The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 17, 1912, Image 1

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THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. ? / - ? ? VOL TT.TT LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912 37 A * B. - . I ??? I ^ r\ i Liostiy Most people intend to And while putting it ' tie sums slip throuf The way to save succ Why not begin to sav by opening a savinj THE HOME I> LEX1NGT0I - Resources We Pay Interest on ! 5 per cent Interest P i 4 - r * 1 . Richland Sav Trust Compai v A safe institution a Banks in this comr r TTicv Vmcinpcc nf T AUV MUWAUVWW wa a-w>. 1218 Washington S ' CMTsi: . * HH IK I ! J~G * TUESDA I FREE FREE PRIZES: ever] the s FREE MUSIC: FREE AUTOMOI u . 1 TT.. I lilt; -M1AC11 ai The long tall Now is the t: The present < was enlarging her s opportunity to p Don't wait, months. People sa There will ce TERMS?Or Come hear I SALES MANAC 6L w. sc. lOHO MAIN STBEE1: Solicits a Share m Delays save SOME TIME, off let a big aggregate of litrh their fingers. essfully is to save NOW. e at this auspicious moment 7S account at NATIONAL BANK N, S. C. $250,000.00. Savings Accounts Quarterly, aid on Certificates of Deposit 4??/wo Donl/ onrl \ liana aiiu iy nd one of the best Savings ( nunity, dngton county people solicited. fl it., Columbia, S. C. ? mHHI C Al SO Beai iREEN'S Green's Hill is iY, AUGUST 6, DINNER: Old-tim< $300.00 worth of fine Fumi f prize. You must be on the I how window of Lion Furnitur By the Columbia Concert Br bile: transpuki amui*: 10 id Augusta Car Line Survey runs th ked of Free Bridge has come and in ime to buy a lot. Don't wait until t owners of this property, in foreseeir ? T 1~ Ti Urtr. U/\nvt 41^/MTI rlofiiro ilium us. 11 lias uccn uicn ucout iv/ urchase these lots at prices that will Go to the bank and have your mon ty it is luck, but it is just foreseeing :rtainly be a profit to the man or wo ic-fourth cash, balance one, two anc 5URT0N?BROTHERS, the world's ERS: U. J. J ATUA OBE 1BY GOO MonsrcsrxoiT, r? of Your Valued Patron Headqui For Flour, Meal, Grl All Kinds of F "Pinnacle" Flour Makes The Kirkland Dist Wholesale Just across the Congaree Bri Write Us lor Prices, Or Call and L Children's Day at D< Mt. Hebron, ti There will be Childrens' Day services a?d b Mt. Hebron Methodist church on be b ext Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ^ 8I 'he public is cordially invited. ranf serv UCTI dtiful R< > HILL, the Coming Si , 10:30 A. M. ?y Country Barbe< ture given away absolutely ground to be entitled to a c! e Company, Columbia, S. < ass Band. Free open air c and from grounds. Automol trough the center of this property, a few months the long looked for he car line comes, for prices will 1 ig the future five years ago, obtai: make this one among the best sut never be again. Three years fro ey ready to put in a lot on Green' the future and applying a little N man who buys these lots. Be sui i three years at 6 per cent, interes > famous auctioneers. The ladies FRIKK, NTIC C< OS COMPAf tage. Polite and Pr irters ts, Hay, and eeds. Good Bread ributingCo., e. idge on ILady Street, s aspect Our Stock. >lmar Reunion July 26, ie annual reunion of the alumni students of Newberry College will eld at Delmar on Friday, July 26. >lendid programme has been arjed, and a barbecue dinner will be ed. Le uve iburban Towi We sell Pi me Dinner Se free. Everyone at th hance. These valuat % oncer! begins at 9:3( biles ready to start at I car line will be here. be much higher, ned an option on this prop )urbs around Columbia, an >m today any lot purchased s Hill, where you can mak ERVE. Don't wait and th re and come out on the m< t. Five per cent discount and children are especiall Colum >JLST 1 IT, A.G-EI3, C OLUMBIA, 8. C. ompt Attention. October istf Iw Did You Ever The contented mi satisfied look of th in the bank.? '.It's the first dollar tha brings the smile that stays. A few dollars saved weekly or mont independent. Let us talk over the advancage of 01 you. We pay five per cent on certificates | I Citizens Bank of j \ U. X. CUNTER. Pres. M. U. BOATWFICHT, Vice-Pres. CEO. BELL TIMMERM/ |f Call at This Ba: And Let Us Present You j Called "THINGS WORT is full of interesting and i : erybody. UNION NATIOl Columbia, S SAI X-no-fcs ixington County, Hooking Columb n of Columbia. operty Rain or rved Free to Every e sale has an equal opportuni tie prizes are on display and i ) a. m., on corner Main and W 9:30 from corner Main andW erty, realizing the fact that the great d the time has arrived when we are on Green's Hill will thribble in valu< e 20 per cent, to b0 per cent, in tw en say "I wish I had bought a lot on )rning of August 3, and bring your f for cash. _ y invited. .!?ia9 S* CJ* iea:lty GREENVILLE, NORTH ( i IMHIHIiaiHIUaHM I 0 man cr woman with money t starts the aoconnt which hly soon grow to make you ar savings department with * 1 \ of deposits. \ Batesburg, A. C. JONES, Cashier. I L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier E IN, Attorney. B nk with a Handy Book H KNOWING." It lseful facts for ev UAL BANK II H >ii ia Shine. body. ty at each and can be seen in I ashington Sts. ashington Sts. city of Columbia giving uic pcvpio iii elve to eighteen j Green's Hill." riends with you. CO., CAROLINA. ||