The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 16, 1913, Image 1

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'.r" vTHE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. :' ' ' - ? A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket * _ 1 - ~ VOL.ZLIII. LEXINGTON, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, APBIL 16. 1913. 24 x T ' :\l :: " . ? - y'i : ,. t t* ? ' Protectk ? 1 * i J ' - \\ X ' v r Those who keep their mo their ose, know positively that: . can get it when they want it. ' Many of our depositors hi by consulting onr officers when ) offered by strangers. Managed by men who 1 this bank offers the highest deg and invites YOU to become 01 THEHOME W LEXINGTON. Resources We ray Interest on S&i S par cent Interest Pali A Fire ia Colombia. The Colombia Hotel was destroyed by an early morning fire yesterday. Its nvnaM smi Maam. Inricik At ranee, and their store also burned. In the meantime this firm will occupy The Way of Ruth, building on Assembly Street where their friends and customers will find them ready to promptly All their orders. The Greatest Success. ' The greatest success of the season will be the Operetta by local talent, Friday evening, April 18. Lost in Wonderland lasts fully two hoars Pretty girls, pretty cosfcames are teatares that makes it well worth the the small admission fee of 20 and 85 Oents. The cans? is a worthy one, so come oct people and give it a liberal patronage. * Masonic MeetingA Regular Communication of Pomaria Lodge no. 151 A, F. 3d. will_ convene in the Masonic Hall at Peak S. O. on Saturday 19th April at 7-o'ckxjk J P. M. ?. A. and F. 0. degrees to be oonferred-r-Arrear list read?visitors welcome. Jap* O, Swygeri, W. M. . si' - ^ B IMB* ' '' H mm *1-' if 1 % ^Phis store I It shatte | be convinced I season. Bern || the mostfasl I that to posse || never lack b wV'^B I Colur , 4 G "W. S l?UO MAIN 8TBE1 Solicits a Shari ?.?9 'I >n TO Depositors ney in this bank while it awaits no barm can come to it, and they f * I ave been saved from serious losses tempted to "invest*1 in schemes lave made successes in business, \ ft# wfttuntiAn ilomiritnni. I ,4WW Vft ^MVWVWIVM WW * WW I le. LTIONAL BANK s. c. . . $250,000.00. rings Accounts Quarterly. 1 on Certificates of Deposit ' ii 11 1 ?' Death of N. B. Lee. Hid news of the dpath of Mr. Newel B. Lee, was received hereiby Ool. M, D. Harman last Monday morning, at the home of his mbtba* in Bedford City* Va, The news of bis death was no surprise to his friends here; as Mr. Lee has been in ill health for some . years and for several days prior to its occurence his death was momentarily expected. Mr. Lee married Miss Rosa, th^eldeet daughter of Col. and Mrs. M. D? Kappaa who, together with fonr ohUdlDiiswvive him. Ooi* and Mrs. Harm an left on Monday for Bedford to be present at the fatMMl BAPvkflfe. . ' . Drainage Convention, - Ban. N, B. Wanpamaker, one of) the most prominent citizens of Lex- | ington county, was a delegate from this State by appointment of the Governor to the National Drainage Con1 vention which was held at the Planters Hotel, St. Louis, Mo., on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of ApriL ? i ^ , mt FOB SALE?New Majestic Range with complete set of vessels for $40. Sea J. W. Butler, Lexington S. C. r \ GRE2A JL? ^ Milli m r heralds a messag irs the value giving r and save more m emher these are nc lionable weaves ai sss is a joy forever uyers. HURRY. WM. nbia / LOBE DRY Bi MOITCKTOI ET, - ' 0 of Your Valued Pal The Dispensary. Petitions are now being circulated throughout the County in an effort to have an election called for the purpose of voting Dispensaries back into Lexington, under tbe Act of the Legislature of 1912. For the information of those who are not familiar with this -? a- -a r_ll . <i"VT~ Ann I act, we queue us IUUUWS. xiu. Acts of 1912, page No. 745. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of the State of South Carolina, that on the third Taesday in Angost, 1913, any County in this State, which voted on the question of dispensary or no dispensary at the special election in August 1909,?shall have the right to hold ail election for or against the sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages, and snch election shall be held and conducted by- the same officers and under.the same rules and regulations provided by law for general elections: Provided, That before any such election shall be held there shall be filed with the County Supervisor of such County before June 1st, 1913, a x~tfe, tion in writing, praying for snch election, signed by one-third of the qualified electors of such County. Said Supervisor shall give thirty days', notice by advertisement of snob election." The Profits of the Dispensary will be proportioned as provided in the* I Act of 1907, ISTo. 200, page 470, ftefcJV' which reads as foil4p?: "On tie first days of January. April, July, and October in every yeax^bbe County Dispen gary Board shall ffte with the Clerk of Court a sworn statement of the profits of each Dispensary in the County ior the three months preceding said dates* respectively, and upon the said days shall divide the profits into three equal parts, one-third to be paid to the County Treasurer for ordinary County expenses, one-third to the County Treasurer for the Cqunty 3cbool Fuud.Vr for roads and bridges, as may be determined by the election provided for in Sec. 3 of this Act; and one-third to the Treasurer of the municipality in which said Dispensary i9 located, for ordinary expenses. Under the law in force in this County at the time the j Dispensary was discontinued, the money apportioned to the Schools or Bridges, went to the credit of the school fund, and this will continue unless changed. The one-third to the County Fund and the one-third to the School Fund, . .TEST ? Dvely X>; nery, Spring and S Shoes, Men and e of Economy th i ; limit established oney than has eve }w spring and sum id shades. Don't . Glorious Summi Dl AH r i_r\ i OODS COMPAI T, TK., kronage. Polite and Pr< will go a long way towards making up the deficit of $40,000 County funds and $5,000.,School funds, which otherwise will have to be raised by direct taxation. N. P, S. Newberry College Notes. > A MinsTftl was trive.n af, the Onera House last Friday evening by the College boys. There was a large audience present and everybody seemed to enjoy the performance. Among those who took part were G. H. Ballentine, J. B. Balientine, D. E. Efird and Norman Lainotte, a former Lexingtonian. The latter had been recently appointed assistant gymnasium director. ; The new Y. M. 0. A. officers have been elected fpr the coming year, among them are D. E. Efird, Y. M. 0. A. 8tylos Editor. / Sunday evening April 20th Judge JVC. Pritchard, of Richmond Va., will make th address at the meeting of (he Y. M. 0. A. in the Lutheru chujrch of the R 'deemer. The last division of the Sophomore Orators delivered their orations before the student body Friday morning, among whom were J. W. Swygert, Wells Lowman and L. F. Derrick, all of the Dutch Fork. Mr. G. H. Ball en tine, of Lexington, will represent Newberry College at the State Oratorical contest, which will be held at Rock Hill April 25th. Among the new officers of the Phrenakasmian Li teray Society are Grover Oorley, J. P. Derrick, L. F. Derrick find Welia Lowman, of Lexington County. In the recent election of editors of the Magazine Staif, J. P. Derrick was elected Stylns Editor. ' The hase-ball season is in fall sway and everybody is pleased with the showing which onr team is making. Newberry has played Erskine, Fnririan and two with the College of Charleston and has won all except the Erskine game. D. I. Wingard. Just Received. A Nice Assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Eeady Made Hats. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. Mrs. M. L. Miller, Lower Main Street, Lexington, S. C. 25pd > ? > I Mrs. Chas. A. Geiger spent seyeral days in Colombia last week. i ) SHOW < isplay C Summer Dress Go< Boy's Clothing. at should interes by any other ston i before been possi imer goods, the lat wait, but rush to 1 ?r Garment Offerii T & I IT,"&?GrIEIE5, . COLUMBIA, H. C ompt Attention. / LET US TAKE CAR! We are prepared to g fire, theft, or foolish Savings department y FOUR PER CENT, im ED QUARTERLY. . this strong bank sh wisdom on the part < safety lies in our stre and conservative ma risks?let the Strong South Carolina take < FIRE PROOF SAFETY DEP BANK OF WESTI M. L. Tyler, Manager. MgjjgMP? v; New Flats. The Ccnnfcy has just pot in * new flat at Dreher's-Ferry snfflcientiy large to meet the demands of the traveling . public at that place. Messrs. Frank Oortey, Simon Taylor, Reuben Ear-' man and Lot Sons were the builders. - Messrs Oorley and Killer, has joined the County to pub in a new up to date Cable and flat at Hiller's Ferry. There is a new tlat at Hope's Ferry and one at Lorick's. All the Ferries are now in excellent condition mak ing^them perfectly safe. ;iJ * ? Teachers' Examination. \ The semi-annual teachers' examination wi IT be held at Lexington on Friday the 2nd day of May next. Teachers without certificates will be compelled ; to take this examination. No certificates will be renewed. The examina- 1 tion will begin at 9:30 o'clock A. M. * Please be prompt. H. L. Harmon, Co. Supt. of Ed. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Luther Garren and children, Talley and Josephine and, Mrs. J. Talley Hearth, of Columbia, 1 spent Sanday in Lexington. v ] MMBBP??BE?? >ir If ods, ^ ' i I b everybody fom e in the city. 0( \ ble in the height oi est styles, the hig] the banquet of pi ig. :New styles at ? , >. * * - .... f \ 1 : * -if . ; ' ' i ? t South : OF YflH HONEY1 I uard against loss by speculation. In our our money will earn terest COMPOUND\ Savings Book in lows prudence and of the holder. Our ingth and our wise nagement.. Run no est State Bank in lare of your Savings. OSIT BOXES FOR RENT. :RN CAROLINA Lexington Branch 1 Shooting Affray. The quiet of last Sabbath afterBoon was broken about 6 o'clock by the rapid discharge of fire arms. Later it devoloped that Boozer Strother and HeDry Edwards became involved in a difficulty, during the progress of which Edwards shot Strother in the abdomen inffiicting which is said to be a mortal wound?the bullet perforating the bladder and intestines. Strother was taken to tne hospital in Colombia where he now is. Both participants are colored. - When the officers, Messrs. Lester Miller, son of Sheriff Sim J. Miller, and a chip of the old block did he prove himself to be, and Policeman Kleckley went "to arrest him, fidwards opened fire on them which was retarned by them, with the result that Edwards receive! a wound in the left breast, very near the heart, the result of which cannot yet be determined. Edwards was arrested and is now in jail. The cause of the difficulty is absolutely and directly |traced to the boo free use of whiskey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Sox, of Priceville, were the guest of Mr. J. J. Bickley's family Sanday. tTH#M I H v>v I 4 ? ailes around. t Hr i >me, see and J ' the opening I I lest aualitv. II w / 'f>V retty tilings such prices * . , J-v\ I Gar. J . -itsr- ;;. - *r;