The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 01, 1905, Image 4

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Russian Crew Kill Oiiiars Captin and All Officers except l-'olit complnnt Ones On ltoatd "the Most Powerful P> attic-hip Left t ? the < '.mi A > ' M u r tiered Odessa, June 2.^.?Tht red flasr ?>f revolution is at the mast head of the Kni?z l'otcmkinc, Uussia's nio-t powerful battleship in the black Sea, which now lies in the harb >r in the of miitin?'ei s. I he captain ami most of tile officers were murdered and thrown overboard in the open s> a and the sh'p is completely in the possesion <>f the ere a- an-l a few of ficers who have thrown in their lot with the mutineers The guns of the Knia/ IVtemUine command th" city, and in llr streets masses of-triking w??m< u who yesteaday lied before the volleys ol' the troops, are now inflamed by th "peclac'e of open revolt orivboafd an imperial warship and ar makie ; a !? Id front against tire military. Ail day ! >eg, bring h >.s been he ird in many quarters of the city A number oi barricades have bet n erected and tumult and disnrtlrr reign rxiM-vr civil, ska nc.irr. The main squadron of the Jllack Sea fleet, consisting of the battle ships (icorgci l'obied nosetx(Gorgia the victorious,, with two rrnUei ire i vm .-leil l.? here to-night and a regular naval battle is in prospect. l hc lioters arc in a most defiant mood and arc nut inclined to surrender without fighting. Reports oi' the munity, which occurcd while the battleship was at sen, arc difficult to obtain, as the mutineers refuse to allow communication with the shore; but it is ascertained that ij arose from the shooting of a sailor who was presenting, on behalf of the crew, a complaint against had food. According to one version, this sailor, whose name was OmHitchuk, objected t ) the quality of till- "hrtrtrllt^ f\r crvim ? was immediately shot down by a mess officer. Weekly Crop Bulletin. Washington, June t27.?'1 he weather bureau's woeily summary of crop conditions says: 'While heavy rains have hindered the cultivation of cotton over a large part of the central and northern l'exas, where many fields are foul, the crop as a wholo has experienced gancrul improve.ment through tho cjtton bolt. The plants are generally under > sized, e specially in the central and eastern districts but good giowth is nearly every whero reported. Complaints of .ico continue from C it / ' ' ' ooum *-aroiina and Ijeorgia. In Texas leas damage from v.*eb worms and boll weevils is inclicated; in western Louisiana, howover, Home fields have been abandoned on account of weevils, and in Oklahoma and Indian Territory tveb worms continue damagin". i1 So ne picking has been done in extreme southern Texas. "Under favorable cmiditiom for transplanting tobacco, this work has been largely finished nrul the general condition of the croj is promising." GREATLY IN DEMAND Nothing i- more in demand tlinn n medicine which meets modern reouiremcnts for n Mood and system cleanser, such us Dr. King's New Life L'ilii. They arc just w hat you m od to cure .stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At Crawford lined, J E Mackoy A (Jo's and Kundcrhurk Pharmacy, drug store, *2~>c,guaranteed. \ We...'. > t i' i1 Summary of 1 lie S Waather ]Uir> mi | ' I!)': temperature during the | work on Mm? s ? m , Inn 29th, I hvcimjm <1 4 debtees per day ahove ; norm ?I. I he extremes were ti : in ixi nu ii ?f 100 <1 v.jree* at I I ?1 - ; f re* on * lie :?^rd, and a tninimmn 1 <>l 00 deproi s .il (iivcnviile < >11 the 22n<l. J here whs more than an !( axoi t"-' anmnnt of briyht -un- 1 I shin . A'though there wre 1 o (l <1- strut live wind storms, yet there!, were fiesh to bri?k winds each',, <1.iy which, bcir^; hit and dry v had 1 \vi!ti elf et on all wgeta a lion, anil caused tltc ground to!,, dry out vei y j llure ut r<- scatter d shower-.',, 1' mi several d jy* during the middle ! t, ?.fthe wrelc, most numerous in 1,1 the extreme western and north-I , i western 'order counties, "nd|;, vilely separated i ? other parts. 1 p 1 >y far the 1 truest p rtion of the !s rt.ite had no rail. I he shower? p v. t ro heavy in parts of Olonce, p Uarnweil > nd I h r, nee c- un- ;d ti< -.were g : endly light elewlu re j here is need <>!' general tains j ^ in all nuts of the State, through G the drought is ill >'. severe in the g eetili" i counths, where the deli- (b eimy -hue the Ill'st of Ju'e 1 11 : iiiomu1 tofr< m two to over three I ' i11 nclu's there having occcured no ! cj rain during this month ju In many places the ground has! a become baked and hard and tin- j workable. Farm work ma Ic rapid pro- , mess during the week where the j -i ii was fit I'M cultivation, and j prartiodly all fields have been, rid of grass and weeds, and are in bi tter condition than at any time i this ?ea-on. Cotton is suffering le<s from j the drought than other crops, and , made a general improvement, although the plants continue small and are growing slowly. Cotton \ . 8 has now a health:: r col >r, and is I " fruiting normally with a marked *T uTcw-e to 'he mm i from which blooming i- repot ted. The improvement is confined principally to cotton on heavy soils, while on j ( sandy lands the crop continues poor and unpromising, and in . many places lousy, and the plants * have a sickly appearance and in a few sections arc shedding their lower leaves. Sea-Island oolton is in good condition but has begun to wilt in places. i s Corn is suffering for rain, and early corn is very poor; later plantings arc better but will soon deteriorate unless it rains. Most of the March plantings hove been laid by. Worms continue destructive in the western counties. Tobacco leaves are ripening and sonic of the lower ones have been stripped, cured and market cd Wheat iiu 1 oats harvest is now finished. Tide water rice is doing well; June plantings in the Georgetown district arc coming up to fairly good stands. Gardens doing poorly. Shipments of peaches arc heavy from the ridge section. Cantaloupe shipments have begun, and watermelons will be marketed next week*. Pastures arc failing. It lias been too dry to plant peas on stubble lands. A GKT.V TIt AGED". is daily enacted, in thousands of 1 hom"s, as Death claims, in each ono. another victim of Constimpi tion or Pneumonia. lint when . (Jonahs and Colds aio prop oily treated, the trapedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklundort, 1 Ind , writes: "My wifo had the consumption, and three doctor, gave her up. Finally . ho tookDr, King's N(\v Discovery for Consumption, Conphs and Cold so which cured her, and to-day she i-? we'd and strong.It kills Iho germs of id I diseases. One dog. relieve- Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 l>v Crawford Itros., J. KMuokcy ('<> l'undorburk Pilar, maey, druggi-ls. Trial bottle frees Foley':' Honey ana Tar ror children,' nCt ,r,nre. No opiate>,, Minister Saved From Mob By Ruse Of Litle Girl lad Been Warned Not to Preach Longer a' Pottsville, Ark , hut Disregarded Injune tion. Memphi>, 'cnn., June 27.? A Mmmercial Appeal special from *asa, Ark., sa)s that the Kev. . J. Gray, a Methodist minister f Pottsvil'e has been saved from ou;;h treatment at the hands of mob only by several little girls, /ho clung close t ? him ns ho left sch 'ol, house, before which early a score of men hail gath re.d intent up'Mi seizing the readier. Gray had been warned i) prenah n?> more at (Jassa, but isregurding Hi" injunction, lie ode into thn town last evening, ccotnpanied by his small daugli' r. lie was in tlia midst of a ermon, delivered at the school ousc, before a congregation comosed mainly of women and chi 1 ren, when the mob appeared be)vc the building. The minister inniediately left tiie pulpit and tailed f r the dtior, A number i little gI Is fearful for his safety rnsp'-d to his coat and clun* to is sido untii the minister had i.ule his wav through the mob nd escaped through the <1 ir!<ess. The presence of the chilrcn, it is thought, restrained tho tob. Gray was not pursued nd left town this morning. " > T' HiV^KBKSlMflHnKrSI MURRIt V'S IRON MlXlU K No :s l lie t me to take n h|iiing tonic lly lhi the Went iliing to tnke is Moray'* Iron M xtuie It inalvOH |>ur.-? t? oo?l ami gets ri l of tliiittireil leeling. e t uil d:UKstore" oOc A ltOTTLIi <>i Direct I "rem The Murray Drug Co, Columbia, s To to the I.ANfiASTRR MARRI.R A TV 8 > GRANITE WORKS, 'or Good Work and Low Prices I* L iolSineh} LANCASTER, S. O ' -Clubbing Payable Strict y TIIK LEDGKR (twice a f/-\T m \ r A t /. * ^twice a wcck TIIK LKDGKR (twice a v TON NKWS and COUR year for Till- LKOGKR and The TOR one year for TI IK I.KDGKR, The AT SOUTIIKR.N CULTIVA' Till-; LKDGKR (twice a v CONSTITUTION (three TDK LKDGFR (twice a v WORLD (three times a w< tmk lkdgfr, atlan and FARM, one year for Positively Carm< ! Grout expectations are hold o | Senator I ilhnan's promised spcci. i i at Greenville on the Fourth of Jr. ! !y. \V:'I it be fiery or watery e tire w two y ??t liarleston l'ost, - - r-e (tv*** ? Norway lias proven that scce , sion i > light when the section o ( country which secedes is I?i; enough to mak" the other settioi ; douht its ability to coerce the se ceding section. ?Wilmington Sta Come to think c.f it. Admit.t logo has rather put himselt i.u of a job. ?I' hi I tdelphia Press .. -w, _ .. ' fclCKFNINU IS 11 IV Eli I Ml I i I of Aiiguo iXinlutiu, can l>e it P.evod and tioed with Khetia j bitters. I n s is a putet m?.... J .iit-dieiue; ?1 cf-pieiul i r: . lit i; malaria, lor it exert* a t.u uin< tive influence on the disease, <11 iv 1 ng it emit cly out ol itu: sis t in it is mueli to h>- tuelerred to Quin ine, having Hone of this drug' had afler-etfccte. K. S. Monday 11.......... i.. r 4. M . * i 1 1 KI I II II l I ?I , 1 L.\*t VI l ? t \ T . * jt I J i-lMthl'l* WHS VlM"\ lo.v Wi ll I1U.1 ll I n! lev. r niul j uie.dioe, till lc tooli Klectiie IlitU'is, *\hic'? *avid ! ii ! I i t<*. A > Cm w i? i ! Sit oa J i* M.cke> & (J<?. and 1<%un? r ur5< IMini'iiihCy <li vi i Mures; price 5On, ?_u iranleed. |- SHOES We are expecting u cull from yon. We now have a complete lino of Tun and White Cunvis Ribl>on l ies, just the thing for summer any price from $1.00 up Wo cu!. special atteution t > our High (Lade line nt DRESSY low cuts. Ed win Clupp for men La Franco for women. r- **oaa**Jk wes auBEKsanasn CHERRY & CO. PROFESSION Al. \ tU) Dit M 1* Ckawkokd I>it It ( Hiiowk CRWVFOKI) A* liftOWN, Physicians and Sin genu*. I ane.iuder, s. ( Trent met t ?>f the ej'? : '.sc tli'on a cpecinltv. Calls proinp ly answered day o night. OlTi"e over Crawford Urns Hi ug Store, Phones: Olliee, N > I7l>; it idenco' Nos 11 and 36 ? Ratesly in Advance. week) and the ATLANTA ) one year for $ ' 7 /cck) and THE CHARLES IER (twice a week) one vt I n SOUTHERN CULTIVA$,-7 LA NT A JOURNAL and FOR, all three one year for $2.0< vcck) and The ATLANTA limes a week) one year f?>r ?2.01 /cck) and The NEW YORK cck) one year for $2.o< TA JOURNAL and IIOMK >t So ml on Credit. T. S. CARTKR, Pub. Ledger. f mammmWBZ&?A\tge(ablc Prepnrnlionfor As - ! i 1 t sfmilalingUicFoodaiulRcduIa- .1 ( ling the Stomachs tuulBowcIs of rromolcs Digcslion.Cluvi fulness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor "Mineral. ' ' Not "Namc otic . 1 i * JiKifie of ObMrSAMUElPiTCHER \ v! i : Seed, ' ? dlxXttuut ? \ : /AxAd/rMit- S slttiv Xtxrl * Jhf&ntwtt) - } 77/ Cnrf?7r.nlrSoJa v i Mfrtft St+d - | - Ctmfird Xianr Wntr/yi crrt fiaTcr. , Apcrfccl Remedy for Conslipa- 1 ' lion,Sour-Stomach.Diarrhoea J I I Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- 1 \ ness and Loss or Sleep. ? H Facsimile Signature cT 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. /, -e^L-^ 1 nB^SHK1^3T>^rr&v' ? WM k ^ ^ .1 I >1- J* <0 *0!'i<>< t, Lsnca.-lui, S. O. I'enil tit* |i!iom> N.? t-?7. Oil!'C, J)hy!m IliuMim .mrii^r Mai l itilil j !>u 1 i> i> ; m* A ,""2 W: i prjicti'i? ut < ?! i la vii ami | C.>Uiitv in lai'icas'o \ A . i -.iMs ?' r iIhy o' niit i will r enive *t mi,.* u. t uition Jar.. 1<). 190i ?if. NOTICE. t 1 lie Inuitd tif count \ lOuuuis? -inneis in their meeting Wmduy ? pa- 8od II i-?'!.!' ion i* ili" ell. rs tlnil Inieiftrr r. > m igiM rate in IjUien.lei tv i. si ? will l>" n.dd f< i | ... Ii mi?i;x ;i tn>:o 'it nnl< s- il is mi ' possitil' t i ! tin: < u'- nor, >unl r I ht'll 'ill I I J '! .'.Ii' t < t l?t ( Mt;! \ . j w itli the !a \ I: v - .-iii i.1^' ill: htviis ; 1*1 <?III Hirer rill/! s of ill" i?Ii .. ... mo'lniif cotnuiniutv in it it i- uu; _ ' . purl ?ut that :ui iiMpirri l>e In 1 i in ; lilt pin tirul.u- ra-c under c uisiihu I lit ii m. M c (.illI dm r. ' nl \ "-'nprr v snr. 1 Notice. My !< ;i|l'iv ?>tti o <i; y-. \v i! !.t! : at j unlays uiul fir*! Mo <! ? <. ' !i oilier days you w: 11 ll:. I i) :ii uiy oll'i e near 1< ?fc d p.! VV;M keep soSoo! look ' 'i 1) t. < id ' oi '.V' I l? iX' I to wait ' !! :? ,j day mi Hie ivei-k W M Mo re (' > Hum' f /? !u ii in J ill lii, |!M Mn hTrA/ 'p ^ rrrr mm lij LUftI 1 ?\M it* mI ii r inyi'oitvi! M i i lenders ? ' m: iy ! N< w V I'm ' ' . , Willi wll -111 I lll i1' ' to l.rjrol j I' I" I -I SW-Uitd I?V I'l s! Mi l l.'iuri'iltip ovr I c-ollou r.nir ii 7 jar o I:!, il l * '-i ? 5 repny?l);o iu uuiiti it . >l? 'nn ills ?.f live : o;u- No Mr ki"in i' or vonuin ' ftloli eSaitf il I Mi v ; la.fOii: i !; charge '<> r a'.s im-r > it i; ; \\ v i ! :, A l?lf ill --'".11 ? . >1 111* II l.uw Wiathrop College Scholarship 0 and Entrance Examination. T t- ex iiiio 'ion it (In' iiw:iii1 of va< liul sclio rusVp- i\ \Vi ul !:i op i ol li'L:H nn.l for I !u> mlmlunlrtit i>( nn . uin (ion18 will to !i lil ) ' 1111* county < ? ot Hou-o oil F i - y .In y 710 ill !la ni. A pplii'.iiils <?--t m l t? ? ..? I itm li li't'Ii \ l as ; I i:, t . \\ Iti-I, ;.!> .1 slilj s mi? v;io ilcd nf rj 11v 7>ii liioy ? i I b~ u .v.ii- i t'losi- m tiling i < o l?i{(;> e-t ii or ?i?o i ih h ox nil .i'i ?! j?r > i(imi I lo y iiii ot ' lio coii'l f in n ijov n? I ii-' i lie uw-ir i. A|?il?i* i* Im <?r noli >!?. <irHhliiM sliimiii wr' -* in I'll iii- i.t ^ Ji>liiiMi.i lir*fn e lie cxaiii'ii l inn 1 r oil I'll ? : 11 > ? X Villi* II' (ill III 4:i'\m S; Imlni-lil ;ix lire wo-ill $ Ml mi i f> i o lull K'll ill i i X l ?i <a i 11 I on So| t hi ? r -il |}jo> Km fni*1 >> i* on < > ulc^ii it''ilr > ; I'rO i > t? JllllllM) , D Ivo :k 1 i Mi, A I', hu'.ico .(>. t!iu Pun! in j 1 will I.old nil inijll. at in tin- I c. iiuiiy. Phono to ui\ tvuilonce j iit PIoh ant Hill for n:c who i nordod. \. Montgomary Cu*kcy,x opt. 2d?If " -.TJW For lafopta and Children. fhe Kind You Have Always Bough? Bears t&o J/ % Signature " A? . W H iV' Ii! Jml%. YST v ran y ^ use Thirty Years tmc atKT?vn ec?rPAfiv. tt~v ro*? citv. Mss^Sr-s&Eci j. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Wurfciu*; <>ii credit doesn't pay, und imy t< cu from this lionecfoi tti ii: o -t.ictly cash. OiiJubi ; Pricuai, Cold Killing ?1.50 \midgnm Killing 75 c*t?. Ccuicnt l'"*11 i:ii* 75 ct Klinitilt l'l.ATK, Kill I upper a-l of 1 colli ?12.00 Upper ami lower act ?25 60 ! prices are strictly for cash. No wor.\ ?lon?- except for ? i di or ^o"(| .county. J. li. R?J iLEDGE, Dentist. j./uniiv F.)STt:it. . ULorniiy <({ Laiu, lanoastkk, s. <\ ' S f" * *! * 4!l I S'? . ! I r?* T T.-- tps ^tacra 1A . a - 1 . : > 1 ; . I O : ti-rtl* i'.N VS L \ li;:;: D1VIDKNDS ! VOL' I-.. :t r, i s . I uiMitt ii Wf ifuarioocc KHilH^icitniit 1 oil!- 111 I ln'l 1 " n?; 1)1 in^r ||lO ni si pr i;i ;il; i: c\ l.uvs in? npurio h I a si r i litn?;tviMi is ttrst i?lasa No ollo r' u-iat'sa C-'IK'ue < 'I'-r i.e'ler mivai t * r- IV iov now oH prepare a i a u r;tivo si ; n. Our cneluates :i! I I ?! emit. i i uS I .I V"U wo li v.* -i -!e 1 liuailn' is?iliey are in j? in ;t s. Wo oiler speuiiii rates Ma ' til's ; (V I? i\inns , (lolleoo Columbia, IS. C. Aug. 21), 1901 ? tf. *- ' ? 1 ? * * 1 " '"" ^ are the most fatal of all diseases. cure is* I ??f? b ? 8u&raQt68d Remedy cr money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles, PRiOH 50c. Kcd JI.00. L rc.'s'itj' AN; om?>nR I i A i I A > . !. ? in nfli ' M:iy lis, I9,,5, iy *..? ''?i? ' **t? i ' tfS'i liOT t't I >. j,v i ti ir.'iHtfi, 0 3 > a in 3 45 p in l.v Fori s.aivii, H 49 u in 4 15 [> in ;,v K v|1 In h 59 ? in 4 30 p in i v iviaiiiilliK, i *10 a in 4 4i |> in Ar ! Instfr, ' 80 a in ft 1ft p m Ar * Inn 'oi le, So U 9 ft> n in 7*00 p m \i nlumlilu So KID Ift a tn li A w ' ?'* IT? , i i,v 'o a nt ia, m K o i? > a in |M p jri TjV < hit I ??!? , So 11 Olio hiii 0 l'C |i in liV Iter"1 * 1, 9 00 a in S !ft j> m i v Jit, 94o a in s 81) p m 1. ?'.:,*<u?MnviMe, 0 o n m S 4 > |> r? !"" I ! awn 10 no n :n S ftfl p m i 1 jStlii'i-MU I' 10 .'? ) a in 0 ift p {]) CONN KU I ION:-. Ii.mUm"?Southern. ^hi'imii ami r linn & ?\oi l liwi tern rail way*. I .ain-Hnter? Southern K ii. v. i\y. A P. .1/cijlJitK. f-nt TialMa mirr 1 BUOY i. Fr<\ t uiiil Traflfto M Aijager. i