The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, March 01, 1905, Image 1

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W ? . . >#. - -h 4 " *?? ? % v J--?' , . t ? ^ * * * Jp: * " # ' $ J* ^ar*% ' SB^V ' >...' - ?* > ' - >. '" ''- ty V"--^~I^L.ZT^1--I. ... ? 1 ? '"^'??"" " ,~*" ' ? "?T.?| * .:. _ 1 .-". - -^ TOWWB. OABfTKlL | ^ ^aRiiJc /fcciratf^riT : i^s^CAc fffrsyasaiaa iWMlB^ ?LH?C%> /.&*??. M^srvvi- Vcu^cr~*-;i" 15 A 1&*??. I -nf> . w*?T'' *L '. 1 ? -? 1 -J?-. '--?,.^ . ? ? --. .--r... ... wr : - ? *~.. . , Ti'TuTWEKKLY li A H0A6T E K. ^ 0.. M A R C U, 1, 1905 r:?* 11111:? n-.ii? r-?I known that iho Hcenn of ilw? :. ? p:-.- t/:ii_ mi ' rue minimi uuuar rire in City Of New Orleans * Vast Freight Terminals of Illinois Central Wiped Ont Twenty Thousand Hales of Cott< n Destroyed ? Dozon Snuares of Splendid Wharvos and Hundreds of Loaded Cars. New Orleans, Feb 26.?File involving millions of dollars' ]*ss in physical property and that strikes a serious, if tempsrary, M?... -* ii.? * ? 1'iu" ???. mo iinmin&e expori imQB of New Orleans, swept Iho rivor front tonight and wiped out the vast freight terminals of the Illinois (central, known as the Stuyvosant docks Gearly a doisen Hpuares of modern wharves and freight sheds, two magnificent grain elevators, hundreds of loaded cars and vast puantities of freight, including 2C,000 hales of cotton, were destroyed, together with a large number of small residences. The fire was still raging at midnight, at ' which time it had almost reached the upper end of th? Illinois Central property. It has not yet been determined whether there has been any loss of life. The oceangoing shipping seems to have escaped serious damage A number of firemen and employes of the docks were injured. AcMial estimates of the losses are imnossihln In. night, though they may exceed $5,000,000. The Stuyvesant docks extended from Louisiana a* eoue to Nupol eon avenue, a distance of twelve squares. The wharveH between these two points were covered with miles of trackage and steel and iren sheds tan the whole distance. The two grain elevators were of the most modern construe tion, the upper one having a capacity of a million bushels. Thousands of bales of cotton, several thousand packages of ; sugar, great quantities of cotton , seed oil and oil cakes, lumber and , every conceivable variety of freight filled the warehouses and sheds. Practically all the export business handled by the Illinois i Oentral was put abrard ships at these docks. The docks and im- | pro cements have been under construction for 10 years j ast, eliu borate extensions and immense investments having been made after the constitutional c invention of 1898 made it possible for the road to invest permanently at this point. DI8COVFRED AT 7 O'CLOCK. The fire was discovered shortly after 7 o'clock. It was said to J have resulted from a journal that bad not been sufficiently oiled. The whole plant was equipped with gigantic water tuuks and fire extinguishing apparatus, but the i.i 11 - u. ?i am a 11 at ice negining, almost instantly got beyond control, communicating through the conveyors to the lower elevator and some of the sheds. The response of the fire department was prompt, but owing to the fact that , the terminalo were inaccessible owing to fences and tracks the engines found difficulty in reach" ing the flames In half an hour the fire covered two squares, the lower elevator was practically con umed and it was sweeping with i irresistible fury both up an down , the river. As soon as it became ^ ? ?4 !. - r was the Stuyvesant docks, harbor toga hastened to the wharves and vessels that ?ere moored there were pulled out. into the river. ( At the same time twitch engin< s were rushed to the wharves and hundreds of box cars loaded with freight were drawn to points above the upper end of the terminals before tho tire reached them. Many hundreds more, however, were consumed. . t An Attempted Murder. n ? ! <1 Special to The Stale. 1 Bonnett?villo, Feb. 25 - There f has just reached hero a meagre ac- i oount of an attempted murder in f this county, 15 miles smith of j here, last Friday night. Tom 'j Gray, the 18-year-old son of 1). 1 A. Gray, a prosperous planter, n wnn cut nnrl linnlnn -..V. WVHiVl. .Hill UllWMBU- n outness and left in a creek. The i h he was found the next morning, . atill unconscious. He was taken ' tl home, and it is now thought that h he will recover. Your correspon drnt's informant says that it is t] fill not known poeilivoly who commit- g tod the assault, hut su-picion points to several young men in I ,\ the community who are thought 0 to have had a grudge against young d Or?y. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. b The Kind You Have Always Bought > Union's Lawyers Not Ambitious (| for Roosevelt Appointment. g , (l Special to News anil Courier. Union, Feb 23?Strargo to (j( 3ay, Union is not putting forward c| any candidate for Federal appointments under the hill now pending jt before the United States Senate w for the establishment of a now tc Western district Nor has this town made any bids for the holding of a Federal Court here. Spartanburg seems rather hungry. ; She nc w has the solictor and .1 udge ! \\ I 41 i -- 'L- - 1 ift turn uiruilil, HUl IUIH GOC3 I:cl 1)1 satisfy her ambitious spirit. She (J wants the new diatrict attorney- 0 ship, and Congressman .Johnson, ti a citizen of that town, seems ro- hi solved to defoat tho btll for a new S1 Fedeaal district unless the Senate y agrees to Jprovide for r? term of i Court there. To say tho least, r< Spartanburg is not overly modest e< in her demands. | a Take M array's Horehound, Mullein and Tat V a,nd stop coughing. 25. for large bottle. Jour druggist or Murray Drug Co., Columbia S. C. I( Carnegie Proposes Giving University of Virginia Half a Million " Dollars. h Washington, February 24. ? It 1 was reliably reported in Washing- ' too last night that Andrew Carnegie had offered to give 15500,000 to the University of Virginiu on ihe condition that the authorities of the institution would raise a siini lar amount fron\ other sources. (\ Mr Carnegie's offer, it is slated, was made sevoral days ago and will be accepted. _ _ . h Make year druggist give (1 Efoil Murray's Ilorehoun 1 Mulle a?idl Tr Cures l) your cough. 26c a botbls k ire miis i nree at Hot Springs, s, hie Million Dollar Property Loss J. ? Ono Hundred Hi uses, In- V eluding Court Uriise and Jail Being Destroyed. f J fe Buck-et Brigrudo Whs gj( 3 t ie Hot Springs, Ark., Fob 25 ? th 'ire swept over the southern por- bj ion of this city today, doing im- 1,1 nerso damage and causing the eu'li of tliree persons. The [)8SOf? are variously estimated at *? rom ono to two million dollars. cn J'sides three charred corpses ^ ound among tho ruins several p orsons are reported missing, die death iist may bo increased, dio identity of the victims has ol been established, and probably ever will lie, us tlioy ate so badly tr mrned gt i iiu m o btiincu at 6 '60 o'clock V his morning in the Grand Central pi del Tl A high wind was blowing and tli he flumes quickly spread to the ! s> nutli west. The Plateau Hotel, tho Hotel loody, the Gamier flats and sevnil lodiiiiir houses were quickly [' estroyod. J 'I he lireim n [ ut forth every , fl'ort to save tlie county court ouso and jail, but their efforts ere of no avail, both structures eing consumed. Many valuable ecords were burned and the 20 risoners in the jail were rescued A nth great difficulty. (J] The Jewish Synagogue, Central Lf Icthodist Church, and the re.-i- pr cnces of Mayor Holding and otl horill Williams wore completely th estroyed. oil About one hundred houses wore po ostroyed before the flames vere tai locked. Over 2,00l) people are liomciss. Fortunately, tho cold is eat her has passed and springlike an imperature prevails. ^ Springs Gets Two Years g1 be Chiulitte, N* C., Feb. 22.? fo /ill Springs, who a few wteks bt *o killed Rural Officer S. B C< ole and also shot hut not seristi nsly injured S. B. Nabors, while icy were endeavoring to arrest A< ini, was today convicted of mnnn lighter and sentenced to two $1 ears iu prison. Colo was without authority to ar- 1? :>st Springs and tho judgo chnrg- Ei i ir springs nad not ft rod on Cole cii ftor ho fell ho ahould ho acquit- tn id. fu Veil Known Atlanta Man Dies by q0 Own Hands. ?i ti< Atlanta, Fob. 23.?Col. Char- Wl is S. Arnal, ono of tho I>ost nc noVrn insurance men in Iho south nd a distinguished citizen of At- th inta, committed suicide today at \ is residence by p hooting. No ah oason is known for tho act. Ho ar oprrscntb a Hartford, Conn., 01 ompnny. re ilaps Gain Victory. ()v re St. Petersburg, Fob. 25. ? A f0 ispatch from Suchetun dated j0 t military z-t, says: rc tlTho .Jopunose in superior ?8 umbers forced I lie Russians do- hc iclnm ?il ul Tsinklietchon to nbnr.011 ill if Unseat Heresnort' Mill Bii ho Untile ha* been desperate on olh bides. 1 he lesult is not jet nown. s//\ Ur. ,1 . \V. Flinn Ucugn*. t ? ' r lecial tr? News and Cornier. Columbia, February, 21. ? Dr. Williauv Fiinn, who for many , , iars, has filled the chair of moral liiosophy, tendered his resigua)n It was accepted to lake ofct at the close ot the present aos- ( )n Dr. Flinn has for seven-j en years been connected with i o College, and is much be'ovcd j ^ f the young men who have boon uler him. i( Foley's Honey and Tar is best t \ r croup and whooping cough, | ntuins no opiates,and cures j lick I v Careful mothers keep it in r e house. Sold by Funderhurk 11 harnuicy. Gives One Thousand. j _ Columbia, Fob. 24.? As a con- ( ibution to the fund for the or ( inization of cotton growers the irginia-Carolina Chemical Com- ( my has sent u cheek for ?1,000. j lie accompanying letter states , at the company is thoroughl y in inpathy with the movement. ( For Coughs-atyour drug \sts or direct from Murray ]rug Co., Columbia, St C ? Murray's HorehoitndMu' \ in and Tar. 25c for ] irge si size bottle. 0 Oil .Crtn Exploded With Fatal | Results. . t Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 25. ? ; six ^eur old daughter of A. J. } emmer was burned to death at v iwell. N C., today, her mother [ obubly fatally burned and two i her children seriously injured as j e result of the explosion of an j 1 can. One of the children wall ring oil into a wood heater e u j ining tiro. ^ FIENDISH r-UFFElUNG often fciused l>y tores, ulcers j d cancers that eat away yc ur , in. Wm. Bedell, of Flat llock, 1 ich , says: UI have Used Buck- 1 a's Arnica Sulve, for UIvors, 1 >res and Cancers. It is the i st healing dressing 1 ever s und." Soothes and heals cuts, irns and scalds. 25c at Funderirk Pharmacy, ?I. F. JVlacko} & ( >., and Crawford Bros., drug ' nre8; guaranteed. r.1 inn t.f l.\l . ? -.1.1 1/ I wiiuu wi iuu i^i^uueiu r ai iiUMf, j | lecial to News and Courier. Edgefield, Fob. 24.?Tho foN ' wing resolution, passed by the lgelield Cotton Growers' Asso itior generally conceded to be ost equitable and just, lias gone r toward reconciling tho renters land to tho plrfh pf reducing tho tton ncreago 25-per cent, and is ' von in hope that the other cour- ' is of the State nmv lioed the 1 ortby example and tnko similar j tion: Resolved, That it is tho sense of | e Edgefield Cotton Growers' < Bsociation that in order to insure I iso'ute fairness and to facilitate ' id promote the furtherance of ' - 1 1 _ l._! ? _ I ii pittiics iu wring uuoui el general j | duclion iu the cotton area this , >ar, wo recomniond tint all landvnors should allow tenants who nt land the option of paying one urth of their rental in corn and j dder and other crops, in lieu of t quiring an nil lint cotton rental , bus been tho prevailing rule ' 1 retofore in the county." OABVOniA. lara the K'n(l l,a'0 Always Bfltlgtt ' i !T" ; I ?Subscribe to The Ledger. j Nm Col. Jas. L. Orr Dead After) Brief iihcs?. \ Lending Figure m S s s * t? Carolina's Hiatory. His Oareor Va? ric<l Aid Ac ivo. Special to The ^ t a J . Greenville, F?. ?. 2'>. Col. Tallies Li .vrt nco Orr, on o ?^r H e State's bcivt kn nvti men, d ! ' de'ock loineijt .? hi. h on , n'tc i Wfjcl;'-. i'.ln For several da ? C i Orr has icen a de pnrutcly -i ;k man. A vci'k ago Frio y ho wan tehen ticU"^ mid < r\ -:tkj!as duveh ped, irsl about the m r.tli an 1 he hud I ccn dt iii orr:.d it Ueo hat his ehanc.;s 'or ri cover; uer flight, but it ; 11- i d tot ( i ' rii 1 o t ) ho'i v;> tint licit ne . onid sucentn'o a ? ijutahly '<> ?aso. At lho time ?d" lii d. ath C; 1. Orr was pre . 1'lit ??.' 1*. m?tjiotit M'Ulufilt'tU: ir. ; t- ,ij)J ;! a! l\. I nontnnd t!ic Orr C? 't n M ] . i tYtldci'SOll, t\Vi) COtj : ' r. t :ogethti rcprcso t in ii.v inv )f $1,500,000, with I'* i.r largo ni 11 -it Pi' ini'i I : d t: < n tViulor^ou. In addition Col. On ivus vr<_ p: e i<ie. t . A r loan Spinning comj my i ml thel Mills mill ul (.i. ccii'< i:'. . :?d wu .ntorosled in evil .1 ether eotb n nil is in this eoC. n tie, was president of tho (x cm villn X. v. iompny and a director in the Fn \ S'ational bank, th JLVopIc's h. nk ind the \mm ic >n V nk of (} nllo. In the domain of inai fnc ! tiring i finance iliero wns per? i :| s : other man i -v. ' i < in a who dood id 1: than J s ynvr tvo Orr Tho Orr mill w as i. ' ;i c<! i .900 lor r.iiie .< a- s . ? j Jol. Oi r had til 'id ; i ; : p. o i. o.\ ' is a cott n mill -v. (:.s ;i:c lei.Ih of his fnth i- -iaiv, C 1. Iiimni' tt, tho found, r <>! li: :reat .Modtilt id c i Pi ili t, 1: was nude president, and i,, <> dor to icoowt he had to re ign t'.v < itice >f solicitor, in which he had. made inch a ratable itcord as a prose* ailing o dicer Under his prisi-; lcncy the fourth mill was hnill at! Piedmont in 1S95. l itis Kill to take up the life oL' a taptain of indiidry cut short what na<t been a most brilliant and successful career at 'ho bar and .n politics. Col. Orr \vn> a tiuo advocate, irresistible Itefoie a jury, und yet a lino olii o lawyer. Col. Orr leaves his wife and six chil :lr?n. 'ihk fight or 1S02 Even alter Col Orr hail j racti* sally retired from tho 1-nt h wr.s sailed on to lake a most impor Lanl part in I be bittcrnl political light of'rccent y ars ia Sohtli Carolina. W hen the Cor.-ei vative forced organized in i ?'.>2 to make [l?e laai stand against Tillnia. ; in, Dol Orr was in the forclr. id and hit; was given tli ; noininntu for lieutenant governor. Me di 1 his full share of the work allotted to liiin, his magnificent pr< -nee . r.d ais great courage wtro an in , if atmn to those who knew I hey were lighting a hoj ok cs l '1 lie. His speeches in icplv to Gov Tillii)an and in arraignment of his administration and policies were lurgel} the bopo.of thfl CoD8?rVftLivos, but the Shoppnrd and Orr ticket was doomed to dcfcal, and thai Was Ool Orr's lasl a) pcai nnco in poltics. Personally, Col Orr was a most coiiipanionohlo and pie r ant man, p0886sMn(* the faculty of winning men to him ami treat. . .eg men with aconsideratu n that was inspiring. .rt tiie farmer Knows F ; i' I . Develops Cotton i'i 1 What Develops Children I Barnwell Mow Sentinel. Loejr years ago wo leui ncu from 'that wonderful little book, the A h hiogi. pbv of Bsnjiuiiin, never to *?>y ?iI l<notv, '' for there is j little \ 1 know, but always to : ay, 4 I believe," "I conceive," or llIt - my opinion" that so-and-so is ;tnu\ With this in mind, then, v lie n to talk to a practical 'j ".i .k j latuuu ipicsuon. I bh> ipudnn of education is old tl. o. rlil and h:is been talked -. it ulmott -i:ico the time of I A ' to, \ t the ,voi Id, or nt least, l.d big pail of it called South rol it"., is just low beginning to Kv'ii'/.- that a ctiim-i! school truiu ing a neces- I v. It is not necos* argue with a farmer that fmtiliz v plac d beneath his cotton will make the plant larger , more i. liihiiil and uioro capable of -itu;u;ant yh id. lie knows this, he '-ce> the cxamplo of it I V , I V V V :?l". it ought to bo just V to allow the same man ; . a iiltk tdueational fertilizer , .. i i in 1 his ooy or girl will be ;du live of a bolter looking el.iid, iiuO wh j is capable of producing iu his turn. Wo say it ought to be jnot us v", but k isn't Every year we watch tlio l'aimer haul his guano from the 1 car ever to his farm, with conli1 looking for the greatest : u wo see few hauling the oi fr m '.ho farm over to l.-iol and exhibiting faith in the human stalk. we li ! a few who make it iry in u; r,uo that an educaih i pais, or that it is worth whii to li .in the youth of the !:iii > i i are still a small nui'o *r v.: ) curry their horses and give lb ir dogs careful truichig order to get a better breed, but let their children ''root hog or die." PUfiMC AROUSED i'he public is aroused to a knowledge of liic curative merits of | thai great medical tonic. Electric Hitter*, for sick stomach, liver ; ir-d kidney. Wary II. Walters, | oi 517 Si. (lair Ave., Columbus, |7>., wiitcs. "For several months, 1 L was given up to die. I bad fever and .:.'ue, my nerves wero wreck el; 1 could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that 1 could not j eat. Soon after hegining to tako ! Flcvtric Hitters, I obtained relief, and inti short time I was entirely j cured." (juai'antecd at Crawford Hros., .1 F. Muckoy & Co., jFundoihmk Pharmacy, drug j "stores; price 50c. . Air.oi: commits suicide. (lei rgctosn, Feb 22. ? Monday ! night a sailor, Arthur L. Ilaro by name, a mere boy of 22 years, committed euicldo with chloroform on 1 aid the schooner Edhar C. 1? in \V nviiti l>?ur " ... ,? ... .*.? WI?J A. I VUJ C? pi i1 o iiiiiigc", young Hiiro belongs to people of moans and possessed an iixeellenl v.ardrobo. Ho was tbo pet nod life of the crew. Loiters < ntu'ning endearing terms in exe ileot composition and linndwrits it';; worn found on his person from ijfather in Toronto, Canad., nod his sweetheart, a Miss Bertha Hayes of Chicago. ii tm wm/m Mothers enu safely i:ive Foley's oik \ and Par to their children for coil.,lis and colds, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Bold by Knndcrbur* Pharmacy. 40*