The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, May 27, 1905, Image 2

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T?ELFDGER.jT IIKIRLW S. CARTER, E L> I L'O K A N L> M A NAG E K. iRSUBD WKDNKSltAY ANI) S.V'I'II It DAY j ti SkJUM' K11' I'lOiN ji <??1'K" Yl-l AK I .. ?? ? i 11 ? - - r> Lancaster S May 27th, 11*05. w h Mr K D BlaUeney, in a letter to The State, declares that the peo- ? pic of I-ancastcr were not indig- j, mint over the arrests made in connection with the Kershaw lynching, 1 > 111 were incensed over tinmanner of obtaining the alleged evidence. A detective often resorts to the lowest and dirtiest trickery to obtain evidence, but according to Mr Rlakeney Howie, the detective employed by Solicitor Henry, went to the limit in such tactics. Mr Rlakeney's statement being correct, is is not surprising that the people were more or less enraged and that the evidence obtained by the detective's method was largely valueless.?Columbia Record. An Opinion of Special Interest to Holders of Accident Insurance. Special to The State Charleston, May 24. ? In the United State's circuit court today fudge Rrawley rendered an opinion of special interest to the holders of accident insurance politics and to the companies them selves, in Ins decision, refusing u * motion for a new trial in the case * of J A Carrol, executor, against ? the Fidelity and Casualty com- ' pan) of New York, growing out ' of the death of the late F G Stacy 1 president of the Gaffney National ^ Bank. } Stacy was called a liar by a 1 man named Porter and he resent- 1 cd the insult with a blow in the ' mouth. An abrasion was made 1 by Porter's teeth on Stacy's fist ' and a few days later blood poison ' set in and Stacy died. The in- ' suranee company refused to pay 1 the jpolicy, alleging that Stacy had come to his death by violent 1 and unlawful means. Suit was 1 instituted at the last term of the 1 circuit court in Greenville, and 1 the jury returned a verdict for ' $5,000, the full amount of the ' policy, in favor c>f the estate. The ( defendant moved for a new trial, and Judge Ilrawley has just ruled ' that the death of Stacy was as a < rf"?lllr r>f 51 i ?"> M f 1 1 inniicnlltin., It as the jury had previously ilccid- ( ed, and the motion for a new trial 1 was dismissed. a The ease presents a number of a interesting features to holders of t accident insurance which has be- c come very popular. The couit t docs not state that the blow which h was struck in resenting an insult c was an accident, but it is the r breaking of the flesh, allowing t the poisonous microbes to enter e the Csystem of Stacy, causing e death, which Stacy, of course, t never intended, is the accident, \ and therefore the estate is entitled # to tire money for which he was { insured. j Sudden Death In Camdon. ^ i Camden, May 24.--The ltev. ^ W. \V. Mills, D. D., died sudden- ^ ly about 1 o'clock today. He ( wa?s walking across Monument Square, near Dr. I H. Alexan- j. dor's residence, when lie foil and expired at once. Prof. It. M. ^ Kennedy, noticing him, hurried j to his assistance, but life was ex- ( tinct before ho could reach him. u Dr. Mills was a high typo of the , Christian gentleman, and his t death will cause profound sorrow j in this community. t OA ?VC?ll I A. n p.ian the ?lh8 Kind You Hare Always Bought M Signature ^ y/r/-^-<2. he Lancaster View 1* of Mr. Henry's Course. ^ (Concluded f ro?u Page 1.) W . I1 : iUwastho solicitor a purpose to j lako an accurate (statement to the <>vcruor, ninl one the truth of ^ rhit'll ho could establish, why did \ o not interview the ministers of a Lcrslmw, or lit least one of theui, l< nd thus ascertain their position n ^ the premises. I AiMiin, Solioitor Henry stated t ) M rj?Utrate Caskey during the '1 reliminiirv tlnit he refused to c 'dive time and thereby permit ^ i? parties who were arrested at i "heater to iioneur tsnfnro s >agc, givo bond and be released, i ecuuse Gov. I ley ward was inter- i sled, or behind the cuse. This t nine resaon was given bySolicitor I lenry t > the Hon .) L Glenn of i 'better on tiio night of the nr- t cut, yet in hit* report of May 3.1, I * his reason for the refusal, he t avs, first, "I was not fully ad- 1 ited second, tll did not think i t proper in a case like this "? i ?Vhich ?f tlr? two reasons is cor- i ect we cannot say, nor at e we in i i position to admit that either i vus tho real motive. Mr. Henry n hit report to tho Governor i ilaims lliat Messrs. Ilnath, Stereos and Welsh were arrested at Chester because they were at? empling to get possession of a State's witness, and >ot ho does lot say what witness, nor does he lire any reason for presuming hi* to be the business of these gentlemen,and as a matter of fact, hese gentlemen were not seeking :o get possession of uny State's ivitntss, and if Solicitor Henry lad, or knew that tho State had, ivby did lie refuse to put up such ivilness at ih? time of the preliminary hearing if the witness whom no thought these gentlemen were pursuing was Fran's Hough? lie :ould have used Hough at the preliminary hearing for he was pres* ant in the court room as a defendint and not as a witness on that occasion. Jf he referred to young L'roxton he wus also preient in ihe court room at Lancaster daring tho ^entire time. It may he well at this time to state, on the Authority of the elder Croxton, that when the father of young Uroxton appealed to {solicitor Henry at Chester to aid him in the finding of his son, that Solicit :or Henry disclaimed any knowljdge of the whereabouts of young Jroxton and led this father to beieve that he know nothing of his ion's connection with the matter, rnd wont so far as to say to him lmt he (Henry) would help the Id gentleman to find his boy if le knew anything of him. There no so many glaring inconsistences in Mr Henry's various etatonents concerning this entire affair < hat it is impossible to point out i lach and every one of them, but nough ha- been said to warrant ho inevitable conclusion that ho < vas not acting in an open, frank ind conscientious manner. The Solicitor assumes tho responsibilty for the employment ?f Howie ind Nnwluilil1 Vm nilmiio I. w ./w.v. | UW auiiiito IKITIU^ /arious conferences with these hod concerning the testimony i hey were working on, yet ho atompts to avoid any knowledge of, >r complicity in, the dirty work caorted to by the men with whom ic was working in conjunction. In all candor, Mr. Henry, I ask i lo you expect the public to beievo that you knew nothing of the Methods used ; that you wore ig- i inrant of the fact that Howie and 1 tuatin were violating not only i he laws of the country, but tho i awe of morality and decency, in ? heir attempt to obtain evidence < pon which to convict men of I under; aien whom you admitted i r'oro improperly urreatod, men t ' ' ' rhom you stated in open court I hut you <1 ill not believe to bo uiity, yet wliom you attempted ;> have con lined in prison, tind i-bum you would not allow tlie * rivilogo of bail exceyt the usual UKttl notico bo givjen you ? Wo linvo stated that uowi" v'.?) itod tlij laws of South Carolina. Ve reiterate this statement and ifl prepared to prove that he ;idnaped young Croxton: that ho ecured a pistol from a party in Cershaw by paying another purV $5 for stealing this listol. [*his is usually looknd uuot and lenotninated by the laws of this state us larceny. (Does Mr. lowie demand proof of this? Jf io, it wiil tie forthcoming.) \gain, referring to Solicitor lenry, we call attention to the fact bat lie denies any knowledge of [lie means used by Howie, as i bo ve stated. Doos the Solicitor nean bv this that ho was not keeping lip with the detail work t if the mail he employed, and who received pay from the cover aor, upon tho endorsement of the j Solicitor? It so he confesses do- | reliction to his duty, for was it ( not his duty to keep posted a3 to ( tho progress of this woiU. If ho ( was cognizant of what was going ( on, then his position is even ni.uo ( reprehensible, for while ho did not himself actually participate in this pernicious "strategy,'' yet ho had knowledge of the facts and his failure to interfere and put a stop this character of work makes him particeps criminis, both in law and morals, with those who actually committed ln? otTense. An explanation from the solicitor on this point would he, it seems to us, quite appropriate Solicit tor Henry in his report says, "J know that detectives have to resort to strategy. This is lesorted to in diplomacy, love, war and peace, Surely the fowler will not set the snare in tho sight of the bird." The word strategy is susceptible of a sinister construction in his mind when ho penned tho above sentenco. If he means that tho methods resorted to in this ctuse deserved to be classed as strategy, then, indeed, has ho extended the definition of that word to an extent that would call for severe condemnation from the men of the world who have made history by strategy. Mr. Henry tukes vory much to heart and bemoans the facf that the prosecution by him, in the discharged of his sworn duty, of the Morrison lynchers has caused tho estrangement of his friends. Permit 1119 to say that no one of his friends would have become estranged had he contented himself with the performance of his duty; had he confined himself, ho whom accident placed in authority, to legtimate, honest and conscientious endeavors, but when he permitted hit detectives to go beyond , the pale of legitimate stratogy, and when ho consented, though * n only by aequiescenco to unclean iL 1- ? - * - mtnoous iiienuoneu, men u ill becomes him to lift his hand* in holy horror and raise the cry that ho is being persecuted for the perfoimance of his duty. That he ovres u duty to his State as one of its prosecuting officers, cannot and is not questioned; that that duty required him to use all ( honorable means to apprehend and bring to justice the lynchers of Morrison dues not admit of argument, but it does appear that in his zeal to perform that duty j which ho has on every occasion : ( flaunted before the public, lie husj lost sight of the fact that he owes) 4 pori'Aannnilimr /tnlu t *. l !.?. ? I ?j ?v? iiuonuil | ind to tho men whom ho publicly jeclared to ho innocent of the < jrimo for which they weio ?irren- | ;ed. Mr. Henry stutod at tho t neliminury hearing that ho vya? i mrprised at tho arro^t of Mossrt*. I death, Stevens art] .Velsb, and t that time created tuo improtion thai be . did not know that variants were out for thoso men et as a matter of fact he wired dngistrnte Caskcy on tho .'list of durch, asking him to come to 'heatei, which the magistral lid on tin; l.-l day of April, and ho reeotd shows that tho war ant for the men named was istied on that date. Hero we night ask why it was that these variants wore not placed in the lands of the Sheriff of Lancaster :ounty for execution^ Whieh vas not done until Satiuday, the ho 22nd day of April, 21 days afer the date of same. 1 he tone if Solicitor Honey's utterance n reference to this affair, from irst to last, indicate that he is enacting under some imaennarv n %f vrong. This is evidenced by ii* un warant?d reference to the muisicrs of Kot'sbiiiv; igain, he miiiifests vindictiveness by conomptuous reference to one of the lotenduuls, of whom he sees lit to qieuk of us "one-eyed" Bolk. Let me say to the Solicitoi right liere that this Mr. Bulk is "0110jyed;" thut ho is ill) humble and respected citizm of lvershaw county; that ho lost his eye while engaged in the honorable disohm go of his dutyjus u confederate soldier, and that the wound which ciused the U*s of this eye was received while this old veteran was lighting on the lield of Gett> sburg for a principal, and witii a motive as high, as honorable, and, I might say, more laudable than the motive which prompted the honorable solicitor to deride him because of the fact that be only possessed one eye. in the linal judgment of men we may saloly say thaitbis'oiic eyed' Belkwill measure up to the equal of the prosecuting officer of the s.^tb judicial district of South Carolina In conclution 1 wish to say that the question under ennsiderution is not the guilt or innocence of Morrison,not whether Morrison was guilty of murder; not whether the men who it is claimed lynch ed him are guilty of murder, and we all knowutu] admit that it iproper and right, and that it is the duly of the oliiceis of the law to use ail legitimate means to apprehend and bring to trial the parties -vho killed Morrison, and I wish to emphasize the fact that tho complaint now m do is not dye to the fact that efforts are being made to enfoipe the laws of Siouth Carolina, but wo do oiuplujn, and we do charge, that Solicitor Henry is lesponsible for the methods u&ul and that these methods were unworthy the c mntonancb of any man, and especially one who occupies the of Metal }>p8ition lie noes This indignutiun 18 not local, inn exist8 even ut the solicitor's own door, and is prevalent whe ever the facts a e known. ftvery assertion th t in contained in tills artir r!o js .i apablo of being proved, and if here arc any who feel that injustice has been dono ttiei?, and thai tin truth has not been spoken of then and their connection with this cat*, 1 assure them that a u . inand c) their part for such proof will ho forthcoming when they sco fit I > ?sk for it, or deny the ahargoi heroin contained P. lilakcney. I'. 8 ?One more cpieation, Mr Solicit** : Wnrn till rh? hill? no provodliy you, for payment in thin ciii\ itemized Did you not [). K. i t least one of Howie's bills in tlie form of a mere state, lient, nd was the amount of this nil ?3 5. ? 10. I). It. Mot ors can safely give Foley's i!one> indTar to their children for loiioh and colds, for it contains 10 opi lessor other poisons. Sold jy Fq dor bur <c Pharmacy. ' C? - S . . I II II o-w-Goes To Gel Immigrants Per South Carolina. I "" Con-mi- ioiior to visit (if-riit in\ . ; Holland >.::** ! 1 i j. i ;,;u to etnv t nuiigrapIfor th:s Sit.p\ | ? I Nf.v Y- ik; May i>i Wyngaardon, a oomni !*sio'M-1 i sent abroad hv tho "ovrrnor and j ollitr prominent citizens of South j Carolina, to s < urn mtmiiM'onu! to people a pr< posed now >e'.tie-j niont forwhieh n largo It not has | boon set apart in tin- Slnto, sailed j for Knropo today in tho j Potsdam llo will visit (ioriu nv i Holland an.I Belgium and will j distribute litorturo explaining tlie | enterprise Mr VVynguatdi n j said boforn o titi?> ; heforo sailing that tlit* land had been purchased by tho governor and his associates, that it tv:n vcrv fertile and I that good cotton und other crops could bo raised upon it. It was pr p.?8?d idf-o, ho faitl, to t-tat> lish fact"! ion thorn. Negroe , hi added, m cmod unable to achieve satisfactory results ua agricultlira ists :.!i?l 11?ihad prompted the invito-i n to the fereignpis An effort oil. tie made to mcuii- immo'i io>t-< Miii atde for burning <n factory woik As lh> y nnive they will lie taken in charge by David Van \Y>ck, n memher of the Iloboken hoard of health, ami will he shipped to South Carolina bv steamer. Twelve Inches of Hail. i Reidsville, Ga., May 23.?The) most destructive tornado that has) swept Tattnall county for years j occurred this afternoon, lasting) ten minutes. During this brief period a section between Reidsville and Collins was practical!} cleared of all crops and only the strongest trees remained standing. Houses were leveled and it is remarkable that thus far report of but one life having been lost has been received. The victim was a negro employee at the saw mill of A C l'arkcr & Son; a falling ' smokestack struck him. At Collins a family of five was struck by lightning, They were stunned, but were revived. Their home was destroyed. So heavy was the accompanying hail that the stones lay or. the ground to a depth of twelve inches. Light Distress. Kxchang j. "I heard a new term the oilier day, said \V 11 Snow, Jr., to the Charlotte Observer "It was ar Winston. An old lady and her two daughters came into a millinery store, The young women wore mourning hats. The old woman said to tne clerks: "I want a mourning hat fo I am in mourning. But my dalter here, indicating, is 4 wicjder of two years' standing and she in light distress. Give her a hat with blue feathers on it." DON'T HORftO V | ROUBLE it n bs l IjijbiJ to borrow anything, but the worst thing \ 011 cr.n possihl\ honow, is trouble. When sick, sore, hoavv, \\<-nr\ and worn out hy the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Wright's disease, any similar in tern d disorders, don't sit down and brood oyer your symptoms, but lly for relief to ltdcctric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forget fulness of all yotp* troubles, and yout body will not bo burdened by a load of debt disease At ('rawI ford Bros , ?J. K. Mackey & (Jo., Punderhurk Pharmacy. * Drug stor. s Prices 50c. Guaranteed {* t\ nut; t? /c t? n * ?wr " s r 1 mm i i ? hi 11 i 'tu h alinyj skIi'Oh: w >rio j % Fertilizer Mills Assessed. i i>- Slat- boaui of v ipudi;:alion adopted th' following is tlu va cation )r taxation of all the U til" or j '.ants in tl~?c State: , \ nd?w? ?r, $('0,000. o o A sin-1 bo, "$78,000.00 i. t i w.?i ., $64, 8 co. oo IF a-'. $45,OCO.OO i' S R< yc.slei Co if 15.180.00 Sjv tanburg, $7,200.00 Virginia Carolina Chemical Co: Port Royal $196,690.00 Atlantic, $85,000.00 1 hicora. Si 72,200,00 Imperial, $162,030,00. Standard, $258,895,00. St<>no, $66,875,00. VVando, $34,081,00. IMac.ksburg, $102,528,00. Dorchester. $10,455,00. Greenville, $129,752,00. Columbia, $193,800,00. Georgia Chemical Works, $137* 554.00 J he total of last year was $1,553.534 and this amount is increased to $1,849,860 l is year. The Port Royal mill of the V. C. C. company is raised $90,000; tin Columbia mill $ 1 16,oOO. The Standard at Chsrleston, another V.C*. C. Co., $78,000, and other mills were raised considerable.? The State 251)1 inst. . * ._-v y. -fcr;.. -sr rzty.'fc-CT CASTOR! A For and Children. The Kind V:;u Have Always Bought Wgnaturc oi *?. >-.3^ ?c.*arM>-orxmoaBB iS itiec- lot he l 'ublic i \\~t>l limit ill! iu<jit*;ots in the count;. Phone to my residence ut PicH-iint tiill tor iuo when needed. !. Montgomery Cft-koy, opt. 20?If Notice to Debtors and Creditors of C !! LUhan All persons having claims against the < - tate of Charles ll.irvey Lath m, deceased, will present them properly proven to the undersigned foi payment, and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pyament to the same. j hn T Green, May i 2, 1900 i in. Kxecntor. M * zzsCS ' . 3VM *. w: z~.<? M C?f*t ?j ? ? 2. . . Vttmi NOTICE! The lionia. (.1 C.nHt'ol for l^an* caster Com.ty will in-ot at 1, mca.-ter C. II., (a , on Tuesday, June (?;h, 1095, for the purpose of electing dispensers t'of the ijis-. peiisary ?t I aneii'toi (J. Il , ntui the disj on-airy nt Kei-?h:r.v for tho ensuing year la ginning July 1st 1905. Applications for theso positions must he tiled with saU hoard at least twent y d ays he-fur) slid G1.h of .111110 11)05. J 10 W Haile. < "l.i tJ.utid of Co Control L (J. May 5. 1905 hi), Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. Tin* ex-onin iio?i for the a waul of vaunt M'ho lUsVps 1 n Wiattuop 1 'ol .ego ami ( r tho > > ! new stu hell is w i I i ! e h l<l n l ( he COtlil i v l 'mil I ;lou ? mi Kit :.y, July 7lb al tin m \ppli eants n.Ust not ho less 1 mil 11 f'ten veals nt age, Wlmn seho'i. ships ine vae tieti af 1 r July 7ih, tt ey 1 i lie awarhii t<- those making ti e lug \ est average ; t llr.s examination pro>iitoihtn y mi et the conditions govern > 1 ng I fie award. Applicant* foi ach'd* arshins si'ouid write to President Johi soii l?efo e H>o examination f r ttcho'a ship < x-.tml- ntmn blanks. SelidurMil>?;, are woilli $!<)(> ami free tuition lh. aex1 session will open Sept-mi t 1 20 1 ?ui"? - K01 turincy information ami ea'ajogni'address ! Pre I), li Joliiinipi, I fuck Hut, S l CC it r> ?. ouue 01 :>ot(in taronna. ' Ol'N IV OK I,ANOASTEft, .1 Sr< v, 'iki i, K<i, Pruhnto -ndne (1 WHKHM I. C Li / ijby made nit to me, to i. rant him I ctt ?t ? if ml mini-tiallnn of (ho e-inU- of . ml of loot* of J oh n \ .Wiilt'r THK^K \ H K Til IS it IS OR ' to ( '<- . ml i m>oui-li oil iinl P ii^nlnr th? I iodivl |Oi| ( ?-,.,||tn A ,,f . rt i 1 Jolllt iV Miller <in'? ti n! tlm> I? * ami ap j. a !>? :i?. in tho (ioiiri of I*fO l a(<-, to h tie ! ?i I .a mm ?r x (' on W t'lliivsil ?y M ?y 'J4ih in xl after pub '.icullou liter of, at. II oV'ock in ti e /oreoo-m, to show liMim , it avy they |i vc, \vI?\ ami .idmhitatra'i ?n i>hnli'<l I) I bo iM'niitiii!, (liven n nler my llano (bii0(|( tiny o May, A mho Domini, I'Hi') J K st?vent a i. Probate J urige w jm ? "