The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, June 21, 1905, Image 2

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I^EL^DGEss. iiiURLOW S. CARTER. ' HI)I IMK AM) MANAGKK. SSI !1> WKON K>I?A V \n. -ATI! ltl>A Y | SUltM.'IMIM'ION 4"i >?? I'KI* VKAU Lancaster S A'., J me 21, 1 iH?5. .i Happenings In The Stale. * I As Chronicled l>v the A lei I Cor- c ic?i|>?'iul<,nl- ?>f Ihe ('oinn11 >in 1 State. I: Gin 1 louse l?urnrd. r Anderson, June iT. -During a ' i i.... . ? iiiiiiiuur?i<>rii) yesieruuy imcrnoon 1 ightning struck the gin house on ' the plantation of Mr John T Milor<l in the county the plant was completely destroyed by tire. !\ Sixteen bales of cotton an 1 a lot v of farming implements were cor. t sumed. Tbe loss is intimated at ii about $1,000, with no insurance, t' ? r A Hoy Kills Himself. a 1.aniens, .lime it! ?Master ^ Smith Fuller, the ll.\eur old (' son of Mr (ilenn Fuller, a prominent citizen residing seven miles n west of this city, accidental ly ; shot and killed himself today while hunting with two other * boys. lie was standing on a log t( and either dropped or placed his 01 fTIIM ''ill I'Oct* It ,11.^. I . I _ t I i? 11 in ii 11 i in1 hammcr striking u lo<r. it More Incendiary Work. s< llonea Path, Juno Is.? Dip ;1i handsome throe story barn of Mr p, ,1 K Knight was burned Saturday tl morning at 3 o'clock. All horses S wore saved but fodder, oats, etc., <11 were burned The loss is estima- fc ted to l)c over $1,000. Mr al Knight i> a prosperous farmer i ri lower Greenville county, a man at known and well respected with li< not an enemy of whom ho knows, et so the fire is a mystery. in New Hoad For Koek Hill. ri: A Special to News and Courier. >n ltock Mill, Juno It). ? A meet- la ing, which may menn creat things D for Rock Hill and vicinity, was tli held here today at the Com- 01 mercial Club. W. L. Roddy was atl cbuirniun. The object of the meet- cc ing was explained by W. S. Lee, Jr. of the Catawba Power Company, who stated that those whom he a^ represents would begin at once to the development ef the Catawba ^01 falls a few miles south of this city, ^ and that to get freight they would t,G build a line from the Falls to con- wc r.ect with the Seaboard at Edgemoor. His people would have c'a enough freight to guarantee bus! tre nc<s for live years, and he thought nK Rock Hill could attend to lha na otlier end of the line. Their plan et* 1 1 is to equip with steam for the c present and follow with electricity. rai It will be remembered that with- cu in three years a survey has been made from Rock Hill to Edge- 01' moor and a commission is already 110 held by ,!no. T. Roddy and others e -i * .. -- ? ior ii nturoau on that line. This should simplify matters. Rock ac* Hill has long wanted an indepen- at dent connection with the Seaboard, and this seems her chance to get '*u it. It was the sense of the meet- 1111 ing that the matter is of the great- co est importance, and committee of 11,1 representative citizens was up- 111 pointed !>v the chair to canvas tl e situation with a view to definite n' arrangements with Mr. Lee's as- c' aociates. The committee is W. RWilson, W. J. Roddy, U. T. Fe.,- r.c oil J. M. Cherry, J no K. Rat i on lic and J. R. John-on. W.A.I'. Mothers can safely give Foley' Sc Honey and Tar to their children fos ari coughs and colds, for it contains H< no opiates or other poisons. Sold 'at by Fiwderbur* Pharmacy. 'at The Morrison lynching. L poi ti|- Of "Tim State'' I'omph.ins ?f Detective llowiiS Treat?n? nt. I'o the Kdil<>r < ? The State: a'low me space in The Sale t<> warn your cor re sponden'eigninst what may happen to tlu-m houhl they ever have the tin ileasnnt duty of reporting a 'yelling and then for atiy reason rave the State s ion after they lave reported the lynching. Alo to give some facts .is to my cporting tHe Morrison lynching ,t Kershaw last October and the rcatmcnt I received from Mr. 11. t. Howie and his superior officer iter. Twelve months prior to the Ior.Msnn Lynching at Kershaw 1 icnI to Atlant.i, (la , to spend ho winter,ami having The State's 1 nterest at heart .is well as the in- j erests of the t"\vn of Kershaw, 1 ^ ccommendcd Dr. 1\. S. Cauthen 1 s being a good man to take the ' osition of The State's correspon- ! cut at that place. I returned to ' vorshaw and spent the summer ' lonths there and had matriculat- 1 d in the Atlanta Dental College 1 >r the session of 190-I-O5 just a ' . iv days before Morrrison shot i 5 death Will Floyd, for which 1 rime he was lynched. The day < ic shooting was done I had not ' ;en Dr. Cauthen and as soon as < happened 1 wired The State ' bout the shooting of Floyd and t ?on afterward met Dr. Cauthen < id told him to keep The State 1 asted as to any developments t lat might be of interest to The 1 tate's readers. Dr. Cauthen re t nested 111c to look after the work c ir mm as I had started it. I sent I? 1 details I could gather from va- t ous sources as to the shooting > id lynching and while I fully be- t - ve they were correct as report- * 1 I did not see cither the shoot, j g or lynching. Soon after Mor- < son was lynched 1 went back to .. tlanta, Ga.. and left my family f South Carolina. On April 3d ^ st I was arrested in Atlanta by eputy Sheriff Schropschcr on c charge of having murdered le John Morrison at Kershaw, id that 1 immediately after the 'j unmission of the crime did flee im South Carolina, etc. Mr. Schropshcr arrested mc at iout 11 o'clock and 1 explained J him that it would be very hard r mc to leave Atlanta just at at time as my final cxamina?ns were being held and that 1 >uld come back to South Caro- 1 a immediately after the first f y of May. Mr. Schropshcr a atcd mc very nicely and told ? : the officer from South Caroli- t! , Mr. 11 B Howie had instruct- e him to put me in jail, but that p would take 111c down to the of- 1 1 :r ? 11 auu acc u WC COU1U HOt ai'- II lgc it so as to release me from f< >tody. I was carried to Mr. v >wlc,who like Brutus is an lion- a ible man, and Mr. Howie ques- (: ned me at length and agreed s it if I would give an affiduvit 1< to what 1 knew and a signed o rcemcnt to return to Lancaster p the request of Solicitor Henry p would release me. Mr. Howie a cslioned and cros>qucstioned fi : till about 5. p. 111., and I was mpletcly fagged out when fi- c .11 y released. Mr. Howie's e inner toward me when he had ] c under arrest was of quite a do c iiH ring kind and he finally re- \ ise 1 me when 1 signed and affi- a ivit mill :i tnrtfto.1 * i vv. mc ii i ic) r turn to Lancaster when the so- I< itor requested my presence jj ere, andgiftcr te'ling me that I h is not to write to any one in f nth Carolina that I had been reB'ed or tell any one, Mr Dwie requested me to meet him i< 1 is room at the Kimball house j d C> o'clock sign copies of the I . i d tvitpind according to promise | ! a as there on time to the minute >id Mr. liouie was not in. I , earned that Mr. Howie had t<>ld j :he stenographer that he would ] i ive to get another affidavit from me a-> hi> "boss" said the on lie ae had gotten was ' no good" iiul ha I not been done right. I had previously secured legal re- ^ [jresentativos and under their a I- | rice had sworn out a warrant for . Mr Howie, no csme in the lobby 1 t tnd saw me talking to the two! . I ' ofticers he tried to slvm them, but ! t Ihey overtook him out si le and t irrested him. I immediately went , to my lawyer's office and soon the phone c. lied Mr. Thompson. 1 he officers who arrested Howie informed liwyor Thompson that I Iowie's solicitor was there and t hat. Howie wanted to givo cash' > >ii' I till next morning. The nwver ugrcsed and Ho win gave 51>.00 cash bond till next mor ...I- iii mi! mm ncxr in liming ^ [lowie shdwed my lawyer h letc er from "his hoss" offering isn- v nniiity from punishment to any lie' who would tell sill I lie v knew ; j ibout the Morrison lynching, j . Mr llown was very anxious to. ;eep the affair out of tl?o news-]., mper* smd thocrtso was com pro- J ^ nised, Mr. Howie paying all e >sts 1 ^ n tlv case. rlt was very motiliv- ! 11 tig to me tosav the least to ho [ irioated under such a aei ions ' lunge wlion only mv testimony !, vas all that was wanted. A few i v piostionb: What was Howie's! dios-" doing in Atlanta at the j t ime and who i?oi<I expenses and j p :ost.-? Has a solicitor or any iiw\ov or officer the legal light't o olTor immunity to one charged vith a capital offense, and ii not hat olTor a gross misuse of his dlico? Is that the proper way to 1 ret evidence? Was not the charge oo serious to lot nle go on ro lim ft hold as a written promiee 1 o return to south Carolina at the n Hate's expense to he tried for fi nurdcr? Should the grand old i Hale of South Carolina keep a uch officers and <-boB8od' in of- \ ice. Jf the echoed answer he ii es, then save the innocent. tl Jus It. Durham. <! Columbia, S. Juno 15, 1905 f< __ _ 1 f< "lie Armies Fight Yith " Peace In Sight. a apfthtga b lanked It is-nuns i n Saturday Night'* 15 ittle. ? Moving in Three Columns. T Li liujuid/./, M mohuria, Juno vv 9.?Tho Japnnoo are advancing com the con ire and wot ?vard, nd are driving in the Russian's P irnons suntii of Palitun. 'bur- ~ ler west they turuen tho Russian xtreme ri*ht ?t Liaoyangchung- s' cng Saturday night, thinking the P, iussiuns out of pnsMion after a ight-long ti<>}0 T h o Japanese w ^rco consisted of an infantry diision, four batteries of artillery P1 ad 30 squadrons of cavalry 'v ren. JMistehenko's cavalry sub- cf qiiontly retrieved sumo of the ? ?st grounds. DuingMistch nko's ()l porations, Prince Frcdiick Loo old, of Pi usria, representing Em- ',l ernr William with the Russian r< rmy, received Ids bnp'ism of m re. "I According 1o information re- ,r eivcd :it headipi irtcis, the .luparse are moving ttori Invest from w Lorea in three columns which inlode 5O,0T?O infantry and corres- n onding forces of cavalry andjfield a' nd mountain artillery. Tlx so ^ olmnns are heading for Chntsami, ^ Lcires-nn and Ken han, to comleto the line of Opnmt's army [retching from the Mongolian ronticr to the Sea of Japan. ?? ?? 81 l'.dtVs ICideey Cn ? mako tnoys and li'addei right. Don't i:lay taxing. ? Id l>y Funder- 8' inik 1'harmacS p< _ _ Confederate Heroes In Glorious Parad'. \i.uciiLii 1'iOiidly Under Shattered Fla^s and Cheered Strains of "1 )ixie'' Louisville, J vine id. ? Beneath shot riddled battle?(lays that I hiatal over many sodden fields and > the thrilling strains of Dixie, hat oft had cheered them to vicory or defeat, Confederate Veer.ins marched in proud review oday before thousands of personigcs gathered to do them honor. Many cipturcd battlc-flagK recent '<* i>turned by the government .vcre canied in today's parade and ,vcre objects of Intel est and ven ration. At the head of the coltmn as n special guest of the reiliion. toil.' (*.i?mr:d I WlnwI... - > ? J ? " V md Jefferson ilaincs Davis, a jrand-son of t*hc president of tlie 'onfederacy. Next came the :otnniander and chief, General Stephen I). Lee. General C. Ir inc Walker of, South Gambia occupied a familiar place as lie head of the department of the Vrmy of Northern Virginia, ['he It F. Leo camp had the place >f honor in the Virginia division, j meral W. It. Ballcntinc coninanded the Florida division. Lauta Talbot (ialt, the Louis illc girl who refused to sing 'M? rolling Through Georgia" vith other pupils of her school, ule with the camp from Augusa, Georgia, which was made an lonoaoat'v member. Many old iien dropped out of line before li'i reviewing stand was reached wing to heat, but no seri-ms ncd Lnts attended the parade. tussia Finally Accepts Washington as Meeting Place. ^t Petersburg, Juno 18, 0.35 p i. ?Russia has finally and dcnitoly aecepted Washington as he mooting place for I ho Russian nd Japanese plenipotentiaries, lie foreign oflico having waived [s request for rec msidcialion at lie personal direction of the mpermr, whose desire to give idlest and fairest opportunity to 'resident Ro?s ve't's proposal r?r a peace e-uifeieneo is hereby lanifcstcd in Aiken Young Man Found Do id In Boston. 1 Boston, Mass.,.Inno 10 - Myu y surrounds the death of young homas C Baker of Aiken, S. C. i ho was found doad in his room 1 >day l>v his landlady. B iker is said t ? '>? the s ?n of a ' roininont Aiken family an I on- I nged a room at 32 Upton at root ' yo weeks a^o, saying ho was a < nilent and would probably nccn- 1 y it for two years' He had on- ' r recently returned from Europo 1 here ho had been taking a special ' jur*o at universities and was repuring to attend the Harvard * iimmer school. Several loners ( inic for him, one from Aiken, 1 C., one from Goshen, Va., and I rte from ilartanl, anil n-? he had ' ut been seen for two dn\s his > iidindv took them up to his 1 join only to find him lying dead nder a coch with his liinos drawn p in agony, the finger nails dug i the flesh. A medical examiner urriedly summoned, said dtnth an probably duo to somo honrt 1 [faction, but had the body re- 1 loved for examination. Sever1 unopened letters from Aiken, ' . C.. were found in the room. lino Horror in Russia Hc-ulls in 5OO Deaths. [ Bkaterinosluy, Southern Hus. \ a, Juno 18.?An explosion has :curred in the Ivan colliery at t hotsisk, belonging to the Rue- \ an Donc.zcompany. It was re- 1 jrted that 5OO persons perished ^ i.m i ... hjii 11 Tile Law Viiidicated In Or lih "angebuig Coanly. William Johnson Hanged for the < ? N imcless Crime.? Honied 11 i Guilt To Ti e Hast. Special l<> The State. . b(i Orangeburg, June 16.-William ^ Johnson was handed here today p , for rape, of which crime lit was I I convicted at the May term of f ! court. >:il tb The hanging to >k place in the ~ tu jail and tlie sciflfold was used for the sixth time in the 14 years of mj Sheriff Dulv?s'incumbency of that '2;: office. At the execution today, which took pace promptly at . ",l , , ' Mil noon, there were only a very j few persons pres nt besides the (ll] sheriff and his deputies. itu Johnson, a ginger cake colored j tin boy, apparently about 18 years of I age, was tb;k most concerned per- C? son present. At no time his he | seemed to realjze he was face to face with death, and although he said u few minutes b f>re going ,\ 011 the sc iff >1 1 that he was ready f, to die he did not appear to ap- ' prcciatc th f.ite before him. He was attended in his last hours by sever d negro minis- Ma tors with whom lie talked fic ly. M , He denied to the last the crime cf p-,-, which he had been convicted and \i< even when 011 the seiffobl - - - HC od that he was innocent, though t0 ready to meet death. . of After the trap was sprung the a s negro was dead in a very few tin minut< s. l'in Eleven Instead of Four Negroes y. Werejvilled Near <4riffin, Gn. wc SO] Atlanta, G? , June 18 ?A () special to the Constitution from Griffin says: Chief of Police .( Phelps says his litest informal ion j.u regarding the shooting on the tie- a , " n n S'lt gr o excursion train 011 the South- ^ em last night is that 11 negroes ^ are deal. i wo Griffin negroes of had reputation are held as sus- M peels. Tney siv a crap game 1,* which had heen going on all diiv j j, Satnrdav was the cause of the tl'ouhlo, and that the lighting hegun in Atlanta and rage I unceas- vsj inglv with revolvers and rnzu'S till Griffin was reached. Officers are at wcrk 011 the case Groisnn ts Acquitted, Mib Edwards to Hang. ] I Reading, Pa., June lG. -Sam- *'Jl nil Greason, colon? I, was today ^ icquitled of the murder of John 95 Edwards. Mis Kite Elwirds, 1 wife of the murdered m i*?, whoso 2C testimony convicted Greas ?n over three years ago, tdday completely ful jxonerated I11111 Greas ill's h ?'u warrant was issiidd ten times, and lis caso ha* (level >p)d into one of lit he most r? murkahle murder trial* n this State. or Mrs Kdwards, tuo 111 ithor of sau Treason's child, nun lor f?9nto*ica are >f death and it is expected that he governor will fix Ihc date for ler execution within a short time, 1 [t was po.dp lied fl:v.r.l months ls 1 igo fhnt she could bou-cd us u cvc witness at (iieason s trial. EL Twenty Three Known Dead. { k Baltimore, .June IS.? T h c O lentil roll of l ist night's disaster i.-y on t lie ^'osteon Maryland railroad now finite up 2d and this number -.nil is likely to'-., iiicrtju'd f i - m J.'1", am >ng the list of thuso grievously T J hii Ledger, The Atl.imu , I r 111 ri) lit, Sour wtekh, mi 1 i ho i Tut Southern (.'u!tiviit??r, ,!l three 'i,a )n<> NCiir f >1' $2., but must ho >:) I for .nu lv'anca . j nor ! 01 Foley's Ilonoy and Tur contains of . 1 > opiatos, and will not consti">ato like nearly all other cough nedicino3. Refuse Substitutes Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. ? 1'wo bulks' ??f cation on the 7.1 \i 1. 'A't Ish's were - itvi'iml ?f-ro 1-ist Monday. . 01-. vv \ wo.'tiiwlv l'??r I tut I . ? lie 1 little more h wi Iw.ty Itm I' i. <!w. Iii: :g tin t till wou'd neon consumed. It ia i" gl?i ihctirc ori.'inuti'd trom i s U 1:(I HlV'ciiOS. I'h 011 e tirid several euro l!.?- 1:01 inbound freight on the in'honi got iff 1 lie track 011 thI Just W'l -J of lIlO d 'J-Ot \ O8rttn afternoon about 2 o'clock >0 i rjjie.M came no ?r turning ov? down tli unbmknieut ttr.d ounce! Smith v.'sii thrown through e wifido'.v of his cab the same no Ids rem 01 jumped from I'm irmo. Moth men were slightly III cd. lMSS<MI}?r!| S of both tllO 30 end 7:30 p. in. northbounl litis were inui: f. red, in engine d several (touches having been I nvf. t* ) roiu Tl?l* ? . ? a a win J.VWV l\ Hill 1UI ?in. A wrecking cr?w also me froiii Rock Hill and tl o ick is expected lo l)o clear for 2 RoMtlibound passenger today. n-.t. iys He was Employed to Murder and Bum. Negro M A-'s a Startling Con<si<?n in the Rawlings-Carter. Trace 'y at Viildostu, Ga Valdos'a, (ia ,vJuno 17.?A riling chin >x Cirne this aftornn ui the R tw lings-Carter tgedy with th-* arrest of Alf lore, a negro lit Lenox, Ga. ) is one of the negroes alleged l?e c mnee'ed with the killing tho Carter children. Ho told hurtling story. lie declares it he was employed l>y Rawgs to aid in tho hloody work, j says that hoforo leaving for dilosta the day tho children re kilted, Rowlings carried his I'P-T to hi it in the woods in Icr to keep him from going me. He also said that tho ngtamine was to kill tho whole nily and hum tho lions \ He dt at' Milton Riwlings shot rrie Carter and that J-'s-do wlings killed Willie Carter, c gun with which one of them s killed ?vas also i mmi I today, eitcnieiit over the dis do aire is ?z tJtnuvi a -yizxEraasmmtammm in k ? * ? r- i Z ^un'R B^CII vury^ Low Prions, and extra Quality (i>nids winning us trade. Look Here ! Kico 5 c-'ots per quart. llest Granulated Sugar 15 lbs. 91. 'olToe, 1"), '20 and 25 cents. >nir(l lVache'H ? Hest quality cent"; g >od quality 15 cents. [<Veneh Sardines- Yuwl Club, cents; Milan Sc Cie, 15 conts 37" Tobaccos and Gigai'S-?& 1 lino. Come to us f >r a good iw or smoke. ) You Eat Meat ? Sliced Mam, Nice liecf?Roast Steak, Rrcaktast Strips, Pork sage in pickled vinegar. We headquarters for everything in meat line. VEGETAHLES. * ' Vegetables for dinner. Our's lie place to get them fresh L10TT, HEATH & WA^KINS itate of South Carolina. OUNTV OF LANCASTER, .f E Hlewmai, K?q Probate tfe HKKE-XB, J A RUIDOE3 mail** ti? me. to i rani him letters of ud deration of the estate of and ef - of Robin Duncan It E E ARE THERE" OR !C to and aumoiiish oil and stiitfilar the lr<M| and creditors of said Robin iidece aed, thai they be and up - before me, in the r'ouri of Pro r, in ite nem at InumiKvi r, M U on 8<hiy, June 'J7th next after |?ul? tiou ttior-of, at 11 oV ock in il.e moon, to bIiiiw cause, it any tliey e, why Haul administration hltouUl he granted* veil under my Hand thin l-ltli day Jure Anno Domini, 1!?0> J 10 Hluwinn i, l'rohate Judge h nwgin ?> a j-vfc ? moat * aalinn eaUa \n ?t""> wortH 4*