The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, May 17, 1905, Image 4

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Conditions in Texas are not Very Roseate Mr E L) Smith Writes Tliul Heavy Uuins Have Koiiwd the Crops ami Production Wi.l Fall Short. The State. Conditions in Texas as protiayod l?y Mr 10 I> Smith arc vuiy far from losouto as lar as cotton is concerned. In his le.lcr lie nays that the crop cannot equal that of last year's hy one-half million hales and that almost everywhere replanting is necessary. ! 4lt ruins and no cotton planted in Texas yet,"' Mr Smith says in u letter from Tyler, Texas. " The farmers have stopped soiling their spot cotton hero, being convinced at last that Texas can't make a crop, no matter what the others do. 4 4 From C>.il vest on on the south of this place, wherecvcr 1 have been, farmers, hankers and merchants unhesitatingly tell me that it is the worst prospect they over saw for Texas to make a cotton crop I've been in the Slate now ten days and it has been raining every day. I find one factor in the reduction mnttci which 1 never had explained hefort). Mr Woody of Galveston, an old cotton man, and a clost observer, told nie that one rousoi for Texas' largo cotton acreagt last year was mainly due to tin fact that in tlie winter previoin the wheat and out crop was killei by cold, and the farmers not il?< land in cotton. This whs callec out by my saying that fron Shievoport to Dallas and fron Dallas to Galveston I'd seet thousands of acres in wheat anc oats in which 1 saw last year'i cotton stalks. "No one can predict what thi Texas crop will be this year With all the favorable condition; ot last season, the State mad< 500,000 bales less than her larges crop. Sho has no chance witl present conditions of making with in 500,000 of last year's crop. "While 1 am writing a terribli storm is raging just south of here Even where cotton was plantoi the rains have so washed am packed the land that repluntinj is necessary. Altogether th prospoct for Texas is as bad as i can be. "This is a grand country. Th boll wcovil may prove a blessinj to the State at last. This is t hay grain and cattle country par ex cellenee 1 'think tho prospect are that those who have held thei spot cotton (and other) will bo re warded for their putioncc am faith. "Lot mo say in conclusion I ha I've in no sense overdrawn th picturo or misstated the fact about tho conditions here, leave for South Carolina ncx week. After all, South Carotin; is the best Stale in tho union." DON'T BORROW TROUBLE It is u bad habit to borrow any thing, but the worst thing yoi can possibly borrow, is trouble Whon sick, sore, heavy, wean and worn-out by the pains an< poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness Blight's disease, uny similar in tornal disorders, don't sit dowi and brood over your symptoms but tly for relief to Klec trie Bitters. Here von will fin< sure and permanent forgetfnines of all yoii'1 troublos, and youi body will not be burdened by i load of debt disease. At ('raw ford Bros., J. F. Mackoy A Co. Funderburk Pharmacy. l)ru< stores Prices 50c. Guaranteed Large Cotton Fire. Oldham, Eng., May n,?Fivt thousand bales of cotton wen burned in the Lancashire an< Yorkshire company's warehouse here thh> morning. of the negroes in speaking of the matter said that they believed he had been killed and thrown in the river. No importance was attached to the speech until this body 1 was found. It is the opinion among some of the citizens of that neighbori hood that the body is that of ' Murril and it is the prevailing > opinion that he was killed by some of his own race but the intimation - is very strong *hat some white , man is responsible lor it. i NEW CURE FOR CANCER All surface cancels are now 3 known to be curuble hy Buck i len's Arnica Salve. Jas Walters \ of Duffield, Va., writes: "1 had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, till Hucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now 1 it is perfectly well." Guaranteed i cure for cuts and burns. 25c at j Crawford Bros', .1 F Mackoy tfc I Co's, and Funderburk Pharmacy. $ Death List is 120. 3 I Snyder, Okl., May 12.?One hundred and twenty lives were lost in ihe tornado which wrecked the town of Snyder Wednesday night, according to the best in1 formation at hand. Reports from the surrounding country, which have been cut off from wire conL' ncction for two days, say that 25 ' were killed outside of Snyder. ' The dead counted here today ^ were 95, while 36 arc still missing ? and it is believed that 25 of the u injured will die. t . ? CASTORIA 14 For Infants and Children. < The Kind You Have Always Bougnt r 1 OVER YO.tJCK D t KIDNEYS iffurrray'm Buchu. Gin ami Juii iper ix presoiibed ami endorsed 8 by eminent physicians. Tt cures j when all elHt fails Prevents 1 Kidney dineaHeH,Dropsy.bright* t d', et At ull druggiHtM ii $1 OO A BOTTLE Or Direct From Murray Drug Co, Columbia, M O ' NOTICE. ^ The hoard of county commis' sionets in their meeting Monday ' passed a resolution in the efTeci A I... A I - - ^ nun iieruaiier no magistrate in , Lancaster county wi'l ho paid for * holding an iuxuest unless it is irn ' possible to got tho coronor, and " then the magistrate must comply with the law by securing affidavits * from three citizens of the im, mediate community that it is imJ portant that an inquest bo held in the particular case under consideration. M C Gardner, e County Supervisor. c Foley's Kidnoy Cure makes 1 kidneys and bladder right. Don't c delay taking. Sold by Funderj bulk Pharmacy. Murder in Laureiis. \ Man's Body Found in River Bound Down With Weights. I _ Laurens, May 12.?The dead body of a man was found in the river about two miles below Enoree Manufacturing company yesterdayjevening by parties seining in the river. TllC bodv annearpil / "I- ft to be weighted and was only slightly exposed. It was not disturbed but the coroner was notified and he has gone upon the scene this morning. It is not positively known yet whether the body is white or colored. One week ago today Essec Murril a negro man afcout 40 years of age and in the employ of the Knoree Manufacturing company as a farm hand disappeared. No one seemed to sttach any consequence to his absence but some Cotton Bags Displacing Jute. From Far off Texan Cornea Largo Order for Mag* Made by the Cbarleaton Concern. Special to The State. Charleston, May 11*?The idea of a more general utilization of cotton hags instead of jute is spreading, as was evidenced this morning in the receipt by the Royal Rug and Yarn factory of a largo^ordor from the Orange Rice Mill company of Orange, Texas, for bags, the mill having determined to use cotton instead ofjnto bugs. The correspondence of President. (Jr A Wagner shows that theie is a general interest in tho subject and as a result of tho agitation, thtro will bo a greater demand for the southern staple. A number of very large order have recently been received by the Charleston mill and there seems to be a general appreciation of tho benefits and advantages of cotton bagging over jute through this section. A* a result of the incroasod demand for cotton flagging, the mill is putting in additional machinery and erecting more houses for its opeiatives . * PLANS TO OE i RICH are often frustrated by sudden breakdown, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your onergies, and give you a new start. Cures headaches and dizziness too. At Crawford Bros', J F Mackey & Co's and Funderburk Pharmacy. 2?c, guaranteed. - The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Semi weekly, and The Southern Cultivator, ill three one year for If2., but must he paid for inadvance. -Clubbing Payable Strict] THE LEDGER (twice a \ JOURNAL (t wrtrf* n tt'0/*l'\ w \ THE LEDGER (twice a w TON NEWS and COUR1 year for THE LEDGER and The ? TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The AT] SOUTHERN CULTIVA1 THE LEDGER (twice a w CONSTITUTION (three t THE LEDGER (twice a w WORLD (three times a ?vt THE LEDGER, ATLAN' and FARM, one year for Positively Cannc Crazy Man Runs Amuck. Valdosta, Gn , May n.--John Hewitt, a white man of Ad:l, shot and killed his wife today, shot her sister and brother, wound ing them slightly, and when surrounded by a posse of citizens shot and killed himself. The cause of the tragedy is unknown, but b is known that Hewitt, who had been in bad health recently, was once confined in a sanatarium and for some weeks had not lived with his wife. Storm in York. Yorkville, May 12.? Quite a heavy rain storm visited this town last evening. Lightning struck the wires to the telephone exchange, setting fire to one of the (terminal boxes and burning out quite a number of fuses. At Bethany, ten miles northwest of this place, the lightning struck tl e , warehouse of Mr J L McGill, a merchant and prosperous farmer, burning it, with 60 or 75 bales of cotton. The building was partially insured but the cotton w as not. OASTORIA. fw? tfc? >?71-8 Kind You Have Alwavs Ri-:. 1 SHOES Wo are expecting u call from you. Wo now have a complete line of 'l'an ami White Oanvis RibItoti Ties, jUist tho thing for sum in er any price from 11.00 up We call special attention to our High Grade line of D BESSY low cuts Edwin Clapp for men LaFrance for women. ^cherryI^O. % in Advance. veck) and the ATLANTA one year for $!-75 eek) and THE CHARLES [ICR (twice a week) one $1.75 SOUTHERN CULTIVA$T -75 LANTA JOURNAL and "OR, all three one year for $2.00 reek) and The ATLANTA inies a week) one year for $2.00 cck) and The NEW YORK ;ek) one year for $2.00 TA JOURNALand HOME $2.00 >t Send on Credit. T. S. CARTER, Pub. Ledger. Tli? Iijud You Have Always B In use for over GO years, Ii ?y^7 i ? and ha All Counterfeits, IinitaMons a Experiments that trillo with Infants nud Children?Exp or What Ss Ci Castor! a is a harmless suhst groric, l>rops and Soothing & contains neither Opium, Mo substance. Its ago is its giuv and allays Fcvcrislinoss. It Colic. It relieves Tccthtiur T and Flatulency. It nssimilal Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea?The genuine cast Bears the ? The Kind You Ha? In Use For Ov ; THK CENTAUR COMPANY, YT MOP j 1 >t* !* <>4 Lancaster, S. C. I I ltesid. nee phone No 1ST. Olllce, ' Davis P.uildinu corner Main anil i Dun lap street!?; phone No7J. I Will practice in both lown ami j county of Daucas'.or. AllciiD, either i day or nigh . will receive prompt at; tantion Jan. 10, 1905.?t f. i ,,, , a, I, a I' JU > FESKION A 1j < J A It I) ! I)K M 1* CHAWKOKI) 1>u it (' liKOWN CRAWFORD .V HUOWK, Physicians and Surgeons. 1 uuc.atder, S. C, Treat met. t of t lie oye, nose and tin on a specialty. Calls promp ly answered day or , nt Olllcc over Crawford Bros Drug Store, Phones: Olllce, No 170; it idenuca Nos 11 and 30. Business Education | PAYS LA KG E D1VI DEN I >S ! i YOU need a i radical business od j ucatien We ginirau'ec satisfaction. I Courses of study endorsed as being the ' in >sf practical; tl ey have no siiperio s ; J list rut ti<>n given is tlrat. clasa. No otlier hnpiness colleges cT-r he'ler advantages. ICnter now and prepare for a lucrative sii'r n. Our graduates are in demand. Let us assist, you. we have assisted hundreds?they are in positions. Wo oll'or special rates Macfeit's S. C. R-iducss College Columbia, S C. j Aits;. 29, 1904 -If. j ~ 1 1 ? 1?? - ? *? - ? ? 11 i in imn?? - MONEY TO LOP I have made arrangement xvh i lenders of money in Ni w Y.?rU City, with whom I am able to negoti-.te loans secured by llnst mortgage on imp.ovcd cottou farms, at 7 per e. lit inter si? i repayable in annual installments of i llvexears No broke age or conimis slon charged On'v a reasonable charge fer abn'racr oftith. It K WYLIK, Aug 31? Gm. Attorney ?i ?.id ut'njm.T?? ?* - >?mr 0 .-c. i* u :* j KIDNEY BiSFiSES are the most fatal of all diseases. Cftl CV'$ KIDNEY CURE ll t. lULu O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized bv eminent physicians as the vest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c aod $1.00. MURRtt'. Y'rt IRON j MIX I U F K No in the t ine to h?*e a spring tonic. Ity fur the hest thing to lake is Murray's Iron M xturo It make* pure h o >tl and gets rlJ of that ilre-t reeling. t all ?li ug more*. 5(>C A HOTTLK Or Direct Kr in Tho Murray do, Col 11, is c ought, anil which lias been as borno the Rtpiatnro of s been made under li*s noruporvislon since lis infancy, 10 0110 to deceive you in this, md Just-as-good" are but and endanger tlio health of icnco agaioRt ExpcrinicnU ASTORIA ltuto for Castor Oil, Purely rups. It is Pleasant. It rphino nor otlier Narcotic rantee. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhoea and Wind vurcs VyOIlStipilllOli tcs tlio Fowl, regulates tlio healtliy ami natural sleep, > Mother's Friend. 'OR? A ALWAYS Signature of re Always Bought er 30 Years. RAY BTRffT. NEW YOR* CITV. J. E. RITLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, utid my terms from this time heueeforth urestiietly cash. Koa^oki&blo Prices. Gold Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement F* I ling 75 ct htijiihii riiATli!) Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower set $25.50 ... Uicsn prices are strictly for cash. No work done except for c iall or good security. J. E. RITLEDGE, Dentist j. imkr ) foster: Attorney at Law, LANCASTICU, S. C. *C;V" Collodion is;w<ialty* Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE A .N I > GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and L.o\v Prices J, tvi&NiDch. LANOASTKlt, S. 0 ' Notice. My re-rnlar ofll e Mays will he Hat ur<h:ya and that Mondays. All other (layhyou will IIihI mo at my otHco near 1, ?S& i' il. plit Will ltt*ep school hooks a1 h t.i iiHIcch an ' Mid he triad to wail on yon any (Say in t ho week. W M Moore, (.'< Hupi H /ftluoaUon. Jan 10, 1905. L 4 NO A STE?-t AND Oil ESTE11 aA) iiW A 1 . v i t'li'sle ;n utfeci J m S, I (Daily oxoi'i t Hundaj ) f! [ r ! )j()UNl>. I,v I iUiicuHtt-i, 7 16a in 3 4-5 p m IjV Foil Lawn, 7 31 a in 4 15 p m !,v Haaconvllle. 7 41 a in 4 3D p in IjV lilchliurg, 7 50 a in 4 45 p in Ac (-liertier, S 15 a ill 5 15 p in Ar vJliar'otle, Ho 11 9 55 a in 7 10 p ui Ar Moluinbia Ho Mil 30 a in I 05 a in , Ar Yorkv'.C&N W 9 43 a in A r hnalon'a l.'N Vv' 10 3.3 u in Ar Lenoir, (5 ?. n, r 3 12 p hi A Atlanta,a a i, r 4 55 p in EArtl i.i UNL?. IjV Atlanta, a a 1, r 1 00 p m i-v Uii ir, cci u.r 3 06 p in 1 v (Jimtonia '* 6 00 pra Lv York yille " 6 50 p m ijV <Johiinlo?? k.. ft ? " - v W iw n III I U'J |> m Lv ('liarlotut, !>o K ft 15 am liv t licatei, m K 41 p m l.v y?U'.hiiurg, 10 40 a hi 0 09 p m Lv Hiimcoiiiville, 10*0 am 0 lb |> m iiV Kort I'tisv ii 11 Oft a iii 0 26 p m Ar liaiicaaier, 114 o a m I) 46 p'm CONNKUTFONfc?. (heater?Southern, Keahourri and {'nt'linoA. Northwestern railways. I,aiu i.-.tei SouMiero Hallway. .? 1' ,1/ Tralllo mjifr I- iiOY I'lit.NI 'ret t uiiiJ CruUlo M dialer.