The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, September 27, 1905, Image 3

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Local Matter i ? Huyler's candy fresh from the factory. J. B. Macfcorell. ?Please call by number. . Lancaster Phone Co. ^ ? Mr. Caldwell Lingle of the ( O. K. section left this week for ( the Bartsville school. . ? Mrs. ?l. 11. Hasty of Char- < lotte, N. C.t whs the guest of t Mrs. .lohn H. Steele the past | week. t Tom Bowers of Heath Springs j picked 507 pounds of cotton cm . Monday last for MrT W Roberts. a It was not a good day for picking . cotton either. ^ ?See the new adv. of the Wil- j liams-Hughes Co. in this issue. ?Please call by number. c Lancaster Phone Co ^ ? Foi rent! One, or two-horse f farm. Apply to Mrs. 8. A. g Faulkner, R. F. D. No. 1, c ?Judge Jones made a ship- t went ar 950 pounds of wool this > week to the Chatham Mfg. Co., < Rlkin, N. CM from bis stock farm < East of town. The Judge now < has a flock of 70 sheep. ?Married, Sunday, Sept. 94, J 1905, by Her. K. J. Blackmon, j Mr. Ed Faulkenberry and Miss t Desaie Hinson, daughter of Mr. c M. V. Hinson, all of the Longs- \ villa section. s ?Plenty of Fertilizers for * small grain on hand. * Heath-Jones Co. 1 ?Mrs. McFadden, widow of Craig McFadden, formerly of Chester county, died at the home v Art.u. T ** ?*.? iMiisiiidii, mr. jamcs v^on* " nor, of the Donglas section, Tues- 1 day, 19th of Sept. 1905, aged 1 about 75 years. 1 --Messrs. A C Bridgeman, H. J. Knebel and C. G.?Huntington, ? of Charlotte, N. C., representing f the Y. M. C. A., made interest- f ing talks in the Baptist church < here last Sunday night. In the 1 afternoon Mr Bridgeman made a 1 talk to men only. ?We thank our patrons for J conforming to request to call by t number. Lancaster Phone Co. ?The alleged Heath Springs c safe blowers, O'Day and Fisher, 1 had a preliminary hearing before <] Magistrate L. J. Perry last Mon- ( day morning and were recommitted to jail for trial at the approaching term of court. They were re- * presented by their attorneys, Wil- < liams & Williams. ? ? "Annt Jerusha1* Quilting, ' Party" was given last Friday 1 nigbt by the Franklin Circle for 1 the benefit of the Public Library. 1 Between 50 and 60 dollars was ' taken in as the receipts of tba * evening That a little nonsense now and then, is relished by the , best of men was verified on this , occasion, as this rollicking little | farce was recieved with applause | from start to finish. The cbarac , ters were all well taken and each , one acted well the part assumed. ( Mrs. Will Taylor was spleudid in , the role of Aunt Jerusha, and was , well sustained hy the other char* , actors. Mrs. Glenmore Barron and Miss Johnson rendered some delightful music which helped to make the evening a most enjoy* able one. ?Wanted! Customers for Jar Tops, rubbers, and Jar wrenches. J. B. Mackorell. ?If you want to buy land, or if you have land to sell, call and see T. S. Carter, Real Estate Agent. ?The "C'nderilla Party1' given by the ladies of the Aid Society of the Presbyterian church was very successful, financially and afforded much amusemeut to the ' the young folks who engaged in hunting the golden slipper which contained a bright silver dollar. The delicious ice cream served was no small feature of the occas. 'ion. to A ?2,000 bushels, of Texas Red Rust proof seed oats on hand! Heath-Jones Co. ?It is claimed that Primus pre:inct will show the largest majorty according to the number of /otes polled of any precinct in the ;ounty for "No dispensary" on lext Tuesday. A recent hand irimary at Fork Hill church ihowed that the congregation was manimous against the dispensary. ?The Moriah Baptist associaion will convene with Pleasant ?lain church Wednesday, Oct. Lth, and continue through the $th tnd 6th. Rev. Dr. Boldridge vill preach the opening *ermon. A II ? ? mi delegates are requested to be j >resent at the opening session. | ?John Crockett, col., who re:ently returned from the chain rang, has gone back to spend an>ther 90 days. John pleaded ruilty in Magistrate Caskey's :ourt to violation of contract, also o neglecting to work *he public oads, and in Mayor Wylie's :ourt to being drunk and disorlerly. He got 30 days for each I jffense. ?Pursuant to orders of Harvie I fordan, president of the cotton I 'rowers association to the effect I hat the farmers of every school I listrict organize, a farmers club I vill be organized at Fork Hill I ichool house Thursday night, I Sept. 27, 1905. All farmers of! he school district are urged to be I iresent. L. T. Bishop, For Committee. I ?Mr. John Hilliard of the U. I 5. Nsvnl Academy, who has been I ipending a month with relatives I it this place and in the county, I vill return to Annapolis tomor- I ow. ? ?The Heath Spring school opined last Monday with a large en -j 'ollment of scholars and the pros-1 >ects of a very successful term I vith Prof. Cox as principal andl Misses Alice Perry and Hannah I Mob ley as assistant teachers. 1 ?The Franklin Circle on last! Monday at an open meeting had I he pleasure of listening to a J iplendid lecture by Oi. Boldridgel tn Shakespeare. It was certain-1 y a most interesting and able ad- I Irees, and most thoroughly enjoy-1 d and appreciated by all who I leard him. The only regret wasl hat all of the Clubs ot the town I sould not have been present. But I is the furniture and books werej jeing moved into the new clun onai, and "chaos and confueion" eigned, together with tbe uncer* :aioty of Dr. Boldridge being able to attend provented tbo invitation tieing extended. ?Strayed or Stolen ?One fe* nale pointer, white and brown ipotted about 3 or 4 years old, in Sne condition. Also one male (Tup about 14 months old, snaked lometbing like the other, some white, with colar on with my name on it when he went off. Any one giving information about their whereabouts will he rewarded for same. J. E. Kutledge. ?The Heath* J ones Co., is selling Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines at cost. Notice to all Persons Indebted to the Lancaster Mercantile Co. As you well know we made some business changes the first of asi year, auu ll is absolutely necessary that we mast collect all past due notes and accounts, in order to settle with the late members of onr concern, therefore we now ask our friends who we have been so liberal with to now make arrangements at onoe to pay us, past due notes and all accounts not settled promptly will be placed in hands of our lawyer for collection. Yours truly, Lancaster Mercantile Co. Hurrah tor York! The election on the dispensary in York county yesterday resulted almost six to one against the dispensary. Out of 725 votes cast only 131 was for dispensary. At Yorkville the vote was 35 for, 96 against. At Rock Hill, 33 for and 90 against. Hurrah for York. Jurors for Second Week. The following petit jurors were drawn yesterday for the second week of the October term of court: E O Evans, Wm J Bowers, J A Whitley. II 8 Plyler, W G Moore, A L Pardne, C F Tillman, Robert L Duncan, T M Jackson, J h Bell, H 8 Unwell1 Arthur B Robinson, Geo W Jones, J 8 Clifton, P T Twitty, W F Ballard, D L Bailey, Ohaluners Williams, Rollings Stover, E E Ferguson, J R Threatt, Jas A Cauthen, Ohos A. Bird, H W Taylor, W J Rodgers, 8 L Gardner, Jr. A B Ferguson, L 8 8leele, W 8 Neal, C E Funderburk, 8 B Gulp, Jno E Parker Jas M Cauthen 8 V Rtover, L H Burr. Death ot* Mrs. C. E. Carter. Mrs. Ella Louise Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Hunter and wife of Mr. Chas. E Carter, died at this place last Saturday morning, surviving an infant won only about forty-eight hours. Mrs. Carter was 24 years of age nnr'i from /?hil/lh.?<-./< ! ?? li_ ? vut uuvuu uoi milll&DID I and lovable disposition attracted I to ber many friends. She was I married July 21, 1904, to Mr. I Carter and they moved to Con-| way, S. C., where they lived un-1 til about two months ago when, I on account of Mrs. Cartel's ill I health, they returned to Lancas-1 ter. The funeral services were con- I ducted at the home of her parents! on Sunday morning by Rev. R. 1 E. Turnipseed, pastor of the I Methodist church, after which the I remains were interred in West-! side cemetery, the new made I mound being covered with beauti-1 ful and fragrant flowers, the last I tribute ot loving and sympathetic I friends. Railroad From Harmony to Cam* I den. Dr. Gill W^lie, who was In I town yesterday on his way to the J Falls gave information that the Ca-1 tawba Power Company had deter- I mined to extend the railroad I which they are building from Ca I tawba Falls to Fort Lawn north-1 ward to Harmonv, on the Sea- I board, and southward to Camden. I This will make the r >ad about 60 I miles long and will cost more I than $600,000. The survey will I be made very soon. ? Chester Lan-1 tern. 1 Notice of Bridges to Let. 1 I Unavoidable circumstances! prevented me from atteudiogl the places to let contracts to I build bridges as advertised for] last Thursday, the 21st inat. I I will be at Camp Creek bridge next Friday the 29th inst. at 10 o'clock a. m., and at the Cane Creek bridge, at 3 o'clock p. m. of the same day, and will let the contracts to the lowest responsible bidder. Specifications will be known at place and time above mentioned. The right to reject any or all bids reserved. M. C. Gardner, Co. Supervisor. Remember We are agents for Victor Talking raacbioee, records and repairs. We also have the cheapest line of secoud hand clothing, including coats, vesta, pants, over coats and ladies1 jackets ever offered on this market. ^nd as for shoes you already know we are headquarters, will sell cheaper this FALL than ever as to prevent moving them again to our new CHERRY & CO. Fay your subscription. [Concluded from second pnge.J edge, is trying to prove by tbe Bible that whiskey selling is authorized by that sacred Book. All other advocates in their defense of evil havo dehed the Bible, but in South Carolina wo have the deplorable spectacle of the lending reprecentative citizen of the State, the Senior United States Senator, quoting the Bible as authority to sustain him in the fallacious argument that the drinking of liquors as a beverage is right and that it logically follows that whiskey selling is right. Such preaching is sacriligious and dan* gerous to an alarming degree, and it is no wonder that he cannot get the people to follow him in endorsing his damnable heres} ; but are rebuking h:tn instead by voting out the dispensaries by overwhelming majorities in tbe counties whore he speaks it. The teaching of the Bible is that we are to abstain from the very appearance of evil and ull are agreed that whiske\ is the greatest of all evils that we have to contend with. In every county where an election has yet been held tbe dispensary has been voted out in spite of all efforts to save it. The smallest majority given up to this time has been 2 to 1; from that it has ranged to 6 to 1, proving coo clusively that the people do not want *t. And why do such a small minority want to force upon them an evil that they de not want. The people will not up hold the wrong tor any great length of time. As soon as they can ho made to see the wrong they will repudiate it and no amonnt of revenge or graft can bribe or silence the conscience of a whole commonwealth. In 1892 Lancaster county voted agaihst whiskey by a majority of FIVE to ONE. We know her people. Her men are as chivalrouo and guardful of their homes and the welfare of their wives and children as the men of any county in any State. They were heroes to VrtH*Kand they are heroes in peace. They, will settle this momentous question Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, '?and they will settle it RIGHT. ?Just watch the overwhelming victory that they will ?ive for prohibition. We hope it will be the biegesl yet. At least 1 to 1 or more. One Who Will Vote Right. Letter to J. H- Boldridge. Lancaster, S. C. Rev. Sir: Iq makiug pastoral visits, of course, you do not consider your pleasure or comfort or ease ; you go where your people live. But you have two sets of feelings in going about?can't help it?we &J1 have. But you especially have; for a part of your business is sympathy.? Well kept lawns and well-tilled fields, nice homts p.od n'ce people, are cheerful to "ou, as they are to everyone. Tumble-down buildings, poor fences, men harrassed by burdens too heavy for theta, overwoiked women, and dirty-faced children, you may be strong to get, with ; but you would b? move than human to find iDrplr<t<*on jd misery. Pamt d: v *iss the two ?o- ta o< peaole; mm oaiuts, the o" dorV O", pe?b*!>s the * ? ifry r,* nt . ^0 Qutiiriftj PJ I. To pai.ii well is te keep paint eoi^pd. There ere two ways tc d<y it; oue is bound to paint often; the other to use good paint. T h P.A(if;Q Khltf. liolf qu m iinl- n ** ww?w 'IWM w UU'ft LUUVI VU paint Devoe be to oaint with any othar paint; 'or Devoe takes fewer gallons than m.xed paints and wears twice as long as leadand-oil. The thrifty aod comfortable have the art of using money more wisely. How lucky they are; how happy ! Yours truly, 67 F. W. DevokA Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. selli I oar paint. DOWN ] TO THE B< Will sell next T HUNDRED SETS SAUCERS at fifty worth ninety centf only. Don't forg THURSDAY, S 21st, or yon will 1 Yours Foi J B MACK WHY tart Mm and Worn: The NeW Y Because it is the strongest company erauso its policies protect one null ecause it has over 390 million asso Because it has over 380 millions Re* ecause it paid in dividends in 1904 ecause it is purely mutual. It has Because its assetts belong to the po ecause it does not invest in stocks ecause its policies contain only c premium " ecause the insuied leaves to his wit Ba law suit.ecause its policies are incontestable Because it paid in 1904 $40,000,OC ecause it is the best estate you car ecause it gives you the best prote for the money. Because you can't afford to carry anvth best. Call on J. E. BLACKMON of La plication. $petial Si hOR TEN We have just returi thern markets and ? great silk season and t line now that is secom 36 inch Black Peau de Soie silks, soh yard, our price 36 inch black taffeta, would be cheaj yard ? 36 inch black taffeta, guaranteed to i beautiful lustre and worth $1. ' Biggest Bargain ever shown in two 1 r ch wide, soft and strong, will Worth 1.25 in any city store, ou > We are also showing a beautiful lit waist and suit patterns. Suit t $10.00 ta $12.50, we offer them : > Waist patterns ranging in price We have many oth I ! that will please you, ' come to this great silk r E E CI DOWN OTTOM hursday, one * cups and cents per set, s, for one day et the date, ;eptembeu oose money. r Business. ORELL. in Shonld Insure in ork L(ife. in the world. ion families, tts. jerve Fund, over $5,900,000. no capital stock licy holders. and industrial securities. )no condition "paymont of low or estate a legacy and not i and nonforfeitable. 10 to its policy holders, i leave to your f? ?lily, ction and investment combined iing else tvhen you can get the ncaster and give him your apIk Hale I DAYS. led from the norind this to be a A/e are showing a i to none. i in big cities for $2.00 1.39. ) at 1.50, our price, per 1.25 wear and not split, has .25, per yard, our price, 95c tone taffetas full 36 innot crush and break, r special price, per yd, 92 1-2 le of Poland silks in patterns worth from for $8.50 from $2.25 to $3.50 each. er thing in silks , so don't fail] "to : sale. LOUD