The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, June 07, 1905, Image 2

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t?el dgt-a.' TMVEUIW S. CARTER, 1 EDllDK AND M V NAG Eli. J i i*i ; : ? v : m : i > v i' vn > s.v imtkh v y I SUBSUKIITION $i "?? l*K'* YK \ 1< } Lancaster 8 (.'..'lone 7th, 1D05. ' 1 A Dastardly Attempt at Assasination. Mr Geo. \V. Jordan. who former! \- lived here and for several wars past has lived in Rotk llill ". _ I."... I ciill iti\li i?i iii?ii\c his homo here again He tented the h ui>e opposite J M Carson <& Co'- store and on Tuesday moved i the first load of his funiture to j the house. He occupied the hou-e alone that night and was sleeping on a bed near the window on the first floor. When he retired lie left the light burning in the room and shortly after midnight he was awakened by a volley of pistol shots which were being fired through the window into his room. While the bullets were cutting around him and some of them found lodgement in the bedding Mr. Jordan was, fortunately not hit by a single one. What motive could have influenced such a cowardly act i-. not known. I he tor. n authorities have offered a reward of $200 which is supplemented by policeman H.itcinan, tor the arrest and conviction of the persons Two sizes of bullets were used and it is supposed that there must have been at least two persons connected in the deed. --Kershaw Kra. .Negro Killed by Constable. Special to Charlotte Observer. Columbia, S. C. June 5. ? Dispensary Constable .i K Isom early this morning shot and instantly killed a young negro named Jim Long, who had broken away from Policeman Keith. Long had been under arrest for snatching a valice from a negro excursionist just arrived over the Seaboard from Savannah. Isom claims that his revolver fired accidentally as he struck the negro with the weapon in an endeavor to stop him. Keith was running after he had just fired twice to attract attention and was calling to Isom to assist. Before he replaced his revolver Isom resumed smoking a cigarette lie had in his mouth at the time. Both the policeman and the constable are under arrest. Isom's home is in Union county. His wife is State Senator Cole L Blcase's sister, of New* btrrv. Isom bears a fair remits ti on. The coroner's jury tonight adopted the accident theory and exonerated and released them. Kotice To Teachers. ' The Summer School f >r white teachers will he held at Yorkville S. C.. commencing dune 12, 1005 1 want to urge every white teach er in the county who can possibly do s(> to attend. I will ask 1 that all who expect to attend to notify me at once so that I may arrange for board. \V. M. Moore, < unty Supt. of Education. Mandamus State Board. Columoia Uecord. An effort wa? made today to compel tne State board of diepensiry directors to pay beer dispensers salaries instead of commissions. Tne c tso was brought up bv Mr John Gary Evans of Spartanburg, through Mr Chas.K Commander, of this city, but on account of the crowded condition of the court it was necessary to post pone the case until November, The case is brought by John T Gaston of this city. Mothers can safely give Foley's Honey and'I'ar to their children for ooughs and colds, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by Fonder bur<c Pharmacy. RM1 of Honof for 1304-5. This R >1 i of Honor includes he nam?s of tho^ Btudents|who aave made an average for the pear of 95 or more, highly dis.inguished, those who have made lu average of DO to 95, distinguished and those who have not xiissed a dav from school during he whole year?Attendance. 1st. tirade?Scholarship?Above 90. ? Dorothy Moore, John H. Olyburn. M arie Sturgis, Louise I'ong, James Hough, Henrv Blackruou, Ruth Funderhurk, Neil Sturgis, f'hauncey firogory, lvirnest R i ity, O'Dall Hortou, R. L. ('rawford, Austin I Iloldridge, Ju inua Sowell. j Yttendance? Ruth Funderburk. Deportment-Macie Sturgis, Neil Sturgis, Ribert Allison, Hacker BiUings, Earnest Beaty, Austin Boldridgn, R L Craw ford, Kenan Moore. in (I. Grade?Scholars hip?11 ighlv distinguished ?Mary G ?ooh. Euoh ?una G in- in, Nanna Perry, Mary Crawford, Lela Porter. Distinguished? Clyburn Wilsou, Eugene Hough, Malcolm Wi1liamson, Orin BUckraon, Hen ry Moore, Eunic- Blackmon. Deportinert?Pr-rry Bell Bennet, Euphemis Gansoii, M ary Gooch Lei a Porter, Louise Robinson, Orin Blackmon, Henry Moore, E irle Tillman, Howard Williamson, Malcolm Williamson. Attendance?None. 3rd Grajb? Scliolarship-Highly distinguished. Maude Clyburn, Elliott White Springs. Distinguished George Fairy Poovey, Leon Cauthen, Georgia M ay Oartlcdge, Delia Cartledge Mary Moore, Pierce Horton, Ruth McCardell, %9lma Johnson. Atteudaucfc-M aude MooreM aude Clyburn. 4th. Grade-Scholar8hip-Highly distinguished. Kato Hines. Distinguished?Cantzon Moore, Bonnie Culp. Attendance?Hortense Gregory. 5th. Grade Distinguished Francis Nlassey, Ethel Dabney, Bertsin Stover, Marie Clyburn, Edgar Pay9eur, Willie Black raon, Lela Harper, Nannie Hill! Moore, Eliza Wylie, Chalmers Kiug, Loran Moore, Effie Hath-! cock. Attendance?Marie Clyburn. Deportmeut Ethel Dabney, Nauuie Hill Moore, Eliza Wylie, Esther Byrd, Maggie Cartledge, Marie Stover, Lela Harper, Ida Porter, Marie Clyburn, Francis Massey, Maiy Hood, EtFie Hathcock, Marie Rodaey, Florence Sowoll, Hattie Payseur, Mary Cook, Allie McNiuch, Mary McNiuch, Irwin Williams. Gth. Grade Scholarship?Dis tinguished. Mary Davi9, Kate McManus, Jeaunetto Poacr. Mary Williamson. Attendance?None. Highly distinguished?None. 7th. Grade?Highly distinguished. Mary Msssey, Margaret Moore. Distinguished?Thoma9 Beaty, Beth Brown, Bill King, Joyco Clark. Attendance ? Bessie Sowell. 8th. Grade ? Highly distinguished. Maude Moore, Perrine Stover, Ed Cook, John Banks, (for eight months.) Distinguished ? Kelly Cunningham, Robert Cunningham, Etta Snipper, Liliau Stover. Attendance?None. 9.h. Grade?Highly distinguish ed. Annette iStover, Mildred Cunningham, Ola Culp, Margaret Williamson. Distinguished. Coiriuue Jones, May Ferguson, Hessie Thomson, Ivy Ferguson, Celeste Cauthen, Walter Taylor. Attendance ?Ola Culj., Mildred Cunuinghatn, Margartt Williamson, Celeste Cauthen. For The Ledger) Marriage of Mi G C Cauthen uml Miss Maoel Bruce. Tr< I lie list of June weddings cor ? slam'y iueica>cs, both in number and interest. One of much interest to the many friends of the contracting patties was that of Mr Sp G C Cant ben and Miss Mabel < Bruce which took place in the . rac Baptist church of Heath 8piings on the evening of dune 1st Prompt')* at half past six o'clock tht wedding march commenced, str with Miss Fannie Blanton, ?f ! Kershaw, at the organ, nccompa- Hu nied on tho violin by Mr Crump- sot ton of Columbia. The march was ne< beautiful and skillfully rendered. Th There were no attendants, the ho bride ar.d mumii entered the Hi church down the right aisle, taking their position in front of the go officiating minister, the llcv 8 N ma Watson, p stor of the bride, who pu in a simple nut impressive manner the performed the cereuiony. CI; Mrs Cauthen is the youngest his daughter of the late Thornwell Hi Bruce and is a young lady of tht tunny noble traits of character rcfi and quite a favorite with the l'u entire town. She was dressed in a handsome cst traveling gown of dark blue silk with turban to match, which was *'u very becoming to her hriiueUe s^1( ty|?e of beauty. Pn Mr Cauthen has been for the an past few years the efficient and accommodating agent of the 'ie Southern depot, but he resigned this position a few %veeks ugo to sa! become bookkeeper for the South ^ ern Granite Co, which position he now holds. They were accompanied to the Southern depot by a host of friends and amid a shower of 1 ice atid good wishes they hoarded the 7 o'clock train ^ for Washington and othei points 8a North. Those who attended the ?/ weddiog front out of town were Mr Manly Bruce of Bethuno, the an only brother of the bride, Miss Fannie JBlanton of Kershaw, Mrs Francis Moblcy of llaile Gold Mine, Mr Cramplon of Colum kn biuia, and others. th Examination for Scholarships ^ Notice is hereby given thatOD ^ Friday, July 7th, 1905, examinations will be held at the Court k' House in Lancaster, S. C., for ioj scholarships in Winthrop Col- Gi lege and in the nonnil depart meut of the South Carolina Col- cu lege, and in the College of Charleston. W. M. Moore, s Co. Snpt. Ed. Notice to Colored Teachers. A two weeks' summer school for colored teachers will be held in the Lan3a9ter Normal and Pr Industrial Institute of thi9 place, begiuuing on July 20th 1905. D W. M. Moore, m Co. Supt. Ed. 7 yi Notice to School Trustees. Pf July tbe 1st. is the time for ?l appointing Trustees to serve for Q' the next two years. Please call a meeting of the patrons of your respective dist.icts and send me H the names of those recommend* 01 ed to serve for that time. I sin- 6 cerely hope and urge that these meetings be entirely harmonious T and that the best interests of your hj schools have absolute prece* 'h deuce over everything else. *1 W. M. Moore, Co. Supt. of Education. Notica of Elacion of Teachers The boarJ of trustees of the Lancaster School District will . meet June loth to elect teachers ca for the white graded schools.? t U Applications should be filed with the undersigned. g, Chas. T. Connors, Sec. A Treas. Board Trustees. May 29, 19o5?2t ,?? f Fearer gallons; wears longer; Deroe. fa RIOt In Aiken GOanty ouble Arose Over a Negro Chi?d.Whose Presence Was Required at a Magistcrial Trial. ecial to Charlotte Observer. Columbia, S. June 5. ? A e riot is in progress at Hush, in ken county, the scene of the I Elleton riots of the rcconuction period. So far a white man named 1 well McClain is dead, and his 1 mortally wounded and two jroesare dangerously wounded, ese were fir. d upon/rom the use of a negro named Gordon K'i MeClain had been deputized to and bring a negro child to a igistrate, the child being in diste in a case to be tried before ; magistrate. High defied Menu, who was re-enforced by i son, and two negroes, and gh and his friends fired upon ; approaching party, with the iult that Burwell was killed and ; others wounded. IIijgh then ide liis escape into the forOther negroes have armed Mnselves with Winchesters and otjguns and declare they will jtect High, after whom a large d well-armed posse has start. High will be lynched when I is caught. A long distance phone niesge from aikon says further Dodshed is expected. jnrgian Shot to Death in an Excursion Cur. Atlanta, June 2. ? A special to e Journal from Blue ltidge, Ga, >sJ L Galloway, lax collector Fannin county, and his brother, aorgo Gallowuy, were killed on oxcursion train near Mc'Ja\'s, ; inn , early today by a man nam-: Ewing, who was an ofliecr of e company on the train The cause of the trouble is not lown. An eye witness rep its at J L Galloway struck Ewing d George Galloway interfered the tight which followed. The illoways drew their knives and wing drew his revolver, rtsullg in the instant death of ,1 1j tlloway and his toother died out an hour later. Ewing was t seriously, but it is not known lether his wounds will prove tal. Letter to L. S. Elliott f.ancaster, X C. Dear Sir : The usual way to ly paint is to cake die lowest ice by the gallon. Mistake; e buyer loses by it ; bow much? epeuds on the paint ; it is so uch a gal loo, or so much a sar. How much a gallon or jar, do you think? As much irhaps as the total price of the lint. It may take twice the iraber of gallons. N Avery, Drlhi, N Y, owns ro houses, both exactly alike, e painted one with Devoe and le with another paint. Devoe gallons ; the other 12 Go bv the name; Devoe. here's nothing cheaper. Go 7 the price; thero's nothing jarer ; except not painting at I. Poor paint is better than sne. What does it oat not to paint iall? Can't figure it out ex:tly ; say a tenth of the build ig a year ; besides loots. What is poor paint worth , len? Don't know and don't ire ; you don't wan't it. Go by le name. Yours truly, J F. W. DevokA Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. sell ir paint. Foley's Money and Tar ir children,saft,sure. No opiatek. A Farmers' Rally Held GREENVILLE I^uhiK i h in i'otlo'i (ii w.i -v (5 Qgtwiz tit n S ?? Kt? Mr J 1?!iiii ()r* tj m 11< l<\ f ir ? S|? rial t?? T S'nt". (>rct-M vilU . Junp 5 II ?' I Imi \ ii- lot (I -n, j>* -Mil t . 1 1110 r' 11 i i t s - i ; I i J , I j. Met mii in, I'll- i? 1.1 I j *^ 11 ith, S :i \ *1*hi ! Tr iis'i 'if M \iitl I'll lie s Il'?' siiiMHiinii S'luU 111 i ? i' * , 1 11.11 . l'r 0<.|(1>>iiI J It <| '11 II) lit I o 1 ii; t*1 1. j '| t'-i 1 '11: ? i li 1 a ?:i 1 V ' In* w:i< gr? >\ 7<"> ? r 'I'M 1 lin*/ ' ii mum ?, i'lsin*-- i i'i 111 ftK>i 'iml 11 i ii nt ii - ''j >'i \? > III' W ;l- i'llt'lilll ?'il ll ! illl't 1 i in ! 1 ! e n 1 lii 'M?i: I ii' 8 .> ? ^ 11! :i.j i'l^l V nf ' lin f 111 til* ? nt I (II'M' I i'A 1 i? 111 a I ! I? I 1 u n U 1! I II hi 11 y iliiiij^- ! ( r jmvy.t t i; 11 I' 11?11 * fm jiiti m>iiI!ii 111 furou't 1 aM"< k?'il vilwuicntij tiie }.*' vet hum 11 rep >rt " i ?? ? ig'. >11 I <|u *ed Hint In* i"id t'ik'Mi S'i t:sti?*i Mydo ??i tii-k "Ii ?ut it. i Im tisUod .lie j; vmnncnt t"'?r < am an n lilri s-i!> 1 I i.? rt 1 1 esj)Miid"i and lli" n itne- t.nd address -? f ?l .. I .. I .1 I ... UM?L ?\ I I? ? l l 11 I > < 11 i ill*# *11 I ii ii n 11 poll which was l?a-< d ? rep'?t i < t ih" givertrnoi t I !i?dit-V? * th" i (jp I t f the lion e i . , iii-l he w i! i:. I > \ i . I ! lie '}.! !-i n J" 1 IV. S ii" <pivci much t i't-j: i wrong, ho expects to siy so m unco-lain tones. Mr. K. (I. Smith was well coivoil it ii ?1 in i<!i* i routing speech. 1'iiis "us hi-? first i pom unco here, iiimI h?* made a fi ot'abio impression. llis npini uliout the govern vienl report co elded with President Jorda and lie also b"lioves the as.-o.lion lopoit to bo true. 1 speaker was \vrv < !?? juonl times, and hi> rhetoric was in choice. John Ij McIjHutin i> well kn?to Greenville people. lie nu: a splendid speech ??t" an It m 'length, and was heartily applat ;otI While Mr. Smith '!'>es i approve of all the tenets of .> ' McL ioi in st !! there w s r.o re! once made by either < f t ho speak today to their disagi? emi i.t-. At night all the f-peiikei >* i again heard in the count \ (< house. !'he night meeting \ helh in order tint ttie hiistr. hum of the < it \ might nitend. Hailstor.cs Killed Sparrows Wilmington, N, C., June 1 A special to The Star fiom Mo Olive, N. C\. says a severe wi rain and hail storm swept o that section la>l night, unroof buildings and h\ ing crops waste over a wide area covei by the path of the storm. I power house of the eleel plant in the town of Mount Ol was partially wrecked. In a lai elm grove on the outskirts of town, numbers of spam killed by the hail stones w picked up after the storm. liobhers Secure About Si From Stores at Mount Pica ruii i Special to Toe Observer. Concord, Jun'* 1. ? Lust ni between midnight and 2 n'el professional burglars entered stores of Cook A: Foil and C. Ileiltpr,, at Mount IMoasunV town nine miles east of here, \ blew open their safes with n I jjlfceiine. At the former st I they goi about $200 in money the latter between $300 and $4 T1 Ll.?. - 1 I ? Iiit: niwuviY w.ii U 'l Known t| this m oming, and the burg escaprd, leaving no clue to f .1 them They started off or horse belonging t-> Mr L. Lot soon left this, rand took a u of Col. lioger's and role this the edge of concord, where it turned loose. l'he owner m ing the inolo. followed an i f.n it about daylight The oIlii are using every means to do the burglars. In Togo Visits ROjestvsnksy The !)i Admiral Was Deeply M< ved Hy J Kxpressions Of Sympathy Of I lie * Victor. Toki ?, June 4, 2 p. m.- -Vice Admiral l?>go visited Vice Admiral Rojestvensky at th > 11aval h iSfiital it Sis-bo Saturday '"land rxp^-u'd his sympathy fur ' the admirai's woini 1<. ileprais ;I t;i - mi r.joous light of tile 1 Russian ;i d expressed the hope Vic - Aduiira' R jestvensky would soon be al?le t'? return to Kthd i. Roj -r-lvei>ky was deeply move ; 1 >\ tie admiral's words and th.inked hi 1.. lie yongratllla'ed lapan 011 the courage and pan soli- -n of hci sailors and s.aid 1 " . i: h --.1 uel his regret and the sor ' row of (1-. feat to know the high '' ' elt.i. ?r'.ei of the victors. ' l" Russian Warships to Remain at ' , ? to Close of War. ,i. Washington, June 5-?Secret t o y of Navy Morton today issued ,M an order directing that the Russian ships a;M vnila must he intern ( j e-.l or depart f /rtliwith. In view .,i| ; of th > fact the ships have been m- i iinseaworihv this ordcrnieansjthey I) i u ill b- disarmed and dismantled II,- ; and held in Manila until the close r- 1 of the w ir. Tiie officers and "i crew wiil doubtless lie par >led. j _ ls i A Oncer potato Plant. IlO (From the Dorchester K.igle) ie- Mr Fitz U. P.irler exhibited on tod Wednesday an Irish potato bush p- that seems to be a kind of curiosn" it). On the top of the vine, soveral inches from the earth, a elusio ns ter ot tomatoes were clinging, i,,_ ranging in size from an acorn to 'hM an egg. The potatoes on the !St same vine were large and well matured and it is a puzzle to know just how tomatoes grew on idti a potato bush. Mr. Purler der's clares no tomut ies were id- growing near. It is certainly a strange freak of nature. i! i . frzvrr-.arrt -_?\ ;:i3r-e xx^zaaaseSMncSM* Notice to Debtors and Creditors of G H Ltthan m e U'l All persons Inning claims van against the estate of Charles e-s Harvey Lathan, deceasedv will Drescnt tlipni ni-nnflpl,? nniuan ?.? ... ,.. J ,,.w? v... iw the undersi^m d for payment, and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pyament to the same. John T Green, .? May 12, iyo5-im. Kxccutor. unt ; SHOES! intf rrrsnr.'yr-v.s 3 ZEScasat in roij We ar?- expeniiii; ti cull ,j from yon. We now have a roinpUle line <?f I'm it ,1'c ami VVliite C'anvis Uibive i?on Ties, ju>i I he thino r^e f<>r summer airy price the nom $1.00 up Wo on! nvs -jus i:ii at trillion I niir cre High Grade lino of DRESSY low cuts. Edwin Chipp f<>r men La* ^?,,p Franco for women. CHERRfi CO. Ki.t Go to the ;t LANCASTER MARBLE (i. ^vivi> GRANITE WORKS, ami ' U For Good Work and Low Prices : ft. J. McHinch, ()0 LANCASTER, S. C ' niil ;,u< PROFESSIONAL (A Hi) low 1 m M '* '-KAWKOKO 1)11 U C IIHOWN . ? ('ItAWFORI) A UltOWN, )> / Physicians ami Surgeon**. . 1 alienator. H. C, ill I c* Treat met ( of the eye, i.nse ai.u tliroa acjeeliltv. wua Calls promptly answered day or ' S}i~ ulglit. (till -o over Craw Ton! Bros. . l>rtig Store. In< Phones: Olll.-e, No 17H; It lilencea crs Xoa. 11 and 38. lot t ' L'ny your Subscription.