The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 29, 1905, Image 4

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lie Never lilamed the Booze. lie took a lottle up to bed, Drank whiskey hot each night, Drank cocktails in the morning, But never could get tight. He shivered in the evening, And always had the blues, Until ho took a bowl or two? But he never blamed the booze. His joints were full of rheumatiz, His appetite was slack; He had pains between his shoulders Chills ran down his back. He suffered with insomnia, At night he couldn't snooze, He said it was the climate? But he never blamed the booze. His constitution was run down, At least, that's what he said; His legs were swelled each mornin?? Ami he often had swelled head. IT? i i.r^i lit; i?tt.i\ iv;ii "'t"t;i , Willi", wniSKcy, And if they didn't fuse, lie blamed it to dyspepsia? But he never blunted the boo/.e. He said he couldn't sleep at night, And always had bad dreams; He claimed he always laid awake Till early sunrise beams. He thought it was malaria, Alas! 'twas but a ruse; He blamed it onto everything? But he never blamed the booze. His liver needed scraiyn^r, And his kidneys had the gout; He swallowed lots of bitters Till at last lie cleaned them out. Ills legs were swelled with dropsy Till lie had to cut his shoes; He blamed it on the doctor? But lie never blamed the booze. Then he had the tremens, And he tackled rats and snakes, 1-irst lie had the fever, Then he hud the shakes. At last he hud a funeral; And the mourners had the blues And the epitaph caivcd for him was ? lie never blamed the booze. At the Gate. St. Fetter got out his book of ready reference and, running hi? thumb down along tho index, said: "H'm, let me see. You said youi name was Blimpers, didn't you?" " Yes sir," answered the applicant for admission, "John J. Blimpers." "Ah, here you are. John J. Blimpers of Graboplis. Yes. Well well well I see youv't kept the recording angel prett) busy. Gracious, what a record why, you can't come in here. You ought to have known thai withnut asking. Just look a this. Here it is recorded that yoi hare lied and schemed and plot* ted for the purpose of keepinj hnrflo fLiotmci ' UVAOV iuiVTVDj UUUUICIIOIIUIH ci LI 1 murderers from being brought tt justice. You made it possible foi a railroad company to get out o: paying damages for killing a chili though tho littilo one's death was due to Oj,en violation of the lau by the corporation. Througt your connivance a wicked mat got a divorce on the ground thai his wife loved another, although the woman, whose reputation yoi blasted, was innocent. You are charged hero with having proven, ted bnberejfrom going to prison and worst of all, it appears tha you helped a greedy wian to con coct a scheme whereby he wa able to build up an immense for tune by oppressing other peopli and robbing them of their Got given rights. There, you cai read it for yourself. Why could not think of letting yoi ?? But, if the court Please ,1 "Oh," St. Peter exclaimed bowing humbly, "I bog you pardon. Conic right in. Wh; didn't you tell mo at the star that you did it professionally?" ? Chicago Record. Some men are poor because they are honest and some ar< honest because they aro rich an< can afford to be. BAM WEB 3 A C. V t tfia moat ItaaMng sal** in te* worn*' Weekly Crop Summary Of. the weather Bureau. Washington, July 25.?The weekly crop repoit of tho weather bureau today says: Although improvements is in. dicated in parts of nearly all the cotton States, it is neither general nor marked. While the staple has grown rapidly, and is generally fruiting well in portions of Georgia, Alabama, Texas and Missouri, complaints of unsatisfactory fruiting aro received from the Carolinas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Oklahoma and rust or shedding from all sections, insects are causing cnnsideralilf I'liinatMi to coLton in localities in Texas, hut generally no grant injury is reported. Tho crop is opening in llic southern portion of the belt, and picking is under way in southern Texas. Diiector Bauer Tells of Condition of Cotton in South Cniolinn. Columbia, July 25. ?Following is the weather crop repo t for the past week as complied by Section Director Bauer: Cotton continued to make rapid growth generally and has too large a weed and too little fruit over the greater portion, while a number of reports indicate that growth has stopped and that the plants are blooming to the top. There are fewer reports of damage from insects, and more of rest and spreaeing and of plants turning yellow. Cotton is beginning to open in lower Barnwell county. There is a great improxement in both old and late corn, although the former is too near ripe to be greatly benefited by the recent rains. NO FALSE CLAIMS. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a "sure euro for consumption." They do not claim it will cure ibis dread complaint in ad? vanced cases, but do positively assert that it will cure in the earlier stages and nevor fails to give comfort and relief in the worst , cases. Foley's Honey and Tar is without doubt the greatest throat , and lung remedy. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Funderburk t Pharmacy. Two is company but three is t a crowd at a genuine picnic. 1 He who lives on his past rep1 utation lias a half-starred look. A man seldom makes his money j last if his father made it first. The pain of a lost love story is r what many a woman has paid f for a home. A 2.1 ?- - - 1 - , wiuow can iduku a man ue, liove in her by pretending to ber lievo in him. ojl. syoniA. 1 B?ar> the si ?*? Kind You Havt Ajwm iMfR 1 The men who are asking, "A#1 fear the dispensary, what?" and 1 then sitting down and lugubriously - answering their own question by ( prophesies of barrooms, blind I tigers, etc., remind one of the young wonan who was found sitting off in a corner weeping copi1 ously and in great grief. One who attempted to comfort hei s asked the cause of her great sor I row, and received the reply: "1 Q was just thinking that maybe some day 1 would get married, and then 1 might have a baby ant 1 the baby might die?and the thought was so dreadful that ] _ just could not help crying." Dry your tears, y* who weep ovei ' imagined ills. The dreadful r things you conjure up in youi V minds may never happen. 4*Suf t ficient unto the dav is the evi _ thereof." ?The sale of groceries regarde less of cost in order to make e room fot our removal to the Wilj liams-Hughes store will only lasl the remainder of this week and all t of next week. Call early. Hcnnctt GroccryCo. Convulsion, FitS, then l Epilepsy. 1 Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv inc has been so successful in curing these brain-wrecking P diseases that there is every C reason to believe tliat even the p most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored. a We will be pleased to refer n any one thus afflicted to many n who now enjoy the blessing of ,, health, after years of hopeless j suffering. v "I have a son that had brain fover I I when two years old, followed by fits of the worst type, and ho was pronounced incurable. I spent hundreds of dollnrs for him, without relief. After about fifteen years ho became so bad that wo w sent him to Longclirf hospital for the .] Insane, at Logan*port, Ind. Ho was I there nearly three years, but he continued to grow worse, so wo brought O him homo July 30. 1002, In an awful condition. Ho nad lost his mind almost j| entirely. He liardly knew ono of tho family; could not oven find his bed; c was a total wreck. He had from 6 to 10 fits a day. We were urged to try Dr. Miles' Nervine, and before tho first bottle was used, wo could see a change for tho better. Wo have given It to him ever slnco, and he has had but two very light spells since last August, 1903, and then lie was not well other ways. Wo pronounce him cured, as he can work and go anywhere. If any ono wishes to ask any questions concerning this, they are at liberty to do so." T E. 11. UUNNELLs Lincoln. Ind. I Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. 1 Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Killed Negro Burglar. David Gmber, colored, was shot and killed at the corner of ? Aiken and Cooper streets about 5 o'clock yesterday morning by W. 15. Ilerron, white, whose house the negro had but a short time beforo entered and robbed. After the shooting Mr Herron telephoned to the Police Station and surrendered to a police officer as soon as he arrived.?News and Courier, 24th inst. t Never judge the wail of a young widow by her sighs, Few men are satisfied w hen they get what they deserve. Cinders and pretty girls are 1 hard to remove from a man's eyes. Even when a blind man enjoys good health ho doesn't look t well. OASTORIA. u Bet ttis ^!!i9 Kind Yon Have Always Boufil* I F I -Clubbing Payable Strictly i i THE LEDGER (twice a we JOURNAL (twice a week) o THE LEDGER (twice a we< TON NEWS and COURIE year for i f THE LEDGER and The SC ^ TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATLl SOUTHERN CULTIVATC [ 5 THE LEDGER (twice a wc< 1 CONSTITUTION (three tin ) [ r THE LEDGER (twice a we< I WORLD (three times a wee I THE LEDGER, ATLANTA and FARM, one year for Positively Cannol i Suit Against Harvester Co. Little Rock, Aik., July 25. iltoiney (lencral Rotors today led suit in the I'ulasku Circuit lourt against tho International larvester Company f< r penalties gregntinji $600,000 for alleged ifringement of the anti-trust law assed by the last session of the lencral Assembly. Tbc con laint recites I hut the company is monopoly within the Extent and leaning of the act and that the lonopoly was affected by a coniinatfon of the McCormick Ilarester Company, the Deorintf larvester Company, the Champ- i in Harvester Company, tho Mil-! aukee Harvester Company, tho 'lano Harvester Company and thers for the purpose of rcgulut- 1 lg the prices of harvesting tnullinas and fixinr* tlirir nntiint. o - -- - | -- - CASTOR! A For Infanta and Children. lie Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Signature of - SHOES -1 I nil i mu riZE22attfzat2siatt&tt^.y We are expecting n cull from you. Wo now hnvo n complete lino of Tan ami White Cnnvis Ribbon Ties, just the thing for summer tiny price from $1.00 up Wo cal. special attention to our High Grade linp ot DBESSY low cuts. Edwin Clapp for men LaFrance for women. "~ciiiRvI co~ PROFESSIONAL ( AKi) )k MP( raivkokd I)h It C Hbown CRAWFORD & BROWN, Physicians and Surgeons, I nncuster, H. C, Treatment of tlie eye, none and hroai a specialty. Calls promptly Answered day or light. OITloe over CrAwford Bros )rug Store, Phones: Otttce, No 17ft; R Idences Cos 11 And 3fi. RatesY in Advance. ck) and the ATLANTA nc year for - $i-7 ik) and THE CHARLES 1R (twice a week) one $1.75 HJTHERN CULTIVA$i-75 VNTA JOURNAL and )R, all three one year for $2.00 sk) and The ATLANTA aes a week) one year for $2.00 2k) and The NEW YORK k) one year for $2.00 \ JOURNAL and HOME $2.00 t Send on Credit. T. S, CARTER, ft Pub. Ledger. Minium mi ii i s J C21 - ii.,, .^IrJ V' i j| r> ANfegetaMe Preparation for As - jfi similating the Food asulKeguIa - ling ihc Stomachs and Bowels of ' j mBjiBijjp^. Promotes l)igestion.Cheer(\ilnessandltesi.Contams neither Opium,Morphine nor Mmeral. NOT^hVRCOTIC. /toctj* affM JYSAf<irELirrV!!Z'i I. Sr.yi. - . W/x.SfJtwt ? I , iinckcU, Met- I AnvK- XW * i Hffrrniuxl - ? lit Oa/inXuit/Jtclct * 1 Ws^t .I'm/ Cuuifiril .vigor i Hu>layi*vt f 4 .n.^1" I 1 I npenrci Hciueuy i ort onsupa- | - , Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea ! Worms .Convulsions. Feverish- j ncss ami Loss of Sue?:?*, i FaC Single Signature oP NEW YDI C EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. . ^er?S 5 >r t ? < ? ti? IJMICII.sUM", S. lit ?iil tie^ phone No i ->7 otii-o, Davis I'ui .!i:n; <_ . 111* ; ? in i Dun la |? s'.i i . t ; t?' -i \ .? " . Will p." ii'Uce in tilth t >>\ i >i :ti o.iunty of I.aiUMs t" . Ait eat:- iu i Ouv or nlar'i wili r r.oipi attention Jul.. 10, 190 i.? 11". NOTICE. The hi in rd of county commi-*-i Mici h in thcit moot in;* .M y piinsod a resolution m tlio oil v.'! that horuuftcr no u?'?^ 'rale in Lanca-dor county\\ill no paid Ti.i holding a t inxnest unit s- it potc-ihlo to oct ;||(. coroner, niu! j tlion the 4iiny.inirati' must miph j with tho law l?y securing Mtluhxvi I from three citizens ?d the im mediate community that it i- important that an uupicst ho held n: tho particular case under cnri-idcr ation. M C tiar lucr. (Jounly Snp"i visor. Notice. My regular olll e day- wdi !- n tirduys and liis' Muml e i Ad o|Lev days you will llud n;e at toy olTi. i near L A ? d |? d \V'!1 1.?. ? p sfdino books at I) t.? i lit > i' villi - jjl ito wait on you uiiy d. > ux ti.? w? ok ! W M Moore, Co Siipt of / lu.- i: i ti Jan Id, 190ri I -ffmrrm? " ? aor?u.:y.. ;>? aur^~ honey to loan I lxaVft made arrangement w I. tenders of mot cy in Nov Y-o-t; '' V- , with wlimix I am aide to negn;*-to lout secured l?y first imnlpsi^c on imn ov< . cotton frtrniH, :o 7 per c -ut i111> repayahlo in annual n.sia.'litu uts <i five \ears. No l?r??Ue ago or r>mini hIoxi charged On *> .. iciuonat 1 charge l?-r aha'leer <'r'iM . It K W Y LI H, Ailtf.31 ? Gin, Allorney at Lav. Winthrcp Coilege Scliokrsliip and Entrance Examination. T..e exmin i ioti for I ho aw ml of vat nnl ho arahtps In NViutinop C o! i?Ro aiiti f v I he admission of new tin tlenia will i f Ij, M at the countv < oin i HouftO on K l ny Ju'y7t' at n ,, in. Applicants n tist not he ? I tan fifteen jearsnf iv.e When -chnl;ir*hi| s are vcoited uf < i Jtily 7th. t uy w i i he awarded I i those m .king tin .i> e t a - ci go ; ? Ilia c\ :o m. tun ;<i iletl llu.V meet the cnmid lo t ^ tng the award, A ppiicuiils <?r ho .?lah11 a nhnuid v. rice to i'l; t.hi Johnson he ft i c t e t K iinin mo.. ! . -eh -la ship examination hlaoka. Kcholnrstiipa are worth - .0 ami free tuition. The next sc.-si m wri pen September 20. ]5iur> Km , I i I I I ' i lllill IWII (UMI ? .? I ' f, I'll Pre>. I). I> JoluiiO i, Hill, S \\ -cr.vw4*.vr?A?ir/mwi?? V'!f +**"%.< -***?r .%*r?cu> Notice (o )!?< !'uhi 1 will bol(J All iii(]ii >8t# ; county. Phone to :nv i .i !. i at Pleasant Hill foi me wlica needed. I. Montgomery Gus;"y. opt. 30?tf ? v iv. j . mx .Vt.ittun L': : T-ft For Ixii'ants arid 0hiIdren. Tbs Kind Vou Have #.!W8vs w w Bears tlie / , * yjf ! / Signature /' / pJ //I* ; / u If* ; % *.3 a *<> Mw r tip* In /: > F v gjj ? p 8 VF for Over Thirty "tears r -' t*? \ i { ' ' "&* ij ( .. I.-5. " ^ t t t * -. rff Hrf\ tote1 L sji&ift TMfc CfT/VOH ItOMPAKV. KOW YORK "ITY. L E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, 'xncaster, S. C. W ..i_r on cm!it iloesn't }>:iy, ! uixi iv'i'ius ffom tliis tiaiu n ( ii'i irosti icily cin-h. * r- .mabio Pricaa. '? 11 -.I l'llinj* #1.50 , '. i urn Filling 75 cts. . ' tin lit F'llinj* 75 ct I Itrni'KH I'LATK, I V t t' t"; ?1| $12.00 l ,M r t $25.50 . ; ' u c urn strictly ' (iim;1 except j >i O't: or * if ! > , mi ity. I J. i f-'V'TEDfili, Dentist. ? * i *? - - - -. *?*? j.;,7? > !>osn<:i;. .7 tor it cif (ft Law, LA NO A STICK, S. C. SfeiV* 4 'oi a ' .vn - " < i i!t> ?.. JiZr*?... i.; * rv. ? ."A,rv.:-: fti.'.ik'K--j Bui in ss XSduca tion TAVS LAKGJC DIVIDENDS 1 YOU c.?n> i .? i t'll i i- h! ii>i~i ii?>is cijUCfi'll v\ i;1 U"ll I Kit' iH'Hflt'il). i.'wi i'H ol'.-1 inly in! >r*e< :i- b- iiijj (lie in :>i iriil; ' ? i*y 1?:iii piTin s I nstiict i'li uivi'ii is t\ st fills. No other i o.-iiifis 'l ii' i;o't r ail! vai.t </. - Enter iiow :i I prepare :i .:?: { itivv : i M. O A . i u< I nates are i :i *!.?..? ! iw .1 -m -1 v? n v\ ? li-.iv a st-ti I !. li if.?itioy are it) l oaltiofs. YY oiler special rates .M:i ifo it'? S. ?' iii iticd.4 College Columbia, S. C. i A n?i. 20, l!' ' -! ? tf.. ? ? ~ ~ ?. po x v- s J \v f > r wa ? gh, ?H. ?\ KIOI^-u BISEftSES _ .*? . -i vr KSTX T?? tire the most fatal of all df3? eases. ?j}! K\m ?!2Nf.Y DURE (3 a It yik- s <d Otiaraalasd tteistsdj | of money refunded. Contains i remedies rccc^ni red bv emlr^iu physicians ?s the best 101 ! Kidney m i iiladder troubles. fi<ir.,2 5'ic. r.&c l mcas' r a: :> oubsieh 1 \ i \. ?v A Y | etUilt > .(Tool May lis, l')no , ^ v i |H r Ulitfi-? ) < - : r)77NT>. Lv 1 *ti '> i a in 8 i"> ji m l,v ii, i> to it in 1 16 p m ! ,v H i ? <> : vi 1- > )'? a in I K'l p m I v ii if I In 7 06 m m I 46 p fn _4r < lirsir-i. '< -Mil m 5 I") pjfn Ai riu.'- HIS?, Ho !i 1)56 ? in 7 oo p m ;\! ( in'.'in s<? Rio I j ii id JC\HT1U UHL>. I i v ('olnmlilrt, . .<> !! 0 06 a m o to p ,n Lv (!hurlutlp| 8o K 6 08aQi OOOnni !( on ii iit S 15 p nj / v . *li i ! > a in s 80 p Ul ^ ' 'i ii' i", " 0 a in s l'> p in I ! IjV Foj I I<awii 10 (16 a in s 66 p m . v r 1 fin. a*i i In 80 a in 0 15 p in ( ONN KC'l [(>KS. < i : : lion., oofeiioitrii anil . 'a:i Mmh A*' N o, i ,;.vj>fcrii railways. * \ i' -Hoiuhorn Hallway. A V. Mi ' ITRlfi, .1^1 Tralllc mirr LEKOY SHkirMHS. 1*1 a;-1 ami I rallUi MaUuger. 4' J '