The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 08, 1905, Image 3

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luai Kiaiiei ?Collecting Lumli v is giving us more trouble than we get out of it. Parties must call for their work and pay f >r it when they get it, as wo positively will not deliver any after tnis week. Cherry & Co. ?Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Howling, July 5, 1905, a son. ? For > iL*! Gv>l milk cow with young calf. Apply to Leroy Dunn, R. F. D. No. 1. I.anras tor, S. U. ? Mr. and Mm. j. L Bell of Mngill are visiting their daughter, Mi 8 j. Mv Oauthen, at this place. Owing to the big rain Thursday i veiling the D. C.'h had to postpone their ice-cream festival. ?Mrs. J. \l. White and children, of Uuity, are visiting Mrs. Scott at Sharon, S. C. ?Children's day will be observed at St. Luke church Sunday, duly 23, beginning at 10:30 a. ni. ?Mr W. L. Adams, of Florida, is up on a visit to his mother and family. ? Miss Alene Harris of Fort Mill is the guest of Miss Ivy Crawford. ? Miss Sibyl Browno, of Spartanburg, is spending a few weeks with her uncle, Rev. R. K. Turn? ips eed. ? I he Rock Hill school will open Monday next with Miss Jorusha Mitchell as teacher. ? We are pleased to see Mr H. K. Coffey able to be ont again. He has been confined to his home the past month from sickness. ?Mrs. L. L Ford, of Lnurinbnrg N. C,, who has been spending some weeks with her parents here, returned homo Thursday. ? Mrs K. D. Tillman and Uttlo son are visiting at Mr. .1. L. Tillman'* at Van Wyek. ?71 hales of cotton were sold fr< in wagons here Thursday, price rancid from 10 to 10^ cents according to grade. See notices of the admimstra tor to debtors and creditors of tho cstatos of B. F. Miller, deceased, and .1 A Miller, deceased, in iliis issue. ? Mrs. Robert Johnson and daughter Miss Eva, of Roddick, Florida , and her daughter Mrs. Stewart Ramey, of Citra, Flu., are visiting relatives and friends in this county?Tho Wax haw and Lancaster baseball teams crossed bats at this place Thursday afternoon with the t'fi&lill WuvKa iu u?oln r* ? ?? ? milieu .iff the honors, the score being 14 10 6., h worse heat than Lances icr got at the farmer meet when the score stood 6 to 5 in favor of Whxhaw. ? Mr E M Croxton, cashier of the First Natioual Bank of Lancaster, which will open its doors for business during the next montV, went to Columbia Tuesday to spend a month in the Na tional Loan& Exchange Bank of that city in order to familiarize himself with the national banking system. ? The County board of education conducted the coranp.titiv/p examinations for scholarships from this counfy in the various colleges of the State. There were 17 applicants for Winthrop College; 1 for Clemson; 2 tor the College of Charleston, and three for the South Carolina College. ?Letters remaining in the post office at Lancaster (J. H., uncalled for, for week ending July 7, 1905: Mrs. Carrie Allen, Mrs. Mary An Edison, Misses Patsy Brown, EthaCoughman and Eller Perry, J amos Ellis. * J. F. Hunter, P M. >? ?; ' 1 '4 v ? Mrs. 1'. F. Kilgoand uhilil |'l rcn, of Sumter, are visiting the /amily of Maj. J M Riddle. f ?Four extra good milk cows, ^ withyoun* calve*, for sale. j W. F. Nisbet, R. F. D. No i, j Lancaster. S. C. . Ii ?Rev. J. M. Wlutc is attend- j ing the Young People's conference ( at Gastonia, and requests us to * announce, there will ho no preach- . ing ut Gills Creek and Pleasant . Hill A. K. P. churches tomorrow. ^ ?The 48th anniversary of the Tirzah Bible Society will conic off 1 July 29'h, inst. Rev. Mr. Atkinson of^Monroe will dt liver the I annual address. The puolic is in- w vited to attend the meeting. \\ ?At a meeting of patrons of 1 St. Luke school tho following trustees were elected: Richard c Harper, Joe S. Hagius and Geo. 11 F. Ferguson The school will open Monday, July i7th, with Miss Marc Castles as teacher. c' ?Don't forget tho Farmers' (' Institute at Pleasant Valley July ^ 21 st. The Icctnrers and their subjects will be the same as at u the St. Luke institute, notice g which appears elsewhere. "> ? Good rains in every pari of :l the county. They were badly needod. In Home places they had had no rain in six weeks. In the vicinity of Craigvil e and JacksorJ ^ ham Thursday the rain was very t| heavy and lands were badly wash 1 ed. n ?Three lots with dwellings, * also vacant, lot on Him Street for ^ sale Apply to l\ S. Carter Agent, j ? Mr. Kd Catoe, of Chester- I4 field, and mother, visited Mr. and s Mrs. G. C. Games this week. ? Mr John G Tillman of Plesant O Valley, son of Mr 10 1) Tillman j of this place, has enlisted in the U S armv and is now stationed at Moultrieville, near Charleston. \ ? ? The annual picnic of the Liberty Hill Rifles at Heath Springs on the 4th was attended ft by a large crowd and thodav was g enjoyed by all present. The h company gave an exhibition a dtill in the morning and in the afternoon the Keishaw and Liberty Hill baseball teams crossed bats.The score was i9 to 1 in fa- v vor of the former. ? Mr. S. D. Tillman and his 1 son, Hon. O. M. Tillman, of Reddick, Fla., aro visiting relatives jin this county Hon. O. M. Tillman is said to ho the youngest representative in the Florida legislature. They will spend several weeks with relatives hero and in ^ UlQ Olllintru Kof.irn |.|lti.|.nin? 4 ~ ' iMV J WlWi V. IWHIl Ml'^ lit % (he land of flowers. ? A worm, supposedly the bill worm, is playing havoe in the eastern section of the county. It eats a hole through the shape just as the bloom is open, causing the shape to fall off Mr J. M. Stewart has shown us one of the worms and a number . of the sheddod shapes which he got out of a field of lino cotton ot Mr. W J Sistare'a in the O. K. Section one day this week. The worm is Small, green in color, and has (J anniAnitint thn nnrmnriin/in t\f ( cabbage worm, ?We omitted to mention in " our last issue the sale by the Wil Hams-Hughes Co. of their grocery to the Bennett Grocery Co. The Williams Hughes Co. will now devote its attention entirely to dry goods, notions, clothing, ^ shoes, etc., and their stocks will <1 be greatly increased, the up-stairs : over their store to be utilized by i them. They propose making j <1 their dry goods emporium second J i to none in this section of the! < State. The growth of their dry 1 goods business for the past few , months is what induced them to { dispose of their grocery and give their whole attention to dry goods. i Arguing is not convincing peo- I plo; it is just talking to them. m ['wo lUulc* Killed By u . .a.. :f Tree. MrA. l\. Itolliugs hud the misortuiio to lose t?vo fine tin lust ilondav afternoon He li iithntn muling stock to a saw mill neur ycrshaw -oid while the driver was muling a stock log, u tiro, which ml noon cut and hud lodged gainst liuother tree,fcha pponed to all catching the mules under it, iiling one of them instantly and njuring the other so that it died hortly afterwords. IMt'-Mo at IC1 _ i 11 .Inly li<"?th On the occasion of the Faiuiera nsiituto at Klein, July '25th, there ill be a big basket pie-nic toj rhioh every body is invited unci [ ((nested to tiring wed filled bus* ots. The institute will be in barge of i'rof. \V. S. Morrison ud tlio lecturers will be: chcniibiy Col. Al. 1J. linrdia; liorticul* lie, Prof. C. 0. Newman; Agviultore, Ocil. J. S. Nawmun; inustrial education, I'rof. W. S. lorrison. The la-lies of SI Luke church '<11 serve refreshments on tho rounds thai day,' tliu proceeds of 'hicli wiil go for the purchase of n organ for the chinch. SPOILED HER HE A II1 YHarriet Howard, oi 209 \V. 34th it,. New York, at one time hud j er beauty spoiled with skin rouble. She writes: "I had Salt thoum or Eczema for years, but othing would cure it, until 1 used' lucklen's Arnica Salve." A fjuick nd sure healer for cuts, burns nd sores. 25c at Crawford Pros., K. Mar-key ifc Co's, and 'underbuilt Pharmacy, drug tore. ?? -- 2* ?. v Men k op a great deal of money ut of losing investments by nr t i aving u to inve.-t. For the next 30 days ve will n nd Ladies' Oxfords. Prices rang ;uns at 98 cents. Men's $3.50 lim hoes at $1.98. Hoy's and ehildrr big lot of shoes and they must g( PAMTS Wo have Men's Pant.- from -40 c idiilo they last. Also ulotof rom B&RBW&RE A ~IA bin iot of ol sw sKelo tn (?r> ?t OOk HtOVCS to il<) lit ?0 95. Molas-os from 18ets per gallon Tobaccos : Sweet Mash, Htch rlont, Natural Loaf, and almost an obacco at 25 cents per pound. We also carry a full lino of Stan J-*1/" ".Vhen in need of anything CARNES CA Ir order to reduce our stock we ntil further notico. Wo don't in no Is Wo mention a few items I $1 Shirts 75c, 50 cents shirts 3 ion's 50c shirts? job? at 25c. ?10 Suits ?7 50. ?7 50 S MEN'S That cost us fr 'on can pick them nt these prices, ouble kneo Overalls at 8S cents. o lim r^s \ w a a jl \,s h. w a n/if j j^oods, colored a Laces, Embroid< 1 )<js5*t, wait till 3d over. Sale b Y< FUNDI Death* A lettm tron Min Nina Hood | of Cairo. 111., of date jimo 30, ! 1005, to a relative in this count}' announces the death of Mr. James W. Hood, which occurred of paralysis following i five-months illness of rheumatism . Mr. Hood moved from this county in 18G7 to Kentucky, and will be reinembored by a number of our old citizens, especially survivors of Co. I., 12st S. C. Hogt., in which be sol ved, making a gallant soldir, during tlio civil war. Hie remains were taken to his old homo at Helled, Ivy., for interment. ? Mrs. Loo Nishet, widow of the late John D. Nishet of the Jncksonhum section, died Inst Monday afternoon July 3, 1905 at the home of her son-in-law, Mill. M. Wilson, at Kershaw, from a stroke of paralysis Mrs. Nishet accompanied her daughter Mrs. Wilson, home on Thursday and was stricken with paralysis the following day, lingering until Monday She was abont 82 years of ago and bad suffered intensely rocontly from cancer of tho face but bad endured with christian res ignation her atlliction. She was a member of tho A R. P. Church and u d'woted christian. Iler remains wore interred at Unity on Wednesday. Rev, J. M. White, her pastor, conducting thoifunoral services. Tho following children survive her: Mrs. R. M. Wilson and Alessrs. Harper, Prcssley, and ,!e(T D. Nishct. A woman thinks her husband is leading a double life when ho can't see that the baby's straight hair curl*. Pay your subscription. < SALE! Il'or some good bargains in snoes o from Go cents up. Men's Bro > shoo at $2.95. Men's $2.50 fine n's Shoos at a cut price. I have PANTS t ents up, so come and gOi a pair mints of Cloth to go at cost. NO STOVES ! i\ cents-per pound. Ton No. 8 up. and Waxy, Brown Mule, Red y kind you want. Hood chewing L lo Groceries at tho lowest prices, in our lir.o give us a call. Yours for business, SH STORE. |LE I are going to hoII goods at first cost tend carrying over any Summer to show you wo moan business. Sc, 25c shirts 19c. Ten dozen 11 its $5. $5 Suits $3 75. PANTS, oui 38c to $4., We still have a few dozen 5oc rgains in white ml white lawns, n'ies, etc. the best is pick egins now. >urs to Please, BBUBK CO t J ?w c MY PRICES APE AS CK5A Quick Sales, For Fui cy Stull, 1 h:iv linU... L. . .1 ' ' iiiu uiu uysi mat are imulc. All kinds of Canned (I. i.Umi ! and excursions 1 cun supply your w n' China , (Iroekory v.: 1 have a full iino and can please \ Come to see my i> counter. He sure test?closes on An Yours J B MACK WHY Every lid The NeVi ) Because it is the strong si ..tup : erause its policic protect .?ue :;i; ecauso it has over U'.'o nolle.n s < Becawso it has over o>h miiiniu* lh ecauso it paid in dividends in 11M)4 ecauso it is purely mutual, li h e Because its us setts belong to the p< ecauso it does not invest in stocks realise its policies < n :; premium ecauso the insmed i 1 Ba law suit, ecauso its policies iv i - :?{* i ; Because it paid in 1 *> >1 ~ . ecause it is the b ^t i y ; ecauso it gives von : 1. for the money. Because you can't afford t > (avrv best. Call on J. E. HLA.CKM1 N plication. tBWBgiftft'tffig: 3SR. . _. LIVELY TIMEs. We Expect to Mi Lively at 4 )u the Next T< OUR PRICES ARE CD" We have just opened up two of t ed in Lawns hnd Organdie : 5,000 yards of Lawn in all the hot itively worth lo cents, we arc going t cents the yard. 5,000 yafds of Colored Organci'., c:? less than 20 cents, we will make the at 10 c?nts the yard. .1,000 yards of Whith Lawn, lo inc yard, wo will make lively tunes by ni cents the yard. 72 inch White Organdy wi rlh 5 1 lively timas by uiuksng it 25 cents the BIG BARGA1M TABLE 1 nippfe wnvlli !() ci'nU tbw ke: 1 pieco, wortn 75 cents, till pure lin 1 piece, wortn ?1 25, and would be but just to make it lively we will muk 25 Bed Spreadf, slightly sold for #1. This sale fi 2,000 Yards of Calicoss,A 20 pieces Silk Mulls, formerly s> cents per yard. WHITE CANVA For Li lies, Masses : Ladies' $1 50 Canvas Oxfords Children Canvas Oxfoid, > 5 to 12, this sale 85 cents . Mi -v : Beautiful line of white hose to n h - M'.LUN We have still a frw more hats let' out so just come in and make , . i E. E. CI The Ba v. - v rfci f ^(tpi ' - rjl ,1'j SC.^ ii,: MADE. iort Profits S ^ : -> v > rvc' ad Jellies S.nnnne" l'ie-nics I, n.d. ?*lass Ware !> >1 h i-i pi i c nnd quality. and 10 cents to see my con .. n tr y 4 ^ ^ * ? :n?m i P-crd t'<na( 9 e Should InsiireT in ork kite. ' it: *' w <u I i ion families iurvc I'i.iid. OYOl ?5,1)00,000. : no c.tipi t 'i; -ill ? .: v dicy holdi r-*. and industrial * -curititrs ; i men' of ! i 1 "icy not and . if i feitablc. ' lo ii - ; ^!i< y holders. your f^- lily. : v tiupnt combined > \ ae i % mi cm u;et tho m \ i i iv in your ap. . - > <-^r-. a K '* H iT C i TP^ til uJiiJii S? tivO v ' e i imes r Store for 3ii Days. f to tb? quick le -u' le-! bargains ever ofl'cr-t\ ;o< ai de that are \ os.. .... I ,. . : .1 . - if iii;iisv 11vl'i ) lime- v. iu1 111 j n't In insitcriicil anywhere for times lively t>y running then: hes wide, worth '20 cents the inkii <z 'in price just half, tO cen!.: ii. y n 'i ? v. ii' make yard. is DAMASK. I: cents. on, this sale 49 cents, i cheap at the price mentioned, o the price 98 cents, soiled on edge*, ir only cent.-. 11 in Hints, worth 9 cents, this ?alo ? conts. Id for 25 cents, this sale 12 \ md Children, is sale > I 2 t. ? S. hi i c t>0 cents ; si/.c 8 ' . ; '[:!- - ;t? !>."? cents ERY ind a: f? .xiiniM t?> cio.<e them . r ami you have bought u hat. JOUD. rgain Giver.