The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, June 21, 1905, Image 4

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Hero Of Cuba Libre Fights;] Last Ratti?. Gen. Maximo Goiv.ez Passes | Awav at llabana.? Honored i By Adopted Country. Ilahana, June 17.?Gen, Max- | into Gomez died at 6 o'clock lhi> evening. 4'K1 caudillo, (chieftain,) as the great lead r ot revolutions will be called by his countrymen expired at sunset, in the presence of his family and his old time friend Kstrada Palma, president of the republic. The end came quietly in the beautiful temporary home at th< weaside In the suburb of Vedado, to which Gen. Gomez was taken on his return from S antiago President Palma accompanied hv. Gen. Andrade arrived about a quarter of an hour previous to the death of G<?n. Gome/.. The distinguished patient's heart liftd weakened steadily since i i o'clock in the morning and failed to respond to stimulant-. Several times during hi- 1 >nillness Gen. Gomez h id h recuperative p overs that were astonishing. llis real illness extended over 4r> days, although Ids health had been failing for som months prior to that time. The admiations of tliu mass of Cubans for Gen. Gomez, amounted almost to idolatry. His death admittedly is a severe blow to any political interest to which he was allied, lie was one of tho most radical leaders party. He had ,t... t :l. 1 (i i i iv. vi IIIIII31.II W 1 11 1 U1C 1 ?1UL'I ill fusion movement, luit a split came during his sickness and it was generally thought he would have joined Gov. Nunc/, and other dissenters in upholding the old Nationalist organization. Gen. Gomez leaves a widow, five sons and one daughter. DON'T BOltKO .V TROUBLE It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary ami worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright's disease, uny similar internal disorders, don't sit down nnd brood over your symptoms, but tly for relief to Electric Bitters. Hero you will lirut sure iind permanent forgetfulnoss of all you'* troubles, and your body will not 1)0 burdened by u load of debt disease. At Crawford Bros., .J. F. Mackey & Co., Funderburk Pharmacy. Drug stores. Prices 50c. Guaranteed. Four Negroes Killed in an Ex cursion Hint. Atlanta, Ga., Juno 18.?A long distance tolcphono mcss.igo from Griffin. Ga., says that in a pitched battle on a nogro excursion train returning from Atlanta to Columbus four negroes were killed and thr^A rlnnfTAr/mcltf ^ % VW ITWIIIiUCU. V/II?J of tho wounded is h woman. The shooting, it is stilted, begun at MeDonough, (in., und continued intermittently all the way to Oritfin, :i distanco of alio t 15 miles, where tho chief of police bonrdud tho train and arrested ono negro, who was identified as having killed one of the dead negroes. MURRK ^ V'S IRON MIX LURE No is the tini" to take a spring tonic. Bv fai the best tliinif to t'iko is Murray'* Iron M xtnro. It make.-> pure l?;ood and K>'tH rid of tli at tired feel in jr. . t all druij atore*. r>Oc A ISOTTLH Or Dirert From Tho Murray Drug Co, Columbia, H C Don't fail to rido your hobby when you want to tiro your audience. Did Hot Poison Wife Says The Union Jury. . I lici t Gregory Cleared of Charge of Uxoricide - Shu Was A ii?i Ic Of Four Weeks. Special to Tim State. Uuion, June iT. ? In the circuit couit today the case of lici t (ii,gory, charged with poisoning his wit was concluded. The jury retired at 4 P- ni. and returned at 8.40 o'clock with a verdict of "not guilty." This came rather as a surprise, as many people here had thought that the man would he convicted. 1 he testimony at the Coroner's inquest was apparently very damaging to hi ;n. l'he defense ma io tin ir case on the ground that poisoning was not proven by llie prosecution and that the woman di?d of pneumonia, which she had contracted by sleeping in a draught. The history of this case has been exploited before today and i*. is well known to Union people. Voting *'lice" Gregroy, as she was called by her relatives and intimates, was the bride of Hert Gregory, a mill operative, some 25 \0.1ts old, a physicial giant, luU ni\t 'il\iit*/? ft \/#?r n 7?? "l'v tality and possessing the phleg? malic temperament characteristic of his class in tho social scale. When the young woman died she had been not four weeks a bride. FULL OF T It A (41U M E A N IN G \re these lines from .1. LI. Simmons, of Casey, la. Tlnnk what might have resulted from his terrible cough if ho hud not taker the medicine about which he writci "1 had a fourful cough, that dtstnrbed my night's rest. ! trier everything, but nothing would re licve it, until I took Dr. King'i New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, which com pletely cured mo." Instantly re lieves and permanently cureo al throat and lung diseases; prevent grip and pneumonia. At Craw ford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co. and FundorburU Uharmacy. drug gost; guaranteed; 60c and if 1.00 Trial bottle free. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE ^vrsri> GRANITE WORKS, ? 1*1/ nil.] I rtfli Pl-i A/V. A. VJIUUU T? VI IV U1IU JUU r- J? i 1 Vv I. J. McNinch LANCASTER, S. C Hoy kicked To Death By Playfi I Iorsc Greenville News, 17th Inst. Arthur the little six-year-ol son of J S Bunill, a prominent far mer living near Traveler's Rcsl die 1 early yesterday morning a the result of being kicked in th face and forehead by a horse th proceeding afternoon. It seems that Mr. Bunill ha just turned the animal loose in pasture ?nd had started to go t his house when the little bo thinking that lie would have th oleasure of Seriiv t linrsp run I f) " * **" ran up behind the animal an< clapped his hands. It did run but threw up its hccis and strticl the child in the forehead. PLANS TO GAT KICII are often fru-tnitid by sud-^C breakdown, due to dyspepsia consiipnfion. I'ruoo up and tkl !>r King'* New Life Pills, takeout tlie matoriuls which M clogging y. ur energies, and giv you a new whirl. Cures head aches and dizziness too. A Crawford Pros', J F Mackoy 2 Co's and Funderburk Pharmacy '25c, guaranteed. ? Pay for Tho Ledger. Miss Lumpkin Thrills Ohl Confederate lleioes Special to The State. I Louisville, Juno 16 ?The address ot Miss Klizaboth Lumpkin of Columbia, S. C., delivered at Confcdeiatc hull yesterday morning bef. r?? the morning session of Confederate Veterans aroused more entbn iasm and caused more i dense interest to be displayed than any other spoech or address dining the reunion, ller words were stirring and arousing, and w?nt to tho hearts of'lhe hundreds of old soldiers in the hall. llei voice was clear and penetrating and reached tho ear of every listener as clear and (listinet ax that of the beet man speaker that ever stepped upon n platfo'in. Her maunor of speaking and the ease which she displa)ed heforo the large assemblage) was strikiug At time* her words caused tears to strni o down the cheeks of the veterans, while at otheis the applause thut went up was deafening. Miss ijumpkin < pened her address by saving she was pr uid to he x soothto 11 woman and a daughter of a Confederate veteran. She gave an eulogy on the beautiful southern woman and the chivalry of the southern gentleman. In a word to the young men of tho south she said their fathers, some of tho bravest and most daring officers of tho war, were no o'dcr than they and we:e exactly such young men as they , are today. After her address Gen Evans moved that she be made a sister of the Confederacy, tho highest honor bohtowed upon i any one during the reunion, and < it received a unanimous vote. NEW CURE FOR CANCER All surface cancers are no* ' known to be curable by Buck leu's Arnica Salvo. .las Walter; I of Duffield, Va., writes: ?41 hat s a cancer on my lip for years, tha seemed incurable, till Bucklen'i Arnica Salve healed it, and nov ' it is perfectly well." Guaratiteet j euro for cuts and burns. 25c a Crawford Pros', ,J F Mackoy ?S Co'e, and Funderburk Pharmacy -Clubbing , Payable St rid J THE LEDGER (twice a ,1 JOURNAL (twice a wccl THE LEDGER (twice a TON NEWS and COU1 year for '# ,s e THE LEDGER and The TOR one year for d TIIE LEDGER, The A1 a bUU 1 ME.KN LU1-1 I V/\ O >' e i, TMK LEDGER (twice a d CONSTITUTION (three i, k T1IE LEDGER (twice a WORLD (three times a v n i THE LEDGER, ATE Ah E and FARM, one year for 0 o ,l Positively Cann i, * I 4 When Waiden Faltered Bii^onorl^cd tlimeclf. 1 /' coin, Nob., Juno 10. ? 1U cause bis attorney whs h d iy 'ate in filing a motion for *\ n hearing before tlio Supreme Com i K-nnk Burker was handed hero t ><!m? f and tin* remarltuM f.-?tu"a C-out the execution was ttint t ie unrderer acted us his own hano^mtn. Burker killed his Imtthtr and his brntliers wife and confessed j his crime slating hn deseivod the i pi) ?i ih men I which the law proof i has. The 1 nv requires ihut all legal hangings hi.all In? at the pen- : itentiuiy under the supei vison of \ the wurcl-ti. As Wud'n Ihjj n -r shrunk J from springing the trap, Burket informed tho warden that ho would porform the dotv for him An elcctricul contrivance which con- ; trolled the trap, conneotod with a : wire which ran into Barker's : hands. He was alnppcd to his | hips, hut bad I ho fico use of hie ! minds and tin reforo win ub'o to push ti e button tlint leleusod the j Iflip. SHOES ! aameramBs^ssssssmmaaas^Km We a to expecting a call from you. We now have u complete lino of Tan and White Cunvis ltibhon Ties, just the tiling , for summer any prica from $1.00 up We cal. special attention to our lii?lh Grade line of I)BESSY low cuts. Edwin Clapp for men Lai France for women. t i cherryT~co! j PROFESSIONAL CARD. 1 , Dlt M I* CltAWKOlM) I)H It <' Huown | t:u wvroitl) A I1HOWN, 4 i . ; Physicians and Surgeons. 1 I ancnstt-r, S. C. i Treatment of tlio eye. t.<?e ami | tliroM a specialty. " j Calls pro tup ly answered day or ^ | night Ofltce ov?r Crawford Bros. 1 ; Drug Store. Z t Phones: Olfl.w, N'> 17(1; It (deuces . Nog. 11 and 36 2? Ratesbly in Advance. week) and the ATLANTA <) one year for $1.7 week) and THE CHARLES HER (twice a week) one $1.75 SOUTHERN CULT1VA$1.75 fLANTA JOURNAL and .TOR, all three one year for $2.00 \ nnrl Th#? ATI AMTA limes a week) one year for $2.00 week) and The NKYV YORK /cek) one year for $2.00 ITA JOURNAL and IIOMK $2.00 ot Send on Credit. T. S. CARTKR, Pub. Ledger. Vr? t fe - . -r/j fR| i WPP I fo! ^fcgctablcPrcparntionforAs- ft sfmilatinfillicFoodnndRc^uIa- 3g _ tmg the Stomachs andI3o\vels of ; J^0 g gPromotes Digcslion.Checrful- ?rj nessandTtest.Contains neither k OpiunrtMorpliine nor Mineral. >tOT"NA?COTIC. /?K*o?r afOMtirSAKVELrtTCXKR /^mp/iai JW* ? [?,*j jflx.Smna * 1 :Kl Mil ? M /itiixr Serti + ^ '.J':i ^ #EES&>I 1 |\ Mbp.JM- I > |\ (ianfxidSiigar I ItfP] H2te*ys+M rtavtK ' -f Jy\r AperTecl Remedy forConstipn- I \ tiuu. csuui oiuuiacii.uiarriiuca 1 Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- V 1 nesstmd Loss of Sleep. \J Far Senile Signature oF ^2bfcj?e/i/. NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED. S| EE ^v? i -i' y K^siisa'm,zr,a 1 >r fl S I Elliot t, | I J Lancaster, S. 0. ReshU noe phone No 1S7. OlUee, j L>avis Iiuilditiu. corner Main audi ^ Dunlap street*; phone No 72. Will practice iu both town ami I11' jounty of Lancaster. AMcalls, cither j lay or nighwill receive prompt el- j antion I Jan. 10, 1005.?If. I Q0] ww?i ! ii ! ii ' NOTICE. Tho board of county commissioners in their meeting Mondavi *'Wl Un passed a resolution io the effect 1 that hereafter no magistrate in . * . , .,, , . , n for Lancaster county will he paid for jholding an inxuest unless it is un : possible to <j;et the coroner, and J. then the magistrate must comply ( with the law by securing affidavits ' from throe citizens of the im- . mediate community that it is im- j portant that an inquest he held in the ptulionlur cn*c under consider- aJfj ation. M C Gurdnt r. *T? (bounty Supervisor. i p Mice! ' J My regular ofll-o days will In- fraturdaya and llrst Momla, s. All other days you will llnd no at my otllco oti near L & C depot Will Veep school vai books at b t.i ''lUjen mi \ will bo glud 'or to wait on you uuy day In the week. ^ W M Moore, 1 p?.: Co Flupt f Z&1 titration < Jan lt>, 19t)>. raSfTiTUP"* I have made arrangement wh i ftg lenders of money in New York 'My, H with whom I am ab'e to negot I te loans i |j secuttd by first iu u llage on imp ove I COltou farms, a 7 | er < i;t lute st? I _ repayable in annual snstu i,m nts of. live.i ears No broki ige or eotnnih v' ?2 sion charged On v ? tensonublc charge for abstract oi: iti B" It 14 W Y1-110, j p Aug 31?6m, Attoiney at Lew Q Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. ; m - IK i 'l'lie exainin lion for (lie award of | vacant scholarships In Winlhrop < 'ol- ! lege and f. r liie a Iniis-ion <;I n.: . stu 1 * denis will I e li Id >?( the cootily t ourt j (ioune on l?\l ay, July 7l!i at ij a. m. ' Appli 'ants p list not b" le.js t'lau 111'- ' teen years of a,(e. When scholarships J are vacated after July 7ili, they will i he awarded l<> those making the high e?t a.crago t l til's examination pr>.i- j 1,v ded I hey meet the mud-lion- govern- '-,v trig the award, Applicants for schol- jjV Hfsh11>h shouiti write to 1'reddent 1 ' Johnson befo e ( o examination for ; /'r chola ship examination blanks. 'x*r Hcholnrslii ?? are worth $i<)0 and *r fr? e luilion. Th* rex) session wiii open Sept? m' er 20 IDOo Forfnriluv iiV informal ion and o.rnlogne address : |jV Pro. 1). It Johnson, j,vHook Hul, N C. . j,v iSotico to the Public. Ijv ' Ar 1 will hold nil inquests in the county. Phono to my residence it Pleasant Hill for mo when m needed. J. Montgoniory Caskoy, opt. 20?tf "y A ismsamsBaamtkmaarn : Infants and Children. 5 Kind You Have Always Bought iars the I t ^nature / 7Q U Jr 'n Use ? For Over Thirty Years 'ma ocntaun new yon* omr. ac *s?' *; L-' : ' E. IiUTLEDQE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Vorking on credit doesn't pay, my terms from this time ceforth are strictly cash. ea^onablo Prices, Id Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement Filling 75 ct Ul ltBEK PLATE, il upper set of teeth $12.00 per and lower set $25.50 5?/"* Thcso prices are strictly cash. No work done exoopt cash or good security. . E. KUTLEDuE, Dentist. j. /unity FOSTER . Ittomeij at Law, LAN CAST Kit, S. C. eb" lion <:i sp-'C Lilly* UhinS3 23duc.?lion AYS LAlKxK DIVIDENDS ! fOU need a | radical business edition Wn guarantee satisfaction, urscs of study endorse,| as being the ist pi- M'tical; they have nosnperiO'a di'uvtlon given ts first class. No ler business colleges "<i',r be'tor aditH.r's. Motor now ami prepare a lucrative poaiil n. Our graduates in demand. Let us assist you we ve >i sisle l hundreds?they are in ntions. We oiler special rates laofoit's S. C. lit)mii<h:s College Columbia, 8. C. ig. 21), 1004?tf. MM DISEASES t the most fatal of all disises. m KIDNEY CURE Ilk UL&I d Buarantead Rimedy money refunded. Contains medics recognized by emlnt physicians as the best for idney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. ASTEV ANI> CI1E8TK11 KAll, W A > . i !.oilnio 11) effect M.?> 28, 10.?o. (Daily except fund. ) vVESTHOm; li. 5 animator. 0 30 a in 3 45 p m Fori Lawn, 6 4!) n m 4 15 p in Mastconvillo. 5 flit a m 4 111) p m KichhurK, 7 05 a in 4 45 p m ('In Mixr, ' 30 a in 6 15 p in i:ar'olte, So !t 0 55 a in 7 00 p m ('< lunihia, S><> UK) 15 a in i u\?,. ('oUiinl)ia, s?? K 0 05 a in 3 10 pni ( luu lolU', .So It 0 05ain 0 < (/p in CIn*?ui, 0 00 a in 8 15pm /lichUirg, 040 a m S 30 p m (iaacninvllle, 050 a in 8 45 p ni Foil Lawn 10 06 a in 8 58 p m Lam aater, lo 30 a in 0 II p m CONKHCTION8. Southern, fceahoartl ami r< )inu & Northwestern railways, .anojwter?Southern Itali way. A V. A/cIAMUS, yt.Hst Tralllo ingf :KOY kpiunos. 'ret-t ami T rattle Manager. I