The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, September 02, 1905, Image 4

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baHti Hit 14** r- , i . | i'hii itoiy v. tOld, ubc.jiihnt; It) ^hc Boston at the e*penf;o of the latC (ieti. H'llniod \V. Black ivw: General HI lick ill Mt* was attending ti camp, when he was approached by a seedy looking man, who greeted hnn profusely. The general shrugged his shoulders and turned away, with the leuiark that they were not ne<|Uiiinted. 1 kHut, general, ' said the stranIFIU tllliitl'f ion niiiwiiiilmi , V?VM v J w ? 1 VIIIVIIM I I M ? V* you saved my life ut the baitlo of the Wilderness?" Gen. Hlackmar Jit once hocnmo interested, and he called a group of comrades over to listen saving: i "1 aavou this man's Iif<? once. How was it done, old comrade?'' 1 "It was this way," was there uponse. "We were an a hill, and the enemy advanced steadily toward our intronchments. A veritable hail of tiro swept our position. Suddenly you "turned''? > hero the auditors were absorbed and excited?"and ran, and 1 ran ] after you. 1 think that if you | hadn't shown the example 1 would ( have been killed that day." , MAKES THE LIVER LIVELY J Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup j gives permanent relief in eases of habitual constipation as it stimu- v lates the liver and restores the * natural action of the bowels with- t out irritating these orgurs like e llllls .11 nriliinru I'litlinrtifj I - 7 not nauseate ??r gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the namo Orino and rofuse sub stitutes. h Fundctburk Pharmacy, c ( . C). Floyd, Kershaw, S. C. tl Since tho 1st of January of the _ J n present year there have been (i 4.578 cases of typhoid fever in Philadelphia, attended hy 454 ^ deaths?a mortality of about 10 percent. This )ear theie have ^ been 1,503 cases of yellow fever ^ in New Orleans, with 214 deaths . ?a mortality of about 13^ per cent. It will surprise the average citizen to know that thofdality from yellow fever is so little in excess of that from typhoid. And t| again, yellow fever ends with (j frost while typhoid fevor has all tl] seasons for its own. There is ^ little after all, and that al in favor of yellow fever. , _ P There is some promise at last ?Vw.? -11-: ?: 11 - x- .. a mm auiiiciiuug will dime Il'OMl 100 investigation of the cotton leak J1 scandal. Assistant Statistician Holmes has been arrested and plac- n ed under bond for trial. Tho charge against him is conspiracy. While " there is moral certainity of his guilt it may be ditlicult to prove 11 it. _ _ n Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking ti Foley's Kidney Cure. tl Funderbrburk riiarmacy, C. (). Floyd, Kershaw, S. (J. ^ Shortly after marriage a man acquires the habit of listening. ^ M.n.. .. ?. . d iunnj a I1IUII f iliiHIICUll gOOB? has been cooked in a jack pot. White lies are apt to leave black 18 marks on a man's reputation. Fortune's wheel revolves for s' the man who puts his shoulder to P it. 11 Lot9 of men ,vho attend the ^ races can't win even a little sympathy. 8 A long pedigree will not pro- 0 tect a dog from the small boy with li a tin can. 1; It is so much easier to pull a M follow man down than it is to boost " him up. II A wife's yearning capacity is | usually far in oxcess of her hus- ii bund's earning capacity. ' Whoever knows when to quit ((' hoping for best is the ono who aj geta out of the deal with a good j,; profit. Ii Foley's Money and Tar i' ftc children,safr,sure. No opiate* gi Wia.lhlMBflPfoilii -\u^ ; Wtisshln^ioJi, Alight 1*1-- Vho wontht?s* hurcaii';* weekly nmtiiiial'y t f crop conditions says* In some northeastern counties c?f Texa-; in AtkatiauS, anil iii portions of Mississippi, Ahtbftiua and Georgia improvement in the condition of cotton is indicated, and in Oklahoma and Indian Territories and Missouri, the crop is in fair to good condition; elsewhere cotton lias not made favorable progross. Complaints of shedding are received from every State, of rust from the eastern districts, of premature opening from Texas, Arkansas and North Carolina and of rotting of bolls in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. The bolls aro opening rapidly generally throughout the belt mid picking is in progress in all iiiit the northerly districts. Warehouse For Kurt Mill. Special to The Stale. Fort Mill, Auo 20. ? The stockholders of the local cotton warehouse association yesterday pur hused from Mr. J. M. Spratt, the >ld Sprat Machine Co. building ind will at once lit it up as a cot i on warehouse. The building ins about 4.t)00 feet floor space, I vil! hold over 1,000 bales of oototi and is built ot brick with a t , in roof. It will, with a few chang- 1 s, make a good fireproof wartioiiso and will soon ho ready for ise. The farmers' organization of t ort Mill township is in a healthy i ondition. The members are' nking a groat deal of interest and 1 ttending regularly tho frequent ' f jeetings of tho association. Tho : upital stock of the warehouse ompany is divided into shares of 25 and there aro nearly 50 stock- j This shows how general tho " pirit of organization lsjamong | :io farmers here and how well they lick together. The G'ory of Japan. The magnanimous conduct of 1 I lie Japanese government in withrawing tho demand for indemnity j tul in dividing the island of Sakalin, thus making peaco absolute rid sure, will win tho highebt raiso and commendation from all io civilized world. No such nnni'<uiL' a/?t l*.?? ' * *' - m (.uuivjiicj uci lias fvur nmi Kca IUU | ages of history. Victorious 011 mil and sea, having the onomy 'holly in its power, Japan coulil uvo prosecuted tho war to still renter triumphs, yet in sacrificing nancial reward, it has brought pon its head reward moro lasting nd has proved that it leads all ations in kindly deeds. We may dk as we pleaso about tho iwipormec of sending our people to lat far away land to teach C-hrisanity to the inferior tribe, but le men who tight and die and who nd glory in death, have done nit which might not havo been line by the people who fight uner our Mag. And while the world i thanking God that countless mltitudes have been saved from aughter, it will not forgot the art that Theodore Hoosovelt took 1 tho negotiations, and it will raiao him, because that is his duo. -Greenville News. i C K EN I Nu"s II IVERIN (i F1 T8 f Augue and Malaria, can bo reeved and cured with Electric litters. This is a puro, tonic todicine: of especial benefit in lalaria, for it exerts a true curaivc inlluenco on the disease, drivag it entirely out of tho system, t is much to be preferred to Quin10, having nono of this drug's ad after-eft'ecta. K. S. Monday, f Henrietta, Tex., writos: "My I rotlier was very low with mslari- | I fever and jaundice, till ho took loctric Hitters, which saved his fe. At Crawford Hros., J. F. lackey <Sc Co. and Fundorbul k harmacy dnjg stores; price 50c, mranteed. You Must Sleep; II you cannot, it is di?vk to an irritated or congested state of Hie brain, which will soon devetope into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of her building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore exhausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and removes the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens every nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During tho past winter I lind two attacks of Daurlppe which left me very weak, and In bad condition. I was so nervous I could not sleep. My wife, after trying different remedies, went for a doctor. Tho doctor was I out. and a neighbor recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and she brought home n Iwjttle. I had not slept for somo time, and had terrible pulna in my head. After taking a few doses of Nervine the pain was not so severe, and 1 slept. I am now taking the second i bottle, and nm verv much Improved." HENRY M. SMITH, Underbill, Vt. ! Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit, if it fails, ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind j ma?i?i? ii? ! ii IIM ? inn tuKrm.* UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA HctuI <?f Stale's Kdii<-ut ional S>stem, 1) K r A It T M K X T S. Collegiate, Engineering, OrniliiHU1, Law, Viulieine Pharmacy, Library contains 4:5.000 Volumes New water works, elect rL, lights, central heating system. New dormitories, gymnasium, V. M. A. hnildtug, J67 STUDENTS 66 INSTRUCTORS. The Fall term begins Sept. 11,1905. Address Francis 1*. VonaLle, President, Crated Hide, N. C. 1 So to the LANCASTER MARBLE AN I > GRANITE -WORKS, '"oi C? -1 Work and Low Prices ft. J. McNineh, LANCASTER, S. C ' -V/XUM Mlllg I'nyablo Strict THE LEDGER (twice a w< JOURNAL (twice a week) . THE LEDGER (twice a we TON NEWS and COURII year for TIIK LEDGER and The Si TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATE SOUTHERN CULTIVATt THE LEDGER (twice a we CONSTITUTION (three tii THE LEDGER (twice a we WORLD (three times a wee TIIK LICDGRR, ATLANT and FARM, one year for Positively Canno To &n!!aty |llt Wiffli ,;Jt hi*;M i Ul:: i\ < 'ii.ill, ueo'h tiiiig t<; :iii e.vcli.iiieO. ' till I'e's II llli?!l ihn lltilix', l'ni Hhre (if it.'' John liilihcd 11!r*. o > ( ;% uiiil jli'it tested Uili-'ly thai it was iiiiu^initt inn. ' No it isn' f I " ar<! :t nisi d?>\\ listH' i v.'' S'? tJollll took it lio\ < f III .ti ll ? anil unit iliuvn. i'o Ins snrj-ri -c his wife's suspicions were e? r c -t Sei inn that 'no was neatmnl, 11 i* j hur^l'ir cov. let! him with n to ! ( volvcr an.I became <| iiI siciutile I 'Isn't it rather late to in* mil i f hecl'f" he remarked "A - or a lit lie hit," repli il John. "You'ir too l ite, nn\how, t'CI cm use 1' vo dropped everything e.iit of the window, and my pal > hive cai ried I lie in i It " 4 O, that's all right. I'd like to u*k one favor of you, I hough." 4 'What is it?" "Stay hem untiil my wif? can come down and >ee you. Sh< Ima la en looking for joii cvo-rv night | for the lu-1 t.velve years, amt I j don't want her to be disapp noted | any longer." A (J Kid IKAUKDV is daily enacted, in thousands ot i homes, as Death claims, in each ' I one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. Put when Coughs and Colds are prop etly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. (}. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind , wiitca: "My wifo had the consumption, and three doctor, J gave her up. Finally she tookDr, 1 King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Culdsc ( which cured her, and to-day she t is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dos. j , relieves Guaranteed at 50c and ! &L.00 by Crawford Bros., .1. F- j Mnckcy it Co Fundcrburk Pilar, t macy, druggists Trial bottle free. i ** JOHN E. WELSH, ! DENTIST, , 1 I.nnenwter, S<\ {' Office in rear of Fnnder- J burk Pharmacy. ) July 1, 1905. : ^ ?a??? ? -?- -?f MftBHER a- A t. V fe j, t * Rates a Jy inndvnnec. <1 ii li t( cck) and the ATLANTA anc year for $i-7 J ck) and THE CIIARI.KS ?R (twice a week) one I, $' 75 ? e r f OUTHERN CULTIVA ? c $' 75 ANTA JOURNAL and j DR, all three one year for $2.00 ek) and The ATLANTA ? mcs a week) one year for $2.00 s >1 ok) and 1 lie INKYV VURK ^ ;k) one year for $2.00 J! a J yi A JOURNAL and IIOMK r O $2.00 ii f! end jbsi Credit' c II T. S. CARTKR, ]'ii 1>. Lodger. 1 h 01 X:" ' ar^niMt^jYMaiitr'iTT'iB f iiitr ilifc. 'wr *fn'iVr - ?? " v-*-*'--"ear- - *.&& jjBBBfnBBBSl 1 C ASTORIA AVl'gcfablc Preparation tor As- .3| similating lt\cFood andRcguIa- 5 ting the Stoinachs oi\d Bowels of >' Promotes Digestion.Cheorfulnessand Ilest.Contains neilher ^g Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. jj Not Nau c otic . n*t<pc afftM nrSAI'JTEL PITCIIKR 3? J\tmfJ(in Seed" ? Mx.Smntt * 1 KocktibSutll- I .ftvrf e I #SS3SSfc5wa. / V Cf/sifted Sttane liZitrnyrmt rhnvn / A perfect Remedy forConslipa- || lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea jf Worms .(Convulsions .Feverish- 2 ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. ? Fac Simile Si^noUire oP ' 9 NEWYOniv. LXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. j | B E <. ? - KOI 1 i<?t t , ! Lancaster. S. C. I Itrsi.l moo phone No IV7. Olliee, Duvis Htiililttitr. corner Main hii<I Diitilap street-; phone No 72. Will practice in bdii town ami sounty of I nine later. Ailcaiis, either lay or nigh . will r,eoivo prompt at- ! antion Jul;, in, 100 "i ? If. .j- ?. - Mi3AtmiM?wuif i mtm NOTICE. | I he hoard of county com in is? , lioneis in llieir meelino Monday msscd a rcHolulion in the etfoct lial hereafter no mngislrale in ; Lancaster county will ho paid for j milling an inxuest unless it is 1111 ! lossthle to get ihc coroner, and ' . I hen the magistrate tuu-t comply .vith the law hy securing allidaviis !rom three citizens of the imncdiato coiiiuiunitv that it is i:nlortaut that an inquest l?e held in ho particular case under consider it ion. M C Gardner. County Supervisor. Notice. My regular olll',e days will I?h Hatirduys anil first Mondays. Alt other lays yon will lind me at my oflice iear Ii f depot Wilt keep school ?>oks at h th I'll! mi i wt:t h-' glad o wait on yon any day in th? week. W M Moore C.'o Slip' f /<MtlC.t! i .1) an I ?, 1 no") MONEY TO LOP I have made arrangement wh i endera of money in Ne w Y?*ri; ? il.y, | villi whom I am able to negotiate loans ecured hy liist mortgage on impioved oliou furnis, at 7 | er cent interest ? epayahle in annual installments of Ive years No brokerage or com in is Ion cliargeil Only a reasonahp. ilinrge for abstract ofii!l it E WYliIK, Aug HI?(?in. Attorney al Vinthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. Ti.r exmitin lion for tin- award of aiaul ?eho urships lit Winlhrop ( olfin nod I -r the a.triiis.-ioo <>f iihw hIii |rn;s wi! it I) Id jit tto* connly ' ourt ! Hence on I'M ny, July 7l 1? at II it. tu. V p|ili<'ikftH n list not he lo-s than Mfpen \tuih (if :uu. W hen scholarships le vj.oilcd after July 7(li. they will it; ! ii ( those making tin' high -t aver .go ? t tins ex smiiiHt ion proviedthey meet lhe condition* governng the award. Applicants for sehoU ratlins should write to President ohupoti hefo e the cxaniiirit ion f ?r cliola ship exaininir on blanks. ,Scholarshipa are woith $ 00 and ice tuition The ccx' sessl.-n will pen HepK niter ittl 100") Fni funic ' ifoimation act . ajiogii- address Pre I). P? Johnao t, iv<? k 11in. .w. <| Notice to tho l'uhlie I will hold a 11 iiKjurnt- in the nnnty. Phono to my residence I Pleasant Hill for mo when * ceded. ! J. Montgomery C'a-key, l?l. 20?tf Fofr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have? Always Bought Bears the $ \ Signature / /X y fv ajp6 sn H jr ^SB 1/ For Over Thirty Tears THB OrNTAUn ?OMFANV. NCW ?0?K CIT*. J. E. RULEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't p ly, unci my terms from this henceforth arostiictly cash. Beasonablo Prices. Gold Filling $ L.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement Filling 75 ct KUHHKK 1*1, ATE, Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper ami lowor set $25.50 j?^r~rheso prices are strictly for cash. No work done except for cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE. Dentist. J.iunur FOSTER. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, S. C. Jae" ' \>lsp-c. ialry Business Education FAYS LA KG IS DIVIDENDS ! YOU need u p radios I husiiiesH ml uostioti Wo guarantee satisfaction. Courses of study endorsed as Wing lho most practical; they have nostiperio a Instruction given is lirst class. No other business college* "?Rjr Wter advantages. Enter now and prepare for a lucrative pnsiii n. Our graduates are in demand. Let us assist you. we have assisted hundreds?they are in positions. We oiler special rates Maefott'sS. (3. IVi sinoss College , Columbia, S. 0. Aug. 20, 1904?tf. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all diseases. CM CV'C KIDNEY CURE It i fULu O Cuarantud Rtnidy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Lancaster aki1 euros ieu U/VHiW A t nri'c<lulo in effect May 2H, Hii5. (Dnilyexoept ) V. KSTIiOUN i>. l.v 1 .uncHster, 0 .to a in a 45 p in IjV Fort Lawn, > 4f) u in 1 15 j> in Lv Banconvllle. 5 5f) a in 4 80 p in IjV Klchhuig, 7 05 a in 4 4"> |? in j4r Cheater, 7 30 tt in 5 15 p in Ar Charlotte, So It i) 55 a in 7 (If) p m Ar Columbia H<? Hlo ir ? ... KiYcJT liolJN L# IjV Columbia, Ho It <> ") a ni .3 |o 11 id IiV (Charlotte, Ho It <> <) > ton (too pin JjV Cheat?!, 0(H)n in 8 |.> p in IjV flichburg, 940 n m 8 39 p ni Lv Mnacomviile, 9fi0 .11 m 8 4"> p m IjV Fort I,awn 10 Oft :i in 8 .r>0 p m Ar LancaHter, 10 30 a in !) lo p m CONNECTION H. Chester?Southern, Healionrd ami Carolina A Nortliwi ?U?rn railways. Laucaater? Houthcrn It tllw Hy. A I'. MoliUltK, jI"ist Tialllr mgr IjEKOY BPUIiN'Im. Preal and TralHf M 1.