasg number of cotton factories springing p in the Smith. We have a i ready a rKxlly number scattered through North 'Jc arohna, Georgia, Alabama and Miasisppi, and hear of others in contempla- } on. In this laudable work we say "go lead 1" ' " We notice a neat little enterprise iru 10 manufacture of our great staple, &uk uted in the Natchez Courier: * $ rrui. \ti?: - - wL i xui! Mississippi Manufacturing Commy at Draine s Mill's, Choctaw county,, now in fiuwossful operation, yielding a rge dividend. It has now 500 spindles operiftion, which consume daily 500. . , mnds of spun thread. The cost of the tfcon consumed every day i? $15, other ;penses $10, making in all $25. The fimifactwed article -sells readily ?t 27 ^? nts, making the whole product of tho ^ ... lindlea $56 per day ! What a snk-ndid- ? vestment, * . * V %*; ;; If