The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, May 13, 1905, Image 2

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, ; ,=i.D8ER. i Mr E. I). Smi'1' iniiitUlW S. CARTER, \ K1MTOU AND M A NAG 10 U. ?? i ?????????? iKSUI-.D \V KI).N KS1>A Y ANI) Ij.VTUKDAY MUliSl.'UII'TlON YE\I< Lancaster vS. U., May 13th, 1H?5. t Solicitor Henry's Report in the t Kershaw Lynching Case. , c Kver since the preliminary ex- t animation of the parties accused ^ of implication in the lynching cf ' Morrison at Kershaw there has ^ been great interest in the matter r and a desire to know what other steps, if any, would be taken to prosecute tlic case. At a late hour night the governor gave out the report of Solicitor 1 lenry, which has been in his office for several days. The governor made no ^statement in regard to the matter j The report will by published t later. It may be inferred that ; the solicitor proposes to push the case and that the end is not yet. The solicitor reviews the developments leading up to the employment of Howie as special detective and goes into the facts sur rounding the arrest ol the l prominent men of Kershaw and r the preliminary examination at Lancaster. There is nothing \ especially new in his statement of c these facts, but the wording of the (. report is vigorous and the solicitor t denominates the killing of Mor- c rison as murder.?The State, 12 t inst. c Douglass Gets fifteen Years. ^ < Several weeks ago Columbia ( had an epidemic of robberies and f it was evident that the work was r being done by an expert. The z police finally traced the criminal to t Savannah and found that it was a , negro named George Douglass. , Before they could arrest him, however, the Savannah authori- | ties had him for attempting to | crack a safe, and now he has been , sentenced to fifteen years. ( Douglass is not only wanted in ( t_ 1 4. A 1 1! A U* 1_ C-UlUniDUl, UUl U1C pUllCC III 1II K , that lie is the criminal wanted for ] cracking a safe in Kershaw. Efforts will now be made to locate some of the property which he stole in Columbia.?Columbia . Record, I baby Drowned in Tub of Water. ' The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. \ II II llinnant of Hookmans was ^ drowned Tuesday morning by falling head-first into a tub of ' water. The vessel had been placed on the ground under the 1 caves of the piazza to catch the dripping water and it is supposed ' that the little fellow attempted to climb over the banisters and fell * several feet to the water. When found the- child's body was lying across the rim cf tub with its head submerged in the water and its r. i . . -1 . i 'IM. t_ _1 . _ icci on me oiuskic inc Dociy had been in the water probably i 5 minutes.?The Siatc. The parties convicted at Or. ungohurg of conspiracy and crea ting a disturbance at a pic nic were sentenced as follows ; A B A maker, ,J 15 A maker, Cleveland Hooker, white, each two years at hard labor in the penitentiary, William Jamison and James Me Lend, col., IS months each in the penitentiary at hard labor. The Atlanta Constitution says: The negro preacher who prayed before the Now York legislature that (tod would save that body titi> o ronitwl \i> i t It i I VMM (III W fin ^lUOVCM Willi ''roars of laughter." Gaston county N C hist week voted *:;<)<),000 bonds for road improvement. ro Prove an Alibi J" Will in ButawviMe Case hm Tb rVivcs of Defendants Take Stand anj in Their Heliaif.?Edwards an Excellent Witness. tes Hy William Hanks. wn Orangeburg, May 11.?The C I . >V() rial of tlie five men charged with he murder of Keitt Hookard took vvo juite a turn today. Each . and phi rvery one has set up an an alibi dot o disprove which will put the J solicitor at a great disadvantage. '? l'lie question now is: Have five vV.H . . . . . . she vhite men of some influence and espectability been dragged to jail Gf is felons by an unjust process of fan aw, or has a carefully prepared an? may of manufactured evidence Wo til* Decn put up to secure the liberr . .... . . ition of men who deliberately and ^ n cold blood took the life of a pe] iuman being? ce The evidence produced by the Di irosecution today determined one Iiing?Keitt Bookard is dead. \nother thing was determined? , Ceilt Bookard was murdered, or 'or it cannot be that he threw hiu limself into the river after lie had the iroken the lock of the guard house md after ho had tied an iron we t v >ar weighing 55 pounds to his * . lands and feet. lie did not com. ,,f nit suicide. The evidence of Henry C Edvards removes the fear that the :rinie was a ghoulish one in its letails, tor it was suspected that He he work of fiends hands had been lone to the body before it was brown into the water. How:vcr, Edwards says that the ne? inj] jro, yet alive, was thrown into he river without any mutilation rnl >f his body. The disappearance un< if cars, tongue, eyes and other c'(1 u gans and the scars on the body Pei nay be due to its having been ittacked by depredatory fish and be o the fact that it had floated nine bo niles in a part of the stream J where there arc logs. tj 1 ilenry Edwards made a very CUI fair witness. So far us koeping liis head is concerned he was cn 1? ulmirahlto witness, for not once iid ho contrulict himself or any ed if the evidence he has given pie/ionsly at the pi eliminary hearing, thi dot in other respects he fell rshot I"1 jt being forceful. He is sick, thi ind being naturally of a timid To lature and very much abashed in ye :he presence of those whose very hu lives he might bo swearing away, Cu lie spoke in such a low tone that thi he judge had to order him to ba novo squarely in front of the hit jury so that they might hear him. 85 Mr. "A'olf kept this, witness tin- ne ler cross examination for over an thi hour, but not once did ho make tw nuy statement which conflicted hit with testimony which ho had given before. The singular part about the defense is that evidence which can hardly be contradicted with evi- ^ ilence was produced this afternoon |.fl to prove un alibi for each man ftt implicated. It was admitted that ey throe of the men in the indict, ment wore called at 3 o'alock to ^ go to the guard house and get Koltt Bookard out to take him to m th? county jail at Moncks Corner, hut it was testified that after bo- ? f" ing out half an hour these three or came hack and remained in the All i Uit ...... .s.i i i inu lost ui me uigui, ill4KT ing it impossible for them to have e(j gone throe miles into the country jn to tako part in u lynching. The ar remarkable part about this evidonee is that in all probability Magistrate A K McCoy would hare released the prisoners fon- ^() months sgo had the evidence been ^ put before him at the time of the prelimin.iry, but cominir at this late date. the evidence ft, in hehulf of nn alibi will of nec- 011 essity lose some of its force. The court room was well filled nun! ly nil d.iy u)though the evi ' oo giren by Kdw*r l*. who Qg i on the stand two and u 'mil/ lrv, was ultogethe; inaudible, oro was no attempt ut making pi rthtng like a scene until the ito had concluded its evidence, t 24 hours after tho taking of liiimuy hud started. When ' defense was commenced the resof the prisoners and other m men relatives were sent for to tj1( e their evidence. The balnea re brought along also, and yed around ttie piisunois in the :k. " na tu addition to^this tttcit appeal wr iho sentiment of1 the jurors, it hu s stated by Mrs Ksdons that wr i is the mother of eight children co 1 baa been without the aid ? ca her hushund to support the ^ lily since ho was locked up, s r I Mrs Faltuer, a vor> pretty Pa man, told of her husband being ph en from home on the tirst asi liversary of their marriage and -pi 1 not been back since, and Mrs any Mat tin also stated that sin tho at rest of her husband in b/> <<t>m km- tihu tind Imnn miniini tnd her father. At the conclusion tj tho day's work the prisoneia 1 Ihcir woman kin had quite u mion which appeared a'togeth- c at variance with rumors which do /e been afloat for some time to th t effect that the prisoners have ar 3n (piite at home since they 0( re sent to tail in Berkeley coon . 111 and that they have not been <le veil entirely of the company relatives. ini Washington Duke Dead dr s Was Founder of the Tobaeeo aj I'mst and a Generous Man. cj, Duiham, N C., May 8.--Wash- m ;ton Duke died this afternoon jn 2 o'clock. He began to sink tidly late yesterday afternoon, i all night and today he was fG ?se to death, the physicians ex- te ding tno end at any moment. ^ r several days before his death sa was unconscious, and all today ;n was scarcely breathing. His aiily, consisting of throe conp, a, i Duke, president of the Amei i- p; n Tobacco Co , B N Doke und U| L Duke, were by his bedside. jn addition to these there were s her relatives and friends gather fn there. b Mr Duke was the founder ot tl s great Du'se tobacco nmnufacring ousiness, and the father of p 0 president of tho American k ibaeco Company. In recent si ars he has been retired from a sinews. Ho has given to Tiinily h dlege, in various ways, more r; mi a million dollars. All Dut- F ill is in mourning on account of ri 1 iIahIIi IIh won id have been n years of age had he lived to it xt December. Pleurisy and b b result of a fall received about 0 months ago was the cause of e 1 death. d m m ri ty Bored a Hole into His Own Body. J t< Iwjnsea, May 10 -A very pectiir and serious accident occurred c W B Bast's factory Monday c ening. Kenis, tho 14-year-old son of ichardson Carl in, was noting ^ ith an auger that w is turned by ^ achinery. 'l'o steady the short . >ard ho was pressing his body j 'ainst it. The board was a thui , i " le, and the auger went through j id into his groin on tho rght ! t do tivo or six inches He pull-'s I the aui/er out himself bv press-' ? " 1' jX*his body from the machine u id iu coming out it brought the 11 ooves full of ttei-b. f The hoy had only a tew min* v oh before the accident been told ? kee]> away from the uitehine. t in condition is critical. a ^ _ v OABVOIIIA. im the /?Kind You Han Always Bought ? S ' """* II ?Pay for The Ledger. u 4f_ V I te Hundred People Heed.! clahoiria Town Storm Swept? Tornado Struck the Town cf Snyder at Night and Did Vast Damage. Sapupa, I. T., May ii, 1:30 a ?At 1 1 :4Q o'clock last night e dispatcher for the Frisco in is city received a report from S. lid, O. T., advising that a tor- '' do had struck Snyder, Okie, H ecking the town and killing five nehed people, among whom u is the station agent of the Fris- 11 at that town. The request " inc also for assistance. On the f i ength of the report, the dis- 1 tcher ordered a relief train with ysicians to be sent from Chick- c< aw, I. T., and Onanah, T*.xas. st ic wire between Snyder and Sa- U( pa went down about 10 p. m. 0 iTER ACCOUNT OF TIIK STORM. l> Guthrie, Okla.. Mav 11.?The .. ath list of last night's storm will 0 obably exc :ed 100 persons. 85 ?dics have been recovered, a 1/.en persons arc missing, and of e 41 seriously wounded several o e likely to die. More than 100 ^ her persons suffered less sfcvcrc 1 u 1 tines. * H Relief is coming from ncighborg towns. Oklahoma city today . nt 100 men to dig graves and ek the dead still in the ruins,and (J dozen undertakers with one huned coffins. Offers of financial d have come from numerous n ties. Governor Ferguson of Oklahoa has issued a proclamation callg attention to the needs of the ricken town. It is still difficult to obtain in- tt rmation from Snyder. A single ' legraph wire furnishes an outlet, c it it is blocked with private mcs- 1 ges concerning the dead and the ^ jured. 11 To add to the general confusion id distress after the tornado had b assed fire broke out and burned [) all that remained of the build- * igs in one of the busiest blocks, o far it has not been possible to i nd out whether any bodies have 1 ecu cremated, but it is possible ( lat such is the case. ^ An unidentified woman was I ickcd up dead, having been pin ined to the ground by a large ivcr, which entered her left eye nd came out throi gh the back of er head. Clarence Donovan, a inroad engineer, and Miss Mina i assenden were to have been mar- ] ed last night, but had just post- < oned ?he nuptials until this morn- f lg. Both were instantly killed 1 y the storm. i Fred Crump, a boy, had start- ( d to a cellar when a flying timber i ecapitated him. Debris was caried northeast as far as Coopcrton 2 miles, and it is reported that tiere are more fragments at that awn than in the tornado path at nydcr. About 75 head of horses and attle were killed at Snyder. A ommittee this morning began to cmove carcasses. The mayor of Snyder is having riuch trouble arranging for the iurial of the dead. The contusion ? great, owing to the fact that here is a number of unidentified iociies at the morgues. There is much suffering owing o lack of provisions and places to tl't. - i_ i.1 lay. w nat nouses remain in me own are in bad condition and arc nsafe for habitation. Besides, here is not room enough to care cr the homeless. Bedding and /earing apparel arc both lacking nd despite the effort to succor he unfortunates, they arc still in pitiable condition. Many of the /Ounded could not be cared for r given medical aid until 9 'clock this morning, and by that ime their wounds were aggravatd. I)r York, of llobart, who /as active in relieving the sufferng, says that 20 per cent of the /ounded will die. Reduction in Acreage. ) A * i a?' i i' r-'in 15 i?? 'JO ,?< r . ('cm*. Tl?p ugliniit thu S<U>l|l The I hcivnaM in North ('iiioIIII.I 'd'J I*, V A' i t ! or. ? f I'liu ( Iwii li.t;,u ()li river. ^ K >ckiiU:!i iiii May 0. l? lJix<u< | ruin'r*?i?!.r " A lnhnnni, rtsM.stant cielnry nf the < ??* ml orjniniz ion (?f tin Southern ''ott >n A*>cintioii, spent i "lay in K ickinujUlll Hu ;S o it ilMl i'inr (I'll "I lor i| jport tn he submit t -(1 to ti nicut li.' of tl>:? ilivsi i'i rosiilon s "I e Soiiliu in (.'niton AsM.eistion, < 11 < <I to 111 *4 t in Now Orleans < n I IV 30. Interview with Tlio O'wivflr in e-ipoiiilciil today, Mr Ai m - Milieu iiuii ii rniiiriMMi in jrengt of l!u* col tun crop of the outh amounting to from 15 lo 20 or cciil., was no accomplished xct. lie slated llitil the rodocon in North Carolina whs about 2 per cent. lie bus personally is-ile<l ten count i s in this State 1 ready, .mil lets ' een in every otti n Statu except South Curlina, whetehe will g> from this tutu. llin information as to the tu, in.t i f reed tion in ucrcngho :i>h, is not taken from fho sln'elent of one, or even a low m?*i?, >i each county; hut is gathered rotn a systematic canvass of very voting precinct. The itune8 of five reliable furinets in precinct are ohtaine 1. These ro requested to report on couiliotis in their severul localities. ' The reason 1 catno to North Carolina," said Mr. Armstrong, 'ivas that the report had gotten hroud out in Texas lliut you peoile hero wore bloivin up ttie fence ornets and waste places and pitting them in cotton, uud the fel ows out there were raising cuin bout it. When I got here I ottnd that it was generally iindeitood in North Carolina that the IVxaiiH had jumped the game and veto pulling in a lug crop.'' Mississippi according to Mi \rmstrong, is prohably ahca I of my other State in the reduction if acreage* due to tho fact that jovernor Vurdatnau lias taken he stump end spoken all over the State, advising reduction Aged l'utr Hratned With Axe ? Athens, U.t., May 1"-?Last riight between 10 o'clock and day. livht. Frank M IIolhrook. aurnl G5, and his wife, who ran a little stole in the c mniry, four inilei from WatUiurillo, with nmideio* iiiul to tho crime < >/ muni or in the case of the old woman was addei a more ImrrihLe crime. The couple had been brainoi with an axe. Their bodies weic found on the back porch of theii house this morning. I'hje cntin community is aroused and sum mary action may bo taken if tlx guilty parties are found. Three Youths Under Arrest. Athens, Ga., May 11,?Jin Taylor, Sidney Harris and Claiuh Elder negroes under 22 years o age, are in jail at Watkinsville charged with the murder of Fran! Holbrook and his wife, near tha place Tuesday night. Two of tin negroes were traced by blood hounds. They had been prose cutcd by Holbrook for burglary and had made threats to kill him 1 he murderers got away witl $400 that the ohl couple had ii the house. If these prove to be the righ persons there may be trouble, a the country is terribly wrought uj over the tragedy, Foley's Hone) tuid Tnr contain no opiates, and will not pate like neatly all other eoiigl mtdiclnes. Refuse Substitutes Sold by Funderhurk 1'lmrmnoy. 60 Oi.s Wrecki 100 Hui't, . I .. Im , I I ?The Ki-Uin 10\j rrs iif l!u> IVliIlHjl? v-i.iu K-iili <>ikI, east, ran in! !':< i<:hi I l ain at 1 10 Ibis in i 'ii i t S nth tiarrUt?iu*?r. t'w > i<>t ilm fivijjhl worn loudlid with I j-amile, and tliieo ter11It i n ani 1'tdiow-td. Both I run -s wore piled ir; n mass of witi ham-, which immediately took lie many (-mailer explosions ' 'ul'ii > < d ! i< estimated that 50 ? |stvd ad ai.d 100 hurt. Definite I limit - r <ntw?t l <> had at. this hour I a* I im 1 I /.hi:,' inns- is ' nnpprouoha'dc and many peonle are pinned ! .... a . ' j n i i 11 \- iin/i n, I.ATKU 1>KTA1US OP WRKCK. ll>r;iv?urg, May 11.?Nineteou 1 pot stins ntc known lo l o dead und J nit>rt* ihuii 100 others weio injur' oi! in tlu? rail tun! wreck und dyna mit( ( which occurred ouily On! iv on tho Pennsylvania Kaihi.'id in the southern part of this city. That no more persona worn killed i; considered icmurkaOl.i hy the PennsvIvunin 'vuilroud ollici-ils, a > a full box , ur of dyna! mite exploded directly at tho ! mi idio of tho heavy express truin, i ho Pennsylvania Railroad oflieiuls tonight gave out a list cont i.iug no} u:\ninsof OS persons who v\ki? injured and treated at ho-pitals or elsewhere Tho company also gave n II t containing the lunula of oU persons who were in the wreck and whoso injuries are not giw u. Tour JLife Current. The power thnt gives you life and motion is the nerve force, or nerve fluid, located in the nerve cells of the brain, and sent out through the nerves lo the various organs. If you are tired, nervous, irritable, cannot sleep; have headache, feel stuffy, dull and melancholy, or have neuralgia, rheumatism, backache, j eriodical pains, indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach trouble, or the kidneys and liver arc inactive, your life-current is weak. Power-producing fuel is needed ; something to increase nerve 1 energy?strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is the fuel you need. It feeds the nerves,produces nerve force, and restores vitality. "When I 1? gan faring Dr. ATiles' Rk'.stomtiva Nervine mid Anti-1'aln l'i'ls 1 was confined to m.v bed. I bud severe nervous spoils, tho result of two years illness with malaria. I gradually grew no weak that I was unable to nit up. The sj" Ms would commence with cold chills, and I I would Ix'oomo weak and a 1 moat holp1 loss. My circulation wan poor. I had doctored right along but grew 5 weaker and weaker. The Nervine f? < moil to strengthen mo right away . and my circulation was b< tt->r. I have taken in all seven bottles of tho | Nervine, and I am entirely well." jo_os.\ i'j. >v I'iAVJiu, oiuaris, la. I Dr. Miles' Nervine Is cold by your druggist. who will guarantee that the J firrt 'bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind 1 Notice?Lancaster Graded 3 Schools. * To all whom if may Concern: A Take notice that yursoan t to a petition signed by ten voters and freeholders iosident in Lancaster School District, wo, the undersigned, Trustees of said District, do hereby call a public meeting to bo torn1 posed of all those voters who arc. resident _ in and return lor luxation in said District j- n-d or personal property o tbo value ot not less than ono hundred dollar , to as? scuiblc in the Court House at Lancaster, < S on Friday the itlt'.i day of May, 191)5, ^ nt 1 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of electing a ( Imiruian and secretary of s.ii<l meet* - ing. tivo trustees of s iid school district - and of determining special tax. if :l'iV. Hot to ex tod livi! nulls m1hi.1I l>n Inv. ie?l, us th? major.ty present s' till decide, ? on all real and personal properly within . sujil School Dis'riot for the maintenance of t the public u -ho >ls of sni'l District. Tins May Uth. lit I >. 1 LKUOY SL'RINGS, \V. J. CUNX INGHAM, t W. T. GUliGOUY, T. S. UAlU KIt, s Gil AS. T. DON NOUS. ) Trustee-. Gum-aster School District. Notice to tlie Public. s 1 will hold all inquests in tiio county. Phono to tny residence ^ at L'lcii*not tiill for too whou needed. Montgomery Cti-koy, opt. 20?If ! ! * -I 'I- ' <1 : I C' ' j , " ' f