The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 27, 1912, Image 1

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\ BiV-Vrv'. v ' -..? * gffs>:.'' feTOE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the 8nrronnding Counties Like a Blanket lyOTr. TTTTT LEXINGTON. 8. C? WEDNE8D A V, NOVEMBER 27. 1912 4 || : , ! " GLOBE ART IE (iOMfAHf, T~~ fel: ^ W. S. MOWCKTOIT, j Tie., 3^^.2^"^.<3-E2e, ^ feyqM _ XOttO MAIN HTBEKT, ?,- - - j COLUMBIA, *?. <J. K | * ' * Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention ; > nor tttl %'L W Protection TO Depositors Those who keep their money in this bank while it awaits their nee, know pod lively that no harm can oome to it, and they J can get it when they want it I Man) of onr depositors have been saved from serious losses I by consulting oar officers when tempted to "invest*1 in schemes I offered b strangers. J Managed bv men who ha^re made successes in business, this bank offers the highest degree of protection to its depositors, and invitee YOU to become one. THE HOME NATIONAL BANK LEXINGTON, . . S. C. i *Jt?s... Resources * . $250,000.00. *- ?: We Pay Interest on Savings Accounts Quarterly, s Mr Mat Interest Fsid on Certificates of Deposit | ' . I. '?' r Mow Located h Our Permanent Hone I ?m u. a.. * MmMa. S. 6. ' Where We Hope To See You Often. Start Saving Today?and Tomorrow You Will Have Sometjbing. tttlliai Swings Baal ft Trwt Dempaey tin MAIN STOUT, OOUMWi, ?. C. . . - ? - ' " . ' ~ ^ " . V ~~ : * ? , < . i (tore Galore TRESPASS NOTICES At *bont iMt ^rday IPWTMW WIIVU Sheriff 8im J. Miller tu Awakened ?m?ymmmmmmm?? ? &om nte peaceful slumbers by a phone monon * no vA'FffiH fHta < f?> nieeeog? informing hint that a bloody Settle had raged earlier in the night Ywnl^ood ******* a posee of citizen b of Peak ' - mMnpr^rhatfivpr and ^cinity and two nerro desperaJ5bf^ *<** and ieqoeeting thl Sheriff to mm OCT Jailda. a8 the law Will be ?n- ???Va olT rvwcWo huta *a tha anona nf J AiW^f 0541 duties Sim J. Miller needs nonrgB? Jefcoat, J. Fred Jefcoat, Alien J. ing in their performance and in an slSSSLwms. no^A . R mo8fc incredible short time he was November 22na, 1912. on t^e roa^ hastening to the plaoe TRESPASS NOTICE?This is to fh?V<.n^ tha MAal#vt r. nunnnn Vim**#* oIIattt ^ ^PP?^? tDftt tu8 C8-1180 Ol tu6 JtodktonKiKfi or trosoass in 8hootin8 was 1)10 r08*^ ot an attempt JLSSE on the part of the citizens to arrest any manner whatever upon our lands fcwo M}nir nndfir the namfi of Henry Gunter. lessons learner! to ey* ryday work Nov. 4, 1912?*w4p in the school room Influences tor - Kood have gone oat from the meeting This is to notify all persons not to will permeate every nook end eorhiint, fish, allow stock torua at large, r|eh f . f^arsto^om" or trespass in any way whatever upon _ - oxir lands, as the law will be enforced against all trespassers. ? Hotel (T Miller. P. E. Earle K. Stoudemire, rm T rv- rto . , ?> J. W. Stondemirc, Bnndrick. with or nn^- J ? np ~ Novfl?her ivh 191* prisoners enarged with various ?P novemher lo.h, 1HU. cr;mes B? th? way from marder wUh ?? - " ?? ? malice aforethought down to everyday AU wnone*t6 hereb.y forbidden to petit larceny, who are awaiting 'rial bunt. flsh or trespass in any manner at the approaching term of the Court upon our lands, which adjotn each 0t General Sessions which convenes Other The law will be rigorously en- here in Jannarv. Most o' these boardforced against all persona so trespass- ers at ho{eI d Oilier are former wards n ?t > 1 ?f the nation, ttnd apparently ape piv; U. btceie, ing themselves no concern whatever JJt't oJ l regarding their probably fate so long M^ R^hv Roof as they get plenty to eat and a good Mre. Barby Kcx.t, warm p]ace ^ gtayin. In other words Talmaage Snealy, they seem be lost to all Reuse of re^ 6 C. E. Shun;pert. mor3e and shame. i 1 v i B the tow will be^forred aeamst all BroWi SsdRichard Sparks Who M Storkie W ^ had held np and robbed. in"the atF. Mack, Margaret M.. Storkie, W. 1. ternoon of that day, Mr. P. B. ElliJumper, Gaston ^a?m *n<* Yrnit Co., Bor wh$ie on jjjg Way home from Pros* hovember 19, 191*. 7p. perifcy where he had been to sell his All persons are hereby warned not . , ,? to fish or hunt on the lands of Mrs. Mr. Ellisor gave the alarm and the Lassie H. Fort, containing 3500 acres, P?.880 was organized and went in purw or on the lands of F. G. Hartley on of the highwaymen and they were Black Creek, containing 1000 acres, discovered on the cowcatcher of a known as the "Jones New Mill" tract. Southern engine at Pomaria, ana they A liberal reward will be paid for infor- 0D?e ?P?ned fire on the posse, mation leading to the conviction of wonndmg Mr. J. T. Gallagher, foreany person or persons who violate this J?*?/* the construction gang of the notice. C. M. ASBILL, Southern Railway The shooting - 7 Lesse.e then became general. The result of . . the melee is summed as follows: Two This is to notify a'l persons not to white men wounded; one negro dead %, T hunt, or trespass in anyway whatever and the body of the other i9 feeding npon our lands. The law will be en- cat fisl1111 Broad river, forced against all who may violate ~? this notice, s. e. berry, Teachers' Meeting. a ?r # rvruAXT UTTfPTA ? _ ? A large number teachers attended Nov. 4, 1913 *p the meeting in the Hjgh School build?, . . ^ ? 77 7T~ in8 Iast Saturday. The meeting way This is to notify all persons not to a yery interesting one and ail took an hunt or trespass in any maimer what- active oart in the proceedings from ever upon my land, as the law will be 6tarfc tc; finish> The {eature Qf the oeenforced against ah' treppas^sini?. casion being the excellent address of D- SflLMPBKT. Prof. Leonard T. Baker, of The South Nov. 6,19.13?5p Carolina University. This address was ? exceptionally fine and was delivered in This is to notify ail persons not to amasteidyjand fcrctful maimer and imhunt or let stock of any kind rnn at pressed his hearers with the import' large on the lands of the undersigned, ance of the teachers to thoroughly or trespass in aay manner whatever, equip themselves to faithfully and ' The law will be enforced against, all conscientiously discharge the duty parties violating this notice. they cwn to themselves, their country D J. Taylor, B. T. Kvzer, au{i to present and future generations. D. M. Lucas, E. O. Kneece, They should familize themselves with N. A. Gutter, Joseph Gunter, the science of teaching and apply the Headquarters For Floor, Meal, Grits, Hay, and All Kinds of Feeds. "Pinnacle" Flour iviaitea uu>m ortau The Kirkland Distributing Co., Wholesalk Just across the Congaree Br|dge on Lady Street. Write Us for Prices, Or Call and Inspect Our Stock. 1 I 11 For Bent Notioe-Debtors and Creditors. M . n < Ail persona indebted to the estate of My ptaoe 4 miles west of Lexington. Jotm g, Koon. deceased. witii dwelling and out homes end payment, and those having demands plenty of land in cultivation for 2 or 3 against said estate will present them bones. Be me. either Oaoghmaa duly attested to the undersigned for Bros, at 1313 Assembly st.. Columbia, *?me,rt' onox^ ff KCK)&"'1!1 B. a EDDIE PBIOK,' ' 2tf. OHO. M. OAUGHMAN. Nov. 4.1313-3 Bieootor. The Spelling Be?. EVEN UP. l' The Ladies' School Improvement u . ...... _ ?. League Will entertain with an Old . " ^ Collected For Hit Fashioned 8pelUng Bee. Thanksgiv- Treatment." ing evening, at the high school bnild- fL T the recent homeopathic convening. The following is the programme: >1 tion at the Delaware Water Gap I. Attractive Musical programme. Dr. August Korndoerfer, Jr.. told rr rturij , 4 ... Ji3?,! ? a story about a brother specialist who 0. Children (unier 17) Sj?Uta? ? Authority on the stomach. III. Popular Songs by Choruses ' "Blank,- he said, "was traveling in 8:30 to 9:00 * ?tate where they are all great jokers. IV. Adults (over 17) Spelling 9 to 10 At a country club a jovial looking V. Music and Refreshments. stranger accosted Blank and said: " 'Dr. Blank* I believe? . Kodaks and Supplies, ! ? We have receiyed a shipment of " 'Well, er?I?well, yes. I have been Eastman Kodaks, Cameras, Films, Pa- called?er?by that name.' pen,, Post Oarda, Developers Fixing ..Tbe Dr Blank wbo treat3 8tom. Powders, other supplies and appli- achsr ances for the successful use of Kodaks. 14 ' Our line consists of new and up-to- Jrreciseiy, sir. date products for the amateur or ex- * 'Then, Dr. Blank, as it's the lunebpert photographer. Call and inspect eon hour and our table d'hote is exour stock. HARMON" DRUG CO. cellent I wish you'd treat mine." said Lexington, S. C. the joker. "Dr. Blank's veins, as we all know. lUnili-naitTr run rich with generous sporting blood. JJML411AIIV1 J " and he treated the stranger?an amiMrs. Florence Wilson wants the la- able millionaire, as It turned out?to dies to know that she carries a full ,unch But he got his reTSnge. L,ter , - '? the afternoon he approached a the novelties of the season and the Group of men with a roll of small hills latest, fads in notions. Call and see In his hand. her stock before purchasing. The " 'Has anybody here." he said, "got a prices are right. tf. ten spot?' . "The joker promptly produced a teD "W/s4-?^ tvTaa*;?a. dollar note and handed it to Blank. Notice of Meeting. Blank thanked him> thn]st the note We are requested to announce that int? his pocaet and turned away, there will he a meeting of the School "'Look here,' said the westerner. Improvement League on Wednesday, i 'what did you want that bill for?" December 4th, at 3:110 p. m, in the \ '"What did I want it for?" said Lexington High School building All j Elank b,andIv. .-tVllv. for treating members and persons interested are stom;.<.h. o( C0ur4 it's my usual requested to be prompt... attendance. , .._1,l!iladelphia Bulletln. , , Mr. and Mrs. George LeFevere left _ for Florida Friday night, in which j. Didn t Fear For Mamma. State they will build a new home, j woman was recently reading to They carry with them the well wishes j her little boy the story of a young lad of their mmiv Lexire-ton friends tor : whose father was taken ill and died. J their future prosperity and happiness, after which he set himself diligently I Jir. Lerevre is succeeded at the rock work to support himself and mothquarry by Mr. F. T. Bibb, f.n expert- er ^Vhen she had tiaished the story euced master workman m this class o? , ,, work. she said: "Dear Billy, if your papa were to die After hearing argument on a motion would yon work to support your dear for a new trial iu the case <i M J. mamma?" j and J. D. Friok vs. the Columbia, New- "Naw," said Billv unexpec tedly. , berry and Laurens railroad, in which ?r..f , . U(.h-,? i the plaintiffs were given a yerdicfc of <4.. .,, I $2,500 damagea, jSdge Shipp refold . "*mt we ?* * "ousc to lm I the motion and the ease goes to the j 111 ' Supreme Court. I "Yes, dearie, but we cant eat tic house, you know." Mrs D Frank Lfird is critically ill "Ain't there a lor o' stuff in the panat her home near town, and reports try?" from there are to too effect that there "Yes, but that won't last forever." 110 ^Pr.ovemon? *n Lor condition, j qt'll last till von git another hits! Mrs. Etird is one ct Lexington s best ? . , . ?4W? I known and trreatlv Moved matrons. ! ":,ud- wou t lt! lo,,re l"ottJ g00? i and many hearts are saddened at the look<?1'' ma* f news of her illnfss. ' Mamma pave tip right there. Cle?e] land Plain Healer. i Mr. Thorns* P. Mcetze, one of Lex 1 ington's prominent business men, was I confined to his room several days last Mrs. Sara Shuler, who has been i week on account of an affection of spending some time with friends in the eyes. His many friends are glad | Lex ngton, i a* r -turned 10 her home to welcome him at his place of busi- in Batesbnrg ncssagain. | Looks like rain. WE Pay Yon to Save. Small Sums Saved soon grow large?and earniutaraat all tha tlma Protect yourself and little ones by opening an aooount in our "SAVINGS Department" "Have money in the Bank." I Start with a dollar or so. add to it klv op I monthly, and yon will feel more independent at once Step in and let us tell you of our Savings Department. Citizens Bank of Bateshurg, U, X. CUNTER. Pre*. A. C. JONES, Cashier. M. U. BOATWRICHf, Vioe-Pre*. L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier CEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, Attorney. mnnm i /f T 7 IT _ . II Call at This Bank | And Let Us Present You with a Handy Book Called "THINGS WORTH KNOWING." It is full of j^iresting a^d usefuHacts for ev-' eiybody. UmOlff NATXOZVAXiBJIlVK Colombia, 8. C, 11 ' i assssaaaa V 1 __ ___ ; ; _ _ * LET US HELP YOU TO I B E G I N Autumn of life brings only regret to those who I waste the Springtime of Youth. He who does not 8 save will surely fall a dead leaf from the tree of 1 failure. I Begin now by opening a checking account with 1 us, and you will be pleased to learn how mnch you I can save for the Autumn of your life. | We pay 4 per cent, on Savings Deposits, Compounded Quarterly | The Bank oi Swansea, j CAPITOL $20,000.00. DEPOSITS 950,000.00 | | W. H. WITT, PRES. R. L. LYBRAND, VICE-PRES. B. E. CRAFT, CASHIER Jj ? Cav/^rl v-?~ - - ? "Oh. John,'' sobbed Mrs. John. "I've One Parting Word. doDe something awful, and I am ai- P most afraid to tell you?but 1 must. 1 made a most awful mistake this morn- / (xS\ ing and sent your new dress suit to the / rummage sale instead of tiie old one. _ t ^ J and when 1 found out what 1 had done f"? "3aBF-^ I and ran over to get it back it had been I | "That's all right, Mabel, dear." said j[/jjfo/. | HHfI i John amiably. "1 stopped in at the sale | ,,n,, ; . ravself and bought it back for 2a ! pfi ! ceuts. "?Judge. j I I <* ->Nij I {r^~~ ~*^ m I Smooth Shod. ^ j j I | | Some men are always in such a % J j/j/JA & i ? imrrv that thev can't stun with- < I ufU/hi jj I .Stilish f?jr?-K""" " 11 UB I?I j <5> . * ! j I ??t i Judge i ?*ii ,v ears' penal servitude j . . I Auv t(> make? I As to Apprec;3tior>. Convict-Yes, my lord. Will yersendi I The Author?You can't appreciate it j round and tell my missis 1 siiau't be! ! You never wrote a book yourself. j home to supper??Cassell's Saturday j ! The Other?.no, and 1 never laid an Journal. > egg. but I'm a better judge of an | j omelet than any hen in the country!- j Of Course, j London Opinion "Oh. papa," exclaimed the youna I girl. "that pretty plant I had setting <?!.; Going Up. the piano is dead." Vicar?J hope your husband's temper- j "Well, 1 don't wonder," was all theBture is lower this morning. j father said.-Yonhfrs Statesman Mrs. liinks (weeping)?No. sir. It's j ? i min li higher. He died an hour ago.? j Paradoxical, j Penny Pictorial. j Flimmor -My business is quite para | (toxical. His Assistant. Flanuner - What is it? is Cupid who pierces hearts with J Flimmer~< Jetting bard cash out o: his . row." - ? ho ft marks. Boston l'osi. "Yes. but it takes a pretty girl to I draw the beau." - Baltimore American. 1 s . o owe n .