The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 01, 1905, Image 1

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' ...I > ' -'C > K " f' ^ , Yf * fYtt <SC^ ?A c.r .' .>' |Jtfl& ': ' M $?'' " * C#j ! ' !^ftMr ^J4,<l|fe$lif^J^ii'l^ir' f V:'s V ' ' ;-/ V :../.5 V .v V.... V ; ?a<- ' ??? T'.JS^ a. 0A.RTE3, | ^ JRa?C,> * -*< '"- 4 ^JBS" j>>EW? AKP MOUO?. ? ^ , ,_. ,----? -J - "??juIxvVKKKLY :< . .J U Ij Y i i' 5 \CLlSilICD t>S lll^ | To Grl P Eaol " You ca It dav mori lucky g-ti News of the State. (Specials to The Columbia State.) Fire at Cheater. Chester. Juno 27.?Firo broke out this afternoon in Sprin^stein mill cotton warehouse. Two hundred bales of cotton were partly consumed. The firo was cheeked by mill operatives with their tire department. Loss from $3,000 to $3,500. Young Man Drowned. Laurens, Juno 27.?Berry Crooper, aged 14, son of Mr. Joseph Crooper of Youngs township, was drowned in Enoiee river, near Van Pat ton shoals Sunday afternoon. Passenger on Train Struck by a Rock. liocU Hill, June 27.? P. C. L. I) iwtllo was brought hero Saturday from Smyrna with a frucl tired skull and a terrible cut on tho head He was struc t by a stono thrown through the car win-low on tram 136 as it passed Smyrna. E II ?** IP p; uess at the in our Given Fi A 1 person trading J in give the elerk ling. We will ti Lesser the paraso Everyboc! 1. V>.? DEP. Tho missile opened tho skull and drove a lock of hair into tlie crevice. Do?vdle is not necessarily fa. tally hurt and has been sent back t to his home at Losslie. l'he fctone was thrown by a small whilo ; boy nnd U. S Henslee, a t'nvcl- I I ing man out ?>f Atlanta, is said to have seen the boy when ho let fly j the piece of ballast. Fatal Negro Excursion, j Chester, Juno 27.?A negro j excursion train from Winnaboro j to Salisbury last Saturday didn't turn out to be a Sunday school picnic. Thoro was tho accustomed brawling and fighting, the result of which was that one nogro from , tm.s pinee, L'om Hluko, wn? killed j ! and tin own from the train and one i negro, possibly more, slashed with ; a knife. T VO HO 1? LES CURED III .\J I "1 was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis, of Mt bidding, la., <4hut two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure." Sold by Fundorburk Pharmacy. : V ' "I i-.v-j' /AN 3 number c store Sati LEE to the i. Beautiful Bla H 1.00 and over 11 your g'uess and a vcn compare s>ues I. ml W ]|| ||j SS \ (' "' . f'^i .iv^^-^yVWsiil ?zaz Drowns Himself in Seven Inches ( Of Water. Spartanburg, Jnne 27.?Mr. A Bnnham Martin committed ^ suicide this morning by drowning! . > himself in a little serinrr hr nnrlt 5 m 7 w f a little valley between North and ^ Converse streets. lie was found < c with his face forced downward! into soven inches of water. There I was not the lightest clue to in- j ^ dicate the end of the unfortunate J ^ man was other -than self planned ^ and no inquest was held over his ^ remains. Mr. Martin was 54 c years of age and his wife and four i children survive him. Tie was a \ t: 8 native of the count)-, and lived at Martinsville. He had been in failing health for some time and forjtho past four weeks had been * in the city for treatment. I lis ^ rash act is attributed to mH- 1 ancholia and despoDdcncy occas \ ion*'d by bad healtn. ^ j Sound kidueya nr<* safeguards 1 I of lifo. Mako the kidneys healthy 1 | with Foley's Kidney Curo. Sold by Pnodorhurk Pharmacy. ft fljaJULE ..1A ^ v 11 t most healing salio In 1!">v w jrin .-V-* ' " v V- -> t V- y v iSTw *? ?-? <vi?w hOIIju I lill I I IPOTf^ U JM J !U 4. )f eustoml irday, Jul best GUI ck Silk Paras lis day entiled t< m/ record will he i ises with the sal o j oiT'^ in t 3npt. Robert I). Graham of North Carolina Commits Suicide. Washington, .June 27.?Capt. {obt. I). Graham a luwyci 05 'cars old, who served in the Cona.loratc army throughout tho *iv11 war and the son ot a former uhinat officer, leaped from the lortico of n window of tho sixth loor of an apartment house today ,nd was so injured that he died a ow minutes after hoing picked ip. fclo lmd been ill for some imo and it is thought heamo despondent. The coroner ;uve a certificate of death from uicide. Gapt. Graham was a mtivQ of North Carolina and a son >f Wm. A Graham, at one time jovornor of thnt St;?to and seere* nry of tlio navy in the cabinet of 'resident Piorco. The deceased VMS for three years secretary of ho civil service commission doing !ho first administration of President -Cleveland'. & TP o rt Bean tho * : ' Al '' ' ' . *r*r. ^ - r~r, ^ VvV s v ' v < 3' vvTvu iv.*. JE&nl ?fi?<iRrEi ME! hers wait?' ly 1st. ;oL o one guess only. cept of some unti .es sheet and sen-' ;li? contest JS.. /rAf^ (M<s '' "A . v.A/^^- A W^'' A % . nM .^jaaKaLfj'raiss^:*:, tzajsawe . To Vote tho Dispensary Out. ' I Special lo News ami Courier. Ivingstrce, ,J 11 n c 27.?Tho j movement to vote the dispensary ; out of W illiumsburg County took i j definite ^iinpo at a meeting held | , hero yesterday. A petition was ' ! framed and adopted, setting out the views of those who are pushing ; the movement. It will once 1 set up in print and ono hundred 1 copies circulated through the cor.nJ ty simultaneously. What th.e re! suit will bo no ono can foretell, 1 hut there will ho some surprises. I j. U. K. | rz Ydt V.* O 'VTL ~T. . | .Watho "nYg ,!'VnV3 CC;J: ' This Would I> Severe. ((From the Newberry Observer.): Tl:o imiu who kept {ho di-pc-n-1 1 smy open in Pickcna f r a month i ii ft or it lmd been voted out ought ' to he prosecuted in the C ni ls for ' selling liqu r in violation ( f law. It would be it pood tim ) to show i that law is greater than liquor. ~~y^3-s.-'^i?F<ssi tea?<s. < v '' ' v - * v f--; i|| M fi J ffi ot* Mil ?? T KT> , ? rf all 4'f is v?; I M011- s|jw } to the II ^dSli I w JJ t||' jf Russia Aocepts Dates. Si. Potersburg, Juno 28, 2 ft. in.?Tho foreign oiliee has issued a coirmunication confirmiig tho statement inado in tiio Associated Press dispatches that Russia has accepted tho first ten days in August as tho time within which the ursc meeting of the pence plenipotentiaries will take place. L'lic precise (Into depends upon tlio time of the arrival at Washington of the Jnpnnc30 roprcsontntivos. In Chernw tho othor day Judge Watts sentenced a negro to five years imprisonment for carrying a ;I dly weapon and resisting ni rest. A'i nt tho same time tho govt rnor reduced tho prison sentence of a whit man convicted of carrying :i pistol to a lino of $40. It the govcr or and Judge Watts would compromise on half way ground un<i :-'ick to that, tlioro he fewer pistols carried and, so, fewer murders i ho pistol-toters, whatever their color, are de; rviii1^ of no sympathy.- 1'ho Slate.