The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 26, 1905, Image 2

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?\if* i. < i'ti r :* J i f"k I. 98fc?. IhOttLOW S. CARTER, KDll'Jii AND M \ N AG Hit . (SSUI'I) \VKI?\Y AND S V I I'It l?A Y SUHM.'Ul ; I l() \ ^lOOl'Kif YK.\K Lancaster S. C. J'lly 2G, lf<>5. Bouquets for the Dispensary. Some men will tlrink and oet drunk in spite ot Prohibition. \ cs, anil some men will ?<> to lie 11 in spite of churches. Ami come men who say there will be as much drunkenness uu ler prohibition an with dispensaries, or as much wickedness with churches as without, or as many homicides with a law against murder as without one, is either deceived or else is trying to deceive others. With more than two-thirds of the south without dispcnt>arics or liquor saloons, prohibition is by no moans the farce the dispensaryites would have the public think. If the dispensaries have saved up nil those extra botth's of "l'oplar Log" and other popular brands sent them with the compliments of the distillers, some of them will be prepared to go into the blind-tiger business when the'dispensaries are voted out. The voter who needs a campaign" to decide how to vote is goii?g to vote for the dispensary, campaign or 110 campaign.?Newberry Observer. Kidnapping Charged. Special to News and Courier. Lancaster, July 2i.?A warrant has been placed in the hands of Shori(T\Huntcr for tho arrest of the Lancaster Cotton Mills bund, charged with kidnapping the daughter of WesUy Williams, of Lancaster. 1 lughes and tho girl have disappeared and their whereabouts is unknown. Hughes is a married man. The petition asking for an election on the dispensary question now nggrogatos more than 1 ,200 names. dust how many names are required to call the election cannot he definitely stated; hut theris no question of the fact that 1,000 are easily sufficient.?York ville Enquirer* 1,000,000 Barrels Of Oil Burn. Lightning Strikes a Tank at humble, Texas, Causing Heavy Loss. Humble, Texas, duly 23.? Fire started this afternoon in a tank belonging to the Texas oil Company, caused bv lirrhtniner . * - ' n o striking the oil. The firejwas held tinder control all the afternoon hut began to spread to night and I2 tanks belonging to the company arc certainly doomed. Eleven of them contained 200,000 barrels. The lire started across the prairie toward other rigs, but its progress is held in check somewhat by a heavy rain. It may spread. The loss up to 11 o'clock to-night is estimated at fully 1,000,000 barrels of oil or $250,000, with the fire ttill raging. Some of the oil was pumped away, hut the fire spread so rapidly the nun were forced to abandon their work. The estimate now is that at least forty mules have perished ( tlio drivers abandoning thcniwherc ' they were at work digging new 1 new tanks. There are rumors, 1 but no confirmation, of loss of J life. i Jt'ay your subscription. Gat $700 ior gift. County Physician 1 uixtru i Salary, and Failed to Remember Facts About Inil Work. Greonvillfi New-*, 2-1 S Fer two hours yesterday Dr. W. J. Hrumh-tt, who was county l?b) sieian during the administration of Supervisor Speckle, was put through a searching examination by Chairman Avrtr/ Patton, of the special investigating committee, aud about the only tiling he could or would admit was that lie had lost his Imi ks extending <>ver a period of tivn years and his mcmorv as well l ime and timv again Chairman l'atton lired direct questions at him, hut ho failed to got any satisfaction or iut'oimauon because tin witness did not seem to be able to throw any light on matters which are dark and strange. Hi- salary was only $5') a year. Chairman Patton showed by the claims on tile that Dr. Bramlett had received pay for font teen months' work during last year, the extra perquisites amounting to about $8. It was brought out, however, that he !nu( received between $000 and $7o0 m 1904 for performing sur gicul operations upon prisoners in the county jail. Time were twenty operations, or at least there were claims for twenty, although Dr. Bramlett could only remember two. He could not remember the names of the prisoners, he did not know or remember the nature of the operations, nor could ho toll who had assisted him and who wus present He declared that ho had lost his books for the fivo years aud Chairman Button addod that he seemed to hare completely lost hif? memory.* l)r. Bramlett eluimed that ho was duo an extra enlary lor performing surgical operations. Lie claims to have performed them, and the tilos sllOW that ho was liaid th*? nmnnnl stated above, hut ho did Dot recollect time*, names or other things connected with the work. i'Dock it not seem Grange," said Mr. Patton, "that yon should h a v o performed twenty surgical operations in the jail last year when not a single operation has been performed there this year?" "1 don't know." said the witness. With the shrewdness of a trainod criminal lawyer Chairman Patton led the witness through his long term as county physician, hoping to get some direct evidence t earing on ihe claims, tint tie did not succeed. Dr. Bramlett was the only witness before the committee yester day. Others will tie examined tomorrow and in a day or two the commit tee will he prepared to submit a bulk of damaging proof of guilt on the part of a numhi r of persons to the grand jury. The investigation is growing hotter, as events tomorrow may show. New Trial for Murderer. Special to the Daily Item. Columbia S. C., July 22.?In | an opinion hnnded ('own today ( the Supremo Court grants a new 111til to Karlo Rochester, the ^ Oconee county farmer, sentenced f by special Judge MoCollough to { nang for the murder of Walter ( Mills, a neighboring farmer with whom Rochester quarreled because of ttie killing of the hitter's ( dogs which hid gotten into Mills' t wheat fiul-l The verdict is re/ersfd boeiusu ot an error in tho tidge's charge in defining murder. Foley's Money and Tar l 'or children,soft ,xurc. No opiate* | . ..5ie Said .Da - the law." County I'reusurcr Southern Remonstrated in Vain. What Bccamu of Millu Money A Special to I ho Stale. Greenville, July 24 ?"Damn I lie law," said the then Supervisor Spoegle ore day last fall to Homy Southern, county treasurer, when lie was remonstrated wiih for the violation of the law in a certain transaction Such was me startling testimony of Irausure'' Southern ihis morning the commission now investigating the affair* of the ollico of the count v Mjpet visor and tiiis ,st a I #?m-n 1 wii>i fillo.v?il bv a succession of others no loss 1 sensational in cbnrucler. Troasitrur Southern produced i iio rooords which showed that the amount of money received by the county for changing a road for the Parts Mountain Water company in 1002 has never been turned over to him. If $j,250 had been received for this job of work, the treneurer swore it had never boon turned over to him. If $1,250 had been received for this iob of work, the treasurer swore it had never been turned over to him through the regular channel to htm. It Ims been proved that an amount of money was refunded the county on a contract job on the piers of the Pork Shoals bridge, and this amount, also swore Treasurer Southern, had never been turned in. The treasurer testified further that duting the year 1U03 Speegle turned in only $330.00. Up till December 1, 1004, witness continued, there was turned in only $150. During December thero was $2,030.64 paid in, which atnuunt was supposed to have been received for certain countyproperty frohPdui ing that month. Treasurer Southern was asked if ho had of had not on any occasion talked with Speegle about the manner which ho (Speoglw) was conducting the affairs of his oflice, to which he replied th*t ho : had on several occasions remon* strsted with him. but was never able ty got any satisfaction about 1 the mutter ho replied, 'Damn the 1 law," After thin the treasurer I sail no morejto him about the law j governing the conduct, of his of , lice. What became of ail the mules owned by the county is a request etill unsolved by the commission, 1 although the sale of ut least So < has been discovered. It is thought i that little of tho proceeds of such ] sales was turned in, and the commission is endeavoring to fmd the . exact amount thus obtained. It is alleged that Speogle pocketed ' the funds not turned in. i John D. Harris testified today f that he purchased a puir mules ] from the county and no recoid of this particular sale has been found j. B. Brown also testified this morning to having purchased a 1 mule from the county, paying i $40 for same, and no record of j this scale can be found either. Various other sales have been proved, of which there are no tecords to explain. This is considered to be one of the most serous charges yet made by the commission. j Killed Negro Burglar. David Gruber, colored, was shot and killed at the corner of i Aiken and Cooper streets about j 5 o'clock yesterday morning ?>y t VV. B. Hcrron, white, whose e bouse tho negro hud but a short a dine before entered and robbed, f After the shooting Mr Herron ? telephoned to tho Police Station r ind surrendered to a police officer ^ is soon as he arrived.?News and * Courier, 24th inst r m ,i " ?Now is the time to buy your :rockery, glass and tinware out of he Williams-IIughcs Stock. Beanett Grocery Co. c Sound kidneys are safeguards ][ >f life. Make tho kidneys healthy vith Foley's Kidney Curo. Sold Jj ?y Fnndorburk Pharmacy. M 4 t 0 Attention, M^mbsrs Cotton Association, and the Public Q^nirally. We ..rO Jiu.vioue to cull the fit tention of all the members of 3ur Cotton Association, and t<? ill the people yf the count-*, f >r his work touched 6Very m ?n's utorest, no matter what thst nterest may be, to the necoasity >f more thorough organization Remember, wo are now and have ioen hard at work raising an >ther crop of cotton, and the iime has ooiqe when it is as nuch important to look after the narketing of the crop as it is of nakiugit; and to rffVct any ;ood in that line wo must ho in ,ouoh with all the great forces hat are now at work along that ine. We can do nothing without oraanl* ?t?u" n , ?.IV1VIVIC| 'YV .hould by all moans pet all our jeople in lioe and pot thoro now, 10 that we may be in position to neet our enemy and by ho doing jrotect eur interests. Wo waul t Cotton Association organis-'d n every oommunity in the ;ounty. Whatever help you may leed, let us bear from you, and f it is iu our power we will ;ive you all the help we can. Mow, we must get up all dues, which, as laid down in our con itiVatiou, ftro very smill; yet iome money is absolutly necessary to meet expenses. And do lot allow so small amount as we iro called upon to pay stand in )ur way. Wo have accomplish>d a good work alreadv, and it .9 nothing to what wo can, by juited effort, accomplish in the uture. Got up your dues and orward them to me, and I will eturn receipt to you. We are jailed upon by the State Associition for all duos, and we are inxious to get them up as soon 19 possible. The payment of ,he8o dues is evidence of organisation, and also of interest and determination upon the pait of the people to stand for their rights. The County Association will be called to meet during the month of August, and we would be glad to have our jounty well organized during the next mouth, aud thus bo ready to do lor ourselves all we jan, for tho growing crop will require as much attention as the last year crop, and it is ours, *nd unless wo look after our interest no one will look after it for us, only to rob us of our just ewards. So farmers, do not let down idle aud lose what you lave gained, but stand pat; and i>ush the work of organization. Let us hear from all the Assncia lions that are in working order jow, and as many as may organize duriog the month. Geo W. Jotvh Sec. Russians Rushing Troops. Pouring Troops into Manchuria Despite Peace Conference Harhin, July 24.?Very quietly >ut very steadily Russia continies to pour reinforcements into llanchuria. The dispntch of the roops has been much accelerated veu during the supposed negoliitions leading up to a proposed 1 s - - it-atc ana aespitc the rainy seaon. In a tingle week 42,000 nen passed hurried to the front Vsja general, thing the soldiers ravel in horse cirs, thirty-five nen in each car with a compoite wngon for the ofTicerstvvo bo r r ees ( ubed mm <41 was troubled with kidney nmplaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis, of Mt Bterl lg, la.', ' * hut two bottles of 'oloy's Kidney Cure effected a ermunent cure." Sold by Funerburk Pharmacy. Sixteen Murder Cases oa Laurens Docket. Four (if TliwNo I .idiclmentH Arc I Against White Mm, Three > t V\ h in lvi.i J Nt'jrr?h,v-. | Sp.ciul to I'm S'ule. Lauren*, ?') 24. ? Coin-t <il general si's-dons convened In re this morning with dud^o ,J. C Klugh < f Abbeville |tr< siding. Solicitor R. A Cooper ut;d Stenographer J no. K. A nil are at their posts <>f clu?y. Mr. O. W. Hahb, deputy olorW of court, U diseharg:n ; the duties of Clerk of Court d?h i F. Holt, who is nnablo to I?r> out, i?) reason ?>f an accident autf? r 'd last week. A very lie ivy floeket i3 to ho gone through with In point of tnnrdor charge* it is probably the bigge*t court in >u>irs, tlioro being iG charg e of this character. Four of the?o indictments me uiininat. white man th? I - - " " '"K negroes. The while defendants are 1\ H. Baldwin, charged with killing Abo Mc Daniel, colored, 1 asl spring; Clyde Mahaffoy, charged with killing a negro; John Cole, same; J. II. Atkinson, a mill operative,\ killing his father at Goldville last winter. 1 he v icliuia of the negroes under indictments were all colored. A ease tliKt will attract widespread mtere&l will ho tho trial of John Miller, a negro, charged with attempting to poison the Ferguson family near Clinton a few days ago by placing in the well a hag containing a diabolical mixture of reptiles, lizzards, etc. l'hore is snid to he strong evidence against Miller. He is in jail. His supposed pal, Wash Car wile, is slili at large. In addition to the above stated cases there are various and sundry charges against a score of other offenders of the law. FOR. CO ITOM WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce myself a can did ate for reeled ion to the office of public otton weigher at Lancaster, S C. J F Nisbet. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Public Cotton weigher at Lancaster C H A J Daily. FOR COTTON WEIGHER AT HEATH SPRINGS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Public Cotton Weigher at Heath Springs, S. C. A L Aiobley. O'i-..-/ ?ywrm MI1 SI*?1?WS-VOBQ?pk-^.1?? Notice to Debtors and Creditors of B. F. Miller. Deceased. r'll |> i*o: s hiil'lii.' c'n 11H l>"t lii? opiate of II. K. Mi11?-r UeetH-'ed. will i>mH'."ii int/iu property* proven r>? the undeihi<>i.e(l for pHyim-i t; unit all pei>nii* itnlthlril to sniil ?*atate will iiih e ininiediate payno n> o' tin- sinie to 1. i: I ?/,?!.by, Jil'y fl-3w Ailniii.n-truioi Notice to Debtors and Creditors of J. A. Miller. Dec'd. All persona having claims against the estate of John A Miller, dec ayed, will present them proper!v proven to the underslgtn <1 for t ayiu -lit ; and nil ptisoi s iiid hied t?? said estate will make immediate pnyMient of (he f?rrie to L. C, Lazelihy, July 0? 3w AdininlHirator, State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF LANCASTER, | UY .1 10 riteWiua i, IC-(|.- I'roha'e Judge WHEREAS, h c l.auenly mad suit to me, to vrant him letters of ad ininUtraiion of the e-tate of and ef fe; ts of Emm A Miller, THKMC ARE THEREFORE to eile and anmonish all and singular the k inured and erinittoia of said Hmma A Miherdece sed, thai they ha and up pen * before me, in the t'ouri of I*r?> to he he'd at I,hip a*t.t-l* H C on 8a ii'd .y, July 28'It next after publication iher of, at 11 o'ohick hi the /"oreiiooii, to allow Chu.ic, it any they have, why aaid iiiiminiHtraii >n should n *i be granted. Given under my Hand tiiii 15th day of J uly A nun Domini, UjOi J I1! Htewmu i, Probate Judge k *1 fe & v fr, *h? mbtt treating aal?n In V ? warf j Yellow Fevor in New Orleans j New Orleans, Jnly 21. l)rs. G'iMlhw:iito and Monro, of the Mohilo h< ar;l of health, cainn j here today on the invitation of the Louisiana hour I of health to 'iMVOfctioa'e twv? cu-es presenting ^yniptcms of yell ?w fever, with ti?e iv.out that the Mobile board of health immediately put on a quarantine against passengers and household goods. There will he no quarantine against merchandise, a* the shipments of that will be under regulations of the Conference ( f Southern Health Boards. Genera! Repair Shop. I h .v.. i - ??" " ~ - _ loo t'OHg Harper ginnery, a hlucksmi'ii ami vreiierai repair shop with Homy Me-* Puenem lu <1 > tire blanksmithing ami iron work. All work ilone at leasouab!e p. iees. A snare of your patront ye is earnestly s tlicited (live me >v trial. J. Q. ADAMrt July 24, lt)i>5 - 1 in. I MMlll 1111 I llll 111 I?? ? Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby givon that on the 2Gth day of August, 1905, lho undersigned as Administratrix of tho estate of Jorre M. Knight deceased, will tuako her final rotutu and settlement, and make application to the Probate Court of Lancaster county, S. C., for a final discharge as such Adunnist tutrix. Laura J. Kuight, Administratrix. Dated duly 2Glb, 1905. JOHN E. WELSH, DENTIHT. 1 ^aneastej*, ^ . JSgT" Ollico in rear of Funderburk l'uarinacy. July 1, 1905. UNIVERSITY GF NORTH CAROLINA 178D-I905. Head of .Slate's HducuiiooMt t-i. .i">? 1 y P A It T M K N T H. Collogl ite, Engineering, Orudtia'e, Law, '<'edicluu Pharmacy, Library contains 43,00) Volumes. New water works, electric llghta, central beating system. New dormitories, gymnasium, V. M. C. A. building, ti(57 students ()6 instructors. The Fall tenu begins Dept. 11,1005. A duress Francis P. Vuotilile, Prositiont, Chapel Hill, N. C. BOUTll CAROLINA MI(<IT<\ 11Y ACADEMY, OFFKE OF THE CHAlHMtN liOaltb or VISITORS. CHARLESTON. H C, JUIiY 0, 1905. One vacancy In a A'.ate Beiu llciary scholarship to be tilled by compet 1 live examination ex isle In Lancaster Con my. A | plication ltiaiik* may be obtain** cat ut the cilice of (LI C M GAI?.?DI5N (, Char o.->lon, rt C\ or troui the Conny Superintendent of a? tion. These applications, ful.y ti ! ?! muMt 1>*3 in ihe liMfnlrt of the Lh-tirman on Ju'.v 31, in o'dei to teoo vo com id-tatlou (Sign.? ) i S O* IHDEN, I hatrma'i Hoard of V.kI.oih July 10 -3w Notice of Election. Pursuant to an net of the Legislature an election will be held ut the following places, viz: Lancaster 0. H., Heath Springs and Kor.haw on the second Tuesday ia August, 1905, for the purpose of electing a cottor. weigher for each of the above named places. Tolls open at 8 o'clock a. ni, and c'.ose at 1 o'clock p. m. All qualified voters are entitled to vote. Tlio following managers arc appointed; Lancaster. O. H.?J B dim*" ** 1 11 per, W B Cnuthon. Heath Springs?D W Hcndrix, M I< Becklintn. J 11 Croinbton. Koraliaw?B F Hilton, W T lilackmoa, Henry Horton. By order ot Board of County Comminera. M. C. GAUDNEH, Co. SnporrlHor. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE A N J ) GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low Prices L J. ic^inch, LANCASTER, S. C *