The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, June 07, 1905, Image 4

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New Kinds Of Cotton. One Variety Which Brings A Very High Price. S anything Alioul The 'l'wo Hybrids timl Their Cult i vnt ion l b it is Of Intcrest to The South. Washington, June '} ?ll seems that after many years of planting practieall\ the same kind of cotton, in the same manner, ploughing the same wax, and using the same Kind of fertilizers ......... r i . > ,< .i UK i jciir, 111 it l mis great industry as far as the South is cont'd tied, is to have a new lease of life. Sonic yours hoii an experiment was m.iilo in I ho l'nilcd States with tree cotton, sec I - huving been obtained fimo A fried whore it was found growing wild, hot it has (tot he en heard ot recently, and it is supposed that it did not fultill tlie expei t iti >n-> of its promoters. 1 I\vo new varieties of cotton ( have been evolved through h\ - ( hridi/.ation by Dr. IVmutis .in Italim, residue- near Cairns I Queensland, which now promises to revolutionize the growing of cotton throughout the world. riinse varieties Dr. Touintis has given the names caravonica 1, and caravonica 1 1 i Caravonica I is a cioss be- | tween a long staple of cotton id' | the sen island variety, grown in Mexico and the sea islands of l'e- ( I ii, resulting in a neia-nniiil t C7 I - ^ \ V. cotton, which attains a height <.-f ( from ton to fourteen feet. It is ( planted seven by seven feet apart about nine thousand trees per 1 acre. A tree six months old will j attain a height of seven feet and , will bear a small crop the first season. A singlo tree is said to ( yield over three hundred bolls in a single season, these Uolls being so large that seventy will weigh one pound, thus producing twelvo hundred pounds of clean ginned cotton per acre. An oiler has . beon made in England to take all tlm cotton produced attwenty cents ' per pound on account of its sup- ^ erior quality. Kxports have pro* nounced it the best cotton grown, classing it as wool cotton. Caravomen 1 1 is a silk cotton and is of even greater value, twenty-four cents having been ottered per pound, but the yield is not given. As the yield of the first named variety is ho large and commands such a high price, it has been thought advisable to call attention of the cotton growers to ? it. Whether the (Jnrnvonica can be cultivated in the Southern states generally as has been done in Queensland can only be told after a tiial. Taken into account the vast uiea in Queensland suitable for cotton culture, and success of this primary experiment, Knglund has hopes that at somo future time she may be independent of Ameiican cotton fields. There is however, the drought problem yet to he solved throughout the greater part of Australia. Only the rim of the continent has the rainfall neeessary to successful agrieulturo and the discouragements to immigration are ho numerous and formidable that the increase of ' population is little above the excess of births over deaths, while the people who now inhabit tho country, seem unwilling to have tho cities to subdue the Jungles of tho tropical lands; so that the prospect i> not great that Queensland will very soon control tho cot << 1 11nti m'i? 'ii ino world. It is asserted tlmt white men are unable to endure the labor io? quired. One thin^ iH suro, they are not tit present, inclined to fit the lauds f ? eul|ure, or oven to culiiv'itu them, if once subdued S Colored immigrants nro prohibit?? I by law, which further darkens A tin* prospects * f Queensland be- c< in ? able to develop her wonder.. ci fill resources, while the labor sc laws and bind laws do not seem ct to induce eipiinlists to invent ct money in either manufacturing or y< agriculture. g? It will bo thus seen that tho ^ Southern cotton planter has every ar thing hi his favor?no restricted immigration la vs, long daya and ^ a plentiful rainfall, usually all the year round, and that if this new . cotton can tm successfully raise 1 ^ in Q iceuslund with such disad- j)( vantages as have been mentioned there is no reason why the Southern farmer cannot do equally sis well, if not hotter Kxpei misfits which have been made with the seed are planted in rows seven feet apart and the (,f plants are cultivated like fruit f'" ? - ut-uM hi inn in* potatoes n 11 vo u' Ih'cii tfi'own between tlio cotton co lows. Toe branches, however, W| cover nil of llio space when inn a|' lure. A lioll of this variety is Si four times us largo us that of the w' uditmry vniioty, and averugO on about seventy bolls to the pound. ^ A tirst crop may be authored in six months, aceoidiugto reports, but the tieeis not mature until it is two years old. At that ago each tree bears from three to fivo hundred bolls and about nine D< humlaed tiees may bo grown to *HI the acre This cotton is intended S() to bloom in part from August to rtn December and in part from Janu- I"1 nry to June. The blooms that com i out in the wrong season were at once destroyed. They n must be cut back to pievent all 8,1 bearing all the year. This would icon exhaust the life of the tree. ct' (4rent interest is being taken in ?f these experiments, and tho people of tlo South will do well to keep UH in touch with what is being done, cr VV. VV. Price. - The Ledger, The Atlanta nri Journal, Semi weekly, and The l)a Southern Cultivator, ill three ono year for $2., but must be paid for in advance. _ MURRKAY'8 IRON MIXTURE ? No is the time to take a spring' tonic. Hy far ttie beat thing to take is Murruy'a Iron Mixture. It makes pure blood and gets rid of that tired feeling. At all drug store-. oOc A BOTTLE Or Direct From The Murray Drug Co, Col u m liia, H C VT *i -- - iNeuraigia And Other Pain. All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the result of a turbulent condition of the nerves. The stabbing, lacerating, darting, burning, agonizing pain that comes from the prom- ' incnt nerve branches, or sensory nerves, is neuralgia, and is the "big brother" of all the other pains. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills rarely ever fail to relieve these pains by soothing these larger nerves, and restoring their ii <ti i< j in in y. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-effects, and are a reliable remedy for every kind of pain, such as headache, backache, stomachache, sciatica, rheumatism and neuralgia. They also relieve Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Car-Sickness, and Distress after eating. "For many years I havo been a constant sufferer from neuralgia and headache, and havo never been able to obtain any relief from various headache powdeis and capsules, until 1 tried Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills. They always cure my headache In llvo minutes time." FRICD R. 8WINOI.KY, | Cashier 1st Nat. Rank, Atkinson, Neb. ? Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If it falls he will return your money. 25 doses. 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Inil Negro Died in Jail. pccial to The Statu. Spartanburg, June 3'-- Dock Jexander, colored, died in the ninty jail this morning of tuberilosis. He was convicted at ;ssions court about a year ago of iminal asault on a young color1 girl, and sentenced to three jars at hard labor. His health ive way from die ravages of le disease several weeks ago, id he was brought to the jail om the roads, where he died lis morning. Foley's Kidney Curo makes dne>saml bladder right. Don't slay taking. Sold by Fonder irk Pharmacy. Reward Offered. Qovernot Hey ward bus mourn no I a reward of $50 for the arrest "Curly" Sim*, who escaped 0111 the chain-gang in Orangeirg Cmnty some time ago. The unty commissioners offered a renal of $100. The authorities 1 e especially noxious lo have ins arrested, as he is charged i ith having attempted to pais >n ' ie of the licst gourds on the i rungeburg chain-gang lvirlhipiake Killed 100. Cottiege, Montenegro, JuneH ? atails of the earthpuake at Seuri, Albania, show that 100 perns were killed and 250 injured, d that the town has been collietely devastated. here were 0 shocks. The inhabitants are now living the open, while the foreign conIs have been provided with tentsThe authorities have organizparties to search for the bodies victims. It isexpocted that the list of cas ltio9 will be considerably ineased. Foley's Honey and Tar contains 1 opiates, and will not constiite like nearly all other cough ediclnes. Refuse Substitutes ild by Funderburk Pharmacy. Clubbing Payable Strict! THK LKDGKR (twice a w JOURNAL (twice a week) i THK LKDGKR (twice a wc TON NEWS and COURI1 year for THK LKDGKR and The TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATL SOUTHERN CULT1VATC THE LEDGKR (twice a we CONSTITUTION (three tii THE LEDGER (twice a we WORLD (three times a wee TIIK LKDGICR, ATLANT and FARM, one year for Positively Can no 1 / - ? ? ? i i mm ?p?p *? * ?*?"?rw?t? Depot Safe Robbed. I Specittl to Ne?s and Guiltier Bennct tsville, Juno 2.? V h e Coast Line Railway Iompaiiy'-. .f- ' re whs robbed last night. A package containing tdiout $2"8 in cu* reney and $572 Ml checks was tukon. <)11?t*r packages ??.n taining about $50 were led di , turbed I I bo safo was unlocked. The combination is hard to work and it was loft last night as usual with i only tho day lock on. J The transom ovtr the back dour ! of the depot was broken, but it is j the gen oral opinion that man could 1 " I not hiivo entered I?v it ?mm ? ? 1 Sixteen Drowmd r ? i | Slirevcport, La, .hum 2?The ! hUihiixm' II. M. Carter, it is rep??r | tod, run into tin* pier of the nil J road In idgo aeioes Red River, nt ! Alexandria, La, nt 10 80 tonight I nn t s-tnk Sixteen lives were I losl ^ _ m Dispensary Patrons. Tito Bamberg Times is nhotit correct when it suyH tlint if the church members, that is tho<o whose names uro on the chuich hookf-, ami the people who are fighting the dispensary, would stop patrt n zing this institution it would hv doomed and no election would have to lie held to decide it, either. ?Anderson Intelligencer. ? Pay for The Ledger. DON'I' IIOKKO V TROUBLE It is n had habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly boriow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Wright's disease, uny similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Elec trie Bitters. Here you will lin?l sure and permanent forgetfulness of ull you>* troubles, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease At. Crawford Bros , .J. F. Mackey & Co., Fundorburk Pharmacy. Drug stores Prices 5()e. Guaranteed. ; Rates' i j y in Advance. h ?/ i i( 11 i j i cek) and the ATLANTA one year for $'-7 ;ek) and TIIL CIIARLKS KR (twice a week) one < $1.75 ? i i OUTIIKRN CULTIVA- < $1.75 ANTA JOURNAL and 1 'ill Benn rv?*? ??**-*?. I*--.. d* ^ ^ ' ?! > ?.?. UIH ^ till IWI qi_'.UU \ ek) and The ATLANTA J ncs a week) one year for $2.00 r ek) and The NKW YORK J k) one year for $2.00 ? t A JOURNAL and IIOMK i $2.00 t Send 011 Credil. c fl T. S. CARTER, r Pub. Ledger. The Kind You IJavo Always Boug in use for over 30 y.^.rs, X:; ? 1 and lias l>< , Ronnlsupci /-Ci<c*'4r/r,', Allow 110 o All Counterfeits, linitat'ons and ? .experiments that triiio with ami Infants and Children?Kxpericne I What is CA5 Castor la is n harmless substitut goric, Drops iml Soothing Syru contains neither Opium, Morplil snlistaiiee. Its n.cro is its gunrnnt and allays Feverishncss. It e>n*< Colic. It relieves Teething' Troul and Flutuleney. It, assimilates < Stomach ami liowels, j^i\ itifv l?e: The Children's l'anacca- The Ble GENUINE CASTO I 2?oars the Sign The KM You Have In Use For Over THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY Ct ? ?iBaSIIIM > sasMBaawp I Jy <? SOU toll, i J Lancaster, S. (\ ltesi-1 nee phone r<t? 1s7. Olllce, Davis Itu.ltiitjLC ? inter Mai i ami \ t I Ihi r. tap sit eel -; phone No 7 J . Will practice i i littli low.i ami "" cmnt.v ?>f I.iiiuvw it. Allif.i'l'?elth? r ,lMl day or niir i . will r civo prompt attartlion Jar;. 10, 1U03.?If. Gold ?^IgncT ''" Tlio hoard of count > rommissioiieis in tlioir mooting Monday Full i pnsecd a resolution 10 lire effect Fppu thai hereafter no nngislrato in ?-"? Lancaster county will he paid for ' .... ! . for of holding :n loxucst unless it is iiii possible to get the coroner, and J*, j then the magistrate inn t comply with the law hy > v11 imr *illi?hi\ it> from three eiti/.n s of t' rnimediate coninnniity that i; is import int that an uupiest he held in the particular ease under consideration. M r (iar lnt r. 211. l Jonntv Supei visor. P \ 1 Notice. ? V.l My re pilar ottl e di-ys w I !,< Sat ' <ul| trrdays ami lirsl Muitdos \ll other j', ' ilaysyou will foul no a' my ollh-e nihrr near L & '' <1 pot Will ! cop school vanl i linoks at h t i < 111 os an \\ nl l> glad ' 1 :.1 ' t\rix i 'i lo wait oil .you any day hi tho wiek. () , W M Mo ;re .. 11ii t\? 8up r / ; iuo it? 11 Nji(, Jan l?l, inn"). luiTiifcir I have Iliad" a' r Oivmeiit vv!, i mn g H enders of icoeiv la Nov V r i\, g/ | l wif h whom I mil iih'e to liego-1 u ' hi. E*. 2 ? I6CUM*I hy Hist moilmi^ mi imp ovr i otIon firms, at 7 er cent ii I"' i-a ? epaysbto In nin.ti.i n station lit- ?.f W* live .years No' r?ke ace uv cominis ??SC' don oliargcd <>o v > ie i.-ou.ddo diargc for aba ract <> it) F'fRlD II \. WW IK, Lflfll Alitr SI 1? Gin. Attorney lit l.nw | re * ro^AiWJBCirggvinir j?? Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. Znt Kidn I e eXainio doo lor lint award of /ttcntil ?<;t?o aishlps in Wfnlhtnp Col J cue am! for the admission of new -an j ? leiits will I o li hi i?I. the county ' yurt J dome on J'M oiy, Ju'y 7th .at !> r? ni. Xpplicants r. u-t not i?- 'ess than li ecu .years efap'. When-coo'.arsliips ire vacated after July 7th. they wiil ie awar h (I I those in iklmr the icn-a ml nvcrt'Kt* < I iIi'h ?-x iimi'ii: ion pi > i- | led tin y meet the conditions K-ive>n? !"_ ' ok tlie awiir^l. Applicant* or stiliol irnhlpH Hlioiiid write (<> rrwlil < i rohtiHoii befo die ex mi nut hi f r '' cholu .ship I'Xnml* it'ion hhr Km Hclioiarslii >:* me u <>.i It $ ho a tl Vie tuition 'III' iexr M'ssi m \ml ; ?pen Hept? in'>er lid M)<>> l?\n for.. . j,v ' ' llroil)int on H'.'l ali>K<l' n'dnss |,v . it I'll' D. It JohiiKO f,v li Ko *!t 11 nl, S c, jv /t,'ii ctmw aenr?r \iunrrr?niy.nw mum ????:. ^?,-a ?. 1 > Hill Notice to tin; Public. l,v l',M Ar liai I will holt I nil inquests in (lie jomity. Phone to my resilience < Ins it 1'lcHMint tiill for mo when lir tootled. J. Montgomery CueUoy, j.Kud ej?t. 20?tf pn>i ? If r'I r7 41;; HI IS ' lit, siv.Cl v liicli Ties JjvJojj borne ttio Riu'nai ?svo < ! >cn jando under Vt vorrvislon fiinee It.- I:ii'.?nry, !iO<0(lo?Tivoy.r. 'V:-', [?Just-as-f*ood ".ii*< I oinlaiiJV1!' t!.o < :.* o against 5 \;>crlan:nt? 3TORIA o for Castor Oil, Parepg, It is Pleasant, It no nov oFrv Narcotic re. H destroy a W'iniifl i-.s I>iarrlm.M and Wind bios, cure:; Constipation ar Food, v???ulates llio dMiy ai?<? natural s'ecp. >{hor*a Friend. IhJA. always aturo of uugmr Always Bought 30 Years0 hcct. new vonn citv. EEK^HBSSaBBBBBMa .. . - . a&i E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. .rUing on r rod it docs i t pay, iti\ terms from this forth aro si. i?:11 y cash. u oaabie Pricca. Killing ?1.50 Vmnlgiun Killing 75 eta. Cement KM ling 75 ct itcnmcu ri.ATK, . ipper agI of tooth ?12.00 r nud lower set ?25.50 y ?" 1'hoMO pricoa are stiictly ish. No work dono except ish or good security. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. ~ a. / int r hos . U loneu fU L<( u\ LANCASriOK, S. C. il M ten ?:i sp i .;| t y * si il'..S s ?.'A til U C n. Mo tl i'S Ii \U(110 DIVIDENDS ! I I.Cist II , I' I ! j ';i li e?!l;e?S Oil it W _r:iiiiii i' Ki'inl ii'llnn, mly ? nil r-i. ' :is li iiijjj (In* i I'linil; l! i y 1 :iv:* ijh -upciio h i linn l'I" M S li.: ? I'lusrt. No i im> < c tlcyriM 't'li* I ti'ter tulK'trr now o i? ! prepare n'i ::tive poMi.i n. <>:ir graduates i 'Hi mil l.el US v?m w? > i-'i1 1 luinilreils?they are fn i' s. Wo oiler special rates !' 'A's ; C. H i\iuoss College t 'olmnhut, S. C. 20, 1004 ~tf "\ a. u> a&E?!W KBOI* ??? ? jyrcci wiafcft5t5 the most fatal of all dls! | Ey ^ KIDNEY CURE It i Ltty Id V> Guaranteed Remedy oney refunded. Contains dies recognized by emiphysicians as the best for cy and Bladder troubles, PRICE 50c. nr 1 $J.OO. AN'iE' AND OHESTER U . [ i \ ^ . u I. < f o M >y -8, I0<)?. < :! > i .*:? } J I. >1<K\ ) J:STiit:UK 5 5. i <> u ' i in 8 lr? p m 1 jiuv n, <? -1!? i in 4 lop ni > ?v * I< .ri *)0 .i in 4 80 p in .luii '. 7 O> a in I 1") p ni is: , i', 80 a in 6 Ir> t> in u 'oiu\ ."it K 5) 65 it in 7 O'l p m imihin ,-,o 10 |"? a ni i'. s I) N 1/ i . tliia, Ho 11 > o'? a m :i l-> p m ,. 1 11', ' .> L 0 05 .><m 0 ''1' |> III 1 i, o no i ni 8 l i p m ^li urrf, oi l ? in 8 80 p m no Of?o a ni s 46 p m i Haw n 10 06 a in h r>(i |> rn ticuu'er, 10 60 a m 0 16 p io (ION N ! ;< I IONS, tor? riotillu'f li, ?al?unl ami in ?& NorthiMiHtei'i. railway*, ftntoi? HouiIum n Hallway. P Mv. OHIO, .lift T ralHc in^r V ?' ii1 j. t a nl Trufllo M iiiagor.