The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, March 29, 1905, Image 5

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Uu'll MlMI ifdt sulci Ring's lltipfo Cotton Soed. Apply to 11. Ciiflliiugluim, Lancaster, S. C. - Cull at L. M. Co's and got Floridoru cotton teed. T W. Mi; Murray. - S good unik i.ows for t>alo. K. J. & .). I) Glenn, li F I) No 1 ljiincasior ft. U. ? Mri L (J Pay sour is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs .) E Poore, tii Columbia. ? The county received a check Monday for $5,000, which has been borrowed Vrom the State Sinking fund to meet the current county expenses. ? Our merchants have signed the agreement for early closing of the stores, and beginning next Monday the stores will bo closed at 6:30 p tn., except on Saturdays, until Sept 1st, next. i ? I ho Spring millinery opening of the L M Co.. will come off April 4tb and 5th. See adv in this issue. ? At a recent meeting of the county board of control the salaries of the dispensers in Ibis county woro raised from #65 to . #75 each per month, and the salaries of their clerks from #.35 to #40 each. I . ?State Constable llonry McManus moved his family from this place to Charleston this , week. Mr McManus has been * assigned to that division of the constabulary. i ?Tho resjfjenco of Dr F C rlin ( son at Primus came near being i burned Monday supposedly from | sparks alighting on tho roof. A ( latgehole was burned in the roof 5 and ceiling before tho tire was i extinguished ?Married, March 23, 1905, i at the Unity manse, by Rev J M .Vhito, Mr 11 M McCain and Mb8 j Maggie Wullace, all of the unity eection. ? Married, March 20, 1905, 1 by Rev Thos Blackmon, Mr Win Holly and Miss Lily Morgan, 1 daughter of Mr A J Morgun, all of Fiat Creek town* hip. ?The pay of the keeper of the County Home h?i6 been raised by the county board of commissioners from ?5.50 to about ?7 per i month per inn.ate for the keeping of tho county's paupers. ? A reward of ?50 has been offered ior the arrest and conviction of the party who stole ?20 from a trunk at Mr Wesley Hur- 1's, a coat and vest from Mr Claudius Funderburk s, a coat and vest fivm Mr Ransom Hunter's and a suit of clothes from Vfr John Carncs', all in the Taherna cle Beet ion, on the 17ih instant. -Mr J as 11 Stevens, who lm? been spending sometime at A*heville, N C, is at home for a short t:mo. His many friends hero arc glad to ste him looking so well.? Chora n Chronicle. Th-> V tae Ore Remedies. I have accepted the agency for the famous Vitae Ore remedies and will be pleased to furnish them to any one desiring to try them. They may he found at any time at the store of Mr. A. W. Chance, in Lancaster 1 will a'so be in town on every Saturday, with addition >d supplies of the packages. The remedies will cure rheumatism, heart trouble, bladder affections, grippe, liver and kidn <v ailments, stomach disorders and general debility. By writing meat Elgin, 8 0 , I will deliver the remedies in any part of the county. The virtues of Vitae Ore have beeu fully tested nod are truly wonderful, as the many testimonials I have will show. Call on or address John M. Hagins, Elgio, 8. C. 2t Uf.tUlH Mr Mlitotl Wtilket\ voungoct Attn of Mr J l> Wrtikdr t f [W\> plilbt'i died ai his homo at Ubnnokb) Va., oil Friday last, 2-llli inst, of coiisuitiption. Ho was about 22 yearn of ago ami leaven a widow turviving him. ? Miss Anna Cuuthon, daugh ter of Mr Lewis Cuuthen of the Pleasant Hill section, died on Friday evening last, March 24, 1903, from tie effects of measles She was about 21 years of ago, a member of Fork Mill Baptist church, and an excellent young woman. Iler remains were interred at Salem cemotory Satin day afternoon, the burial servico being conducted by ltev David Hticks. ?His old comrades of the 4th (J cnvulrv will regret to learn of the death of Mr Satmiel 11 Stogncr, which occurred at his homo in the Flint lt'dge section, on Sunday last, March 24, J 90.5, of pneumonia. He was about 68 years of ago and leaves a largo family surviving him, several of his children residing in Texas. He was a man of kind and friendly disposition, and made a gallant soldier in the war. Young Woman Burned to Death Miss Ccny Williams, a young woman on Mr ,1 B Nvals plantation in Flat Creek township, was so severely burned from her dress catching afire wbilo burning off the side of a terrace last Thursday afternoon tint she died that night from the effects of her burns just a short time after Dr R C Bra sington, who had been summoned, arrived at her bedside. Rvery particle of the yonug woman's clothing wero burned off of her and almost her entire hotly was a terrible blister. Ller sislerr MisAnnie Williams, who was with her at the litre, had iter hand- so had. ly burned in her efforts to extinguish her sister's buruiogelothing that it is probable one of them at least will be deformed if she Biinuui recover ibe use of it. To Ivvpeiim nt With Soils. A special to News and Courier from Lancaster da ed March 23 says: An important experiment is to 1)0 inado in this vicinity l>y the Uuited S ates bureau of soils, and Mr Fiederick F Bosteel, of that department, is now hero for thut purpose. It seems that tho department wants to do some experimental farming on lands with yellow clay subsoils a character of soil which is found in abundance in the eastern portion of Lancaster county. Accompanied by .Judge Ira B. Jones Mr Bosteel on yesterday made a personal examination of the Judge's farms oast of this place; and found exactly tho kind of soil he was looking for. tie selected two acres, one acre about a mile from town, and the other about two milos distant, which are to be cultivated under the direction of the National Government Five hundred pounds ,.f <w.:i :11 I? - ui liiu null (till >irj OIIJ^ ll|) .'lllil shipped Ht onofi to Washington for analysis. .lust as soon us tho analysis is made the Government authorities will determine a hut shall be planted on the two acres, und the quantity and kind of fortil'Z >rs to lie used The experiment will ho watched luitl. itinolt inloi'ool ?*? #!*/? ?? mi ?i"wu KMWI roi. tfj HIV li iriM gent fnrnuM'b of Lancaster. AT AUCTION The effects of the Commercial Clot), consisting of Billiard table, Pool table, Chairs, Tables, Bookcase, Pictures und other furnishings, will be sold at public miction at ttio club rooms on Friday, March 31st 1905, at 12o'clock m. By order of tho Board of Malingers. Mar. 17, 1905.?td. * - * - -ff *" | Ifmtmddt* |u Chaster. ! *v ! ' Pi ivy, u?i ti^orai ivf^i fchui ntu) ?'?^nn!iy kllin! ljtttt<j(dHi! 1j mtui'lpvr if theWyliu button liiill Hoie, nl CIjomH'!* Monday. 'Iho IrouhUJ ulaihe over li *4 account, which l'erry refused to settle Saturday night. llo went to the stoic Momlav with a pistol 10 Ins hip pncltct and renewed the trouble, nddresHing an insulting remark at lloozer. Hoczer was unarniod, and told L'erry lie win a coward or ho would not carry a |h*tol, where- 1 upon ho drew his weapon and, | saying, "I'll show you whether 1 am a coward or not," tired twico ir rapid succession. His victim fell ?lca.I m his tracks in the store door* lie at once took to the woods and made good his o-cape. Prc8Cram Moriah Union. Hie Moriah Baptist Union wiil convene with thoTaxahaw Bap list church on F rid ay, April 28 th, 1?)().", Friday 11 a m Introductory s arm on. Organ iz it ion. Friday afternoon Discussion ? The revivals our churches need, and how th?>v may fie secured Y Rev. T. A. Dahnoy, F. B. Lingle. Does G ai's word leivo us in doubt as to the proportion of our means wo are due for the support of the Gospel ? Rev. J ?1. Boldridge, J. F. M. Fstridge. Saturday morning. To whom, and for what purpose has the Ho'y spirit been given? Rev. Rico, \V. L Uroxton. The faults that hinder spiritual growth and usefulness in christians?Rev R.J. Blacknon, M. O. Gardner. . * Saturday aftertioou. The great ; commission (a) What is embodied. (h) The apostolic method, j?W. 0 Hough, Rev. Rice. Parental responsibility ? Butler i li1 ii n<t nr I ?ii r lr fiillfi-.iiufl Kn - w-.?, ..... -.,OV4 'J ' grucinl discussion Sunday morning ? Sunday school mass mooting, conducted by 10. B. Dingle. 11 a. in. Missionary sermon, by Rev. Rice ; alternate, Dr. J. H Boldridge. I i Committer i WE WANT Y0 i Next T i >? AND MISS COl'PED 'the latest styles M SPRING i i Wo also live on exhibition ii colors for Spring, sil for shirt Taist suits, ning sails, Pino-Crej In our shoe department black, Millitary, French and i i i OUR i | CLOT I UN DMPAUTMl I SS AS USL DON'T OvERLO LANCASr Cotton {}?4tic!|oit W#ut | will not }dant r ?eed of got*; full ibid feaiV' eaid Mr W U CJty? to the edltoT t>f The Lodger ; yesterday, "and every tfehaat on uiy places will ledudo Inn cotton j acreage at least one-fourth." in rthstVor to further questions he 1 stated. "I run ith eight holse, farm individually and there are 08 plows run by tenants and croppers on my places." ? "I am holding between two und three hundred bales of cotton for 10 cents, and unless ?omo worse misfottune befalls me than what ovor has, 1 can hold it as long as 1 live." Mr CI) burn is one of Lancaster county's largest and best tarmers. He attended tho Mew Orleans cotton convention und is enthusiastic in the belief that the only way for the south to get in the sntldle is to reduce its cotton production ? make no more cotton thun is needed. Mr Clyhurn is h big farmer and is setting the pace for other big faimers. What aie the other big farmers of the county going to du? They say reduction is the thing. It will encourage small farmers very much to carry out their plodges of reduption to know how much tho big farmers aie going to reduce. Lotiorio W. P. Bannett. Lancaster, S. C. Dear Sir : Here's a paint that's being sold to bargaindiunters : 10 per cent lead 50 44 44 zinc 20 " 44 barytes 20 44 4 4 whiting Barytes and whiting are saud and white-wash, not paint. Some people must like gold bricKs. The name of that paiut is 4,pure lead-and-zinc." The dealer who sells it says it's as good as Devoe. Yours truly, 53 F. W. Dkvoe tfc Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. sell our paint. OABtT'ORZA. a <ar8 the /) b>0 KM You Han Always Bought U TO GOME I! > j _ m uesaay r fEDNESD GE has been No and shapes in AND SUM] n our DRESS GOODS department, k finish Koilenn--in evening shadei Soieseite for evening and street sui le, for shirt waists, ask to see them we have some very pretty s Medium heel. Nice line CI 9 Ok THE DATE ter Merc PL A : THE 25 PE itflllllill llf 111! In the very liest ket grown seed IB TOES. Ked Ti fVkite Bliss, Peerl Hebron and others ces, Onion Sets am at MACK01 WHY FvRrv Man and Ufnm! ..... h.wi j iiimii Mil II VVUIIIl The NeW Yo Because it is the strongest company era use its policies protect one mill i ecause it has over 390 million asset Because it has over 3S0 millions lies ecause it paid in dividends in 1904 ecause it is purely mutual. It has Becuuso its us setts belong to the pol ecause it does not invest in stocks t ecause its policies contain only o premium Because the insutod loaves to his wid a law suit, ecause its policies are incontestable Because it paid in 1904 $40,000,00 ecause it is the best estate you can ecause it gives you the best protec for the money. gecauso you can't afford to carry anyth best. Call on J. E. BLACKMON of Lar plication. D W MILLINER <ight, Apri AY, APR! rtli for some time,8 MER HEADC Mohairs in all shades of blue and gree i?very pretty goods, Mohair Lustre its, Nub Voils?make very pretty fluff) sure, they are swell. lew spring styles in Ladies 0: lildren's Oxfords, also fn tans Tuesday Night, Apiil 4th and Wednesday, April 5th. n lirriTT Dai -HIS 11LH bUI * NT R CENT ton 4creagr selected martISH POTAriumpli Bliss, ess Beauty of i at lowest prill Garden seed RELL'S. in Should Insure in i rk kite. , * in the world, on families, tts. erve Fund. >m,vover #5,900,000. no capital stock. icy holders. ind industrial securities, no condition ''payment of ow or estate a legacy and not and nonforfeitable. 0 to its policy holders, leave to your ftriily. :tion and investment combined ing else ?vben yon can get the icaster and give him your if* 1 OPENING j 4th, L 5th ?? uid she hasall 1EAR ! ?the popular 8, in any color, r street or eve(fords?both tan aid and blacks. ILL OF >?EW RING LES MPAN^_