The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, August 30, 1905, Image 4

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Turn on The Light. The State. The dispensary investigation comraittoo is bringing out matter that the public has a right to know and from ull indications there is plenty yet to be produced. The whole management of tho systom, from the central dispensary to the smallest retail grog shop, is legitimate subject for this inquiry und the committee will do loss than its duty if it f ills to lay the wholo thing bare. Only tinio is likoly to bo a hindrance. Mr. Gaston stated yesterday that it was evident that "the whiskey houses are debauching the State, not only the State but tne highest officials connected with tho dispensary." \Vhen this fact is so evident as to bo asserted on the floor of the committee room by a member, a conservative man who has been politically a supporter of the (lispeusary, it is no time to bo ailing a hult on the work of that committee. Tho probe must go in deep. If any honorable man is slandered in progress of ihis in vestigation his remedy is plain. But no honorable man's reputation can be hurt; if falsehood are sworn to concerning him and his acts the proof that they are falsehood can j be produced and the result will be more damaging to tho falsifier than to the honorable man. The fact that certain reputable gentlemen have been mentioned in the course of the inquiry shows how very difficult it has becomo for any man to enter public life in South Carolina at this time without being mixed up, either in fact or in hearsay, with the great State monopoly in whiskey. The fact that these same men arc so quick to resent the intimations that they have botn connected with the institution, or with the wrongful practices in the institution, is amplo demonstration that the system is nothing to bo proud of. The State cannot engage in the sale of whiskey, a sale in which high officials are by tho law compelled to have a part, without bringing these same officials into unpleasant connections. This fact is not one of the least of the evils of the system, and just now when the effort is being strenuously made ?n 1L - 1 ? " " ?,w wuuwi iuo very mgnest Stale officials with the system even more intimately it is well enough that the fact should be impressed upon the public mind. One of the former purchasing officials of the dispensary has testified that one house alone offered to increase his income by the not despicable snm of $30,000 per year. Another former purchasing official has testified that during the two terms he sergjn) on the board not one offer of this sort was made to him by any whiskey house, and that when a seemingly indirect effort to lufluence hie friendship was made he properly resented it. This leads to the suggestion that there may have been different sorts of men connected with the dispensary in the twelve years of its ex* istence, a fact which the whiskey houses, represented by shrewd men, would not be slow to discover, and the right sort of men will not object to publicity. SICKENING SHlVERINGFiri of Augue and Malaria, can bo relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. Tbis is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug'* bad after-effects. E. S. Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till bo took Electric Bitters, which saved his life. At Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co. and Funderburk Pharmacy drug stores; prico 50c, guaranteed. News Of the State. ? Specials to The State. School k Ho use Burned and the Well hilled With Rockp. it Laurens, Aug. 27.?A few nights ago the Oak Grove school % house, located live miles east of it the city, was totally destroyed by 1S tire. The building was a very ^ goodono and had ronontly been n furnished with new desks and other a 1 furniture. The loss was complete as there was no insurance. At the r< time of the burning the origin of s( the fire wnH attributed to the care- n iessness of some smoker :nong _ the members of the local camp of ci Woodman of the World, who used C1 the school house foi a lodge room, and who had held a meeting there q, only a few hours before the fire ' at was discovered. On the following J? ~ W. night, however, some scoundrel tilled Iho school house well full of m rock, a circumstance which at once nr led to the conclusion that Ihe same th Bl< party or parties hud applied the bfl torch to the school building. In dr connection with tho well incident it is stated that this is the third i M outrage of thih kind .it Oak Grove, mm . j two other wells having been a ? chocked full of stotio and wood only a few years ago. Fatal Case of Lockjaw. 1 , He* Greenville, August 26.? Mary Foster Marshall, (laugh- Coll ter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Marshall, died at 3 o'clock this afternoon o f lockjaw. While LU> playing with soveral of her companions about ten days ago the child received an accidental cut on the foot with a shovel, and while the wound gave no trouble at first more serious complications dovel- i oped, und she died this after- Fr noon. SPOILED HER BEAU1Y* 1 Harriet Howard, of 200 W. 34th ^ St,. New York, at one time had i her beauty spoiled with skin ^ trouble. She writes: t4I had Salt ' Rheuui or Eczema for years, but j nothing would cure it, until 1 used j Bucklen's ArnicaSal ve." A quick p and sure healer for cuts, burns ! and sores. 25c at Crawford Bros., ' A ?J. F. Mackey & Co's, and 9\ Funderburk Pharmacy, drug! store. ^ Roosevelt Goes Down in Submarine Boat. Oyster Bay, L. I., Aug. 25.? President Roosevelt late this af ternoon made a descent in Lcng Island sound on board the submarine torpedo boat Plunger. He was aboard the vessel about three hours. At one time the little boat was submerged for 50 minutes and in that time was put through all of the submarine feats of which she is capable. The president expressed delight at tho novel experience and said that he was immensely impressed with the boat and with the manner in -vhich she was bandied. In thus braving tho dangers of submarine manoeuvering, the president has endeared himself to naval officers and men the world over, and made Lieut. Olhas. H. Nelson, commander of tho Plunger, the proudest and happiest man in the United States navy. A GKIM TRAGEDY is daily enacted, in thousands of homos, as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are prop eily treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklrndon, Ind., wiitea: "My wifo had the consumption, and three doctor, gave her up. Finally she tookDr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold&e A which cured her, and to-day she | is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dos. relieves Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 by Crawford Bros., J. FMackoy & Co. Funderburk Phar. macy, druggists. Trial bottlo free. You Must ' Sleep. ( If you cannot, it is due to an ritated or congested state of le brain, which will soon deelope into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and is as important as food; it > a part of her building and ustaining process. This period '' f unconsciousness relaxes the 8 lcntal and physical strain, and llows nature to restore exausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings t ifreshing sleep, because it ? lothes the irritation and re- I. loves the congestion. 111 It is also a nerve builder; it , ii ourishes and strengthens ev- ! ^ y nerve in your body, and I. catcs energy in all the organs. | Nothing will give strength ? id vitality as surely and 1 n nickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. .j "lturink mo pnsi winter i nna two tacks of LnOrlppc which loft mo c iry weak, and In bad condition. I is bo nervous I could not sleep. My ife, nfter trying different remedies, ant for a doctor. The doctor was it, and a neighbor recommended Dr. C lies' Nervine, and sho brought home bottle. I had not slept for somo time, V id had terrible pains In my head, tor taking a few doses of Nervine r e pain was not so severe, and I ?pt. I am now taking tho second ?] ttle. nnd am very much Improved," HENHY M. SMITH. Undcrhlll. Vt. c Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your ugglst, who will guarantee that the |j st bottle will benefit. If It falls, ho II refund your money. .. [iles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind y INIVERSITY ; OF NORTH CAROLINA ? 17H0-1005. g( III of State's Educational System, \ D EPA It T M E N T S. b egiate, Engineering, Oraduale, Ijaw, v .v edictne Pharmacy, g rary contains 43,000 Volumes. v ew water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitories, gymnasium, tl V. M. C, A. building, j students 60 instructors. v Tlie Fall term begins hept. 11,1005. Adnress ancis P. Vonahle, President, 0 Ciiapet. Hill, N. C. f o to the ANCASTER MARBLE AND " GRANITE WORKS, J l ' (}??:id York and Low Prices . i. McNinch, ? LANCASTER, S. C ' Clubbing t*n,.yn.l>io Strictl THE LEDGER (twice a \ve< JOURNAL (twice a week) o THE LEDGER (twice a wee TON NEWS and COURIE year for THE LEDGER and The SC TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATL/ SOUTHERN CULTIVATO THE LEDGER (twice a wee CONSTITUTION (three tim THE LEDGER (twice a wee WORLD (three times a weeV THE LEDGER, ATLANTA and FARM, one year for ositively Cannot % flr. Gaston Declares Board lias Violated Law. 3oniment Upon Signiiication of the Loiters from a Whiskey Qoncoan to Its Agent in Columbia. . j After the tending of the Mix-on Dlteis \e?c?rda\, Mr. (J n-ton aid: 'We a e in possession of the fitters to Col. Mixson m roforettee J n the dispensary. I heso letters oil their own story. Tho story i told rathor completely and if it j ndicutea anything; it indicates hat the whiskey houses are dcmuchiug this State, rot only ttie itato but the highest officials con-' ! eoted with the dispensary, ^hey indicate that if there is anv orruption it is in high places as rell as in low places. It indi- J atcs about that time no business, vus being done with tho State dis-! lNTA JOURNAL and \ R, all three one year for $2.00 k) and The ATLANTA ' ' t ics a week) one year for $2.00 1 t ( k) and The NKW YORK J :) one year for $2.00 J f l JOURNAL and IIOMIC ; ( $2.00 i - end on Credit c T. S. CARTKR, , Pub. Ledger. u ien^Hry, and by mean-* of (ho camnign introduced they (rho Kelly ' oncorn) do nv*k? the vales men inned ?100 cases and then 500 I uos, Mini then at the end of the C!jr 1,500 cas s; and according to l?o lettcr? here they hud confernces with the members of tho tato hoard and the purchases were | ot based entirely on tho bids, I paled and opened there, but tbut ( he houses had roason to expect j efore the board meetings what j rould be done and what they were ;oing to sell, which is clearly in. iolation of the law ! J 1 There is enough here to show , hat the action of the members of ho State board of control was in < iolation of the dispensary law." Avoid serious results of kidney r bladder disorder by taking 'oloy's Kidney Cure. Funderbrburk Pharmacy, C. O. Floyd, Kershaw, S. (J. p ^ t g U^NER SL?,JsJ2JI ] I ? a I i n n nfO*-* lf? ? w jrM I0HN E. WELSH, 1 I1ENTIST. | I iftnnaster, N C. j 1 JSST* OfBce in rear of Fundor- j urk Pharmacy. i July 1, 1905. i wmmmm?mmmmmmmm 1 1 i Ratesi y in ndvn nee, 1 i t t ck) and the ATLANTA nc year for $ 1.7 J k) and THE CHARLES R (twice a week) one l $1.75 s ( 1 I tUTHERN CULTIVA * < $1.75 ^rrr _ ' "1 _ j ^' i _ I ~ " Mil" CAS10RR4 AVfcgelable Preparation lor As : similating the Food anclReguIating the Stomachs anrtBowels of f? Promotes Digcslion.Checrful- & ness and Rest.Contains neither ^ Opium .Morphine nor>tii\eral. ? KOT^vhcotic. /W** afOUI+SAMUELPtrCtWt f^myJun Seetl' \ j4!x Sennti * 1 tlU Smlt! ? J Attitr Setd, * 1 \ tev?,. I HbtnSfd- 1 fcj Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa- *'& rton, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- * ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signcrture of NEW YORK. WSSSEmBsma I J EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. E >r 2? Ci Elliott. Lancaster, S. C. Utshknec phone No ls7. Oltlce, Davis building. corner Main ami Dunlap streets; phone No 72. Will practice in l> >th town ami jounty of Lancaster. Allca'ls, either tuy or nigh . will r ceive prompt at-, tantiou Jan. 10, 1905 ? If. *'* \sir x. - i ii \m ? NOTICE. The hoard of county commisuonets in their meeting Monday passed a resolution to the elToct that heroafter no magistrate in Lancaster county will l?e paid for tiolding id inxuest unless it is tm possible to get the coroner, and then the magistrate must comply with the law by securing atiidaviis frgm three citizens of the immediate community that it is important that an inquest lie hold in ihe particular case under consideration. M C Gardner. County Supervisor. Notice. My regular otll e days will lie Sat udaye ami first Mon?U\s. AH other lays you wdl ti:ni me at my ottlce iear L & (J <i pot Will keep school looks at l? th ollt os i n i wi.l l? glad o wait on yon any day in the w? ck W M Moore Co Supt rf /vdiie. tiion Fan 1 (it 1 ??05 MONEY TO LOAN \ I Vave made arrangement \vh t enders of money in New York City, wiiii whom I am able to negotiate loans teeurrd by that mortgage on impioved 'Olioii farms, at 7 per Ccint interest* epayuhle in annual instaHnn nts of Tvo years No brokerage or uommis ?ion ciiarged Only u leaionabl jhnrge for abstract oMitlR K WYLIli, Aug 31?Uni. Attorney U Law Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination Tiit* exuinin <iioii fi>r the award of mnani ?eho arships In SVinthiop I'ol pk<- hikI f r tin* a 1 mission of liew stu lt*n'h wi 1! i e li l<t ;m ilit* county ' ourt Hoin-e on Frl ay. Jtl'y 711 al 9 a. m. \ ppli.'ants i? u>l ml lie lees than llfeen 3 eat8 of a.:e, When scholarships ire vacated afii-r July 7ih, they will je awar<led to those m iking the Idgajst average ?.t th s examii alion provifoil they meet the conditions govern* ng the award, a pplicanla for hcIioI* irehiiM shotnd write to President, fohrison byfo e the ex i ninaitou f >r ehola ship i xamii anon blanks. Hcholarslii*is are wot Hi $100 and Vee tuition 'i lis i.pxi session will ipeii Sept? in her SIO IfttfS For fori In ? nfoi illation and ea jlogue address Pre i> IJ Johnson, Koiik Hill, s * . .Notice to tho PuWie. 1 will hold all inquests in the lotinty. Phono lo my residence it Pleasant Hill for mo whon >ceded. J. Montgomery Cnskoy, pt. 20?tf 4 For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie ? i Signature / A ?) ft /fjF Use 1/ For Over Thirty \ears TM? OrNTAUn tOMHNY. fl?W YORK CITY. Hnmnsn^Ba i J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, ! Lancaster, S. C. | Working pit credit doesn't pity, and my terms from this time . henceforth are stt ictly cash. ^ea ionablo Prices, Gold Killing $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement. Filling 75 ct RUBHElt PLATE, i Full upper set of teoth $12.00 Upper and lower sot $25.50 25??**rhe8e prices are strictly for cash. No work done oxeopt for cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. J. IIJIIRY FOR 77? ' Attorney (it Laiv, LANCASTER, S. C. 1 maifm ''olio -tion-t i sp?r. ihiiv Business Education | PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU neetl a practical business education We guarantee sat isfactlon. Course* of study endorsed as being the in >st practical; they liave no stiperio s Instruction given is first class. No other business colleger ??*fer tio'ter advantages. H.iter now ami prepare for a lucrative ;><>siti n. Our graduates aiv in demand Let us ..... ? - - * J"? "?C have a?-xi>te t huniiretia?ihey are in position**. Wo offer special rates Macfoit'sS. (3. B lMnoas College Columbia, S. C. Aug. 29, 1904?tf. 1 KIDNEY DISEASES arc the most fatal of all diseases. cm CV'O KIDNEY CURE ll i IULLI o Buarantsid Ranedj or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized, by eminent physicians as the best for | Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and *1.00. 1 L \ N C A STE K A W P 11 ES V E U : RAUiWAl ] noheriule in effect May 2S, IMo. (Daily excent Huinlii* i | A'EST BOUND. | Lv Lancaster, 0 ll'ia in 3 45 p in ; IjV Fori Lawn, 0 41) u ni 4 15 p in _ Lv Basconville 5 51) a in 4 80 p m I Lv Richburg, 7 05 a ni 4 45 p in j Ar Chester, 7 30 a m 6 15 p in I Ar Charlotte, Ho R 1) 55 a in 7 00 p m , Ar Columbia, Ho R10 15 a in EAHTBi IJND. v Columbia, Ho R (1 05 a in 3 10 p m i Lv Churlotte, Ho R 0 05 am 0 00 pm ! Lv Chestel, 0 00 a in 8 16 p ni j Lv AMchburg, 040 a in 8 89 p ni Lv Kaseoinvtlle, 050 -a m 8 45 p ni ; Lv Fort Lawn 10 00 a in 8 60 p m i Ar Lancaster, 10 30 a in 9 15 p m CONNECTIONS Chester?Southern, Heahnarri ami ' Carolina & Northwestern railways. \ Lancaster?HiAiihern K m way. A I'. jVgLURE, /isst Tralllc mirr LF.ROY HFKINHH. Frest ami TrafHo Manager. A