The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, August 30, 1865, Image 1

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- -- -~ - -N-- -- - - D c- co . HTNWBERR1 WE/ XDNT-,SDJ,GS &- - -'- , N B NA0 3mW NS A ,AUUT3 3~ 1S PUBLISHEI EVY WEDNESDAY, - At,ewerry T. I.4 y g F. LR]EGME M, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. - TEgI .OR SIX MONTHS, EITHER - Ct PXT Cy OR IN'.PROVISIONS. (Pvment required invariably in ad ance.) AderaementinIserted at 1,50 per sqnare, for fstuser~De, ~$1 for each subsegueit insertion. Marrage U1OiC. Faneral invitatigns; Obituaries anndfomnIdeaPins~of personal interest 0harged at&eriseBk Its. wiithe?reislonal Goternor of the State of South Carolina. KPROCAIATION! 7B1ASis Exeellency Preident Johrn e has issued his pruclanation. appoint -me(ae d I?erry) Prosiona1 Governor' i a bf-rthe-State of Soutb Caroinal with pow-! ibeauch rules and regulations a bemsry and poptr-r14 convenimga Convern _,htawe, composed of delegates to be eti portion of -the people of saidStatEC who geeoyaTto thexliriited States, for -the pur po" *n or aireadinX the Constituion tho d Wi authbiLy -to exercise withi. the ligg:4f t-he State-H tie powers -necesso y e1ale snch loyal people to resrog saidate-to its cstitutional relations to the e and to p-esent such a Re Publtifofm f *ate will enitle i- Statelo the.guarantee of the. Unied States the eDoV i1d' its people to protection by the Memastie violece. 46vw ?akercre, il obedience in the proclma Jt Es,cellency Andre* Johnson, Pres den-Ofetde uite) Statesa, I,UENJA L- F. 0 E7n,B rvisiona o'nerr of the St:ite of '-oith Uarolina,for ihe-parpose of organmng a F#oxib al-Gwovciamet in Sowh- (imh., tor'g the StateC-Censprution :mnd restorrvg croli ajoihv in sld 'ate uuder the C:lmtituionl ad lw of the tait6dStates, de Iheby prolleim aiid*ecLre that ali cii oILcelS n South Caroli 3A,71who were 1n O hen the Civil Governient Qfot tiefSt.ate was suspend in May last, (xCept the-arreste?d or under pro;ecntron for t)'son,) A,Di n tin the, of cNegianee--pre.--cbd in13.hV'e nLs mp Des~ty Proctomnation of tie '29t1t day off My;,gi w~rne the durits of thir .fdei and Coi1..ue to dishlmig" them under the gapIsiqi~'l veru nil luurther tppoir:tents are made. d'fo far.therpro- im dcehre n nt-mao ITe thaIft Li dle duty of a. 1410 31 C:i,zns of of Solth Carora.a to pir t.y go for L he- oath -of a1e'iakCe to, the erore.lwe nuagistra*..orni1it-ary p ederaitQaler?tgent w-mayt be litteragg, cath,;; and. tuei ae gitr6je *do-ies thereo4 S rd suci n grates or p' -ers are here. h-tv qi' ro -tr:si9t v he or'lals of suc h .as; e%v--a d:i yt% it-v. bc convewicpt, to ftnt rat,j flLe cit' of Vazhiug: d d fnr'!"i 1roebar d&chre and makel~ n ~~i t:'at t:n .MIe1e.r etections throu -- dcSa e of Si-lith CaroV!J ih an elec 6 i h t .;'ers-t'a. e C on!tat~ i,t eir ptle t etS iatct-a or' the F di'T Not DAY flt. .1rt2 Lina*'' - ii oc- her het reeessin '-ltfl e btie"ad:that eieb' FJee tzton Is:it' j h I e ate iidi ee 4114 tJueny-kmembe ror'L envemioe tothe sui Distihet> hsijgmbl her lotLl1iseof unprsn vethe b:te. ksius ofrer I eia'jonr ben-oaon ainb id to.oTi u ~ive~ due hai aked d oternty-er- tembers:; JprIna i lwoae within the eie'epted.cas.n-te .asses-juu.-ake,the o-t a-.d ap,lIy for a ir-i doi, inr entitde themn to voWor. beco nie rC31e.Qphe C,onvention. Trgniibers-ofthe Conveniti-n tlinis elected ori thei-tdiday in' Septemtber next, au-e- here by required to Ico'inne in the city -of. Columbia, - -y WDMSDAY, thie 1.:lth day of Septemb er 1865, f'r th purpose of altering and .ainending the preeur Go: sti:.a~.I.n of South -Carolinax, or remowdelhing and mak-ing at new oue, whicit will enlorm to the great chainges which bare -taken 'n thi st&te, and be more-inii accordance' ublican.prinly!4s and equality of repre -fu'rther prod ur and manke known, onstitCtionk and -all1 lar.s of' force in prigi-ir to the "eeession rof the St,at.e, a'ol force under the Provisional riiment, exeg wherein they ma.y conBfiet ith the-proviios~ df 'Qns proclamiation. And the Judges and Chance'llora (' the.State are hVe b'y -required to e xercise ..! the powers aid per form all the duaties which oramx to their re spective -offces, and especial-vi yinimal cases.; 'It will be execete~d of, the Fe~dera'.MWry a thoities njow in South Carolina, - p lk4 thieir awherity t the -chi oaicrs of is Provisional GovernmeCut, for the p'rps of e2;or"eig-t, laws and preserving the peace and goo'd or-kt u5 the State. Ai I do farthier command and enjoin al geotd and lawful citiaens of the State to umite im enfo,re ing the laws and brin.ginig to justice all disorderly persons, all plunderers, robbers and nraraudep, all vagrants and idle-persons who are ,Wand(erimg about without emplovmen:, or any visib.e mleains of supporting themselves. ' It is also expected that all former owners of freed persons will be kind to them, and not turn cff the childon or aged to perish; and the freed men and women are earnestly enjoined to make contradts just and fair, for remaining with their former owners. facilitate as much as possible the application for par-dons engler tl.c excepted sec tions of the President's Amnesty Proclamation, it is stated for inforrmation that *il- applications must be by petition, stating the exception, and accompanied with the oath prescribed. This pe tition must be first approved by the Provisional Governor, and then forwarded to the President. The headquarters of the Provisional Governor will be at Green.ville, whero all ci,..,umeations -p him ustbe adrssed. The newspr.pers of this State-will publish this proclamation till the election for muembers of the Convention. -In testime- -y whereof, I have hereunto set huv hand 4nd.-scasl. Done at the town of [L. s.] Green:.i1le, this 2dth da: of Juily, in the - ear of our Lord 1865, and of the inde pender.ce'of:he Unit-ed States the ninetieth. B. F. PERRE. Er the Prosional over: W.-. .x' . l'Ustn-r- 'ri' -te Sc-rL:trr. .HnEA6-QUAPr,rS, 2d SUB-DISTRICT, ) RICT WESTERS SOUTH CAROLINA. NEwBnRY, S. C. August 1:, 1863. GF-ERAL OMDPeRS , - Many ciimcs and outges havii?g laely - .been cominitted within this sub-ditLict by citizens. in thcmifoin of U.. S.~ soldiers, (this pr b haVing been aseumed by thet to divert 'us'picion from themselves, -by easting it upon the Military,) it is 0:.dered, That no civiiian, will iereafter be permitted to 'wear any article of the uniform proper to the U. S. Army, under pain of fine and itpristIlmen:t. - 11. No persot will hereafter be perwitted to -appe.r in public in any article of the uniform proper to the lste ariy of the so-called '"Con federate States," and the wearing of sripes, but tons or other insignia'of rank or connection with said army will be eld to be a ,iolationl of -the oath aiegiance. or1er of - LEUT. COL. ROCKWELL TYLER, ConinandaSt. ItENRI B. LOOMIS, 1st Lieut. and A. A. A. Gen. Au 2.)35 DEAD-QUARTERS, 2d SUB-DlS' IZCT, DISTRICT OF WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA. NE ;R,S.'C., Alp'. IS, 18, .5 General Orders No..8. I To improve the Sanitary Condition of this . Snb-Di.trict, it is Ordi?eed, That owners nnd occupiers of' pro per.y shall, on Tuesday at;d Satuidiy of each week, thoroughly- police the Famf%, and the. street in front thereof, collecting all offal, garb?i.e, &c., and placiv the sfnie in convement heaps for re moval,'n front of their premises. 31. To defray the expe-vses of repairing streefs and highway, of constructing and mending biHges, cleaning streets, gutters alld drains, and other. uscful and" n'eessarv v ork in and ahoult this district, all 'cotton transported. through or fron this district will at one be repc,.ced by the Ow:.0r or -owners thereof, their fiactors or ageis to ihe Ass't Provost Marshal, w'o will dewand and collet a tar of fifty centsupon-each bale, givingich owuevs or agents proper certifie-ates of,rite payment of tic same. The repirts hereby retiired _will iuciude all cotoli whicvi -h: !i have'been transported through or 'rocu this distrt, shice the 1;th day of 'July, Il. rilu;re to comply with the provi.ions of this order, a ill i.jct,- the offenders to fine and inmprisoeint. IV. TI-e Ass't Prorost Mrshal -of t1is sub dis:rie, is hei-eby charged with the execution of this-order. Bv order of Licut. Col. R. TYLERT, ConIdg. 1 E ENRI B. L0MIS, I t. L.& Adj t 5G.h N. Y. V. V., A.A.. Gen NEW GOODS! - AT- THE CORNER STORE OF TilE MA2,TIN HOUSFr" T "E public ete::ion is respecfully~ invited to a colx ei ion o~ .00 DS just received ac the l.>ove n:ane &~Store, coni~stiug of ILEACIII:ED SUIIRTINGS, 1hISU LINENS, - U USERY -PANS, .AK.L.1NNETS - ~.. P. COMB3S, A large assortmcent of ,very superior HAVAN~A SEGAflS &c. ke., &e. On hanUlfb hryr st ock o'.IUlmW~N SIHIRTINGS, RIua lEVE'TUGS, Ji-ANs, S4cDA, B>;GLlSH. ChPP.4 (GR,'K PO.WDE'R, TOBACCO, &c., k., l of whcich uill be sold at SMALL POFIT' for 'ASR[ or PR~ODUCE. -- BACON LXRD, FLOIR, lUTTER, EGGS~, CHi I KENS and othecr prcoduce wil be TAK EN I'N FNlANGE'\ Jor GOODS, at th~e MARKE1T I'R CE. J. C M A RTIN. Ne whberry,~ S.. July 12,tf Government Claims AND AppIeatiIBS~ for Padn. reIEsbscriber respectfu!iy ofTcers to'he citi. 1 zens 0f the S?4te h:is atention in all mat ters pertaining to GP)VER1NMENT CLAD!S aird A PPL ICATIONS FOR P'ARIXDON. Allipplicat:ounso pardlon, under the except ed se"tions of'-the Priesi leut'sAmnesty Pr~clam auon, must be in -the form of''a r.etition;stating te exception or eteeptions, ::nd ac. onmpauted both by tLie oath prescribed and with the appiro vl of.che Provisiornd'Govern~or or the State. SThe subscriber presentgitjthe same t ie, hi~ card as'ATTORNEY ArIAW. - WVM. J. (,AYEI', 12 Chmpel streef, Charleston, S.. - ~'?All papers ini the State copy :hree times and send !,ills :co W. J. Q. Ang 1tiS 2 Willis &Ciom Factors,Commission Merchants and shipping Agems1 f FF)IICE MILLS ?OESF CH ARLESTON, S. C. . wL .- A. R. cIIrsoLM. iLL attend to thie purchase, sale and ship 1' menit (to'foreg and dome'stic ports) of COTTOL', RICE, LUMBER. NAYAL~ STORE~S; to thle collection of Drafts, anid Sale ol all Securities. Consignmenits of Vessels solicited. Messrs. Joiwn Frase &Co ,Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Geo. W. Williams &~ Co., Charleston,S(. M6srs. Geo. A. Hlopley. & Co., Charleston,S.C. George Schley, E'ig , Augusta, Ga. T. S. Metcalf, Esq., "" Messrs. Clark, Dodge & Co., New York. Messrs. Murray & Nephew, " " Messrs. E. W. Clark & Co., Philadelphia, Penn. Messrs. Peuidergast. Fenwick & Co., Baltimore, arlnd. Messrs. Samuel Harris & Sons, Baltimore, Md. Aug16~4 ?A_______A__ EDWARD S. BAILEY, Watchmaker -and' JeWehIer 1 kAS resumd business in the woollen build ing, cth 'oldi stanid,) on Main-strcct, Lop All noi< \Ceente-1 ,i& diarI.Lh m :'d ;m - nEAD QUARTERS 2d SUB UVSTRICT, DIN'; V OF WWTERN SO. CA. NEWBERY, S. C., Aug. 21, 1805. General Order i Paragraplt II. of Geeral Orders, No. 8, fi oni these 1Had Q a.i r;, -s I ereby re% o'ed. In lieu of a tax upon cotton, all male persons between the ages of 16 and 45, in the district, will per form road duty evcry Friday of each week, uutil further orders. All monies collected by the tax will be refun ded by- the Assistai,t Prov6sLarshal. By command of LIEUT, COL. R. TIOLER, Commanding Dist. HENr B. Loomis, 1st Lt & A.A.A. Gen'l. aug 30 2t RD'QRS 2D SUB. DISTRICT, DISTRICT OF WESTERN SO. CAROLINA? Newberry S.C., August 24, 1865. GENE-IL- ORDErs No. 10. Persons carrying on business in this Sub-Dis trict, vill hereafter be required to pay to tle As sistant Provost Marsbal,--at his office i:i Newber ry, S. C., on the first day of each mnoiafi, the res petive sums follo% ing, viz: Restaurants, where kept, - $12.0o Eatin hotses and Saloons, 10.00 .Dry Goods and Varieties Stores, ' -. 10.00. Groceries, - - - - - - 10.00 Fruits and Vegetables, - - . - 5.00 Bakers and Confectioners, - - - 5.00 Tobactorists, - - - - - .00 Drug Stores, - - - - 5.00 Boots and --hoes, - - - - 5.00 Biiard Saloons, (per Table), - - 2.00 Junk Shops, - - - - 10.00 Where failure to pay the above rates respec tively, within eight days after the same shall have become payable, by the terms of this order, a flne of one dollar will be imposed for each day's delay, and if sueb-delay shall continue for the period of 15 days, such place-.f business will be closed until payment is 'made,-and for'such fur ther time as the Co-nmander of the District maf deem proper. - By corunand of - ' LIEUT.- COL.'R. TYLER, Co'inanding Dist. S.Loostis, Ist Lt. &A. A. A. Geu'l. angr i03 f IE A D QR'S 2n -SUB DISTRICT, DISTRICT OF WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERny, S. C., Aug. 26, 1865. GENE.UL ORDERS No. 11. '. FIR S'i LIE(T. JEEMIAlJ STRICKlAND, Co. "B", 56th N. Y. Yet. Vols., is hereby announced as -A. A. Q. M., on the Staff of the Iient. Colonel-Comialiding, vice I t Licut. A. J. Clements, relievd. . lie will be obevcd and respected acc%rdinzly. By order of Lieut. Col. R. TY LER. HENRI B. LOOMIS, ag 30 t-> 1st Lient & A. A. A. General. fEAD QUARTERS, 2d cU4-DIITSCT, S. C., OFFICE ASi!%ADXT GENtRAL. NEWDERIY, S. C., August -28, ISG5. Genevr", Order No. 12. iYALL -EatisteJ Men of. the 5Gth Reg't New . or et. Vol's now doing duty on plan tations in this Sub-District, .will :irnredi-/cly re por-t to their- comtranies for duty, as the Rtegi rment is unider- orders to be mustered out of ser by order of Lient-CoT. R. TYLER. - -'IlENRtI B. I.00MIS, 1tLt. &' .dJt. 5&N. Y. i. V., A agast f,i 36 A. A. A. Geneia. *HEA.) QUARTE,RS, 2D SUB-DIST. - ,DIST'RICT WESTERN SO. CA. N ew berry, S. C., Aug. 25, 1865S. 4 CIRCUL AR: IY1HER1EAS, by Paragrapli II.-oC General Or der-s No. 2, from Ihead Quartars Miliary District of Western South Carolina, dated July Tl, 1865, all per-sons having in their possesdon any -horses, m uules, wagons, cotton, or any gover-nment pro perty, were required to report the same to the nearest military pos,t an~d have it recorded. ~ And Wher-eas, by Genetal 0,rders, No.- 5, from these Head Quarters, dated Aug 11th, 1865, aIll Ipesons having in their. possession any of such govrernment property, wi-ee directed and required to turn in the same to Jiieut.. A. J. Clemients, A. IA. Q. M., at New berry C'ourt House, before the 20th-insTanlt; and whe-reas, many persans within Ibi.s district, having horses, mmga, wagons, har nress, cotton, leather, and oth -r property belong ing to~the government, have failed to report the samire, or having reported,-- have reported only a part eef, or have failed to-turn in the sam~e as requir'edor have turned in only a portion there of, retain ing the rest, with intent to defraud the ov'ernnent, it is Ordered, that the time for turning in such pre per-tv bie,and the same is hercby, extended to the ovening of 0Thursday, the 21st inst., and atll.-per sons found thereafter with any property -of the Unitcdl States, or. of- the so-called Confederate Sie,in tiheir possession, or under 'their con tr'l,.will be held guiltppof viointion of orders, and off ttei*pting to 4efranrdt-tg;vernment of the Unitued States at wlly be me~isted aud %ead ec Lordingh~ - - - B' order o - LIEUT: COL. R. TYLER.. HixNRi B.. LOOMIs, 1st-Lieut. and A.A.A. Gen. aug 30 it BILTON HE AD, S. C., Aug. 9,- 1A5. GEN.ERAL 'ORDERps, - SNo. 13.' . - The following general Orders are publishe'd for.the inform.ation and government of this oen m nand. District, and Sub-Distric-t r.nd Ppst Comn manders are directed to-enforce a strict observ ance of its provisions: IGEN ERAL oRDEr,s, ) W AR D P'ART MENT, ;ADJUTANT GENERAL's OFTER. No. 129 ~ Washigton, Juy25 5 To secure equarl justice and the same, personal liberty to the freedman as to other citizens and inhabit-an ts, all or der-s issued by post, district, or other. commanders, adop'ing any system of passes for them or subjecting them to any restrants or p)enihments -not imposed on other classscs, are declired void Neit her whites nor blacks will be restrained from seeking employment elsewhere when they connot obtain it at a just compensatio'r at their homes, and when not bound by voluntary agree ment'; nor will they be hindered from traveling from plac e to place on proper and legitimate business. DY ORDER OF TiHE SF.CRE.TARY o'F- WAR : E. ID. TOWNSEND, Assistant A&diutant General. BY CoMMAND or Mua.Gzs's Q. A. GILMOf. W. L. M. ISURGrR, Asjstant A'iju:tant General. HiNrico. C :V >i ieu: & A. A. A, --ner.. C0INICATED. MEss.s. EmTons-As som of the candidates for the Convention were not present at the nilet-. ing on Saturday; and som'e that were present seemed vot to have inade up their minds fully on some quion it is the dcsire ~of many -persons, that oll tue c*idAes shall address 4ic public in next Friday, at Newberry C. Nq imnediately after the Loy.-. rnient sale, oi the following ques tions:' I 1t. A Ae yok for exempting all real estate fiom levy and sale, ai!d thereby locking it up in tihe hands of a few iNealthy men, speenlaor3 and' IbVockade runne-s; and thus drive f:gm their na tive State, all rid-less' Whi'e persons, br forco them to becorr,tenants w;h the negroes, on the plantations o Ile rich hind ovncrs 2d. Do vou believe that the iepudiation of all debts, or t!:e exemption of all land froin lvy and sale, would. bt .enelitutional1 3nd if so, w!uat are your retsons ? I d. A re you in favor of aIoning every head of a family a hcnestend, 6ut of the land he now owrs, notwithstanding he may owe mre than lie is worth,'mwd .- takiug from those who have none n'til all shAll have a coiufortable hwoe ? - 4th. Are von' in favor of dividing out all the theproperly eqimily, anmig all the whitc citi ,fns, and if not, please state whereinlit is noti4s eqnitable as to ekenpt lands from sale, which the rich owner hold.;-while his.widowed and orphan creditor is-starying. A-L AND LESS4 VOQT E R. M:ssrs. EDrTOaS.-We were present~on Satur day, at the meefing held in this place, for the purpose of finding out; who of the candidates nominated for thie convention, who had not pre-. vicusly withdrawr, would coiisent -to remain as such. The foliowng gentlemnen consented to ruln 1J. H.'Williams, ii. Summer, R; St.ewart, E. S. Keitt, and. E.T. Lake. - I ,as suggested by some that they sexoul' express their opinions on certain points, to wit: Repudiation and Exemp tion of 1I dsfroio levy and sale for debt. Suf fce it to say, without entering into an elaborate exposition of theiq.views, there was-considerable difference- of opinion. The bonvention-will be no law making body, but a body convened together instituted. and organized for the prrpose-at pres ent of framinfg or aniending the constitution; so as to conform-to Ohe requirements of the powers that le, and to-the constitution of the United States. That is if we wish restoration into the Unio'n Conventions of this kind are organized for the purpose of framing constitution's, in which is 3.Ligned to every branch of- government its power and limits, protecting sgainst aggression and ascertaining the purposes for which.the gov ernment exists and-the rights which 'are guaran tied to cvery citizen. The people of this disti-ict, we are glad to see, like the people of Mississippi, are not influenced by political-bias.- There is no inqu iry and'sho,dd be none, wbether.a candi&ate .is or ws a Union mar.; whther he 4dvocated secession or soldier ed' the field, jheir disposition is 'if practi.: eble to d.e - c soun(Tscuse d worth. There will be befcre the Convention 'niatters of importance. Ist : The repealing of tl4c ordi nance of sces:jion. ItL The subject of the freed man ; zd. -How far shall the executive, legisla ive and judiclil action of the four years past re ceive 'the validifving seal of a confirmnatory stat ute. 4th. Abolishment 'of the -Parish systent with the givi1g the electiog. of electors of the Peidetand Vice Preriklnt, together with that of Govdrnor to the ,.people. ' Fcr informition to the readers ' of this paper, many ot whom do.iot enjoy the facilidies of gt ting other newspapers, we give thp folloin g ac count of the pioceedimfgs of the Mississippi con vention now in suesion. So far but three ques $jons of importance have presented themselves, thpugh in neithe* has any dreisire action been made. As to the first- the ordinance of' seces ion, therc is but one opinion, it will be *epe&ed, but in the resolution introduced to acgomplish that end, it is very noticer ble riothing is said as. to whether the convention deems that enact-inent valid or no. The language -einployed is simply -"an act conmmodly known as the, orn-inancc of seession." Its -utter and entire revokemient however is oaly a matter of -time. 'The second subject is that of the freedman, and the question is, how far is the authorIty of the State to be ex ercisable over him ? On this poiift we notice the expression, both of feeling and sentilpent, is that the fact of his freedom is decided and should be. fully and clearly and positively recognized in the State coustitution.- That as a freedinan he and should be liable and responsible, just as any othcr denlizen of the. State to its vagranef' and apprenticeship lavns. The- one punishing, 'the other preventing, -idle vagabondizing. .and run ning about. The laws of that State requ're that eeyfedma.n shall and must have visible means of support; if not, says the con ventioni, color, white or~black, shall and will not Drotct him from its enforccement,which conrpel bhim to work lest he steat The in'ost comnplicat'ed and delicate top c upon cosideation, is one of rso coin piex a ch'aracter s will probably lead to its being lcA for the-ac ton of.the legislature anud its edurts. It is4 his: How far shall the executive, legisIativ e and jultV cial aciion of the four years past-receire.the var lidifying~ seal of' a .on.frindg->y -starute - Ui the 'r-fentii of fbis1portati~ que~stion,-f)is.pi-oblemi, ts mlust be Seen, dependisntrestseef the reteet. posable moment,- nd-eight, to- the p>eople of Misisippi as eell. as of other States sinilarly stuttd. The ordioance of secession, we ms rember, ini the eye of Federat law, binmg aii absdolute nullity, ab initio. it-follows consequenitly that all acts daue -in pursuance -thereby or by virtue of authotity, derived' thjereumnder:, are simni arly void, an irresistible legal conclusten that beforc'an' Federa, or reorganis.d.State Court, would va'cate conttracts, nullify debts, giffer this Icrime to go unpunished, as being as -inocent actio1, and punish ,this innocent action as being a crime. ,The confession, dire confession, bitter feelings, loss, fierce- and savage litigation this -state of things must occasion, need nio poimting out. To prevent as far as possible so lamentable a condition of affairs, is it that the mississippi convention seeks if practicable and possib!c t:o design am,d mature a confirmatory act. that wil and may enable themi to stear btwen the scylla of Federal requireinent and the charybdis of pop ular necessity. In this state a siumilar <,U sTin must an-d wilf arise and the manner in which Mississippi will meet -the difficulty common to 1each state to be reorganized and w.ill throw beaums of light for our own especlial guid-ance: S-o far the conduct and liroceedings of niississippi im the elctions, also of her members in the convention evidence the soundest con&LI sense and highest wisdom and affords fine auguries for the --future We tr-ust and hope that our members, elected, w:ill go to ihe convention not to "Buncombe'' and with an 'idea -of advancing something that cauot be accomplished but ratheir caleuiLted to do huarr, no, we trust that they will be guided by good hard sense, endeavor'mg only to do that which is possible as well as beneticial- They must lay aside all 'absurd, nansensical, extreme: viws" and labour onlv fo'r the restoratien! of the ~ta!e and that which will confer "thec greatcst -The New-York Times, speaing offi:trern t sentiment and expectations abdLut tIc ph says : We (the Noithern people and nuthoritics) are too exacting also in regad to the political action of:the Southern 'people. .We expect theiy, now that the.war is-over, and they are beaten, to become at once, 'no4;t olily loyal citi zons, obeying all the kaws, anf ".staining-ful ly the national auhority, but thorough-going abolitiorists, and advo ates of nQgro suffragc. Anything short of this We cMI der haf- way loy'ally and think they have not been :whip ped enough yet. We denounce them as still secessionists as heart, and i:all for their exclu sion froin the rights of citizen:hip;. This ?s unreasonable and unnir i. We hve really -n6thing to do with thei a h.rts. We have no right to exact the completa change of sentiment and feelig which we demand. We have a right to insist- thIat thcy shall obey the law, that they shall ack nowledge and respect thOe national authority, and conduct them-1 selves as peaceful law-abiding cilizens. If they do this, we can demand notigng more. They maV believe in their hearts what theV. please; they may feel as they like alout the war 1nd the. government, they may e a.t hea-t *rebel lious still ; but that~is really none of our busi ness. We cannot. control their opinions r their-sentimenfs ; we can- and must control their conduct, but thaf is alt. Nor is it rea sonable to expect that the mas.of the. South-. ern people-can or will be sdde'nly devotees of doctrines and sentiients whih they have hitherto abhoired, and against which they have staked their fortunes; and their lives. Men do not'thus instantly change their whole natures on compulsion. And any ostem.atious pretensions of such a change would be hypo criticaL The great body=of the Southern pco pile -wei-e unquestionably honet and sinicereI in. the opinions, the preludices and the resent nCnts which led them to rebel cgain:t the Gover9ment,,; and it folly to sup pose that those f eings- oldall be - at once eradicated by -the simple fact that they have been beaten in the field. A radical charg i hthe sentiment of -the- Southern people,- con cerning slavery And the purpose and -temaper of the national auth6rity, can only be wroughf by titne, by wise laws 'wiseiy adminitered, and by their exp-rience of the new condition upon- which they have entered.. - Nor should-wc. desire to break the spirit -or crush the self-respect of the people of the Southern- States. Their courig6, their resolute .and determined spirit, i4- nmv among ithe priceless possessions of the whole- country. . It has been our enemy, but hereafter it'is to be our firiend. It has been iurnd against. us, and has rainly sought our destruction ; hence forth it- fights cnly on our side and swells the the power and the courage with with which we may confront a world in arms. IT would be suicidal in us to'crush. or destroy it-we should be destroying-a part--f tiat which is to give us the proudest place _jver h-ei: by an nation on the face of the earth. They confess and feet themselves overcome-sub-_ dued, subjuented. -From no quarter do wefiear the~faintest 1nt of any wish even to renew the contest.- It is not foir us to poison the wound we have inflicted on theifr pride,norto stab with insuiting.bows, thc dead body of thteir~ambition. 'A Congress or a War' - - The New York IIerald,-devotes large space to adaisofteskill withAihich England and F'rance have each evaded -a -nutuber ' threatened wars,and urges,upon -those powers that the present is a timie for the- exercise o their best diplomatic iwanuvring. It s~ys-. . The United States have no great love-fo Enigland, and no desire ghatever to~rumiliafe Fi-ance.~ We cannot allow Na?poleon to sta irt Mexico,'since .that -would violate the Afon roe doctrine:, but we do not want to eject hini by force, and see are frilling to make-his with drawal as easy and graceful as possible. -The idea of an in.ternational Congress presents 'the ery means- to accomplish this result. If ii. take part in that.congress, Naipoleon can- but his retirementfromieico- in the foriro ofa friendly concession, and assuel-we will accepLf it. So long as we-secure .the substance~ we~ shall not quartel- about the form. We iisist that Fiance shall leave Mexico, Spain Cubai, andEii'gar.d Ganada, and w'e.are willing to give such guarantees .andy comnpensation ag shall admit of no dispute. rarmewilnotbe humilatedjif she leave-this coatinent in cow.i. pany with England and Spain. IEtgland rn'ght. to be ready to accept a receipt in Judo;the Alabama damages, as the price ofr11er with drawal from Canada; Spain will be pauid a rount4 sum for Cuba. This bejag igre-tte, tg Unbiued States.wini -oerguaranteep inr regdW4 to the -nn'exation qiuestions;tnbout which EhI opeans understand very? li(.tle. We do inot are to.antex Canaida or Mexico. They'aro more aliOUS- to- be-anncxcd than we are to ha,ve tlieda. - Iat-we.will not -permit Euro~ teb:s Republic. Let tbe Emptror Mo~ conider siseeinsfaiud hr wilin that they -point din to e plji whic he may escape from MtexAco w thout 'the Ioss ohbo,and mnay actnally increase his fanra by thbe piroceedir.g. Liet'hi'nsid'ery too,. -t the -United States are in favor of a revisal of the ruap of Euirope, alowing France the b~o:n dary of the Rhiine givi Austria oir Prussia all the German empire, uni-ting Spain ,and Portugal under one government, cretg new empire fr te ga gsoam tbe Itaian,cp'taVa?Rone, and r'strictmrg the Pope to his spiritual kingdom.- I-Is this hint no meaning to Napoleon ? Dce.,~ he sere mn at no comnpenisation for .Mexico ? If n6t we cani only cbo his own oracle, "a congress rr. a war ;" and this he cannot misunderstanid. The London Times, -editorially expatiat!es on the difTiculty of- nmaintaining and feeding the liberated slaves of te Sou2th, pnrd says: It is carg for the victorious government by a few words to striLe off the slaves' fetters, and dislocate and.destroy t.he industry of the whole community, but it is not easy for it- to find an answer to the awful question, "Off what are the people to live," onie whiebh it has raised for itself,-and which every day. muorea more importa(Iltly d o.idsan. answer. The e;attlebaguebminueCd violent, and enrget1ifcasures were progi-essing to ce Ar, hon t-GQc.rman in Philadeli -bia, listeniing to an acco-i', of a rariecd wonm 's elopemnent with "anmo,ier man," the ..ther . g~ot great -1 7 ecit<:--d o-v' -. aedl ~ spmered' i,th I ih t~he creates.~t vehemnci' . "'If my di c runs away mijt '-.oder miaS'-s " tie wm aaeim Lee~ Northern t " -- Some colore oers have bee Brownsville, Texas, for ouLrages cosm - femalesmad Gen. Hooker has been made Ge in the r-egil4r armny All the eoldiers in the field ariy will soo be paid'tuy'o Jtu A lflow named Case was ar -reAR. convicted of bigamy, at i week. -e huing''hmselfnir tejait$ i. - The scamp. had marrie4ao wives in v:irlous parts of thecountrya~ living. He.was preparm, to marry .e arrested. Ilis last letiV was hedab wealthy and're'spectabe fW i V The crops id -Canida this s largest ever harvested. The. whe wense. . The>-barley cropjis-estiui $-1: 0A.. The rye crop is good., .he New O1eans corcspohdci ;.t York Tribne .as beeIr ansued-n foi criticig Ge-. ab d Tf6 Pre stfMarshahf o A order requringhe arrest Of Ue the streets after maeo elockra passp~s from theireniployer The totAl loss by -etchu -4 mil ions of dolldrs The e circles is intense. There are tei freedmen'sce number of;dholts b'it Gen. Sheridan's army oite ra [ --5 Col. A; P.Wette te of,e-reb gon6 t.o Germany to 'make a get emigration to-Sou4heraagia. The amnrGh addlegh San Fraicisco, yie 4 for th' six inen July 1,'.5& was O,6Q0O000.~ CJLF N ' THJ - &#1 8--7 fortyzi x "cattni6 ad reJan1 t W sweepersitrc employed ,n-eaiing, Mw v,Yoi-k. CossabdM$500p0 There 'resaid to be entyfoun-d awaiting il at La CroUe ViO compjignaLt is sid to6 as wife. Another a, in steuboii n~ Aic. collided recendyi statly curt do% i 1,ally.wue saido thave beendlost.- .' A irroession of-ar retuh qtreets ir;1Aw.Yoi-:kNW ow,e -unepboe nd bh O&cs ;iik ws to urge% ta.ekc JIrT j vpon'h.' .he folboeg-uoe,x0ize Ili r We r efseht ousa1s1 of dsls and-sis,g iq a-ing - 'bg a 'Giv u empIoyoent ntowswpport a?n' Sour )an-pt ion 'sth6detrr -bli - rebelidri za-Ad the re-est U1io;V *ith all the inodern IM "Our present- headIkrtersre4h - A gency -3caulsr "Our Iatemploters weroGria, idai, Mp'de, anook -H.4ker "We are now the 'sole& s d - Quetion-Waited-A definit~io-"o-n. .can form4f go:v'nment, Anfswer -ktfon a ose saved tre repi -. A?PnOAC;I O.-TJME. -despatch of Ihe 12th sa s T Europe wifk ww rei.edH4 thd&a me.nvyesteday seeve $9 di -e the sto.ry,"weswtrd ifre i had feached the Island-of MAh1 d - ran carr Sea; Souti of Y, al,: whe .iug - with greativiolence.anbr ithr terfihy2l ie It was also prevailing -in the4fgriff ihbatio malignant. epidepnie at Consis - wasbourly expected at/Od - 'e e le-be. . shores6ftheBlck: Sea nea.Z T , can be no douba noir that this}e~ will soow resc.h the westeam ceon - - .' and-it is more~ tian;.pobbie p. se,boand cities~ wis' what~Io iu~~ mi;tnot be. ground4obra ect. - &hIirore is preppe- o itor. Bd for Washint-f- - day or tworago said: "We*shildet plate the scenes'tiA~ imst bewrttesed -0~ inton if4hmoea iolaa here-lntepeetb>doo ety auqhamreare.tmoing-tp thef wHil ha 4 tompte wth ~d it - - ion, fdr thedst eHer iulee.tta . .~-.~~ --~~'' - - now-if full blastysys ~ ~ 1r--._ remember t havirae erTEa - -ft least,six honible scate acppatue in-tree - sie'vctims Witn- - - kid their par ed ' at i at d sister. odriMh tte0edE fu r 1, i6 he *c~~.j biN~ ii Y"oina a h& aW Of - hes eesa4dd ipnrin ale- -$~~~ nyag cbpuch a ro e et rsaei~ etui d 3o ~w, ee - gea sing infatnces,r to have fnd their'i 4-.i.,-' n~ot-Q1 .p piibnt. ope air", .fOTvI . .. idjht:itcte in e rMe$ county by retuirne ~ s .dier 10zeau M.0 * -The Msss i Conventinn, now in sei 6n at Juckson, psed t. fii-st reading ordi- - nnces ratif gf eews passed dur ales and cont de-ri Sty'the LegislatLure ofe any law imposing civil disabilities, punish-; ment or forfeiture of estate for having fake I - -- part in- the rebellion. -Memorials were- d seried requesting of Presiden.t Johnson fhet - the State shall noe be garrisoned by 'negra troops; and that steps be taken in behalf 'of Jeff. Davis.and-ex-Governoz Clark. T.he Gon stitutional Commnitteee has reported in fo.or - prhibiting slavery. General Beaurecgard fikes his d~eparture n. - a few days for Europe: It s said that he-siir tends offering bis militar' to. Im, Napoleon. Thei Fede'M UoTvermnnen.t perants - him to go, subject-toThe pledge of never tght - ing against the Uiuited "States.-Loinlys Jou"nal. --- Thbe Mobile laverti ser complaim's^ bitcl -eri of thie conditionl and neglect of many reti17I1d paroleid priso)ers in that city, who are ahnost naked and h:d1f:'Starved, ats we ns houseless. - The Rebel Gen. Roh!y was in St. a fewt .ivs ago. HeI thiniu ofreturniing to. his old e s'Iing, as-catain of' a stcanibont Tunnin bjetweenI. t. 1.ouis an.d tihe T1 eese River.- . - '!en. Jo. Johnison iS "is toking for apiace.~ %-: Super intendency of some railroad, pos h B3y the Rich~monid atnd . )aniILCe.Rilroadi, nay be ziven himu.