The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, March 04, 1905, Image 4

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The Plan ef Reduction Presen- ? ted bj Mr E D Smith i" Addressed Bos-inesa Men nod Farm li era of Dillon ?Work of Orgun- f iz ition Begins in Earnest. e e Hon T .1 Redding, Director of g Georgia Experiment Station, in Atlanta Constitution. * f< TKn at/i i"\f t I in imwial ( \ it Inti I * UW MUl A VI IUV I \ VU.i i \/l'\ "u Growers' convention at New Or 5 leans deserves, in its main fealur7 ^ es, the hearty approval of and endorsement of the farmers all over / the south. The action of the com- * initiee sineo the adjournment in c formulating a constitution and bylaws as a basis and hon l of union for the continued existence of the organization is also worthy of all ^ praise for its comprehensiveness P and adaptation to the objects sought to l?o promoted !t is an able document, and should tie the 01 means of consolidating and unifying the interests of the cotton " growers and manufacturers in the C( future. Whether its c-tfective in- ^ tluenco shall outlive the present emergency and promote thr eot ^ ton growers' best interests in ihe ^ future will depend largely upon * the good judgment and sound P discretion of those in active contr d of the organiz ition, backed I1' by the loyal and voluntary support of the great mass of farmers c: themselves. w But many of tho most intelli. at gent and up-to-date farmer*, sup- P1 ported by those who arc themsel- ,l' ves only sincere friends of the ll< farmers, are unable to see the ' a'isdom of tho advice to reduce tho amount of fertilizer to be used t| by tho growers of cotton. |a It is ail "well and good" to cut 1,1 down the acreage in order to cur- 01 tail tho size of tho coming crop. h; It would have been better to have ce cut the area to one-half tho acre- hi age of last year. It would ha-'c it been better still to have advised ol and argued upon a horizontal cut eto 10 acres to the plow, assuming cc that such a reduction would ol amount to about one-half, taking iu tho entire cotton areu into account. 7 The effect of such a reduction w would practically have resulted in if such u large decrease iu the ag- ci gregato cotton output that even a m very much larger increase in the P1 per ucre applicition of fertilizers w than is at all probable would not suffice to produce more than a A Hi 10,000,000 bale crop, under most favorable conditions. 6 For what does a farmer use commercial fertilizers if not for ^ the purpose of increasing the yield per acre, and nt?samotime, as an 1 inseparable incident, to lessen tho cost per pound of producing tho SI cotton { If the fertilizer does not 11 enable the farmer to produce a 0! V bale of cotton at a less cost than it could be produced without the fertilize,r then what good oflue a docs tho fertilizer perform If 11 fl fni'rtini' iuli/1 lliia luton r? ??/\n> \ ?\/# U ll?l UIVI " UW IIW3 l/UU II |^IU lll^i cotton without the aid of fertilizer & at a cost ot 7 cents per pound < f 1' lint, what is the use of applying ^ fertilizers if such does not lower P the cost to 6 cents, or to 5 cents, h per pound of lint ? 1 Suppose a given farmer had 11 usually planted 100 acros in cot- ? ton and that the averago yield o without fertilizer has been about n 40 bales, which is about the gen- t' eral average. Will any one claim P that such a yield has cost loss than c 7 cents per pound of lint? Will it cost him anv le^s bv aimnlv r. - a J I ' ducing ihc area to 75 acres, and tl continuing to abstain from ferti. 4 li/.ors, or apply only an in*ignifi. n cant amount per acre? Not much, tl if any, an 1 if any less it will lie ti because ho will be able to throw c< out 25 acres of the most prodnc- c live land. tl But instead of reducing the d area to only 75 acres, suppose he a shall out it down to *0 acres and p pply 200 pounds per acre * f a >ell-b:dnnced, 1:?-mo mixed tYrti\7. r Wi!i he i.,xt thus i license he \ ield per acre by at least one ilr, >o that bo will ?rot 30 bale* rotn tlie 50 acres ? The "lix-d barges*' in labor, interest, ->up rintendents, etc., will bo no rente per acre on the 50 acres bun thev woro formerly on the f; 00 acres or half as nine!) . fl L>r producing the 40 bales. ri lie will have produced on the 0 acres 30 bales, whereas before ^ e produced onlv 20 bales (the ^ alf of 40 tiales) on that area. ?I . C 4 S\ 1.1 . 1 1. a ^ ins gam or iu ouies iHiuie aiiiiosr ^ 8t ntircly to tho use of $2 worth of ^ ertilizers per acre, or$lOO worth ^ u the 50 acres, making the 10 ^ ales cost $10 each, or 2 cents per j ound? reudy to pick, or 3 cents ^ er pound ti lled ready for market. j(i if course these 10 hales, or 5,000 ^ ounds, are distributed through w nt tho 20 hales The 20 hales ^ lat the 50 acres of land produced ^ f itself we have supposed to have ^ rst 7 cents per pound or $700 ^ >r the 20 hales m The 10 bales of increase c )6t 100, plus tho cost of picking, jn 50; total, $150. Of course then p( io 30 bales will have cost $700, his $150, or a grand tot d of jj S5<> f?>r th 30 hnlos, of 5$ cents Gf er pound of lin'. (p Tho supposition on which these w dculaiiotis aic based are all a< ithin very moderate bounds, and e used only to illustrate the lincipal. And much more lihernpplication of fertilizers per :rc would wake a still stronger di lustration. ' 0| llnrefo-'o it seemo to me plain ' hi iat tho farmer should produce a . 111 rger percentage of that individ ' et d portion of each hale that coslc *u dy 3 cents per pouud. If one- d< ilf of each bale of cotton costs 3 ;nt perjpound and the remaining J' iilf costs 7 cents por pound, then h' is quite clear that the mean cost ^ f the bale of cotton would be an tact mean between 8 and 7, or 5 0' sntsper pound. If one-third orly f the hale cost 3 cents per pound id the remaining two-thirds costs SI cents per pound, the whole hale Cl ill have cost 5# cents per pound. ; ' one-fourth of the bale cost 3 ,y ;nts ner Dound and the remain- ai t I ' ii* lbrcc?fourths costs 7 cents ^ n i er pound, then the whole bale ill have cost 6 cents per pouud. i i Fertilizers. Yield. Cost per It) ' ores. Per acre. Hales Cents. ! 10 None 40 7 00 .0 $2 00 30 ft 66 i0 3 00 34 5 41 1 >0 4 00 33 4 21 ! 0 ft 00 41 ft 14 The above is suggestive, not ^ Osolute, but it is well within the E inits of probability. You will c? ly that there would not be much o inney profit even in the last stat- u 1 case, with cotton tit 7 conts. , ? ^'cil, no; but it is much better ion making 40 bales on 100 acrcB t a cost of 7 cents and selling it t 7 cent9. ^ . The truth is, land that with I oo 1 cultivnlien^nd without ferlii; zation will not produce more' ban 50 bales on 100 acres is hard " y fit to plant in cotton, even if it! * e liberally fertilized, ueless there a s an assured prospect of selling'vv t at 9 or 10 cents per pound. I Inch land ought to bo planted in! 1 its, cowpcas, sorghum or Ber- ; ^ iuda grass, which costs but iittlo' o plant and cuttivato, and the | irodnct of which may be consunid on the farm. What about the hundreds of cres planted annually in cotton' bat average very far less than i 0 bales to the 100 acres?say, ot more than 15 or 20 bales to 1)0 100 acres? If all such ho re-; ired from cultivation in corn or; niton, and put into lesAoxpcnsivo! rops, or pasture, the problem of R to "cotton situation1' aido I l?y a j ivorsification, liberal manuring I nd fertilization, would bo ^ letolyand permanently solved. ft 11 Negroes Die in Ctuirdl). ipw?m'? of 50 (^tliers Injured, Some Probably Entail,U9 Result oF ?? Collapse of tlm finorini;. N. w V? rU, Ft:I). 27 ?Eleven orsons were? kilted und upwards f lifty injured, pome probably itully, bv tint collapse of the noting of the Elect Stroet Aficun Methodist Episcopal church, i HrooUI\n, to-nigth. Of those illod, 8 wero w.nnon, ari l two icn and one child. The building as an anoint ramslmklo frame .ructure, erected GO years ago in I i c ii ? * - ' if neui i r in-o colored section of rooklyn, in Fleet street, near lyrtlo avenue. Arrangements ad been made to-night to hold ineral services of Sunday Tainr, one of the older members of le church and the auditorium, hich is on the second flooi of io building, the ground floor beig used tor the Sunday school j I us crowded with an audience up j aids of 300 persons of whom tho j ujority were women. Tho congregation was wailing i silence for tba arrival of tho j idy when a sharp crack of tim r was heard, and in an instant 10 half of the -uuditoiium nearit the door collapsed, carrying jwn more than a hundred porsons ho were crushed in tho wrock? , ;e of tho flooring and paws. m ^ Postoffice Burned. I ! Aiken, February 28 -Fire was iscovcrcd in the rear partof po.'t IHce huilding Sunday night und afore the flames could he gotto i nder control thoy cousumcd tho itiro Chatlield huilding, burnig all the postotlico fixtures and astroying all mail, and burning ic stock of goods of Mr. 11. S. old an, and the Gift Shop. The ous-ehold goods of Mrs. S\ E. batflokl were alxi s Inn nod und ic total lot-s will aggregato $8,1)0. i :CB ?>? After <luys of suffering from ! mil I pox Police Howard succumb 1 to the disease at 8 o'clock yes- ; jrday eveuing. A wife, who i also stricken with the disease, 1 ' i tid several shildren survive.? rreenville News. cy oxi. x ? tam th? st The Kind You Have Always BoujjW I J >i* a? c* l^iiiot t. Lancaster, S. C. Residence phone No 1S7. Oltiee, lav is Building. corner Main and Ionian street*; phone No 72 Will practice in both town and >unt.v of Lancaster. All call-, citl??r ay or nigh". will r. ceivo prompt atmtion Jan. 10, 1905 ?tf. NEW IERY AND SALE STABLE We have opened up, at the Elott & Crawford old stand, Sale nd Livery Stables and nro prea red to sell stock cheaper than nybody, for cash, or on time rith good papers. - - fc^TCall and see OUR STOCK icforo buying. Satisfaction ;iiaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY I With brand now ve. hides and good fresh horsoswe aro prepared to give the best Satisfac-* tion in the livery business. - - Very Respectfully, \ o o r e & Sowell )ec. 1, 3 904. Foley 's tfuney and Tar tr children,soft ,sure. No opiate* BO* MAN PLEAD4 GUILTY TO THE j CIIAUUE OF ARSON. Charleston, Fob 28 ?Raymond j Bowman, the 16 vettr?oKI while boy, pleaded guilty to the chart;b ! of arson in Iho com t of eeneral sessions todav, and 11?r?-w hiuw'f upt n the mercy i t the e.n.ri finite Ga^o took the pi'siiio" ( the recommendation ?? mc;?\ : would have to ho made bfthejui \ | and iho case was given to tliej irv, with the result that a recommend i ation for mercy was made, and j Bowman will consequently miv j the gallows which threatened him. ! .Judge Gago discussed the needs < f a reformatory in passing upon the case, pointing to the youthft.l ; years of the prisoner at the bar 1 and the likelihood of his nature ! being hardened by contact with : more depraved criminals in the' State prison. I SIIKKIFF OF CHESTERFIELD Gov. Hnywurcl's office yast? r- 1 day received notification that Mr1"). P. D.mglass litis no opposition for the office of sheriff of Chester field county to succeed the late Sheiiff D. P. Douglass. Tim prmany has been call-d off by lie county Democratic executive e? mnuttee, and Mr. Dongbi-s will be oommissioncd for the unoxpiicd term. Mr. A. W. Ilursov had been suggested as a candidate but . I he withdrew from the race. ?The ( State. CASTOR!A i For Iufauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i CABBAGE PLANTS si "e!> tiuutvia vn v i.?j\j l kit i i? v/ w ?./???.? I am prepared to fl * I any uul all or ders wilii tin* last vsi'eiSof Guhba?8 Plauls < r?h is fi eii i i u-.y cm ut:t Hint varieties, H'ritw f >r p-icos on lots of 3 0< 0 niui over Ad ire a < liters to t VV TCair, Megget S C. i Doe 20. 1904-3in Cnbbngfii Plants ; 1 From 4ho best selected see ls, i ! Now re-i'ly f r slupmeut. la?*g<. t strong. beat!by, these plants are grown in tlu>open ail and will stand Severn freeze with out injury. Early i , Jersey Wek- Held, Large Type or i Charleston Wakrfie'd which urelhoj' best known varieties oi early cabbage, 1 also Heade'son's Succession, the beet , Iniiie, late and mre I eador, Augusta < Early Trucker, also a fine type of lute j variety. Neatly, packed in lig'it has-' kets, $1.60 per M, For five thousand or over $l.2> per thousand F O B Ex press office. Chas M Gibson. Youngs Island, S C, Dec A), IUU4? 3ID. Go to the I LANCASTER MARBLE \ N 1 > GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low Prices A. J. ftfoNinGh. LA,2fCA?CJl4i, a O 7 La-uL. .^MnanBaoMBMnnanaaB x en rs rs 3 Z ~ ? w /-* -! h-' v - CD V CD fr 00 M r ^ , C3 O 5 o' $ ?>ac^ "g-cr - ^ 2j p3 - ^ sac T | oo ?, D ? ? ^ ^ ^ i; ? c * ?je * G- QD > E. ? ^ 63 ^ 3 > ??s rt^sj-nCwSc^C c=? ?>?3__o gKj ^ CO\. ? CO B; v o ^ t ^ g.3 s;^ - *0 E? W ^ ^ C o* p? o >?:K5f 2 L a> k>=L>-^rr! " ? ^ sr H H - ? ? 1? C ? v ? ^ S o K o y* ero C hp n" 5? ^ ft inyjt I ? ? Co?H<ar , CtH 2 O w ^ "2. ' K. J* ?~J? g"g. h sr>_ E S v v (oWoec/jiB > J S. 2 * a * l "..w'Sa^oS e?9 2 5 - jri5 w pa , pS?rn|S5S gl S 8.g"-sg^JS K n .? -3 o CO | o TJ 2. < I ^ S ? s I 8. ? ? 3 " " '? I or. v ? ft ? P3 i a it x K> C. I v Oi Tho Kind You llavo Always Koug in uso for over 30 years, lias , 7 ?. and lias l> ? All Counterfeits, Imitations and Experiments that trifle with nni Infants and Children?Experieni What is OA! Costoria is a harmless suhstitm goric, Drops eud Soothing Syri: contains neither Opium, Morph substance. Its ago is its guaran and allays Feverishness. It cut Colic. It relieves Teething Trou and Flatulency. It assimilates Stomach and Bowels, giving lie Tho Children's Panacea?Tho 31 GENUINE CASTC SJ Bears tiio Sigi The Kind You Hare In Use For Over He CCNTAUR COMPANY, MURRAY O lyon's Fresieli Peri Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, s RLSULT5. Greatest known female reu IP A ISY'ftftl Rcvraroof counterfeits and Imitations, 'fhi viMlliiUcJ ton with fan-simile slana.uro on side of ;i bond tor Circular to WICi.lAAiB A! h'U. CO.. Bolo Axeuts. t Sold by Funderbuvk Pharmacy. PHOKE ->IO\ M. ' AKD. j i [)i; M P CitAWt'oKI) 1 >It It C liKOWN i * I CP. \ \\ FOUR & ISItOWN, Pb\Jtii'itU S :n-li S'irgot llJ, 1 it CntU I'. rt. (J, I realinelit of !he eye, nose and ^ tliMvi a specially. and Calls promptly answered day or hem flight. Olllee i-ver raw ford Pros. Drug Sole, '&%< Phone-: Olllee, N o 170; it i ienecs . Nik 11 mill 36. I lirfTo lop : I iiavo mails arrangement wi, j . rtlil lenders of money in New V rk City, j ft. with wlmtn f am able to ncgo' i te loans I '' seeurt il bv lb at mortgage on itnproved I' cotton firms, nt 7 per cent Interest? b0., repuyab'e in annual ii stallno nt.-* of five ; ear* No t?r 'kentie or coming for sloii chitrg ?l On'v a rtMfOiiablo _ charge for ahsi i:?er *-* t iil *. R F, WYI.I 15, Aug 31?dill. A (lot tie y at l,aw u-.u-tMUMgwiiMW t Business Education PAYS LAliGE DIVIDENDS ! ' YOU need a practical bM-dniv-.s <mJ- ja ucatAeti We gual^bteo 8>irfc<f?V*U<iti Courses of study < Pi', fpt.i as being Mm mnftt prsetietH; il t y have nosupierio s gy ? Iiiofrnelt-m given is first class 5fo b%| otjhvc hip I e 'lli-pe^ !' r < 'ter >.Yl- " ' VWtttif-- ' *?* HOW 'ii ! iTTeparc Iqr a iiiemliv'e t si. i u. Oty gi?;?.IOaieS JlfC afe iti demnd I.el us yiIl We have asf;f?tt; ! luili(J*.vt"ltv-Tibcy iiie in iw^itioi^. We olfitr special rates Macfo tt's 3. C. iiu -inoss College fca /^i i 3 M union)Din, U. ? ^ Aui;. 20, 1004 ? tt\ Of I " *' ren net Ki< / LV x. 1 ? * * | ...V ON ) J V j c'"'v iiv I Art 1 INllMf. I in* r \ . Ar 1 I ? Ar< f * .c.niMi .*>, . 4r ' f-'l HMCM .< I- . S. tny. m: . *. . Af( I GBCES ) . 5'! BE *** lJi PUPS! PUPS! DIIECf lv 1JUM-4U* 1 I'V I Lv < l)r. Williams' Indian Pile Ornlin'M t [yV < vtiU cine Hind 11 ending, uie.ciMie. I. I.v i ?nd Itching Piles It nhaorh* the tu Dv I mors, ull'ty-i the inhitig id i<sh:o. hwH JjV i i* .vonlliee, ?ivm iiytunt rnMo?. Dr. ;\r \ Williams' I lulhin Pile Ointment Is pr pared only 0>r Piles and Itching of the private part* ikhI nothing e'se. ' ' Every b-x i go ranVoed Sold !?;- ' iruggist* <* uMV nudl, for W>j, r>* ii la M 00 per I.ox Wl n.MAMH v'F'O CO.. Prop's, <Jii'Veb/.hd, Olrio. . : jj Bold by V'umlerbufk Pharmacy. | \>\ HI 11 IjyU! :lit, and \vh!c!i has boeu borno tbo Kl&natnvo of eon made under W-- ycrrvision Binco its, >nQ todccciv? you f r. t?;T: , " JiIst-as-J?ood,, a. bn?; 1 endanger tbc 3ic;vl?'i of co against Ilxpcrimcr:!;.. STORE A to for Castor CM, P?vn> ips. It is Pleasant, it iuo lior oilier "MnTn.v.M.i tco. It dowtroys "Warum es Diarrhoea and Wind il>les, cures ConrtL'.patiou the Food, regulates the altliy and natural slee-i?. other's Friend. )R|A AS. WAYS laturc^of ^ Always Bought 30 Yea re. TMIT. HCW VCPiK CITY. iodical Drops tire to accomplish DESIRED ie<1y. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ccuiiinc i; )>tit up only in paato-hwd Car? 10 1'iiilc. t.c -i _y^r. Ilovelaud, Ulilo. S. RIITLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. /orking <>n credit doo&j'l pay, m\ terms from iiiis tkne ?*eforth Mrostiifefiv cash. ca, : j}r ic 03, tl Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 els. Co in cut F'lling 75 ct UUIJUKK PLATE, , I upper sot of leelh $12.00 )er Jtr.d lower sat $25.50 v/" Ha-ao prices arc .strictly v.. 1. -1 I'lioiii .n? KIM IS. I it) ?1C UXCUpi cftfeh or iiopd security. E. SETLED8E, Dsntist. T. HARRY "FOSTER Attorney at. Law, LANCASTER, S. 0. 1 lV" oliauti >n t *ji lai;-*; DNEY DISUSES the most fatal of all dises. 11 KIDNEY CURE It ft ILLS d Suarantsad Remedy money refunded. Contains icdies recognized by emilt physicians as the best for Jncy and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. aed $1.00. NCA S J F A K i.-! < i ?i >. >:-?R j W A ; j/litdf?. -- in t'fo-dl .Inn 8. 115 * (Dally excei't Klin*5 , > W >>>TVUVIVD I nuraatf l. 7 15 a in 8 45 p m b\?r' i.atfn, 7 84 a in 4 15 n m |>... . hi II A " < ? ' ? ., i' inu, i 11 n in 'i ;w p m Ulqhbuig, 7 60 a in 4 4"> p irj Plaster, K In a in 5 Fy p rti .Jlnvf'olto, Po II 9 .55 a it) 7 IO p m '.. Iambi a Pa Uil 30 a in I 05 a in',( &N W 9 4S a nv JoH onia.( N ^ 10 83 n m I,?in lr. o .* i , r 2 12 p 'M \ Uutvfii, s a i, r 4 55 |> in >' K ij Mlanliv, ft a 1, r , 1 00 p ra l.r ii Ir, a A n, r 3 05 i> m riastonltt " (I <?> p m Y?>rU \ uio " 6 60 p in L'olutiiliia, S i II 6 10 a in 7 0 1 |> m l harloKe, So K 6 16 ant I IlCStCl, in 00 ft II) 8 45 n hi Fflehl'UfK, 10 4<) a in 9 (ftt p 111 [luMcnim tllo, 1(>"0 ? ni 9 lo p m Poit l,Hwn 11 06 ft in 9 !?6 p m iiincaflter, 114 0 a in 9 -W p m (lONK 15UTIONS. U'flnr -is-rtiM'.c-ni, t'lWvlK-^nl mid Uiiu }' > oilhwpHtert fnUways. jncnatcr- SotviiPHi lfc.tlvu?y. \ P. Mc! .IT 1.1K. . 1 hkI Tralllc mgr /OV .H. cftntid Tit/Bo Muiidgrr.