Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 25, 1849, Image 2

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From the .'jOt('h Carolinian. ? PROCEEDINGS Of CONVENTION 1 OF DELt^ATES. The delegates appointed by the various Committees of Safety throughout the State, assembled at the Capitol yesterday at 12 o'clock, M. The meeting was organized o.i motion of Hon. J. P. Richard son, by calling lion. D. E. linger to preside over the deliberations of tho Convention, and by the appointment of A. G. Bummer, of Lexington, and W. E. Martin, of Charleston, as Secretaries. The President then addressed the meeting for nearly two hours, in a strain of patriotism, reciting the wrongs attempted to be inflicted on the South, and urging upon the people of the State, in whose service he has been so long, to act with firmness and discretion, and in that spirit which the crisis demanded. After the appointment of tho Secretaries, the following i delegates enrolled their names: i St. Philips and St. Michael's?I). E. linger, W. Aiken, C. T. Lowndes, C. (J. i Memminger, Daniel Hey ward, F. II. Elmore, James Rose, James Gadsden, John ; E. Carew, James Simons, G. Manigault, W. D. Porter, W. E. Martin. St. Stephen's?AV. Dubose, Sam'l W. Palmer. St. John's, Berkley?-James Furguson, Wm. Ca' i. H. Ravcncl. W. Sinkler. Thos \V. Porchcr. St. James*, San tec?Sara'l Cordes, S. J. Palmer. St. Lukes?R. W. Singleton, James A. Strobliart, 11. L. Tillinghast, Thos. F. Drayton. St. Peter s?Sidney Smith. Orange?T. W. Glover, W. M. Hut- ] son, J. G. Guignard. St. Mathew s?D. J. McCord, Win. T7.!n 1 IYUIH. / Georgetown?R. F. W. Allston, B. II. "Wilson,'J. J. Ward, E. F. lleriot, J. M. ; Commander. \ Colleton?David Walker, M. E. Came, Josiah Ii. Perry, ?T. C. Oswald, Elijah j Brownlce, Nathaniel Hey ward, Jr. Bam well?R. A. Gantt, Thos. Rayor, Ben.. W. A Owi-iw Lexington?A. G. Summer, II. J. j Caughman, P. II. Todd, J. C. Geiger, Si- las J ohnston, Henry Arthur. j Edgefield?F. W. Pickens, A.Simkins ^ James Tompkins. Pendleton?.lames L. Orr. Qrttnville?13. F. Perry, Elias Earle. f jxtursns?u. i'. Sullivan, llobcrt Cunningham, H. C. Young, J. H. Irby. Newberry?S. Fair, J. W. Duckctt, James MafFet, James Bond, Thomas II. Pope. Union--J. H. Dogan, Z. P. Ilerndon, B. H. Rice, A. W. Thompson. York?J. D. Witherspoon. Lancaster John Williams, T. J. Wright. Chester?K. 11. Eaves, S. McAlliley, Mathew Williams, Daniel Wilson, James A. Lewis. Fairfield- J. II. T ? r>.,Wo 1 David Aiken, David Gaillard, J. D. Strothcr. jRichland?Wade Hampton, J. II. Adams, R. II. Goodwyn, J. A. Black, E. v Sill, A. II. Gladden, John S. Preston, ( Maxcy Gregg. Kershaw?James Chesnut, Jr., W. E. Johnson, J. M. DeSaussure, W. M. Shan- | non, J. 13. Kershaw. Sumter?John P Tnlm i Moore, William Nettles, Jolm L. Man- ( ning, S. W. "Withcrspoon, A. C. Spain, J. D. Ashmore, F. .T. Moses. Darlington?E. A. Law, .1, A. Dargan, T. C. Evans, Samuel ?T. Ervin. i Williamsburg?N. G. Rich, S. J. \ Montgomery, J. W. Chapman. Marlboro'?N. 13. Thomas, Robert A. MeTyer, P. W. Pledger. J Chesterfield?\V. J. Hanna, E. B. 0. * Cash, Allen Macfariane, Samuel W. E- <. vans. | Hon. F. II. Elmore then addressed the Convention, and moved that a Com- ( mittee of 21 be appointed, to whom it <, should be referred to report business and f a plan of action; the Committee to be composed of three from each tlongres- j sion District. The following gentlemen ( compose the Committee, who will report < to-day: F. H. Elmore Chairman; Wm, DuBose, f Wm Pnin XT 1? IW V u IT i ? I ...... A*. IV. /J. \ . lliUIllUWIl, j J. D. Witherspoon, Robt. Cunningham, c B. F. Perry, James L. Orr, R. F. W. All- ( ston, J. A. Dargan, W. J. Hanna, F. W. j Pickens, S. Fair, Henry Arthur, J. P. , Richardson, J. H. Means, Jas. Chesnut, 1 Jr., 1). J. MeCord, M. E. Cam, T. F. . Drayton. ^ Mr. Pickens suggested that all raea- ( sures to be submitted to the Committed of 21 be laid before the General Comroittee, and referred. , Mr. Mm ore submitted a Preamble nnd Resolutions, which were referred to the , Committee of 21. Mr. F, W. Pickens addressed the ( Committee, and submitted a preamble , and Resolutions, which were also refer- ( red. , Mr. Moses submitted resolutions adop- , ted by a meeting of the citizens of Sum- , ter District, which were also referred. , Mr. Hutson, after Rome remarks, sub- , mitted Resolutions, which v/ere also re- , lerred. Mr. Cliesnut addressed the (Committee, I, and submitted Rsolutiona, which were alrtf referred. | j Mr. R. A. Gantt then addressed the ' I I ' t 1 ' I- . 11 - .'."J1.11 Committee, and Mt. C. G. Memminger followed him, and concluded by submittir.g Resolutions, which were referred., Mr. Martin statcd'to tho meeting that when exiled upon this morning to net as Secretary he had not declined, because some of liLs friends desired him not to do so, in the expectation that the deliberations of the meeting might be, ..concluded to-day. It was evident now;, however, thut this could not be the ciise; and he was called upon by imperative engagements to ask the meeting to excuse him from further service -. Mr. Martin said that he regretted the necessity of making [ uiu request. i nai at an limes, and under nil circumstances, lie was willing to work in any harness in this cause. Still more did lie regret to be obliged to leave r?.n assembly, in which it was ev:',r>nt, froiu tokens exhibited to-day, that mere exists so determined and resolute a spirit of resistance to aggression and injury.? Mr. Martin, however, felt obliged to leave, and moved that Mr. Win. M. Ilutson, from Orange, be substituted in his nlacc: and the same was ordered. On motion of Mr. Mosses, it was Ordered, That when the meeting adjourn, it stand adjourned to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock. And the meeting then adjourned. May 15, 1849?Second day. -i ne convention tisseir.bl0'I at Ten o'clock, nccrding to adjouvniii. it: when the committee of Twenty-one," through Hon. F. II. Elmore, reported the following resolutions for the action of the Delegates from the various districts of the State. Hesoloed, That n full and deliberate examination of the whole subject has forced a deep conviction 011 the Delerates of the Committees of Safety hero issemuied irom the several Districts and Parishes in the State, that alarming and eminent peril is hanging over the instituions and sovereign lights of the slavelolding Suites, caused by uneonstitutionil and mischievous interference with our lomestic slaver)' or ^ the rights of slavelolders, on the pa: of the people of the North, their Legislatures, Courts, and Representatives in Congress; and by withholding from them the aids and remedies (runmntinrl Kir O "V v"~ VWHOIKUIIUI.. L'hat arguments and appeals to ccase and ibstaiu from this course of unprovoked vrong and insult have been exhausted n unavailing efforts, which have only jeen followed bv repetitions of injury uid aggi essions more alarming, persevered in with an appearance of concert and letcrmination, which leaves to us no alernative but abject and humiliating submission, or a like concert and determina- | ion in maintaining our constitutional I ights and in defending our property and aersons thus wantonly put in danger.? Hint South Carolina should stand prepared, as she now is, to enter into council, and to take that "firm, united and joncerted action" with other Southern md Southwestern States in this emergency, which the preservation of their sommon honor, sovereignty and constituional privileges demands, and to mainain them at every hazard, and to the last ixtremitv?nml flint in <1-'~ J vottv, III flCH IU19 U* arming condition of public affaire, 11 Con ral State Committe of Vigilance and Safety, to consist of Five members, bo. low raised by ballot, to correspond with )thcr Committees and persons in this md other States, with a view to such :oncerted and united measures as may jo expedient in any emergency that may like. '2.. Jicsotrcd, That we entirely approve "The Address of Southern Delegates in Congress to their constituents," md the wise and patriotic course of those Senators and Representatives who signed he same. 3. Resolved, That we confide impli:itly in the wisdom and firmness of the State authorities for maintaining our constitutional rights, equality and honor, ind that we ncartly approve the course litherto adopted by them in relation to tie aggressions of the non-Slaveholding States. 4. Resolved, That we would regard lie passage by Congress of the V 'lmot Proviso, or any measure for abolishing ilavery or the slave trade, or the ndniiting slaves to vote in the District of Coumhia, or of any equivalent measure, as i direct attack upon the institutions of he Slaveholding States, and as such to ja resisted by them at every hazard; and hat, in either of such events, the Governor, be, and lie is hereby, requested to '.omene the Legislature, if it is not in session, to consider the mode and measure of redress. fi. Ilpanliipil Tl?nt '1 ~ ??IV >tw wu Wliuur III md auopt the Resolutions which have ' wice been confirmed by the Legislature :>f Virginia, a# containing the clearest exposition of the rights and duties of the ?everal States, feeling ainl believing lhat she will continue firm and resolute in maintaining what she has announced 1- ?1 ..... mm ?j uiuuii wisuom ana deliberation, md that the liberties, honor anil interest sf the Slaveholding States will be safe under her lead. Pending these resolutions, the Conven t-ion was ail dressed by Messrs. Strobhart, KaveB, Perry, Poperftlmore, Spnin, "Hutson. and MrfW#? V./. ^.*^1..*;? ?? ? ??; ""v,? *"*v ivsumuuim 1 $ weft; taken up separately r.nd collectively, and passed wit (tout a dissenting voicc. Mr. Eaves offered the following resolution, Which was also agreed to: licsolvcd, That wo earnestly tccommATirl fr* fnn cAVftynl ilkfrirt^a n?\/l ^nvJoK I ...y?.u vv v*<v VVf v<v? v??vjv*ivio ui1u |jui ir?ilcs, as an essentia] measure, to preserve am! perfect their organization of Committees of Vigilance and Safety, for the purposo of correspondence und concert of action, and especially exert themselves to spread useful information before tha people, and to detect and bring to justice all offenders against our pence and institutions. On motion of Mr; McCord.. the Chair appointed a Committee of Twenty-one to nominate the members of the State Central Committee Vigilance and Safety, when the following gentlemen were iiviiiuiui^u cum fllXlt'U, > !'/<. F. H. Eiinore, J nines Gadsden, Wade Hampton, D J. McCord, nnd F. W. Pickens. Judge Iluger retired from the Chair, and Gov. Richardson was appointed Chairman pro tem. On motion of Mr. Means, it was Resolved, unanimously. That the thanks of the meeting are hereby tendered to our venerable Chairman, for the able, dignified, and courteous manner in Whirtl, lw. Kao 4l.~ J-1M ..iiv iu?o |yivoiui-u wui tiiu uuiiuurii" tions of this body. The President returned to the Chair and addressed the Convention in a very feeiing maimer after which, on motion, The Convention adjourned sine die. K EC) WEE COURIER*. Friday, Ittay" 99,~tsi?7 puuliJRon day. A fl/1!" tliiu wnpV fti"' - - i?i I ? mil uu JMlDMMll'U on Saturday morning, which will give us the benefit of Friday'" mail. 15y this means, we will be enabled to lay before our readers news four days later, being up to Tuesday from Charleston, giving the latest Telegraphic intelligence from all sections of the country, and of the foreign news. We have made an arrangement by which our subscrilwrs in the District will receive the Couu ikk on Sunday, one day after its publication. After this number vc will weekly lay before our readers the state of the Hamburg market*, having ?ecured as a regular correspondent an experienced gentleman of that place. The Infkiinai, Machinist Aurkstf.d.?Our readers will remember that we published last week an account of u dastardly attempt by some unknown person, to destroy Mr. Warner and family by "a new Inferr"! Machine."? Since that we learn that Samuel Drury has been arrested in New York, or. sv?picion of being the individual who concocted and partially executed that base design. THE CONVENTION AT COLUMBIA. We publish to-day the proceedings of this body, and recommend to our readers a careful peru sal. Pendleton was represented by Ool. J. L. Oir. This is one step toward the union of the South. If each State would hold a similar meeting, and adopt such measures as they may deem most beneficial to our common interests?and then hold a Southern Convention, composed of delegates from each elaveholding State?these delegates having full nowers t?. Atlont mnono ?1 eil such action, as are demanded by tlie signs of the times ; it would produce that unity and ' concert of action, which our safety imperious- | ly demands. The South would then speak as one man?act as one man?would go to work understandingly?would present an undivided front, that would dumb-found our assailants and secure that respect for our rights and interests, which tiiey will not otherwise likely attain. We regret that the Convention did not recommend such a measure; f. .it wo trust, that such a Convention will be called by some of our sister States, for wo can conceive of no | other nliin thnt will <>*.?? /> I ...... MMuwuav iwi me KJVUUII, > 11211. union of heart and hand which our nituntion requires. THE SOUTHERN PRESS. Sonator Butler make* the following remark in his Edgefield speech : "Tliat in u large reading-room in Washington; not a Southern newspaper is to be Been, and that in another but one." This ulioiilfl nrv>n !.? """" ? wr?.. WJCO \fk liii. OWUIM. If Southern newspapers are thus excluded from Northern reading-rooms, they arc then not patronised there. Shall we, then, continue to patronise Northern papers! Chi-.U we continue to shower out money upon those, who at heart dispise Shall we continue to make Northern in< n wealthy, and build up their presses to disseiriiiiate among us their abolition doctrines) Shall wo admit an enemy into our family, and hold weekly convcvso with him around our tire sides? Southcri^jreader, pause and think: every dollar that you spend for Northern publications is but impoverishing ourselves to enrich fin enemy. Arollierono newspapers at tho South worthy of patronage? Yob, there are numbers of them equally bh good nn uny at the North. Take a newspaper, hut lot it lie a Southern paper, 0110 that will give you warning of tho ircidious approaches of nn enemy?one that will advocate your rights ami interest*. No longer ?und your money to those, who, as soon M they pocket your cash, laugh yon to scorn, nnd apply the money you have given them to mnkc the vgsfirld believe you a set of heathen* nnd to prcitCh n criu-ftdc ngnitHt your domestic institution. jA 4 . * " _ . it. THE NEW YORK RIOT. Wo uublisli to-diiY a eumniiirv nf tho rwir. a ^ ^ - r? ticulnrs of this disgraceful affair. Wo rcjoico to know, that nothing of tlio land 1ms over taken pluco at tho South. It is at least strange, that an intelligent community would suffer themselves to bo carried off by tho potty joa! ousics of two rival actors, cither in nn attempt to uphold tho one, or debaso the other. Our latest odvices Btato that tho excitemcnt ltas nearly subsided. Tho militia have been dismissed, the policc being considered sufficient to protect the theatre. Tlmt inosl of ihe killed had been buried without uuy ceremony; and that tho verdict of tho Jury of Inquest iH well received SUMMARY OF THE KIOT AT N. YORK. Serious indued must lmvc been the disturbance created by the jealousies of tho two rival actors, Forrest and Mncready, when it required the intervention of an armed force to quell the rioters. Mncready having been driven from the siage c:i monuny niglit, 7th hint., fit the earnest solicitations of a number of the citizens, announced his re-appearance on the next Thursday evening. A large crowd assembled at the Astor Place, and as many of the rioters as could procure seats, entered tl.o theatre. The appearance of Macready \> as the signal for tiie out ureuK, nc was greeieu uy msses nn<l groans. The performances were constantly interrupted by tlicfle men of 110 law?u number of them were arrested by Uio Police who had been placcd in the house for that purpose. The mob outside having increased io a very largo 1111111bor, and hearing the efforts of their comrades to hisn the actor from tho stage, commor.ccd operations by throwing stonec, shouting, and making n great uproar in the street 'l'lio cn Tire ponce were 011110'' 1 > and their efforts to suppress the riot woe ent irely unavailing. A considerable number of militia were ordered, and as they appeared tl.ey were hissed and booted by the mob?it however opened and allowed them to pa?s. The militia were then stationed before the theatre to secure an oppress Tor the audience. Tlic mob became bo violent that the performances were stopped?they had broken the windows and doorj, and tired several times the theatre. Tlie mob, at length having occupied an adjacent marble yard, commenced an attack upon the militia?severely wounding the Captain of one of the companies, some of the other officers, nnd several privates. The wounded were removed to the theatre.? The mob in possession of the marble yard were charged by the police nnd driven back; but as soon as the officers left, it re-occupied the same and continued to throw stones at the militia.? It is said that several pistols were fired by the mob, but of this there seems to be no certain, ty. The militia informed the Sheriff that unless they received orders to fire, that they would leave. They were ordered to load and firo Thn firot ? - 1 .,.V u,...?..,v.utjgv KIM , lieu uvur IIIU llC'aUS of tliu mob; it huil no effect. Tho sccond was fired at them, killing ?! and wounding 33,some of worn have since died. The larger portion of the mob dispersed, and left the military and Police in posaoission of the field, which they occupied for the remainder of the night, Ah serious disturbances were expcctcd for tho next night, (Friday 11th,) effective measures were taken to suppress it. A larger number of armed forces were called out, and it is said tluit the Governor of New York made a requisition for some of the United States forces. which were placed at his disposal. Placards were ]?est?d up, calling a meeting of the citizens at the Park for this evening. A largo concourse assembled, and several very inflammatory speeches were made, censuring the authorities and charging them with murder. The Mayor issued a, proclamation calling on the citizens to rally to the standard of peace and good order. The measures taken by the authorities checked any serious outbreak. > ?? ? j.hjjv; nuiioum conunuea to prowl about the Jute scene of action until midnight Up to Tuesday the 18tli no other disturbance hud occuTed. The police had. arrested a largo numl>cr of the rioters and among others the leader. Macroady left for Boston, and lias since sailed for England. Tl.o -l.irir /,f V-J! a J v. >.H|uvdv ih;iu uvui 11115 uuuiyr OI I those killed on the 10th inst., have returned u | vcrdict justifying the militia in the use of their i fire arms. HAVANA. ] Wo make the following extract* from the Xeto York Courier ilet Etut* Unit, of the caiwe I of a difficulty between the French Consul I General, nnd the Captain General of Cuba. I ?i* :-A t ..... Mt i wu iiivenmuonni questions, complicated by certain dij^'opancics in forms, liave provoked tliiu difficulty. Tlic French Consul General considering his dignity compromised has demanded his pus* ports, nnd goes to Franco to submit the matter to his government Thoro exists at Cuba a law, which compclo alt foreigners to become naturalised after n residence there of live years. The Captain Gcrenal winhed to enforce this fully and e*i tirely. Mr. David Consul General of the Fronch Republic, interfered upon request ol ltin countrymen, and opj?OHcd tliw forced nutu rolization?he also elaimcd the right to eupor intend the nottlomont of French anccesaioiis he carried into the ft flair the ?.eal which nni mate* him in the accomplishment of nil hu duties A trifling eirmtmitnriM iwn1,wi,.l i.:.. ?? ,j r-r """* intention*, a miftuko occurred in the Kxequa tor Bent Mr. Dnvid by the Spanish Government bciiw dewgnated in it not oa Consul General hut pimply as Conaul. The Captain Generk paying no attention to pwhJic opinion, refuse* t i> to recognize Mr. David an Consul General.? It was agreed after explanations to addrcB# the Spanish Government on the subject, that tho error committed in tho '/Bees t-iiwdd be rectified. While they wore thus in uncertainty the question of naturalisation car.<*> up, and Mr. T)n vid wislmri to intr>rfi>rr> TI?o oral would not recognize his interference, and refused to rcceivo tlio letters of Mr. David, o*i they were marked Consul General. Mr. David demanded liis pass ports, which he received He tlion addrosse-1 a letter to tho Captain Genernl in which lie stated that ho had not huspended Voluntarily his functions, but that ho was forced to i>, by a procedure to wliicli he was not accustomed. He stated that he weut alone, that no one might suppose that any other interest than that of the State caused his dotermination. I We clip the following synopsis of the debate in the Convention from the South Caroliiuan : The President, on opening the business of W tho Convent'on, addressed the delegates in a most impressive and fcelinir manner. Hin loner nnd devoted service to the State rendered him in every respect Worthy of tho position he occupied, ftiul the weight of years, with ita ^(uneven treasure of experience, eminently fitted him to preside over nnd direct the consultation* and deliberations of South Carolinians. Mr. Elmore, tho Ohairmnn of tho Committee of Twenty-one, introduced tho resolutions with some very forcible and eloquent remarks. They irciu iujjiuiu wiih wnoiesome numonmons ana sound reasoning. jMr. Strobhart, from St. Luke's, followed luin, ill strong nnd earnest language, dcpiciting tlio wrongs attempted to be inflicted upon the Southern States, and in glowing language described the feelings the people of South Carolina. Mr. Black, from Richland, next addressed the Convention, in support of the resolutions reported by the Comimtt< e, and in liis usual forcible manner urged their adoption. Mr. Perry, from Greenville, also made an able speech, expressing his preference for the proposition for a Southern (!nnv?nt.tnn lm? heartily concurring in the resolutions of tho Committee. Messrs. l'oj e. Spain, fuul Eaves also addressed the Convention in the same spirit of conciliation and harmony, as did also Mr. Hutson, of Orangeburg, who advocated a bold and fearless position OS the proper one tor South Carv'na. Mr. McCord addressed tho Convention in ?. speech of eoino length, which wad recoivcl with many indication1! of gratification by tho Convention and andienco. It was a n.a?tcrly effort, and produced tlic happiest cfToct by tho manner in which lie portrayed (South Carolina's true position. Mr. Eaves, from Chcfttcr, also addressed tho Convention in support of the resolution found reported in another column and adopted by tho Convention. Tho Central Executive Conuiuttcc of tho State are men in whom the people will have every confidencc in the position assigned them. They were chosen by ballot as follows: F. H. I Elmore, James Gadsden, "Wade Hampton, D, J. McCord, and F. W. Pickens, To tliia Committee, with the co-operation of tho District Committees, the people of the Stato have confided their interest*, and they will not find their confidence misplaced. Telegraphed to the Charleston Mercury. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. IiIVerfool, May 6. Political.?Official notice had been received at Pans of the intervention of Russia in the difficulties between Austria and Hungary. Russia is understood to have placed a largo force at the disposal of Austria, amounting, it is said, to one hundred and fifty thousoud men. The Hungarians have every where been victorious over the Austrians, and have nearly annihilated their army. The greatest alarm prevails at Vienna. The King of Prussia has definitively refused to accept the Imperial Crown of Germany, which had occasioned a slight outbreak itl Frankfort. mere is no prospect of peace between Denmark and Prussia. More troops have left Toulon for Rome; and it is reported that Marshal Oudinot had reached Homo, and that tho people bad risen in favor of tho restoration of tho Pope, and that the members of the Republican Government had fled. TjiA Tiia/?nn i??AAr>o ' T _ . <.uv uouuu hwuj/o nuic vmvrvu juegho-n. The Sicilians, beaten at all points, have submitted to Naples. The war in the Punjaub is considered, as ended. In the British Parliament the affairs of Canada were incidentally introduced, but the Minister was very guarded upon the subject. The breach between Louis Napoleon nnrl V*in rmiain Kuo wI/IimioiI ? . ..... vw?>w?aa Mtv> rr lUVUVM IUW IJUUV U serious quarrel. FURTHER BY THE CANADA. New Yohk, May 17. Annexed you will find additional items of intelligence received by the Canada. 1 From Milan we learn that Baron Brunk, % the Austrain Ambassador, having modi* $. 1 fied tho conditions first proposed to Sar- :V 1 dinia, and which wert objected to, they 1 have been acceded to by the latter pow er, and hostilities have terminated. a t j "l ? * Iiiv liciiiu wjo w;cuna unwilDOr DAS been dissolved by the king, in eonrcquence of having passed a resolution de claring it inexpedient and impolite to hold ; Berlin lor.h'ir in a state of siege. In con*, sequence of thia arbitrary oxore?? of the ? royak prerogative, an outbreak of the people took place, but it was promptly 1 suppressed by the troops, though not . without bloodshed. , From Rome wo learn that the French , troops have entered the city, the people 1 making not the slightest resistance, but 1 that the Pope will not lie permitted to r vi