The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, May 24, 1905, Image 4

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J Wonders oi a PiSShEI?7 it ionah l'"nse. noT by Fu " * **; r ^ , V -> I V. .^e C7"* , -siiccp and J1 o^.-> by ihc % Thousand?From the Killing to the Final Packing Each Cow is Handled by One Hundred Men Spcci.U to News .anil Courier. Kansas City, May in. ? How many people of South Carolina have visited one of the great meat packing houses of this marvellous Middle West? They are wonderful institutions these packing houses, and to undertake adequately to describe the work and different departments of one of them is a task difficult indeed. But perhaps I may be able to tell in my own way home things I have seen at Swift's and Cudahy's and the other great packing houses of Kansas City. With a patty of friends I visited the stock yards, the slaughter houses, the dressing rooms, the packing departments, the canvassing quarters, and the storage and packing rooms. In the stock yards there arc OYER T11R1"M 1 !I(?l SAM) l'ENS. paved with brick. The pens cover 160 acres of ground and 42 acres of this is under roof and has a floor for cattle above the bricked basement. The daily capacity of the yards is 25,000 cattle, 35,000 hogs and 15,000 sheep. Do those figures mean anything to you, reader? Well, inv.^ VIw JV/I J \ L. jllM dL'L'Il this gigantic enterprise. There arc 130 buildings about the stock yards connected with the industry, the largest of which the red brick exchange building, with three and one-half acres of (1 >or space, 350 office rooms, and more than 2,300 people arc engaged in the traffic in the yards and offices. THE LIVESTOCK KECE11TS. at the yards in J904 reached the enormous figure of 6,265,589, more than the total number returned for taxation in South Caro lina for the same period. Kansas City has the largest packing house in the world, it is claimed, and has in all six mammoth plants cmolovinc un wards of ic.oool A ~ ? O I "* ~ mS I people. The officials told us that the slaughtering, dressing and packing capacity of these plants is equal to the daily cattle receipts of the city ! In the thousands of pens in the stock yards arc to be seen these 85,000 cattle, hogs and sheep. And such cows! And such hogs! And such sheep! The continual lowing of the cows, and the unceasing bleating of the sheep and the everlasting grunting of the hogs make A CONGLOMERATION OF SOUND, which will not soon be forgot. Add to this noise of drivers forever shouting to their droves, the rumbling of the hoofs of the animals as they arc running over the brick or wooden floors. The rumbling of the trains, the clank of the trucks and the roaring of the machinery?all these enhance the fear-inspiring noise. The scent of blood?yea, the sight ui nit- gory stream irom t lie slaughter room is something against which one's olfactory organs rebel and from which one's eyes turn away. A GUIDE TOOK l > IN CHARGE. Where the cattle is driven into the slaughter pen is but a long lane, in which there are narrow pens, capable of holding two cows. Men stand at each pen and strike the cows, and pull a chain, which sets the machinery in motion. The fallen beef begins its long ride through the dc d or it iiu* p ooi< l OU. ' si ? 1 or 'I p cumm'. amiMVtWAM cv ? - 4 pal tine of the packing plant. K One man cuts the throat, an- ci e?tlici" begins *o skin the body, tc then follows the dressing, a dif- al fcrcnt man doing everytning, no pi less than ioo men being engaged upon every beef before it is cut ol up. During the time ol this pc dressing, from striking the steer \v< in the slaughter pen until every cc part of tlic meat is ready for mark fr< et or for packing, the beef is con- pr tinunl'y moving, not being before te any one man longer than half a is minute. I'c HIK TICK UNO DEPARTMENT sa is cohl?so col*.l that the water spilled almost instantly. m The pipes are covered with ice sa more than three inches thick. In Ul the cold storage room the temperature was so low that we 0 ran out as fast as we could, 1 am almost afraid to tell of the amount of dressed meat I saw, and hams, snouldcrs, sides, etc. It was something gigantic, enormous. IN THK WKAP1TNO ROOMS girls were handling hams and eS(B bacon, ami other meats with dexterity and rapidity quite beyond anything 1 had imagined. The c ise with which they wrap and as encase and sew up a ham into canvas is never suspected by the housewife, who in her kitchen laboriously cuts and tears away the cloth and paper. Another thing: 1 saw Till: MEN MARINO " UL'TTER"? rem! I saw the oil and the fit and the milk and other ingredients used in the manufacture of the stuff for v which we pay 30 cents a pound. I watched the big wheel which churns the butter; 1 stood by and saw the brawny nun with a thin cloth clip the butter from the surging, churning vat. 1 looked upon the great trucks loaded and B dripping, as they Jwere carried to the moulding department. Here men with bare arms and naked hands throw the material into the moulds and it is soon cast into blocks, and wrapped into oiled tissue 'paper, and lo! there is your " butterine" ready for market. SIII?EI', COWS, IIOGS. Sitting in a street car I saw two train loads of sheep go by, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /if.SZSA-*-0- ' Signature of C O VERWO'.iKE D KIDNEYS ylfurriay'H Ruchu, (tin and Jun iper in prosorihed and endorsed t>y eminent pliyaitjana. It curea when all elnt> falln Prevents Kidney dUeuHea,Dropsy,bright* At all druggists #1 OO A BOTTLK Or Direct From Murray Drug Co, Colnmbiu, H C NOTICE. The hoard of county commissioners in their meeting Monday passed a resolution 10 the effect that hereafter no magistrate in Lancaster county will he paid for holding an inxuest unless it is ira possible to get the coronor, and then the magistrate must comply with t ho law by securing a Hi davits from three citizens of tho immediate community that it is important that an inquest he held in the particular caso under consideration. M C Gardner. County Supervisor. t lie animals to be added to the iiuimerablc flocks already In the ens. The number of cows in the :ock yards was beyond my comutation. While I knew that lansas City was a great packing ty, I was ill no wise prepared ? find so many cattle in pens, jout and near by the packing ants. As to hogs?well, if South Carina farmers would raise as large >rkcrs as many 1 saw, not manv ould be needed to supply a >unty. Where do they conic Dm was a question continually esenting itself. But I cannot 1 II; they arc here, and the supply I kept up to a high number. ' >rk ought to be cheap at Kans City restaurants?but it isn't. I have no idea how much beet, utton and pork is made in Kans City and even if I had the figcs they would not convey any- j ing like a correct idea of what is ing done at Armour's, Swift's, idahy's. Sufficient it is to say at no one of my party ever saw oil tlii^ wise before. Louis Bristow. j OA0VOIIIA. ,r, tho /9 kia Kind You Han Mwajrs Boufifit SHOES We are expecting a call from you. Wo now have a complete line of Tan and White Cauvis Ribbon Ties, just the thing for summer any price from $1.00 up W? call special attention to our High Grade line of DBESSY low cuts. Edwin Clapp for men LaFranco for women. CHERRY & CoT -Clubbing Payable Strictl 1 tit. L-liDUEK (twico a w JOURNAL (twice a week) THE LEDGER (twice a w< TON NEWS and COURI year for THF LEDGER and The S TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The JV.TL SOUTHERN CULTIVAT THE LEDGER (twice a w CONSTITUTION (three Ii THE LEDGER (twice a w< WORLD (three times a we THE LEDGER, ATLAN1 and FARM, one year for Positively Cannc Chpt. Hobsdn Will Run AtfMn for Cbngress. Birmingham, Ala, May 20.? L. B. Murgrove, campaign manager for Capt R. P. Hobsou, an nonnccd to-night that Capt Hobson will again i tin for Congreas from the Gili Alabama district nguinst Col >1. id. Huukheud, and that ho vill under no circumstances make the race for Governor of Alabama. Capt Hobson left Greensboro, Ala, today for New York, via Atlanta, where he is to ho married next Thursday to Miss Gtizelda Houston Hull, of Tuxedo. l'neitmonia Is Robbed o' its Tor rors by Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an ttack of pneumonia. " Refuse substitutes. Sold tiy Funderburk Pbarmaoy. From A Wife's Diary. A word to the wise is resented, i Men are called but few pet up. Where there's a will there's a lawsuit. Fools rush in and win?where angels fear to tread. Love is romantic. Matrimony is decidedly a matter of fact. Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate. Thlk of your ancestors and your posterity and you will n^ver mar- i ry' ! When wc hear of other peoples j I troubles it reconciles us to our ' 1 own. c If you bestow a favor forgctjit, tl but if you receive one it is wise to j n remember. We never know how good wc m are going to be until the oppor- " tunity has passed. ! t Happiness is the greatest of tonics, the best of cosmetics, 1 and the envy of dyspeptics ?de- j tioit Tribune. it, it ; Rates.i. i i i i y in Advance. i CI V t eek) and the ATLANTA j | one year for $i.75 i 1 ;ek) and THE CHARLES . ER (twice a week) one $1.75 1 OUTHERN CULTIVA- ' $1.75 I e < ? .ANT A JOURNAL and OR, all three one year for $2.00 1 l 1 eek) and The ATLANTA Imes a week) one year for $2.00 1 eek) and The NEW YORK 1 I ck) one year for $2.00 ] 'A JOURNALand IIOME $2.00 it Send on Credit. T. S. CARTER, Pub. Ledger. 0 iMimC *s.WA4Lv'#fr -*? ; .-*?--ft*i I The Kind Yon Have Always B In use for over 30 years, 1 ??, All Counterfeits, Imitations t Experiments that trifle with Infants and Children?Expei I What is C CJostoria is a harmless subs! goric, Drops mid Soothing I contains neither Opium, Mo substance. Its age is its gun and allays Fevcrisliness. It 1 ?* * - ~ - voiic. it relieves \L'eetiling' 1 and Flatulency. It assiniiln fitonmch and Bowels, giving Tlio Cliildrcn's Panacea?Tin genuine CAST The Kind You Hai In Use For Ov HI OtfVTAU* COMWNT, ?f MUX 1>r KG Elliott, | Lancaster, 8. C. UfHiilaiue phono No 1S7. Ollloe, )?vi? Jhillding. corner Main aiul hinlep streeta; phono No 7-. Will practice in both town and ouuty of Lancaster. All calls, cither ay or nigh .. v/ill receive prompt atintion Jan. 10. 1005.?tf. PROFESSIONAL OA ltl>. >k M P Ckawfouo I)a It C JIuown DRAW FORI) & BROWN, Physicians mid Burgeons, I uncutter, H. C. Treatment of I he eye, noao and liroa- aepcciiitv. Calls promp ly answered day or Ight. Ollloe over Crawford llrnu. )rug Horc, Phones: OilKic, No 17t?; It Malices oh. 11 and 86. 3ui dness Education PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU need a pruelical business ed I catii n Wh guarantee t-a; isfaellon ionises of study i ndorsed as b-ing Ihe ( inmt practical; tbey have in> s.uperio a I ustriiclion given is IIrut class. No j ittier business colleges "(fer bo'ler ad- | autages. Ifieter now and prepare or a lucrative posdti- u. Our graduate- j rein demand. Let us assist yon. we ; ?ave assisted hundredH?they are in loftitlons. Wo oilor special rates Macfett'sS. C. Business Col logo j Columbia, S. C. Vug. 29, 1904?tf. MONET TO L0P~i I nave made arrangement wh i j miner* <>: money in rsew York City, viih whom I uinablo to lie-got h.tehniia ecured by first mortgage on improved Ottou farma, at 7 per cnt. epayable in annual inatal 1 nu nta of Ive yeara No brokerage or Coutmisiion charged Only a reasonable :harge for abstract of title. R E WYLIIC, Aug 31?Gm. Attorney at Law KIDNEY DISEASES i in .i i,:iu?a ' * *? "? ?" are the most fata! of all diseases. EM E V$ KIDNEY CURE Ii I I J Lb I 0 Guaraateid fiassdy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized bv eminent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICK 50c and $1.00. i MURRIUY'8 IRON MIX IUI E No Is tin) time to take a spring Ionic. Ity fai the best tiling to tike is Murruy'w iron M:xtuie. It makes ptiro li'ood ami gets rid of that tirod feeling. At all drug store-. ! rtOc A BOTTLE Or Direct From Tlio Murray Drug Co, Columbia, 8 C I - JI Jl % u sj.ii!) rgit A'JSr M t pp: J J w&v s.^-'; ; ' -. SS^kk^xS;:.:. j&\.<sx v:. Vv.\, - - < touglit, Olid whlcb lias ?;yiPJ3. las borno tlio signature s .i is been mode under bis pcr. ? apervision sinco its infhnry. qo one to deeeii o you i n ind "Just-as-good" nro 7.u'; and endanger the health ot* Icnco against Kxpci'irnept. ASTORIA tituto for Castor Oil, ParcSyrups. It is Pleasant. Ik rpliino lior other Narcotic .rantco. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhoea and Wind 'roubles, cures Constipation tcs tlio Food, regulates tho licaltliy and natural slooj*. 3 Mother's Friend. "OR!A ALWAYS^nature o? ^ ^ ^ _ H 1 Tt .1 I !# Always bougnt er 30 Years. "*v ***'" "53i2?S3IHSfciS35S3fiB5iBBI jTe. riitledge, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Workiug on credit doesu't, |?y, and my terms from this liaie henceforth are strictly cash. Roasonablo Fricos, Gold Filling ^ 1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement Filling 75 ct KL'liUKK pi.atc, Full upper set of teeth ?12.00 Upper and lower set $25.50 $5$*' these prices aro strictly for cash. No work done exeept. for cash or good security. j. e. rutledge, Dentist. J. IIAll RI' FOSTER. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, S. C. f.i?) - I \>! ivM Inn i Hj>"Hi* hi! y Go to the lahcaster marble \ IV i > GRANITE WORKS, For Good Worjc and Low. Prices A. J, ilsisnch. LANCASTER, S. C J -* Co*'- ?r. !??<. Notice. My regular oftl e days will he t3'af urdays end tlrat Mondays. All other days you will llud n;o at my eflW near I. & (.? depot Will keep school books at both ofllooa an i will behind to wait on you uuy day lu the week, W M Moore, Co Rapt of Education. Jan lrt, 1905. * n ~i i ii iiii i ubimm? !!! mn i m LANCASTER AND CHESTER ItAlT.WA V. schedule InelfeotJan K, tRd-V (Dally exeept Runday) WESTBOUND. I .U 1 "* ' *" ... .,^..^...-.^^1, / innin 3 45 p m Lv Fort Lawn, 7 34 a m 4 1.5 p m Lv Ha?0ouvlllo, 7 41 a in 4 30 p m 1/V Klohbiug, 7 60 a in 4 p n Ar (.!hester, H 16 a in 6 16 p in Ar Charlotte, So It II 66 a in 7 10 p m. Ar Columbia Ho I til SO a m ] 05 a m. Ar Yorkv'.C&N VV 9 4S a no A r C4aslon!ii,(JN vv 10 38 a in Ar Leuoir, o ft n, r 2 12 p m A Atlanta, s a 1, r 4 5a p m EA8TB< UNL. liV Atlanta, b a 1, r r OOp m IjV Laiivir, o A n, r 8 06 p m liV GLatonln " 6 00 p in |,v Yorkvlllo " 0 60 p no |,v Columbia, Ho It 0 lO-a in 7 0J pet Lv ('.Inn lotto, So It ft lo am Lv (.'bealet, 10 00a ni 8 46 p ai Lv I?leli'?urg, lu 4-1 u hi 0 oft p m Tjv HuscomvUlo, 10--0 a m ft 15 p ui Lv Foil Lawn 11 Oft a in 9 2ft p m Ar LanoaHter, 114 0 am o 45 p m CONNECTIONS. < heater?Southern, 2-ealmanl and ( arollna & Norlhweftem railways, Lancaster?Soul hero It.itiway. A 1*. AAiLUttK, jlaat Traltle mgr LEKOY St'ttliNHS. Pre?.t auil.Tratflo Mauagor. f