The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 23, 1912, Image 1

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THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. * A Bepresentative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. VOL. XUL LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912 51 I I A Wonderful Collectioi I Fali V 1 k I Ladies' Waists jj I in Linen, Linene, Lawn, Madras and Repp, made with soft collars and cuffp,; 2 in the new shirt effect, also plain tailK ored Waists, special, each $1.00 I A big line of Ladies' Fancy Waists j ? in Lingerie, Voile and Orepe Voile:, mad6 high neck and long sleeves in 1 the newest styles, prices from $2.00 | to $4.60. 2 Yon will have to see oar line of La- 1 dies' Tailored Linen Waists to appreciate them. Some are plain, strictly tailored, others are daintily tucked and hand embroidered. Prices $1,50, $1 98., $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50. Blue and white stripe, black and Silk Waists, something new and yerj stylish, special $2 95 Ladies' Black Silk Waists in Mescaline and soft Silks in plain and fancy styles, prices from $2.95 up to $4 98, Full Length Coats I Oar line of foil length Goats for Hisses and Ladies is the most complete ever shown here. Plain tailored Coats, 51 and 56 inches long, made ol' Anest imported Broadcloth and lined s; "throughout with Skinner's Satin, i guaranteed for two seasons' wear, prices, $20. $25, $27.50, $10, $12.50 and tip to $15 00. >V*i Blazer Coats The very newest styles and colors in black and white plaids, red and white, brown >and white, tan and j white. Norfolk style with belts, i Something very swell. Special. .$10.00 We are showing a swell line of Kimonos, in Fiannette, Orepon Silks and i Messaliness, the new Persian effect? in all the new styles and colors, ran ging in price from'_$50 to $16.95. Drapery for Curtains. 4 New fall assortment of Silkalines, Oriental fignred and floral designs, 36 inches wide, 15c. value, special yard,10c Printed Madras, large assortment, ! new patterns, many pretty side border designs, special, yard 10c j < Plain Curtain Scrim, firm weave,!1 white, butter and ecru, yard 15c i I ( Duplex Curtain Scrim, most of these are in the side border designs, 25c and 35c. values, special, the yard 19c i' Roumanian and Texas prints, pretty Cretonnes, also Printed Sateen for lining comfortables, 35c. and 50c. qualities, special, yard 25c. j | White Curtain Swiss, assortment of F designs, yard 10c. and 12 l-2c. I 36-inch smooth, firm weave. Green denim, yard 25c. Burlap in brown, garnet and the much-in-demand dark green, 38 1-2 inches wide, yard 15c 00-inch Curtain Bobinet, net, white and ecru, yard 75c, 90 inch fine mesh Bobinet, white only, j yard 50c. ! 108-inch, fine mesh white Bobinet, yard 65c. j Iri9descect Bungalow Drapery, all j 96 inches wide, positively one of the newest creations in drapery, very bright and effective colors are old rose, grays, browns, bines, greens, etc,, vard 50c. I ??1' | PREMIUM DEPARTMENT 1 Oar premium department is filled I c with many new and handsome t premiums which are given free in ( exchange for premium coupons is- j sued with each cash purchase of 5c, i or more. , 1, < i ??a? ??ii THE , I Corner Main and BHMHnaMHHHnMl 4 i of Bright Silks for (fear A Wonderful Collection of Bright Silks for Fall Wear 24 inch Pompadour Taffetta Silk, navy blue, ground with old rose figurea. Yard $1.25 27-inch Roolah Satin finish dress SUk, very lustrous and good weaving. Black, old rose, navy blue, Special $1.00 Corded Bengatine Silk, pink, sky garnet, Copenhagen bine, castor, white and black. Special, yard $1.00 Shepherd's check Silk, small black and white check only, 27 inches wide. Yard $1.00 40-inch fine all silk Crepe de Chine, in cherry red, turquoise bios, ivory white, deep black. Choice dress quality; values; Special, yard, $1.60 to $2.00 19-inch Moire Velonr Silk, pure white and deep black; good trimming silks; much in demand; the yard $1.60 ??a* TaSaf-s oK,f_ y**vivi *J Jniuw a. wiait" fon?nish; Special, yard /$! ** Grot de Londre Silk, 36 inches wide in pretty two-toned effects, nary and red, green and black, brown and purple; regular $1.86 ,special, yard $1.50 1 t Ladies' Underwear and Ribbons, Hosiery. Big showing of new and stylish neckwear. All of the pretty dressy neck pieces in pretty ecru laces, touches of pretty bright colors; also many beautiful black and white combinations. Our assortment is one of the largest we have ever shown in neckwear. Come in and see what we are showing; prices 25c to $5.00 each. vnn. w ...J _i. HOW XOUViliJUg lUf iJCCA U-JiU BIt'CVCB, very stylish; prices 25c and 35c yard. See onr beautiful line of Windsor Ties for boys and girls; plaids, checks, stripes, solid colors and Persian bordered ones; price, each 25c | Full line of the splendid "Merode" knit underwear; splendid weight; bleached pants and vests: all garments neatly finished, perfectly fitting; sizes 4. 5, 6; price, each 25c Sizes 7, 8, and 9; price, each.. 35c Ladies' bleached knitted corset covers; splendid garment for right now; all sizes. Prices 25c and 50c Also Ladies' light weight wool corset covers, splendid for $ 1.00 Ladies' splendid weight bleached knit vests and tights; we show tnese garments in fleece line J and lightweight; one of our best underwear yalue9, all sizes; price, garment 50c Ladies' bleached knit union suits; a See garment; niceij finished, perfect itting; all sizes, price, suit 50c aDd $1. Ladies' white wool and Merino knit rests and tights; these are splendid weight garments; light weight; all perfect fitting, hand-finished garments; price, each $1.00 Ladies' silk and wool vests and bights, a medium weight garment with just enough silk mixture to make them wear and wash nicely; finished with rilk buttonhole stitches; special price, garment $1.25 Ladies' heavy white wool vests and ights; just the garment for people who require a heavy wool garment; perfect fitting, all hand finished, price ?1.50 and $2.00, the garment. Splendid showing in Ladies' knit ikirts; all the best colors, light and lark close fitting and warm; sp cial ?ice 60c and 68c Ladies' splendid quality wool and cotton knit skirts, light and dark mixiures; prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 jach. Ladies' knit wool skirts, white, :ght colors and dark mixtures; these ire splendid warm garments; prices 52.00, $2.50 and $4.00 each. JAMES Blanding Sts. / Tim Grnwinir Stnre uiuiimg uiuiu lilTIIK'IMIV KNOCKS TTT7 x :x: _ _ x_ t? x 1." r| njD uppui lumutjs iu save muiiey uy irauiiig w with us are knocking at your door. Thousands of happy faces are dancing and whirling in and out of our busy store. We can't go personally into every home and teach these lessons of economy, and explain our wonderful growth, and give the reasons why we are the fastest growing store in : either of the Carolinas, for Uncle Sam helps our business every morning with a goodly bunch of mailorders. Stopping Tailoreil Suits, Coats and Dresses CAPP'S fall showing is the most brilliant exhibition, display and sale ever attempted in the state of South Carolina. No person who has visited our store since the new fall creations have arrived but will verify our claim. We are showing bewildering, departures from the humdrum dailv life of most stores. Our tailor-made suits were gathered from exclusive high-grade tail ors who manufacture mostly for the stores in New York. We take this precaution to avoid having suits like you see every day, and to get for our cusstomers deeply satisfying shades of cloth and trimmings that your eye will tell you to buy, as soon as you look. Today our cloak and suit department presents its compliments to the ladies of South Carolina. Send in your orders by mail, if its inconvenient to oome and personally select. The choice is now practically unlimited. High-class Tailored Suits, the season's smartest models, simplified copies and exact reproductions of the latest Pari9 models. Suits of imported corduroy velvet, broadcloth and the season'9 most tnotoriala r?rklr?T?a hlno hlor>lr nnrl oil the mncf ohnrmincr cloth shades. Come and personally inspect all the finest Suits ever shown at special from $25.00 to $100.00. EXCLUSIVE MILL INERY ^V^ILLINERY of the most exclusive styles at moderate cost, J I I have been the features that has made our Millinery depart* ment the greatest in the entire South. Hundreds of Hats at $5, ?7.50, ?10, $12 and ?15, and it is really necessary ^o see the price tags on these Hats to be sure they are not double the amount ' we charge. Untrimmed Hats?this part of our Millinery business is taxed t its capacity, the big variety of our stock and low prices put this section in a whirl every day. Plain felt hats are a fad this year; so are the imported plusb and velours; almost any taste can be suited. Our stock of Millinery is so immense it embraces everything shown everywhere. You positively know when your hat comes from Tapp's you have the Hat that best becomes you. Prices most moderate. WOOL PRESS GOODS Heavy all pure wool Storm Serge, 02 to 06 inches wide, special, yard only $1.25 52 inch navy and black Serge, firm weave, $1.00 value, special, yard only 75 c Fine quality Imperial Serge in black and leading shades, also cream, excellent dress quality, usual $1.85 value, yard.. $1.00 New Diagonals, 44 inches wide, black and colors, much in demand now, special, the yard 1 $1.00 48 inch black Diagonal Suiting, deep lustrous black, $2.00 value, special yard $1.50 All wool Storm Serge, firm weave, old rose navy blue, cadet, brown, tan, gray, garnet, red, 36 inches wide, 65c grade, yard.. ,50c Chiffon Broadcloth, 52 inches wide, all the staple colors, cadet, silver gray, purple, navy, tan, old rose, navy blue, scarlet and black, only $1.00 52-inch Sicilian in navy, brown, gray, black cream and garnet, regular 65c quality, special the yard, only 50c 52-inch guaranteed all wool Storm Serge, in navy blue, and black, hard twisted, close weave, the yard $1.00 Blanket Season is Here, How is Your Supply Fine All-Wool Blankets at the lowest-in-the-city prices?counting quality. 10-4 Wool Blankets, white with pink and blue borders, gray and white, red and white, bl?e and tan, pink and gray, etc., strictly $5.00 blankets, each $2.98 11-4 pure wool Blankets, tao and gray plaid, blue and tan, pink and tan, also plain white with pink or blue borders, positively $7.50 all-wool blankets, pair $5.98 121^-4 heayy all-wool Blankets, pretty Scotch plaids, also block plaid patterns, these are positively $10.00 ail-wool Blankets, the pair $0.98 Goood Outings, American Prints, 36-iuch bleached Domestic, Doaiina Apron Ginghams, 30 inch Smith Sea Island, yard 5c > L. TAPP DEPARTMENT STORE Goods to be found Sei Evening Dresses and dancing frocks in Embroidered White and Net and all the leading shades and colors in Chiffoa, pink, bine, yellow, black and white. Prices from ?19.75 to ?65.00. we nave just received a big shipment of 9kirts in the new materials, styles and shades, in nayy blue, black, brown and gray. Prices lrom $5.00 tc $12.50. Yard-wide space stripes of white 01 navy and black grounds, $1.85 values, special, yard.. $l.o< 36-ineh Mesa aline, in black, cadet brown and tan ground, with stripes much in demand for waist and fall cos tumes $1.04 All-silk Messaline Satin, in ever: color for evening and street shades browns, blues, reds, grays, greens also cream, white and deep black; goex lustrous face with twilled back, excel lent wearing quality; yard 89c. The much in demand Satin Char meuse, in new , taupe, brown, pur white, deep black, navy blue, char meuse will not ravel or crush; one o the season's most wanted silks: usua 12.25 value. Very special, yard. .$1.6. Handsome Silk Poplin, ruby, goldei brown, charmeuse, Copenhagen, deej black, 45-inches wide. Choice, yard $1.51 36-inch Black Liberty Satin (all silk very lnstrous and bright, $1.98 value Special, yard, $1.50. 36-inch Black Cashmere de Soie, ver^ lustrous, satin finish, with twilled blacl strong and durable. Yard $1.5( Black Peau de Soie, fiue dress quality the old reliable silk, 36-inch wide. Yard $1.5( 30-inch Silk Drapery in several pret 4- L** /I /sr-i n V n *?/1 if ly uagau ucsiguo. x aiu wx Splendid line of crohet shawls in al. white, black, gray, and white with colors, a splendid wrap lor cool evenings, prices 50c to 0C Infants' crochet sacques in variety of.pretty styles and colors, prices, ., 50c , 75c., ?1.00 and ?1.25 each. Children's leggings, white and red, knee lengths, price 25c Children's knee pants.and leggings combined, white only, prices 50c., 75c. and ?1.00. Infants' Bootees in variety of colors and styles, prices 10c., 15c. and25c,paii Infants' and children's mittens,light and dark colors, nice and warm. Prices, 10c., 15c. and 25c., the pair. Big line Phoenix mufflers, all of the best colors, black and white, all perfect fitting. Prices 25 and 50c. each Phoenix English scarf, all wool i splendid article for people who ri'e white, gray and black, price, ea^ja|l,0< 1 Hiahlv mercerized Irish Ponlin it black, white and all colors, has th< appearance of silk, choice the yd...25< White Rose Suiting, a staple clotl | the year round, you can only buy thi< ; goods at Tapp's?used for many purposes, 36 inohes wide, yard 25c 40-inch Whit? Luna Lawn, soft and sheer, yard 15c, 20c and 25c Dark Percales, big assortment, small check, stripes and figures, yard 10c Several cases light .Percales, all warranted fast colors, 36 inches wide, yard 12 1 2c cow Columbia, in our Wash Goods cfion I ; ' 1 New Novelties in the Notion Section. Felt Pillow Tops, trimmed with leath- J I r and plush, oblong and squaie wide I fringe, very best quality, green and i # % A I Drown, price eacn $3.50 3 j Table Searf9 to match with square R | or oval ends, finished with wide fringe, ff > j something new and very pretty, mea- 2 j sure 1 yard and 1 1-2 yards, pricee $2.00, n | $2.25 and $3.50. H Pillows stuffed with silk floss, a ma- R i terial that does not lump or pack down I t ?good strong cases?prices: 3 ) 18 inches 40c R 20inches 50c I ' 22 inches 60c R A very pretty line of novelties, in S ) the lot are whisk broom holder, tie S rack and match holder, they are I r made out of alligator leather, prices R QK/? 41 ftn *1 CA H fl?w MiXVl H j A full line of Colombia yarns, all S shades, the very best yarn made, H prices per hank JOq., 15c., 25c and 50c, I _ j We have the Colombia Book of yarns S e | which tells yon which needle to use 1 _ | and how much yarn to boy, price 252. f [ Serpentine Crepe in fancy and solid 1 j colors, yard 18e ) ! White Vanity Crepe, 30 inches wide, | much in demand for waists, as it reI quires no ironing, 25c. value, yard 19c. ?i , ; Valvet finish Corduroy Pique, 28 i [) | inches wide, in cream, cadet, tan ^ I brown and black, yard,. 25c | William Anderson's fine Scotch : ' I Ginghams, pretty patterns, plaids, . stripes and small checks, dark and 7 light colors, they are all fast, will not 1 change color from washing, 32 inches 1 i wide, yard 15c j r j Yard wide white Corduroy Pique, ' wide wale, yard 25c i * i 40-inch highly mercerized white Ba- 1 . tis e, medium weight, soft and 9ilky, 1 ; >ard 25c X 40-inch round thread mercerized Ba- ? . iiste. sheer and fine, best lot we ever f had in these short lengths, value 25c., ^ special, yard 10c. j& Heav3T quality white Lawn for lining p ^ and other purposes 30 and 40 inches U: wide, yard 10c. [& We Slake a Specialty of Wo- 1 men's Stout Tailored & i Suits. | It is a pleasure at TapVs to fit ','fcgN I '% "hard-to-fit" womaa. Such a I ; a failure to please the largest^ ^omaII 1 [ | never occurs in our Suit Apartment | because we sell the size or S i stout suits made spec^j ?05 lapp K Co. We want evf ^ stoct7 woman In 9 South Carolina ^i^nae at'once to us K ; and be fitted ^ <&ne of our elegant suits. I Best mate^^ aa(j pnced special at, the suit^ $25 and $35. V, <&tout 9uit lined with Skinner's j| i S^rlSc. guaranteed for two seasons' wear. 3 ! Novelty Coat Suit? s | for ladies and misses, the mQSfc Com- ft. 3 j plete line we have ever shown, in all ^ %! the most wanted colors and stvle* in & i, 3 the new belt effects, trimmed with ? buttons. Pric.i HO.OO, $12.50 $15.00 | and up to $30.00. g ORDER BY MAIL S We prepay shipping charges on B ! all purchases of $5.00 and over 3 , within 600 miles of Columbia. ? a??& IDA MW I itmin T | South Carolina I