The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 19, 1905, Image 3

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L^aS Matter ? ??????????b? tl ?Threo Iota with dwellings, also vuciut lot mi Kim Street for hi!o Apply to L\ S. Cu'tor Agent, q ?Tne Lancaster Fish Market b al<va>8 hive fre?h ti-li on hand. ' ? Misses Su e Dixon lid liettu M 'hiev of Chester are quests H of Mi-t? Lizzie rillman. NV ? Mrs j L Williams and children are visiting relatives in Ker 8< shaw.?Yorkville Knquirer. cl ? Vntioch school* opened Mon- ^ day morning with Miss Louise ^ McNight as teacher. ^ ? Mr and Mrs Paul G. Mc * - ** " \^wt |\K. nnuuicu IU V^liestcr I" n- xv city from Balttm >re, where the former his b^cn under treatment c( at Johns Hopkins hospital c'l ? If you wish u nice fresh tish ,,hon? or call on Lancaster Fish o Market at L & C depot. K ? Mr W D Hudson of Gordon, 1 Ark , spent a few days here this i' week with his sister, Mrs L C r< Pay sen r. * cl ? Mrs P F Kilgo and children of Sumter, who have been visit- N ing the family of Maj J M Riddle, tl returned home yesterday. n ? Kock Hill and Lancaster crossed bats again Saturday morning at this place. The score was a 5 to 3 in Rock Hill's favor. ti ?Mr. und Mrs J T Wylic are spending a week or so with relatives of the latter at Edgemoor. l' ? Come and aco tho way The Lancaster Fi*h Market keep 'heir lishund you will lie convinced Mint ^ they life nico and fresh c ? Mr* It Z Welsh is visiting " her daughters, Mrs J W Condor and Mrs Samuel Rhea, in (-olum- a bin. ? ?Horn, to Mr and Mrs W B ^ Cauthen, July 17, 1905, a son. ?Mr and Mrs ] P Haekncy and children, ??f Charlotto, spent S un- tt day and Monday here with rcla- ^ tives. ? Mis Jas VV Miller, of Jeffer- l< son, i< visiting her parents, Mr r< and Mrs J F Gregory, at this li place. U ? \V 11 Dollar Corset reduced o to 75 cents at Lancaster Mercantile Co's. tf ?-The Lancaster Fish Market \\ arc selling the bast tLh that has ever been sold in Lancaster. Give (j, them a call and bo convinced. n ? Mi-s Mamie Anthony, of c< Westvillo, is visiting her aunt, o Mrs J F A<ldison, at this placp. t? ? Rev tJ 1* Knox, of Columbii, ai .1 ** . I- - L. '.I ?? .1 spent ivionuay nigm wun aiagutratc Caskey. V ?Mrs J A Cook and children ^ are visiting Mrs C's sister, Mrs ai \V U Clyhurn, at Maile Gold n< M inc. - Miss Maggie Tompkins of ? Ilcath Springs i-? visiting her 1,1 aunt, Mi>s Rachel Clark at Dry 'c Creek. T ?The Lancaster Fish Market ^ keep Trout, Mullett, Cat Fish, Red Snnpjier and Croakers always ^ on hand ut L & C depit. ^ ? I^d Powers, col., pleaded Q1 guilty to four indictments for ^ petit larceny in Magistrate Caskey 'h court and was sentenced to j. pay a fine of $lo in each case or ^ spend 30 days on the gang for each offense. lie took the days j ? 1 20. ()( ? Mi-s Lizzie t^lark of Russell ^ Place is visiting her mint, Mrs VV ^ A Hughes. at Heath Springs. ^ ? M iss Margaret Steele, a sis- CJ ter of Mr Win R Steele of the ^ Dixie section, died on Sunday u morning last July 16, 1905, at the ^ home of her nephew, Mr J A -y Steele, several miles North-east of ^ town, after an illness of some (j months, of dropsy. She was 61 years of age and leaves surviving e' her a brother and three sisters Her re,mains were interred at a Hopewell church Sunday even- o ing. 11 r * ?Now it, llie time to buy yc rockery, glass and tinware out te Williams-1lugfies Stock. IW'av.eit Grocery Co. ? Miss Florence Hughes, oleman, Fla., is visiting 1 rother, Mr W A Hughe* leath Springs. ? Sec announcement of / ailoy for the office of cot' eigher at Lancaster C II. ?Mrs R L Crawford and li an, Mrs W M Crawford i liildron and Miss Ireno Cunnil am are spending a few week? iedniont and sparkling Catav prings. / ?The ladi?s of Antioeh ehui ill servo ico cream next l' ri? veiling from 6.3O to 8. Tito p 3eds ate for the benefit of liurch. ? Manly, the 13 year ohl s f Mr and Mrs J W Fowors lerslmw, died Saturday duly 905, of typhoid fever, after Inoss of only two weeks. I smains were interred' in Sal burchyurd Sunday afternoon. Supu of Education W. loo re requests us to uuuoui bat ho will not bo at his oil ext Saturday, but will be th lie following Monday. ?A second trial of Tom, Jc nd Rich Witherspoon in Mag rale Caskey's court Mondny le charge of persuading a lab ) > violnto contract, resulted as lie first trial, viz: in a mistrial -If you want to carry sou lii'ng nice liovie to your fain ivo tbo Lancaster Fish Mntkc all and get a nice string of I I the L & C depot. ?The third nines of Lancas nd Kershaw played a ma amc of ball at Kershaw Saturc diich resulted in a victory Lcrshaw. ScoTe 10 to 13. J> :ry : Kershaw, Croxton, Mo nd Gregory; Lancaster, Jon leith and Strait. ? The sale of groceries regai :ss of cost in order to ms )om tot our removal to the \\ ams-IIughes store will only 1 10 remainder of this week and f next Week. Call early. Bennett GroceryCo. ?A telegram Monday to . / 1' Gregory called him to So :r on account of the illness of I aughter, Miss Lillian Gregoi ho is there on u visit to 1 main, Mrs Frank Zemp. ] hegory was in Columbia, hut 1 legram was forwarded to li nd lis reached her bedside Mi ay night. \ telegram from h esterdav to his wife slated tl Liss Lillian was better and tl a operation for appendicitis wot i>t likely bo necessary . ? Magistrate Caskev turn vcr $114.20 to tht: county ti e; rer Saturday, fines, etc., c ctcd in his conrt for the p narter. Magistrate Griffin /axliaw township, $9.60; a [agistrate Curnes oI Uuford $3 D, collections for the past t' PAIJC HM t"I rr tho r\ncf rv?/v^ 111^ HIV [JU31 1IIIM [agistratc Carncs has turn ver to the Treasurer $96.30 nes, #tc. ?\lr .lehn Hunter, a furn ving several miles Smith >wn, was shot Inst Saturdi ight by Mr Foster Taylor, le L) wight section. The shooti ccurred in the yard at Mr Hu :r's homo just after their arrh lero from Lancaster whoro th ad spent the afternoon. 1 lose of tin.' difficulty imi Ui o>\ Ir Taylor claims that Mr llti r was cutting at him will nife at the time he tired. T! Ir Hunter denies and says tl 0 did not even have Ins knife < uring the difficulty. Mr ilui r's wound is not consider ungcrous by tbe pbvsicii, nd Mr Taylor was lelettt 11 a bond of $300. Mend norning. jut lillerobl'-ui? I> >it\ :roti? O.utbeu' '?"<?}; As n!r? :iil v ;*>led tliO t. 1 i tiMiior i;;i.| Am 'iu>r h>u 0j allium 1 s"iiIt'ii.cni with Con | her ( r I k' week. Treasurer ('attlhntF* i ruont sheets contain ^ i * * t i k information ih t< ^ county n finances. They ih.U $172,T>27 39 was pai< the treasurer's c.Hico forth ending Ju?? oO, 1905, d old ;l8 follows : From taxes, nS" 951.45 ; fi nes, costs, etc , .$1 5 a* 71 ; borrowed from ban! ^',a State ninkituz fund. $7.91 county (?"is? msnrioa, $ 10,7" fell road tr.x , $13S 50 . State d lay r.ary school fund, $4,41 id- tmle of L & 0. 11 It 1 the $80,000 00 ; interet t ca s county sinking fund loan .t,n bank, $1 521 00; iucomi of $08 11 ; n account of libr 15% $00 00 Or th? ! 10,775 un coived from the county d snrics, $1,048 40 was cxp cm by the hoard of contiol f -t rius, rei.t, ii ?u moe, etc $0,003 53 wua paid to the ( of Lancu->lt,r nn.d Kt'i'dnuv, i(... UH? $0,003 50 as the on* ere P *rt> to he used in paying C expenses. The amount pai u* addition to the amounts )hn . , , the towns and on orders < ris' ' >oard of ontro'. was, $170 ?n 30?ts follows : ; o S' He tr: rev ei\, $13,011 OS; on county in uiisaionerorders, $133.8: school ortli $22,013.09. l1t * Tho c rdin ry expenses ' ' N oouutyy on', idn of the sci | ll railro ei nonet :ud go upon ^1 after repaying the mono row i d hum siuking tunc tcr i ft*' t %*i 1?t?'3 ' j tch U'VVV'1"' *'20,^ 10 , , Tn .i a >u it iofc in tiry ury <>.. July was, $20 '01 50 : county tax, $107 89 ; s ftt- county t L Si O. II. LI ,) $1 ere 31 ; special local (CI. C. Si CSf 11 ,) $1 1,451 12; road tax, 89; liuus acid costs, $1,04 county dispensary, $1.13 rd" 3 mil! tax, $2,705.27; ike tax, $1,192 09; special* 7.'l o/.lww.l !.?? A"> ?!Oft . ? . n- vii.\, tu,UOU.UU ; ui llst sary Hchoo), $51 1 80 . all | Mr 1 m- L (lis il?>: ' l y. ;. y, *\* t ' y ier \} 6001 , Mr ./. Ihe , i i \ ( -i- , / r! >n- . / . r.. . : ' -JL^ mi nit jat ^ lid IVO ^ ith C(] Ir. order to reduce our sto f until further notice. \Ye d< poods. We mention a few 1 Shirts 75c, 50 cents sli ier men's 50c shirts ? job ?at 2 or onus ^i ?(?. nn i?- That cost, u /al l >u cut) ]> <!c t! - ut these | ^ ilonblo knoo Oven II1 at 3s 1 *i0 . Some big ?'t goods, colore 1,i8 Laces, Enibr< !ni Don't, wait 1 "t, ed over. Sal cd in v J ? :'i FOP 4 + & . .-=^-t aut'v if c,w,i N .' ro W?h<ed for 'f ,j?-? u?r> 11? i'HTn^l'U" | a 1 >c Riddle, col., Whose parents ^ ,|u"-: live at this place, is wanted in ' Cfiecnville to answer to the charge , t f murder. Joe lived here up to .1 Bat11 aa year or so ago when he went to Rock 11 ill, and recently he went from there to work on the b'g show . . . . . j . reservoir on Paris mountain in Greenville county. On Wednes5 \ day last ho shot and killed Tom 11 ividod , . ^ G od, another negro at work on the reservoir. The GreenvillcNews of yatlirdav lh,? n.-irtirnln'ii a . , -.I. wu 11il iiiuiuiuuu siue, curY l jr- j i *mmI , ry'inK ^ie r'^? w'"1 him. * * i Gots Fifteen Years. C11 ,42'> ' Iv ' ;gh, N. C., July iy.? R. peciui D. Rynum, whose counsel ng- j r 1' ' lcc^ to a vcr(^'ci ?f murder i u $17 serond degree for the killing 18 (7"); of James II. Alford, December 1 'J'2 , ! 2<j, lust w;b sentenced today to poll | 15 years in the State prison. local men Wcrc partners in printing spen-I, , ? 1 ' business i ^ IT'S A GOOD SIGN and tells where we are located. j, ^ ( "" It cuugnt the eye of this young "?* miss and pleases her. She is i", i already on hor way to our place * i ? C /.xj to purchase \ A DRESS l'ATTEUX OR TWO. ( \\ It's our dull season and things VV are cheaper than usual. Spec- Q { \\ ial drives all along the line in w dry goods is unloading our big stock, liuy something and got ^ a benefit. ^7 illinins-IIuglies CJo. ^ RES INDIGESTION | oaves JJays ot Misery I B evorywhero CheokArn MMllrlnt Com|t?ii/ I P 1 BlUDplo bottlo freo Wlnalou-NUcin, n, c, R ' SALE!; : a ck wo arc going to noil goods at first cost )ii't intond carrying over any Summer d items t?? show you wo mean business. tl iirts 38c, 25c shirts 10c. Ten dozen "" 5c. 50 Suits #5. #5 Suits $3 75. 8 PANTS, s from 38c to 84.. ~ 7 rr prices. Wo still have a fow dozen 5oc. cents. ^ bargains in white <1 and white lawns, >icleries, etc;, till the best is pieke begins now. Yours to Please, JiSHBURK CO K nnrl r , . T," ' 3 I , <>t the homicide, as follows: jt4 ' " The killing of Tom Good ap' p' urn from the evidence taken bc1 ' 1 fore the coroner, to have been \ .0 91; ? a most outrageous affair. bev- . >onds, , , ( j oral negroes were shooting craps at the dinner hour and Good and 1 ied to . .. ivicKue were netting on Ihc game. . V| A disputo arose as to ihc winning ' often cents, and Riddle reached for the money. Good covered isuyt1* ... , him with a pistol and got the ended . . . . , ,. ., , co'ns which were then distributed ' j as won. Tho settlement did not I suit Riddle, however, and he walked up to'the camp and se1 i V . cured a Winchester rifle. Coming hack to where the game was ounty . , ? , i m progress, lie yelled out to the 1 d "ut> .i -i . . , negroes to throw down their /,.U' money, and when Good jumped UP ',e was s^lot through the brain. } A negro named Gray, who, it is alleged, lent Riddle the rifle, ' comtr has been arrested and lodged in 1 jail,charged with being an acces. jsory." ' ot tho j , , J Kiddle at onco made good his I hooU, , , ; escape by dodging into the thick ' fAl' r... f 1. .. ... ^ ?i " 1 - *i.*J ' VStNT- l*'.-.?rf'-. -> -?!Y PRICES ARE AS .lh Quick Sales, Sht For Fancy Stutt', 1 have tiio line U". r? the host that :no made. All kin<ls of Caunod C?oo<l> and Fie; nd exclusions lean supply y iv a .ul-t Jhina, Croekcrv am 7 ft/ 1 have u full iioo nud cun pleusc you bo Jomo to see mv 5 a ft' 'ouiiter. ]>e sure t :est--eloscs on Aug Yours, m ! ? ? VHY Every Man anil Woman The New Ye Bccixuso it is tho strong;:st c n;.ur: '> or huso its policies protect nr mi . ccause it has over million as-mlt Because it 1ms over 3M? millions -t ocause it paid in dividend >- in ' ")-l ecauso it is purely mutual. > Because its as setts? h.done to i1 ? ecauso it doe. u i v -st it ecauso its poYcie- > munium ecauso the iusuu I i i ?Ba law suit. its polit ies i.: iti \t Because it paid in 1 >*?'A .$ . ecauso it is the be-' e-d > : r ecauso it give- \ e for the money )ecauso you can't ullord ur. thin host. Call on J. K. HLAClvMON of I.u plication. Sale Boor Our sale for the las: t< i great success and in )ur stock we find we 1 summer goods and in o; ive will make a greatei iver. We still have some of those 25<. or etitors worried to nov ley are selling for 25c. c .1 v? Inderbuying enables us to underseh 50 inch Brilliantine in navy, brown in t 75c; our bargain price 49 cents th yd Just received another lot o( those beau; esirable for waists and suits that we are re yard. Another case of fine 20c 40 inc taking it interesting at 10c the yard. . Underwear. They are beautiful an ! t Y lat we always make a sale when we yet , Ladies' and Men's Big reductions in prices in these y od 11 odds and ends in th: b . \ ' ?. take the price to si;. Nt are Id c Men s Suits iron c Boy's Suits from Men's odd 'riant X Boy's odd pants " Everything going at a E. E CD nJE AS CAN BE MADE, iri ff , , ' J > ' K kJ I tut'- !'rc.>. i vo.- and Jollirt-. ill s ior Seamier 1'ic-nics S (' lass AV are Ih in price and quulitj. nd TO cents o see my eon O v i 9 F5 $ ft jH it Should Insure j in rk Life. , tbo wot 1 \. I 1 lliu.h'vu Fund. " r ?' r . ?t ' t r y !' <? i' r ^ i! -t 'iritis ? "paymont of ' iU.l.tlOt ill : : "If*. . tO )' V ' > 11* tMi;-/. ' '>trn -ihined >2 o - -> -i you aun get the aster io<3 give hiin your ap :v . J/.t:.-vacs* nine*! in d ays has 'been looking through rave too many der to reduce it sacrifice than gandies for 10c Cum*." goods lhat A ( l . y .u d -or them. id I Lack, woe 1 be cheap il\iI china silks that are so making a run on at 48c h white lawn ; that we are .0 our line of Lad es muslin e price arc so reasonable a look. > Oxfords v. e arc anxious to close ou ^ to wi'.' si '* you wc will I r Good Clnthinor. / - - ? - - tv ;.95 to $15.00 69 to 4.00 50 to 6.00 19 to 1.00 Bargain at OUD . ; *