The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 20, 1912, Image 1

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! $vjr P?v THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ' ' > . - ? . A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket - ... VOL. XLIII LEXINGTON. 8. C.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1912 3 . GLOBE DRY GOODS COMPANY, T~ AN* TX7". 23C. MOITCKTOIT, JIB., M-A-ZtT-A.Q-BSB. r;:y? " J ?rl?o M AI IN COLUMBIA, H. C. J y Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention, f-p* . > * * ! oo? lev# V v ' , Protection v.::' to ' Depositors i/li 6 ' : Those who keep their money in this bank whil? it awaits their use, kni?w jo?iiively ?hao 110 harm can come to it, and they can get it when t.he> want it Manj of <?ur dep. sitor9 have b^en sav^d from serious losses bv consulting our ?>ffi :er? when fceuiptt d to "invent'' in schemes offered b strangers. Managed bv men who have made successes in business, this bank offers the highe-t degree of protection to its depositors, and invite* YOU to become one. r> I Tor nnur iuathamat RAMK" A Ulj lIViVlLj lin JL JlLVFl inju urtxiAA LEXINGTON, . . S. C. Resources ... $250,000.00. K I 7 We Pay Interest on Sayings Accounts Quarterly. 6 per cent Interest Paid on Certificates of Deposit 'a ; | Now Located lo Our Permanent Homo 1323 Main St.. . Columbia, S. 6. | A' Where We Hope To See You Often. Start Saving Today?and Tomorrow I./, You Will Have Something. 1 Richland Savings Bank & Trnsi Company 1323 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. * j1 1. -f* . .' " . .' " 1,11 1 1 1 " 1 . ii ii rniTflD OIU TllC DOIlMnQ chants are Jive, progressive and ener rill I nil 1111 IIlLnUUilllu getic and are pushing trie plaoe foi ' r' % . .. ward with a vim worthy of i^itatiqi _?~ j by their less fortunate neigl bors. Ii ground tte Fork Happy and passing we Wish particularly to cal oa a Pnl a attention to the fact that here is lo uonxenieq as a nme. catad the Hotel Marion, one amonj * IIM,T1f gfr IIIMI? imiia rain the most pleasant little country hotel TOnlTT*5LfEiTn ARnUAL IHlr# in the country. It is under the man agemenfc of Mrs. Prick, a lady of wide ? ?- .. -? - ? ?:?A. in Un.inasi, rrv,, The Editor woo is vui VT ITfl 1 llC I OApoiicuuo iU imc uuvoj uudiucoo au< ^ a~o?a 1> u* town ? on a steady growth and then T.easu er Pulling Spare Rihs jg no telling just at this time whai n-nA Mingling With the People futare has in store for it, if th( people will only be wise and no is Having a Gay Old Time. ac- too hastily They should refuse t< Some Improvements in the Fork. Iir*ten ^ tfa? 8ire.n v.oic? of the seducer An appropriate insignia to*emblazor mi .n,i ?i.n ,*c ^ upon tbeir banners when these ?ke mouth fellows cijmes arouud is, "Ge" ' ^h ^^u?r^Lanr<i ^hAn ff,t rimo thee behind me Satan." The relig ^ thf ioU8 tone of tfae community is healths rpraHnia ifS aud the educational interests of th< i EShar^wss assrssai fsssrs SUSSi?Slff?^f.'5SIS' started out* wbck witQ tu6 Trc&b" ia aaa aa __i_^A ^.lA ja m _ ' mot and bis assistant on oar thirty- 2**12:222 ' whion is the pride ot the , seventh semi-annual tour of the county x>aaw M to find the interest in the ^ People taaily engaged in plying Oid Dispatch la being revived in the thir v ? ??"'io^nc^nn?i7 ?? rrn STtoS^MeWdS^6 ? lSS?; the^veet oKo/the ma^etell^ T2il^?nbiM?rihP- in the Fork bo* to A D*?? h*1?*11??? i? don? at this M?1iih^new **?- the^cemmeneeinenl nsmee io 00/subscription list." *w? vjrw* ?f oW.,D Wkur.u<, The first point on our rounds was "tv1 lono, which shows but little growth 1^5^"^?? a ? e ^ " in population and business develop- ajar^JBm F ment since last we were there. The ^ i*y Sn^ i6 1= i merchants and bnsiness men are hold- ??nr?SutJfa^2Jw ? *$e J ni aDC tag a stiff npper lip, however, and are ?PP|]?e|?tei> he effects of it. Clevei looking forward to brighter days nod j 1,V,H, ^ur wb< mere prosperous tiroes which SiL-tJJefij, 1Pv1p*&VC must eventually come to them if they p -???anterpriaes Ot whatever nature weary not in well doing. The school Wa "a* ^.xvnA facilities are excellent and in the per- Home, sweet home. * eons of Prof. Sortie and Miss Eva Bookman the educational interests of * this place and surrounding territory a PV&V'A'S'A&s Fxv*&%<?*** me in competent and efficient hands". L&A&ftfl$t!& FRQOf Heibert8on College, of which D/. Young is the President, is located ? . ?_ here and is intended for the high--* DllOUla tOilV1HCS Every education of the Nesrro. Id was built "Rpsdpr at a cost of about ^O.COOand is weii WUv1, ' equipped with the u-sual pharapb?"r?e- The frank staiemeitii of a neighbor, lia for this purposu iho crops in telling the merits of a reinedv, that secrioti are generally ?*nod, and if t? i-^ . a s . tb?. people were let alopb V> dispon- ?iJ* you ?"1Ufcs 0!id bo kve" .. i ..nnr.o.j <cKn * IlO SUulO Coders? ICOHt ilea are trying to win them irora their alie- Bv some etrauyar far aw ay gienoe to their grtu.d <.ld mother cnuc- ohroaanrs no heli?f at all' ty, they would be happy ana contented , " When through^* at Irrno we too* the re 3 ;i -'Oxington case, train for Hilton. 1 here id practically A Lexington citizen testifies, no business of any importance being R-ad and be conyinced. done here now. The place is at a deac ,r ~ tt. >r % stand still, yet strange to re-mark that r ,* Y'<?? .! ??" Vv-!!' '* it hoe th** reputation of S-ing one of ?.. O., says: Doan 8 Kidthe b*8fc places for a thriving town in j?yt Hj? a grH"t dea* wutrn the Fork, having a rich and fertile fw6?- tr01J 3 ti0Die ?Ro baca country, populated with prosper , I1 J.,1/D? } a s'ate? o?Hro Jtjai tr? annnort I ^otj^whicb I toid^ofmy experience. itT We "understand that' the" Hi'ller I pi?."'fr^ "im T nrX? 2fkbffitv ^ "rpe^Dce^ho intend" P"'153 acr3SS the 8miU1 ?' m>' bnck ?nd V ?J, rtsuxX ct th etownby "ope" with the kid^ra^top""n1u.ep!ace0re 1111(1 . For 38?e b? ?P s? Oor next appointment was Chapin, for the'unUwi at which place we arrived on*che tuie ?*.ta3 ' akea,B tne Umtta time. Obapin is one of the bes?t buei- 4.-m' l? +Ka ? ^ ' seas centres in the Fork. Its mer- t^SSA!^ Dame_DoaD 8-tmd Headquarters For Flour, Meal, Grits, Hay, and Ail Kinds of Feeds. i i i i : ? I "Pinnacle" Flour Makes Good Bread j The Kirkland Distributing Co., Wholesale. ' < * Just across the Congaree Bridge on Lady Street ============== | Write Us for Prices, Or Call and Inspect Oar Stock. ' ' ' 5 For Bent Notice.Debtors and Creditors. My place 4 miles west of Lexington, Jo^ make with dwelling and ont houses and payment and those having demands plenty of land in cultivation for 2 or 3 against said estate will prespnt them horses. Se me, either Canghraan duly attested to the undprsigned for t* a ,, . . payment, on or before 1st Jannarv 1913. Bros, at 13i3 Assembly St., Columbia, GEO W KOON g. c. EDDIE FRICK,' 2tf. GEO M. OAUGHMAN. Nov. 4, 1912?3 Ex^cnfor. Mrnn.| rnilTCCT *or tiie notices they gave of our meeiI ill It II llllIN I LO 1 inland Transactions, to the BatesUU burg Cotton Oil Co., W. H. Follow, I War Well Attended by Com- First National Bank, Citizens Bank, J Was W eu VU1U Enterprise, Paul Garber, T. B. Kerna^ petitors and Otners. gham and J. Frank Kneece, all of 8 ?Aur urnv ~ciuc CDCMIICIIC \ Batesburg; Matthews & Boukaight, of SUHfc ?tRT tint wFfcW j LeeBVillft? Thnrmnn. Timmprman 3 The Prise Winners?Officers Elec- Oalhson, Dr. E. P. Derrick, Rev. J. I ed-By Failue to Comply With A- Oromer, E. G. Dreher & Co., T. P. > the Rules the By that Made ^eetfe- Dr. Wingard, H.N. . ? . Kammer&Co., the Home National d the Highest Yield Did Not Get Ban^t a]j 0f Lexington; S. E. Low| First Prise. man, of Ballentine; for their splendid i ... , , , , T Rifts so materially adding to the suc{ The third annual corn show for Lex- 4 . _ ? t , , . n v. mi#>. cess of the Association by encouraging . mgton county was held r?ov. 16, with . J ? * i *4 a 1 and helping our farmers; and to Prof. 7 a very largo attendance, t.hero was ; *; 7. ' ' more corn displayed than ever before. * L" En? IsbT of C'enl80? Colleffe and There were strong addresses made by ^on A. f Leyer for their very inJ Congressman Lever who told of his structive and valuable Jesses. : observations of the farming lar.d in | * BARRE, 1 the west, that the high prices would ecretarj. result in the land becoming unprofit- ?orD ?twe'*Ass0- Lt;m?ton c0^~ I able for farming purposes, but the : Cheap lands of the sontb will con- A Entertainment tinue to be for many years profitable 8 for|an agriculture purpose: and by The Ladies School Improvement i Prof. W. L. English of Clemson, who | *' S'.ter" s .. , A1 .. tainment in the new scbopJ building, r discnssed the -benefit that was being November 26. (Thanksgiving eve) be- ! [ derived from the Corn Shows and the ginning at 7:30 o'clock, to which every 1 National Corn Show which is to be ^dy i? c?rdiallly invited to grace tne l v \.1 ' o i t?. ? .. occasion wim tneir presence. An w . *a 10 Columbia, January next. tereeting and highly amusing pro^ The following were the prize vr?n- gramme has been arranged, a feature . nors: Be&fc ton ears; 1st Raymond of which will be an old time Spelling > Hendrix; 2, G. S. Wingard; 3, Evans Admission free. Go out am. \ Lirrfkr; 4, J. W. Ijndler; 5. Arthur , Bpend * V6ry 6nWab'? evening. Arnold; 6, Clyde 3. Addy. ? Prizes awarded to boys: Upland: Do&th of J. J. KamiHOl* 1st, Ralph Hendrix, 63 3-4 Burhcla Mr J. J. X&miner, a former Lc-xirigwith a per cent of .CO; 2nd Lather U | Ionian, died r.t. l-.'a home in Gadsden Smith, ?iS 1-2 bushbis, with ,Vi 1-2 per u?i ^i.tausy. Nov r moor ij, 1-12. cf . .. . . i? , n v pnenmonia. jle was a man of many cei't ; 3rd. Lifter llerrok, To 1-2 hns.i- i , -f. . r,r . ?. a ! 7 * | Ut?i ..1 Ua : > cA'l,#. i rJiU v.i JUV\J1? ais with .03 1-3 percent. the roncan'1 respect oi the en- j Bot vnn lami: 1st, Harold Shealy, ] :ire "< r-mnr.iiy ?n he iivvd for j CI bushels, with .91 oer cent; 2nd, ! h* ^as prominent- J ,' r. j . 2r> ? j. 'v Me:>tii?:d wifu nu mnveumn!* I , Hc'llOnX, i%j DllbpLOu*, 2oolv'1*i? tO T*V|:iirfM?f Of Tropic I .89 per cent; 3rd, Ross She&.ly, -13 1-2 ami the prosperity oi the coremunjty. j bushels, with .87 1-2 por cent- He survived hy his vc:f.% two j slaughters, and a l::rt:e uirolo of re:a- j prizes awarded to mon oil i -ri.;?nd: : * ? T ?.-v.ccenry li'-.? was | nr Q. s Wic^a^d 68 32 bnshelu. } m ?h? t1st year of his? .-jjro, tied his j v.,- ,, a. 't T" ! v:^e HUti ^ood deeds, wilt be wad ..fjiw cent, -a.1, v . n.. I t/j- UkikAlj *?3 i-2 with b3 2 3 per uf.nt. i The t.Wo bojs who iiidue the highest * ' "" P?r coat. ?* the one, the A?octa??m NoUce Jo JUPOrs are sending to the National Ocrn Show are IT^rolrt Shc-ftlv Rlvi Ralph .Rr.'i'1- All inrors who have been subpoenaed i rix. The boy that macio the hiuheot I :"frv'6 ^nr lOurtu week are hertyieL.1 did net get first pi ize l ecnes'.' ho ; notified tuai t! eir services will not didn't comply wiih all the rules and i aee^G(1? and, therefore, arerequestdidn't make the highest per cent. f? ?.ot to appear on next Monday, November 25th. Officers were elected fcr next year FRANK W SREALY as follows: Dr. E. C. Ridgell. Pres , ' C!erfe* Qf the Cou'rt W. B. Taylor, Vice Pres. and J. A. j Lexington, S. C., Nov. 2'Ub, 1912. 3 Barre, Secretary. . _ . Resolred, that our erneer* tracks be BRICK STORE?Bnildirp 22x60, on , , , , ? 7Bradford str.'^t, front-nip railroad, at a and a-e ne-eby tendered to the lex- ; b r..aIn .(, aq&|ak b.iyer. Apply io J. iiigton Dispatch and the Enterprise | y. y. Ozor, Cnapm, S. 0. 3. I WE Pay Yon to Save. I Small Sums } | I I Saved soon grow large?and earniitarall tb* tim3. -4 Pjoiect yourself and little ones by opening an | account in our "SAVINGS Department.*' | "Have mou^y in the Baafe.." J St^rt with a dollar or so, add to it weekly or a I monthly, and you will ft el more independent at once. ........ \ Step in and let us tell yoj of our Savings Department. Citizens Bank oi Batesburg, U. X. CUNTER. Pres. A. C. JONES, Cashier. I . u. DVAinifiuni, vroe-rra*. k. n. roA, Mit CMMer B I I CCD. BELL TIM MERMAN, Attorney. I Call at This Bank '!| And Let Us Present You with a Handy Book Called 'THINGS WORTH KNOWING." It is full of interesting and useful facts for everybody. UNION NATIONAL BANK II Columbia. 8. C. V v LET US HELP YOU TO I BEGIN I Autumn of life brings only regret to those who g waste the Springtime of Youth. He who does not 1 save will surelv fall a dead leaf from the tree of 1 | failure. | (Begin now by opening a checking account with ? us, and you will be pleased to learn how mnch you v can save for the Autumn of your life. 3 We pay 4 per cent, on Savings Deposits, Compounded QnarYerly f ? !ki The Hank of Swansea, I CAPITOL $20,000.00. DEPOSITS $50,000.00 i w. h. wrrr, pres. r. l. lybramo, vicc-paes. b. e. craft, cashier 1 State of South Carolina, County of Lex- MOETAGEE'S SALE. ington?In the Probate Court?S. D. McCartha and J. L. McCartha, Ad- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j mir.istrators of the Estate of Geo. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. D. McCartha, Deceased, Petitioners, against Almena Fry. Nancy Ivey. Under and by virtue of two certain Jacob McCartha, Geo. \V. McCartha, chattel mortgages of dates July 29, Sallie Ivey, Ella McCartha, Ray Sept. 13, 1910, respectfully, i McCartha, Agnes McCartha. and <J?ly made and executed by Lexington The Heme National Bank, I>fen- Supply Company, a corporation of dtrvs?"etinon fo' Sale of L;?r. 1 in t>l?c Swte, oo?*kt business ar i;evi?,> Aid of Assets to Fav Debts. H. G.t iii. Uvor of W. P. T:- obedience to the" decree of tiv? tofiprnre the payment o' Court herein, dated the 3rd d.w of 6c- , amo.,nts of |2i0ii.C0 and $1 m t0 ufi.V \ D -tv* 1 vii* vM h'^'o-c i;,e ! anc recorded in the Clrrk of Co.u* House door to'the higl^r bhldcr ! Courts OIB2a1 L.f County and Staie a." public Outcry. during tfcekpl b??rs I " I>a?e 3999 and r?.? M.,m;awu NoVom- ! ]'u?- ^ re,lively, _ uhicb , ? - j httta iviorrg.-.g s una me notes aim 1 a I amounts they were given to secure "Ail that piece, pared or ^ > aro < i..3 ; rop^rry of the Trio.t; > b tOft-:MCT j of the Bankrupt E-tate of W. P. : ;i::atc, lying and bc?ng m the . | ^r< f, th > :mdrrsig?i(;d will on Sat \oxirg:on, County and . :r?,c ... * j ^ t;uc 2:jrJ tby of November, containing _ouc-! ruf . i-cy u.m. . ore > t ouriti^ ilr i.v^anI hour of sal*>, m U-s. fronting ?n ioo?v I the k-wp of Le.xi igton, at the house west, and bounded by la:uu> v. ' 1 aiui t>u th?> preiuiVs recently occupied i'.y rer, Miss Mary Wiugaru, and u. . . Lexington Supply Company, sell at Harman." , pnblic outcry to the highest bidder, Terms of Sine, Cas.i; pr.rcnascr tj;f; following described personal pay for papery property to wit: GEORGE b. UK. ^ 1 ^ All of trie r rupcrry balongingto the Judge ol 1 iobate. Lexington Supply Company, including November 12, 1912. Guanine Engines, Lathes, Piairers, ?Shavers, Pulleys, belting, Machinery, ^ * Ann utttlra*" Automobile Tools, Gasoline Taik On a Long Kitce aod Pam0t erc > and all pr0!K.rfy, Herbert W. Hoover, nge 20, home in goods and chattels of every kind, inNewark, N, J , left New York city, eluding the entire stock of goods, ? - . . % < ^ , .x 1 . 1 1 ^ < L ,x rf o /\iTrr?or1 btr f V>u T uvinif (Jet. lim, lUilT 0"?'rC!" i*>-? I IHJ ; uaiunai V, i iv> , vnn^u ujr tuu uv.\u.^ Slates on foot and ha? ahead} btu u ton Supply Company. Inventory ilrongh 8 state* :>nri is now on We 9th, may be seen by applying to the under passed through Lexington ;.t 1:4") to- signed. day on hie way to Applet*, lie ex- Terms of pale?Cash. pecta to be in San Franrisco sr-m* T. C. OALLISON, *ime in Feb. and in New York Nov. A<f"r>t for Trusters of W. P. Roof 1st, 1913. bankrupt Estate.