The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, September 27, 1905, Image 1

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y k ?SMBg= s^^e^^ssassrara i.. - . 1 t , ?. ,, i,1 i 1 , ,!i T-rr^rjp-.ta^s.-'JL-iWJ^x.'^-r, ivr:..^ <9HSttrfVW 8. GAKTKB* i ?Wklate JViimuMr - ArO? AvMiw tfA* AfiiIo4 AkI^ n 1 BhiIi ill j V.? .'vu:-V - -?> a '?vSii> ^vkimiip HiMA f * w i. /ssTrr1 ^*^j^5CSSSS?IZZSS35SSSS!S!SSS5B^ESS!!SSi5SB3S!S?^?jfc!BBM?aaKtM^^?^IZ . ?SZ!S^SSI?5Z?3E!?rS55BSS5SSSS!5SS3855^S^^ZZ25SS5!" " '" ~*it ~ ". ' ' -.*r*.J.'Tin,-'.' ?-~ SEMI-WEEKLY LANCASTER, S. C., SEPTEMBER, 27, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1852. Dispensaries lust Not Ship i Truffle to Dry Counties From Wet | is Stopped ? Liquor Will bo Seizid ? Governor, Commissioner and Assistant Attorney bo Determine. Special to News aud Courier. Columbia, Sept. 23.?A eon.. teronce today botweon Governor Hoy ward, Commissioner Taium and Assistant Attorney Townsend, regarding the shipment of whiskey by dispensers of wet counties to patrons in dry counties, resulted in the issuance of a new set of orders to constables, directing and requiring them to seize all liqin rs in transit which do not tieur the permit of the commissioner. , 1 his praclicall) stops tho trullic , to the dry communities as Commissioner Tatum says he has not and will not issue such permits { for this kind of shipments. Dispeusers are forhiddou to ship without these permits and without the requosl blank* being signed in person at the dispensary 1 by the consignee. rv . 1 . * rv i l/oii i oinoKo or urinK. i Greenville Mountaineer. The Columbia correspondent of i Tbe News and Courier makes two very interesting statements in Monday's paper. He states that a waut advertisement appeared a , day or two ago for a competent bookkeeper, but it was distinctly ( staled that a cigarette fiend or one who indulged in intoxicants was not wanted. Again, that Oovornor Heyward was asked to recom- > mend an expert uccouutant not long since, and tbe main require- 1 ment was that he was aot one ad- < dieted to drink. < We wish to emphasize these ? things. The time is coming when 1 no responsible persons will give 1 employment to persons who are drinkers. The sober young mun 1 is to be more truly than ever the I man who is wanted to fill any position carrying with it any de- < gree of responsibility. The action of the Governor of Indiana not ! long since in refusing to appoint men who drank to any positions within his gift was commendable. These facts ought to be pondered by all right-thinking people. Columbia Gamblers Raided Suddenly by the Police. Special to Greenville News. Columbia, Sept. 22.?Two bquads of policemen raided the ullegod gambling places tonight on Main and Assembly streets. | The place supposed to tie t un by J. D McEIroy was smashed into first and all of the paraphernalia taken. It filled up that patrol wagon. The next place visited, at the corner of Main and Plain streets, was served the same way and at tho Cresent Restaurant it was necessary to employ one extra wagon to haul away tho tables ' etc. The raid created a great - sensation because there was absoI lutely no warning. The orders were given the police sectetIt $1 and the gamblers had no chance ^ to muke away with their stuff. B Pay your subscription. rue INewberry Mills Hit by Speculation. Greenville News. Newberry, Sept. 22.?Concerning the report that the Newherry cotton Mills had lost $200. 000 in cotton speculation, tho Observer, which is close to tho parties interested, said today: 44 The mill has lost considerable money oor'ainly as much as the surplus, which was $177,000; possibly something more than that. But it can be stated with absolute certainty that it has not lost enough to effect its efficiency at all or its credit. The plant is worth over $800,090, though it is capitalized at only $400,000. It is in splendid shnpo, financially and otherwise; fca1 first class and up to-date machinery; is running on full time with full force, and even with the vague rumors afloat has boon only slightly affected. 9ICKENING SHIVERING Ft I' ? of Augue unil Malaria, can bo rolievoil and cured with Electric Hitters. This iH a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true cura-J tive influence on tho disease, driving it entirely out of the sys em. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug'* had after-effects. E. S- Munday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Hitters, which t-avod hie life. At Crawford Hros , J. F. ' M<?ckey & Co. and Funderburk Pharmacy drug stores; price 50c, guaranteed. \ Orangeburg Hankers Hack the Farmers. Special to The State. Orangeburg, Sept. 18.?The Orangeburg County Cotton nsso elation met in special session toJay and ratified the action of the Southern Cottop association in fixing the minimum selling price at 11 cents. Possibly the most satisfactory talks, from the furmers standpoint, were made by Mr. B. H. Moss, president of the Edisto Savings banx, Col. D. O Herbert of the Poople's bank, Mr. I. S. Harley of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank and Mr. Robert | Lide of the Bank of Elloreo, all of whom said their banks were hearti-.| ly in favor of the movement and would lend all the financial aid in their power. A letter was read from the Bank of Orangeburg expressing Ibe same sentiments and it is safe to say that every bank in the county stands ready to aid the farmers. ? ^ ^ A GKIM TRAGEDY is daily onacted, in thousands of hom?,s, as Death cluiuis, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are prop oily treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, and threo doctor. gave her op. Finally she took Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Co! due which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dos. relieves Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 b\ Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co Funderhurk Pharmacy, druggists. Trial bottle free tf ANNER SALVE tti t most h ling Ml*^ In ? "? WJriH News Of The State. An Anderson Woman Chm ?Vith Infanticide. Anderson, Sept 18.?Bui under brick bats and refuse rear of outhouse, with a c tightly knotted about its n and several contusions on its) and limbs, the pohco this m< ing found at Conneross yarn n opposite union depot, a male fant of Maggie Bowmen. Tho child died three hours er and the coroner's jury ton found that i* caine to its d< at the hands of its mother, coroner will swear out wan charging infanticide and the man will be removed to the She is unmarried, 26 yoars c nativo of Lowndesville, has ti given birth t?? illegitimate c dren. This one was born morning at a o'clock anil bob iona of the people with wl the wotnon was boarding v aroused by the crying of the fant, followed by quick atops the yard. The woman admits burying child, saying abe thought it dead, but aho waa unable to plain the cord which stranglec Thirty Two Citizens and 1 Sheriff Sued. Spartanburg, Sept. 19 ?It atated that Mia Nanny Fuller Greer has entered suit nga Sheriff Gilreath of Greenville 32 citizens of Greer for dams to the amount of $10,000 for searching of her residence aev< months ago Mrs Fuller is the sialorjof \ Nobles, who way tried for murder of policeman Fosti r, Greer town marshal who mysteriously ahot on the stri of that town one night. AI that affair there was a gem search of expected blind tiger that community and Mrs. Fulli house waa then visited, for wl she now claims damages. Mr. Blea8e Gets Bail Saluda, Sept. 18? Bail 1 granted Mr. E. S. Blease by sociate Justice Gary at Abbev today in the sum of $3,000. The bond wns made up with delay and he has been rolen from jail. Dispenser Matthews Again Fo Short. Charleston, Sept. 23.?Anot Charleston dispenser, Samuel Matthews, was found to bo al a/1 u xt ami kia MUU uio |/mvu Ui UII91U dispensary No.9, wa9 closed Inspector Floyd. The shorl amounts to about $800, wl amount is ascepted by the dts] ser as correct. Matthews was reported to short a few months ago, when made good the amount of $1,< which Inspector Brown su quently lost on his way to Col bia, according to the annoui statement, necessitating C missioner Tatum and other cials making the amount f their own bank accounts. Matthews stated today that could not account for the sh age, but he takes the blame al himself, exonerating his clork P. Kiuneally, from any blam< Avoid serious results of ki< or bladder disorder by tal Fo'oy's Kidney Cure. Funderburk Pharmac ( C. O. Floyd, Kershaw, S. t Important Information for Pa- s I trons of the Rural Service I ?Numbering of Boxes. c ? b Postmaster Hunter has re- P . ceived the following circular b ortj letter, which explains itself, b . from the department ac Washeck . , 1 ie#(1 ington: a j For public convenience and S1 lills 11? facilitate a more accurate tl . j handling of mail by rural free I delivery carriers, it has been de- n . . I cided that each rural mail box c . :c . ' in use on a rural route, which, lfc under the regulations of the De- n ,|,k partment, is entitled to service, 0 t shall be designed by number in n the manner and by the method c' Yy o % w t . .. hereinafter set forth; and the 11 j" delivery by rural carriers of or- r'] ' dinary mail matter of all classes , . addressed to such boxes by num- M this wcl is uuuiuiizeu so long 11 . ^ as improper and unlawful busi- P ness is not conducted thereby, ci ^ere 1. Postmasters at the respect- si n^ ive distributing offices are here- tl by directed to instruct the car- s< ID riers of all rural free delivery r< ^ routes which have been operated r< sixty days or more, to review the rural mail boxes in use on 01 OX* j it their routes in the interval be- m tween the receipt of this order tl and September 30, 1905, and n< report which of them conforms si to the regulations and are thus entitled to designative numbers, ft . ? 2. The following, when found ln6' to be safe, weatherproof, and lit r( ftDl receptacles for mail, are entit- di led to numbers: n, (a) Boxes "approved" under 11 ra Order No. 739. ^ A'ut (b) Non-approved boxes erectthe e(l Pri?r to October 1, 1902. C tho 3. No non-weatherproof or wna otherwise 'unfit receptacle for sots mail shall be numbered. All ^ ftor such must be replaced withreg- a] aral ulation "approved" boxes by the a in owners, or no numbers will be ir'a assigned. b, ?ich No rural mail box erected ti within the limits of an incorporated city or town or within rr one-half mile of a postoffice at g unincorporated town or village \[, ^a9 shall be numbered unless such s< .jjJ box was erected prior to Octo- pj ber 3, 1903, or is being served by specific order of the Depart- p teed enk Service must not be withdrawn, however, from any box und n0W n? serve^? such s withdrawal is expressly ordered h by this office. 11 h?r 4. The numbers assigned to ^ boxes on each route will com- ji lor mence with "No. 1," which will a l689 ' pertaint to he first regulation n y box reached by the carrier after ?1 leaving the starting point of his * nch route> traveling in accordance 8 Pon" official description; box after box thereafter to be counted be and given the proper number in 1 he regular sequence in order of 500 service from "No. 1" to and in- \ h8?" eluding all those boxes entitled c to service located on the route. t ?ce(1 5. Each number thus arrived s ?fr s^ou^ ke recorded in the a ? " carrier's roster book opposite ? rom the name of the owner of the ( box so designated, and also opposite the name of every other ?r^ person entitled to receive mail j" in said box. Numbers thus ap- f ' ' ' plied to boxes and registered i must be promptly reported to f and recorded by the postmaster ! king distributing office to J which they belong, and must '\ y, not be changed thereafter ex- i J. cept by specific authority of i "* uch postmaster. (>. As soon as possible after ompleting the assignment of ox numbers on a route the ostmaster will furnish each ox owner with the official numer of his box, ami request that his number-be at once legibly nd durably inscribed in a conpieuous place on the outside ef he box. 7. Boxes served regulariy by lore than one route must, in ases where such double service duly authorized, be given umber in regular conservative rder on each route, by the i lethod nrescribed in the nro-i eding paragraphs for numbcrlg boxes served by but one cairier. 8. New boxes erected subseuent to the original numbcrlg, between those already in osition on a route and conseutively numbered, will be desgnatcd by applying thereto in ic regular order t he next conicutivc numbers shown, by the icord of numbered boxes aljady on the route, to be unused.! The work of numbering boxes j i newly established routes iust not be undertaken until ic great majority are permasntly in place. Not less than; xty days should elapse, how- j rer, after service begins, be>re the numbers are assigned. 10. Carriers must keep their >ster books corrected up to ate. New boxes, erected, relovals, changes of ad dress, ames of new patrons, etc!, must 3 punctually entered up and romptly reported t<> postmasirs. Tlie latter must carefully /ersee the work of carriers, rid also maintain in their off ices icurate and complete lists of le names and box numbers of II patrons of each route at tach1 to their offices. 11. Any instructions issued y this office conflicting with lis order are hereby revoked. 12. On receipt of this comlunication postmasters will ive it the wildest possible pubcity to the patrons of the rural irvice, without expense to the epartment. P. V. DcGraw, ourth Ass't. Postmaster Gen. SPOILED HER BEAD 1Y Harriet Howard, of 20!) W. ii llh t,. Now York, at ono time had or beauty spoiled with skin rouble. She writes: ill had Salt Lhoinn or Eczema for years, but olhing would cure it, until 1 used hicklen's ArnicaSnlvo." A quick nd sure healer for cuts, burns nd sores. 25c at Crawford Bros , F. Maekoy & Do's, and j 'underhurk Pharmacy, <1 r u g tore. ltain-in the Face Dead. Abordeen, S. D., Sept. 1!>.? tain.ln-The.Face, who was one >f the leading chiefs in tlio Ouster uaasaci'PH and is said to have pelonally killed Gen. Duster, died it the Standing Rock reservation, 5. l>., Sept. 12. Ho w is f>2 years >ld. GREATLY IN DEMAND Nothing is more in demand than i medicine which meets modern ecpiiroments for a blood and lystein cleanser, such as l)r. king's New Life Bills. Thev are ust what you need to euro atomtoll and liver troubles. Try them. \tCrawford Bros', J F Maekoy & Co's and Kundorburk Bharniacy, lrug store, 25c,guaranteed. Merchant k l'-d V-gm ns ho was Running Away. lvtck Hill, Sept. 22 ?M. F. L wi iis, a prominent groeet of tins city, shot ami instantly killed a negro named Am/.i Sunders on the street here this morning. It seems that Mr. O>vons and Sunders hreutno involved in n dillieuli\ over so'nc sugnt which tho negro brought hack to the store, eu\ing that ho did not want n. Mr. On i r. threw the package at the ii"g! \ s{riUie,g him on tho head. The i '.an inked him what ho moat t lo hi action. Mr. Que -s r. iil < 1 it;- 1 hi \t- >nt.t met e than l! .1, whereupon the negro, who whs liy that tunc on the tr< t;t, answered th:it .Mr. Owtu- would not nmo outside and say that. Mr. Owen- fallowed into the street nml idh" iicvm turned the corner 1>\ tin Column etal Cluo final at him several tune-, till' o shots taking cfleet, l'hc negro fell an 1 du 1 inmi" !intely. Me. Owens was urre-tcd and a coroner's jur\ was :il once summoned b\ Magistrate 1. eklitim, acting coroner. Mr. O .vens ad initted tin: sh toting. f lic jury returned a verdict to ttic* < fleet thAt. the negro cmne to his death through a gun shot wound inflicted l?y ,M. F. Owens. iw. nr mntnerirx.-nnrt.-:trujjvvjiw J 0 i! N E. W ELS!!, i >iz?*rri**rvm n l.aut!a>?tcr. ir? I * >"' Ofiice up stairs over cloud's store July 1, l'.tO."). wp* *rtrwv AV *.? r^^ru.-gicn? i.r> The First National Bank OF Tmik (/.*iter, S. (J. t-oli aeoount.- of imtividuals, linns ai d c?>rp(ir.:i i. , ?.nu offers to iU'pi?si:or- evr\ !':ieiht . ami eourh sy consist-nt with sound hanking. Inter st alloweil ut time deposits. Safety deposM h \ f r rent Correspondent' Invited. I". M. C'HOX VOX, Ctishier. i MAS I). JONES, President. tztx rr.vrrr':zsrr tsk: uuiimn?i "No. 7S58. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Ofiice Comptroller of tltc Currency Washington, 1) C . Aug. i, 19^5 WIIKRHAS, by satisfactory evidence present*" 1 t * the under signed, it has been made to appear that " flic hirst National Hank of Lancaster", in the Town of Lancaster, in the County of Lancaster and State of S nth Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, icipiircd to be complied with before an associa tion shall he authorized to com moncc the business of Banking, XOWTIIKKKFORF. I, Thomas 1*. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that 41 The First National Hank of Lancaster", in the Town of Lancaster, in the County of Lancaster and State of South Carolina, i; authorized to commence the business of Ranking as provided in Scc'ion Fifty one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. IX TKST1 MOW \VIII-:R 1:0F witness tny hand and Seal of off! co this I'otirth day of August, 190 5 fSF \T 1 11. Kane. 1 )eputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. 0-ro-'c>5. ci j-\. i." o n x iWr.tho ^T!.a KiadVuii llnm A.aays [!. yit