The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 22, 1905, Image 3

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Ujai Matte . .?If yon wish n nice fresh fish phcm* or c ill on Lancaster Fish Market nt I, C depot. ? Mr J I) Walters, of Choiravp, is up spending u ic.v days -with hie father and family in the "Wild Cat section. ? Mr L A rornipsecd of I*itts-? burer, l*a , is h?*vn spending a few days with his brother, the Uov ?i E Turmpseed. ?Come and see the wav The Ltncasler Fi-h Market keep their fish and vim wilt J ' , >?c tuHViuC'JO Tllrtl they ere nice and fresh ?Mrs J T rl honmssoti and chil drun have returned from Groenyille where ihev spent the past month with Mrs T's sister, Mrs R M McCrorey. .? Mr Spurgeon Cherry, of Sumter, is up on it few days visit to his brother, Mr J ,1 Cherry. ??W B Dollar Corset reduced to 75 cents at Lancaster Mercantile Co's. tf ?MIsb Maggie Leitner, of Chester, is the guest of Mrs J P Hunter. ? Camp Crook school opened Monday with Miss Fannie Mcllwaio as teacher. ?hour room cottage for rent. Apply to W 1* Bennett. tf. ?The Lancaster Fish Market arc selling the Inst fish that has ever been sold in Lancaster. Give them a call and be convinced. ? Misses Kva and Nora Hough returned from the State Normal school which closed nt Clomson "Wednesday. Miss Huttie Miller stopped over in Charlotte to spend a fe v days with her sister, Mis J P Hackney. ?The Lancaster buso hall team if playing the Camden team a Series of gunrs on the laller's grounds this week. The game on Wednesday resulted: Camden, ^ A * * ~ jlv euures; i/uncasier, a. Thursday's game: Camdn 11; Lancaster 1. -?The Lancaster Fish Market keep Trout, Mullett, Cat Fish, Red Sn upper and Croakers ahvays OH hand at L & C dep >t. ?Dr J E W( lsh, L) I) S., 10 turned yesterday from White Stone where ho has been standing his cxainimit'iQ \ before the State dental examiners for State license. The D? ictor hns received his li-| conse 0' <1 is i ow ready for business. Ho is a 8'hi ?> ' tho Lie Dr C C Welsh, k lino young man and vre bespeak for him success in his profession in the county of his nativity. ?For rent \ c exchange! I wil oil on easy terms or exchange for good farm near town of Lancaster one two-storv six-room dwelling, situated in good rom"^Diunity on Main street, two blocks from centre of town. Apply to J J Bhickroon. lm ?Mrs Nancy Patterson bad a delightful family reunion on the 18tb inst, which wa-i the 68lh anniversary of her hirtu. Hie has e'ght children inel thirty one grand-ch'ldrHii, and all w? re pres nt i x.c< pi two orlhiec. H . id. s 41. ~ ~ . - IJiewo were .1 l :i I i'?> ?l|ITC"''>" relatives Mi ?! frj'iivN. n'l f' whom faitook ! ! snmpti ??? > b?i*ki-t tinner v i> eh w;n >.?'i /((1 ii> lh<* leantifu! ro\ ? a<. h? r. hom'.? J Men sat); i.'oi'T tippwrft til of Jfort Mii! J imcs. ? The 8'ile of groceries regard* 1 iss of cost in order to make room fot our removal to the YVil]iams-Hunites store will only hist he remainder of this week and all J ?>f next \\v? k. ('all early. Bennett GroceryCo. ? If von want to carry some* . 1 Idling nie hnvio to your family give the Lancaster Fish Mmkrt a* oall and got a nice string of ti-h.' at tho L & C depot. j ? H tylar's candy fresh from < the factory, J U Mackorell. ? Mih Lerov Springs i* visii- , ing relatives at Concord, N C. < ?The Situs' kcUwoI will oren ' next Monday, 251 h inst., wilh : Mih Fly tin ?;s teacher. > ? Mr Richmond Stacy and family of (xnlTney a to visiting Mr >V M Moore and family at this ] place. ? Mrs .1 \V Butler and dangh- ' tor, Mies Bertie, of Gainesville, Ga., are visiting Mrs ("5 'J' Con norn, llu former's sister, at this < place. ' ? L'lower Pots all sizes, shapes [ Rod forms, from 5 gallons down 1 to quarts. J 13 Muckorell. | ? Mrs 1' \V IInrdin unci Miss i Fiorrio K<>! insnn uro visiting ] relatives of the former nt. Ncrfolk, 1 Va. ? Mr T W McMurray lost n fine nmlo fr >ni the heut Thuisday. It was plowing corn in his bottoms and when 'near the end of a row began to stagger . it was hitched out nt# oree and led lo the shade hut died in u short time. Severn) other formers hud mules Lo give out that day hut we have heard of no othe rs dying. ? -Tne saw :mill of Mr .lames I3t>lk in Kershaw county, a few miles r'rem the town of Kershaw, was horned Thur sday night. The migfn of the tiro is not kn >.vn Mr llelk is u I*>ncnster county man and his frf.eads in the county will s\ input hizo with him m his heavy loss ?Postmaster J F Hunter was summoned to ("muulcu rbursday afteinoon on account of the sudden and s rious Ulness of his son. Mr Frank Hunger, who went down to Camden Mint morning to witness the bull gumu. Ho was ver\ nuieh better yesterday and will bo able to b<e brought homo today. ? --m mm Killed by Liglitui ii? A phone messngi; from Kerjhaw to Mir J A Cc ok yesterday informed him th .t fit Ir Gillam Hor ton, a relative of iVltrs Cook's <vas killed by lightning Thursday afternoon on his plantation on Lynches River, m mr Belhune. All that, could ho lea rned was that Mr H. lion and a .negro muii in ilia employ wero plowing in the lield v hen a shower oaiue up and they took ret'njro under a tic. Before the shower ended the tree wn struck by ligTitnit g and loth men were killed JVLr Ilorton was ei good man and citizan and loams a widow and several children stiiriving hi in ? -? > Lugo Hotel to be Built at Chta^vlja Falls. Tl*?< S-iut ^ern P.iwor Company has U r. t ae contract for the erection of n $T> 000 hotel at Catawba Folia, to Contactor J. S. Starr, of city. Tiie building will bo n iliroM story structure con tain mj.*: about 2S rooms. The hotel is b<> uig l-ufjt for the acootmnodat-ion. ? f iiic who will be "nip' in constructioi or t >.? uju1 at Catawba Fall?, ami ./ter i ; work is completed v/ijl piopa. iy l.?> used as u public, hotel. Tr. Starr expect* r?i wort' < ?n the huiSdin^ ivoct < ?i : nod ir. may b<? four (.?.* iii , } ov ' ha before t'ae Aoci' is (j inp>.' Nir. "!. ? .1 in j ji }i is p. cc op ted a j.>09-!lion ih r'oiemm with Mr. j Starr on IU Oalaivbf Falls wi 'J no doubt. breoiOK r?-> .t- Mi'vgrntr resort, h(i?-i thy H.Miipieii ?ii r?f the dftiti i ion, ^hict' - Roc<C Hill H*?ri Li. - Tt rc?. i :id will , d'.seli iiIsm vagrant lot on Kl j> Sir c' for fl?l? \pplv to I'. S. ' ^urt.r Agent ?The Lancaster Vi*b Markot alwajs have fro .It f'i^b on hand. Yrrostod t>n a S.iL usChargD |< Mr J 1 Snipe*, of tins place : iViih arretted by n Sheriff Jrutchtirld ut Gulil-iburo, N C , .ist Wednesd ?y on .1 warrant longing him wit!) an assault with ntcnt to commit a criminal as<? 1 null on .in eleven > car old girl. I'lm arrest made at the re ^nest. i?y 1 ' i.'iMpti of Sheriff 1 I Innlcr of this piue, in whose mndsthe warrant h?d 1 ecu placed, rhe otreiise it is said was cnminitLed Monday afternoon, and Snipes lisappeaied from his homo in tho nill village that ovening. W l ? ? ? '? ' ?? urn iirresion, onenu nunier was notified and Snipes agreeing !<? mine without requisition papers Ubicf of Police I T Hunter, who is aim ll'e Sheriff's deputy, was *ent for him. Mr Hunter arrived hero with his prisoner Thursday night ami In; is now in tho rountv jail to await lhe next term ?*f uonrt. Death <1 C \V I'roner Mr. 0. W. R-uner received a telegram last Thursday conveying the sad intelligence 'hat his brother, Mr. Robert Rruner of Ivnoxville, Tenn., had died tlie night before. No partioulaes were given of tlie death, and it is t upposed that ho died .suddenly. His relatives here and at iVadeshopo had no knowledge of 1 his having been sick. Mr. W. C. Heath, who was in Knoxville j some time ago, saw him and snvs tin:1 !v was apparently in j pc ;. o* health. Ho loft Wades- < bo: i: about twelve years ago, go- i ing *.o Johnson City, where he conducted a succnsful dry; goods business until two years j ago, wb u moved to Knox- t villo. lie was 11 \ old,' and wa ih- third of four brothers to di't suddenly wit-bin six I yp?\rp, Mr \V Brunor of Monro1? being th^ iurviviug one. ?Monroe Journal. Mr. Brunei* was well known in | Lancaster, having conducted a / drug businest- here some yeais ago.? Lditor Lodger. COST i 11. order to redueo our stock wh until further notice. Wo ?'on't ini goo L Wo nirniion a tV*\ Bonis ' i? 1 Shirts Toe, 50 coots slnrls B: men's 50c shirts job at 25c. 910siii!h$7 50. $7 50 si MEN'S That cost us IV You can pick ihetn at these pticcs. ill r \ ?* "a unuDMt icneo ^vermis in os corns. Some big hai goods, colored a Laces, Embroid< Don't wait till ed over. Sale b Y( FUNDI RHOIBSBBSltiilll I a Are you i o'fiS PflOfon nnd wom<?n dlo flf* 3 *** "aiwoll luv. It is their own fault, tool When sick they don't t; consider tliocost if sick, for your lifo i j as, thinds do not permit the disease to run ?. ienco has taught us what Checkers w world which will equal its marvelous w If known chronic or fatal diseases. B' OTTLE {""We want yon to try Chockers. We want yon touso this nicdicino'liom?m cause it has merit, bccause It will do you good, becauao most _ n commences to search the system It wi to the bot tom of every ordinary disease druggist for a sample !>ottlc froo?or ?muunnoth dollar bottlo to-day. "b" ChecKer Board an i_? m 'S g k Cnll r>n yoni FREE, WWflWW Ui*niite<l Itall Henry lJrait, the colored boy ho killed his stepfather, Simeon Morgan, in the Elgin neighborhood two week# ago tonight, was granted hail in the sum of $1,000 by Associate Justice Jones Wednesday before whom he was taken on u writ of habeas corpus. The Statu whs represented by It E YVylie, Esq., and t lio defense by Williams & WiPiams. ?Now is the time to buy your crockery, glass and tinware out of the Williams-1Iughcs Stock. Beauctt Grocery Co. Suicide Of A Murderer. Ilo was to be Hanged in St. Paul On August 3?The Story of A is crime. St Paul, Minn, July it).?Edward Gottschalk, under sentence to bo hanged on \ugu&t 8, committed suicide today, by hanging The prisotioi had torn a piece of ticking from his bed, wound it tightly around his l-.eck fastened it to a hook in tho wall of the cell, raised himself from the floor and strangled to death. Onn fin v in luiUrniieu luul PU ? ! a V/.IV M?.J I .1 A. u\;i V?(tl J 1^nan Schindeldecher, a hntchcr, whs murdored in his shop on n prominent business street. The body was laterally hacked to pieces wiih a cleaver. ^Suspicion fell open Gottschalk anil a young follow named Joseph Hartman. Gottschidk was arrested,but strenuously maintained his innocence, declaring that he would be able tc prove it if II - tman wore found. On the day on which Gottschalk whs held to the grand jury the body of Hartman, heavily weighted with iron, was found in the Missisippi i ivc?". Iiartman's skull had been crushed. Gottschalk was plac< d on trial cn a charge of murdsi ing Hartman, and when tho case came upincourt, changed his plea of not guilty, and con fessed to the murder of Hartman. lJay your subscription. pre going to sell poods at first cost lend v irrying over any Summer >ii >*v you wo meun business \ 25c: .-hilts 19c. Ten dozen ins sr>. #5 Suits $3 75. PaNTS, oiu ;38c to 84., We >*ill have a few dozen 3oc gains in white iul white lawns, 3ries, etc. the best is piekegins now. ?urs to Please, iBBjjBK CO ik 11 > proper medicine. You must not lit stukft. Get tho l>, but abovo all ? without treatment. Our expor ill ?! >. Wo know of no remedy in tho ? ct 1 >n in tho pormauout euro of moat all *p rnmi I IlkL.g :i y diao&so will vanish wlion Checkers II 11hd out. what is wrong inside?It. goes tm i and makes the sick well, fall on your ? g wr:to us. Tho hotter plan is to buy a ? id 24 Checker Men r dealer or drnprffist for one of our full _?_ Tlnvkcr l>??ar<ls, printed in colors, with hi no Checker men, FRER. If ho rofuscs ME ante, write us and you'll bo supplied. B r? Ilcliio Company, Wlmton-solctii, N. CL ? mmwmA ?i.A? ivaiaouj . ilV PRICES ABE AS'.i I. Quick Sales, S For Fancy ShilT. I have the inn are the het-t that arc made. All kinds of Canned Goods and and excursions I can supply your vv i China, Crockery; 7 I have a full iine and can pleaso y Come to see my . %/ counter. Be sur? test?closes on Ai J B MAC] ujuv r? u- j ?? nm [ion nun ans wt The NeW Because it is tho strongest comp; or an so its policies protect one i ccause it lias over 390 million i Because it has over 380 millions Gcause it paid in dividends in I! ccause it is purely mutual. 1' Because its ussctts belong t ? the ecuuso it does not invest in si<>v ecaiiso its policies contain <<n! i premium ccause tho insuiud leaves to his Ba law suit, ecause its policies are incomes'.: Because it paid in 1901 $10,004 ecause it i- tho best estate " on ecause it gives you tho best pi for the money. I Because you can't afford to carry m best. Call ond. C. BLACKMON t plication. Sale Bo Our sale for the k a great success and our stock we find w summer goods and i we will make a gre: ever. We still have some of those petitors worried to know when they are selling for 25c. We c Underbuying enables us to unci 50 inch lirilli in!ine in navy, 5m at "50; our hargain i ri> c 4/) ceitt>- l Just rec? ived another lot ol the -: dcj-irahle f r waists anil sui's that the ' Another c ise ot fin?* 2 ")< ! iTVi'sin-.j i tntc'ies'in ; l 3C ' 1 . U-<t '? :' V: 11 I ' 1 r , it .* h au'ii i th it v < a In a 1 s in . a - >' ' I 1 Ladies' and Ti 1 H;a 1 . t: . ... I a 51 << \ . ? 11. i 'i 1 . . 1 I ni.1!, e < h?- t < . 1 We are Headquartei [i Men's Suits froi ! I Boy's Suits i'roi Men's odd pants Boy's odd pants Everything going E. E C ?L\; '^rJl\LCIj?b AP AS CAN BE MADE. r rt f >r> P J 9 snort 'refits; Kill ! 1 \ . tllP [. '.(* fickle*, ;*ir Summer i'io-nic.\ikI (?lass Ware on both in pi ico and quality. 7 and 10 cents e to see my eon ilfj; 27. p.C>RF.?.L man Should Insure ia York Life. , my iti tho world. Million families, issnt t*e Uestrvo Fund. DO-l over '0( n:i > no capital stock policy h ddors. ;!;s ami industrial sccunlios . y ono condition "p-iyuhvit of wi lo.y ?; ?;, ate a loja *\ and u >t utile and nonforfeitable. 3,()00 to its policy hold-. . . i can leave i ? your tV ik ? rotection an 1 invoslrnc i r -m. uueii lvtiung else ?vlien you cm got llio 1. UK e . a -1 :.'c !.i:n >m v op-* . . . i .. . %** .?_ iZ, ~cX"' * ' i toming! :.t i d? has been in look i. ; through 'e have too many n order to reduce it ater sacrifice than 25c organdies for 10c. Com: wc gut Fie >ame goods that >niy ask 10u the yard for them, lersell. o. i ;;n 1 bi.tck, won':-! be c.i'-.ijj lie y<l. . beautiful chin\ silks that arc so iv. arc making a run on at .pic 40 inch whi'o l iw'is that we are r . S *?r our line of ' : lies muslin i ..lices ?:e ' > reasonable .v.- gI f . look . den's Oxfords. U v an u-" to close out in; thing lit it will sin' you we wi I rs for Good Clothing. -ri $.9 OS tn <fc 1 S OA * a LW v|.' i v,', v; ~n 69 to 4.00 50 to 6.6C 19 to 1.00 c.' l a ibar^ain ca/i :loud