The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, September 30, 1905, Image 4

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\voici>s or Ltn i; "Loving woi'titi wilt im s' t ut Mi i , J (iiiri.e^ ing up lla* liil' of life. But tliey make the wmk uiitl wiary s-dronger, braver ( ?r the strife Do you count them only ttitle ? What to earth ure sou iiiol ruin, Never was a kind wont winded, Never was one said in vu.n. When the caret of life too n n i Ami its tnirdens heavy grow For the tines who w tlk la side y 11, If you love them (ell them so. What > ou count of lit tie value. Has an almost magic power, And beneath their cheering sunshine. Hearts will blossom like a tl ?wer." Mow Bunk l'or \Vuxl:uvv. Mr. K. A. Morrow mid I)r. ^ M. llolk, of Monroe, <lrovo down to Wuxlmw Tuesday and in a few hour* seen red subscriptions stillicient to establish a l?ank itere with $15,000 to start with. The) i said they eotiUl have as easily seemed $25,000 or tuore, 1 m the first munitioned sum was what was wanted The stock was all taken hy business men and citizens of this community, there bong no outside capital at all. The new bank will therefore in? vti ua. ly ii home institution. t in? slockh ilders will meet within a lew days, probably lliis week, to organize. A handsome brick building will be erected especially tor the bauk and work on it is expected to begin in a few days. It goes without saying that the new hank is an assured fact and that it will till a long-felt want in Waxhaw. The best business nu n ol the community uio behind it and this is the best guarantee of its success and usefulness that could he otiered to the public. Messrs. Morrow and Helk, though citizens of Mon-oe, have large tiuancial interests here, and our people art grateful to them for taking Iho load in this matter. ? Waxhuw Enterprise. The percentage of alcohol in ?l-- * ? * ouiuc ui me must wiueiy kaown "medicines" is no doubt responsible for some truthful testimonials to this effect: "After taking a few doses of your valuable remedy I felt so good thut now J would not do without it." All patent medicine testimonials are not false.?Columbia Record. If we lived in a county that had voted out the dispensary, we would do all we could to enforce prohibition. It is the dutv of eve %/ ry citizen to do what he can to enforce all laws whether he Hires them or not. ? Orangeburg Times and Democrat. In Darlington a negro who hud attempted to commit an assault upon a white woman has been convicted and sentence 1 to a life term in the penitentiary, lie will re ceivo his just doserts and no lyncher's hands have been stained with human blood. Darlington basset an excellent example.? The State. Iho committee investigating Greenville county finances has discovered that the telegrams sent to and by Senator Tillman last November to assist in the re election of Supervisor Spcegle were charged to and paid by the county, the bill amounting to $15.55. This was doubly a waste of mon ?j, mm v viik mosBiiges uiignt have been flunked so easily by at least one party to the transaction.? The Stuto. SPOILED HER BEAU1Y. Harriet I toward, of 200 VV. d4tb St,. New York, at one tinio had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: 4ll had Suit Klieum or Eczema for years, but nothing wonldcureit, until 1 used Bucklen's ArnicuSalvc.'' A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c. at Crawford Bros , J. F. Mackey iSt Co's, and Funderburk Pharmacy, drug store. v- www-1. maoR ..-mar* Slit: Weekly 1 iit'iloti.i <U L\i?I n (.'rep I'mulitiun. Washington, fk'ptt tuliur tib.? i'lie w c.ithi i bureau in its week I) bulletin ot crop ootulil ions says: I Lo reports indicated hut little eli-iuge in 1110 condition of cotton ! ill >o?Hit Citiolltui, (jnoigie, Alaluiiiii ; I'll Oklahoma and Itiditn IVri Hoi i? n digld i1 |U o\ cmeut in N'o.lli Caroline, M's-oiui, Artuntus Mini Noi l beast tin lVxns Mini more or losa deterioration in other porti ins of the cotton l?elt, although t ht ro is decidedly itscomplaint of rust and shedding iti lho central and in portions of thu eu.-lern districts Picking in lYxas was interrupted )o s me extent by rain, but tliis work has been aclivc under generally lavoi aide conditions in nil districts, except in iho north central portion of the belt iv be to it is not \<l general Picking i * n i ing coinpl- t ion in p: rtion-. oi Gcoi gin, tjoni-iann ar.d exti me ^ ntnuiai TlXUS. j MitUuin.ii ieal | Mi: l iage i- mtil ion; win n the i illi ' ones collie, it'- mwllipii. :lllon; linn dissension looms op to j oli iid tin; hoi is: ?iv of I heir lu:[ pi- . ness, it's division; iiiut thou when the liiml parting comes, it's subtraction. The divoi( " noitits under the denomination -<f frnti >ns. ' ? Wayside Tales. llii! farmers of 11 < h!ur-d c only have tndm-ed the eio-n 01 i ho ! meeting in Ashov.lle in v. L;.-' .he price of cotton Was lived at 11 cent.- per pound. USED FOR PNEUMONIA. Dr. J Uishop <.f Agnew, Mich., i-a\s, "1 have used Eol- \s llouey and Tar it ! r o very icvere cas<.s of piuninoiiia with good results in evei y e? m\ Refuse substitutes. Si.hi I?v Funderhurk Pharmacy () Floyd Kershaw, S. (J. W? h five? } FALL DR ddiey were 1 and cannot NOW wliiL NOTION DE In this depar everything NEV desired in the ' Neckwear for La< deries and Bati Handkerchiefs, 8 tons, etc. Afso famous R & G an Ask to see the little Linen C MIL Oatr H<kw Mi 4 .. kL a H- _. Hbbm wii 1IE , * ? v-vr**iis*? ito ^ 01 HANDS Will be given awa; THE 201 For every 25 cen your tickets amour / and guess. All gu and all records dep To determine exact pric< lions for future deliveries on ] we will divide $50.00 in HAi for your Xmas present. Come and see what the of Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladie; if low prices and fair dealing Lanes South C the ttvrvr rasBaaa&i? ust opened ebb goo: oought with be sm-passt e they ar*e J" PARTMENT. tment we hav> M that could b way of Hosierv iies, Silk Embroi :enburg Collars ack Combs, But a full line of th< d W-B Corsets. Center pieces, 5 and lOcts eac LINEK Eii?cr SliM K ;a9?ois3 fl iSfic Biew< SeEa are EPrsaiae jAtu -. r Fw-r-. : , \>'mwMainia*9MaMnn?Mv . v ^ GIV * - r - ? IE $50.00 I y by us us to the perso correct, price c th DAY OF .ts CASH purchase yoc it to $5.00, bring them t esses must be in by De osited in the Bank of ] : for our middling cotton here we December 20th as quoted in all dail RD CASH. Come and examine FA I I C J*. A Jl. Ai. new season has brought out. W< s' ready-to-wea-i Hats, Furniture, < will be considered. ister, WiPi aroiina TJN DERBE h;K T.-guasc^agaaarCTBtr i7Kcc;-ajB iw FA1 tip the 8WJE. DS ever he lor i tin eye to hen M'i for mo-to-t OiW and FE ' CLOTHING, SHOES AND ? | GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 6 u i 0 Did You Ever Have a Fit ? f Listen? 5 ! I I 11 We carry the famous line ' of STROUSE BROS', cloth'' ing, noted for good fitting. n>? | No other line will compare S with it in value and up-to' dateness. Let us figure with !, l I h. j you on that new fall suit. |; Y DEF Sajs* a a ??*t ftfyh'!! ist Sl.'i'l? sb esi9 Siisas ii! ?sb 14 <rsa^ ONES < Department Store. unawfr^e. nr>HOP?rt<fajap??wt^waaMBaiwMMi rtm u K AM SUIT: IF F1 n who guesses the coi f cotton on DECEMBE1 i will receive a ticket :o us and register your oember 5th, when thii Lancaster. will deduct one-half cent from Ne^ y newspapers. If more than om this handsome suit of furniture < rOODS 2 claim to have the largest, newes ^tc., in Lancaster county, and we ; iains-llnghes 0 ILLING Srr? Ji GrO ETEBT line e shown in tl mtyy as well a he-mi mi tenes and get MEN'S SE IISr?s??8<*52 4?ss en vdil ?is3?.? "Sflea*?* l&??gl?S4{499, WlliC am Id to fifiaoxtt win worst ? gtitir <? ' ?*6 6>E*j8iad->? LADIES' AND CHILD The world renowned Drew-Sclt leather Godman shoes are our star I I TCJk KoTT/i <UA 1 f ?1 jjavv, mt; j >i line UI snOCS yourself and be convinced of this 'ART ME *B'fiV4,;.'a isa?d will !{> 4 sEse S?k?iB3n XJM.JP ATS ' 'J* AY HIRE! f rrect, or nearest 1905. from us. When name, number 3 contest closes, w York's closing quota; should guess correctly on exhibition at our store, wm / t and best selected stock are determined to sell you Mlljiaij ORE. of TSTEW lese parts. ,s to value s. GOME first piek. IOES. sry pair }oio ib'9 or "W. Bi? la i-4 ?ift<?ugBi > Saave ever ilaer of d REN'S SHOES. ?y and the guaranteed solid idards. The ladies tell us in town. Come see for fact. :nt. e pleawctf So wliailoss for \ [ Y. %