The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 26, 1914, Image 1

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[ THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. v ''' ^ A Bepresentative Hwrapaper Covers Lexington and fee Borden of the SgrroTrnding Counties Lite a Blanket . i) *f^|V / \ LEXINGTON, S.C? WEDNESDAY.AUGUST2^I914 ^ ' 43 ' ' m ^ r ; HB : - r' JnL- serve the morals and edi most see to it that THE ter way of helping his dear ones w^fk-^wili provide against sicknes SHOULD HAVE THEHOMEft Capital $25,000.00. 'lr/ - "j*;1": 'Sj ? * $ ' Samuel B. George, Pr< Alfred J. Fox, Cashier ililjjp' i Tlse Carolina lllf rr *i *'t -fSk't'*! ? ra* i r jjj "* ^ $300 lllf ' Lv 1 . * ? S^BHwS2SfiS?^2Sf^E2^ u A. ^ ^ i^JSSsS 1 8 le^^^^so^inatalled -i com] 9 W. A. CLARK, President,""* I| Y. S. BRYAN, Vice Presiden nHQL' I CnDTIIMCO. I run i uiiLO "BEGI> ' * " V . Think this over care Fortunes have been - and the Saving Habit, Courtesv or Good Mar gAs*. by practice. * \ Bring your own acc children to us and seci 3Bwr%s ' > # # potinded every three r <1 " -v* - V I The Bank ol % , CAPITA I J B. F. Taylor, Pres., E. G. S( 'Jgf Hkwwwvvw^ | OUR mm is to serve oar depositors we identical with our own; tu 4; with sound hanking; to welc large one; to be satisfied wit] ness transactions, and to give success, txus^s aiways me ffl g&|g?\;v The Palmetto ] OF CO] I WlLEK JOH5S, PRESIDENT m MMILY M r THE nn HQHECKBOOK ! J ! g responsibility. He not only must contention of Ms wife and loved ones, bnt be Y STTAT.T. JJOT WAKT. Is there a betthan by adding to Ms BANK ACCOUNT ? s and misfortune. Every man of family I A BANK ACCOUNT. 1 NATIONAL BANK iGTON, S. C. Resources $250,000.00 bs., Jas. J. Wingard, V. Pres. ; K. F. Oswald, Asst. Cashier. LD RELIABLE B i National Bank I inized 1868? I lounty and City. Deppgifpry. I 3 00 SAVINGS PEPAjtTWH?3yi fl Iitereetalldwe^ at the rate of B ) Qy 4per cent, per p4y?bl?_^?*. provided with a modern* Firepropf "fg an .Electric system instaixea cy iue ggs . npany of New York Oity, and is made H plete set of safety deposit vaults which B it reasonable ratefc. TV e are prepared to .H omodation which one's business justifies )FFIOERS? M JOSEPH M. BELL, Cashier, t. JOHN D. BELL, Asst. Cashier. 98 mm mmm 'like charity, $ 4 AT HOME. " ? fully: Seven out of every ten jjj founded upon "SAVINGS," # like the habits of Kindness, ^ mers, can best be established ^ $ ount and the accounts of your ^ are 4 per cent, interest com- g nonths. & i Columbia, S. C. I LL $200,000.00 S iibels and J, F. Livingston, Vice-Fre9. lardiiij Cashier. f i POLICY LI and truly, holding their interests re as generous terms as are consistent ome the small account as well as the i small margins of profit in its busii its customers a fair measure of its policy of National Bank, LTTMBIA, S. C. ? Al t ^ J. P. AUYZHIWI, UMflJMV | | Ho if. Frank W, LShealy Heads Ticket for Railroad Commissioner. Hon. Frank W. Shealy, Lexington's popnlar candidate for railroad commissioner, headed the ticket, he having received abont 4,000 votes so far over his next nearest opponent, C. D. Fort ner, of Spartanburg. This is indeed gratifying to the hundreds of friends of Mr. Shealy in this county and to his thousands of friends throughout the State, who have made a strong and manly fight for him. Mr. Shealy issued the following brief statement this morning. "To ' say that I am gratified expresses it mildly. I entered the race to win. I have made a clean and an honorable campaign, and I feel that the people of South Carolina have shown by their votes that they admire a-man who believes in clean politics and who has advocated from every stump the need of supporting men on their merits and their merits alone. I feel confident that I will win in the second race. At any rate, I expect to continue to conduct my campaign on the same high plane, confidently believing that the people of South Carolina will endorse zay course. To the people of my county who have stood by me with such untiring zeal, I am truly grateful. If I am elected as I confidently expect -to be I assure every one that I will perform the duties of the office in such a manner as to redown to the good of not only ihe people of Lexington County, but for the good of all South Carolina." Mr. SheaJy's office is a busy pla'ce these days. Letters and telegrams are pouring in from every section of the State, assuring the Lexington candidate of the heartiest good wishes and ofx the strongest support ever given a man for State office in this section of the State. % ' - ' % > r - > The Election Tuesday has been elected to the Hcrrae on the I first"ballot, with J.. M. Malpass, J. Brooks Wingard, Jas. B. Addy and L. W. Wt^mmning over for the two additional places to be filled. % D. J. S. Derrick and E. L. Wingard run over for treasurer; W. D. Dent has been re-elected county auditor oyer his opponent, Jesse 0. Wingard, by a large majority; Hon. Geo. S. Drafts and Mr. G. A. Derrick run over for judge of probate. For county commissioner the returns show that Mr. W. L. Addy, of Gilbert, has been defeated for re-election, he having failed to receive enough votes to gst in the second race. Tnose who run over for the two places are: R. J. Hook, John W. Smith, S. Rufus Smith and Azariah Taylor. The vote fell short of the enrollment something like 600 votes. The vote by precincts is given elsswhere in this issue. Lexington People Hard to Please. Some .people are satisfied with the measure half full; others with it level foil; yet others not till it is full, pressed down and running over. With the latter the Lexington people may be classed. A perfect surprise was made Pastor and Mrs. Thomas some weeks ago in the form of a well filled purse with a surprisingly large sum, and just as the recipients were recovering from thi9 first shock, a second and harder one was given. Not only was the measure filled, but filled to the overflowing. On last Friday night they were given an old-fashioned pounding, good and hard. Eyerything brought, which was of the broadest variety, was most useful, which caused our hearts to overflow with true and sincere appreciation for the magnificent store of pantry articles. These things are valuable and useful, and we thank you heartily for them, but most of all do we appreciate the spirit which prompted this action Such an action can have no other rc- J suit than to bind our hearts closer to j you and your best good. May this J act draw people and Poster in closer j fellowship, which we hope will result in the greater advancemeeot of the spiritual welfare of the town. So we are compelled to say that the people of Lexington can be satisfied with no work half done- with nothing less than the best. Again we pray God's richest bless- I ings upon yon, and may you find the I measure filled with blessing3 for you j beyond this worl Ps gcods. SI ' Senator Smith Re-elected. Ellison D. Smith, janior United States senator from South Carolina, has been re-elected, he having received more votes than all three *oi his opponents, Gov. Cole b, Blease, L. D. Jennings and W. P. fS&lpck. Senator Smith has a lead pver alt pf his opponents of about twelves thousand votes. There are strli- aSont ten or | twelve thousand votes to be.accounted for, according to the estimate of the Columbia State's flgt&e9. For governor John G. Richards, Robert A. Cooper and Richard I. Manning, are running olose, the indi cations ? being that Richards and Oooper will go in the second race. For lieutenant 'governor Andrew J. Bethea, and B/' Frank Keliey, are in the running, the other two having been eliminated in the first primary.. From the returns so far received it apjfcars that Thomas H. Peeples has bAn re-elected attorney general over his opponent, A. G. Brice, by a smaii majority. A. W. Jones has defeated his1 opponent, Jas. A. Sammersett, for re-election to the office of comptroll?g&;eneral. W. W. Moore has been reelected adjutant and inspector genejfcl over M. 0. Willis by a large majcSty. For railroad commissioner, Frank W. Shealy, of Lerington, and C. D. Fortner, of Spartwiburg, run over. Mr. Shealy has a^pd over Fortner of more than 3,000-vofces. The vote for state offices in Lexington county is given by precincts in the tabulated statement found elsewhere. All the returns have not been heard from vet. but the following is the to tals in the race for senator and state offises1 up- nntil the time we go to press: United States Senator?Blease 53,144, Jennings 2,566, Pollock 1,604, Smith 68,087. * % Governor's Race?Browning 1,443, Clinkscales 15,516, Goc per 23,411, Duncan 825, Irby 13^38, Manping 23,623, Hullally 060, Richards 23,664, Simms 2.808, G. A. -Smith 5,470, M. L. Smith 7,800. ' \ Lieutenant Governor?Bethea 46,101, Hamer 14,316, Hunter 19,013, Kelley 41,700; * - Jones- 68,460, Summerset 42, bWr Adjutant' General?Moore 74,912, Willlfl A7 AR& Attorney General?Brice 56,821, Peeplee 61,677. Railroad Commissioner ? Cansler 23,902. Pairey 12.067, Fortner 27,811, Shealy 28,836, Wharton 19,259, Witherspoon 14,070. Miss Wingard Entertained On Monday -eyenicg Miss Carrie Mae Wingard delightfully entertained the "younger set" of Lexington, in honor of her guests, Misses Katherine Efird ard Elizabeth Ogilvie. The guests were met by the hostess, assisted by Mis3 Annie Martha Meetze, and were ushered into the parlor where different games were played. After which a stalely story contest was indulged in. The lucky couple being Miss Grace Harman and Mr. John Hollowell. The prize being a box of mints. A dainty ice course was served by Little Misses Leone Kyzer, Katherine Berley and Hat!ie Lee Wingard. The color scheme of yellow aud white was cleverly carried out throughout the evening. 'Those present were: Misses Elizabeth Ogilvie, Katherine Efird, Annie Martha Mee' ::e Cecil and Veda Barre, Alme Harm in, Lizzie Caaghman, Elvira and Valeria Ilarmau, Messrs Sam Roof, Dr. J, H. Mathics, Kinsler Roof, M. D. Denny, Julian Corley,, Robert Cook, Julius and George Sharpe, Eugene Bickley, M. L. Barre, John Hollowell, Norman Geiger, Eugene Kaufmann, Claude Harman, Branch Whitten. Zack Cook, J. B. Hartly, LawtonBodie and Julian Miller. Fails Under Train. Florence Aug. 24.--L r>yd Kimmer ly, a yoi.ig carpenter recently engaged by fte Atlantic Coast Lnmber corporatic^ fell while trying to jump from a train passing Piston this morning and had his left root crushed beneath the cars. H* was taken to the hospital at Andrews. Kimmerly was from the Effingham section of this county. Card of Thanks. To The Trustees and Patrons of GasIon Graded School: I take this method of thanking you for the honor conferre 1 upon me and for your cooperation in helping me to make cur school ihe success it has been. I feel th it without your assistance my efforts would have been futile. Again thanki ig you for past favors T rema:n your servant, Rcb^^t Turner. ^?l?HW?? EsSHHHBQH YOUR SELE1 I Is important?not only f< for years to come- The will be a material help ' ness, no matter whether or mercantile business. Thi's bank, with its amounting to more thi I successful record of saf( and offers you its servic safety for every dollar c .We Want yc BANK OF WEST V Lexingtoi HEAD OFFICE I * I ; %ii m* A CHECK BOOK is a check on you road paved with cash. Bank ; ness men and hundreds of othei see if the financial going is not BETT. SEPARATE ACCOUNT to run the ho* PLAY SAFE! OPEN BANK OF CHAPIf J. S. Wessinger, President. DIRECT J. 3. Wessinger, S. J. C H. C. Sfaealy, P. M. 4 per cent, on Savings Accounts; i We're right < I BROOKLAI .) Mew Brook! i - DIREC1 ft J. C. Lybrand, E. W. 5 ! I u vr c ontr? Hanrv i ^ -IV# V_7t<AXiij 11V1U j j I A. D. Shuil, L. S. Ts j $ ADVISOEY j S Frank W. Shealy. James A. 8 ifssssssssesisessssssassssss t?== When Next | ! " Call and see our new biro Main and Gervris streets. as a depositor if you se3 ii whether vou do that or r.o 11 i v ;i ^ II "V&Tixavr MATS J Columbi jvj. ? fflON OF A [ BANK ar the present, but also proper bank connection to your everyday busi- I you are in the farming Capital and Surplus, 1 an $575,000.00 has a 1 ?, conservative banking, on r\ 100 nor oonf M leposifced with us. inr Business. I ERN CAROLINA, j 1 Branch | : AIKEN, S. C. I ~~~ ^ 7 Tfe ? w .... ?^ Lrself. It's easy to run wild on the | four money with us, like the bush :s of this community are doing, and . ER and SAFER. Give your wife a use. That's GOOD BUSINESS too. -a. v * r~* /""? T TTi? rjr\ T T\ 4 7 t JM AIA-Uurs i i UUA 1 ! CHAPIN ^ s. c* Harry D. Wessinger, CashierTORS: )lark, W. B. Willi Frick, IS. Z. Sease, 5 per cent, on Time Certificates, on the job. STD BANK | and, S. C. ? fOES: / >hull, G. A. Guignard \ Buff, F. L. San del f? rotti, P. J. Wessinger | BOAKB: 5 Summerset, Lemuel Fall. 4 wwaaanwaMB?wtwiMnua??nsmn wi.ii?wwuiin ^ in Columbia ;j ding cn the c oroner of We swum we.come yeu t to open an acacnnt, but t we war t to make your MNK H a, S. C. j| M